The Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents

Paul Fromm

Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award, 1994

The COVID-19 Scamdemic: Stripping Canadians of Their Liberties & Creating a Cashless New World Order of Sheep


Anti-Racism is a Code Word for Anti-White: How the Cultural Marxist Wrecking Crew (politicians, most media and many corporate traitors) Have Made War on European Canadians

CAFE Director Paul Fromm Attends END THE LOCKDOWN RALLY in Kelowna

CLEAR Director David Lindsay
CAFE Director Paul Fromm

CAFE Director Paul Fromm Attends END THE LOCKDOWN RALLY in Kelowna

CLEAR (Common Law Education & Rights Initiative)Director David Lindsay has led weekly (Saturday) END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies in Kelowna, drawing supporters from throughout the Okanagan. CAFE Director Paul Fromm has attended three of these. Supporters are determined, like their counterparts in Toronto and Vancouver, to protest the repressive, junk-science based “new normal”, until the lockdown restrictions are lifted.

CAFE Announces A Supporting Contribution to Gab

CAFE Announces A Supporting Contribution to Gab

REXDALE, June 19, 2020. This evening CAFE Director Paul Fromm announced a supporting contribution to Gab in light of their steadfast support for free speech and open discussion. The Canadian Association for Free Expression, founded in 1983, is one of Canada’s leading free speech advocacy groups.

“Corporate censors and thought control fanatics in Silicon Valley and corporate America place little value on free speech and are quick to throttle free thought to please various minorities,” Fromm said.

“Gab is an open and welcome forum, CAFE is happy to make a modest contribution and urges other free speech supporters across the globe to do likewise.”

Here is Gab’s contact information:

We still accept payments via echeck, check by mail, and bitcoin. If you’d like to support us through any of those options you can do so by upgrading to GabPRO here

You can also send a check or money order donation/payment for GabPRO:
Gab AI Inc
PO Box 441
Clarks Summit, PA

How Lamestream Media Censorship Works: Leftist Smear Outlet “Vice” Drops Interview With Paul Fromm After Learning Who He Is

VICE is a leftist Toronto online media outlet. They covered recent END THE LOCKDOWN freedom rallies at Queen’s Park. An Twitter observer explains: “

VICE interestingly let Toronto protesters say whatever silly thing they wanted even if it made them look bad, though it weirdly did not say anything about who Justin Long and Paul Fromm are. Long might be relatively unknown, but Fromm?

Well, that didn’t last long. Aghast that they had let one of Canada’s best known dissidents speak for himself, they quickly regretted their ways.

Update: A previous version of this story featured an interview with a man who only identified himself as “Paul.” VICE has learned the man was white supremacist Paul Fromm and has removed the interview.

Hear Paul Fromm “For Our People” Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. EST. on Euro-Folk Radio

Hear Paul Fromm “For Our People” Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. EST. on Euro-Folk Radio


— twisted sex ed in Austen
— Antifa thug convicted in Portland
— Cong. Louis Gomert warns of “civil war”
— the “native discount” in Canadian sentencing
— Anti-racism, anti-White craziness in Hamilton



Dieter played at CAFE meetings in Toronto and at Paul Fromm’s annual “too-late-for-Christmas-too-early-for-New-Years” Party for the past 20 years. He’d been playing accordion since his teen years. His iconic Die Gedanken sind Frei (“Thoughts Are Free”) was a standby at CAFE meetings. Dieter Heinrich Kahl was 80. He was born in Bremen, Germany on October 24, 1939. He worked for five years in South Africa and came to Canada in 1969. He was an avid gardener and sportsman and a passionate supporter of free speech.

Jim Rizoli interview with Paul Fromm

Jim Rizoli interview with Paul Fromm

Jim Rizoli and Diane King are in Toronto meeting with fellow Patriots
Jim interviews Paul Fromm to get the latest updates
* Dr. James Sears & YOUR WARD NEWS trial & sentencing — jailed for jokes
* Harassment of People’s Party of Canada
* Punishment of Christians — Preacher Bill Whatcott
* Comic good news Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv, the transgendered, thwarted

Replying to a Lying, Libellous Smear Piece in the Hamilton Spectator Demonizing Immigration Reform Protesters & Paul Fromm

Replying to a Lying, Libellous Smear Piece in the Hamilton Spectator Demonizing Immigration Reform Protesters & Paul Fromm 


Dear Jeff Mahoney:

Your smear piece (Choir raises mighty voice against hate at Hamilton city hall, from groups like Soldiers of Odin)
n today’s SPECTATOR, as regards me is fake news and a lie.


I have corrected the EXPECTORATOR on several occasions: I am a White Nationalist NOT a White Supremacist. There’s a difference.
In your puff piece about Anna Wilson, with utterly shoddy journalism, you didn’t interview the people she defames with labels like “haters’ and “fascists”. In one sentence you proclaim: “Not as long as there are “hate” buses climbing the curb, white supremacists like Paul Fromm spewing garbage on the forecourt.” I doubt the bus called itself a “hate” bus. I have never spoken on the forecourt and thus haven’t “spewed garbage” or anything else.
It’s not even clear whether the torrent of abuse are your words or Anna Wilson’s.
Opposition to our country’s immigration policies is NOT “hate”.
Calling the Yellow Vests and Soldiers of Odin “hate groups” is a lie and a libel. To the best of my knowledge, neither has ever been charged under Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code (“wilful promotion of hate”), let alone convicted. They are not “hate” groups. Some people, like Anna Wilson or you,  may hate their political views but that doesn’t make these people, myself included, “hate groups”.
Your article demonizes good concerned citizens. I have no problem with Anna Wilson and her friends singing to promote their vision of society. Certainly the same respect should be accorded to those with other perspectives. I, for instance, exposed the injustice of precious spaces in our homeless shelters being given to illegals, while Canadian born citizens huddled in lean-tos and tents last year along Hamilton’s railway tracks. This is love, not hate, love for our own people.
Your article is inflammatory. In my few visits to the weekly Saturday protests, the only hate I’ve seen is masked cowards of Antifa shoving and elderly protester and ripping her sign and several Antifa smashing at the back of my car. [This was captured on video.]
Paul Fromm

Choir raises mighty voice against hate at Hamilton city hall, from groups like Soldiers of Odin

Anna Wilson was becoming increasingly alarmed at the threatening and abusive ways, of hate groups at city hall gatherings. She turned to the collective power of song and music. So was born the Love In The Hammer choir.

OPINION 05:42 PM by Jeff Mahoney  The Hamilton Spectator


How does that saying go? All it takes for hatred to triumph is for good people to … not show up at Hamilton city hall on Saturdays and oppose bigotry, by singing out their love; love louder than loathing.

Fortunately for this city, there’s no chance of people like Anna Wilson and Nicole Smith not showing up. Not as long as there are “hate” buses climbing the curb, white supremacists like Paul Fromm spewing garbage on the forecourt, Yellow Vesters blocking light, or the Soldiers of Odin generally trying to intimidate.

And not as long as Maxime Bernier gets scheduled to appear at Mohawk College. The Love In The Hammer choir will be there too, at Mohawk College, singing in counter measure.

They will be singing — as they do — songs of acceptance, affirmation and protest. Songs like “Lead With Love and Resilience”, from the Justice Choir songbook. They will be singing to expose, by contrast to their music and informed voices, the utter noise, nonsense and disgusting drivel that passes for free speech among the far right and hate groups; expose it for what it is.

It was Anna Wilson’s experience of that viciousness, in word and behaviour, by the “haters” who appear at city hall, that inspired her to start the Love in the Hammer choir in the first place. The “hate” bus was the trip wire.

“Not a hundred feet from me this school bus, driven by a Yellow Vest supporter wearing military fatigues, was driven up onto the city hall forecourt toward a crowd of residents celebrating diversity,” she recalls. “It was like it was happening in slow motion.”

Frustrated at the challenge of channeling the feelings and anxieties produced by the confrontational nature of what was happening at the rallies, Wilson hit on the idea. Collective song.

And so started the Love In The Hammer choir. They’ve been meeting and singing at the rallies every Saturday since late August. And their popularity is growing, a way to sing back at the fear.

And the fear is there. After the hate bus, there were the Soldiers of Odin. And Fromm. People who aren’t at city hall at the Saturday anti-hate rallies often don’t see how bad the fascists are, says Wilson.

“No one feels safe,” agrees choir member and community advocate Nicole Smith. “They (the haters) use dogwhistle tactics, outward shows of patriotism,” like wearing seemingly innocent I Am Canadian T-shirts to create a semblance of normalcy but then sew conflict, hatred and aggressiveness at the gatherings. Smith adds she’s patriotic herself but would never use patriotism as a code for hating others.

And so people who are there protesting, rallying or simply celebrating diversity have been joining in the singing, adding their voices to the swell. Some are too shy or uncomfortable to join the chorus but nonetheless express their support and thumbs up for the positive feeling the singing brings to the weekly gatherings.

“How do we respond to the meat grinder of horrible ideas (and behaviours of the hate groups)?” asks Wilson. “Is there another vision (aside from direct confrontation)?”

Yes, they decided, and that vision is song, music and choral togetherness. “We wanted a space for something positive, something against the negativity,” says choir member Rachel Cuthill.

“Some people are asking why they don’t see as many children at the rallies as there used to be. The children were asking, ‘Why are those people yelling? Why are they (the hate groups) so mean?” There were also reports of one of the fascists spitting on the heads of one of the anti-hate rallier’s children. Cuthill herself says she heard a hate group threaten to “break the necks” of an LBGTQ+ woman and her child.

The choir members say they hope the music will help create a climate more hospitable not only to children, who can learn important values at such events, but others concerned about safety. Says Cuthill, “singing is something different from chanting. It implies caring.”

But, aside from that, the choir, with its many voices and instruments, can also create volume, against megaphones and hate speech.

“So we literally ‘deploy’ the choir,” says Jason Allen. He sings and plays guitar and mandolin with the group. And “deployed” they will be on Sept. 29 at Mohawk College, responding to Bernier’s controversial presence there.

The singing can also be exhausting, says Wilson, for they’re singing loudly, joyously and also for a long time. Often, they say, the offensive groups try to wait out the ralliers and show up at 12:30 or 1.

“It feels good to counter toxic messaging with songs of love. Our voices are stronger together. We will not let the hate go unopposed,” says Wilson.

And what about you?
