free dr james sears rally july 22, 2021 3.jpg


TORONTO. July 22, 2021.The Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) held a protest outside the Toronto South Detention Centre located at 160 Horner Ave, Toronto, ON M8Z 0C2, Thursday afternoon, July 22, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

As of today, Dr. Sears has been in jail for over five weeks.
* In January, 2019, Dr. Sears, Editor, and Leroy St. Germaine, Publisher of the satirical tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS were convicted on two counts of “wilfully promoting hate” against privileged groups (Jews  & Women) in contravention of Canada’s notorious “hate law” – Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Each was sentenced to the maximum — unprecedented for a first time offender — of a year in jail. As Leroy is of Metis heritage, he was allowed to serve his sentence at home.

* In November, 2020, under protest, Dr. Sears and Leroy St. Germaine argued their appeal by Zoom

* On June 14, the appeal was denied and the sentences upheld. Dr. Sears was immediately ordered to prison and denied even a few hours to say goodbye to his wife and young son.

* From prison , Dr. Sears is seeking leave to appeal. A judge is studying the leave application and a parallel application for bail, pending the appeal. The process is ponderously slow.

* Dr. Sears is virtually incommunicado. He has contacted his wife or supporters only eight times in five weeks and each call was extremely brief.

* For the past few weeks Dr. Sears has been in the infirmary, apparently to protect oher prisoners from him because he won’t take the COVID vaccine.

* Amnesty International defines a  “prisoner of conscience” or political prisoner as  a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of their political, religious or cultural views. Both Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine are political prisoners — jailed because they criticized politically powerful minority groups.

* A lasting disgrace is that only one mainstream media writer has  criticized this attack on freedom of the press, which they regularly condemn if it occurs in Hong Kong or the Philippines.

* For the past two weeks every Wednesday, videographer “Lily” has been holding a one-woman freedom protest outside the prison.



Send letters of support to one of our “men behind the wire”:  
Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner,
Toronto South Detention Center,
160 Horner Ave,
Toronto, ON
M8Z 0C2


_______________________CAFE (The Canadian Association for Free Expression)P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3

Paul Fromm on the Great Reset & Trudeau’s Plans to Stifle the Internet — Talk Given at Vancouver, July 17, 2021

Paul Fromm on the Great Reset & Trudeau’s Plans to Stifle the Internet — Talk Given at Vancouver, July 17, 2021


The Post COVID Totalitarian Agenda — Mark Carney’s “Great Reset Dream” for Our Grim Future & Trudeau’s Anti-Free Speech Plans for the Future

* The Great Reset, the conspiratorial architects, Mark Carney and Karl Schwab

* A future of poverty, limited travel, few cars, little heat & less meat

*Trudeau’s imposed silence — Bill C-10(gagging the Internet) & Bill C-36 (preventing serious criticism of privileged minorities online)





TORONTO. July 7, 2021.The Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) held a protest outside the Toronto South Detention Centre located at 160 Horner Ave, Toronto, ON M8Z 0C2, Wednesday afternoon, July 7, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

As of today, Dr. Sears has been in jail for over three weeks.
* In January, 2019, Dr. Sears, Editor, and Leroy St. Germaine, Publisher of the satirical tabloid YOUR WARD NEWS were convicted on two counts of “wilfully promoting hate” against privileged groups (Jews  & Women) in contravention of Canada’s notorious “hate law” – Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Each was sentenced to the maximum — unprecedented for a first time offender — of a year in jail. As Leroy is of Metis heritage, he was allowed to serve his sentence at home.

* In November, 2020, under protest, Dr. Sears and Leroy St. Germaine argued their appeal by Zoom

* On June 14, the appeal was denied and the sentences upheld. Dr. Sears was immediately ordered to prison and denied even a few hours to say goodbye to his wife and young son.

* From prison , Dr. Sears is seeking leave to appeal. A judge is studying the leave application and a parallel application for bail, pending the appeal. The process is ponderously slow.

* Dr. Sears is virtually incommunicado. He has contacted his wife or supporters only three times in three weeks.

* Amnesty International defines a  “prisoner of conscience” or political prisoner as  a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of their political, religious or cultural views. Both Dr. James Sears and Leroy St. Germaine are political prisoners — jailed because they criticized politically powerful minority groups.

* A lasting disgrace is that only one mainstream media writer has  criticized this attack on freedom of the press, which they regularly condemn if it occurs in Hong Kong or the Philippines.



Jim and Diane Present – Jim Speaks with PAUL FROMM CONCERNING THE JAMES SEARS CASE as well as Life In Canada, July 6, 2021

VVV, James Sears, July 5, 2021.PNG

Send letters of support to one of our “men behind the wire”:  
Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner,
Toronto South Detention Center,
160 Horner Ave,
Toronto, ON
M8Z 0C2

_______________________CAFE (The Canadian Association for Free Expression)P.O. Box 332,Rexdale, ON.,M9W 5L3

Jim and Diane Present – Jim Speaks with PAUL FROMM CONCERNING THE JAMES SEARS CASE as well as Life In Canada, July 6, 2021

Jim and Diane Present – Jim Speaks with PAUL FROMM CONCERNING THE JAMES SEARS CASE as well as Life In Canada, July 6, 2021

VVV, James Sears, July 5, 2021.PNG

Jim talks with Canadian Activist Paul Fromm about the case:

Send letters:  
Dr. James Sears, Political Prisoner,
Toronto South Detention Center,
160 Horner Ave,
Toronto, ON
M8Z 0C2


Nationalists Celebrate Dominion Day With Paul Fromm

Nationalists Celebrate Dominion Day With Paul Fromm

The Red Ensign, the Flag of the Real Canada
Noon END THE LOCKDOWN Rally With People’s Party of Canada at Niagara Falls

Fantastic Dominion Day. I attended a noon NO MORE LOCKDOWN Rally in Niagara Falls. Later, a great group of nationalists met. Not a guilt-ridden soul in the lot. You could hear English, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Czech & Slovenian. My grilled burgers were pronounced delicious

Party Leader & Former MP Maxime Bernier, Handcuffed & Arrested for Attending an END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in China? — NO! IN MANITOBA!

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier arrested by RCMP in Manitoba

Social Sharing

Bernier attended rally against COVID-19 restrictions held in southern Manitoba village

[Pyongyang on the Prairies. Human rights — freedom of speech, freedom of assembly — brutalized and trampled. A former Member of Parliament arrested and handcuffed for attending a non-violent rally. Hope Pol Pot Pallister is proud. — Paul Fromm]

Caitlyn Gowriluk · CBC News · Posted: Jun 11, 2021 2:49 PM CT | Last Updated: 24 minutes ago

Maxime Bernier was taken into custody by Manitoba RCMP after attending a rally protesting COVID-19 restrictions on Friday in St-Pierre-Jolys, Man. (Laïssa Pamou/SRC)

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier was arrested after appearing at a sparsely attended rally against COVID-19 restrictions in a southern Manitoba village on Friday afternoon.

Radio-Canada’s Laïssa Pamou who was covering the event said the rally in St-Pierre-Jolys, which is about 57 kilometres south of Winnipeg, saw no more than 15 people in attendance. After the event ended, Bernier got into a vehicle to head to a rally in nearby St. Malo, another small, rural community.

That’s when he was pulled out of the vehicle by Mounties who handcuffed him and put him in the back seat of an RCMP vehicle. 

Bernier spoke to Radio-Canada shortly before he was detained and said he got a ticket for violating public health orders at a rally in the nearby town of Niverville earlier Friday. He did not say how much he was fined — just that he planned to fight it.

An RCMP spokesperson confirmed Bernier was ticketed earlier in the day.

“It is the duty of the RCMP to enforce the laws of Manitoba, and those include public health orders. Mr. Bernier knew of the health orders and has already received a ticket. The continuation of the offence of violating the current public health orders in Manitoba has resulted in his arrest,” Tara Seel said in an email.

WATCH | Bernier arrested in Manitoba:

People’s Party Leader Maxime Bernier taken into custody by RCMP in Manitoba

8 hours ago0:25People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier was handcuffed and put in the back of an RCMP vehicle after attending a rally against COVID-19 restrictions in St-Pierre-Jolys, Man., on Friday afternoon. 0:25

Bernier was charged under the Public Health Act for assembling in a gathering at an outdoor public place and for failing to self-isolate once he got to Manitoba, and he will appear before a magistrate, Seel said.

Manitoba Justice said it would not comment on how long Bernier might be held and also would not say when he might appear before the magistrate, as his case is now before the courts.

The penalties section of Manitoba’s Public Health Act states the maximum sanction is a $100,000 fine, one year in jail or both.  

Bernier had announced a tour of southern Manitoba this weekend that was set to include several stops at anti-lockdown rallies in spite of pandemic restrictions banning large events and requiring people to self-isolate when entering the province if they’re not fully vaccinated. 

Bernier’s appearances in Niverville and St-Pierre-Jolys were the first two rallies listed on an itinerary posted on Facebook that was supposed to see him stop in the rural cities of Morden and Winkler later Friday.

He was also scheduled to appear in the communities of La Salle and Lorette, as well as in Winnipeg on Saturday, then in the cities of Steinbach and Selkirk on Sunday, according to the itinerary.

Rights violated, party claims

People’s Party of Canada spokesperson Martin Masse said in a statement Bernier was “wrongfully arrested” on charges that violate his charter rights. 

“This isn’t about COVID anymore. It’s political repression. This is the kind of stuff countries like China and Russia do,” Masse said. 

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms said in a news release that it will appear in court on Bernier’s behalf. 

The Calgary-based organization has also been involved in challenges of lockdown measures across the country, including one in Manitoba that saw seven churches take the province to court over its pandemic powers. No decision has been issued yet in that challenge.

A provincial spokesperson previously told CBC News that the province was aware of Bernier’s planned rallies and would be conducting surveillance to gather video and other evidence.

At a news conference on Thursday morning, Premier Brian Pallister said Bernier would be “light in the pocket book” if he planned on violating Manitoba’s public health orders.

Charges Withdrawn Against Mask Dissident John McCash

Charges Withdrawn Against Mask Dissident John McCash

BRAMPTON, June 3, 2021. Today, in a brief court appearance, Mississauga dissident John McCash, 48, learned that the Crown had withdrawn a charge of causing a disturbance that goes back to an incident at a Chinese grocery store last July 5.

Mr. McCash was denied entry to T & T Grocery store because he was not wearing a mask. He was caught on a cellphone camera arguing with a bossy boots employee and saying: “If I wear a mask I will have an asthma attack and these communists are attacking all of us…go back to China and take your coronavirus with you.”

He was instantly denounced in the woke press for “racism”. Police duly charged him, on July 16, with “causing a disturbance.” The charges were always political. Had he been shouting “Black lives matter” or “defund the police,” there’d have been no charges.

“Hate-crime incidents have a negative impact on our community and create a ripple effect. It can increase feelings of vulnerability, anxiety and fear, not only on the individual who has directly been victimized, but also to the community at large. Reporting incident of hate-crime is essential to stopping these incidents; we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all we serve,” said Chief Nishan Duraiappah.

“This was political persecution from the beginning,” says Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression. “Mr. McCash was expressing a political and medical opinion. There was no ‘hate’ there

CAFE backed Mr. McCash and staged a protest, September 25, outside the Brampton Courthouse at his first appearance (although it was by video.)

“While we are happy that the Crown recognized its nothing burger of a case and withdrew the charge,” says Paul Fromm, “the initial charge was political persecution. Mr. McCash had to hire a lawyer and is out of pocket. This is an abuse BY process.”

Mr. McCash is a regular at the weekly Saturday END THE LOCKDOWN rallies at Queen’s Park in Toronto. He and a group of like minded Christians meet on the steps of nearby St. Basil’s church for some short prayers. Because of Medico-Stalinist rules, the church is not actually open.

He and his group, complete with a large cross and posters the Blessed Mother talk to the public at Queen’s Park. In a loud voice he greets passersby with “We follow the Lord, not Ford”; that is Doug Ford, Premier Lockdown.

John McCash
Part of CAFE Protest in Support of John McCash, September 25

U.S. Nationalist Blog Tout’s CAFE’s Critique of Fidel Ford’s COVID Police State: Ontario, Canada — where even conservatives are leftists

U.S. Nationalist Blog Tout’s CAFE’s Critique of Fidel Ford’s COVID Police State :Ontario, Canada — where even conservatives are leftists

June 4, 2021 John de Nugent English 0

Spread the love

Doug Ford is the ultra-obese (5’10”, 330 lbs.), faux-conservative governor (premier) of Ontario, which comprises half the population of Canada. His brother Rob was once the equally fat, overtly alcoholic, drug-addicted mayor of Toronto, the largest city in Canada. .

The previous premier of Ontario province was the square-jawed lesbian Kathleen Wynne. .


Oh, Canada….


Third wave

On April 9, 2021, Ford received his first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at a local pharmacy in Toronto, and encouraged eligible Ontarians to get inoculated.[192]

Amid growing case numbers in 2021, the government moved to introduce a third province-wide shutdown. As part of the response, Ford announced on April 16, 2021 that outdoor amenities including playgrounds would be closed, and that he would be authorizing police to require pedestrians and drivers to explain why they are not at home and provide their home address and ask why they are not at home.[193] The regulations raised concerns about a re-legalization of carding.[194] The government experienced significant backlash with the new enforcement measures, with some commentators – such as the National Post‘s Randall Denley, a former PC politician[195] – equating the province to a “police state[196] Members of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Table described the new restrictions as “absolute madness”, and not based on science questioning the need to restrict “safe options from people as you do nothing to impact the places where the disease is spreading”.[197] After dozens of police services across the province announced that they would refuse to enforce the new measures,[198] Ford promptly rolled back the new enforcement provisions the next day and reopened playgrounds, while keeping other outdoor amenities closed.[199][200]  

Dear Mr. Cooper:   Let me get this straight: You want me to “Stand With Doug” and send some money? No way. Doug Ford has presided over the greatest destruction of citizens rights this province has ever seen.   Since March, 2020, Doug Ford has vacuumed away the Charter rights of Ontarians to freedom of assembly, freedom of worship, freedom of movement. We have gone through long periods of stay at home orders, a form of house arrest. But the victims have committed no crime, faced no charge, had no trial or an opportunity to defend themselves. They have just been punished.The Ford government has acted as if there were no Charter of Rights and Freedoms

  The right to gather and worship, gone or severely restricted. The right to gather with family for meals or worship at Christmas and Easter, gone.   Doug Ford closed schools, ruled one business essential and it could stay open with shifting restrictions, but another business must close. Thousands of businesses closed and ruined; tens of thousands of Ontario workers made jobless. Mobility rights, freedom of assembly, freedom to protest stomped on.   I believed in the populism of Ford Nation. My belief began to fade when Doug Ford dismissed END THE LOCKDOWN protesters rallying at Queen’s Park, many of them ardent Ford Nation supporters, as “a bunch of yahoos”.   I watched as Ontario turned into a police state. A Christian church in Aylmer had been fined over $100,000 for the “crime” of gathering together to worship the Lord. Its Pastor Henry Hildebrandt was conducting a service. His congregation were singing hymns. In strode a sheriff backed up by local police. The congregation was ordered out. The church locks changed by court order. No, this was not North Korea; it was Ford’s Ontario. Oh, and the police had blocked all roads to the church, as if engaged in some drug takedown.   Then there was Adamson’s Barbecue in Etobicoke. Owner Adam Skelly made the mistake of thinking he could serve up barbecue to willing customers. Over 100 Metro police and the cavalry descended on the restaurant to drag Mr. Skelly off to jail. The police state goon squad might have suggested a biker’s convention.
  On May 23, Hamilton was the scene of something that might have been out of a Monty Python skit. Local police stormed out of a building to slap tickets with hefty fines on peaceful protesters who opposed the lockdown. The insane pièce de resistance was the double fining of a Rebel reporter. He received a fine under the lying and misnamed “Re-opening Ontario Act” for being in a public gathering of more than five persons. He received a further municipal fine for shaking hands with another consenting adult. Yes, shaking hands in Doug Ford’s Ontario is now illegal.
  One of the darkest days for civil rights in Ontario was April 16. The government authorized police to pull over pedestrians and motorists and demand that they justify being away from their home. It sounded like some grade  B movie from the 1940s with some surly police agent demanding: “Where are your papers?” What is scandalous is that this was a cabinet decision. Doug Ford and his cabinet had met and discussed this police state measure. Sylvia Jones, a lawyer, had seen no problem with trampling the  rights of taxpaying Ontarians and their right to be free from intrusive police checks? True, most police forces announced they would not be making such stops. Good, but it was Doug Ford and his band of freedom thieves who had sought to tighten police state rules on Ontarians. The announcement was walked back a little, but not entirely: Police can stop motorists or pedestrians if they think they’re participating in a public gathering of over five persons.
  Ontarians can look with envy at US States such as Florida or Texas. There businesses are open, restaurants are open, bars are open. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has FORBIDDEN local governments and school boards from imposing the hated masks on people. Oh, yes, these free states are not cesspools of disease; They have lower infection rates than Ontario, which has groaned under eight months of lockdown tyranny!
  And you expect my donation to further enable this tyrant!   No way.     Paul FrommDirectorCANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION I, Margi and Paul in East Lansing, Michigan to speak in 2007.

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