Shocking! B.C. Chief Medical Officer of Health Bonnie Henry admits that limitations on gatherings: “None of this is based on scientific evidence!!!!!”

Shocking! B.C. Chief Medical Officer of Health Bonnie Henry admits that limitations on gatherings: “None of this is based on scientific evidence!!!!!” It’s all about people control! Medico-Stalinist tyranny at work

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021: Resistance is NOT Futile!

Winter Soldiers — Report on the Breathe Freely Gathering in Victoria, January 23, 2021

To : those who care about good government in British Columbia

            Breathe Freely

 GATHERING Jan 23 2021 in Victoria B C

A few hardy souls gathered on the doorstep of the Ministry of Health on a bright wintry afternoon, Jan 23 2021.   20 warm bodies holding signs educating passersby with more and better information than they’re getting from the govt.  Reactions were 50 50  thumbs up approving honks, versus hollering disapproval.  What came through from the screamers is : deep animosity.   There’s a whole lot of pent up hurt and confusion barely kept in check by head Witch Bonnie Henry casting her spell every day chanting   “ cases cases cases death death death” 

As Professor Marshal McLuhan taught me : “When someone feels his self image is challenged, he has a mandate for war.” 

Encountering signage urging “take off the mask” a guy wearing the muzzle can have a minor psychotic break.   Our tiny witness contradicting the official brainwashing causes him to lash out at us for startling him out of stupor.   Normal politeness comes unglued  … they scream out their confusion  = “go to hell”.  

From half a year’s involvement in this authentic populist movement I know that part of my calling,  is, channeling that raw emotion on to who’s responsible — the fools in high places perpetrating this Crime against Humanity ie. the Covid 19 HOAX;    namely, John Horgan and his supporting cast of NeeDiPpers.

Our little rallies are crucial for connecting like-minded folks in what we used to call the real world.  A good example being   last week, when the car rally was forming at Dallas Road, a man came up and told the protesters that he had no idea there were people like him = disgusted with the official version of KronaMadness.  The warMth of a simple hug means a lot in these trying times

After standing with the protest for a while on Blanshard St., I headed out to the Breathe Freely EVENT which I had organized.  There, I did most of the talking as six of us stood around in LESS THAN so-called Social distance, encouraging each other.  I got a kick out of handing out pages proving a “support group” is one of the categorical exemptions from the Public Health Act Order banning GATHERING  and EVENTS.   Another exemption being, “political activity”.   I had a hard copy in hand so if an officious bye=law enforcement officer were to start in on me, she could be put in her place. You’re damn’d right we’re a support group!

One of the attendees was a man who had been given a violation Notice for failing to wear a mask in a public place.  The very next day after diktat M425 came in to effect – November 26 2020  – he’d gone in to a food store, done his shopping silently, all the while the employees were literally ‘in his face’ bothering him because he wasn’t muzzled.  When the police arrived he was laying on the floor, without a word. They handcuffed him and put him in the cop car, ostensibly under arrest for “obstruction of Justice”.   But the cops spent the next half hour discussing what to charge him with. Eventually, he was handed a ticket pursuant to the Covid19 Measures Regulation Act.   When I get an image of that Violation Notice, I’ll be sending it out  : Publicity is the soul of Justice.

The tragedy in which we now find ourselves could not have happened without despicable complicity by the so-called “legacy media”.  In nearly a year, not once have I seen a line of print in the local rags / pathetic excuses for newspapers,  contradicting the premise of medical fascism with a smiley-face

Last summer the very character of our province changed without a murmur nor the rustling of a wing feather by those who style themselves the guardians of propriety.  Statutes were sneaked through the castrated Legislature.   The Emergency Powers Act and the Covid 19 Measures Regulations Act and the Public Health Act were amended so that merely talking back to someone in authority re the HOAX of the purported pan-demic, is now an offence.     Really ominious, is, official protocol for having someone tossed in a mental ward for voicing disbelief with the Central Party Line.  The tentacles of Red Fascism wrapped around British Columbia while citizens slept.  The court jesters,  scribblers and quislings such as David Obee, Les Layne, Vaughn Palmer, Michael Smith, Keith Baldrey etc. are missing in action.  Worse, though ! where are the guys who pretend to be Christian leaders? Commanded by God to be Watchmen on the Wall?  With rare exception … a bunch of chickenshits whom Jesus Christ said he will spue out of his mouth because they were lukewarm when it mattered.  This coming Friday, I’ll be in the Vancouver Lawcourts viewing the Affidavits of a couple of pastors – men with the courage of their convictions  – who have a Judicial Review underway, challenging the lockdown measures pertaining to  believers congregating

At the Breathe Freely GATHERING one of the attendees told me what happened  in Duncan, just lately.   His friend called her doctor, requesting a note to substantiate medical exemption from having to wear a face covering. Without so much as consulting her, the doctor made an appointment for the patient to go in for an interview with the mental health branch.    The book “Psychopolitics” by one of the monsters of Stalinism,  Lev Beria,  describes how the psychiatric profession was captured by the communists, so dissenters were labelled “insane” then parked in mental wards.    This is how it was done in the Soviet Union and is done in Red China and British Columbia,  this afternoon.

I’ll be convening another meetup of Breathe Freely,  soon.  Please share this little missive to let all and sundry know  RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

Spirited End the Lockdown Rally, Victoria January 9, 2021

TO > those who care about good government in British Columbia

When my old man was at the Dominion War College in 1942, he was taught   “sometimes getting shot at is the best intel. you can get”.   That was demonstrated on Saturday Jan 09 2021 as we protested outside the head office Ministry of Health in Victoria BC.

The corner of Blanshard and Pandora streets is a good spot for high-vis. advertising — hundreds of cars per hour going by.  Many of them stop at the traffic light. So, they do read our signs.  Response from motorists was 2 to 1 in sympathy with us.  But that spot has dis-advantages, too.   A couple of weeks ago,   I was hit on the chest by a plastic water bottle, hurled from a passing car.   Startled, came to mind Mick Jagger singing:      “I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of abuse”.     Not even a flesh wound though … didn’t need to let it bleed 

A dangerous exception to the generally-polite response we get, was,  the guy who came up bellowing    “I told you last week to get the **** off this corner”. Sensing trouble I took a photo of him  — >  large, slovenly, drunk,  belligerent, could be 50 to 60 years old, one of the street people holed-up at the govt.-funded slum  a few blocks away.  Sure, you can make excuse for his kind … adrift in the big city, in deep personal pain.  But the moment you find yourself the target upon which they’re unloading their problems, is the moment when sympathy is ditched. 

When he noticed me taking his picture, he charged at me. I fled. He chased for about 20 yards before giving up.  Demons still yowling out of him … he headed across the street towards the group of protesters, raging that he was “going to punch them”. By then, someone had called 9-1-1.     About 20 minutes later, a cop did show up.   I told him what had gone on.  Of course, such altercation is pretty minor compared with the grief police deal with, daily.  The charming little old, very British town of good mannered White people which I knew half a century ago, has gone to the dogs. 

But the good news, is : standing 40 feet away from the group, conversing with VPD   constable #498,   was an opportunity for me to get info. re their attitude to what we are doing.  I asked him if he had his ticket book with him.  He said he did not.   I don’t believe that for a second.   I pointed out that the GATHERING of us regulars at this place …  which our critics call a “superspreader” ! …contravenes the Public Health Act Order.    He agreed, saying “you’re all ticketable right now”.  So, of course, I said:   “Well then, give me a ticket.”

  He declined, saying: ‘You’re carrying on a lawful protest’.   Yet, I did sense that if I’d pushed the envelope, I would’ve talked myself into one.   So I backed off.    I said “I don’t need one.  I had an incident on the ferries this week which is a good set of facts for challenging the govt. policy about masks”   Nodding towards the Law courts building, visible just down the way, I said “I’ll be in court with it.  I know police officers aren’t interested in hearing about the law”.   

To his credit,  he replied “I am interested in the law”….. so I reeled-off section 103 of the  Public Health Act.  Explaining right there is the defence to the strict liability offence created by Bonnie Henry’s Order re EVENTS AND GATHERINGS.  He did not say anything more, yet I got the impression that he was thinking for himself.

I’ve been at the big anti-lockdown  Events in BC, plus several small ones. There has been no major blowback. An occasional cat-call that we are “fools”, but that’s all. My sense, is,  the zombies going by with their fashion-statement muzzles on tight, are confounded by public presence of so many ordinary folks,  organized,  boldly contradicting official propaganda.   At this stage of this authentic populist movement,  provoking an individual to reconsider the Central Party Line is what we’re about.   Human beings go in-sane in herds.    They come to their senses one at a time.

In Kelowna and Nanaimo,  the RCMP have handed out notices alleging violations of the Public Health Act Order to people gathered to protest govt. policy.  Sgt. Roberts was the officer in charge on-site at the first big rally in Vancouver last September. When I asked him if they were going to hand out Violation Notices, he said :    “we decided not to issue tickets today because the Charter is above the Public Health Act”  direct quote

 To a certain extent, we have The Man with the Gun on our side.  The Victoria and Vancouver Police do not charge us because they have received legal counsel, advising them that our GATHERINGS  are Charter-protected political activity

The human mind has a miraculous innate logic programme.  The contrast between thousands of peaceful people, marching through the downtowns of major cities in BC, cops escorting our marches rather than bothering us,  versus nonsense purveyed on the lamestream media — images of thugs in uniform bullying individuals who are just going about daily life — works away at the consciences of ordinary citizens.    Something’s gotta give.

As for the argument out of section 103,  it’s important to realize that under the previous Health Act, there had to be evidence to support an Order. But the new statute changed it so that onus is now on the Accused, to prove his innocence.   One more detail telling that British Columbia now suffers under communist tyranny.   The way it’s going, I expect to be making this argument before a Judge.    I sincerely do believe  that the entire SARS-2-Covid19 extravaganza is medical malpractice ‘of the first water’   :  a  HOAX.   

At such a trial,  I will be submitting hundreds of articles grabbed from the Internet, written by world-class experts, undoing the very premise for the Order of that Head Witch, namely Bonnie Henry.   Any half-way intelligent person, with integrity to honestly examine such items, must conclude that there is mass psychosis upon the land. 
Wrong is put in place of right : Right is called Wrong.    And the man who calleth for Justice, maketh himself a prey

Section 103 of the Public Health Act  Revised Statutes of British Columbia


103   A person must not be convicted of an offence under this Act if the person proves that he or she

(a) exercised due diligence by taking all reasonable steps to avoid committing the offence,

(b) reasonably believed in the existence of facts that, if true, would establish that the person did not contravene this Act or a regulation made under it,

(c) relied on information or an instruction provided to the person by a health officer who was exercising a power or performing a duty under this Act, if the person had no reason to believe that the information may have been false or the instruction may have been unauthorized, or

(d) acted under the order of a health officer who was exercising a power or performing a duty under this Act, if the person had no reason to believe that the order may have been unauthorized under this Act or any other enactment. — Gordon Watson
Victoria EVENT 2021 Jan 09 004.jpg

Victoria EVENT 2021 Jan 09 011.jpg

Enthusiastic Anti-lockdown Event Victoria BC Saturday Dec 19 2020 — A Report by Gordon Watson

Enthusiastic Anti-lockdown Event Victoria BC Saturday Dec 19 2020

About 200 folks gathered under the porch at the head office of the Ministry of Health,  encouraging each other as we dissent from the Central Party Line.   Victoria is famous for being mellow and so we were.   In high spirits in the pouring rain, exercising our right to assemble peacefully … from little papooses wrapped closely on their moms, children playing ‘mongst concerned parents / grandparents, to elders in our 80s, we hugged each other spreading good will,  dispelling KronaMadness in the most practical way.      

Among the excellent speakers, doctor Stephen Malthouse was the hero of the hour.    In 8 minutes he put the boots to the official non-sense.   
On the very doorstep of her office, calling Bonnie Henry a liar … going so far as to declare  “there is no real pandemic, This thing was pre-planned.   governments around the world are lying in lockstep”.    I urge you-all to locate the Malthouse open letter sent to BC’s Chief Health Officer.    Call Dr. Henry and demand she address the serious queries in it.   Saint Bunnie’s phone number is 250  952 2611  

For 3 hours, everyone in attendance was violating the Public health Order as well as Farnsworth’s Ministerial Order M425.    Yet –  other than a few passersby – none of us were muzzled.   Of course the mainstream media was conspicuous by its absence.   The scene of our ‘crime’ is about half a mile from the Victoria Police building, but not one of them showed up.   Days earlier, Premier Horgan had come out in petulant mode, fuming that provincial officials have been delegated to issue tickets against us bad citizens … antimaskers! antivaxxers!!  Heretics !!!  All that did, is,  confirm scuttlebutt that the RCMP are declining to issue Violation Notices in light of legal counsel that Covid regulations in British Columbia won’t stand scrutiny by a Judge.     

Linda Morken made several excellent points, quoting Sally Fallon, founder of the Weston A Price foundation: ‘Don’t grumble about a problem ‘til you can offer a solution’.  Everyone wants immediate remedy for the outrageous intrusion of Big Sister govt.  into our lives. But we’re going to have to put up with what Charles Maclean said in his classic work “Popular delusions and the madness of crowds” :   People go crazy in herds, they come to their senses one at a time.  Each speaker told us that our task is to kindly educate those entranced in the propaganda, so they can “untie the knot of fear in their mind’.  Other than bearing witness in our daily lives – particularly, by going around breathing freely and cultivating strong personal immunity   – we were pointed to Action4Canada’s big project =   taking on the validity of the Orders in Court via a constitutional challenge in Court. 

As seemingly tiny as they are, each  grassroots gathering across the continent and around the world, are having effect.  We are what George Washington called his “winter soldiers”  the men who suffered through the first winter in appalling conditions … the backbone of the first American revolution.   Those who show up at rallies, witnessing against authoritarian-ism, are every bit as important to our nation now.

We got hundreds of favourable honks / thumbs-up from motorists going by on Blanshard St.   This present administration has badly miscalculated the depth of opposition to its Covidiocy.    The  (NDP) are fat and sassy now, coasting in the glow of re-election to majority government.   That happened mostly because Dr Bonnie Henry cast her spell, daily, bewitching the electorate.   But when people realize the enormity of the damage, this authentic populism will get organized,  then this gaggle of  antichrists  will go down as the most unpopular govt. in BC history. 

The contrived jolly public face the Premier put on while electioneering brings to mind what they say in Poland : “he laughs. He has not yet heard the bad news.”   Most recently,  though, it’s the smirk peculiar to conmen, aka “duper’s delight”.   My take on Mr Horgan, is: he’s a local boy made good but that’s as far as it goes.   Capable of getting elected on his own turf, played his hand well as Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, but IN-competent at actually governing.   Stupified in the newsmedia glare,  he’s not the “brains’ of the NeeDiPpers.   No, he’s akin to the puppet clubs of “motorcycle enthusiasts” which the Hells Angels allow to operate on their territory … ie. Mr Horgan’s riding where the HA clubhouse is.   Big bluff Irishman Horgan is the mouthpiece of guys like Geoff Meggs, lifetime Trotskyite in a 3piece suit. 

Back in 1967, I made my way to Haight Street in San Francisco.  That summer, there was magic in the air… it really was peace love and good vibes, outwardly. I crashed overnight in one of the iconic Victorian skinny houses, then dropped in to the Digger house. What I encountered was the other, seamy side of the hippie culture. Local Negro petty thugs had mugged a couple of naive  white kids fresh in from rural America.    About 50 people were sitting around the front room, talking about what to do. Like something straight out of a movie, The Big Man who had been summoned from the local white gang, tossed a handful of bullets in to the middle of the circle,  saying “is it going to come to this?”  Simpleton that I was, I  gathered them up, handed them back to him. Then got-the-hell-out-of-there.   My infatuation with the hippie thing sobered-up right there and then.  Point being : we’re now at that same stage of the spiritual battle against KronaMadness.   The diplomatic Sitzkreig of the last 10 months ended with the image out of Calgary.  Two hysterical female cops embarrassing themselves in a textbook example of how  NOT  to carry out an arrest,  hints at what’s planned.      Faced with larger increasingly-confident displays repudiating the PANICdemic,  officialdumb  – comprised of individuals with the emotional plague** –  will turn the screws to enforce their delusion.  ** Wilhelm Reich defined such character as someone so emotionally-crippled they cannot abide anyone else enjoying life.   Mockery drives emotional plague types right around the bend.   Laughter is the anti-dote, so –  bring on the comic relief ! 

Thank you Brett Beckett for putting on quite the party, and!  to the guys who gave us live music. Let’s do it some more

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians


KELOWNA. December 12, 2020. “This is the biggest freedom rally the Okanagan has ever seen,” Dave Lindsay shouted as he greeted the over 2,000 people who had gathered here for the Mega END THE LOCKDOWN Rally at noon. They came from Lilooet and Kamloops, from Salmon Arm and the Lake Country, from Vernon and Armstrong, from Keremos, Penticton, Okanagan Falls and Oliver. One caravan even drove up from Vancouver. As the cavalcade from Salmon Arm and Vernon drove down the highway their honking horns and anti-Lockdown banners drew many thumbs up and supportive honks.
The rally opened with the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer. Singer and songwriter Jacqueline-Rose warmed up the crowd as latecomers continued to stream in.
Then, Dave Lindsay of Penticton, Chairman of C.L.E.A.R. (Common Law Education and Rights Initiative), who has organized the weekly Kelowna Rally since April had the crowd cheering with an attack on Bonnie Henry, British Columbia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health: “Bonnie Henry is trying to steal Christmas from us. Have as many people in your house as you want to.” “And,” he added to laughter and more cheers, “Bonnie the commie will never get another Christmas present!”
Mr. Lindsay noted: “COVID has divided families and it’s divided mine.” He charged that the government’s position is a mass of lies and misinformation. “The PCR test they use ha 10 major flaws. It can have an up to 95% error rate. So, why are we using this test?The death rate in B.C. was going down before masks were made mandatory in indoor public spaces. Now, the death rate is going up!”
In a nurses’ case, several years ago, “Bonnie Henry gave testimony that masks  are not effective,” but now she’s imposing them on British Columbians. “Bonnie Henry, you’re not a hero,” Mr. Lindsay concluded and the crowd took up a chorus of “lock her up!”
Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, also spoke. He outlined the terrible damage done to his son by a vaccine and the years of suffering before the lad’s premature and untimely death.

Thanking the R.C.M.P. for helping the rally co-ordinate its march, Mr. Lindsay directed the crowd out from Stuart Park for a parade through the downtown part of Kelowna. Police blocked off one side of the road. The freedom fighters, including many couples with children and even some with babies in strollers stretched more than 10 city blocks. The joyous crowd, with not a mask in site, frequently broke into chants of “freedom” “no more lockdowns!” and, at several points, “Oh, Canada.” Many people along the route gave a thumbs up, many passing cars honked in approval. A few signalled disapproval, including one old lady, masked and alone in her car, who flashed the middle finger at the freedom parade.

After the parade many of the freedom fighters lined the sidewalk along Harvey Street where traffic inbound to Kelowna crosses over a bridge spanning  Lake Okanagan.
The afternoon, however, ended on a sour note when rally organizer Dave Lindsay was presented with a $2,500 fine by the R.C.M.P., a fine that the court-wise Mr. Lindsay intends to challenge vigorously.
Once again, CAFE, which has backed all END THE LOCKDOWN protests since they began in Vancouver in mid-March, attended with a number of supporters from up and down the Okanagan.

Mark Donnelly — The Latest Victim of the Medico-Stalinist Tyrants & Their Corporate Collaborators: ‘O Canada’ singer addresses firing by Vancouver Canucks at anti-mask rally

Mark Donnelly — The Latest Victim of the Medico-Stalinist Tyrants & Their Corporate Collaborators: ‘O Canada’ singer addresses firing by Vancouver Canucks at anti-mask rally

Social Sharing

Mark Donnelly sang anthem at Christmas Freedom Rally in Vancouver on Saturday

The Canadian Press · Posted: Dec 06, 2020 9:27 AM PT | Last Updated: December 6

Mark Donnelly at the Vancouver Art Gallery on Saturday, where people gathered to protest COVID-19 restrictions. A day earlier, the Vancouver Canucks said over Twitter that Donnelly would no longer be singing the national anthem before the NHL club’s games. (CBC News)

The popular singer of ‘O Canada’ at Vancouver Canucks hockey games says he knew he might lose his job for standing up against what he describes as the “tyranny” of COVID-19 restrictions.

Mark Donnelly sang the national anthem at an event called the Christmas Freedom Rally in Vancouver on Saturday, where hundreds of people protested restrictions imposed by British Columbia’s provincial health officer.

Vancouver Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini tweeted late Friday that Donnelly was now the former Canucks anthem singer, followed by the Twitter hashtag #wearamask.

Donnelly told the crowd, many of whom weren’t wearing masks or physically distancing, that he decided to sing because he questions the “draconian lockdown protocols.”

“What was originally sold as a 15-day hunkering-down sprint for the common good has turned into a 10-month marathon from hell, where the finish line is constantly being moved further into the distance,” he said.

Donnelly said he doesn’t think health officials have done a cost-benefit analysis looking at the harms of the restrictions compared with preventing the spread of COVID-19.

“As someone known for singing our great national anthem, I’m standing up against what I feel is tyranny, plain and simple,” he said to applause and cheers from the crowd.

Donnelly sings O Canada at a rally against provincially mandated COVID-19 restrictions on Saturday in Vancouver. (CBC News)

Donnelly described his firing as censorship by an institution that he’s followed for 50 years and been publicly associated with since 2001.

“Sports figures, entertainers, politicians, et cetera, can stand for anything as long as it supports the narrative. You can support rioting, looting, destruction of livelihoods and reputation, but take a position against the narrative and you are worthy of exile or worse.” 

Donnelly said he hasn’t had direct contact with Aquilini or the Canucks and that if he is no longer with the team, a phone call would have been a more respectful way to find out his reasons for taking part in the rally. 

He said he had hoped the ownership and management of the Canucks would have had the “courage to support the freedom to express [a] science-based position that is for the greater good of the country.”

‘Follow the provincial health orders’

On Saturday, Canucks COO Trent Carroll said in a statement that the organization hoped that people understood that Donnelly was not representing the team with his views.

“Mark Donnelly is acting independently,” the statement said.

“We encourage everyone to wear a mask and to follow the provincial health orders. They are in place to help everyone in B.C. to stop COVID-19 from spreading in our province.”

Hundreds of people gather outside the Vancouver Art Gallery on Saturday to attend an event called the Christmas Freedom Rally, to protest against pandemic restrictions, such as wearing face masks. (CBC News)

After listening to speeches on Saturday at the Vancouver Art Gallery, the protesters then took to the streets in a march.

Vancouver police spokesperson Tania Visintin said police need to exercise discretion with large groups of protesters violating public health orders, saying public safety is the priority.

She said mass arrests or ticketing could escalate an already tense situation. 

“This position does not automatically guarantee anyone special privileges at a protest. The bottom line is people who are contravening the public health order, they could be issued a ticket. Officers are using discretion with each situation that arises.”

B.C. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said last month that she has “no time for people who believe that wearing a mask somehow makes them ill or is a sign of lack of freedom.”

Instead, she said, wearing a mask is about respect for those who are suffering through the pandemic together.

WATCH | Dr. Bonnie Henry critical of people who refuse to wear masks over ‘lack of freedom’:

Dr. Bonnie Henry denounces people who refuse to wear masks over ‘lack of freedom’

18 days agoVideo1:02B.C.’s provincial health officer says wearing masks is a sign of respect. 1:02

With files from Cory Correia

Bonnie Henry’s Church Hating Medico-Stalinist Regime — B.C. Church Fined $2,300 for Indoor Service: Costco In; Churches, Out!

  Every day, it seems like COVID-19 laws get more and more bizarre. From mask mandates to arbitrary business closures, it has become next to impossible to keep up with the rule changes and their logic. And now, they’re targeting churches!  Under B.C.’s new province-wide COVID-19 restrictions, churches and other places of worship have been forced to close in what our un-elected health officials claim is an attempt to curb the spread of the virus.  Yet restaurants, bars, and gyms remain relatively unaffected. How does any of this make sense? 

That’s what brought me to Riverside Calvary Chapel this past Sunday, where worshippers chose to attend an indoor church service in defiance of the new rules.   A bylaw officer had been there all day to monitor the morning service before police arrived to issue the church a $2,300 fine! Not only that, but they also threatened to give out more fines if the church remained open. 

Watch this video to see my interaction with the bylaw officer and police who came to issue the COVID fine. 

Let’s get this straight: people can go to Costco with no issues, but they can’t attend a church service to worship God?  What’s worse, the police weren’t even sure what order they were there to enforce! So, where did they get the authority to issue this fine? 

Can Canada still be referred to as “the true north strong and free” if we continue to head down this path?  Freedom of movement, freedom of association, and freedom of religion have all fallen to the wayside because of these emergency measures, which are in direct contravention of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  

We don’t think Riverside Calvary Chapel should have to pay this fine. Do you?  If we learned anything from our “Fight the Fines” civil liberties project, it’s that these fines won’t easily stand up in court. And if you help us, we’ll make sure they never will.  Yours truly,  Drea Humphrey 

Update on Meeting & Rallies in the Okanagan: END THE LOCKDOWNS

Notice of Postponement

Hi everyone.

Unfortunately, due to the recent orders by the B.C. Gov’t, including Bonnie Henry and Mike Farnworth, our
planned November 29, 2020 CLEAR opening has been postponed until January.  This was brought to our

attention on Tuesday.

We are looking at all possible options right now and hope to be able to re-schedule this important event and

presentation as soon as possible.
If you have informed anyone of our event, please let them know of this postponement. 

We are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.  Fortunately, the organization in charge of the building we were going to use, is taking serious pro-active actions against the gov’t in relation to what has happened.  However, a decision was made by the organization to postpone our opening to accommodate the actions that they are planning.

I understand and respect their position, and courage to challenge the Government on these issues, and we need to remember the blame lies fully and completely with Bonnie Henry and the B.C. Government, none of us personally.
It our hope to be able to offer this presentation and event shortly. 

If you have any questions or comments, please email me at:

Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding.  If anything, this should strengthen our resolve to refuse to comply. 

Our rallies throughout the Okanagan will continue every Saturday in Vernon, Kelowna and Penticton as part of our ongoing opposition to theGovernment actions as well.  More details in our next email update on Thursday.

In freedom

David Lindsay


Freedom Fighters Defy Bonnie Henry’s Latest Stalinist Lockdown & Rally to End the Lockdown

Freedom Fighters Defy Bonnie Henry’s Latest Stalinist Lockdown & Rally to End the Lockdown

VANCOUVER. Sunday, November 8, 2020. On Saturday, British Columbia Chief Medical Officer of Health announced more Stalinist restrictions for Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. According to Global News (November 7, 2020) these new massive assaults on Charter rights of freedom of association included: “Under the new order, residents are banned from visiting each others’ private homes for two weeks.”

The order applies to social gatherings of “any size” with people other than one’s immediate household, regardless of whether it is fewer than 50 people or physical distancing is observed.

Today, Vancouver area freedom fighters defied the tyranny and held their weekly Sunday END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Robson Square outise the Vancouver Art Gallery.

A participant reported: ” It was a great day for about 300 of us.  A movie company had their trailers and other equipment on most of the plaza and had it fenced off, but we all managed to squeeze into the Howe St. side .  The Vancouver police were very supportive of us at the rally and on the march.  We had high energy speeches and a wonderful march. ”