Evangelist and author Bill Whatcott is a determined guy, but he has run into a brick wall of Christian-hating bigotry and cowardice in Regina. Bill wanted to hold a meeting focusing on Christian morality in these troubled times. He lined up three speakers: peter LaBarbera, President Americans for Truth About Homosexuality; Father Jeffrey Stefaniuk, Ukrainian Catholic Priest Father Stephaniuk will expound on the Catholic teaching of separation of church and state, and Susan Takata, Ex Gay ministries, Christian missionary,
He sought to advertise this event planned for October 28 in the local daily newspaper The Regina Leader-Post. A copy of the proposed ad, vetted by a lawyer, appears below. It was informative and neither inflammatory nor insulting. However, after a quick perusal, the ONLY daily newspaper in town rejected the ad, without explanation.
See, how Canada’s Christian-hating system works is that it will hypocritically purr: “Of course, you are free to hold a meeting and free to express your religious beliefs.” What they don’t add is: “But we won’t let you tell the public and we’ll try to deny you a meeting venue.”
Not to be deterred the determined Whatcott took a week off work — that’s a week without pay. He booked Lee’s Funeral Home for the meeting and printed up 5,000 flyers announcing his meeting. Then, with the help of a few friends, he physically delivered these flyers door to door.
Then, disaster struck. Just as the last of the flyers had been delivered, he got a call from Lee’s Funeral Home. Someone from the press had called and inquired whether they would be comfortable with  protests against this meeting. If the call was from the press, it was especially reprehensible. It was a case of the press trying to MAKE news not report it. Worse, the call was a mischievous threat much like some gangster putting a big paw on your shoulder and asking whether you’d like him to pay a visit to your home. “Visit” in this context doesn’t mean coffee and cookies but serious trouble!
Anyway, Canada being the land of the wimp and the coward, in no time Lee’s Funeral Home collapsed and cancelled a contract where cash had already exchanged hands. Worse, the funeral home director knew and agreed with Mr. Whatcott’s Christian traditionalism.
The Leader-Post, which wouldn’t let Mr. Whatcott (October 16, 2014) advertise the meeting reported gleefully on its cancellation. They quoted funeral home Greg Kulak: “

“They will not be using our facility,” said Kulak. “This doesn’t lend with our core values.”Assuming the quotation is accurate, it is illiterate and impenetrable — “lend with our core values”? It’s a funeral home that prepares corpses and buries people. How is traditional Christianity contrary to the home’s “core values”?
By now, the resourceful Mr. Whatcott had booked another venue — the Regina Delta. As soon as the Leader-Post smear appeared, the cowardly Delta reneged on the booking: ” Please be advised that we will not be proceeding with your event planned for our facility on October 28th. The space has been cancelled. — Doreen (Doreen Smith)
I urge you to protest to both Greg Kulak and the Delta. Doug Christie always said:  “It doesn’t matter what is written in constitutions or charters of rights and freedoms. You only have those rights you are prepared to fight for.” Trudeau’s phony Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which actually curtails individual rights in favour of group rights, is a huge fraud. Many Canadian businesses have absolutely no commitment to basic freedoms.
Here are the people to whom you should protest:
Lee Funeral Home and Crematorium
Manager: Greg Kulak
3101 Dewdney Ave
Regina, Saskatchewan S4T 0Y5
Phone: (306) 757-8645
Fax: (306) 569-6061
Doreen Smith | Conference Services Manager
Delta Regina
Tel: 306.565.1667 | Fax: 306.359.9040 |
Paul Fromm
This is the ad I submitted to the Leader Post. I had my lawyer Tom Schuck review it to insure it violated no human rights or libel code. As far as Tom was concerned the Leader Post was able to run this ad without fear of retribution from any government agency.

Bringing the Light of Christ to our culture!

Peter LaBarbera, President Americans for Truth About Homosexuality
Peter will be lecturing on how the Bible applies to today’s culture and how Canadian Christians are to respond to such issues as same sex marriage, euthanasia, abortion, pre-marital sex and easy divorce. 

Father Jeffrey Stefaniuk, Ukrainian Catholic Priest
Father Stephaniuk will expound on the Catholic teaching of separation of church and state. Father will also share his thoughts on what it means to be a human being made in God’s image and the tension between the Christian concept of human beings being created with an infinite value vs the secular and utilitarian concept of human life having a value relative to the perceived quality of one’s life.

Susan Takata, Ex Gay ministries, Christian missionary
Susan will give her testimony of how God took her from a life filled with pain, depression, sexual abuse and struggles with her gender identity. Susan will share how she tried to live her life as a man for many years and how through the love of Christ and the compassion of her local church, she was able to accept the gender she was born into. Susan is now living a fulfilled life as a woman and is ministering to others struggling with issues of sexuality and gender identity.

Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in an evening of learning and respectful dialogue!
Beverages and snacks will be provided!
Join us!

Conference will be held at Lee Funeral Home, 3101 Dewdney Ave, Regina, SK, Tuesday, October 28, 6:00 – 9:00 PM [/del]
Note: Due to Lee breaking contract with our conference we have had to change venue. Our conference is still being held on the same day, but at a different location. You can either go to Lee Funeral Home at 6 PM and someone will be there on the sidewalk to let you know where the new location is or you can call Bill Whatcott 306-861-6140 for more information

A voluntary donation will be requested to cover conference expenses

For more information please contact Bill Whatcott, Executive Director, Christian Truth Activists
Phone: 306-861-6140, e-mail: billwhatcott, website:

End of Flyer

Anyways, upon receiving the rejection e-mail, I promptly got to work printing 5,000 flyers adverting the conference. I drove to Regina this evening with my box full of flyers and got to work going door to door advertising this intellectually stimulating and inspirational conference. I will likely be in Regina all week delivering the 5,000 flyers door to door. If there are any volunteers who would like to do door to door with me letting the public know this conference is open and that everyone has an opportunity to challenge their assumptions and learn, please give me a call or send me an e-mail! I got out 250 flyers tonight and have 4750 more to go!

I will be going to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission tomorrow at 10:00 am to file a complaint against the Regina Leader Post. They are the only major newspaper in Regina and pretty much have a near total monopoly on print media in this city. There certainly is a compelling interest for conservative Christians in insuring Regina’s only major newspaper becomes less discriminatory towards our point of view.

Please pray for these two endeavours.

In Christ’s Service
Bill Whatcott

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 :cross:

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Whatcott conference: Sexuality & religious freedom censored!

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:09 am

Christian teaching on God’s design for His gift of sexuality is increasingly being equated with criminal or deviant behaviour
in an increasingly secular and conformist Canadian culture

Whatcott loses venue for conference 
OCTOBER 16, 2014 … story.html

REGINA — A conference featuring one well-known anti-gay activist and organized by another is looking for a new venue after the original host pulled out upon hearing more about the event.

Bill Whatcott planned to hold a conference at Lee Funeral Home in Regina on Oct. 28 to discuss Christian views of sexuality.

But after learning more about the conference, Greg Kulak, general manager of the funeral home, decided it would not be happening.

“They will not be using our facility,” said Kulak. “This doesn’t lend with our core values.”

Kulak explained Wednesday he was under the impression that the event was a part of bimonthly meetings held by the St. Pius X Catholic Church. “I thought it was basically Latin mass.”

Kulak received calls about the conference from concerned residents who received a flyer in the mail advertising the event.

The conference ― Bringing the Light of Christ to Our Culture ― was to feature Peter LaBarbera, president of the U.S.-based Americans for Truth About Homosexuality. LaBarbera ran into problems during his last visit to Saskatchewan.

On April 14, LaBarbera and Whatcott were arrested on the University of Regina campus allegedly for refusing to leave when instructed by campus security to do so. Whatcott and LaBarbera set up an anti-abortion display and were handing out anti-LGBT literature.

Whatcott and LaBarbera stand trial on Oct. 30 in Regina charged with mischief.

Whatcott, executive director of Christian Truth Activists and the conference’s organizer, said he is talking to a lawyer about the funeral home’s cancellation, alleging a breach of contract. Despite the setback, he insists the conference will go ahead.

“I am looking for (an) alternative venue. And, ultimately, I’ll just trust God. If I get a place, I’ll get it. And if I don’t get it, it’ll be on Lee’s sidewalk. We’ll just hold the conference there or in his parking lot and he can arrest us and take us out,” Whatcott said.

“I haven’t given up. I was a little surprised that (Kulak) bailed.”

Also scheduled to speak at the conference was Jeffrey Stefaniuk, a Ukrainian Catholic priest and Susan Takata, a Christian missionary.

“My take on events in Canada is (that) Christians are, sort of, maligned and under siege,” said Whatcott. “And, certainly my belief, and what I want with the speakers that I’ve chosen is to bring a message that as Christians we do have something to offer to the public square. And, we should not be afraid, in these times, to bring our point of view forward.”

Days before the U of R incident, LaBarbera spoke at the Saskatchewan Pro-Life convention on April 11 and 12 in Weyburn. The event was met by protesters and a petition with hundreds of signatures intended to stop LaBarbera from speaking. LaBarbera was initially denied entry into Canada over concerns that he was spreading hate speech. But he won an appeal and agreed to leave the country by April 17.

In 2005, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission found Whatcott guilty of inciting hatred against homosexuals in pamphlets he distributed to homes in Regina and Saskatoon in 2001 and 2002. That decision was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada on Feb. 27, 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the SHRC’s decision.

© Copyright (c) The Regina Leader-Post

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Bill Whatcott
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Re: Whatcott conference on sexuality & religious freedom cen

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:01 am

Dear Friends,

For the sake of truth I would like to inform my readers this statement by Kulak is not true:

Kulak explained Wednesday he was under the impression that the event was a part of bimonthly meetings held by the St. Pius X Catholic Church. “I thought it was basically Latin mass.”

In actual fact I gave Greg Kulak a copy of the flyer I distributed throughout Regina and he read it before taking $395.00 off my Mastercard for the conference

You can see the flyer here and it is quite clear we were a conference on sexuality and religious freedom from a Christian perspective, not a Latin mass:

“Kulak received calls about the conference from concerned residents who received a flyer in the mail advertising the event.”

Yup that is all it took for a fellow Christian to cave and then bear false witness in the media and in the process make those who are anti-Christian and anti-free-speech very happy….. sad1

(Here is one group that is happy that Lee has terminated our meeting The Leader Post Reporter seemed pleased the conference was shut down too)

Of course God is still in control and His Church will still bear witness to what is true. I just ask for prayers. When Christians do this I find it discouraging…….

To call Lees and call on Greg to apologize for selling out Whatcott, simply to avoid some negative publicity and crank calls from leftist censors and to either reinstate the conference or compensate Whatcott for all his lost advertising, air tickets and lost wages for his speakers who are coming two days before Bill’s trial because they were supposed to speak at the venue I rented for them, and the $395 hall and catering deposit please call:

Lee Funeral Home and Crematorium
Manager: Greg Kulak
3101 Dewdney Ave
Regina, Saskatchewan S4T 0Y5
Phone: (306) 757-8645
Fax: (306) 569-6061

let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.” James 5:12

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” Exodus 20:16

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

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Bill Whatcott
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Re: Whatcott conference on sexuality & religious freedom cen

Postby Bill Whatcott » Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:15 am

Dear Friends,

I thought I had the Delta, but they read the Leader Post article today and cancelled our event too:

Dear Mr. Whatcott

Please be advised that we will not be proceeding with your event planned for our facility on October 28th. The space has been cancelled.


Doreen Smith | Conference Services Manager
Delta Regina
Tel: 306.565.1667 | Fax: 306.359.9040 |

Fromm & Whatcott Visit Political Prisoner Brad Love

Fromm & Whatcott Visit Political Prisoner Brad Love
Photo: Fromm & Whatcott Visit Political Prisoner Brad Love

LINDSAY, Ontario, May 15, 2014. Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, and free speech warrior and opponent of the homosexual agenda Bill  Whatcott visited Canadian political prisoner Brad Love today at the Central East Correctional Centre here in the Kawartha Lakes region of Southern Ontario.

Beforee entering to visit Mr. Love, who is scheduled to be released on June 15, Mr.. Fromm and Whatcott had to leave their keys, coins,, wallets, jackets and cellphones in a locker. Although they could only see Mr. Love through thick Plexiglas, neither visitor was allowed to bring pen or paper. These insane rules seem designed to discourage visitors and further isolate the prisoner.

"The real Canada is not the country the newspapers tell their readers about," Mr. Love told his visitors. Free speech is fine, they say, if you speak your mind in the Ukraine. Look at the favourable publicity for all those protests in the Ukraine. But not here. If you criticize immigration or Jewish groups, they give you the Brad Love treatment," he explained.

Mr. Whatcott reported to his supporters:

"The last few days have been interesting and busy. Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression asked me to speak at his Alternative Forum and pretty much gave me unmitigated freedom to say what I wanted to say. Paul also offered to take me to the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay, Ont, to see Brad Love for myself. Indeed when I first heard of Brad Love’s story I was highly skeptical as we are supposed to be living in a Parliamentary democracy after all (with a few problems for sure) and I thought to myself there is no way someone could be in jail for writing letters and expressing views. Surely the guy wrote a death threat or something.

Here is the Central East Correctional Centre where Brad Love is being held for his crime of letter writing. Paul Fromm and I went to visit him.

Well actually Brad Love is in jail for expressing views by writing letters to various elected representatives, the Chief of Police for York Region and a couple Jewish lobby groups. While Brad's letters could be perceived as offensive to some, perhaps even to me, they were completely devoid of threats of violence, blackmail, libel or any other thing that one could expect to fall into the jurisdiction of a criminal offense. Brad’s letters were rants about immigration and Zionism. 

Now for certain not all of Brad’s views are my cup of tea, but that really isn't the point. Brad Love is in jail for views and only views. His prison sentence is not insignificant either. Brad Love was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his first batch of letters after being convicted under Canada's so-called "hate" law and then he was given another 18 months (the maximum sentence possible) in prison for probation violation after writing another letter. Unlike other offenders who commit crimes like rape or robbery Brad is not allowed to write any letters while in jail. He is not allowed to write friends, family or even his lawyer. 

As you can see in the background the Central East Correctional Centre is a maximum security facility. Canada’s notorious letter writer languishes in there, unable to do any productive work. He is allowed into the yard for 20 minutes of fresh air a day.
LINDSAY, Ontario, May 15, 2014. Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, and free speech warrior and opponent of the homosexual agenda Bill  Whatcott visited Canadian political prisoner Brad Love today at the Central East Correctional Centre here in the Kawartha Lakes region of Southern Ontario.
Beforee entering to visit Mr. Love, who is scheduled to be released on June 15, Mr.. Fromm and Whatcott had to leave their keys, coins,, wallets, jackets and cellphones in a locker. Although they could only see Mr. Love through thick Plexiglas, neither visitor was allowed to bring pen or paper. These insane rules seem designed to discourage visitors and further isolate the prisoner.

“The real Canada is not what newspapers tell their readers about,” Mr. Love told his visitors. Free speech is fine, they say, if you speak your mind in the Ukraine. Look at the favourable publicity for all those protests in the Ukraine. But not here. If you criticize immigration or Jewish groups, they give you the Brad Love treatment,” he explained.

Mr. Whatcott reported to his supporters:
“The last few days have been interesting and busy. Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression asked me to speak at his Alternative Forum and pretty much gave me unmitigated freedom to say what I wanted to say. Paul also offered to take me to the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay, Ont, to see Brad Love for myself. Indeed when I first heard of Brad Love’s story I was highly skeptical as we are supposed to be living in a Parliamentary democracy after all (with a few problems for sure) and I thought to myself there is no way someone could be in jail for writing letters and expressing views. Surely the guy wrote a death threat or something.

Here is the Central East Correctional Centre where Brad Love is being held for his crime of letter writing. Paul Fromm and I went to visit him.

Well actually Brad Love is in jail for expressing views by writing letters to various elected representatives, the Chief of Police for York Region and a couple Jewish lobby groups. While Brad’s letters could be perceived as offensive to some, perhaps even to me, they were completely devoid of threats of violence, blackmail, libel or any other thing that one could expect to fall into the jurisdiction of a criminal offense. Brad’s letters were rants about immigration and Zionism.

Now for certain not all of Brad’s views are my cup of tea, but that really isn’t the point. Brad Love is in jail for views and only views. His prison sentence is not insignificant either. Brad Love was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his first batch of letters after being convicted under Canada’s so-called “hate” law and then he was given another 18 months (the maximum sentence possible) in prison for probation violation after writing another letter. Unlike other offenders who commit crimes like rape or robbery Brad is not allowed to write any letters while in jail. He is not allowed to write friends, family or even his lawyer.

As you can see in the background the Central East Correctional Centre is a maximum security facility. Canada’s notorious letter writer languishes in there, unable to do any productive work. He is allowed into the yard for 20 minutes of fresh air a day.

Pro Homosexual Computer Techie Denies Service to Bill Whatcott

Pro Homosexual Computer Techie Denies Service to Bill Whatcott

Let’s be quite clear about this: the homosexual lobby is among the most powerful in Canada. Egged on by the Christian hating Cultural Marxists on the Supreme Court who last year squelched anti-homosexual activist Bill Whatcott’s right to testify to traditional Christian views about same sex marriage, supporters of the otherly sexed now seem to have declared open seaosn on traditional Christians.

Mr. Whatcott reports: “My computer crashed at the worst possible time, right before the convention when I need it for so many things…..

Anyways, I headed straight to my usual spot Southeastern Computer Solutions (see picture above) for service; I have patronized them exclusively for 2 years now for my personal needs and I did much there for Weyburn Pro-life as well. Unknown to me, the owner Aaron Rubin was very unhappy with Weyburn Pro-Life’s decision to bring Peter LaBarbera into Weyburn to speak and he took great issue with the fact that I believe homosexuality is a sin.

When I brought my computer to the counter for the technician to look at it, Mr. Rubin came out, looked at me with an unfriendly look and loudly announced “I am pro-gay.” I asked him “what does that have to do with my computer problemcomputer problem?” Well for him plenty I guess, he told me he did not want to do business with either me or Weyburn Pro-Life anymore. As I started to leave, it appeared Aaron wanted to argue about my perceived bigotry. I got quite mad and told him I cared for many homosexuals dying of diseases related to their sexual behaviour and never denied them service, as he was doing to me. We then argued about acceptable denial of services. Aaron (and me for that matter) believed he had a legal right to deny me service for my computer problemcomputer problem. On the other hand Aaron really believes Christians should be forced under the pain of law to violate their consciences and allow homosexuals into their private bed and breakfasts to spend the night sodomizing each other.”

CAFE believes all human rights commissions should be abolished. They are costly anti-Majority mischief makers.

Except in essential services, Canadians businesses, we believe, should be able to discriminate.

However, we note that, while it is open season on Bible believing Christians, under “human rights” laws, Christian businessmen are forced to serve people whose beliefs and practices are abhorrent to them. More than a decade ago, Ontario printer Scott Brockie refused to print material for a homosexual lobby group. He offered to refer them to another printer. But, in high dudgeon they pranced off to the Ontario Human Rights Commission which ruled that the Christian printer was not entitled to his religious views and had to print for the otherly sexed. This was appealed to the Ontario Court of Appeal which came down four square against Christians and hammered Mr. Brockie with a penalty and costs adding up to $40,000. Canada’s Christian-hating judiciary has made practising Christianity a very costly matter.

LifeSiteNews (April 15, 2004) reported: “TORONTO, April 15, 2004 ( – Christian printer Scott Brockie was fined $5,000.00 in 1999 by the Ontario Human Rights Commission because he refused to print blank letterhead and envelopes for the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives. Brockie had printed materials for clients with homosexual inclinations, but would not print materials for the Archives because he believed the Archives further homosexual activity, which is contrary to his religious beliefs. The adjudicator claimed that Brockie was free to express his beliefs in his home or Christian community, but ordered him to provide printing servicesprinting services “to lesbians and gays and to organizations in existence for their benefit.” The Court of Appeal recently handed down their decision regarding the awarding of costs from Brockie’s time in the Divisional Court. Brockie was initially awarded $25,000 in costs from the Divisional Court, but the Human Rights Commission and the Archives appealed, and the Court of Appeal has reversed that earlier decision and now Brockie is on the hook for $40,000. “There is a point beyond which the conduct of judicial officers will bring the administration of justice into disrepute,” Catholic Civil Rights League spokesperson Sean Murphy said. “That point is passed when a Christian printer is ordered to produce business cards andbusiness cards and letterhead for an organization that promotes pro-paedophilia essays, is fined $5,000.00 for having refused to do so, and is left with $40,000.00 in legal bills for daring to defend himself.”

Paul Fromm

Whatcott (and others) under attack, needs prayers

by Bill Whatcott » Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:07 am

Dear Friends

Today was a tough day. First of all my computer crashed at the worst possible time, right before the convention when I need it for so many things…..

Anyways, I headed straight to my usual spot Southeastern Computer Solutions (see picture above) for service; I have patronized them exclusively for 2 years now for my personal needs and I did much there for Weyburn Pro-life as well. Unknown to me, the owner Aaron Rubin was very unhappy with Weyburn Pro-Life’s decision to bring Peter LaBarbera into Weyburn to speak and he took great issue with the fact that I believe homosexuality is a sin.

When I brought my computer to the counter for the technician to look at it, Mr. Rubin came out, looked at me with an unfriendly look and loudly announced “I am pro-gay.” I asked him “what does that have to do with my computer problemcomputer problem?” Well for him plenty I guess, he told me he did not want to do business with either me or Weyburn Pro-Life anymore. As I started to leave, it appeared Aaron wanted to argue about my perceived bigotry. I got quite mad and told him I cared for many homosexuals dying of diseases related to their sexual behaviour and never denied them service, as he was doing to me. We then argued about acceptable denial of services. Aaron (and me for that matter) believed he had a legal right to deny me service for my computer problem. On the other hand Aaron really believes Christians should be forced under the pain of law to violate their consciences and allow homosexuals into their private bed and breakfasts to spend the night sodomizing each other.

Aaron’s reasoning was I had no business worrying about what homosexuals do with each other in my private bed and breakfast, but I guess he believes he has the right to worry about my moral and political opinions if one of his technicians is going to work on my computer. As I left, the guy then accused me of being too cowardly to debate him and proclaimed he did more for Canada fighting for freedom in Afghanistan than I ever did in my life standing for my causes. Oh well…….

If you would like to minister to Aaron Rubin and encourage him to be more tolerant of Christians who hold to God’s Word when it comes to how they dealdeal with homosexuality, you can contact him here:

Southeastern Computer Solutions
(306) 842-7603
(306) 842-5899

While I felt bad being denied service at a place I was use to going to, of course I wasn’t going to change my stand on that which I know to be true. Even if one is hated and rejected for standing on God’s word on an important issue, such as homosexuality, that doesn’t mean one backs off from standing for God, especially not to winwin the approval of man.

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.
Mark 8:34, 35

Not too long ago one could call homosexuality a sin and speak on the issue in a public forum in Saskatchewan, with little fear of retribution. Today that is no longer the case. The media hysterically attacks public figures who dare to say anything negative about the homosexual lifestyle. The courts and human rights commissions use the power of the state to punish Christians and use coercion to force them to violate their consciences, if they refuse services that facilitate the sin or speak too forcefully in public on the issue. And yes, now it is possible to even face ridicule and rejection by those who you might think are your friends and acquaintances, as not only tolerance, but the demand for complete acceptance of homosexuality, is becoming a mainstream value.

Still God’s Word and empirical truth that homosexuality is wrong remains unchanged:

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Romans 1:26-28

Homosexuality does harm children and those of us who are pro-life have a moral obligation to stand with the children, even if it means incurring personal cost to ourselves:

Renn Forsberg is a little boy, but his mother (who is a homosexual activist with public affiliations with numerous homosexual groups) is leading a public campaign to have the boy she adopted legally declared a girl. The picture above was on her Facebook homepageFacebook homepage last week. Sadly, but not surprisingly, no one with power or influence is critically examining the claims made by the homosexual activist mother that Renn always wanted to dress and act like a girl. To my amazement I have even met Christians who are buying into the lie that boys and girls could be the opposite gender from the one God gave them at conception……

“False prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24

Mark Regenerus study (the most comprehensive and rigorous study ever conducted) on sodomite parenting: … s-research

Anyways, in addition to being discriminated against by our now former computer shop, the Leader Post also called me and rejected Weyburn Pro-Life’s full page ad. You might ask what could be so bad about our ad, that a newspaper would turn down $5,500, rather than run it?

Well nothing really, other than we are advertising speakers the newspaper disagrees with. The Leader Post is a tireless champion of homosexual causes after all. Here is our rejected ad:

Leader Post ad: … sp=sharing

After that news, a good friend of mine posted on my site and alerted me to another Michael Coren segment where he is bashing our speaker Peter LaBarbera and my self. Michael Coren seems to also believe he is capable of reading our hearts and minds as to why we have chosen to take our public stands on abortion and homosexuality:

Michael Coren bashing Bill Whatcott and Peter LaBarbera … 6820579001

The side of the house reads “Love thy neighbour, regardless of their creed, nationality and sexuality.”

On the way home I saw this above house. There is no denying the “Weyburn Against Intolerance” group is full of energy and they are quite bold in their efforts to marginalize us. I also noted on our local radio stations the coverage shifted from even handed where both of us got an equal opportunity to express our positions, to now the coverage is heavily slanted to favour the “Weyburn Against Intolerance” side and indeed their spokespeople are the only ones being interviewed now on our local radio.

Anyways, rather than get overly discouraged we should prayerfully carry on. We might as well admit we are weak and not able to fully counter the constant attacks on us by a hostile media and homosexual lobby. It is tough to counter the constantly repeated lies that homosexuals are “born that way” and notwithstanding that Christians are the ones who suffer violence, bullying and discrimination for not accepting the sin of homosexuality, it is nearly impossible to expose the homosexual agenda’s utter lack of tolerance towards dissent and the fact that homosexual activists are anything but “live and let live.” We pro-lifers are weak and the truth is most in the body of Christ are not standing. Therefore in our weakness we must go to the One who is strong:

Mary Stachowicz murdered by a homosexual for calling on him to repent of his sin

He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

No, I can’t winwin the media battle and indeed it is conceivable the new Weyburn homosexual lobby group will prevail over the hearts and minds of most people in this culture war.

Still we can stand and speak the truth, secure in the knowledge that our Lord will give us the final victory:

I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gatesgates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:18

To this end, I am developing my own little media.

Here is my new book and my very first customer, holding an autographed copy of “Born in a Graveyard.”

If anyone in Regina is interested, I would like to distribute 10,000 flyers advertising my new book and a photocopy of the ad the Leaderpost refused to run, with an explanation of the censorship. I have no doubt my book is an excellent tool to help folks understand how Canadians are frogs in the water and our freedom of concience, speech and religion are rapidly being boiled away.

If there are folks willing to help this project financially or with foot power, I can be reached at:

Bill Whatcott
Po Box 53
Stoughton, SK
S0G 4T0

Phone: (306) 861-6140

Please note Peter and I are still looking for activists to join us at:

University of Regina, April 14, 1:00 – 4:00 PM
University of Saskatoon, April 15, 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Graphic abortion signs and Biblical and medically accurate information on homosexuality will be available! Also my book will be on display for the students too!


Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
1 John 2:15-17

Mississauga Realtor Fired for Circulating Pro-family Views

Mississauga Realtor Fired for Circulating Pro-family Views

Mix in a real estate agent who cites a U.S. study about some ill effects of children being raised by a same sex couple, add a snarly former school teacher who is shocked and appalled and complaints to the local newspaper, the police, the human rights commission and, perhaps, even dear Abby and what do you get? A little community controversy?

 No, not in these mean, politically correct times. The real estate agent is fired. The RE/MAX giant his former employer is running scared and  takes out a huge, grovelling ad “to apologize for the inappropriate communication.” [There’s that vague  catch-all, politically correct term.] “RE/MAX does not tolerate any form of discriminatory behaviour.” (Mississauga News, May 8, 2013)The agent in question expressed an opinion in a flyer distributed to  advertise his services. The only “discriminatory behaviour” was RE/MAX’s firing of this man.

The Mississauga News (May 8, 2013) reported: ” A City Centre real estate agent has been fired for distributing a controversial flyer to residents in Lorne Park and Port Credit earlier this week. RE/MAX Realty One sales agent Andrew Ciastek was let go this afternoon in the wake of publishing what many residents view as homophobic material in a recent newsletter.  
On Wednesday, the Sussex Centre realtor said he will issue a formal apology and make a donation to a local charity of RE/MAX’s choosing. ‘We cannot and will not tolerate any form of discriminatory behaviour,’ said Christine Martysiewicz, director of internal and public relations for RE/MAX Ontario-Atlantic Canada. …   The piece in question was a research study saying that unemployment is three times higher among offspring of homosexual couples than those of heterosexual couples.  The study was conducted by Mark Regnerus, a Texas University sociology professor. The flyer cites the report as having been originally published in Social Research Science, although Ciastek says he found it in a copy of Polish .Jon McDonald who lives in the Lorne Park area is just one of the residents up in arms over a "traditional family" article in the home-delivered flyer of a local ReMax agent.
Busybody Complainer and Former Schoolteacher Jon McDonald cost a man his job.
 RE/MAX has been working with Peel Regional Police’s Hate Crime Division and has been informed that no charges will be laid against Ciastek. Lorne Park resident Jon McDonald contacted The News when he saw the flyer Tuesday and filed complaints with RE/MAX, Peel   ‘It’s just not right,’ said McDonald, a retired elementary school teacher  said.”
The Toronto Star (May 2, 2013) reported: “Andrew Ciastek, a sales representative for RE/MAX, distributed the flyers — which said ‘traditional family is the best for the future of the kids’ — to hundreds of homes in the Port Credit and Lorne Park neighbourhoods. ‘I didn’t want to offend anybody . . . I didn’t have bad intentions,’ Ciastek said. Ciastek also told the Star he will apologize ‘because I understand some people were very hurt. It is the right thing to apologize.’”
Of course, intent means nothing to the politically correct. Only the words matter. A privileged minority “might” be offended. Mr. Ciastek should not have offered to apologize, unless he really didn’t believe what he’d written. Why should he apologize for his views.
Notice, as well, that it’s not the science cited by Mr. Ciastek that RE/MAX criticizes, only that he said anything critical of a privileged minority. Truth does not matter.
We have warned that the promoters of the homosexual agenda are one of the biggest threats to free speech in Canada. Christians and people of all faiths who uphold the traditional view of the family beware. The homosexual agenda of silencing critics has claimed another victim: Marc Lemire, Bill Whatcott and now Andrew Ciastek.
Paul Fromm