Hear Dr Stephen Malthouse in Kelowna, Watch “The Convoy that United the Country & Scared Trudeau” & Uninformed Consent & Attend Freedom Rallies This Weekend in the Okanagan — Kelowna, Penticton, OK City, Oliver & Osoyoos

Headlining this weekend.

1.  First: Dr Stephen Malthouse speaking at the C.L.E.A.R. Rally in Kelowna, Stuart Park at noon.

CarPool from Main and Warren – Meet at 10:30, leave by 10:45 a.m. Deck your cars with flags!

Then head on over to the Sandman Hotel, 2130 Harvey Avenue for the 2:30 showing of…

2.  “Uninformed Consent”, the movie.

     PLUS Dr Stephen Malthouse and Todd Harris Q&A LIVE!

Scroll down for more details.


Then Sunday…


   This Sunday, Aug 21st – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.


Important updates, open mike, cold drinks, August Druthers, and free hugs.  Miss a week and you miss a lot. Bring friends. ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).   1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4.     Screening of the new Canadian documentary Uninformed Consent in Kelowna on Saturday, August 20th See Below 5.     Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Tuesdays at noon. Meet at his office at 301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square). We will bring the new brochure ”What is Informed Consent” to pass out this coming Tuesday.  

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Also going on in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies https://penticton4freedom.com/events/

            Osoyoos 10:30 am

Oliver 12 noon

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park – Dr. Stephen Malthouse speaking August 20

                        Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am

——————————- o0o————————————- Actions and Items of Interest “Uninformed Consent” – the Movie – Kelowna The screening of the new Canadian documentary Uninformed Consent in Kelowna on Saturday, August 20th. The screening will be followed by a Q & A with Dr. Stephen Malthouse and Todd Harris, director of Uninformed Consent. Location:  Sandman Hotel 2130 Harvey Kelowna Time: Doors open at: 2:00 PM Screening: 2:30 – 4:30 PM Q & A: 4:30 – 5:30 PM FILM SYNOPSIS: An in-depth look into the Covid 19 narrative, who’s controlling it and how it’s being used to inject an untested, new technology, into almost every person on the planet. This film explores our recent loss of human rights while weaving in the devastating impact of mandates and the deeply powerful story of one man’s loss. Trailer 1 https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-documentary-teaser Trailer 2 https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-teaser-ii Trailer 3 https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-teaser-iii More details about the documentary can be found at: https://librti.com/uninformed-consent ——————————- o0o————————————-

Nurturing Our Warriors – Stress Management

If you were not able to join the first session of an ongoing series on stress management here is the link


Our second zoom meeting will be held on August 25th at 6:00 PM (PST) Each session includes demonstrated techniques for managing stress on a day-to-day basis, as well as introductions to freedom-friendly practitioners who are there to help you individually. Watch for the link in our next email or by checking in on our Events page on the 23rd.https://penticton4freedom.com/events/

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VCC LIVE WEDNESDAYS  – Wed, Sep 7, 8:30 pm ET, 5:30 pm Pacific Time – Parents with Questions

Parents with Questions will resume on Sept 7 as a monthly event that takes place on the first Wednesday of each month whereby, we invite parents to ask their questions. This initiative is a collaboration with Canada Health Alliance, Canadian Frontline Nurses, and Vaccine Choice Canada. Bring your questions about childhood illness, vaccines, health, and wellness. Our goal is to help young parents and parents-to-be navigate the mixed messages about health and childhood vaccines.   Register here – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsc-yhrTgrHtH3IQmog9qITN-uM0qmv4xf

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Save the date!!

September 11th Candlelight Vigil at Dusk

Details to follow in upcoming emails and at our rallies. A Vigil to support those who have suffered harm during the COVID-19 Plandemic.

(Note: Mary Lou had announced August 27 as the date for this event at last Sunday’s rally, but with further discussion, a decision was made to take advantage of an important date in history and in the every-day consciousness of people around the world.)

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The Convoy That United the Country (and terrified Trudeau) A Very Moving Video

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms presents The Convoy that United the Country, which premiered at the 2022 George Jonas Freedom Award dinner honouring Tamara Lich. (Ctrl+Click) WATCH HERE 

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!


Mary Lou Gutscher



Support the Farmers’ Convoy (No Farmers; No Food) & Other Freedom Events in the Okanagan, July 1 & 17: Kelowna, Penticton, Osoyoos & OK Falls & It’s Not Too Late to Fight C-11 (Internet Censorship) http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=7745

Ocean to Ocean Farmers Convoy

No Farmers No Food!!

Saturday, July 16 Kelowna 10:45 am

From Rutland area in Kelowna to the CLEAR Ocean to Ocean Rally at the Bear.

For details …   https://penticton4freedom.com/events/convoy-for-farmers/

For those attending the Kelowna rally from Penticton – Car Pool at Main and Warren at 10:30, wait for passengers until 10:45 then head north to the rally.



   This Sunday, July 17 – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.


Important updates, open mike, free hugs. The July Druthers is here!! And a possible surprise speaker. And Later on Sunday…   July 17th Potluck Party in the Park 5 pm Skaha Lake Park (near the gazebo) Bring a dish to share, a lawn chair, a musical instrument (if you play), and Smiles Let’s let down our hair and just R-E-L-A-X! Guests are welcome!   ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).   1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4.     Okanagan Freedom Radio any time – https://t.me/+SWxndPh1I9F2Iu-q    

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Also going on in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies https://penticton4freedom.com/events/

            Osoyoos 11:00 am

            OK Falls 11:30 am

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park

                        Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am

            Oliver 12 noon

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Dutch Farmers

Dutch farmers are standing up to government policies designed to transition to the New Green World Order. Farmers declare these policies an assault on humanity. Read HERE

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Bill C-11- we need YOU!

Bill C-11 is in second reading in the Senate already – and STILL gives the CRTC unprecedented power to regulate YOUR videos, podcasts, Spotify feeds, Netflix queue, and more. If enough of us speak out, Senators may take action to protect YOUR rights. Email the Senate right now to demand they fix Bill C-11!

This is easy – Fill in the blanks and press send!!!


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Citizens’ Hearing Summary and Highlights

A detailed summary and highlights of the testimony for all three days of the Citizens’ Hearing – Examining Canada’s Covid Response.


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“Uninformed Consent” Movie Premier – This is what we’ve been waiting for!!

Will you help us get the TRUTH out? 

 Todd Harris, from Matador Films, has put his heart and soul into the making of his new featured documentary “Uninformed Consent”

The film is really, really good! It exposes the lies of the mainstream narrative while weaving in an emotional story of one man’s loss. 

You can help us get the TRUTH out to millions! 

Can we count on you? 

1.) Please WATCH and SHARE the “Uninformed Consent” trailers as far and wide as you possibly can. 

Share Trailer #1: https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-documentary-teaser 
Share Trailer #2: https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-teaser-ii 

Share Trailer #3: https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-teaser-iii

2.) SHARE the Premiere Event Website

Our Premiere Event on July 23rd is our special fundraising event to help raise the money needed for Todd to create more powerful documentary films like this one. We MUST support our fearless independent media creators in this time of unprecedented censorship. 

Please invite your friends to register for the Premiere Event:


Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!


Mary Lou Gutscher



PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES — Freedom Rallies & Slow Roll Convoy Through the Okanagan


Don’t miss these important dates!
And Remember to bring two friends with you!    PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES   Thank you, Marcel Irnie for the Photos in Penticton on March 6th.     https://youtu.be/Hqo4Rrmp0Ik     Survey Results

Thank you to everyone that participated in the survey that was sent out. We have read all the comments and appreciate the input. If you are interested in the results, please view them here. Of course, we will keep the comments private.     https://www.surveymonkey.com/stories/SM-CZK32SCW/      

RALLY Sunday, March 13th Penticton at 1:00 PM– Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up! Music. Fun. Guest Speakers Come visit our literature table. Our supply of the latest Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains, other literature, too. BRING FRIENDS! They will leave inspired!   RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  

Rally at Richard Cannings’ office
Tuesday, March 15, 12:00 Noon – meet at his office   301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square).
Let’s show Mr Cannings that his public comments denying us a voice are unacceptable and his accusations are not fact-based.  He is NOT representing the individual rights of his electors, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but violating them with his public announcements. Bring signs with appropriate messages. No foul language.     Planning Meetingimage.pngThursday, March 17th – 5:30 pm Potluck dinner. 6:30 pm to 8 pm Meeting
 Agenda: Convoys, rallies, literature tables, volunteer opportunities, weekly actions, Common Law report, updates on current initiatives, and new initiatives. Please contact Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 if you want a spot on the agenda       Community-Wide Prayer Location: Penticton War Memorial (besides the courthouse) When: Every Sunday 7 pm   Who: anyone who would like to pray towards a peaceful resolution to the current state of Canada, our freedoms, our leaders and our legal system (everyone is invited). Please bring a candle in a jar. If you play an instrument, please come prepared with appropriate songs for reflection and worship.    image.png

Sunday, March 20, 1:00 pm

More information to follow 😊

Ted Kuntz – Vaccine Choice Canada

The Red Pill Rapper

Special guest speaker from Police4Freedom

And more…Be there or be square! (Does that tell you how old I might be?)


 Visit https://www.canadamarches.ca/ where there is a live tracker and a blog. Jump on the website and see what you can do to support James.   Thank you to Marcel for the great coverage, great videos of James Topp’s Journey through the South Okanagan. Click the links provided below.
https://youtu.be/8e3G3FK_ZkI   https://youtu.be/TQDGzdpw5F0    
OLIVER EVENTS   Saturday, March 12th at 1 PM in front of Town Hall.  Bring friends, your enthusiasm, and signs!!!

  OSOYOOS EVENTS- image.png 
  Let’s do this Osoyoos/Oliver!!    KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies – with David Lindsay. Visit https://clearbc.org/events for Kelowna and other city updates.


 Saturday, March 12, 2022 – The Okanagan Slow Roll to the Osoyoos Border is back!!

Vernon to Osoyoos and the border – Join in along the way! Saturday, March 12. Vehicles from Salmon Arm will link up with the Okanagan Freedom Convoy in Vernon, then leave Vernon heading south at 9:30 a.m.
The first vehicles are expected to reach Penticton around 12 noon or shortly after and could take an hour or more to pass completely. Updates as we receive them. Follow on the Zello app.


Saturday, March 12 – Meet at 11:30 to show your support for the convoy at the end of the Parkway Channel.  There is lots of parking there immediately west of the bridge. With gas prices climbing, it’s a good place to make new friends, CARPOOL and share the trip costs. If you have ever tubed the channel, you’ll recognize that this is where you get off the rafts. We’ll park there and cheer on the convoy as it goes by, then any who wishes can join the convoy at the end of the line.

Those who can’t make it to the meeting spot can still join the convoy from wherever you have an entry point directly into the shoulder lane so you can avoid having to cross lanes of traffic to join up.

Make as good an estimate as you can of when the convoy might be coming by your chosen resting spot.   IS CRYPTO THE ANSWER?  image.png

  We are all concerned about the safety and stability of our bank accounts and preserving the value of our personal assets given the actions of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal government. We recognize the value of cash and investing in precious metals such as gold and silver, but most of us are unsure of the role of cypto currency in securing our assets. To help explain the basics and where the opportunities might be, we have invited a panel of experts for a National call this Thursday, March 10th at 7:00 PM EST. Join us for this very important and timely discussion about an option we should all learn more about. To register: thu.vaccinechoicecanada.com  

We’ll see you later this week!

Mary Lou Gutscher



James Topp to Speak in Penticton Sunday, March 6 http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=7306

See James Topp speaking out for Freedom. https://www.bitchute.com/video/BAb2LrqVWO0K/   PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES
  RALLY Sunday, March 6 Penticton at 1:00 PM– Let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up! 

Speakers      Alex – One of the Convoy for Freedom Ottawa coordinators.   
   Milla Cook – Managing restrictions, a brave 14-year old’s perspective.     
James Topp – Marching for Freedom Speaking at our rally Sunday! James Topp is marching for all our Freedoms and invites you to join him for a few kilometres as he marches through the Okanagan on his way to Ottawa. He is in the Okanagan now and could use some support. 

Visit https://www.canadamarches.ca/ where there is a live tracker and a blog. They are needing gas cards, cheering stations and other support. Jump on the website and see what you can do. LET’ S CHEER HIM ON!   Come visit our literature table. You’ll be delighted with the selection of items. Druthers and Pandemic Papers are already running low.  Make sure you get your copy. Books, key chains (Proud Member of the Fringe Minority), postcards, FREEDOM4CANADA BUMPER STICKERS (Just in!) and other cool items. BRING FRIENDS!!. They will leave inspired!  

 RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.  

Community-Wide Prayer Location: Penticton War Memorial (beside the courthouse) When: Every Sunday 7 pm   Who: anyone who would like to pray towards a peaceful resolution to the current state of Canada, our freedoms, our leaders and our legal system (everyone is invited). Please bring a candle in a jar. If you play an instrument, please come prepared with appropriate songs for reflection and

Freedom Rallies in Penticton, Kelowna & Oliver, January 26 to February 5, 2022

Don’t miss these important dates! And Remember to bring two friends with you!   PENTICTON EVENTS & INITIATIVES  

Gooooo Truckers!!!! Amazing convoy of HOPE!         Sunday, January 30th Penticton at 1:00 PM start and we will hit the streets with our signs after the speaker  We had 300 join us last week, let’s Hold the line!!! Keep showing up!   To view the speakers from the World Wide Rally, go to https://youtu.be/teWikdfLxy4 You can also follow The Mad Watcher TV on many platforms.    
  BRING FRIENDS!!. They will leave inspired!  Other things available at this rally:
– Come visit our literature table and get ideas on ways to defend yourself and hold the perpetrators accountable! Meet your local Action4Canada reps. Pick up the most recent editions of Druthers, Common Ground, and the special edition of Pandemic Papers.


Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.
 Sign Making Event Thursday, February 3rd – 4 p.m. Come down, make a sign or two. We are so thankful we have signs for everyone at the Rally’s However we are GROWING, and we need more signs. Join us before the planning meeting, bring a dish to share and get creative.    image.png

Planning Meeting Thursday, February 3rd – For those who already know the location, please carpool directly there. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meeting start at 7:15. For those who do not know the location, please call 780-908-0309 before 5 p.m. on Thursday for directions.  Finger food potluck. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available.    Agenda To be announced- If you wish to be on the agenda, please contact Mary Lou directly.  

KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Show up  

January 26/22 at 11 am Media Rally in front of Castanet
455 Lawrence Ave Kelowna
Please mark this on your calendars and BE THERE!
OTHER INITIATIVES   Prayer Day for Freedom –  https://day4freedom.com/   

Feel the Freedom! Mask Off Day.  

Wednesday, February 2


OLIVER Takes OFF with their 1st Rally!!!

Saturday, February 5 from 1 – 2 PM. Bring friends and signs, let’s support OLIVER


Location: In front of City Hall in Oliver  If you are in a neighbouring community, join them, support them, WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!  

Mary Lou Gutscher




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Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


TIME CHANGE Sunday, January 2nd and weekly WINTER HOURS: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Penticton Freedom Rallies.



SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER Local athlete Fred Albrechtson, 19, shares how he went from being rated one of the top athletes in our area, to being refused entry in Cross Country Ski competitions (even with negative COVID tests) to being accepted as a competitor in the upcoming World Junior and Olympic trials.  

BRING STUDENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE. They will leave inspired!

Sunday, January 9th and weekly WINTER HOURS: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Penticton Freedom Rallies.


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Other things available at every rally:

The most recent editions of Druthers, Common Ground and the special edition of Pandemic Papers. Plenty of copies for you to share with friends and neighbours or to leave behind wherever you shop or in your building lobby.

– ACTION4CANADA Notices of Liability for you to sign, plus… a letter to James Miller, Managing Editor, Penticton Herald and city council member aspiring to become Mayor, concerning his conflict of interest and his unbalanced coverage of the news.

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS!

Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.

Penticton Rally Photos

Here are the pictures that Vlado took on Sunday, December 26th OH was this a cold day!!  Despite the weather, we had almost 3 times the number of people out compared to last year around this time. Penticton4Freedom is growing! You are all amazing for being out there!! https://photos.app.goo.gl/PNhKwQSEwFwEtHWf9 Thank you, Vlado!

Next Penticton Planning Meeting  Thursday, January 6th –  NEW LOCATION!!! –  For those who already know the location, please carpool directly there. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meeting start at 7:15. For those who do not know the location, respond to this email or please call 780-908-0309 before 5 p.m. on Thursday for directions.

Finger food potluck. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available. 

Worldwide Rally Sunday, January 23 Penticton – Please come to the planning meeting on Jan. 6. Let’s make this the event of the New Year! We’ve got Ted Kuntz confirmed as a speaker!! Woohoo!  More speakers TBA

·         Ted Kuntz -President of Vaccine Choice Canada. Author of the book “Dare to Question” http://daretoquestionvaccination.com/


Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rally’s @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- 

Worldwide Rally Saturday, January 22 Kelowna – Details to follow


Prayer Day for Freedom – January 22ndimage.png

January 22 and every 22nd of each month to follow. This is a day of unity and peace and of connecting hearts and minds to the cause of freedom through prayer and meditation throughout the day.  We invite all to join for as long and as often as possible on those special days.
  Go to   https://day4freedom.com/ , and share your intention to drop in on the 22nd by clicking “I Will Join”. Then come back on the 22ne and connect through a silent zoom connection any time from 12:01 a.m. to 12 midnight in every time zone on Earth. The power of meditative and prayerful intention can help us heal our world.   DAILY PRAYER Also, join us Sunday to Friday at 8:00 a.m. BC time as together we offer silent meditation and prayer for freedom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82237189941?pwd=MHNhNEppWWFUcWFadWJrMWRvcEYvQT09       THE MAMA BEAR PROJECT    Please see the attached PDF for more information and a link to the Mama Bear website to offer your support and volunteer.   For the many of us who believe that our primary mission now is to save the children, you may find this nationwide Mama Bear project is a perfect fit for you. With our Canadian governments already starting to vaxx kids as young as 5 years old, much support is needed for parents and teachers both to do what we can to prevent that and to make available the option of homeschooling. Mama bears is actively recruiting volunteers now!   Once you register at MAMABEARSPROJECT.COM, you will be put in touch with a volunteer in your area. Meanwhile, please email me to connect you with others in the area who are working to help parents defend their children and connect them with tools and support to keep them safe.   Peace and Love, 

Mary Lou Gutscher




Freedom Activities in Penticton/Kelowna, December 26 – January 22, 2022

Freedom Activities in Penticton/Kelowna, December 26 – January 22, 2022


Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


TIME CHANGE Sunday, December 26th, and weekly WINTER HOURS: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Penticton Freedom Rallies.

We’ll have the latest edition and lots of back issues of Druthers for you to share with friends or distribute in your area. The latest special  edition from Common Ground will also be there. More details about that below.

Remember that ACTION4CANADA reps Wayne and Derrick will be there with notices of liability for you to sign. Who’s next? JAMES MILLER Managing Editor, Penticton Herald and city council member aspiring to become Mayor: Conflict of interest and political stance. Against “Anti-Vaxxers” Let’s hold him accountable. Sign the accountability letter!!        

Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS!

Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall.

Penticton Rally Photos

Here are the pictures that Vlado took on Sunday, December 19th- https://photos.app.goo.gl/AwPMeAn6gFheC4Zp8  Thank you, Vlado!

Next Penticton Planning Meeting  Thursday, January 6th –  NEW LOCATION!!!   6:15 to 6:45 p.m. Note the time frame. Meet and park at our regular Sunday rally site – in the parking lot on the NE corner of Main Street and Warren Avenue. We will be carpooling from there.

Finger food potluck, too. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLEASE! Water, coffee, and tea will all be available.  

WorldWide Rally January 23 Penticton – Please come to the planning meeting Jan. 6. Let’s make this the event of the New Year!


Common Ground has published a special edition called The Pandemic Papers. We should have copies here for our next rally. 

BONUS!! We can have our own 4 page insert published if we wish. All we need is a dozen or more unpublished Letters to the Editor!
  CALL TO ACTION – Email us your unpublished Letters to the Editor so we can show the world what the major media has been keeping from them.


Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rally’s @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon-  No Rally on Christmas Day 

Worldwide Rally January 22 Kelowna – Details to follow

OTHER INITIATIVESPrayer Day for Freedom – Tomorrow – December 22


We invite our brothers and sisters globally to Join the World in an International DAY4FREEDOMDecember 22 and every 22nd of each month to follow. This is a day of unity and peace and of connecting hearts and minds to the cause of freedom through prayer and meditation throughout the day.  We invite all to join for as long and as often as possible on those special days.

Go to  https://day4freedom.com/ , and share your intention to drop in on the 22nd by clicking “I Will Join”. Then come back tomorrow and connect through a silent  Zoom connection any time from 12:01 a.m. to 12 midnight in every time zone on Earth. The power of meditative intention can help us heal our world.


Please see the attached PDF for more information and a link to the Mama Bear website to offer your support and volunteer.

For the many of us who believe that our primary mission now is to save the children, you may find this nationwide Mama Bear project is a perfect fit for you. With our Canadian governments already starting to vaxx kids as young as 5 years old, much support is needed for parents and teachers both to do what we can to prevent that and to make available the option of homeschooling. Mama bears is actively recruiting volunteers now!

Once you register at MAMABEARSPROJECT.COM, you will be put in touch with a volunteer in your area. Meanwhile, please email me to connect you with others in the area who are working to help parents defend their children and connect them with tools and support to keep them safe.



Mary Lou Gutscher


Penticton4Freedom@gmail.com image.png

Penticton Freedom Meetings & Other End the Lockdown Rallies in the Okanagan

Penticton Freedom Meetings & Other End the Lockdown Rallies in the Okanagan

Dear Advocates for Freedom,

Please note these upcoming events and I’ll see you there! (Note the corrections from last email. The two Wednesday meetings are on the 11th and the 25th. Thank you to all the hawk-eyes out there who caught the error. :0)

·         Wednesday, August 11, 6:30 p.m. – Penticton Activists meeting – Wild Scallion, 75 Front Street, Penticton

·         Wednesday, August 25, 6:30 p.m. – Penticton Activists meeting – Wild Scallion

o   Both meetings – 6:30 for dinner followed by our meeting inside.

o   Thank you, Al for hosting these important evenings and for the delicious menu items!!

·         Saturday, August 28 – 1 to 4 p.m. – Penticton Family Freedom Assembly 2.0 – Lackawanna Park

o   See poster attached – please forward to your contacts

o   GREAT NEWS! We’ve just had a confirmation from Cody Kuntz, the 18-year-old activist featured in this month’s Druthers, that he will be speaking at our event!

·         Every Sunday, noon to 2 p.m. – Rally in Penticton – Warren Avenue and Main Street  

o   Volunteer updates at 11:30 a.m.

·         Every Saturday, noon to 2:30 p.m. – C.L.E.A.R Rally in Kelowna, Stuart Park by the Bear


Remember to have compassion for those who innocently bought into the lies.

Getting together with like-minded individuals is a good antidote to all the fear and anger out there and helps us build strength and courage to help ourselves and others. And, it’s the only way to get real hugs.

I hope to see you (and hug you, if you’ll let me) again soon!

In freedom,

Mary Lou Gutscher

Report from Freedom Fighter Gordon Watson in British Columbia on the END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies

Report from Freedom Fighter Gordon Watson in British Columbia on the END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies

The spot where we protest in downtown Victoria is perfect for getting feedback from citizens who go by.  Katie has been on the scene since dissident voices began denouncing the Lockdown a year ago.   On Saturday she told me lately response to our presence on the doorstep of the Ministry of Health headquarters, is 75 percent favourable to us =  drastically up from when she started.  There is no movement of folks who ‘get it’ about the SCAMdemic, to take the contrary position.  In this authentic populist movement, the trend is our friend

On Saturday March 13 one of the “UN-acceptables”  *  brought her vintage boom-box and played Van Morrison’s new album.  Doing his bit, contributing to the soundtrack of our lives  … the poet asks:  
“Why are they working and why are we not?”  Eh?

As the states down south awaken,  what looms, is    momentary respite before the Tyrants abandon all pretence of fiscal sanity so the economy spirals down into the pigsty of the Parable of the Prodigal Son.   By which I mean = implosion of the value of fiat currency issued by the Federal Reserve System against the value of other nations’ currencies / the mother-of-all financial crises. For which the SARS 2 Covid 19 thing, is the cover story

If we aren’t yet in The End Times,  2020 gave us a glimpse of it.   Jesus Christ himself foretold that we will be jostling with “the swine” for something to eat.   Read the Bible, folks. And ALL of it.  As you do, ask for wisdom identifying the Prodigal Son and also the “swine” in that Parable.   My own interpretation as derived from a lifetime of studying the theme of National Salvation  …. often called the British Israel interpretation of Biblical prophecy …is, the most politically-incorrect thing that can be said these days.   That Caucasians are True Israel.  Our God chastens those whom He loves. He allows the enemies of Israel to prevail, for a while,  to discipline us.  We are being humbled for having despised our heritage during the last century of profligate living.   

What if that peculiar interpretation is so?  Then the tsunami of racial aliens invading our territory is the communist agenda outworking … creating a permanent welfare class with which to drag America down to Third World conditions subservient to the antichrist UN.    After the Democrats stole the election,  the Republic alongside the Dominion of Canada, both founded in Christianity, are in the grip of crypto commies shamelessly crowing in Time magazine how they clambered up to the high office of the Presidency by hook and by crook.  

No mere coincidence the BC New Democrats used the same grand Myth ie. the PLAN-demic,  to the same end.  John Horgan & Co ‘stole a march’ in British Columbia.  And before my critics start yelping about that assertion, read the report of the Ombudsman from last summer Extraordinary Times Extraordinary Measures. Jay Chalke says that what the NDP  did – using the Emergency Power Act as excuse to avoid putting a law of general applicability before the Legislature, so as to pretend government by cabinet Order  – is illegal to start with.

Of course, many people will be so relieved when the diktats finally go away, that they’ll try just to get back to where they left off.  Not me : not some of us who are insulted to the very core of our being by such wickedness in high places.

What we must do,  is;  restore the Westminster model of representative government as promised in the Terms of Union in 1871.  Which requires,  first : identifying the perpetrators of this gross medical mal-practice.   Naming names, compiling evidence with which to make the case for prosecution of the race Traitors.   Then – after all due process of law –  putting them away in prison.    Those who knowingly participated in this crime against humanity ought to be executed for Treason.  Ideally : by firing squad televised live to the nation.  That won’t happen,  but public opprobrium is appropriate so the names of godless socialistas  Horgan,  Dix, Farnworth and the one fronting their criminal conspiracy … Doctor Henry  … go down in infamy.  

         Of course I’m aware that what I say comes off as IN-sanity,  today. Yet the role of the prophetic type is to tell the nation what it needs to hear, versus what volk want to hear.  For the past year, soft words and comforting noises issuing from the pulpits of so-called “Christian churches” abetted UNethical Doktor Henry.  False shepherds Pulpit parrots all singing from the same songbook =  the Central Party Line =  are what let the tragedy unfold.    

            By hiding from the electorate the bombshell news about the Site C dam disaster Mr Horgan snatched a mandate for 4 more years.  That 2020 victory at the polls was the NDP’s highwater mark.  As the electorate catches on to his rank perfidy, the NDP is in freefall to the very bottom of the barrel.   His administration demonstrates the Peter Principle >  people rise to the level of their incompetence. 

       They are characterologically UN-able to admit the mistake they made. So they just make it up as they go. Dr Henry and Solicitor General Farnworth amending ministerial and Public Health Orders on the fly, admitting out loud there is no science behind them!   Such bumbling is a moving target so the paperwork of anyone preparing to challenge an Order in Court, is always out of date. At the outset of the hearing in court last week, the lawyer for the govt. side argued the Churches’ Petition was not properly framed in that it pointed at Orders no longer extant.   That got laughed out of court quickly. 

It’s sobering to realize that, parroting the cry of   “Awk ! covid!”   Premier Horgan et al. managed to borrow 10 times more funds in one year, than British Columbia has ever done before.   With interest rate at an all-time low, that appears do-able at first blush. But we know one thing fersure … when confidence is lost, interest rates go hyperbolic

Revolutions are nearly always tax revolts.    Once it becomes clear how – and by whom – British Columbia was sold out to the Bankxsters,  critical mass of resentment will move tax payers to turn on the politicians who did it.    I am just getting warmed up : the campaign to have John Horgan removed as an MLA according with the Recall law, starts here.

it does bother me slightly that,  in the accompanying photo,  I resemble Karl Marx. Reason being: no haircut in a year.  Meanwhile, I haven’t been compelled to put on the muzzle, either

Finally : I most strongly urge readers to get a copy of the new newspaper  DRUTHERS
The Free Press   The People’s Friend   The Tyrant’s Foe

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

* Dr Bonnie’s perjorative for us, whimpering on national tv that she feels our presence outside her office is a threat to her personal safety

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