Non-Aligned Media Interview With CAFE Director Paul Fromm

Non-Aligned Media Interview With CAFE Director Paul Fromm


On this second episode of the Non-Aligned Media podcast, host Brandon Martinez is joined by special guest Paul Fromm, a Canadian free speech activist and mayoralty candidate in the city of Mississauga.

Fromm and Martinez discuss the duplicitous nature of Canada’s “hate speech” laws and the malevolent agenda of the political correctness commissars who enforce them. Noted in the show was the Jewish-Zionist origins of the “hate” laws in Canada and the negative influence of that community on Canada’s broader political culture.

Fromm also outlined his political programme as a candidate for mayor of Mississauga in Ontario, which includes fighting traffic gridlock in the city and halting immigration.

Fromm’s websites are  and

Written by 

Brandon Martinez is an independent writer and journalist from Canada who specializes in foreign policy issues, international affairs and 20th and 21st century history. For years he has written on Zionism, Israel-Palestine, American and Canadian foreign policy, war, terrorism and deception in media and politics. His articles and analysis have appeared on Press TV, Veterans News Now, Media With Conscience News, Whatsupic, Intifada Palestine, Information Clearing House, What Really Happened, and other alternative media outlets. He is the co-founder of Non-Aligned Media with Joshua Blakeney and the author of an upcoming book addressing Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Readers can contact him at martinezperspective[at] or visit his blog at

Fromm & Whatcott Visit Political Prisoner Brad Love

Fromm & Whatcott Visit Political Prisoner Brad Love
Photo: Fromm & Whatcott Visit Political Prisoner Brad Love

LINDSAY, Ontario, May 15, 2014. Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, and free speech warrior and opponent of the homosexual agenda Bill  Whatcott visited Canadian political prisoner Brad Love today at the Central East Correctional Centre here in the Kawartha Lakes region of Southern Ontario.

Beforee entering to visit Mr. Love, who is scheduled to be released on June 15, Mr.. Fromm and Whatcott had to leave their keys, coins,, wallets, jackets and cellphones in a locker. Although they could only see Mr. Love through thick Plexiglas, neither visitor was allowed to bring pen or paper. These insane rules seem designed to discourage visitors and further isolate the prisoner.

"The real Canada is not the country the newspapers tell their readers about," Mr. Love told his visitors. Free speech is fine, they say, if you speak your mind in the Ukraine. Look at the favourable publicity for all those protests in the Ukraine. But not here. If you criticize immigration or Jewish groups, they give you the Brad Love treatment," he explained.

Mr. Whatcott reported to his supporters:

"The last few days have been interesting and busy. Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression asked me to speak at his Alternative Forum and pretty much gave me unmitigated freedom to say what I wanted to say. Paul also offered to take me to the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay, Ont, to see Brad Love for myself. Indeed when I first heard of Brad Love’s story I was highly skeptical as we are supposed to be living in a Parliamentary democracy after all (with a few problems for sure) and I thought to myself there is no way someone could be in jail for writing letters and expressing views. Surely the guy wrote a death threat or something.

Here is the Central East Correctional Centre where Brad Love is being held for his crime of letter writing. Paul Fromm and I went to visit him.

Well actually Brad Love is in jail for expressing views by writing letters to various elected representatives, the Chief of Police for York Region and a couple Jewish lobby groups. While Brad's letters could be perceived as offensive to some, perhaps even to me, they were completely devoid of threats of violence, blackmail, libel or any other thing that one could expect to fall into the jurisdiction of a criminal offense. Brad’s letters were rants about immigration and Zionism. 

Now for certain not all of Brad’s views are my cup of tea, but that really isn't the point. Brad Love is in jail for views and only views. His prison sentence is not insignificant either. Brad Love was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his first batch of letters after being convicted under Canada's so-called "hate" law and then he was given another 18 months (the maximum sentence possible) in prison for probation violation after writing another letter. Unlike other offenders who commit crimes like rape or robbery Brad is not allowed to write any letters while in jail. He is not allowed to write friends, family or even his lawyer. 

As you can see in the background the Central East Correctional Centre is a maximum security facility. Canada’s notorious letter writer languishes in there, unable to do any productive work. He is allowed into the yard for 20 minutes of fresh air a day.
LINDSAY, Ontario, May 15, 2014. Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, and free speech warrior and opponent of the homosexual agenda Bill  Whatcott visited Canadian political prisoner Brad Love today at the Central East Correctional Centre here in the Kawartha Lakes region of Southern Ontario.
Beforee entering to visit Mr. Love, who is scheduled to be released on June 15, Mr.. Fromm and Whatcott had to leave their keys, coins,, wallets, jackets and cellphones in a locker. Although they could only see Mr. Love through thick Plexiglas, neither visitor was allowed to bring pen or paper. These insane rules seem designed to discourage visitors and further isolate the prisoner.

“The real Canada is not what newspapers tell their readers about,” Mr. Love told his visitors. Free speech is fine, they say, if you speak your mind in the Ukraine. Look at the favourable publicity for all those protests in the Ukraine. But not here. If you criticize immigration or Jewish groups, they give you the Brad Love treatment,” he explained.

Mr. Whatcott reported to his supporters:
“The last few days have been interesting and busy. Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression asked me to speak at his Alternative Forum and pretty much gave me unmitigated freedom to say what I wanted to say. Paul also offered to take me to the Central East Correctional Centre in Lindsay, Ont, to see Brad Love for myself. Indeed when I first heard of Brad Love’s story I was highly skeptical as we are supposed to be living in a Parliamentary democracy after all (with a few problems for sure) and I thought to myself there is no way someone could be in jail for writing letters and expressing views. Surely the guy wrote a death threat or something.

Here is the Central East Correctional Centre where Brad Love is being held for his crime of letter writing. Paul Fromm and I went to visit him.

Well actually Brad Love is in jail for expressing views by writing letters to various elected representatives, the Chief of Police for York Region and a couple Jewish lobby groups. While Brad’s letters could be perceived as offensive to some, perhaps even to me, they were completely devoid of threats of violence, blackmail, libel or any other thing that one could expect to fall into the jurisdiction of a criminal offense. Brad’s letters were rants about immigration and Zionism.

Now for certain not all of Brad’s views are my cup of tea, but that really isn’t the point. Brad Love is in jail for views and only views. His prison sentence is not insignificant either. Brad Love was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his first batch of letters after being convicted under Canada’s so-called “hate” law and then he was given another 18 months (the maximum sentence possible) in prison for probation violation after writing another letter. Unlike other offenders who commit crimes like rape or robbery Brad is not allowed to write any letters while in jail. He is not allowed to write friends, family or even his lawyer.

As you can see in the background the Central East Correctional Centre is a maximum security facility. Canada’s notorious letter writer languishes in there, unable to do any productive work. He is allowed into the yard for 20 minutes of fresh air a day.

007Free Speech Supporters Condemn Anti-Christian Bigotry of the Law Society of Upper Canada


​ ​

TORONTO. May 16, 2014. About 30 protesters held a noon-time vigil outside the Law Society of Upper Canada in downtown Toronto today. An eclectic group of Christian spokesmen and free speech supporters joined by the Canadian Association for Free Expression denounced a recent decision by the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) to not recognize graduates of the planned Trinity Western University Law School because of their fundamentalist Christian principles.

Trinity Western University is an evangelical Christian college in Langley, BC. It requires faculty and students to pledge to follow traditional Christian morality including refraining from sex outside of marriage. Critics say this pledge discriminates against homosexuals. No one is required to attend Trinity Western University. There is a wide variety of secular alternatives.

The proselytizers of the homosexual agenda who have led a campaign, first to deny graduates of this university the right to teach in B.C.(eventually overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada) and then to deny the planned law school legal accreditation (the move failed) now have pressured provincial law societies in to declare that graduates of the law school will not be granted accreditation. So far, the anti-Christian campaign has succeeded in Nova Scotia and Ontario.

One of the protest leaders Rev. David Lynn, founder of Christian Positive Space ( said much of Ontario’s curriculum is “biblephobic.” He noted that well over 70 per cent of Canada is Christian. “We say to the Law Society of Upper Canada: ‘You have to be more tolerant. You are saying Christians do not have the right to practise law in Ontario,. You are anti-Canadian.”

Gary McHale, an activist who led protests against the failure by the Ontario Provincial Police to enforce court injunctions against radical Indians who occupied and still occupy private (now Crown) land in Caledonia, Ontario, noted there was an effort to ban graduates of Trinity Western from teaching in British Columbia. “The case went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada and they ruled that religious views should not exclude a person from the classroom. Now, the Law Society of Upper Canada wants to exclude Christians from the practise of law.”

The story of Mr. McHale’s battle against politically correct policing — soft on native thugs occupying land in defiance of an injunction, and harsh on White resident merely driving through their own community or trying to counter-protest the occupation — has just been published by Freedom Press ( It is entitled Victory In the No-Go Zone: Winning the Fight Against Two-Tier Policing.

A contingent from FreedomPress, led by President Tristan Emmanuel, also attended the protest.

Bill Whatcott spoke of his campaign to keep radical homosexual material — including discussions of anal sex — excluded from elementary school in Saskatchewan. His leafleting led to human rights complaints, a conviction and a $17,5000 fine. He fought this all the way to the Supreme Court which overturned the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals reversing Mr. Whatcott’s conviction. The Supreme Court , “and shame on them,” Mr. Whatcott said, upheld anti-Christian speech censorship and ruled that truth, intent, sincerely held religious beliefs or political opinions were irrelevant. “It was determined that making statements like this is hate. They acknowledged that although my flyers might be factual, if used for a hateful purpose — and they weren’t — advocating traditional Christian views on sexual behaviour could be censored. I have been left with over $100,000 in legal costs” payable to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.

Paul Fromm Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, called the Law Society of Upper Canada “Christian haters.”

“The issue here,” he said, “is the decision by the Law Society of Upper Canada to not allow graduates of the planned Trinity Western University Law School to practise in the Province of Ontario. The ironic thing is that Trinity Western has not even opened its law school yet and hasn’t graduated a single student. That is the definition of bigotry — to make a decision before the facts are in. The LSUC is very much under the control of the homosexual lobby. The privileges of homosexual trump the rights of Christians. It’s wrong. And we’re standing here for free speech.”

Click on the picture below for the link to hear Paul Fromm’s remarks.


You’re a “Nazi” If You Support Free Speech

You’re a “Nazi” If You Support Free Speech
Anti-racists are just really anti-White. Consider this defaced poster from Kingston, Ontario. A new European awareness nationalist group has formed there called The Euro-United Front.
They recently put up posters saying “Freedom of  Speech Means Everyone, Not Just Ones You Agree With.”


Photo: You're a "Nazi" If You Support Free Speech

Anti-racists are just really anti-White. Consider this defaced poster from Kingston, Ontario. A new European awareness nationalist group has formed there called The Euro-United Front.

They recently put up posters saying "Freedom of  Speech Means Everyone, Not Just Ones You Agree With."

It all seems perfectly obvious and middle of the road, but not form some anonymous clod with a magic marker who scrawled "Nazis" on the poster. So, supporter free speech means you are a Nazi.

While this is vandalism by one individual, it points to the fact that Canadians need a lot of encouragement and educating. Fro nearly 40 years, we've been lectured that free speech must be limited, that minority sensitivities must prevail and that not all views are "appropriate" or acceptable. 

However, without freedom of speech, all our other rights are in peril

CAFE remains committed to standing for free speech, no matter how unpopular the opinions may be.

Speaking is not the crime; attempting to silence others is.

Paul Fromm


Canadian Association for Free Expression

 We Need Your Help!

We need your support for the McCorkill Will Case in St. John, NB. We need your help to keep CAFÉ in the courts punching for freedom of speech. We need your help to support free speech victims.

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

___    Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s  work in supporting the victims of censorship and McCorkill cases.

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Doug Christie Free Speech  Booklets

For 30 years, Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister, has been Canada’s outstanding free speech attorney. He passed away of liver cancer, all too young, on March 11, at age 66. Order his outstanding free speech booklets published in C-FAR’S Canadian Issue Series.

 __ The Zundel Trial & Free Speech by Douglas Christie (1985) $4.00 

__  Thought Crimes Trial: The Keegstra Case by Douglas Christie (1987) $4.00

__   Free Speech IS the Issue by Douglas Christie  (1990) ($5)

[Tick booklets you want here and indicate the number and enter dollar amount on the other side of this coupon.]
It all seems perfectly obvious and middle of the road, but not form some anonymous clod with a magic marker who scrawled “Nazis” on the poster. So, supporter free speech means you are a Nazi.
While this is vandalism by one individual, it points to the fact that Canadians need a lot of encouragement and educating. Fro nearly 40 years, we’ve been lectured that free speech must be limited, that minority sensitivities must prevail and that not all views are “appropriate” or acceptable.
However, without freedom of speech, all our other rights are in peril
CAFE remains committed to standing for free speech, no matter how unpopular the opinions may be.
Speaking is not the crime; attempting to silence others is.
Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression

 We Need Your Help!


We need your support for the McCorkill Will Case in St. John, NB. We need your help to keep CAFÉ in the courts punching for freedom of speech. We need your help to support free speech victims.


CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3


___    Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s  work in supporting the victims of censorship and McCorkill cases.

___   Please renew my subscription for 2014 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).

$___  Doug Christie booklet order from back of this coupon.


Please charge _____my VISA#________________________________________________________________


Expiry date: __________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________________________




Address: __________________________________________________________________________________           




Doug Christie Free Speech  Booklets

For 30 years, Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister, has been Canada’s outstanding free speech attorney. He passed away of liver cancer, all too young, on March 11, at age 66. Order his outstanding free speech booklets published in C-FAR’S Canadian Issue Series.


 __ The Zundel Trial & Free Speech by Douglas Christie (1985) $4.00

__  Thought Crimes Trial: The Keegstra Case by Douglas Christie (1987) $4.00

__   Free Speech IS the Issue by Douglas Christie  (1990) ($5)

[Tick booklets you want here and indicate the number and enter dollar amount on the other side of this coupon.]

CAFE & Free Speech Supporters Heard In McCorkill Will Case; Judge Reserves

CAFE & Free Speech  Supporters Heard In McCorkill Will Case; Judge Reserves
St. John, New Brunswick. January 28, 2014. Lawyers defending the  right of a man to will his estate to a controversial group had their day in court today. At the end of this morning’s session before the Court of Queen’s Bench here, Judge Grant reserved decision about a motion brought by Isabelle McCorkell, sister of the late Professor Robert McCorkill who had willed his collection of antique coins and artefacts to the U.S. National Alliance.
However, before the free speech lawyers defending the bequest were heard, the third of three interveners advocating the nullification of the will addressed the court. Danys Delaquis, representing the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said: “CIJA opposes anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination. There is no room for any Jewish person in the White space the National Alliance seeks to create,” he complained. “If the bequest is not voided it will be detrimental to the Canadian Jewish community,” he added.
“Where is the evidence from Mr. Gleibe and Mr. Streed [the executor] that the bequest will not be used in ways detrimental to the Jewish community?”
“The Peel Board of Education had found the National Alliance to be ‘a well known White supremacist organization.’ Therefore, it would be quite reasonable for this court to make this finding of fact as was done in a grievance terminating Mr. Fromm as  a teacher.” A late CIJA affidavit from one Simon Fogel smeared CAFE director Paul Fromm in an ad hominem attack. Mr. Fromm is not a beneficiary in this case. The grievance finding had merely restated accusations about the NA. The grievance board had never investigated the NA.
Mr. Delaquis then issued a warning: “If a barrister or solicitor here in New Brunswick adopted the views of the National Alliance, he would soon be out of work. The role of regulatory bodies is vital to see the values of inclusiveness we hold prevail.” The St. John lawyer seemed to see no irony in recommending the exclusion of dissident opinions from his ideal universe of “inclusiveness.”
He urged the Court to take an activist approach: “The Courts cannot leave it to the legislature.”



There are no redeeming qualities in the National Alliance in regard to Canadian public policy,” he insisted. “The National Alliance excludes an entire people from its White space. This is repugnant and offensive. The public interest must outweigh the wishes of Mr. McCorkill. Can the Court allow a testamentary gift to stand that is contrary to public policy?” he challenged the judge.
Rising for the defence was John Hughes, a tall stately lawyer from Moncton with a shock of white hair.” “I am acting for the Estate of Robert McCorkill, not the National Alliance,” he explained. “There is no propaganda or hate speech in the will. No one has argued that Robert McCorkill was not capable of making this bequest and the bequest is clear.”
“The National Alliance,” he explained, “is described as an incorporated company in the State of Virginia, with an office in West Virginia. There is no evidence the National Alliance has violated any U.S. law and it remains a U.S. corporation in good standing. There is no evidence the National Alliance was ever convicted or charged with an offence in either the U.S. or Canada. Is the NA duty bound to obey the law of any country but its own?” he asked.
“The  affidavit of the Southern Poverty Law Centre’s Mark Potok’s points to six ‘contact points’ the National Alliance had in Canada in 2003 — Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, London, Ottawa — but none in New Brunswick. Potok admits a name can be included on a ‘hate list’ for merely the mentioning of a P.O. Box. Erich Gleibe, National Chairman of the NA, said in his affidavit that, as of 2013, the NA has no programmes in Canada.”
“There is no evidence,” he added, “that the National Alliance has ever held a meeting in New Brunswick. Without a credible presence in New Brunswick, the NA is subject to the jurisdiction it resides in; namely, West Virginia, where the glorious First Amendment with its guarantee of freedom of speech is the law that governs it, not the laws of Canada.”
“The National Alliance is a peaceable organization that promotes and exchanges ideas and does not cross the line into crime. Therefore, the National Alliance qualifies as a beneficiary under the law governing it — U.S. law.”
CAFE Director Paul Fromm in press scrum
Referring to the applicant and her allies as “the unruly chorus about the law of public policy,” Mr. Hughes argued: “Courts can make decisions for the restraint of the population under their jurisdiction, like the New Brunswick horses in the Wishart case (the frequently cited case where a provision requiring the shooting of the man’s four horses was overturned by a Court.)”
“The disposition of this will either way will have no effect on the people of New Brunswick. The appropriate decision is for the Court to follow the guidance of Sec. 17 of the Interpretation Act and dismiss this application with costs.”
The final submissions were from Andy Lodge, a well organized litigator from St. John, representing the Canadian Association for Free Expression. “I am not here to defend the National Alliance,” he said. “I have listened for many hours and read through 1,000 pages of legal documentation and I am struck by one point — all the energy and money spent over the past six months, with very little time spent on the actual McCorkill will.”
“There is no legal basis,” Mr. Lodge argued, “to challenge the McCorkill will. It is a valid will, properly constructed and compliant with the Wills Act. No words in this will are contrary to any public policy. This is a very significant point and the real reason this Court should refuse this applicant.”
“Other interveners,” he continued, “are very concerned about the character, written words and behaviour of the National Alliance. That alone is not enough to challenge a will.”
“Make no mistake,” Mr. Lodge warned, “the applicant and the supporting interveners are trying to get this Court to go where no Court has gone before. The applicant is trying to get this Court to evaluate the beneficiary and to find effectively that the National Alliance is not worthy to receive a testamentary gift — the ‘public policy issue.’ Despite legal arguments over the past six months, there is no evidence of any members of the National Alliance being charged with crimes. Otherwise, the representative of the Attorney General of New Brunswick [Mr. Williams] would be downstairs charging the National Alliance.”
And, he continued, “even if a person is charged with a crime that does not disqualify him from receiving a bequest.” He pointed out that in the very few precedents where the court did nullify a section of a will it was because of the language of the will; for instance, the much referenced Wishart horse case, where the will mandated the shooting of the horses.
“There is no language of hate in this will,” he explained. “My learned friends who want to argue that ‘hate speech’ is not allowed in Canada are engaged in an exercize in futility. The real question gets lost and that is whether to prevent possible future acts from happening a person can be excluded from receiving a gift from a testator in New Brunswick or Canada. There is no precedent for this very large and drastic step where receiving a bequest depends on the character of the beneficiaries. Are we saying a known drug dealer can never receive a bequest? What about Greenpeace or pro-life groups or any organization dedicated to private health care? Some of their beliefs are against current ‘public policy’ in Canada.”
Pursuing his argument, he added: “We open beneficiaries up to examination of their writings, character and beliefs. Where is the new line? This evaluation of the beneficiary should not be permitted at all to avoid drastic pitfalls in a free and democratic society.”
And, he said, “none of the examples of case law examined the beneficiaries.”
Imagine two siblings left an estate. “If we begin evaluating beneficiaries, it would be in their best interests to slander each other as unworthy. It would be in their financial interests to smear each other.”
“Would my learned friends be here today if the money had been given to Mr. Gliebe?” he asked. “If the courts allow the examination of the character of beneficiaries, where is the certainty in counselling a client on the drafting of his will?” he wondered,.
“This Court shouldn’t be used to debate ‘hate’,” he said emphatically in his lilting Newfoundland accent. “Make no mistake: The applicant and the other interveners are trying to open up the courts to an avalanche of beneficiary disputes. They are opening a Pandora’s Box. There will be no limit to what is potentially relevant.”
Mr. Lodge pointed out: “In the past, Courts stuck to the wording of the will to establish public policy. I submit respectfully that a finding for the applicant will do more harm than good.”
“We have already seen bad effect happening here, with the attack on other people’s character in the most recent CIJA affidavit [attacking Paul Fromm, Director of CAFE]. Suffice it to say, the affidavit contained personal and irrelevant information intending to discredit Mr. Fromm. It was an attack on his character. He is not even a beneficiary in this case. Why did CIJA do this? Because character has now become an issue in estate litigation! Discredit the other beneficiary and the more likely you are to get their portion of the bequest voided and get more for yourself.”
“That is what Isabelle McCorkill is doing here today, trying to get more money,” he charged.
“Whether the National Alliance’s values are congruent with the values of Canada should not be the issue. Allowing this applicant to succeed by assailing the character of others should not be permitted,” he concluded.
Just before noon Judge Grant announced: “I am going to reserve my decision. I’ll get my decision out as quickly as I can.” — Paul Fromm


Judge reserves decision in unusual estate case

TELEGRAPH JOURNAL PIC OF PAUL AND MALCOLMJudge reserves decision in unusual estate case

January 28, 2014


Malcolm Ross attended the second day of the trial as an observer. Paul Fromm in foreground

Photo: Jennifer Pritchett/Telegraph-Journal

SAINT JOHN – A Court of Queen’s Bench judge has reserved his decision on whether a Saint John man’s will is legal and can bequeath about $250,000 in rare coins and antiquities to an American neo-Nazi group.

Harry Robert McCorkill left his estate to the National Alliance when he died in 2004. A decade later, his sister, some rights groups and the province of New Brunswick went to court to prevent the money from flowing to the white supremacist, anti-Semitic organization.

The trial into the matter, held Monday and Tuesday, saw lawyers from both sides make arguments in an unusual legal case that weighs peoples’ individual right to leave their estate to whomever – and whatever type of organization – they choose against the court’s ability to intervene in special circumstances that are deemed against “public policy.”

There’s little case law on the subject and in many ways, the debate around the McCorkill estate is unique and breaks new legal ground.

Dan Delaquis, a lawyer for the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, told the court Tuesday that the gift, if it’s permitted to stand, will be “detrimental to the Jewish community” and will result in an erosion of Canadian values because the National Alliance has a mandate of hate and is a well-known white supremacist group.

“We submit in this case that the public interest must outweigh the wish of Mr. McCorkill,” he said.

Marc-Antoine Chiasson, a lawyer for Isabelle Rose McCorkill, argued that one need only look at the National Alliance’s own handbook to see firsthand how it purports a racist message.

He read excerpts of the small handbook in court on Monday, highlighting how it points to “white” living spaces with white schools and residential areas with the overall view to create a white world.

Chiasson also pointed to the words of National Alliance founder William Luther Pierce and described his books, Hunter and The Turner Diaries, which were written under the pseudonym “Andrew Macdonald,” as repugnant.

But Andy Lodge, a lawyer for the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE), told the court Tuesday that the fact that an organization may be considered “morally reprehensible” should have no impact on whether it can be a beneficiary of an estate. He pointed out that there are no laws prohibiting even a serial killer or a drug dealer to receive assets from a will.

For the court to evaluate whether a beneficiary such as the National Alliance is against “public policy,” he argued, would open “Pandora’s box.”

He said it would do more harm than good if the courts started assessing a beneficiary’s past or try to predict how they would spend the money they receive from a will.

Lodge described the court debate over McCorkill’s will as an “exercise in futility.” He argued there is no legal basis to challenge the will because it’s valid, follows New Brunswick’s Wills Act and contains no words that are contrary to Canada’s public policy.

The lawyer said he knows of no law that would prohibit a living person in Canada from giving money to the National Alliance.

John Hughes, the lawyer for the executor of the estate Fred Streed, argued that the application to prevent the disposition of McCorkill’s estate to the National Alliance should be dismissed.

Isabelle McCorkill didn’t attend the trial in Saint John nor did any representative from the National Alliance, a West-Virginia based organization.

Chiasson, her lawyer, has said that the legal battle over her brother’s estate has never been about the money, but rather, about preventing it from going to a neo-Nazi group.

Catherine Fawcett, who represents the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, also argued that the gift to the National Alliance is “completely against public policy” and pointed to the connection between hate propaganda and violence.

McCorkill’s estate includes, among other items, a collection of hundreds of Greek, Roman, and Italian coins – some dating back to 525 BC – that he amassed since the 1970s. Some items were once displayed at the University of Saskatchewan’s Antiquities Museum and a release from that institution in 1997 described him as a well-travelled collector and a chemist who spent time at MIT and the Smithsonian Institution.

Little else is known about the man or why he lived in Saint John, where he moved about a year before his death. He lived quietly in a townhouse in Millidgeville and after he died at home in 2004, his body remained at the Saint John Regional Hospital for nearly two weeks while the authorities tried to track down his next of kin.

The National Alliance paid for his funeral and hired Malcolm Ross and William Ross of Moncton to transport, store and take inventory of his assets.

Malcolm Ross, who attended McCorkill’s court hearing in Saint John on Tuesday with his brother, was the focus of a 1996 Supreme Court ruling that found that the former Moncton-area teacher whose off-duty writings claimed Christians were under attack by an international Jewish conspiracy, had in fact “poisoned” the educational environment. The ruling upheld a human rights board of inquiry that ordered Ross into a non-teaching job.

Outside court, he told the Telegraph-Journal that he was there to “observe,” but declined to comment on his connection to the McCorkill matter.

Hear Paul Fromm on the Don Black Show at 10:00 a.m. Friday, January 24 Discussing the SPLC’s Efforts to Hijack the McCorkill Will

Hear Paul Fromm on the Don Black Show at 10:00 a.m. Friday, January 24 Discussing the SPLC’s Efforts to Hijack the McCorkill Will

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The Don and Derek Black Show went on the air on WPBR 1340AM four years ago. We broadcast five days a week for three years, despite considerable expense and relentless threats against the station by our enemies.

Don Black and his long-time co-host Truck Roy are now back, with a bigger audience than ever! We have partnered with the Rense Internet/Satellite network for a live two-hour show, every weekday morning, 9:00-11:00 Eastern Time. This is just before the David Duke Show at 11:00.

Don Black has been an activist fighting for European-American survival for forty-five years, beginning when he was fifteen years old. After many difficult years working to reach our people with the truth of racial realities, he was first to realize the potential of the Internet.

He first started promoting our message on various online services in 1988, before most people had ever heard of the Internet. He then set up a small dial-up computer bulletin board called Stormfront in 1990, while working on the David Duke for US Senate Campaign. This would later go online on the Net.

But it wasn’t until March of 1995 that Stormfront’s reach exploded, when the World Wide Web had made navigating the Net easier for non-techies.

For the first time, we had our own media. And in the years since, with the media monopoly’s control of news broken, more of our people than ever before now understand the truth. But we have a long way to go.

Join Don Black and Truck Roy, with special guest Gordon Lee Baum, CEO of the largest pro-White organization in America, the Council of Conservative Citizens, talk about where we’ve been and where we’re going. Call-ins welcome.

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AFP Radio: Paul Fromm Discusses the Bizarre Case of Canadian Political Prisoner Brad Love

CENSOREDAFP Radio: Paul Fromm Discusses the Bizarre Case of Canadian Political Prisoner Brad Love

Dave Gahary
AFP Radio
January 18, 2014


Dave Gahary interviews Paul Fromm, the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, who discusses the bizarre case of Canadian Brad Love, who is imprisoned for, believe it or not, writing letters.




James Alcock Explains the History of the Red Ensign — the Flag of the Real Canada

James Alcock Explains the History of the Red Ensign — the Flag of the Real Canada
REXDALE, ON. December 19, 2013. Transportation and Vexillologist (flag expert) James Alcock outlined the rich history and development of the Red Ensign, which is the flag of the real Canada and which has never legally been rescinded, at the monthly meeting of the Alternative Forum here tonight.

Photo: Canada's Real Flag. We fly it at all our meetings. I've spoken beneath its glory at EURO conferences and in Britain.

Introducing Mr. Alcock, Forum chairman Paul Fromm, said: “The year 1965 marked a revolution, a near coup d’état in Canada. That was the year Lester Pearson changed our immigration policy and turned our backs on our traditional immigration sources — Britain and Europe — and flung the door open to the Third World. That same year, he established the rigged Royal Commission of Hate Propaganda, which brought us Canada’s “hate law” in 1971, which would make criticism of the changes in immigration legally risky. And, 1965 was the year Lester Pearson changed our flag. The old Red Ensign was a strong symbol of our Christian roots and the European founding/settler people who built this country. The new flag looked like the logo for some insurance company. Even the symbolism was cockeyed. The two bars represented the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans but they are red not blue.Frederick Fromm's photo. If you are about to replace a free European country with an anti-free speech Third World invasion you must replace the flag that reminds people of our real roots,” Mr. Fromm said.


“Young people are not told of the Re Ensign,” Mr. Alcock explained. “They are told Canada had no flag until 1965.”
In 1867, he explained. “the Fathers of Confederation wanted a flag to represent our ships at sea.. As part of the British Empire, we flew the Union Jack. The British Admiralty looked after flag issues. In 1868, we adopted the British Red Ensign with a crest which contained the crests of the four founding provinces of Canada — Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. This flag was approved for all merchant ships in Canada.”
Then, he said, “in 1892, the Admiralty granted approval for the use of this flag on land.”
Ironically, the normal rules are that the ensign with a blue background is to be flown on land and the ensign with the red background is to be flown at sea. However, much of Canada had been opened up by the Hudson’s Bay Company which used a red Ensign with the initials “HBC” on the fly.
To recognize this peculiar tradition, Mr. Alcock explained, Canada was allowed to use the Red Ensign on land and the Blue Ensign. Frederick Fromm's photo.
As time went on, it was decided that all British colonies were to use blue ensigns but territories, protectorates and Dominions like Canada could use the Red (background) ensign on land, he explained.
“By 1905,” Mr. Alcock continued,” Canada had nine provinces and their crests would not easily fit into a single crest of the fly. Therefore, a new design was needed.” In recognition of Canada’s valiant contributions in the First World War, in 1921, King George V awarded Canada with its own coat of arms which included the crests of England, Ireland, Scotland and pre-revolutionary France, with three Maple Leafs, representing the eastern, western and northern regions of Canada, all joined together on a single stem and coming together as a nation.Frederick Fromm's photo.
“In 1924, the Dominion Parliament approved the Red Ensign to be Canada’s flag abroad. After World War II, under the leadership of Prime Minister Mackenzie King, the Red Ensign became the flag of Canada. Viscount Alexander the Governor General delivered a Royal Proclamation that the Red Ensign was the national flag of Canada.”
In the 1950s, Quebec nationalists put pressure on the governing Liberals to change the flag and abandon the Union Jack within the Red Ensign. The green Maple Leaves representing growth and hope were replaced with red leaves, beautiful in their Autumn splendour but dying. Incongruously, the female bust on the Irish harp was removed and replaced with a knob.
 “During the Suez crisis in 1956, Egyptians charged that Canadians could not be neutral in a conflict that pitted Britain and France against Egypt, as the Canadian flag contained the Union Jack. Then External Affairs Minister Lester Pearson vowed he would get rid of the Red Ensign,” Mr. Alcock revealed. When he became Prime Minister in 1963, he proceeded to do just that.
“A lawyer has advised that the Royal Proclamation making the Red Ensign Canada’s flag has never been rescinded,” Mr. Alcock insisted. “Thus, it remains a valid flag of Canada.”
Mr. Alcock decorated the meeting room with wall flags of the various incarnations of the red Ensign. The Alternative Forum’s final meeting of the year concluded with some Christmas chocolates and a hearty politically incorrect “MERRY CHRISTMAS.”


Frederick Fromm's photo.

Paul Fromm on Grace Under Pressure

Counter-Currents Radio
Paul Fromm on Grace Under Pressure

Posted By Counter-Currents Radio On December 6, 2013 @ 2:36 pm In Counter-Currents Radio | 1 Comment

paul_fromm_red_ensign225 [1]26:57 / 111 words

Photo: Counter-Currents Radio 
Paul Fromm on Grace Under Pressure

Posted By Counter-Currents Radio On December 6, 2013 @ 2:36 pm In Counter-Currents Radio | 1 Comment

paul_fromm_red_ensign225 [1]26:57 / 111 words

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In this short talk, Paul Fromm talks about the campaign spearheaded by the Canadian Jewish Congress to have him fired from his job as a public school teacher because of his pro-free speech and anti-immigration activism. He deals specifically with the question of whether it is productive for whites who are under attack to give interviews to the media. The remarks at the conclusion of the talk are somewhat choppy because I edited out questions and comments that were not picked up by the microphone.

To download the mp3, right-click here [2] and choose “save target or link as.”


To download the mp3, right-click here [2] and choose “save target or link as.”

To subscribe to our podcasts, click here[3].

In this short talk, Paul Fromm talks about the campaign spearheaded by the Canadian Jewish Congress to have him fired from his job as a public school teacher because of his pro-free speech and anti-immigration activism. He deals specifically with the question of whether it is productive for whites who are under attack to give interviews to the media. The remarks at the conclusion of the talk are somewhat choppy because I edited out questions and comments that were not picked up by the microphone.


To download the mp3, right-click here [2] and choose “save target or link as.”