
A l’attention de la prisonnière politique
Monika Schaefer
Attachments area


Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
January 5th, 2018
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Centre Block
Suite 449S
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Dear Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould,
RE: Illegal arrest and detention of Canadian citizen Monika Schaefer in Germany on January 3rd, 2018
I am writing to you regarding the above noted injustice which the foreign nation of Germany has perpetrated upon a dear friend and colleague of mine, Monika Schaefer, of Jasper, Alberta.
I am certain that by now you will have received a number of other emails from supporters of freedom of speech, both nationally and internationally and that you may already be aware of this travesty of justice that has taken place affecting an indigenous Canadian who has no criminal record and has been an exemplary example of someone standing up for all citizens of Canada who believe strongly in their country and the freedoms that it offers to its citizens; in particular, those which are enshrined in our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It is doubtless, given your distinguished position as Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, that you are fully aware of the contents of the Charter and, as concerns the matter which I am writing to you about, Section two, titled “Fundamental freedoms” which contains Sec. 2(b) and states that all Canadian citizens are guaranteed “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication”.
Given that on your official Facebook page you have chosen as your Cover Photo the following graphic (see below) which celebrates the 35th year since the enactment of the Charter I cannot imagine that your heart and soul are not deeply ingrained with these fundamental principles that make Canada what it is today.
17191952_1005341379567401_8612075645205015755_o copy.jpg
As a strong supporter of one of Canada’s most cherished and fundamental human rights, i.e. freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, I can only assume that you, in the esteemed office that you now hold, will give your immediate attention to the plight of one of our fellow Canadians who has been wrongly arrested and incarcerated by German authorities for no other reason than that she exercised her rights as a Canadian citizen and expressed her thoughts, beliefs and opinions on a controversial historic matter.
We are aware that every sovereign nation has the exclusive right to determine its own laws and to enforce those laws upon its citizenry. But we are also cognizant of the fact that there are foreign nations who don’t honour and respect the values that we, as Canadians, do. That is why the vast majority of the world’s nations have endorsed International agreements such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which was adopted in 1948 and, like our own Charter, is celebrating its 70th Anniversary in 2018.
The UDHR, of which Canada is a signatory, states in Article 19. Freedom of Expression. “We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
That, in essence, Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, is precisely what Monika Schaefer did in her full and correct belief that, as a Canadian citizen, born on Canadian soil, she has the right to make up her own mind on questions of history (or whatever else she deems of importance to herself) and also the right to express what she thinks and to share her ideas with others be it via the written word, spoken word or the medium of video or the Internet.
Given the reality of the aforementioned documents and Canada’s intimate relationship with them it behooves you, Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, to look into this matter as soon as possible and do everything in your power to negotiate with the German authorities the immediate release from prison of Monika Schaefer and a guarantee that she will be able to freely leave Germany and return home to her native soil unharmed.
I believe that it is also in your power to instruct Canada’s Ambassador to Germany, the Honourable Stéphane Dion, to promptly and expeditiously begin negotiations with German authorities and resolve this tendentious breach of international justice as soon as humanly possible. With that in mind I shall also send a copy of this letter to the Honourable Stéphane Dion at his Berlin address. Concomitantly I will send copies of my letter to the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Germany’s Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Werner Wnendt.
In closing Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould I want to stress once again the importance of protecting our citizens from the unjust laws that presently exist in other sovereign nations around the world, especially laws of such a draconian nature that one normally only associates with the more violent, rogue regimes that still exist today. Please do the honourable thing for Canada and uphold our Charter for the sake of all Canadians. Free Monika Schaefer and bring her home.
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”
Hardcopy to follow via Canada Post
CC: Honourable Stéphane Dion, Honourable Chrystia Freeland, German Ambassador Werner Wnendt, assorted media outlets & concerned Canadians.


On January 3, Monika Schaefer was arrested at a court in Munich where she was attending the trial of lawyer Sylvia Stolz, who was being charged for comments she made in Switzerlaand — that’s right, another country — several years ago. Monika was taken away in handcuffs and sent to a maximum security prison,
Her brother Alfred reports: “Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3 2018  while attending, as an observer, the bizarre inquisition hearings against the courageous Sylvia Stolz. This “trial” was for illegal words that Sylvia Stolz had spoken at the “Anti Censorship Coalition” (AZK) in Switzerland in 2012.  About 45 minutes into the inquisition the “State Prosecutor”  called for a surprise break, which was then used to arrest my courageous sister Monika. The only thing Monika did was watch quietly as the inquisition was dealing with Sylvia Stolz.  These people had us under close observation and figured it was a good opportunity to demonstrate their “power”, and intimidate us. 
A person identified as a “State Prosecutor” accompanied by three heavily armed thugs handcuffed Monika and dragged her away. When my sister protested that she is a free person from Canada and had done nothing wrong, the “State Prosecutor” told her: “If you wanted to stay free you should have stayed in Canada”. 
Now they have moved Monika Schaefer to the high security prison in Munich and will keep her there indefinitely. Monika is accused of making an apology to her own dear mother. The title of the video was “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust“. 
A German lawyer has been retained to help Monika.
What you can do
Free speech supporters around the world must help free Monika.
1. Please write her a short letter or note. Let her jailers know that free men and women are watching this shameful arrest and detention  of a Canadian citizen.

Monika Schaefer

Schwarzenbergstr. 14

81549 München,


2. If you are a Canadian, 

* Write to the Canadian Ambassador to Germany, The Hon. Stephane Dion and ask him to intervene and free Monika Schaefer. She is Canadian-born and a Canadian citizen and deserves and needs his assistance.

The Honourable Stéphane Dion
Ambassador to Germany
Canadian Embassy, 

* As well, write to the Canadian Consul General in Munich. Ask him to visit Monika and to insist that the German Government  free her. 

Consulate of Canada – Munich

Tal 29

80331 München, Germany

Tel.: (+49 89) 21 99 570
Fax: (+49 89) 21 99 57 57
Email: munic@international.gc.ca

* Also, write to Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and urge her to protest Monika’s arrest to the German Government and urge her to press for Monika’s immediate release.


Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Telephone: 613-992-5234
Fax: 613-996-9607

* Write to the German Ambassador to Canada and protest Monika’s arrest and demand her immediate freedom. You might observe that such an arrest tarnishes Germany’s image as a country committed to democracy and freedom of expression.

 Mr Werner Wnendt

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany,

1 Waverley Street
Ontario K2P OT8
P.O. Box 379, Postal Station “A”
Ottawa, ON K1N 8V4

* Phone or FAX the Canadian Consulate in Munich and urge them to visit Monika and demand her immediate release.

Tel.: (+49 89) 21 99 570
Fax: (+49 89) 21 99 57 57

3. If you are not Canadian,

* Write to the German Ambassador in your country and protest Monika’s arrest and demand her immediate release.


Mr. Peter Wittig,

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany,

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

4645 Reservoir Road NW

Washington, DC 20007

Phone (202) 298-4000

* Write or call the Canadian Consulate in Munich and express your concern for Monika and demand that they intervene to free her. (See contact information above.)


1. Germany is six hours ahead of EST.

2. Do not discuss or debate the so-called “holocaust”. This is a freedom issue. Don’t debate WW II. Keep your comments brief and to the point. Keep your tone respectful. We want to free Monika, not just mouth off.

Thanks to AT and others who have compiled this information.

Paul Fromm



Monika Schaefer Protests Secrecy & Shunning by Yellowhead Festival & Attack on Her Livelihood

Monika Schaefer Protests Secrecy &  Shunning by Yellowhead Festival & Attack on Her Livelihood

Dear Board members of the Yellowhead Regional Arts Festival Society,

Your action of declaring me “not the correct fit” for your September 29th event goes much further than just a single one-time event. You have done something very consequential. You are affecting my livelihood and my reputation. You are signalling to the wider community that I am dangerous and untouchable, and you are signalling to current and potential students that Monika Schaefer should be avoided. You have also subverted your society’s role as a cultural organization to that of a thought-policing agency. 

If you think you can do this from a position of anonymity and zero accountability, with all due respect, that is simply not the way it works. Hiding behind a cloak of anonymity while taking this serious action is completely unethical and arguably illegal. The board of a Society must, by definition, be open, transparent and accountable to the public. By your nameless signing-off as a generic board, you demonstrate a profound contempt for civil society. If board-member names are kept secret, then it is not unreasonable for the public to assume that decisions can be dictated by just one person, and in this case someone who has a vendetta against me because they don’t like my thoughts. 

It is impossible to know if letters sent to your generic society email address are reaching all the board members. I have been on copy from many concerned people who have sent letters to you in which they genuinely support my right to free speech, and they profoundly disagree with your misguided actions. I wonder if those letters are being disseminated to all board members, or are they being seen by only one person, possibly the person(s) who has strong-armed the rest of the board into taking this drastic action against me. 

It has also come to my attention, through the grapevine, that you have been receiving some threatening and vile letters from people who pose as my “supporters”. I have been told that this is now your reason for not disclosing the names of board members, allegedly because there is concern for their safety. It is certainly not the original reason for hiding your identities, because that would have meant you had the power to predict the future.

In my truth-seeking quest, I have learnt many things about the tactics used by those who endeavour to shut down open discussion, investigation and disclosure of any nonconformist information about what may or may not have happened during WW2 . There are many methods being employed to destroy, defame, and shun those who try to point out the inconsistencies in the victors’ version of history.

If it is true that you have received threatening letters, then you need to know that those letters are unequivocally NOT coming from my “supporters”. That is a deliberate tactic, a psychological warfare tactic, to smear me by association. Those letters are coming from people who are actively engaged in “shooting the messenger” and thereby undermining and distracting away from the message. They are agents of deception. I have now seen this numerous times, whereby people exclaim to me your supporters have threatened me!” or your supporters have sent profanities!” or other similar statements. Who are those people sending vile messages, and why do they not also send those letters to me? They are definitively NOT supporters of me, my message, or of truth or decency.

By subverting the YRAF Society’s role as a cultural organization to that of a thought-policing agency, you are directly responsible for the messy situation you find yourselves in now. This is not of my making.

You have taken a drastic action against me without having the courtesy (or the courage?) to talk to me face to face. I am now calling for a fair and open hearing in front of your board. I am asking to attend your next board meeting (or please call a special meeting), so that we may have a frank discussion about these matters. I am eager and willing to answer any questions you have, and to address your concerns. 

I await your early response,

Monika Schaefer

Monika Schaefer Excluded from Yellowhead Regional Arts Festival Society

Monika Schaefer Excluded from Yellowhead Regional Arts Festival Society

Ever since bringing out her powerful video, Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the Holocaust (in English and German), Jasper Alberta  violin teacher and musician Monika Schaefer has been the victim of a brutal campaign of shunning. She was banned from the local Legion, a frequent venue for musicians in a small town. She was refused a busking permit last year because her ideas were “not inclusive”. All of this virtue signalling is punishment for her dissident views.

Monika frequently volunteered her musical skills free of charge for benefits,. She is a friendly woman deeply involved in environmental and social causes.

Now, she has been told by the Yellowhead regional Arts festival Society not to attend. the pompous prigs proclaim that they “promote a safe learning environment” and that her presence “at our event would not be the correct fit.”

The insolence of this shunning is shocking. Monika would be paying for her own gas and donating her time and talent free of charge as she has many times for the same festival. The suggestion that the gentle Monika playing her violin would endanger someone’s safety is grotesque! Or do they really mean that her ideas challenge the mental straitjacket that constricts the minds of some in the community?

Paul Fromm




Dear Monika,

The Yellowhead Regional Arts Festival Society is a non for profit organization that promotes a safe learning environment for members within the communities of the Yellowhead Region.

After careful consideration the board thinks that your presence at our event would not be the correct fit for our organization at this time. [highlight emphases mine]

We wish you all the best with your future musical endeavours.

Yours truly,

The Yellowhead Regional Arts Festival Society Board



Please explain to me exactly how my presence would not be the correct fit for your organization. Are you implying that my presence with my violin on the stage in Hinton would somehow be dangerous to the audience members? Are you suggesting that I might lose control of my violin bow and poke someone in the eye?

I wonder if your fear stems from any of the numerous fundraisers in the past at which I have donated my time and music (and gas) for the benefit of the Yellowhead Rotary Arts Festival (as it used to be called). What safety concerns were there when so many of my violin students entered the festival in past years, thereby helping to make the festival viable? 

Why are you hiding behind the anonymity of “YRAF Society Board”? Who is pressuring you to make such a decision? Who among your board is doing this? What are your names please? And did you tell my fellow musicians with whom I was to perform that they, by association, are also not the “correct fit”?

You have the audacity to then wish me all the best in my future musical endeavours, after seeking to destroy my current musical endeavours.

Your letter smacks of Orwellian Double-Speak, “…promotes a safe learning environment…”. The level of cowardice in shrouding your identity is astounding.

The people on my extensive bcc list will be very interested in your explanation of why I should not be allowed to volunteer my time and modest talent at your fundraiser show on September 29th, 2017, for which I was willing to spend my money to get there, all for your Society’s benefit.

I await your early response.

Monika Schaefer

Jasper, in the Yellowhead Region

The Jasper Busking Story — Monika Schaefer

The Jasper Busking Story — Monika Schaefer

Free Speech Monika

~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

Free Speech Monika

The Jasper Busking Story

The following story is an abridged open letter which I sent to the Mayor and Council of Jasper on July 8, 2017. Their email addresses are at the bottom, if you care to write to them. There is much irony in this story, especially in light of the fact that the award pictured here was given to me by the very organization which denied me a busking permit.

Raven-about-the-Arts Award

A Chronology of Promises & Broken Promises, Steps & Missteps

This story begins about 5 years ago. I made a presentation to Town Council that busking should be allowed in Jasper. It was not legal to busk at the time. I made the case that this little mountain town within a national park and world heritage site was a perfect place for busking, and that it would be a win-win-win situation. It would be good for the musicians, good for the tourists, and good for the town aesthetic. My presentation was well received, and the councillors enthusiastically assured me they would work on making it happen.

It took some time, but finally in 2016, the busking program was launched. To be specific it was Busking Pilot Project #2. Pilot Project #1 occurred during the Arts Days weekend late September 2015, and I took part in that. My band, the “Fiddle River Band”, played on the Saturday afternoon, and it was a great success. People were dancing on the sidewalk.

The 2016 Pilot Project was the first time that busking licences would be sold, and musicians could busk all summer, with a few guidelines stipulating where, when and how long.

Imagine my surprise then when I went to buy my licence, and was sent the curt email,

in light of your recently publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs we have decided to decline a permit to you at this time.

There it was, clearly stated, that it was because of my thoughts that I was not going to be allowed to play my violin on the streets of Jasper.


That was last year. What came next? A season of surveys, meetings, emails, new process, newspaper articles, auditions, vetting buskers, guidelines, and rules.

Winter of 2016 – 2017

In response to numerous queries last summer by both myself and Prof Tony Hall from the University of Lethbridge, the town manager responded that there would be a survey in the fall to determine the success and what problems, if any, arose from the busking project, and then they would be in a position to answer our questions.

Autumn came and went, and there was not much action. There was a general satisfaction survey which included two questions on busking, and another survey for the business community more specifically related to busking.

On February 14th, 2017, busking was on the agenda of the Committee-of-the-Whole Council meeting. I requested a spot on the agenda. Marianne Garrah and Dave Baker of the Habitat for the Arts were also in attendance and made a presentation before mine.


I took note of Marianne Garrah’s comment that the vetting process for buskers should be based on talent and musical ability. This was noted in the minutes. To my understanding, that statement by Garrah was a tacit admission that they had erred the previous summer when they denied me a busking license based on my thoughts. This gave me confidence that this summer would be different.

At the same time, Councillor Gilbert Wall declared openly that I should not be allowed on the streets to busk, and that he could not separate my violin playing from my ideas. It was written about in both newspapers, as being “the elephant in the room” and “given what we know…” – how ominous – Councillor Wall made it clear that there must be “an out”, for them to be able to shut me out.


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April 11 2017 Committee of the Whole minutes state that the management of the Busking Pilot Project for 2017 would once again be handed over to the Habitat for the Arts. They also stated that the selection committee should be comprised of people who are qualified to assess musical abilities.

During subsequent meetings, a clear outline of process was made for the busker vetting and selection process. There would be a panel of 5 judges. A point system would be used. Habitat for the Arts would choose a song from the auditionee’s set lists. If the performer “seems shaky on one song you may ask them to perform another song”. The performance would be recorded and sent to other judges who presumably could not all come together at the same time because of busy schedules.

This process implies open visibility of the panel. Several of the guidelines make it clear that this was to be a live audition process. For example, one guideline states

Judges are encouraged to interact with performers (but not for too long, just enough to make them feel comfortable).” Another states: “If a performer doesn’t show up, move on to the next performer on the list.”

After the May 2nd meeting, I immediately struck up a correspondence with the Habitat people to indicate my interest in auditioning for the purpose of acquiring a busking licence. I went in person, and I emailed.

When will the auditions take place?
Where should I show up?
How will I find out when they take place?
Will there be an announcement in the paper?
Will they email me? Phone me?

Responses to my attempts at communication were either absent or slow.

Finally I was told that I could simply send them a clip electronically. Pardon me???

What happened to the whole “select a song and if they are shaky pick another one, and please interact but not too much….” scenario? What was going to be a live audition in front of a panel of judges turned into an anonymous “send in your tape”.

I asked Marianne Garrah in person, “This process is open and transparent, correct? The judges’ identities should be public, yes?” She agreed. I asked who the judges are. She started to name them and after naming two, she hesitated, reconsidered, and said,

uhhhhh, I can’t remember who the others are, it’s not really my thing. This is not my project…


End of May, still no buskers on the streets of Jasper.

June – I left town for about two weeks, and when I returned, there were indeed buskers on the street, but only just.

Buskstop permits

I tried to visit the Habitat several times, to no avail, as nobody was there. I emailed, and asked when I could please pick up my permit, assuming of course that there would be no problem passing the audition process, having sent them the link to my music samples. They all had assured me that they knew I could play. And they did say it was based on talent and musical ability.

Imagine once again my surprise when I received the following unsigned email.

Hello Monika

For 2017 the Jasper Busking program has been designed such that a ‘no meet’ e-committee of community minded individuals are given sound/youtube/audition files provided by the artists.  Those files are listened to with the intent of realizing three things:  skill of the artist (5potential criteria points), potential enjoyment by the listener (5potential criteria points), and to gain a preception [sic] of the artists stage presence (5potential criteria points).  Those criteria points are calculated over the 5 community members and to be warranted a licence the total must equal at least 55 (or 11 out of 15 from each response).

Unfortunately the results that came back to Habitat from the committee did not reflect that total for you.  Your application for 2017 has been declined.

Habitat for the Arts
for the Jasper Municipal 2017 Busking Pilot Project


Who are these faceless nameless “community minded individuals”? They made rules and guidelines, then broke them all. Live audition process turned into electronic transmission to who knows who, and whoever they are, they reached their objective to keep Monika out. No accountability. No transparency. No legitimate reason was given. They got their way and evaded responsibility. Anonymous judges, faceless nameless individuals, awarding insufficient (zero?) points to one of the best-known musicians in this little town, is rather Kafkaesque, is it not?

The Farce

What did all of this amount to? New process after endless deliberations and meetings, it was all a big facade and nothing more. They did not quite know what to do with Monika Schaefer. They knew they could not openly deny me a license based on lack of musical abilities. They stated it many times, that it was not my music that bothered them, rather, it was my thoughts. My musical background and involvement in this community is extensive and well-known. In fact, some would say I had acquired local celebrity status as a violinist and fiddler, who was in much demand at community functions and fundraisers, both as performer and occasionally also as judge during competitions.

They must have struggled with this problem, because in spite of declaring at the May 2nd council meeting that they would like to see buskers on the streets of Jasper by the May long weekend, they did not appear until some time during the second week of June. I happened to be out of town then – how convenient.

False Diversity Project

Jasper advertises its Diversity Project while advancing ideological exclusiveness.

The Fitzhugh newspaper reported (March 16, 2017 article page 3 and editorial page 6) that I was the subject of debate in deliberations about a proclamation designating Jasper an “inclusive community”. The Mayor warned that the proclamation could have unforeseen consequences.

It seems to me that inevitably we will run into the elephant in the room that councillor Gilbert Wall spoke about a week ago, that is when you proclaim to be inclusive without limitation then you are forced to confront those with whom you might have the most profound disagreements. ~Mayor Richard Ireland

All the while there is the absolute assumption that I am guilty of a crime – a thought crime. Regardless of whether I am right or wrong – should that even be relevant for the acquisition of a busking licence? Did we once pride ourselves on having freedom of speech in Canada?

Various agencies in the town of Jasper have designated themselves judge, jury and enforcers against the alleged thought crimes of Monika Schaefer. All the while, there is never so much as a glimmer of introspection, not the slightest interest in making enquiries into the issues which I have raised. In fact, the opposite is true. The ferocious attack against me is designed to frighten anyone else from looking.

There is simply a blanket acceptance of the prevailing dogma, and anyone who dares question is guilty of “racial incitement”. The very act of questioning is criminalized. The nasty little label “hate speech” is applied, and that’s that. Evidence is not required when something is “self-evident”. The Doctrine of Judicial Notice allows courts to recognize as “fact” matters that are “common knowledge”. The victors write the history books, so when they say it is so, then it is so. They determine what becomes “common knowledge”.

Inclusive community is a fraudulent concept in Jasper. Diversity in Jasper does not include thoughts.

Dear Mayor and Councillors, is this what you call due process? Is this not an EXACT fulfillment of some of my concerns expressed earlier in the winter? I thought we had reached an understanding that playing music should have NOTHING to do with a person’s views. Are you going to stand by and support the Habitat in their fraudulent project? Is this your legacy, turning the righteous town of Jasper, all-inclusive Jasper, into a narrow thought-policing agency?

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the UN Declaration of Human Rights are not being respected here in this little town in the midst of a National Park and a World Heritage Site.

The Jasper Diversity Project is a sham. The Jasper busking program is a farce. The proclamation of Inclusive Community is a joke. And most especially, the Habitat for the Arts Values and Principles Statement, all about “learning never stops…, embrace new challenges and ideas…, grow through knowledge exchange and support…” earns all three descriptors: sham, farce and a joke.

Monika Schaefer

sent to Mayor and Council:


as well as to the Habitat for the Arts:


please copy to:

Dave Baker: betabake@gmail.com
Mark Fercho: mfercho@town.jasper.ab.ca
Bob Covey: bob@thejasperlocal.ca
Paul Clarke: editor@fitzhugh.ca
Monika Schaefer: monika_schaefer@hotmail.com

A Year and a Day — Monika Schaefer Reflects on A Year of Shunning & Persecution in Jasper, A Small “Inclusive” Town Driven Mad by Her Holocaust Heresy

A Year and a Day — Monika Schaefer Reflects on  A Year of Shunning & Persecution in Jasper, A Small “Inclusive” Town Driven Mad by Her Holocaust Heresy

Inline image 1

It is the one year anniversary since I went through a door. I was very well aware that once through this door, there was no going back. My life changed on June 17th, 2016, with the release of the “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust” video, followed a few days later with the German edition “Entschuldigung Mama, ich hatte Unrecht was den Holocaust betrifft”.


Though I had a sense of a serious transition in my life, I really had no idea what would follow. The intensity of reaction, both positive and negative, took my breath away. The video was translated with subtitles into 3 languages within the first 4 days. Spanishswedish and french. A transcript was made. The view count shot up. Within a month there were 60,000 views, and currently it has over 133,000 views on one channel alone only in English.

Apparently the video struck a chord. Who would have guessed it would resonate with so many people? Many have had similar experiences as I did – reproaching or resenting their parents for being part of a generation of monsters, only to find out that everything had been turned on its head. For those who reached similar conclusions as I had reached after much research, there was deep gratitude, relief and appreciation for the simple message in my video.

For those still stuck in the matrix of lies, the video came as a shock and surprise. For those whose identity and interests were threatened, I became a grave threat and was pronounced the enemy. I learned all about Ritual Defamation in a town which boasts tolerance, inclusiveness, and “embraces diversity”.

Victims of ritual defamation become ostracized, shunned, humiliated, and isolated. An attempt is made to destroy the victim economically as well as socially. Mental poison is injected into the community, and it infects many well-meaning people.

Organizations and political parties stepped over each other to make a public show of expelling me. The Alberta Society of Fiddlers, the Jasper Environmental Association, the Alberta Green Party, the Green Party of Canada, all gave me the boot, and put it loudly into the record. The media dutifully reported, using weaponized words to trigger the programs that had been drip-fed into people’s brains to react in a predictable manner. “Neo-nazi holocaust denying hater!” What do those words actually mean? Nothing!

I wonder how many of my former friends took even twenty minutes, or perhaps three hours of their lives to view one or two or all three of the recommended videos at the end of my 6 minute video, before throwing away our friendship. Why would they not want to look into why I was making controversial statements which went contrary to everything we have been told all our lives about “the holocaust”? Do they really believe that I had suddenly lost my mind? Or were they afraid of what they might learn?

Many have told me outright that they will not discuss this topic, they refuse to look at it, refuse to debate it, refuse to question anything about it which would run contrary to what we have been told all our lives. It seems clear to me that this refusal to even look is the result of the psychological warfare that has been conducted against us. Do the weaponized words frighten us into submission? Does it make sense to ostrasize and shun a dissenter while refusing to look into the subject?

Why would there need to be laws to defend their holocaust if it really happened? They could show the evidence instead. Only lies need to be protected by laws. If the event was so rock-solid like they always tell us it is, they would not fear investigation. To me, the existence of laws against questioning “the holocaust” is enough to tell me there is something wrong with the story. I can never understand the mentality of people who tell me “you see Monika, the laws prove that you are wrong!” instead of recognizing the absurdity of the need for a law to protect a story.

It strikes me that real genocides are suppressed while the fictitional one is stoked up with a fury which seems to grow stronger every year. Real genocides such as the Holodomor are hardly known while Jewish “holocaust studies” are becoming mandatory curriculum in many places around the world.

This short introductory video to the “Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust” website is one of the so-called crimes which caused Professor Anthony Hall to be suspended from his tenured position at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta. Any thinking person should recognize that there is something deeply wrong when a history professor is persecuted for saying we should be able to examine our history.

No Regrets

The old saying “the truth will set you free” is really true. In spite of some hardships, I have a deep sense of peace and serenity. This stems from the clarity in my mind and heart and soul, that I have truth on my side. We are at the core of the peace movement when we seek to tell the truth. Lies and deceptions are what bring us wars and turmoil. Remember the Mossad motto: By way of Deception, thou shall do war.

There are “red-pilled” people everywhere. That I have learned for sure, as I have heard from many of them. They are in every little town, village and hamlet. The people are waking up in droves, every single day. The rate of awakening is explosive. There is no doubt in my mind that truth and light will prevail.

The fact that there is such a ferocious attempt to stifle dissent proves that Jewish Power depends on mass deception. An awakening will destroy that power. Why else would they need to silence anyone who steps out of line? Why else would they feel so threatened by truth revealers, if their power did not depend on keeping the people deceived, deluded, distracted and demoralized? If their power did not depend on us being asleep, they would not be in such a panic when some of us wake up.

For that reason, I know there is hope! I also know we have our work cut out for us, as the demoralization runs deep. Each and every one of us really has no choice but to do everything in our own power and ability to contribute to the ripple effect of the grand awakening. We must educate ourselves and educate others. Many many people are doing just that, and that includes Jews as well as Gentiles.

I, for one, will not stop!

Topham, M-103, Anti-Islamophobia, Schaefer — Free Speech Battles in the Spring of 2017

Paul Fromm is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression. Vancouver, April 23, 2017

Dear Arthur: The world owes you an Apology and a great big Thank-You.

Dear Arthur: The world owes you an Apology and a great big Thank-You.

First the Apology. For ten years of harassment, invasion and intrusion, and a giant legal battle. All for telling the truth. In a world where truth and lies are inverted, in a world where everything is turned upside-down, your truth-telling has been deemed a crime.

Now the Thank You. Your principled and valiant truth-telling , unwavering in the face of huge obstacles, has been momentous! You have enlightened and inspired untold many of us. The ripple effect of your work will grow into a tsunami of Light and Truth.


Great Truth Teller Silenced, but Message is Unstoppable

Arthur Topham of Quesnel B.C. has been sentenced to silence for now, after a 10 year legal battle. His crime is that he fearlessly wrote about the state of the world in his online website RadicalPress.com, and that was just too much for the Zionist Powers to bear.

Those who feel threatened by a peaceful man expressing his views online are obviously very nervous and afraid. If there was nothing to hide and if these online publishings were so erroneous as they would like us to believe, this group would not feel threatened. Arthur Topham would simply be ignored. The reaction alone should be enough to trigger people to question: what is it that is so taboo to say?

Trying to stop the truth from coming out is as futile as if you were trying to drink the lake dry to prevent drowning in it. Even the modern-day book burnings cannot succeed in vaporizing the truth. The truth is emerging at an exponential rate, and these desparate attempts by the Powers-That-Be to silence truth-tellers are a show of their panic.


Harry Abrams and Richard Warman are the two men who initiated the legal assault against Arthur Topham. Those are their names. Arthur was not allowed to ever mention their names during those years of legal battle because somehow they feared it might bring danger to their lives. Now what about the danger they posed to Arthur, endlessly defaming him?!

In a trial by jury in October-November 2015, Arthur Topham was found guilty on one count and not guilty on another count of exactly the same charge, namely, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to section 319(2) of Criminal Code of Canada. The identical two charges were for different time periods.

In the Canadian court of law, the burden of proof switches to the defense to affirm that there was no ‘hate’ under CCC  section 319(2). The prosecution need not produce victims of the alleged hatred. What is ‘hate’ but an emotion? How does anybody know what is in someone else’s head?

One of the defenses is 319(2)(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true. Again, how can anyone prove that Arthur Topham did not believe what he was writing? Are they mind-readers?

For an interesting commentary of the extraordinary trial and background, please see this article by Eve Mykytin. She is an American lawyer who attended the second week of the trial. She covers, for example, the story of Len Rudner who was established as an expert witness for the Crown. His written expert opinion was identical to the written expert opinion submitted by Bernie Farber who was originally supposed to be the Crown’s expert witness. (Farber pulled out of his commitment when he learned that he would not be permitted to appear via video-link.) Yet Len Rudner told the court that he himself was the author of his “expert opinion”. Rudner also had tried to have Arthur Topham’s website shut down before the trial. Conflict of interest, is it not? Still, he was permitted to be an expert witness. Very strange, to say the least.

Arthur’s Crime

It can be fairly assumed that Arthur Topham’s parody on the infamous book Germany Must Perish was the item which caused the jury to give a guilty verdict, as the publishing of that parody fell within the “guilty” time period. Germany Must Perish was written in 1941 by an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, and it was generally praised and promoted at that time by the mainstream media (MSM).

The sheer monstrosity of the book is breathtaking, and even more shocking is the fact that it was not condemned when it appeared in 1941. Theodore Kaufman concocted a sick plan to annihilate the German people, the stated goal being that Germany must perish. The plan was to hire thousands of surgeons to sterilize all German men of reproductive age, and voilà, no more Germans. Gone Forever.

The hateful book was subsequently almost forgotten, until Arthur Topham found a provocative way to bring attention to the hideousness of that genocidal text. He reproduced portions of the book word for word, except that he replaced “Germany” with “Israel” and “Germans” with “Jews”. Germany Must Perish became Israel Must Perish, and so on. The two texts, original and parody, appeared side by side on his website.

In a trick of Orwellian Doublespeak, B’nai Brith Canada now tells the world that Arthur Topham called for Jews to be forcibly sterilized. No context, nothing. It is crazy making! It is just another glaring example of how B’nai Brith and the MSM engage in deliberate deception to turn reality 100% on its head. Unless someone has been following the case very closely, the uninformed general public has no reason to doubt the story they are told about how Arthur Topham called for sterilization of the Jews. People cannot even check for themselves, because the website has been taken down, as part of sentencing.

In these times of universal deceipt, the messenger who seeks to warn us about the villain, is himself labelled the villain. 

Perhaps the members of the jury did not understand the meaning of satire or parody. Or perhaps the convoluted court proceedings or the instructions given by the judge curtailed their ability to perceive it this way. The jury members are also not immune to the mind-contaminating effects of all the toxic lies and atrocity propaganda we have been subjected to since birth. We have been programmed to respond in specific ways to certain words, these words being the number one weapon in the psychological warfare being conducted on us without most of us realizing it.

Judge Admits There Was No Incitement

He does not call for violence; his views were political satire. It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence.

~ the judge said during the sentencing proceedings.

By these words, does the judge basically exonerate Arthur Topham? Methinks so. 

Topham told the court,

I felt that I had a duty as a Canadian citizen to alert the general public of an imminent threat… the interests of the Jewish lobby.

He also expressed gratitude that his concerns had been brought to the record.

B’Nai B’rith Very Disappointed

From the Times of Israel article: B’nai B’rith was not satisfied with the sentence, tweeting that it “is very disappointed by lenient sentence for Arthur Topham, convicted of promoting #antisemitism.”

The CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, Michael Mostyn, said that

the timing is especially disturbing, as Canada’s Jewish community reels from a series of bomb threats against our community centers, inspired by the same hateful ideology that drives Mr. Topham. [He] is a committed and unrepentant Jew-hater, who persisted in publishing lurid anti-Semitic content on his website throughout this legal process. Canada’s laissez-faire approach to hate crimes continues to fail minority groups and puts them at increased risk of attacks against their lives or property.

This is interesting in light of the news that an American-Israeli Jewish teen has just been arrested in connection with a series of bomb threats against Jewish institutions on several continents. Good timing Mr. Mostyn, very disturbing indeed.

 Canada’s Hate Speech Laws – Who Do They Serve?

Well said Arthur! If some things are not permitted to be said, then we do not have freedom of speech. Period.

I have heard seemingly intelligent people repeat the mantra which has been programmed into their heads “but hate speech is not the same as free speech”! I say to them, who determines what “hate” speech is? Who controls the Mass Media? Who controls Hollywood? Who controls our law-makers?

Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth.

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. ~ Voltaire

THANK YOU ARTHUR TOPHAM for your service to humanity! Enjoy the imposed quiet time. The torch is being passed forward. There are countless torch carriers.

Mehr Licht!

Monika Schaefer Asks to Appear As A Delegation at Jasper Town Council to Appeal Being Banned from Busking for Her Political Views

Monika Schaefer Asks to Appear As A Delegation at Jasper Town Council to Appeal Being Banned from Busking for Her Political Views


ovember 2, 2016

Mark Fercho

Chief Administrative Officer, Jasper Alberta

cc to Mayor and Councillors, and the Habitat for the Arts staff

bcc list extensive

Dear Mr Fercho,


To follow up after my appearance at yesterday’s council meeting, I am requesting a space on the agenda of a town council meeting in the near future. The purpose of my presentation will be to address the busking issue.

I am confident that we will resolve this with a positive outcome, and I look forward to letting people around the world know, who are watching closely. I fully expect to be playing my violin on the streets of Jasper come Spring 2017.


It is hardly a secret that I have been denied a busking permit during the summer of 2016 for the alleged reason of my “publicly proclaimed non-inclusive beliefs”. TheJasper Community Habitat for the Arts was given the authority to sell busking licenses on behalf of the town, and Habitat employee David Baker denied me the license. During the summer I tried unsuccessfully to have a meeting with David Baker to discuss the matter. On August 16th Prof Anthony Hall was informed by staff in the administrative office that it was Marianne Garrah who was responsible. Both Dave Baker and Marianne Garrah are on copy of this email.

My appearance at the council meeting on November 1st was unscheduled. Thank you, Mayor Ireland, for giving me a moment to speak.  I politely stopped talking when Councillor Wall intervened after about 2 minutes, and said I was out of order because I was not on the agenda. I would like to point out, however, that many rules and conventions have been broken all summer long in prohibiting me, a long-time and upstanding citizen of Jasper, from busking. I feel that I would not have been out of line had I insisted on another 5 minutes of Council’s time thereby slightly bending “the rules”.

Everyone knows the story, and there has been a stunning and shameful silence from Council on this matter. It is high time that we have a frank discussion of what exactly went down in Jasper Alberta Canada in the summer of 2016 with regards to freedom of expression and inclusiveness (NOT!) of someone that has a “politically incorrect” view of history.

Broken Rules

What might I be referring to when I suggest that many rules and conventions have been broken? Since we are in a National Park in a World Heritage Site, let us start big.

Article 19 of the United Nations Declaration on Universal Human Rights (UNDUHR):

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Let us continue with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 2, which ensures freedom of thought and expression:

“2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

(d) freedom of association.”

Now let us look at some of the statements in the Habitat’s own Values and Principles statement, which had been forwarded to me along with the curt email denying me a licence, as if to say that I contravened their values and principles.

“…We believe that learning never stops

… We embrace new challenges and ideas…

We help each other grow through knowledge exchange and support.

We respect diversity…”

With respect, I say that it is the Habitat staff themselves who seriously breached their own Values and Principles.

The Situation with Monika Schaefer and Busking in Jasper


MonikaSchaeferTruth Revealer

I am a peaceful and innocent person. It is as simple as that. I have not been charged or found guilty of any crime. Where is the accountability of the licencing agency passing judgement on who should or should not receive a licence, based on what? Whatever happened to the notion of “innocent until proven guilty”? The Habitat and town treatment of me in Jasper is more akin to a witch-hunt.

This denial of busking permit was not the only shutting-out of me since June 2016. Canada Day gig was cancelled, and Parks Canada prohibited me from playing at their music nights, all due to protests being threatened. Don’t we have a police force to keep the peace? I am banned from the Legion of all places – haven’t we been told that the veterans fought for freedoms, including freedom of speech? Public declarations were made by at least one prominent individual that Monika Schaefer is not welcome in Jasper. Does that kind of public declaration not pose a potential danger to me? What shameful behaviour in a country that boasts freedom of speech!

More to the point of this letter, what exactly do my political and historical views have to do with playing music in the streets? NOTHING!

Should the busking permit not be more appropriately based on performing ability? I have proven myself many times over in that capacity, judging by all the requests to play my violin at fundraisers over the years and decades in Jasper.

I obviously broke a sacred taboo. Never question the singular event known as “The Holocaust”. Even if the official historiography has changed many times over the decades, and even if the so-called holocaust historians themselves have admitted many lies, for example the soap, shrunken heads and lampshades, even if, if, if…, one may not question anything about this event! This makes it a religious dogma. Take note of 2(a) of the Canadian Charter above, freedom of conscience and religion. Take note of 2(b), freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.


The following url leads you to one person’s intervention on my behalf.


I know that there were many letters by others as well. Some of those were copied to town council, some were only sent to Dave Baker. Some were copied to me, and some were not. Many were supportive of me, and undoubtedly some were not. Yet others may have posed as being supportive, but were in fact undermining me by throwing in some kind of poison pill such as profanity or insults. That is a strategy that is used by agents or trolls who do not support the cause. I have learnt many things in the last few months about how these things work.

Who knows if Dave Baker gathered and compiled the letters of intervention or not? Those which were not copied to others could easily have been dismissed and ended up in the trash. We have no idea of accountability. Nevertheless, I am quite sure that you are aware that many people from far and wide wrote in support of me, and are watching what happens in this little “Gingerbread Town” of Jasper. Yes, we live in a nice little fairy tale town. Folks don’t like anybody to rock the boat, as they might get wet.

Busking Pilot Project Trial

Sometime between August 16th and 19th, you responded to Anthony Hall’s third letter of intervention on my behalf. It was a short letter which did not specifically address any of the issues that Anthony Hall raised, nor is my name mentioned. Here is the contents of the letter as a reminder, and for the councillors to review.

Dear Anthony James,

Thank you for your email, your detailed comments about the busking pilot project are appreciated.

The 2016 Busking Pilot Project is intended to trial busking in Jasper and gain community feedback, this is the second summer that busking has been tested in the Municipality of Jasper. The 2016 summer busking pilot project was set for three locations in town and will end soon with the coming of fall.

Upon completion of the 2016 busking pilot project we will survey the community with specific questions about the busking pilot project. The survey results will be combined with feedback such as yours received through the summer about the challenges, successes and issues experienced during the trial run of busking in Jasper. The results will then be presented to Mayor and Council for direction.


Mark Fercho

Chief Administrative Officer

Municipality of Jasper

I wonder what kind of questions you are seeking answers for when you solicit feedback. Are you asking for the musician’s ideas on politics or history? Or might you be asking more relevant questions such as those suggested in Anthony Hall’s letter of August 19, 2016:

1. Did the residents enjoy the presence of music in the streets?

2. Did the visitors enjoy this new cultural feature in the Jasper town centre?

3. How did the buskers themselves feel about the venues presented to them, including the three fixed busking locations?

4. Were businesses adversely affected, or did they profit from an increase in customer traffic in the town centre?

5. Did regulated busking contribute to keeping visitors in town longer, adding to Jasper’s financial activity?

When is this survey to take place? Who is designing the survey? Or is it simply a compilation of feedback already garnered? Who is being targeted for questioning? Who is it accountable to? Will it be public and transparent?

Request to Speak

I am asking for an opportunity to address council, in a regular council meeting. It is my request as a 35-year long resident of Jasper no less, to speak to these issues, and have it be put on the public record.

thank you,

Monika Schaefer