Thoughtful Analysis of the END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies & Chris Sky’s Strategy by Longtime Victoria Freedom Fighter Gordon Watson

“I went down to the demonstration, to get my fair share of abuse …” **  

Our usual GATHERING at the Legislature. had a bit more bother on Oct 16th.    The presence of cops on scene afterward was payday for the provocateur who’s shown up lately to counterprotest us.      At noon – our meet up time – there were only three of us dissident voices.  But it didn’t matter.   I’ve been coming out for over a year, to have my say, regardless what else goes on.      An important part of our gathering is big hugs all ‘round.  We are a support group for folks who find ourselves anathema to friends / family,  shunned for refusing to buy-in to the official nonsense. After a year in place this group is a beacon … the only game in town ..  an ongoing witness against Medico-Stalinsim.  By 1:00 pm, there were 46 warm bodies fellowshipping on a beautiful fall day

In the last few weeks we’ve been irked by provocateurs such as a guy spraypainting our signs, a skateboarder dressed all in black.  That day,  Victoria police were there in minutes, and took him away. Already in handcuffs, the fool started to fight them!  So, he was wrestled to the pavement. To me, it looked contrived , as if he was putting on a show for dramatic effect.    I suspect antifa.   

We guessed right about the one who showed up week after week,  standing in our ‘midst, holding her sign :  VACCINES SAVE LIVES.    Having seen such street theatre in ‘other movies’ [ my longtime political activism ]   it was obvious the stage was being set for a made-for-media-moment.    Sure enough, on Oct 6th the professional tv camera set up across the street, focused on her.  On the news the next evening, the storyline was : ‘valiant little waif bullied by cranky refusniks’

The clip shown on CHEK TV was a textbook example of how a hit piece is done.  Go out and gather raw footage, then edit it so our group is smeared for criticizing the Central Party Line.    Give the devil his due, though.   The money shot opens with a woman striding down the sidewalk towards the camerawoman screeching  “I am Satan !!”. As crazyhot as it gets.   The intrepid journalists then interviewed the target of the Screecher, namely Nell Saba, the pro-VaXX counterprotester –  afterwards,  in the green room.  So the troublemaker came off as the sweet, cool voice of reason.  Utter nonsense, of course, but the role of the LugenPress is twisting reality for mass consumption.     Several of our regulars won’t come out anymore after that public relations disaster. 

Yesterday, there was a bit of a punchup. Most of us protesting the Lockdown, were within earshot of  20  counterprotesters standing 50 yards away at the intersection.  Usually, the core of our demo. is in the middle of the block, with people spread out, holding signs curbside for the length of the block.  One of our own group, unhappy with how things have gone lately,  chided us for standing at the usual spot.   She demanded we all go to the intersection and challenge the counterprotesters.  I declined to get in to such a petty turf war.   What crossed my mind was what old Georgie Gordon taught us ;
             “you can avoid a lot more trouble than you can get yourself out of”. 

My intuition was borne out within minutes.   Story I got, is  a man sidled up to a woman who was standing at the curb.  He used his body to bump her in to the street. Not sure yet,  if she was Nell Saba, or one on our side.   Jeff Harris then went over to that guy,  remonstrating.   Video taken by a bystander shows Harris being punched first.  Mr Harris then punched back.    Nothing like fresh bright red blood all over a white face for shock value.  The guy who’d done the bumping, that is.  after the scuffle, I went up to Victoria Police officer Kersti, advising her that there are 4 witnesses to what had gone on.  She waved at the security cameras up all ‘round, saying: “It’s all on video”.  The cops did not take formal witness statements.

Witnesses told me a very curious factoid : vis, a black Tesla was stopped in the inside lane on Belleville Street at the very spot when the man bumped the woman into the street.  After the punching happened,  a guy came out of the melee, got in that car and drove away.  Another strand of circumstantial evidence that the altercation was scripted.

Apparently Nell Saba’s sister Rose, is a reporter for the Trawna Globe& Mail.  There you gO: linkage to an employee of the “legacy” media which received $61 million in subsidies, to puke-out the Central Party Line. What an amazing !! coincidence, eh?

In the US of A, the content and style of  The Screecher  [ supposedly on our side? ]  would be freedom of speech in a public place.  But it’s different in Canada.   Both content and her style are at the margin of ‘qualified speech’ in this country.  Because of the decibel level of her screeching,  I’d warned her previously that she was in jeopardy of being charged with ‘Causing a disturbance by shouting’.    To which she sneered :  “This is what a protest looks like”. Direct quote.      One wonders why this woman shows up at the same place and time to hang around with mild-mannered Canadians not on the same page as her?    No doubt that clip will be used as evidence against us in the in-evitable court cases to come

The EVENT scheduled for Saturday Oct 16th in Duncan, was prohibited from convening on the big field by the Aquatic Centre, as we did in previous END the Lockdown rallies.    Instead, participants were directed to stand alongside the highway holding signs. The RCMP told organizer Brian Egan that if any participants actually go on the field,  the school board – which owns it –  will consider them trespassers.  

So the SitzKreig is over.   Word went out from on high that public display of opposition to public health diktats,  is to be stifled.  The NDP administration is doing what thugs in power always do as their house-of-cards comes unglued  — create pretext for gaoling Truthtellers.     “bubble-zones” are to be imposed around schools and hospitals. Apparently, those who work there are so fragile that encountering a message contrary to myth about SARS2/Covid19 will be traumatized … the socalled Minister of Public Safety’ making teachers and healthcare workers “safe”  by outlawing criticism of his government!    Next stage, is … AG Eby calls on the Criminal Justice Branch.      So, discussion of the rationale for official response to the foundational myth of SARS2/Covid19 gets submerged in the criminal INjustice racket.

Not waiting for the ink to dry on the Order paper in the House, Premier Horgan has drawn the battle lines.  However they word it, his no-free-speech zones are an affront to what used to be called ‘common sense’.      The NeeDiPpers know that resentment is festering against their assinine policy.   Unable to admit they blundered badly,   they are hipchecking political opponents in to the briarpatch of the legal racket.    Ever  since GrandWitch Bonnie bleated that our presence on the doorstep of the Ministry of Health headquarters was “unacceptable” –  the pathetic-excuse for-a-newspaper in the province’s capital city the Timely Colonic (Victoria Times-Colonist)  disparages us with letters to the Editor.  The latest one comes very close to breaching section 319 of the Criminal Code :  bringing a definable group into contempt.   That would,  us, walking around UNvaxxed, having the temerity to proclaim ourselves “naturally-immune. The non-GMO control group’ in this vast medical experiment

I can hardly wait to see what the NDP pretends as color of law for their regulation, illegal as it will be ab initio.   As my old friend Doug Christie used to put it:  FREEDOM OF SPEECH   IS   THE ISSUE.  

This old warhorse = moi =  welcomes Horgan’s announcement. It brings the issue to a fine point.  I am soliciting a ‘flying squad’ of individuals who have a good grasp of the right to freedom of expression. If confronting the problem at Ground Zero is your idea of a good time,   contact me.

The URL to a video record on the scuffle at the Leg. on Saturday October 16th. was posted on FaceBook, but I cannot locate it now.     It does show a proVAXX guy throwing the first punch.     But that doesn’t really matter.   Little Miss Saba and her handlers – she’s not on her own doing this — got what they came for. 

Finally : I see The Real Chris Sky (c) trademark is heading West, advertising his trip as the ROSA PARKS 2021 MOVEMENT.  I find it hard to believe that Mr Soccaccia ( real name) and  his handlers didn’t do their homework so as to know that The Real Rosa Parks was a card-carrying commie.     Her notoriety arose from a piece of agitprop sponsored by the Communist Party USA.    One is entitled to ask : is that the inspiration for Mr Sky’s project?

Indeed, he does have some good points speaking to crowds, but the circus that goes on around him – his “new Jersey dude bro thug act’ – disgusts me. . My take on it, is = the cartoon of Sky as celebrity spokesman for the End the Lockdown movement, is from the bag of tricks of Liberal Party ‘attack dog’ Warren Kinsella.  One bit of circumstantial evidence, being Sky’s attack on the People’s Party, at Victoria on July 25th. He was invited to talk on condition he would NOT get political.  But he did, spending 15 minutes of his hour on stage, slagging Maxime Bernier by name. Confer with lawsuit for defamation brought by Maxime Bernier against Warren Kinsella. 

** As Mick Jagger sang back in 1969,  on Let it Bleed

Gordon S Watson

October 17 2021    Metchosin    British Columbia

New COVID Hysteria Truths & Upcoming Freedom Events in the South Okanagan

.New COVID Hysteria Truths & Upcoming Freedom Events in the South Okanagan

Bonny Henry s Book Bonnie the Commie Finally Admits the TruthJust like every other chief medical officer of health across the country, I had a mandate and the legal authority to speak directly to the public about issues related to health. I was fully aware, however, that if I were wildly offside with what the provincial health minister and government believed, it could make my position challenging, and that if I was too far off the mark too often, the government could render me ineffective or fire me altogether.” (p. 40-41) (Thank you Tanya for this update!!) Additionally, she has admitted repeatedly to being pressured to order mask requirements by private business lobby groups. What does this mean? It means she has broken the law, s. 66 of the Public Health Act,which requires her to advise the gov’t in an “independent manner” on public health issues. In fact, it is the gov’t and private lobby groups, fueled by greedy insurance companies and big pharma, telling Bonnie the Commie, what Orders to issue, and she merely follows orders. LOCK HER UP!
NSW Premier giving 666 on resignation to avoid corruption proble But it doesn’t end there. Combine this, with the admissions of a former Australian member of Parliament, Clive Palmer. Two weeks ago, he claimed NSW Premier Glady Berejiklian, here giving the 666 symbol at her resignation, was told she wouldn’t be charged in a corruption probe, if she imposed a vaccine mandate. The Premier just resigned in disgrace. Pfizer and AstraZeneca are alleged to have been paying lobbyists tens of millions of dollars to push the double jab. “Shortly before Berejiklian resigned, she told Sydney residents that if they don’t take the Covid jab, they face total social isolation indefinitely after the stay-at-home order ends in December.” Be assured, big pharma is applying the same pressure (and likely, threats) to Henry, Dix, Farnworth and Horgan in B.C., and to elected officials everywhere.
Our ancestors knew the truthful solution over 400 years ago! The wheel does not need to be reinvented
Etienne de la Boetie 3 Civil Disobedience is the answer
C.L.E.A.R. Telegram Link With over 500 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.
C.L.E.A.R. Telegram Group
Basran 3 THE DENIAL Basran the Bluffer Mayor Basran refuses public debate on his claims that science supports him. However, despite promises we would receive detailed reasons, we received nothing more than a statement of the City’s position that they have decided to follow Bonnie the Commie’s orders. Well, we already knew that! Basran the Bluffer has still refused to say why he won’t debate his claims on the science. Well, we know why! We will continue to demand he debate us publicly on the science – as well as Bonnie the Commie, who also has refused to even answer our demand. Here is his response to our email demand, to which a reply has been forwarded demanding his reconsideration and/or specific reasons for his denial: Dear David: Thank you for your request to meet; however, I respectfully decline. As a City, we have followed the advice and direction of Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer, since day one of this COVID-19 pandemic. As B.C.’s most senior public health official, Dr. Henry is responsible for monitoring the health of all British Columbians and undertaking measures for disease prevention and control and health protection. I believe it’s vitally important that everyone follow Dr. Henry’s orders about what needs to be done to limit the spread of this virus and protect our healthcare system. I will add that it is not the City’s jurisdiction to impose or rescind public health orders; that is the responsibility of Dr. Henry. As I have mentioned, as a City, we follow Dr. Henry’s direction and public health orders, and I encourage our citizens to do the same. Sincerely on behalf of City Council,
B.C. True COVID STATS The Gov’t continues to promote falsified stats, to justify its lockdowns. As shown below, the true death rate from COVID-19 (assuming it exists as it has not even been isolated), is roughly the same as a bad flu season. Bonnie the Commie promotes Cases only:

187 694 Cases 1 973 Deaths = Case Fatality Rate: 1.05% True accurate determination, are infections: Infection Fatality Rate:
187 694 x 8 (Henry’s estimate of true infections – 2020***) = 1 501 552 Infections, about 33% of population
1 501 552 Infections 1 973 Deaths = .13% Infection Fatality Rate (same as the flu) ▪ This is much higher because most people are not sick enough to report infections. This is using: B.C. Gov’t Stats
Up coming important Rallies to attend: Kelowna CLEAR Rally Wednesday October 6, 2021 10:00 a.m. @ Central Okanagan School District 1040 Hollywood Rd. S. Ban the Mask! If you care about our kids, you need to join us to oppose the recent Bonnie the Commie Order imposing masks on our little ones. Read s. 17 of the Infants Act, to immediately see that this Order is completely unlawful. Kelowna CLEAR Rally and Picnic Protest Saturday, October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Stuart Park
Speakers will be announced shortly. With other provinces passing stricter and stricter legislation, and BC close behind, we all have an obligation and need to spread the word about our weekly rallies. Now is NOT the time to leave our beautiful province, but to rally the troops around our cause. Our children and families deserve nothing less. After our rally, we will be having a picnic protest at a local business downtown enforcing the vaxx pass. Bring your chairs and a table or blanket and your lunch, and dress warmly. As with other cities, our goal is to let the businesses know, we oppose them, we will expose them and will not support them.

______ Vernon Rally Saturday, October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Polson Park
Say hi to Heather who is supporting the largest Northern Okanagan rallies.

______ Kamloops Saturday October 9, 2021 12:00 noon @ Riverside Park
Say hi to Glen and Corally supporting the best rallies in the Kamloops area.
______ Penticton Sun. Oct. 10, 2021 12:00 noon @ Warren & Main St.
Say hi to Mary-Lou supporting the largest rallies in the Southern Okanagan
. ______ Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Protest Wednesday Oct. 13, 2021
Location TBA

______ Kelowna CLEAR MEGA Rally Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 Speakers TBA next week. These big rallies have in the past, sent strong messages to the Gov’t and Bonnie the Commie, that there are a lot more people opposed to their lockdowns, than they admit!! We need your support for this huge event and hope you will show up for our speakers, and march through downtown Kelowna.

Many of Kelowna’s finest, freedom activists! — END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in the Okanagan, September 29-October 3 6750

Many of Kelowna’s finest, freedom activists!
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Do our children really need vaccines? In addition to being contrary to section 17 of the B.C. Infants Act, forcing vaccines and masks on our children is assault and a criminal offense endangering their lives! Let us save lives instead and educate our children and young adults to not partake in the COVID death and destruction toll.

If you have to remove your children from the public school system to save their lives, then do so!

School mask mandates have caused great harm and the science is being ignored. Article
With over 500 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.
Up and coming Rallies to attend
Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. protest on Wed. Sept. 29th, 2021 @ Interior Health 505 Doyle 10:00 am We will be going to a local business who continues to promote the vaxx passports. Bring your signs! Location TBA at protest.
Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rally on Sat. Oct. 2nd, 2021 @ Stuart Park 12:00 noon Saturday will commemorate the 75th anniversary of Nuremberg, permanently recognizing that health care cannot be forced upon anyone against their informed, knowledgeable consent. If you know anyone who has been vaxx injured or knows someone that has, and wishes to tell their story, please let us know. Candace will also be speaking on the dangers of graphene present in the masks.
Vernon Rally Sat. Oct. 2nd, 2021 in Polson Park @ 12:00 noon

Say hi to Heather who is supporting the largest Northern Okanagan rallies.
Kamloops Sat. Oct 2nd, 2021 in Riverside Park @ 12:00 noon
Say hi to Glen and Corally supporting the rallies in the Kamloops area.
Penticton Sun. Oct. 3rd, 2021 @ Warren & Main St. 12:00 noon
Say hi to Mary-Lou supporting the largest rallies in the Southern Okanagan.
The great debate???
Basran 3 Both Mayor Basran and Bonnie Henry are not responding to the people’s request, despite remaining on notice as to a public debate on the science.

We continue to remain on hold for a response as promised from Darren Caul, Basran’s Chief Safety Director. There remains no communication response to date. Perhaps we need to take the narrative out of their (and media’s) hands and put it in the hands of the public where it belongs?
Bonnie Henry 3
Vancouver Connections
103797 Please join us this weekend if you are in Vancouver, BC where people will come together, plan and strategize, and have fun, all at the same time while focusing on creating a Canadian World Wide Independent (media) Network. This event will begin at 1pm with afternoon tea and refreshments. There will also be some live jazz, and followed with film showings & workshops.
There will be a Q&A, door prizes, and a fantastic dinner buffet with comedy & dancing to compliment. Dinner will be served around 6-7:00pm. Dancing starts around 8pm until midnight. You can get your tickets early from Master of Ceremonies, Thomas in person or via e-transfer to Tickets are only $40.00 which includes both the dinner buffet & afternoon tea. Your ticket can be picked up before the event at the Art Gallery on Sunday, Sept 26, 1-3pm, and City Hall, Sept 29, 1-4pm under the blue canopy, where Master of Ceremonies,Thomas from the Canadian Sustainable Business Council will be. The venue is located at the Fraserview Assembly Hall, 8240 Fraser Street in Vancouver, BC. We will have a beautiful stage and dance floor. There is free parking for all attending. Don’t miss out and connect with your future.
See you there!
Many of Kelowna’s finest, freedom activists!
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No Vaccine needles
With over 500 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.
Up and coming Rallies to attend

Report on C.L.E.A.R. Mega Rally & Worldwide Freedom Rally in Kelowna, September 18 & Upcoming Freedom Protests in British Columbia

Report on C.L.E.A.R. Mega Rally & Worldwide Freedom Rally in Kelowna, September 18 & Upcoming Freedom Protests in British Columbia

wWow!   We had a remarkable CLEAR MEGA rally and World Wide Rally here in Kelowna this past weekend with over 1000 committed freedom activists!  We are so thankful for all your support for freedom against both the unconstitutional Provincial and Federal orders and legislation.

Our incredibly successful rally featured Sibille, who provided us with her inspiring story on how she traveled to Europe and back without wearing masks or being quarantined!!  With proper planning, it can be done.

We had Keith McIntire , here from Penticton, discussing the harms caused by doctors failing to properly instruct our children as required by law in s. 17 of the Infants Act, the media simply putting out press releases and admitting they leave it up to us to determine if it is correct or not, and the option of laying charges against the family doctor!  A wonderfully inspiring speech.

Legal assistant to Lawyers4Truth, Edward Kallio, who traveled from the Kootenays, provided a great legal educational analysis of the problems facing present court actions.  Many people finally learned why we haven’t had a successful court action so far, especially in relation to injunctions to stop this madness from continuing. 

We greatly thank all our speakers for their dedication to freedom and sacrifices just to make it here for your benefit.

We’ve included some pix from our rally here as well.

Vancouver had over 7 000 or more people show up to their rally!!! 

These World Wide Rallies had millions of people all over the world joined together in mutual opposition to the destruction or denial of our rights and freedoms.  Additional anger is directed toward our controlled, and politically subsidized mainstream media.

All this was followed by a huge downtown march and highway rally, with our activists filling our streets and gaining the support of thousands of people.  If you weren’t there, you missed a wonderful expression of freedom!

Two weeks ago, our CLEAR representative David discussed with our rally activists, the implications and content of a recent letter that went out to Bonnie Henry from local Okanagan, anonymous doctors.  We’ve attached this letter here for everyone to read. We urge you to verify the sites they provide, and share this information with others.

It is a must read for anyone wanting information on all aspects of the COVID-19 lies being propagandized daily by our gov’t and MSM. Pay close attention to the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), as well as the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) compared to the more accurate, Absolute Risk Reduction, to see first-hand how Bonnie Henry and the pharma companies, are misleading you with inaccurate and incomplete information.

Upcoming events:

Friday    September 24   7:00  pm   Kerry Park   Kelowna
Lawyer John Carpay, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Saturday    September 25   12:00  noon    Stuart Park   

CLEAR Weekly Rally, this week featuring local businessman Steve Merrill, on his successful refusal to support the Bonnie the Commie mask and vaccine orders in his business!  You won’t want to miss his incredibly motivating story.


Vancouver    Friday, Sept. 24th   5:00 pm   Art Gallery   Featuring: Respiratory Specialist Chris Schaefer and Dr. Roger Hodkinson


Vernon    Sat.  Sept. 25    Polson Park    12:00 noon 


Kamloops   Sat.  Sept. 25   Riverside Park    12:00 noon


Penticton   Sunday Sept. 26    Warren & Main St.   12:00  noon
See everyone this weekend!!

In freedom 
Common Law Education and Rights  

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, August 21-22

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, August 21-22

Poor Bonny Henry and Adrian Dix…. Vaccine deniers hurl questions and insults during COVID-19 town hall….
Thanks to Dorothy for sending the link. ILona was on the call which was abruptly ended after typing her question:

Consent must be completely voluntary, asked of your free will and absent of any threats and compulsion, yet you threaten to withhold freedom of lifestyle choices such as shopping or travel, *why do you consider this to be legal?* Neither Bonny or Adrian addressed the question, guess they had had enough!
Rally Times and Locations!
Vernon ~ August 21 Saturday 12:00 – 2:00 pm in Polson Park
Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. ~ August 21 Saturday 12:00 – 2:00 in Stuart Park
Kamloops ~ August 21 Saturday 12:00 – 2:00 in Riverside Park
Penticton C.L.E.A.R. ~ August 22 Sunday 12:00 – 2:00 at Warren & Main St. ___________________________________________
Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Mega & WWR rally ~ Sept 18 Saturday 12-3 in Stuart Park Vancouver WWRally Sept. 18 Saturday 12-3 at Vancouver Art Gallery
Interior Health Protest
The Good the Bad and the UGLY Thursday August 19, 2021 from 10:00 – 12:00 @ Interior Health 505 Doyle Ave. Kelowna
We are apposing all new restrictions and the vaccine passports!

C.L.E.A.R. downtown march rally this Saturday!

 C.L.E.A.R. downtown march rally this Saturday!
C.L.E.A.R. Rally instagram photo of 2 million views. ILona MC and Bobbie with front line nurses. 2 Weeks after C.L.E.A.R. rally features The Front-line Nurses, Bonnie Henry and her gang of thieves send muzzle orders to the Kelowna region!! Could that have been due to the now 2 million likes and views of Bobbie expressing deep regret of getting vaccinated… and us publicly praying for her vax/jab healing? Let’s keep going as we are clearly making a difference!
Thank you to Kyle Cardinal – For those of you who would like to see the C.L.E.A.R. rally with the FrontlIne Nurses – please click here.
Ted Kuntz will be speaking at C.L.E.A.R. downtown Kelowna march rally this Saturday on August 14, 2021 at noon accross from City Hall in Stuart Park. Come and Join us ….. and bring a friend!
photo 2021-05-16 22-36-40 Caption goes here Ted Kuntz, being one of the original founders of Vaccine Choice Canada (, is Kelowna’s very own beloved Experimental Vaccine expert! Ted has been through much to come to the understanding that he has in order to share it with us! We are thankful that after much travel he will be back this Saturday!
Quote of the day
I would rather listen to a baby crying all day long, than listen to Bonnie Henry!!! {A. Prouse}
photo 2021-07-06 00-46-34 three 1 Caption goes here David Lindsay, another of Saturday’s speakers, is often presumed to be a lawyer as he specializes in court procedures, research, and constitutional and legal issues. He has authored a 250 page book highlighting his experiences which is being made available to view at the C.L.E.A.R. table.

David remains one of the original founders of Common Law Education And Rights and will be sharing on further legal options to support non-vaccination at work.
Better Business Standards
logo-nobackground-5000 2 Better Business Standards is seeking to launch on-line signatures with by the end of next week.
So you can tell your British Columbia friends and family that they will be able to sign the petition on line holding Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Mike Farnworth accountable for their illegal activities.
Are you ready to protest next week at Kelowna’s Interior Health? Stay tuned..

Whatcott commentary and update: Canada is no longer free. We lost it. The ship has sailed.

Pastor Art Pawlowski arrested by Calgary Police, May 8, 2021 for the “crime” of holding church and refusing to turn away worshippers during our so-called Wuhan virus pandemic. It is worth noting that in close to a year and a half, Pastor Art’s church has operated at full capacity, with no physical distancing and no mask wearing, yet there is not one single Wuhan virus death attached to his ministry. Alberta Health Services on the other hand is responsible for many deaths related to their lockdown, but the media will never talk about that.
Police officer wears a face diaper and helps collect evidence to prosecute restaurant owner Chris Scott and the supporters of economic, religious, and political freedom at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror AB, May 8, 2021

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I went to the Whistle Stop Cafe to lend my support to owner and protest organizer Chris Scott and the other supporters of freedom who were gathered there to resist the pseudo scientific tyranny being imposed on us. I would estimate a thousand or so people were in attendance, which for me is quite encouraging, given Mirror, AB is a small village that is literally in the middle of nowhere. And it was a cold, rainy day and the Alberta government was threatening people with $2000 fines if they dared to come to the protest. Premier Kenny also threatened potential protesters with permanent driver’s license suspensions if they refused to pay the $2000 Wuhan virus fines. Yet, literally a thousand or so people came out and demanded an end to the Alberta government’s destructive lockdown.

While at the Whistle Stop, I was blessed to be served a delicious Beef Brisket sandwich by Adam Skelly, of Adamson Barbecue fame. Adamson BBQ was forcibly shut down by 200 Toronto Police Officers, some of them on horseback, ostensibly in order to keep Toronto safe from the Wuhan virus. It is worth noting that while Mayor Tory was deploying massive police resources to insure Toronto’s adults could not purchase Adam’s delicious beef briskets, Torontonions were allowed to stand in line ups to buy the lesser quality, mass produced, briskets at the Costcos that remained open in Toronto.

While I was at the Whistle Stop rally, I received the news Pastor Art Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested for holding a church service in Calgary. As of now both men are being held in the Calgary Remand Centre. Please pray for them and for the state of our country.

I tried to post on a Calgary Herald story covering Pastor Art’s arrest in defence of Pastor Art’s ministry and tried to show the lockdown is irrational and harmful, but as it is with all large media and social media platforms it seems debate that is critical of our unelected public health czars is deleted. Judge for yourself if my comments violated the Calgary Herald’s “community guidelines” or wether they promoted so-called “misinformation.”

Lots of nasty comments were allowed by the Calgary Herald story that were critical and derogatory of Christians, but reminding people of the nutty and inconsistent comments/actions of our Public Health czars gets your comments promptly deleted.

Anyways, please pray for Pastor Art Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates and Dawid. They are suffering unjustly. The lockdown of churches and destruction of small businesses and isolation of people from friends and families is completely unjustified. South Dakota never locked down their churches for a single day nor has the state’s governor destroyed her small businesses. My friend who lives in North Dakota and regularly travels to South Dakota reports there are no bodies lying in the streets of either state, nor is South Dakota’s health care system collapsing from Wuhan virus sickness. Outside forces and the national media tried hard to push South Dakota into a lockdown and forced mask wearing for her citizens and they failed. The evidence is clear when one looks at South Dakota’s approach vs Alberta’s approach to the Wuhan virus that such draconian violations of our civil and religious liberties cause financial and psychological distress, but don’t actually yield as much benefit as the Public Health Doctors would have you think in the way of saving citizens from the Wuhan virus.

It is hard for me to fathom that Canada has now joined the former Soviet Union and present day China as nations where Pastors are imprisoned for ministering the Gospel to their flocks.

As for other news. One might remember I advocated homosexual parade attendees changing their sexual behaviours to protect people from serious communicable diseases such as HIV, HPV of the rectum, and anal cancer. I would argue from the point of view of mortality and morbidity, HIV is more serious than the Wuhan Virus. The measures I advocated (keeping one’s pants up and abstaining from sodomy) was certainly less onerous than Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocacy for closing all businesses, churches, separating friends and families, and forcing healthy people into face diapers.

While Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw make over $350,000 per year (that was their predecessor’s salaries), but I note the BC and Alberta Premiers think we the taxpayers have no right to know the current Chief Public Health doctor’s salaries and bonuses; even as they croon “we are all in it together.” These top “Doctors,” while handsomely lining their pockets advocate for the destruction of livelihoods, the isolation of the elderly and everyone else, and huge fines for those of us who don’t want to wear their sacred face diapers or stay home in perpetual fear of their much hyped virus. I on the other hand never charged the taxpayer a penny for my public and spiritual health literature at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016.

While a reasonable person could certainly argue Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocated restrictions on millions of healthy people have caused widespread death (suicides, overdoses, delayed lifesaving surgeries, etc) and despair (weight gain, isolation, depression, unemployment) in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus; even if homosexuals accepted my advice on abstaining from sodomy, their lives and livelihoods would have remained intact had they listened to me. Indeed their physical and psychological health outcomes would have definitely improved, as they would have avoided the behaviours that put them at risk of so many deadly and debilitating viruses.

Yet, unlike Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw who are looking forward to comfy retirements, with defined benefit pensions and perks that we are not entitled to know about; me for my public health efforts have to look forward to a “hate crime” charge and a 3 day preliminary trial on June 9, 10, 11th, and my actual trial remains scheduled to take place on October 4th and is expected to last a month.

While multiple criminal cases have been dropped in Toronto over the past year and thousands of criminals have been released from Ontario’s prisons in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus, the Crown Prosecutor for my case is adamant that my now 5 year old public and spiritual health ministry at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade is such a serious “hate crime” that my trial will go ahead and if a conviction is secured, there will be room in an Ontario prison to keep me confined for 18 months, Wuhan virus or no Wuhan virus.

Such is the state of Canada now, so please remember me in your prayers as you remember Pastor Art, his brother Dawid, Pastor James Coates, and Chris Scott in your prayers as well.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 Advertisements about:blank Report this ad

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Published by BillWhatcott

“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:21-25 View more posts

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Whatcott commentary and update: Canada is no longer free. We lost it. The ship has sailed.

Pastor Art Pawlowski arrested by Calgary Police, May 8, 2021 for the “crime” of holding church and refusing to turn away worshippers during our so-called Wuhan virus pandemic. It is worth noting that in close to a year and a half, Pastor Art’s church has operated at full capacity, with no physical distancing and no mask wearing, yet there is not one single Wuhan virus death attached to his ministry. Alberta Health Services on the other hand is responsible for many deaths related to their lockdown, but the media will never talk about that.
Police officer wears a face diaper and helps collect evidence to prosecute restaurant owner Chris Scott and the supporters of economic, religious, and political freedom at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror AB, May 8, 2021

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I went to the Whistle Stop Cafe to lend my support to owner and protest organizer Chris Scott and the other supporters of freedom who were gathered there to resist the pseudo scientific tyranny being imposed on us. I would estimate a thousand or so people were in attendance, which for me is quite encouraging, given Mirror, AB is a small village that is literally in the middle of nowhere. And it was a cold, rainy day and the Alberta government was threatening people with $2000 fines if they dared to come to the protest. Premier Kenny also threatened potential protesters with permanent driver’s license suspensions if they refused to pay the $2000 Wuhan virus fines. Yet, literally a thousand or so people came out and demanded an end to the Alberta government’s destructive lockdown.

While at the Whistle Stop, I was blessed to be served a delicious Beef Brisket sandwich by Adam Skelly, of Adamson Barbecue fame. Adamson BBQ was forcibly shut down by 200 Toronto Police Officers, some of them on horseback, ostensibly in order to keep Toronto safe from the Wuhan virus. It is worth noting that while Mayor Tory was deploying massive police resources to insure Toronto’s adults could not purchase Adam’s delicious beef briskets, Torontonions were allowed to stand in line ups to buy the lesser quality, mass produced, briskets at the Costcos that remained open in Toronto.

While I was at the Whistle Stop rally, I received the news Pastor Art Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested for holding a church service in Calgary. As of now both men are being held in the Calgary Remand Centre. Please pray for them and for the state of our country.

I tried to post on a Calgary Herald story covering Pastor Art’s arrest in defence of Pastor Art’s ministry and tried to show the lockdown is irrational and harmful, but as it is with all large media and social media platforms it seems debate that is critical of our unelected public health czars is deleted. Judge for yourself if my comments violated the Calgary Herald’s “community guidelines” or whether they promoted so-called “misinformation.”

Lots of nasty comments were allowed by the Calgary Herald story that were critical and derogatory of Christians, but reminding people of the nutty and inconsistent comments/actions of our Public Health czars gets your comments promptly deleted.

Anyways, please pray for Pastor Art Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates and Dawid. They are suffering unjustly. The lockdown of churches and destruction of small businesses and isolation of people from friends and families is completely unjustified. South Dakota never locked down their churches for a single day nor has the state’s governor destroyed her small businesses. My friend who lives in North Dakota and regularly travels to South Dakota reports there are no bodies lying in the streets of either state, nor is South Dakota’s health care system collapsing from Wuhan virus sickness. Outside forces and the national media tried hard to push South Dakota into a lockdown and forced mask wearing for her citizens and they failed. The evidence is clear when one looks at South Dakota’s approach vs Alberta’s approach to the Wuhan virus that such draconian violations of our civil and religious liberties cause financial and psychological distress, but don’t actually yield as much benefit as the Public Health Doctors would have you think in the way of saving citizens from the Wuhan virus.

It is hard for me to fathom that Canada has now joined the former Soviet Union and present day China as nations where Pastors are imprisoned for ministering the Gospel to their flocks.

As for other news. One might remember I advocated homosexual parade attendees changing their sexual behaviours to protect people from serious communicable diseases such as HIV, HPV of the rectum, and anal cancer. I would argue from the point of view of mortality and morbidity, HIV is more serious than the Wuhan Virus. The measures I advocated (keeping one’s pants up and abstaining from sodomy) was certainly less onerous than Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocacy for closing all businesses, churches, separating friends and families, and forcing healthy people into face diapers.

While Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw make over $350,000 per year (that was their predecessor’s salaries), but I note the BC and Alberta Premiers think we the taxpayers have no right to know the current Chief Public Health doctor’s salaries and bonuses; even as they croon “we are all in it together.” These top “Doctors,” while handsomely lining their pockets advocate for the destruction of livelihoods, the isolation of the elderly and everyone else, and huge fines for those of us who don’t want to wear their sacred face diapers or stay home in perpetual fear of their much hyped virus. I on the other hand never charged the taxpayer a penny for my public and spiritual health literature at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016.

While a reasonable person could certainly argue Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocated restrictions on millions of healthy people have caused widespread death (suicides, overdoses, delayed lifesaving surgeries, etc) and despair (weight gain, isolation, depression, unemployment) in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus; even if homosexuals accepted my advice on abstaining from sodomy, their lives and livelihoods would have remained intact had they listened to me. Indeed their physical and psychological health outcomes would have definitely improved, as they would have avoided the behaviours that put them at risk of so many deadly and debilitating viruses.

Yet, unlike Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw who are looking forward to comfy retirements, with defined benefit pensions and perks that we are not entitled to know about; me for my public health efforts have to look forward to a “hate crime” charge and a 3 day preliminary trial on June 9, 10, 11th, and my actual trial remains scheduled to take place on October 4th and is expected to last a month.

While multiple criminal cases have been dropped in Toronto over the past year and thousands of criminals have been released from Ontario’s prisons in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus, the Crown Prosecutor for my case is adamant that my now 5 year old public and spiritual health ministry at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade is such a serious “hate crime” that my trial will go ahead and if a conviction is secured, there will be room in an Ontario prison to keep me confined for 18 months, Wuhan virus or no Wuhan virus.

Such is the state of Canada now, so please remember me in your prayers as you remember Pastor Art, his brother Dawid, Pastor James Coates, and Chris Scott in your prayers as well.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 Advertisements about:blank Report this ad

Share this: Posted byBillWhatcottPosted inUncategorized

Published by BillWhatcott

“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:21-25 View more posts

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Freedom Fighters Denounced Bonnie Henry’s Winery Where People Can Gather for Tastings but Christians Cannot Gather for Easter Services

Freedom Fighters Denounced Bonnie Henry’s Winery Where People Can Gather for Tastings but Christians Cannot Gather for Easter Services

PENTICTON, April 5. CAFE supporters attended the weekly END THE LOCKDOWN Rally. Talk of the freedom fighters was health Czarina Bonnie Henry being part owner of Clos du Soleil winery. People are free to drop in for wine tastings but not allowed to attend Easter services at church.

B.C. Health Commissar Bonnie Henry Seeks Police Powers to Arrest Christian Churchgoers

B.C. top doc files to give police power to arrest churchgoers

British Columbia is one of the more open provinces in Canada, and yet it’s also one of the provinces that has come down the hardest on places of worship, as far as COVID-19 restrictions go. It may officially become the most oppressive province in Canada for freedom of religion very soon, if the injunction that Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry is now seeking against a few of the churches who have remained open is granted.

Perhaps that would be more understandable if churches, and other places of worship in B.C., had actually proven to be “super spreaders” as they’ve been treated, except that statistically, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

In a previous report, I showed you a peaceful protest of Catholics worshipping outside in Vancouver. These churchgoers are perplexed as to how all of their parishes (over 70 of them) have been kept closed, when they have been linked to zero COVID cases.

The very minute percentage of the thousands of places of worship in B.C. that have had a COVID case linked to someone who attended services there pales in comparison to other industries and services that have remained open. Like the business of ski hills concentrated in the small tourist hotspot of Whistler, which was recently linked to 547 cases in just over a month.

Dr. Henry’s application for an injunction specifically targets only the Christians connected to the three churches whose names were not anonymized on a petition that was filed on January 7 through the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. The petition was filed on behalf of some of the churches in B.C. that have tried to remain open while adhering to comprehensive COVID-19 plans, including attendance limits and social distancing.

The injunction Henry is seeking is set to be argued in front of B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson on Friday. If granted, it will not only provide police with the authority to arrest anyone who attends any religious gatherings put on by those three churches — including Riverside Calvary Worship, which has had zero COVID-19 outbreaks, yet was previously fined thousands of dollars for remaining open — but it will also give police the authority to arrest anyone they suspect was going to attend such a service, whether they did so or not.

So, is Dr. Bonnie Henry retaliating against only the churches who made public their opposition to her order?

I interviewed Marty Moore, one of the JCCF’s freedom-defending lawyers who is representing these three churches, shortly after he landed in Vancouver. I got his thoughts on the injunction, and a better understanding of the data Henry uses to try and justify keeping nearly everything open but places of worship.

Click to watch the full report

Duncan, B.C. Rally Protests Police Brutalization of Salon Owner Taneal McLovelynn

A good time was had by all on Feb 12th  2021 at our rally in Duncan BC.    From the Aquatic Centre we marched over to City Hall, calling on the civic authorities to reconsider mistreatment of Taneal McLovelynn.  Lots of thumbsup and enthusiastic honks along the way

The crux of our statement,  being : the way she’s been harassed as she tries to do business as usual in her salon is outrageous. Apparently, someone in high places has a problem because she accepts the word of customers who declare they’re medically-exempt from wearing the face covering.   Bylaw officers / RCMP slap violation notices on her for – ostensibly – failing to be appropriately-muzzled in her own business premises!   In one instance, an officer grabbed her by the arm dragged her over the threshhold out of her shop, handcuffed her and put her in a copcar because she refused to give them identification. Of course they knew exactly who she was.  Question now for a lawsuit, is:  “Was she properly arrested according to law?”

At our rally on Friday bylaw officers were very much in evidence … their truck parked smack dab in the public square, standing-by, masked to the eyebrows. As there were already over 50 warm bodies gathered … ILLEGALLY, according to the previous Orders of Her High-and-Mighty-Nessy-Bonnie Henry … I asked the lady officer “what are you going to do?”  Politely, she replied ‘You have the right to protest.  As long as you keep moving you’re a protest. If you stop, then you’re an  EVENT  which is illegal’…. Such sophistry didn’t just come off the top of her head.   No : right to the bottom of the hierarchy, they’ve been coached to mouthe such highfalutin’ legalese.  Same as what VPD Sgt. Walters told me at our first big rally in Vancouver, on Sept 13 2020 >   “we decided not to not issue tickets today because the Charter overrides the Public Health Act” direct quote … But – hey ! – it works for me. 

I went over to the RCMP who were discretely across the street. I asked Cpl Pharis “do you guys have your ticket books with you?”   To which he said with a smile “we always have them with us.” I realized he was the same one with whom I’d spoken at the big rally back in November, when 6 officers did nothing as 250 of us gathered to raise public consciousness about the Lockdown.  He said the same thing he’d said back then = that they would NOT be issuing tickets because “we’re here to keep the peace and make sure everyone is alright. Since this is a peaceful event, we have discretion”.   I was glad to hear a glimmer of sanity in this huge, tragic situation

The leading courtcase now underway in British Columbia to do with the Grand Lockdown,  is,  the action brought by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, on behalf of 12 Petitioners. * Three of the parties are churches which had their worship services INVADED by the RCMP.  The accounts rendered to Affidavits in that file =  facts of how the police acted as goons =  will make you shake your head in dismay 

when that matter is heard – March first to fourth 2021 at the Vancouver Lawcourts – the cops will be reminded of their proper place : as our servants, not uniformed thugs wearing loaded sidearms, enforcing the wicked policies of Bon-Monster Henry and the antichrist directing mind of the New Democratic Party. 

It’s important all-concerned appreciate how – other than the outrages committed in Chilliwack **  – the police in BC,  especially for the Victoria and Vancouver city,   are doing their job properly.     

Point being : no tickets nor bye-law infraction Notices were issued to us on Friday even though it most certainly was an EVENT, contrary to the Public Health Act Order.  It may seem that such a tiny little GATHERING doesn’t matter in the face of the onslaught of  propaganda puked-out by the lamestream media. Yet we do make a difference.  What I did not know yesterday afternoon, was =  the wording of the very latest Order.   In paragraph “J” of her Order of Feb 10 2021,  High Priestess of the Cult of the White Robe, Bonnie Henry,  goes on about how  ‘being sensitive to Charter rights for public gatherings in which a political position is being considered’. She didn’t retreat out of her good graces. No : the   NeeDiPpers   are venal but they’re not stupid.   John Horgan / his gaggle of chickenshit Trotsky-ites backed down after rumblings of our outrage disturbed supercilious celebration of their communist coup in BC.

Every time we get out and own the streets,  and amplify it with our own publicity media = we reach hearts and minds of folks whose instincts and human logic tell them there is something sinister about this KronaMadness … provoking them to think for themselves.  The Lie comes to an end but the Truth goes on forever     

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

* S 210209 Vancouver Registry Supreme Court of British Columbia :  ALAIN BEAUDOIN  et al. versus  HMTQ ; BONNIE HENRY IN HER CAPACITY AS PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER

** what the RCMP did in Chilliwack at the IMMANUEL COVENANT REFORMED CHURCH ; RIVERSIDE CALVARY CHAPEL ; FREE REFORMED CHURCH was a plain violation of section 176 of the Criminal Code. Don’t think that policemen are immune from being charged with such crime.