“Because it Ain’t Over” — Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan July 30-31: Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, OK Falls, Oliver, & Osoyoos

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over

We will not get boosters every nine months!


July 30, 2022

Tamara Lich is released!

In a most fortuitous turn of events, freedom activist Tamara Lich has just been released from custody on July 26, 2022. However, it is not only her release that is of significance, but the terminology utilized by a Superior Court of Justice that has materiality.

Ms. Lich was appearing before a Superior Court of Justice on a review of the decision of a JP to refuse to release her earlier this month. This, after she was arrested and held in custody for a week, for political purposes, simply to prevent her from appearing to the freedom Canada Day celebrations.

Judge: The likelihood to re-offend and the risk to the community remains low.

While on release, there has been strict compliance with the conditions save for the picture with Mr. Marazzo, and there is a very live question about whether there was a breach at all.

Two JPs opined the case for the Crown was strong. However, two Superior Court justices noted the challenges of the Crown’s case. I share that view.

Ms. Lich is not charged with sedition or inciting a riot. While the protests were of national import…the charges here relate to minor offences in the Criminal Code I find it highly unlikely this 49yr old woman with no criminal record…would spend any more time in jail.

This is a strong notice to the Crown, that their case is visibly weak, a finding shared by two (2) Superior Court Justices. These Justices are far higher in rank than some lowly, politically appointed JP who merely follows orders.

It is further notice to the politically motivated Attorney General, that even if it now goes to trial and a conviction is entered, Tamara will not be spending any more time in jail.

This is a strong warning to the Crown. For a Justice to issue these strong statements, before a trial and upon the evidence presently available, implies a stern message of a weak case upon the Crown. If the Crown had truly stronger evidence, it would have been presented at the original bail hearing and no such evidence was provided.

Congratulations to Tamara and hopefully not only will she remain out of jail permanently now, but there is a ray of hope she will be able to eventually file claims against the government for their corrupt and criminal actions against her.




Municipal Politicians – Part 1

Choose your six talking points and know them well. By keeping your topics generic, you will appeal to the majority and more likely to get your foot in the door.

Here are some examples of general topics that will resonate with people:

  1. Property Taxes: you can declare that you will work to stop the seizure of homes for non-payment of property taxes. There are multiple ways that people can pay this tax debt and the city should work with home-owners to find a solution that is feasible. Auctioning off someone’s home for $100,000 (worth $500,000) for non-payment of a $2,000 tax debt should not be an option.
  1. Bicycles and pathways: bring back the bicycles for rent. Scooters do not offer any health benefits but bicycles do. Create more bike paths throughout the city to make it safe for cyclists to travel.
  1. Provide petty criminals with the help they need. Deal with the root cause of the problem instead of wasting time and resources putting them through the court system’s revolving doors. Homelessness, drug use and petty crime are symptoms of deeper problems. Acknowledge and help these individuals face their issues so they can get back to contributing to society in a positive way.
  1. Clean up and maintain city garbage and recycling receptacles as well as public washrooms. Many remain broken for years while public facilities are not cleaned and maintained regularly. These low-skill maintenance jobs could be given to homeless people participating in a recovery program.
  1. Eliminate Paid Parking Meters. This is nothing but a cash grab and people should have the right to park for free on city property. A token could be put in the slot to regulate time limits instead and tickets would only be issued if the token expired.
  1. Stop the destruction of residential family neighbourhoods with zoning that allows two residential buildings per lot. Kelowna is not geographically designed to accommodate a million people. The fast & furious building of multi-family units and sky-rises means less quality of life for everyone. Backyards should not be considered a waste of space.
  1. Reduce the salaries of the mayor & councilors and put that money towards the homeless problem in Kelowna which has skyrocketed. For example, public outdoor patios are now unavailable to the public because homeless people have taken them over.
  1. Stop the RCMP practice of rotating officers in and out of the city for short-term periods. We need officers who plan to live here long-term so they care about the city and the citizens they should be serving and protecting. As well, officers are trained to reply to all inquiries with pre-programed, rehearsed responses. We need human beings with the ability to communicate, not robots.
  1. Stop the current city council practice of picking and choosing which topics they will consider while cancelling any one’s voice that they don’t want to hear. Right now, if they don’t like your issue, you don’t get to speak to council.
  1. Encourage and support small business ownership. We need to educate business owners about their rights to operate and make a living. Small Business is essential to maintain a thriving society. They are the fabric of our community and should not be discriminated against while foreign big box stores are afforded different privileges so they can profit at the expense of the small business owner’s demise.
  1. Public schools need to be over-hauled. Children are not being taught the important, basic skills required to become independent, fully-functioning adults. Basic hand-writing skills, basic mathematics, financial responsibility, respect for the environment, social skills, Canada’s Constitution etc…
  1. Start programs that encourage healthy eating and regular fitness routines to educate people on how to take responsibility for their health. Teach people about the amazing powers of a healthy immune system so they don’t waste their money on unnecessary drugs that only mask symptoms.

Whatever other ideas you come up with, avoid hot-button words or subjects. Thoroughly research each topic and make sure you offer feasible, practical solutions to the problems that you want to deal with as councilor/mayor. In Part 3 of this series, I will discuss tips on what you need to do to promote yourself to establish name recognition.


On a sad note, four (4) Ontario doctors recently died shortly after mandatory vaccines were required for their fourth shot.


Truth-seeker Steve Kirsch acquired a note pertaining to these deaths:

“Please share – 3 physicians at Mississauga hospitals have died this week. 1st memo Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Thursday. Cause of death wasn’t shared in the memo, but how many times have 3 doctors died in 1 week, days after the hospital started administering the 4th shot to staff” This is in addition to the physician who worked at North York General who died this week while out running. How many more “coincidences” will people accept? These shots need to be pulled.”

Now in the Toronto Sun, they are quoting a press release issued by the hospitals involved, disclaiming the deaths are linked to the vaccine. Interestingly, the reporter goes to list the co-morbidities that each doctor allegedly had, but insist the vaccine had nothing to do with their deaths.

At no time, were any denials made that the doctors had not received the vaccines in the past week. One doctor allegedly had lung cancer. How can a doctor with lung cancer be working, especially when such employment requires constant walking all day.

No express denial of vaccine causation was even stated for Dr. Hannam, who was simply reported as dying of sudden cardiac failure at only 50 years of age. Heart failures and problems are most often connected to these vaccines, so it is unquestioned that these hospitals took a few days to have a prepared statement issued to cover up the facts.




Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

July 30, 2022

+33° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


July 30, 2022  12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio



July 30, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 30, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 30, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


July 31, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Dr Daniel Negase hoists our Flag

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

A judge has granted Tamara Lich bail.

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

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Following an allegation that she breached the conditions of her bail, Tamara Lich, one of the organizers behind the Freedom Convoy, has been granted her release after a bail review.

The judge also noted the difference in opinion between two justices of the peace and two superior court justice’s who reviewed Lich’s case.

While Rebel News has previously reported on the non-severe nature of the supposed breach in bail terms, more importantly the judge also agreed with that point of view and said that courts should not be trying to control political

After reviewing the case, “Ms. Lich will be released from this courthouse today” the judge said.

FREEDOM RISING IN THE OKANAGAN, July 30-32: Penticton, Kelowna, Oliver, Osoyoos


    PENTICTON RALLY – EVERY SUNDAY    THIS SUNDAY, July 31 – BEAT THE HEAT RALLY – TO THE STREETS WITH SIGNS 1 to 2 p.m.                                                                                   Corner of Main and Warren.    THEN HEAD OFF TO SKAHA LAKE PARK GAZEBO FOR A PICNIC POTLUCK, MUSIC, OPEN MIKE AND SOME C-O-O-O-L  S-H-A-A-A-D-E!  Bring a dish to share, a lawn chair, and a musical instrument (harmonica, guitar, accordion – you name it!).    Take advantage of the lake to cool off when things get hot.image.png
              GUESTS ARE WELCOME. BRING YOUR NEIGHBOURS AND FRIENDS, TOO. LET’S MAKE THIS A COMMUNITY EVENT!   ——————————- o0o————————————-   VLADO’S PHOTOS OF JULY 24 P4F EVENTS HERE: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ofSUjUjioponcAcKA   Note: there are recordings of last week’s rally and party events. We will include a link to videos when they become available. We thank Alex, Leo, Bruce and others for these recordings and recognize that it’s not only the recording that’s involved but the editing, to make these videos more viewer-friendly. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR GOOD WORK, BRUCE, LEO, VLADO, and all who post clips of our events.   ——————————- o0o————————————-   DR. HOLLY Meanwhile, after having Dr Holly join us by phone on Sunday, several of you asked for the link to Dr Holly’s site: http://drhollybooks.com/books-educational/ You can also find the Canada Health Alliance interview with Dr Holly where she shares more natural remedies here: https://canadahealthalliance.org/all-member-meetings/   ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them). 1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4.     Okanagan Freedom Radio any time – https://t.me/+SWxndPh1I9F2Iu-q  

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Also going on in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies https://penticton4freedom.com/events/

            Osoyoos 10:30 am

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park

                        Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am

            Oliver 12:30 P.M.

Tuesdays at noon at Richard Cannings’ office. Special open mike event there Tuesday, August 2. 301 Main Street, Penticton.

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Called to Action – https://calledtoaction.org/
Register to Be a Take Action Responder
  The Called to Action communication platform developed by Take Action Canada is an important tool to enable those in the freedom movement to connect with one another and to respond quickly to a call to action. Responders will be engaged based on one’s postal code. To register: https://calledtoaction.org  

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The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) makes

recommendations to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) on vaccines.

Following meetings in early July, it is expected they will recommend PHAC

authorize COVID shots for babies and young children.

 It is URGENT they hear from concerned parents and members of the public.

Contact the 15 members of the National Advisory Committee on

Immunization (NACI) to demand they answer questions prior to

considering recommending authorization of COVID shots for babies and

very young children.

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Nurturing Our Warriors – Stress Management

If you were not able to join the first session of an ongoing series on stress management here is the link


Our second zoom meeting will be held on August 25th at 6:00 PM – more info to follow. Mark Your Calendar!

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher



Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 23 & 24: Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, OK Falls & Osoyoos, Plus: Running for Municipal Office; Huge Victory in Italy & 4 Out of 5 COVID Deaths in Canada are Fully Vaxxed

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over”

We will not get boosters every nine months!


July 23, 2022

Join the CONVOY to our Kelowna Rally on Sat. morning!

Municipal Politicians – Part 1

Last year, Kari Simpson of Canadian Voters Association was attempting to effect change in government at the provincial and federal levels. What she discovered was that the corruption that is destroying the foundations of a flourishing society begins at the municipal levels. So it’s not as simple as replacing a provincial or federal leader. It means replacing all the unethical councilors, school trustees and other bureaucrats that shape our small towns and big cities.

Due to apathy and a general lack of involvement by good, caring and righteous people, almost every town in Canada is now run by unscrupulous characters motivated by power and greed. An anti-social, de-humanizing agenda now pervades society because those who were elected to serve the public are actually serving a different master. Evil is easily disguised in good-looking packages, but actions speak louder than words. Now that our eyes are open to the deceitful behaviour of our elected (or selected) local officials, it’s time to step up and get involved:


We know that media has become the propaganda arm of the federal government and controlled by Big Pharma. It wasn’t always as obvious as it is now, but, right from the beginning, media was designed to deceive and control the people. Is it just a coincidence that three of our current councilors and mayor in Kelowna are media alumni? Now, our former beloved CHBC News anchor Rick Webber has announced his candidacy for councilor. If this election is a popularity contest, he will be a shoo-in. Sadly, we found out first-hand last spring at a Global News protest that Rick Webber is NOT awake. Neither are any of the other people who’ve announced that they are running in this fall’s election.

Last spring, I attended a meeting that included “awake” politicians who were sharing their political experiences and providing tips on how to run a successful campaign. It was well attended and hopefully indicative of the number of people who will be running this fall. Here are important tips to remember if you wish to appeal to the masses:

  1. Show up at “hot” events
  2. Get some media training (the art of avoiding questions and re-directing the conversation)
  3. Have six solid talking points
  4. Be a generalist and focus on positive subjects
  5. Act like a leader, not a politician
  6. Start attending council meetings every week to familiarize yourself with procedures
  7. AVOID HOT-BUTTON TOPICS! In other words, DO NOT mention “freedom,” “COVID,” “the Pandemic,” “Bonnie Henry,” “Charter of Rights & Freedom,” etc….

REMEMBER, the point is to get ELECTED. You must AVOID divisive issues at all costs. You need to establish the “Know, Like & Trust” factor and build relationships. Offer solutions for widespread issues that affect the majority. Read a book on how to run for office and get elected. Sign up for Election E-Updates: https://www.kelowna.ca/city-hall/city-government/elections

If we have no one to vote for who cares about truth, freedom, our constitution, and is aware of the spiritual war taking place, we may as well stay home on election day and helplessly bear witness to the continued destruction of our city for four more years.

Next week, Part 2 of this article will discuss various community issues that appeal to the masses and Part 3 will focus on what you need to do to promote yourself and create name recognition.


Recent Major Court Victory in Italy!

A psychologist was being suspended from work for refusing to be vaxxed. He took the gov’t to court – and won. The Court held that because the vaccine was still experimental and the ingredients were unknown, with unknown irreversible side effects, they could not force this upon him as a condition of work.

Here is a rough translation of the judgment:

N.R.G. 2022/7360


02 Second Civil Section

In the interlocutory proceedings registered under No. r. g. 7360/2022 brought by … under the patronage of … lawyer BENASSI RAUL (BNSRLA711A10G687J); electively domiciled at VIALE BELFIORE, 32 50144 FIRENZE at the offices of the lawyer




Noted that the suspension from the practice of the profession is likely to jeopardise primary individual goods such as the right to his livelihood and the right to work referred to in Article 4 understood as an expression of the freedom of the person and his dignity, guaranteed precisely by the freedom from need

In fact, having noted that Article 32 of the ‘personocentric’ constitutional charter after the experience of Nazi-fascism does not permit medical experimentation that is invasive of the person without his free and informed consent whereas informed consent is not conceivable when the components of the serums and the mechanism of their operation are, as in this case, covered not only by industrial secrecy but also, incomprehensibly, by ‘military’ secrecy whereas, therefore, after two years we still do not know the components of the serums nor their medium and long-term effects as written by the manufacturers themselves, whereas we know that in the short term they have already caused thousands of deaths and serious adverse events….

Whereas, on the other hand, the Tuscany Order of Psychologists is in breach of this immediately applicable legislation and is undeniably discriminating against Dr … compared with vaccinated colleagues who can continue to work despite having the same chance of becoming infected and transmitting the virus…considered that for these reasons there is also the alleged “fumus boni iuris” i.e. the unlawful imposition by the Order of belonging to an injection treatment that has already caused serious adverse events and death, and in the end with a substantial “acceptance of the risk” of occurrence of such harmful events for Dr. …

Held that for these reasons Dr … cannot be forced, in order to be able to support herself and her family, to undergo these experimental injection treatments which are so invasive that they insinuate themselves into her DNA, altering it in a way which could be irreversible, with effects which cannot as yet be foreseen for her life and health; whereas, from an epidemiological point of view, the condition of the vaccinated person is not dissimilar to that of the unvaccinated person, since both can become infected, develop the disease and transmit contagion.

For the reasons The Court Having regard to art. 669 paragraph 2 s code of civil procedure and 700 c.c.p. suspends the provision of the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany of … prohibiting Dr. … to exercise the profession of psychologist until she undergoes the injection treatment against Sars Cov 2, thus authorising the exercise of the profession without undergoing the injection treatment, working in any mode (both in the presence or remotely) in the same way as colleagues vaccinated. Sets for confirmation, modification or revocation of the provision in crossexamination the hearing of 15 Sept. 2022, 10,00 a.m. Florence on 6 July 2022 The Judge Dr Susanna Zanda


Despite have some of the strictest mask requirements in the world, COVID cases in Singapore and New Zealand have overtaken even Australia and appear to confirm that masks do not prevent viral transmission



CLEAR is proud to help sponsor and support Vaccine Choice Canada:



Register now for premiere viewing of:

Uniformed Consent

4:00 pm Sat. July 23rd, 2022 $20

Featuring: Ted Kuntz

Todd Harris Writer/Director

Odessa Orlewicz Executive Producer

Dr. Stephen Malthouse

Dr. Charles Hoff

Alan Cassels

Dr. Christopher Shaw


Trudeau Panics as his Government reveals the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February


Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning, the UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths since April, 90% of which were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

July 23, 2022

+33° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


July 23, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio



July 23, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 23, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 23, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


July 24, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

People’s Party Candidate Calls for Rallies to “Stand With the Dutch Farmers”

People’s Party Candidate Calls for Rallies to “Stand With the Dutch Farmers”

Greetings,I was in a meeting a couple of days ago and the Dutch Farmers are asking for a world wide protest on July 23rd, 2022 in support of their fight to save their farms and our food supply.  I am currently on vacation but I managed to put up a quick website and will be following the protest locations as they pop up.  I really would like to have one in Burlington and or Hamilton but I will still be in Atlantic Canada where I hope to join one.  Please spread the word and stay tuned.  If you can organize signs and a Rally in your city let me know or make plans to go to Toronto or Slow Roll Moose Jaw to Regina as those are the two I know of at the moment.

Michael Bator
Candidate, Burlington, ON
PPC Burlington Riding Association

Ian Verner Macdonald (January 19, 1925 – June 28, 2022) R.I.P.

Ian Verner Macdonald (January 19, 1925 – June 28, 2022) R.I.P.

Canada lost an outstanding free speech warrior, historical revisionist and free thinker, June 28 with the death of Ian Verner Macdonald, well into his 99th year. Ian was the son of the late John A. and Katherine Macdonald. He was one of the first to be born in the newly-built Ottawa Civic Hospital  on January 1925 and grew up in Old Ottawa South with summers spent in Sherbrooke,  Nova Scotia where both of his parents were born.  A true patriot all of his life, he served in the RCAF and RN Fleet Air Arm during WWII and had a lifelong love of aviation. With degrees in economics from Queen’s University and University of Toronto, he  wrote the Foreign Service Exam, placing second nationwide, and then went on to a career as a trade diplomat that took him officially to over 50 countries.

 His numerous unprecedented accomplishments in this career made him arguably the most productive trade official then in Canadian history. Always a Canada Firster, in the mid-60s he urged taking advantage of trade opportunities with the increasingly wealthy Arab world. After six foreign postings, on five continents, he was appointed Chief of Planning and Policy for export development from which position he was able to propose programmes and policies based on practical experience that would greatly improve the efficacy of government assistance to Canadians seeking to do business abroad. In the mid-‘sixties, he strongly recommended cultivation of the lucrative and receptive Arab markets where he had been assured by top-level officials and businessmen that Canada, because of its perceived independent, non-partisan foreign policy, was their trading partner of choice. Much to his dismay, Canadair reported that the sale he had negotiated for supply of jet trainers to the Sultan of Oman’s Air Force (SOAF) had been vetoed by Foreign Affairs, an affront to Sultan Said bin Taimur that cost Canada heavily in prospective earnings. More importantly, his high-level discussions to train and equip the embryo Saudi Air Force, for which a $400 million down payment was offered, failed to receive support in Ottawa and was never consummated.

To add to the folly, his Middle East and North African trade policy proposals, no matter how astute and prescient, were opposed furiously by an influential foreign-affiliated lobby (with several moles in the Department and the ear of the Minister) who intervened to have the policy advisor summarily dismissed from the Foreign Service for his audacious devotion to duty. He was tricked out of an easily-won appeal of his “wrongful dismissal” by a false promise of reinstatement “as soon as the heat from the Jewish Lobby dies down” – on condition he not appeal nor seek outside assistance. Because of his well-founded suspicion of foreign intrigue, he contacted RCMP Security (and subsequently the Canadian Security Intelligence Service), only to find that they were “not interested”. So ended his chosen career.Betrayed, deceived and rebuffed, deserted by intimidated colleagues, but undaunted, he searched for alternative opportunites in government and soon landed a job, in overseas project marketing, that suited his talents. He brokered Canadian construction of a major luxury resort project at Cayo Sabinal, Cuba, by raising $171 million in Canadian financing for the American sponsors but the project was stalled by the imposition of U.S. sanctions. After a decade of forming Canadian consortia and globe-trotting on their behalf in search of project opportunities, he again ran afoul of the Lobby and again was fired – this time for successfully negotiating major concessions and joint ventures agreements in Libya worth billions of dollars and a $700 million agricultural project in Saudi Arabia, unprecedented accomplishments that were condemned and vetoed by his furious titular superiors as “contrary to instructions”.

Meanwhile, in his spare time, he founded different ventures including manufacturing vinyl-based dental plastics, opening a feldspar mine, establishing a downtown gallery in Ottawa, building Marrakesh, a lavish-decor Hollywood-theme restaurant, etc. As a WWII veteran with rich diplomatic experiences and advanced news writing training at Wayne State University in Detroit and as an amateur historian, he was drawn to study the history of the war. He produced hundreds of iconoclastic treatises on WWII and Middle Eastern issues. He wrote numerous published articles and was the subject of articles written by others on his outspoken patriotism and unflagging efforts to expose subversion and corruption in government.

In the spring of 1987, on behalf of the Government of Libya with which he had kept contact since 1972 through Libya’s UN Ambassador, he recruited a 96 member Canadian delegation to an International Peace Gathering called by Col. Muammar Ghaddafi to commemorate the previous year’s U.S. attack on Tripoli and Bengazi, in which the President’s two year daughter was killed. The conference was infiltrated by Libya’s enemies intending to stage an “ugly incident” to discredit the proceedings, the main feature of the proposed incident to be the high-profile organizer of the Canadian delegation. When Ian was able to evade the planned assassination thanks to a tip, the only journalist on the mission (the perceptive, insightful young Christoph Halens from the Ottawa Citizen, a graduate of the Carleton University School of Journalism eager to make his mark by covering the Conference) tragically became the alternative victim. With the Libyan outrage in mind, the Ian vigorously petitioned the Commissioner of the RCMP, the Foreign Affairs Department and the Belgian Embassy to investigate the subsequent murder by Israel of Canadian scientist and inventor Dr Gerald Bull (who had contracted his services to the Government of Iraq) but without effect, despite the availability of the prime witness (Victor Ostrovsky, former Mossad agent ) in Ottawa. He continued to be the victim of attempts to impoverish him and otherwise dampen his spirit including death threats, none of which campaigns has been wholly successful, however disconcerting. Two of his houses were destroyed by arson, and a third seriously damaged. He felt Canada had been betrayed again as cabalistic power-brokers and venal politicians trash our priceless British-French heritage and compete to sacrifice the country’s birthright and sovereignty for sordid political advantage and personal gain. He feared that Canada today is no longer a respected, confident, homogeneous, independent, Christian union but is becoming increasingly a dispossessed, demoralized, turbulent, unstable, lobby-driven, multicultural, multiracial, Godless, leaderless, confused, disintegrating, Americanized polyglot, essentially without national character, without cohesion, without historical integrity, without pride and without common purpose.

He was an avid musician leading a dance band while at Queen’s University, forming his own Swing band while living in South Africa, and playing trombone  with various bands up until he was 92.  He strived to make every minute count in all his varied endeavours, and he excelled at everything he did – as the Manager of the Queen’s Brass and Pipe Bands, as the top-performance trade diplomat, as an ardent Ottawa heritage promoter, as an ambitious entrepreneur, as an insatiable writer and reader. As an undaunted truth defender and great Canadian patriot, he remained true to his integrity and principles to the very end of his life.

Ian Macdonald wrote thousands of crisp, well documented letters-to-the-editor on forbidden topics like Zionist influence in public policy, Canada’s failed immigration policies and a reconsideration of Canada’s role in WWII. Almost none appeared in Canada’s “free” press. They have been circulated on the Internet and many will appear as part of a book about to go to press just before Ian died. On January 14, 2010, the Canadian Association for Free Expression gave him a freedom award at a luncheon in Toronto, citing his “lifetime of dedication to freedom of speech and the preservation of our people.”Paul Presenting at Ian Macdonald CAFE Free Speech Award January 15, 2010.jpg

Intellectually active to the end, Ian Macdonald  practised Rudyard Kipling’s advice to his son “to fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run.”

Tributes have begun to pour in as people around the world learned of Ian’s death. Among the first to arrive was from Mark Weber, Director of the Institute for Historical Review in Orange County, California: ” ’m grateful to have known this extraordinarily curious, productive and compassionate man. I remember Ian most vividly from the unforgettable days in May 2012 when he and Lydia welcomed me, my wife and step-son as guests at his rambling, museum-like home in Ottawa. I remember well our wide-ranging conversations, and how much I appreciated what he told me about his tumultuous life.”

Support the Farmers’ Convoy (No Farmers; No Food) & Other Freedom Events in the Okanagan, July 1 & 17: Kelowna, Penticton, Osoyoos & OK Falls & It’s Not Too Late to Fight C-11 (Internet Censorship) http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=7745

Ocean to Ocean Farmers Convoy

No Farmers No Food!!

Saturday, July 16 Kelowna 10:45 am

From Rutland area in Kelowna to the CLEAR Ocean to Ocean Rally at the Bear.

For details …   https://penticton4freedom.com/events/convoy-for-farmers/

For those attending the Kelowna rally from Penticton – Car Pool at Main and Warren at 10:30, wait for passengers until 10:45 then head north to the rally.



   This Sunday, July 17 – 1 to 3 p.m. Corner of Main and Warren, Penticton.


Important updates, open mike, free hugs. The July Druthers is here!! And a possible surprise speaker. And Later on Sunday…   July 17th Potluck Party in the Park 5 pm Skaha Lake Park (near the gazebo) Bring a dish to share, a lawn chair, a musical instrument (if you play), and Smiles Let’s let down our hair and just R-E-L-A-X! Guests are welcome!   ——————————- o0o————————————- Quick list of other events this weekend and next week (as we currently know them).   1.     Penticton Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 2.     Other Okanagan Rallies and Events – below and at https://penticton4freedom.com/events/ 3.     Canada Wide Initiatives – See below for links and instructions 4.     Okanagan Freedom Radio any time – https://t.me/+SWxndPh1I9F2Iu-q    

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Also going on in the beautiful Okanagan…

Saturday Rallies https://penticton4freedom.com/events/

            Osoyoos 11:00 am

            OK Falls 11:30 am

            Kelowna 12 noon – Stuart Park

                        Carpooling from Penticton for Kelowna– Meet at the corner of Main and Warren @ 10:30 am

            Oliver 12 noon

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Dutch Farmers

Dutch farmers are standing up to government policies designed to transition to the New Green World Order. Farmers declare these policies an assault on humanity. Read HERE

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Bill C-11- we need YOU!

Bill C-11 is in second reading in the Senate already – and STILL gives the CRTC unprecedented power to regulate YOUR videos, podcasts, Spotify feeds, Netflix queue, and more. If enough of us speak out, Senators may take action to protect YOUR rights. Email the Senate right now to demand they fix Bill C-11!

This is easy – Fill in the blanks and press send!!!


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Citizens’ Hearing Summary and Highlights

A detailed summary and highlights of the testimony for all three days of the Citizens’ Hearing – Examining Canada’s Covid Response.


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“Uninformed Consent” Movie Premier – This is what we’ve been waiting for!!

Will you help us get the TRUTH out? 

 Todd Harris, from Matador Films, has put his heart and soul into the making of his new featured documentary “Uninformed Consent”

The film is really, really good! It exposes the lies of the mainstream narrative while weaving in an emotional story of one man’s loss. 

You can help us get the TRUTH out to millions! 

Can we count on you? 

1.) Please WATCH and SHARE the “Uninformed Consent” trailers as far and wide as you possibly can. 

Share Trailer #1: https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-documentary-teaser 
Share Trailer #2: https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-teaser-ii 

Share Trailer #3: https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent-teaser-iii

2.) SHARE the Premiere Event Website

Our Premiere Event on July 23rd is our special fundraising event to help raise the money needed for Todd to create more powerful documentary films like this one. We MUST support our fearless independent media creators in this time of unprecedented censorship. 

Please invite your friends to register for the Premiere Event:


Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our events!

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!


Mary Lou Gutscher



A Small Victory: Yukon Cops Decline to Charge Bill Whatcott With “Hate” for Having Told Biblical Truths About LGBTQ Practices

No Criminal Charges for Whatcott’s mission to the Yukon

Bill Whatcott truth telling and speaking out against the Yukon government’s imposition of homosexual clubs on school children in front of the Yukon Legislature, May 2022

No charges against man who distributed anti-LGBTQ2S+ leaflets in Yukon: RCMP

Yukon NDP and cabinet communications confirmed the respective parties reported leaflets to RCMP

A man who distributed a series of anti-LGBTQ2S+ leaflets in Whitehorse last month will not be facing criminal charges, police confirmed in an email on June 3.

RCMP previously told the News there were four files under investigation related to Bill Whatcott’s recent time in the territory.

“Anyone with questions or concerns is encouraged to reach out to the Whitehorse RCMP or other supports/resources that they trust,” Cst. Carlie McCann said.

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“Police will continue to take any concerns from the LGBTQ2S+ community seriously, and are working to strengthen our relationship with the LGBTQ2S+ community.”

An NDP spokesperson and cabinet communications for the territorial government each confirmed in May the respective parties reported the leaflets to police.

The leaflets specifically criticize Bill 304, a motion put forward in the Yukon legislature by NDP MLA Emily Tredger, who is named in the leaflet, during the 2022 spring sitting.

Premier Sandy Silver of the Yukon Liberal Party is also called out by name in the leaflets, alongside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

In April, Yukon legislators from all three territorial parties voted in favour of passing the opposition-led bill to make it mandatory for territorial schools to have safe spaces in the form of activities and organizations dedicated to LGBTQ2S+ students.

Contact Dana Hatherly at dana.hatherly@yukon-news.com

To see NDP leader Kate White’s open letter incorrectly calling me a so-called hate criminal go here: https://www.yukonndp.ca/dear_bill

To see my truthful flyer which the Yukon RCMP spent too much time investigating as a so-called “hate crime” but thankfully in the end they concluded it was free speech go here: https://billwhatcott.wordpress.com/2022/05/07/whatcott-preaches-against-homosexual-propaganda-clubs-in-the-yukon/

In Christ’s Service,

Bill Whatcott