Interview: Life at a multicultural Swedish school
By Editorial Staff – January 13, 2020
INTERVIEW. A refugee centre next to the school. Teachers fired for standing up for freedom of opinion. A majority of foreign pupils. What is life like at a Swedish high school? Nordfront interviews Filip from Gothenburg to find out.

In the middle of the Christmas festivities, a friendly high school pupil from Gothenburg takes time out of his holidays to meet for an interview.
“I’m a completely normal guy who likes books about subjects that aren’t always on the curriculum,” says Filip when he is asked to describe himself.
Filip is passionate about justice, the truth and morality. This becomes clear when he explains why he took a liking to these books. How did you develop this interest?
Social studies and history class started it all. Feminism and WWII sped up my interest in forming my own opinion about things because the lessons felt very left-wing-orientated. School left out a lot of information they didn’t want us knowing about.
Opinions cause complications
This interest has led to certain complications. Filip began his high school education at a school in Gothenburg where he was one of a dozen Swedes among 500 pupils. It was impossible to study in peace so he changed schools. Today he attends a school south of Gothenburg. He studies social and behavioural sciences.
“Originally I wanted to be a policeman, but I’ve changed my mind after having seen how the police treat dissidents like me and my friends.”
It’s clear pupils can’t hold whatever opinions they want to, especially not when they contradict the school’s core values. That’s when it gets complicated. What are your political views?
“I am openly National Socialist,” answers Filip proudly and says that he almost exclusively socialises with nationalists and preferably National Socialists. “There have been some discussions with the head teacher and SÄPO [the Swedish secret police] on account of my views.”
Thinking what you want in school is not allowed, not even for teachers.
“There was a teacher who was good, but he was fired for standing up for freedom of opinion.”
A majority of foreigners
Filip thinks the school he goes to today is somewhat better than his last one, but Swedes are still in a minority. How are things with the foreign pupils at the school?
“There are loads of f–king foreigners. The majority are foreigners. Grown men pretending to be children. There is a refugee centre right next to the school.
“My class is one of those with the most Swedes, but the foreigners create loads of problems.”
The environment in the classroom seems to be chaotic, to say the least. It isn’t surprising that school performance is plummeting. What’s it like during breaks?
“It’s very noisy and loud. There are hardly any places where you can have a quiet moment. The feminists and foreigners shout and scream. The feminists are probably the worst. They are always discussing sexuality and gender issues. They scream, ‘Rapist!’ at all the Swedish boys who aren’t feminists, but they’re also careful to avoid being called racists.”
The knifeman
Filip describes his school as generally similar to most other schools.
“The schools vary a little depending on where you live, and the topics of conversation can become more sensitive depending on the school’s demography.”
Filip comes across as mature for his age and expresses himself very well, using words that are quite uncommon at high school. But one or two expletives still slip through. Have there been any notable incidents worth mentioning?
“There was a dispute during a lunch break when foreigners called one of my friends a whore and threatened to f–k her mother. They were asked to leave the area, but they came back a few hours later with an older, very big immigrant who was armed with knuckledusters and a knife. His intention was clear: he wanted to kill us. By chance, a teacher managed to avert the incident and call the police.”
The incident happened in the school’s corridors. The teacher who fortunately came to the rescue escaped with just a couple of violent shoves. What are the teachers like at the school?
“They are good at teaching the system’s programme. Most of them are wimps and do everything they can to avoid being called racists. When it’s noisy during class, they say, ‘Stoppp it’,” Filip says in a wimpy voice, mimicking his teachers.
He says sometimes extra teachers are brought in, but that rarely helps. Do the teachers have any apparent political affiliation?
“Definitely!” he answers quickly. “Several teachers say things like, ‘The Sweden Democrats are real Nazis. I’m voting for Feminist Initiative!’”
And if they’re questioned, how do they react?
“They go into defence mode. They can’t justify it, but they still express their personal opinions in school.”
Gang rape
What are things like for the girls at school?
“Swedish girls are continually harassed and even groped. But the head teacher doesn’t care. They are called all the usual things like whore, c–t and bitch, but also sharmota and other Arabic names.”
He doesn’t know if anyone has been raped at the school yet but says he has a relative who was gang raped. Have you helped anyone who has been assaulted?
“Yes! Me and my friends have helped girls in the town who were harassed by immigrants.”
How did you become interested in politics?
“When I was younger, I was probably more of an ordinary racist, but after understanding the Jewish question, I became NS. I realised that immigration and immigrants are a symptom of a bigger problem.”
Strike back!
To conclude this interview, is there anything you’d like to say to young people in schools around Sweden?
“We Swedes have kept silent for far too long, and that is why we have the problems we do. A fitting message might be: Swedish youth, strike back!”
Nordfront thanks Filip for his participation in this interview and hopes his words can inspire more people to start doing something to improve the situation for our schoolchildren.