Ex-Political Prisoner Brad Love Heads to Court on “Mischief” Charges
FORT MCMURRAY, ALBERTA. February 10, 2021. Ex-political prisoner Brad Love heads to Court here today for yet another round in a more than 10-year battle by the RCMP and local snowflakes put off by this outspoken citizen journalist, enemy of government taxation, special privileges for minorities and demography shaking immigration.Over a 15-year period Mr. Love served nearly three years in prison from charges laid in 2002 under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code.) His crime? He had written letters critical of Canada’s immigration policies to 20 MPs and other public officials.
On October 23, officers from the local detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrested former political prisoner and longtime political activist Brad Love at his townhouse. He was taken to police headquarters and charged with 10 counts of “mischief under $5,000.” He was interrogated and then released on his own recognisance. Two weeks before, his home had been raided by six RCMP officers (masked, of course) with a warrant looking for glue, “Keep Canada White” posters and copies of the Canadian Immigration Hotline, published by the Canada First Immigration Committee, and which has been in publication for over 30 years.
A trial date was set for May 31, 2021. Several weeks ago, a masked man who did not identify himself came to Mr. Love’s residence and presented a summons to appear on January 27 before the Court of Queen’s Bench. When Mr. Love arrived at the Court, he was denied entry to the building because of the COVID virus! Not wanting to miss a court appearance, Mr. Love phoned the Court. He eventually was subject to a telephone conference with Judge Stephanie Cleary. The Crown is desperate to prevent the savvy Mr. Love from cross-examining witnesses, especially police officers. Over his objections, a court appointed lawyer will do the cross-examination for him.
He will appear again in Court today to set a new trial date and to make several motions. As he notes: “This will be my first appearance in person before a judge!”
Many of the charges go back to July of 2020. A police statement reported: ” On July 22 around 5 p.m. police responded and found racially related writings on a vehicle in the 200 block of Powder Dr.” Apparently, these were posters or newsletters. Since when did “racially related writings” become a crime or cause for police action? Mr. Love states that Fort McMurray is awash with drugs — a problem that might better occupy police time.
In the meantime, Mr. Love has received some 300 pages of disclosure. When he went to pick up his disclosure, the desk clerk interrupted him even before he could identify himself or his business and said: “We know who you are.”
His four housemates were all questioned by the RCMP, but there is no mention of this fact in the disclosure.
The hefty disclosure is light on content. There are no witness statements, photos or video linking Mr. Love to any postering. Apparently, the RCMP did access credit card sales at the Superstore close to Mr. Love’s residence and established that he had shopped there — no surprise.
A more sinister revelation was the fact that Mr. Love had been the object of many hostile posts on Facebook by people who had been stalking him and taking pictures of his home and truck. There had been numerous threats against him online.