COVID and Silencing Christians in Canada – Paul Fromm

COVID and Silencing Christians in Canada – Paul Fromm

Bars are open but not many Christian churches in Canada. Paul Fromm describes the targeting of Christians.
Paul Fromm has been the Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression since 1983. CAFE is dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity. The website can be found at

Paul is also the Director of the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee at:

Paul lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and you can contact him at .

He has been an active leader on the Canadian right for 50 years and has a steel trap memory so he is a treasure and resource of information and history.

Commentator & Sometime White Rapper Stan Hess Liked Paul Fromm’s Appearance on “The Political Cesspool” March 13

Commentator & Sometime White Rapper Stan Hess Liked Paul Fromm’s Appearance on “The Political Cesspool” March 13

Guest: Paul Fromm – Our world tour continues in Canada with Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. A program mainstay and free speech activist extraordinaire, Paul’s appearances are always lively and informative.

Folks .. Paul Fromm is a dedicated activist living in Canada. He has been a friend of mine for over 25 years. Paul has traveled all over the world standing up for the rights of European people. He has now been barred from traveling to the UK and the United States because of his activism . But can still travel to Russia. …So much for equal rights for Whites ….

Listen to this informative and entertaining hour with James Edwards .. Keith Alexander… and Paul Fromm.

I am a proud member of Paul’s group CAFÉ.


Stan Hess

Hear Paul Fromm interviewed by James Edwards on “The Political Cesspool” Tonight 9:00 E.S.T.

1:37 PM · Mar 13, 2021·Twitter Web App

Hear Paul Fromm interviewed by James Edwards on “The Political Cesspool” Tonight   — 9:00 E.S.T.
TPC’s March Around the World continues tonight! We’ll be back in Great Britain to speak with Peter Rushton of @h_d_magazine before taking a quick trip to Canada with journalist Rémi Tremblay and free speech activist @FrommPaul. Info/showtime here:

Paul Fromm

Peter Rushton

CAFE Attends END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Kelowna & Penticton, March 6 & 7.

CAFE Attends END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Kelowna & Penticton, March 6 & 7.

Great END THE LOCKDOWN Rally today in Kelowna — about 175 attendees. C.L.E.A.R. leader Dave Lindsay reported some victories in BC court this week.Bonnie Henry’s lawyers admitted the restrictions on outdoor rallies are WRONG! I distributed lots of copies of the great monthy END THE LOCKDOWN tabloid DRUTHERS.

I was happy to join two dozen freedom fighters for the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Penticton. Traffic at this busy intersection on Main St was overwhelmingly pro-freedom. Honks & thumbs up were 3 to 1 over fingers. An ancient crone did curse us: “I hope you die of COVID.” Some of us held hands and said a short prayer to block this curse.

Petition to Stand With Derek Sloan

Petition to Stand With Derek Sloan

Right now in the Conservative Party, we are seeing a clear case of dirty politics.

On January 20th, MP Derek Sloan was kicked out of the Conservative caucus. He will no longer be allowed to run as a Conservative Party member in future elections and will now sit as an Independent MP.

This happened after Erin O’Toole initiated a caucus vote which resulted in a majority of Conservative MPs voting to remove him from the caucus. This vote was initiated because Derek Sloan had apparently accepted a $131 donation to his 2020 leadership campaign from a white nationalist named Paul Fromm.

As many quickly pointed out, there are factors around these allegations that don’t hold up. For example, the Conservative Party took a cut from this donation and they weren’t even able to flag his name.

Additionally, the donation was apparently made under the name ‘Frederick P. Fromm’, so even if Sloan was expected to recognize the name of this obscure white nationalist, the donation was made under a name most would not recognize as his.

Derek Sloan is likely being thrown under the bus for being an extremely vocal social conservative.

Derek Sloan has spoken out unequivocally against abortion, euthanasia, attacks on religious freedom and many other vital issues to conservatives and faithful Christians, many of whom see him as their voice on Parliament Hill.

Erin O’Toole has always claimed to want a big tent party in the Conservative movement, but clearly Derek Sloan has been too successful at mobilizing people who agree with him on these issues for O’Toole’s liking.

Sign our petition to tell Erin O’Toole that you stand with Derek Sloan. We want him back in the Conservative caucus – and we want to know everyone who voted him out in the first place so we can support more tolerant conservatives in upcoming primaries and elections.

To make matters worse, the Conservative caucus vote that resulted in Derek Sloan being ejected was confidential. No one knows who voted to suppress Derek Sloan’s freedom to represent his constituents, and who voted in support of his freedom.

If you’re represented by a Conservative MP, don’t you think you deserve to know if they voted to suppress one of Canada’s most outspoken social conservative politicians? Don’t you feel that how a Conservative MP voted on this reflects on whether they’re capable of truly representing religious and social conservative constituents, such as yourself?

There may be good reasons why the Conservative Party would need to hold confidential votes at private meetings. But on issues like deciding what beliefs can be represented in the party, there needs to be transparency.

Join our campaign to get O’Toole to release the names of those who voted to eject Derek Sloan from the Conservative caucus. We must also demand that he do everything in his power as party leader to bring Derek Sloan back into the party.

O’Toole was quick to say after kicking out Sloan that this is not meant to be a condemnation of social conservatives in general. I’m sure O’Toole is internally justifying that he is only kicking out Sloan because he’s divisive and is causing a lot of negative media attention.

But the fact is that the mainstream media in Canada will always ensure that the beliefs of social conservatives will be divisive. These organizations have close ties to Canada’s left-wing parties, and so a socially conservative politician can either hide their views or cause negative media attention through their honesty.

You also cannot kick one of the most outspoken pro-life, pro-family, and pro-liberty candidates out of caucus and not expect a severe backlash from people who hold these values.

When CitizenGO sent out surveys to candidates of the Conservative leadership race last year, Derek Sloan was the only candidate to respond with a full endorsement of the values we surveyed him on.

O’Toole may not be as left-wing as our Prime Minister, but when he says that people like Derek Sloan are not welcome in the Conservative Party, I cannot help but feel he’s attacking the values of CitizenGO and our supporters.

Please sign to stand with Derek Sloan: Erin O’Toole must rectify this poor decision that he initiated. He must allow Derek Sloan back into the Conservative caucus and be transparent about who all voted to kick out Sloan in the first place.

Thanks for all you do,

James Schadenberg and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. Remember, if it weren’t for social conservatives, Erin O’Toole would’ve lost to Peter MacKay. Social conservatives are necessary for the success of the Conservative Party and its leader. We must demand to be respected.

More information:

Controversial MP Derek Sloan ejected from Conservative caucus (CTV News)

END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies Spread Throughout British Columbia

END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies Spread Throughout British Columbia

I attended the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN rally in Penticton today.. About 40 freedom fighters braved wicked winds at Main & Warren this afternoon. Lots of supportive honks from passing traffic; a few fingers from the frightened and brainwashed. The END THE LOCKDOWN movement is spreading throughout British Columbia, with rallies this weekend in Vancouver, Kelowna Penticton, Vernon, Kamloops and Parksville. — Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE

Derek Sloan incident as told by Paul Fromm the Godfather of free speech for Canadians

Derek Sloan incident as told by Paul Fromm the Godfather of free speech for Canadians. Refuting the censorship minority lobby lies [especially the Canadian Anti-Hate Network] spread by the FAKE News media of being a “neo-Nazi”. Thanks to Rebellion Radio,

Journalist Lawrence McCurry Investigated & Concludes CAFE Director Paul Fromm is No “Neo-Nazi”…

Journalist Lawrence McCurry Investigated & Concludes CAFE Director Paul Fromm is No “Neo-Nazi”

Federal Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole announced that he was “asking” his MPs to kick fellow Ontario Tory MP Derek Sloan out of the party’s caucus. Using the Globalist/ Left-tard tacit of guilt by association for taking a donation from white nationalist and freedom of speech advocate (and personal friend) Paul Fromm.Paul Fromm is NOT a Nazi or the loathsome white supremacist the controlled corporate (Globalist) media claim he is.I have found Paul Fromm to be a staunch advocate for free speech and democracy and not a racist, Nazi or a white supremacist, this is a media LIEbelow is a short interview I did with Paul Fromm back in July 2017 please watch and share this film.…

Freedom Fighter Michael Chessman of the Euro Coalition Blasts Press Reports Labelling Paul Fromm a “Neo-Nazi)

Freedom Fighter Michael Chessman of the Euro Coalition Blasts Press Reports Labelling Paul Fromm a “Neo-Nazi)


(January 19th 2012 Front page news/story)

I wish to state for the record that as a proud supporter of British culture

and related concerns of preserving the core of this foundation of what

has made this a great nation and the envy of the entire planet,

I have had the privilege of personally being friend of and to Mr.

Paul Fromm who I know to share in such sentiments in the best possible


To refer to him as a “neo Nazi” (as that term is used – and as

someone who has long condemned any such injustices from that

quarter) I can only say that such name calling is slander of the

very worst sort. Paul is a gentleman and a scholar in the best

sense of how that phrase is used and I stand by these words

to the very end.

I thank God for Paul and for his spirit lest we be alone

on the planet who have his warmth and kind views on our cultural

and societal concerns to be free of so-called (but reverse minded)

political correctness in favour of much better choices if if only in music

and theater along with better articulation standards involving better

usage of the English language with the best possible outcome in mind.

Michael Chessman

[Michael Rizzo Chessman is of Iranian, Italian and Irish descent and is a fierce supporter of British and European culture, art and people.]

“This is ridiculous,” Derek Sloan refuses to leave CPC without a fight

“This is ridiculous,” Derek Sloan refuses to leave CPC without a fight

By True North Wire – January 19, 2021 Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin ReddIt

Conservative MP Derek Sloan says he will fight efforts by Erin O’Toole to kick him out of caucus.

“If I am guilty of something, they are guilty of something. This is ridiculous,” Sloan said in a Facebook video on Monday.

“I’m not going to go down without a fight.”

On Monday, O’Toole said he has begun the process of removing Sloan from caucus after it was revealed that Sloan’s leadership campaign received a donation from known white supremacist Paul Fromm. 

“Racism is a disease of the soul, repugnant to our core values. It has no place in our country. It has no place in the Conservative Party of Canada. I won’t tolerate it,” O’Toole said in his statement.

However, the MP for Hastings – Lennox and Addington is accusing the party of hypocrisy. 

According to Sloan, Fromm was a party member and voted in the party’s recent leadership contest — something that would have been known to all leadership candidates, including O’Toole, and party headquarters as well. 

In a statement on Twitter, Sloan says he was unaware of this donation and that nobody made any effort to contact him.

“His donation was processed without either my campaign or the CPC realizing who had made the donation,” said Sloan.

“The Party must check each donor to ensure they have not exceeded the maximum, I did not hear from them, ever, on this matter.”

Sloan said it’s absurd to expect that any politician to be familiar with the names of every single one of their donors. Fromm’s donation of $131 was one of 13,000 donations to Sloan’s leadership campaign. 

Leadership campaign donations are processed by both the campaign staff and the Party. 

Under the Reform Act, O’Toole can initiate a vote within the party to remove a member of caucus should they lose the confidence of the party.