Charges Withdrawn Against Mask Dissident John McCash
BRAMPTON, June 3, 2021. Today, in a brief court appearance, Mississauga dissident John McCash, 48, learned that the Crown had withdrawn a charge of causing a disturbance that goes back to an incident at a Chinese grocery store last July 5.
Mr. McCash was denied entry to T & T Grocery store because he was not wearing a mask. He was caught on a cellphone camera arguing with a bossy boots employee and saying: “If I wear a mask I will have an asthma attack and these communists are attacking all of us…go back to China and take your coronavirus with you.”
He was instantly denounced in the woke press for “racism”. Police duly charged him, on July 16, with “causing a disturbance.” The charges were always political. Had he been shouting “Black lives matter” or “defund the police,” there’d have been no charges.
“Hate-crime incidents have a negative impact on our community and create a ripple effect. It can increase feelings of vulnerability, anxiety and fear, not only on the individual who has directly been victimized, but also to the community at large. Reporting incident of hate-crime is essential to stopping these incidents; we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all we serve,” said Chief Nishan Duraiappah.
“This was political persecution from the beginning,” says Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. “Mr. McCash was expressing a political and medical opinion. There was no ‘hate’ there
CAFE backed Mr. McCash and staged a protest, September 25, outside the Brampton Courthouse at his first appearance (although it was by video.)
“While we are happy that the Crown recognized its nothing burger of a case and withdrew the charge,” says Paul Fromm, “the initial charge was political persecution. Mr. McCash had to hire a lawyer and is out of pocket. This is an abuse BY process.”
Mr. McCash is a regular at the weekly Saturday END THE LOCKDOWN rallies at Queen’s Park in Toronto. He and a group of like minded Christians meet on the steps of nearby St. Basil’s church for some short prayers. Because of Medico-Stalinist rules, the church is not actually open.
He and his group, complete with a large cross and posters the Blessed Mother talk to the public at Queen’s Park. In a loud voice he greets passersby with “We follow the Lord, not Ford”; that is Doug Ford, Premier Lockdown.