Wow! What A Busy Week of Media Work Getting Out the Story of Canada Customs Thought Police and Harassment

Wow! What A Busy Week of Media Work Getting Out the Story of Canada Customs Thought Police and Harassment

* CAFE You Tube —

* Co-host STORMFRONT Radio (twice)

* Co-host THE TRUMP PHENOMENON (twice on Republic Broadcasting

* Interviewed on Jamie Kelso’s THE AMERICAN FREEDOM PARTY SHOW

* RED ICE RADIO (discussing the Arthur Topham ” hate law” trial —

* The Brandon Martinez Show —

* One hour interview on VOTERS’ ECHO television show —

* And, of course, on my nightly radio show on

Frederick Fromm's photo.

Canada Border Services Agency — Political Police & Censors

Canada Border Services Agency — Political Police & Censors

Paul Fromm Appears on Voters’ Echo

* Exposes mail opening and harassment by Canada Border Service Agency
* two and a half hour harassment; opening laptop and cellphone; total invasion of privacy

See More

VoteFrederick Fromm's photo.

Voters’ Choice Host Bahman Yazdanfar with guest Paul Fromm, Director of the

Canadian Association for Free Expression

Brandon Martinez Interviews Paul Fromm About Customs Harassment & Arthur Topham “Hate” Speech Trial — Abuse BY Process

Brandon Martinez Interviews Paul Fromm About Customs Harassment & Arthur Topham “Hate” Speech Trial — Abuse BY Process

Latest episode of The Martinez Perspective with guest Paul Fromm.

…Published on Feb 8, 2016

On this episode of the Martinez Perspective I am joined by Paul Fromm, a long-time free speech activist, White preservationist and director of the Canadian Association of Free Expression. We discussed Paul’s recent run-in with the “thought police” at the Toronto airport, who, on the orders of the most likely Zionist influence peddlers higher up in the Canadian government, harassed and finagled him in a clear act of state-sanctioned intimidation. Then we touched on some of the finer details of the Arthur Topham thought crime trial in BC, where Zionist hate mongers are seeking to send an elderly blogger to jail for publishing books that are already widely available online.

Paul Fromm – ‘Invading Our Lands; Silencing Our Voices’ — Talk to the London Forum, January 30, 2016

Paul Fromm – ‘Invading Our Lands; Silencing Our Voices’ — Talk to the London Forum, January 30, 2016

When any nation that is not part of ‘The Neo Con Empire’, for example China, silences the opposition to its governing regime by accusing its critics of ‘Hate’ and locking them away under ‘Hate Laws’ , the Western liberal media goes bezerk and fires off a volley of denunciations. However, the same media is hypocritically either strangely silent, or full of applause when its own liberal Western ruling regimes use the same methods and laws to imprison and silence their own dissidents. To be a dissident in the West these days is to be a defender of the true Western values and to be against the extermination of things we used to take for granted, such as: family; community; culture; nation, race and indeed the West itself. People of European origin in North America, as elsewhere in the world, are the victims of a cultural Marxist political and media elite dedicated to their replacement by massive Third World immigration. Simultaneously, there are strenuous efforts by the same elite to suppress criticism of this policy of dispossession by a variety of legal measures, (hate laws, etc.), media boycott and social sanctions for dissenters. Paul Fromm speaks extensively on immigration and free speech issues worldwide. He heads the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and The Canadian Association for Free Expression. He has battled Canada’s oppressive internet censors and supported Ernst Zundel and David Irving. For the past four years, he has been media spokesman for the European American Heritage Festival, held annually in late October in Pulaski, Tennessee. He has a daily one hour commentary show on This autumn he covered the 12-day trial of Arthur Topham, (, who was charged with promoting “hate” under Canada’s notorious “hate law”.– Jez Turnner, London Forum.

Government Snoops Rifle Through Laptop & Newspaper Clippings in 2.5-hour Ordeal of Political Harassment at Toronto Airport

Government Snoops Rifle Through Laptop & Newspaper Clippings in 2.5-hour Ordeal of Political Harassment at Toronto Airport

Soft tyranny in new “Sunny Ways” Liberal Canada.
Paul Fromm’s shocking story of violation and bullying.
Frederick Fromm's photo.

Hear Brian Ruhe (Vancouver victim of Zionist persecution) Interviewed by Co-Host Paul Fromm, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. EST

Hear Brian Ruhe (Vancouver victim of Zionist persecution) Interviewed by Co-Host Paul Fromm, Wednesday, December 9,  10:00 a.m. EST

Tune in to STORMFRONT RADIO (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., EST) Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Co-host Paul Fromm will interview Vancouver revisionist videographer Brain Ruhe. Mr., Ruhe has been the victim of an organized campaign by Zionists to impoverish him and have him fired from a series of jobs as an instructor in Buddhism and meditation at Vancouver-area education institutions and community centres.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
Listen live to Stormfront Radio with Don Black & Roy
with co-hosts Paul Fromm and Don Advo. Followed by Dr. David Duke.
Weekdays 9:00-11:00am

Update on Brian Ruhe — Vancouver Meditation Instructor, the Target of Bnai Brith’s Harry Abrams Ruination Campaign to Impoverish Him

Update on Brian Ruhe — Vancouver Meditation Instructor, the Target of Bnai Brith’s Harry Abrams Ruination Campaign to Impoverish Him

Brian Ruhe, a Vancouver instructor in Buddhism and meditation, has, over the past few years posted a number of videos taking issue with the Hollywood version of World War II and the demonization of the German people. He came to the attention of Harry Abrams of Victoria, a prominent member of B’nai Brith., one of Canada’s foremost censorship groups and a prominent lobby for a foreign state, Israel.
Over the past year, Abrams has launched a campaign to get Mr. Ruhe fired from various teaching jobs for nothing more than the non-violent expression of his political and historical views. He has had some success. However, when Mr. Ruhe twice tried to contact him respectfully and quietly like the gentle Buddhist he is, the brave Abrams went squealing to the police whining about harassment|. It was a clever ploy where the victimizer claims victimhood. The oh-so-politically correct cops duly leaned on Mr. Ruhe.
Preview YouTube video Wrongful Dismissal of a University Teacher

Wrongful Dismissal of a University Teacher
See Mr. Ruhe’s videos at




Hi all…., here’s a very dynamic radio programme:
with Cdn. free speech advocate Paul Fromm ( and Calif. attorney Don Advo discussing:

– Paul’s recent restriction on his right to travel — he has been going to the U.S. for years with just a passport (like most Cdn’s), but was told this past summer he now must have a Visa.  He applied for it and it should have been granted by the end of Sept, but they are “still processing,” (translation: intentionally withholding) which will cause him to miss an important conference in TN this weekend.  (restriction on the right of travel is a sure sign that tyranny is growing in any country that implements it).
Frederick Fromm's photo.

Attorney Barkley Johnson, Mrs. Shasta Topham, Terry Tremaine, Free Speech Warrior Arthur Topham, & Paul Fromm
– Zionist-orchestrated proxy wars in the Middle East with the goal of destabilizing the region, allowing for the Greater Israel Plan (i.e. a land grab and occupation of other countries besides Palestine), zio-bankers making $$$ by funding all sides of the various conflicts, and most heart-wrenching, the inevitable consequence of massive numbers of refugees (many military age males) immigrating into Europe and further destroying the ancient and unique cultures of its various countries.
– and most interestingly, a play by play of free speech advocate Arthur Topham’s trial this week (continues next) in Quesnel, B.C.  A complaint was brought against Topham, by Harry Abrams of B’nai Brith Victoria (a Zionist front group) for promoting hatred against Jews on his webstie  This is a fascination segment of the show not to be missed.  Case in point, someone in the courtroom noticing that the large light fixtures in it are hanging from 4, six foot Stars of David!  Does this give anyone any clues as to who controls the Judiciary in Canada (and all western countries)?  But it doesn’t stop there…., “they” have also infiltrated and control at least 3 other major institutions: 1) the mainsteam media (news and entertainment), 2) the banking system and fiat money, and 3) higher education (i.e. university depts involved in research, advising to Govts, and resultant policies), and professorships (i.e. professors with a Zionist bent to inculcate various doctrines and dogmas into young impressionable minds…, aka brainwashing).

The Latest Attack on Vancouver Freethinker & Meditation Instructor Brian Ruhe by Zionist Thought Police

The Latest Attack on Vancouver Freethinker & Meditation Instructor Brian Ruhe by Zionist Thought Police

Welcome! This video is of Brian Ruhe being interviewed by Paul Fromm, Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression. This is about how a representative of the  powerful Jewish organization, B’nai Brith attacked Buddhist teacher Brian Ruhe in August and September 2015. 

Brian taught courses and Mindfulness Meditation and Buddhism at the Roundhouse Community and Arts Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada. On August 28th, the Georgia Straight website at posted the following story about Brian Ruhe getting fired from Capilano University:

A senior B’nai Brith member, Harry Abrams, posted a comment on the blog following this article stating that we wrote to the Parks Board to get Brian fired from his teaching jobs. On Sept. 14th, Brian received his first phone call informing that he was fired from the Roundhouse, as described in this video. On Sept. 16th another community centre supervisor called Brian to inform him that his courses were canceled after 16 years at the Kitsilano Community Centre as well as at the False Creek Community Centre because of “low enrollment” even though his course at False Creek was not due to start until October 1st and there was plenty of time to promote the course!

Hear Paul Fromm Interview Latest Canadian Censorship Victim, Brian Ruhe — Stormfront Radio, Wednesday, September 23, 10:00 a.m. E.S.T

Hear Paul Fromm Interview Latest Canadian Censorship Victim, Brian Ruhe — Stormfront Radio, Wednesday, September 23, 10:00 a.m. E.S.T

Listen live to Stormfront Radio with Don Black & Roy
with co-hosts Paul Fromm and Don Advo. Followed by Dr. David Duke.
Weekdays 9:00-11:00am ET