Why the Canadian State Literally Burns Books
Joshua Blakeney August 20, 2014 Commentary

Non-Aligned Media
August 19, 2014
I wish to bring to the attention of Non-Aligned Media readers the following episode of “The Fighting Side of Me”, the radio show hosted by Paul Fromm—founder of the Canadian Association for Free Expression—which I stumbled across on the highly stimulating website ofCounter-Currents Publishing. The show, “Paul Fromm on Censorship in Canada”, as the title intimates, addresses the problem of state-enforced censorship in Canada.
FULL SHOW – Listen here (right click to download)
Fromm elucidates the different ways certain forms of intellectual expression—most notably criticism of the organized Jewish community—are criminalized and expunged from the public domain in the second largest country on earth. The most notorious method is the deployment of armed police to the home or workplace of a targeted heretic who will typically be temporarily flung in prison, interrogated and then railroaded either through the pro-Zionist courts or through Canada’s federal and provincial “Human Rights” commissions. The Canadian state has incarcerated many violators of state-sponosred political correctness under this dispensation, most recently an elderly blogger named Arthur Topham who committed the “crime” of authoring a satirical article which delegitimized Israel.
Of course florid, sentimentalist lingo is harnessed by the well-paid “Human Rights” impresarios to fool the Canadian public into believing that they have a vested interest in relinquishing the hard-won right to freely express oneself in a peaceful and unfettered way. The naked truth is that this prevention-of-hate-speech-
Implicit to this authoritarian procedure is the Canadian state ideology of Jewish Exceptionalism. White Europeans, Arabs, Muslims, Persians and Christians, in particular, can have their traditions excoriated and deconstructed by the Jewish literati but if they repay the favour they may find themselves behind bars. Judaism and Jewishness are treated exceptionally by the Canadian legal system due to the wealth and power of the organized Jewish community. Canada has the best legal system money can buy.
The Canadian State Burns Books Written By Dr. David Duke Thus Preventing Canadian Citizens From Drawing Their Own Conclusions About the Merits of His Work
Fromm emphasizes an additional means of censorship which often goes under the radar of those interested in restoring the European tradition of freedom of expression in Canada, namely customs officials snatching and then disposing of books, DVDs and other paraphernalia deemed politically-incorrect. A 2008 Canada Boarder Services Agency posting acknowledged that such seizures are potentially violative of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which was conferred upon Canada by Britain in 1982:
Unlike many other goods with which CBSA officials routinely deal, expressive materials are protected by the freedom of expression guarantee set out in subsection 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Although not specifically tested in the courts to date, it is believed that, in respect of hate propaganda, sedition and treason, as with obscenity, the infringement of section 2(b) of the Charter is justified under its own section 1, because the overriding objective of the law is the avoidance of harm to society and that is a sufficiently substantial concern to warrant a restriction on freedom of expression.
CBSA, on behalf of those who rule Canada, claims the right to revoke a constitutionally-protected right, without judicial sanction, as is implied by the admission that their presumptive actions have “not [been] especially tested in the courts to date”. They claim this abrogation of a constitutionally-protected right is intended to mitigate against an alleged “harm to society” deemed arbitrarily to be of “substantial concern to warrant a restriction on freedom of expression”. In a posting on the CAFÉ website Fromm has listed some of the intellectual goods which CBSA has deemed of “substantial concern”:
[T]he Frankfurt School, a dvd produced by the Conservative Citizens Foundation; Communism With the Mask Off, a speech delivered in Nurnberg on September 13, 1935 by Dr. Joseph Goebbels; Pre-Emptive Ideology, Occasional Papers of the Citizens’ Foundation, Issue #7; The King Holiday and its Meaning, speech by Senator Jesse Helms, introduction by Samuel Francis; The Citizens Informer, Vol. 45, No. 1 (newspaper published thrice yearly by the Council of Conservative Citizens); The First Freedom, June, 2012, a newspaper; The Alabamian, May-June, 2012, a newsletter published by the Alabama Council of Conservative Citizens and CofCC Board member Leonard Wilson; and the Northwest Observer, Volumes #115 (February, 2012), #116 (March, 2012), and #117 (April, 2012), published by long-time U.S. writer Harold Covington.
Some of these materials are particularly benign. The documentary The Frankfurt School, for example, is merely a compilation of critiques by academics of what was arguably the most influential sociological tendency of the 20th Century—albeit one characterized by Israeli intellectual Gershom Scholem as a “Jewish sect”. “The King Holiday” is merely a speech about Martin Luther King delivered by a former US senator. Nevertheless, these scholarly materials were prevented from entering the country, clearly based on top-down political motivations rather than concern for society as a whole, which would benefit from having the forces critiqued in the aforementioned texts exposed to more, rather than less, intellectual criticism. Fromm adds:
How are books destroyed? A good supporter of CAFÉ who had a copy of David Duke’s [book] Jewish Supremacism seized some years ago, was told by a Customs officials that they were “burned.” So,our thought police practise book burning in Canada.
That’s right! The Canadian state—whose representatives are incessantly lecturing other countries on democracy and civil liberties—burns books to stop citizens reading them! The following message is projected by the state: Don’t worry about forming your own conclusions about this or that book or argument lowly citizens, the Canadian government has done it for you!
As I stated in a recent interview on Press TV, the organized Jewish community forms a significant locus of power in Canada. They are not the only locus of power but, in their totality, they wield disproportionate power and influence. The pro-Zionist uniformity of Canada’s parliamentarians during the recent massacre in Gaza—which was out-of-sync with the preponderance of world leaders—indicates this. If it is to be that Canadian citizens are, in effect, prohibited by law from criticizing that particular locus of power, which has great influence over both domestic and foreign policy, then this polity can be described as nothing else than a dictatorship. The dictates of the leaders of a hegemonic group in Canada, if critiqued too effectively, will result in the incarceration of the critic. Books which are critical of that elite group will be burned. DVDs containing critiques of that influential clique will be trashed. These are hallmarks of dictatorship.
Thankfully Paul Fromm is committed to Canada and its foundational system, based on British values including tolerance of conflicting viewpoints, rather than the foreign eliminationist values which have been foisted upon ordinary Canadians by agents of global Zionism and their puppet politicians.