
Democracy is dead in Canada as proven by the Canadian Nationalist Party (CNP). When I first learned of CNP with its “Canada First” and “Traditional version of Canada” policies and directions, I immediately wanted to support it and joined as a member.
In 2019 the members were seeking Party registration with Elections Canada and once eligible, a group known as antihate.ca which is government funded and seeks to profit by squelching political opposition to the current government, threatened to release publicly the names and addresses of CNP registrars as is their right to do so for those names and addresses were public record and made available to anyone who asked for them.
As reported by CBC news, even former Winnipeg Police Chief warned that trying to publicly shame CNP members could incite violence not only for CNP members but for their families and children by those who don’t agree with CNPs political opinions. Despite the consequences of Elections Canada and antihate.ca actions, they did not heed the Police Chiefs warning.
The news report can be seen here:
Canadian Nationalist Party concerned about release of members’ identities https://www.youtube.com/embed/cNefy58KJzY
Furthermore shortly after Party registration, CNP sought to rent publicly funded spaces such is in local Legions, libraries and University campuses for meetings but were denied without reason.
Now ask yourself do you still think we’re living in a Democracy?
Our public media broadcaster is no longer acting in the public interest. Back to Blog
Feb 2021 Patron Demands CBC Uphold Journalistic Mandate Our public media broadcaster is no longer acting in the public interest. Canadian Nationalist Party Activism
Canadian Nationalist Party Leader Travis Patron visited the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Headquarters in Saskatchewan on Friday to demand they uphold their journalistic mandate after completely neglecting coverage of their claim that the Government Of Canada has failed to uphold the democratic mandate.
The Canadian Nationalist Party was unconstitutionally excluded from the most recent 43rd Federal Election after requesting and being denied (ubiquitously and without exception) the liberty of hosting a public event and communicating their policies to voters after the issue of the writ (September 11th – October 21st, 2019). Not a single request made was honoured.
We maintain that this represents a failure of the Government Of Canada to uphold their democratic mandate.
In the resulting constitution lawsuit before the Court Of Queen’s Bench For Saskatchewan, the Court has ordered that Patron is not allowed to represent the federally-sanctioned political party he founded and continues to lead. The Judge has ordered that until someone other than Patron is appointed to represent his party, no further action can take place, and that failing to appoint someone else within 90 days may result in the outright dismissal of the claim.
The Court Of Appeal For Saskatchewan has now recently held that this order does “not dispose of the rights of the parties, in a final and binding way, with respect to any substantive issue in the action”.
The Canadian Nationalist Party has no intention of retaining someone other than Patron to represent them in the court of law at this time and to dismiss or delay a claim of such national importance would be an egregious denial of justice. It would also violate the inherent dignity of the human person and damage confidence in social and political institutions which are created to enhance participation in our society.
Last year, the Canadian Nationalist Party submitted a formal complaint with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Ombudsman, where we proposed an interview to discuss these matters and which has yet to receive any redress whatsoever.
By completely neglecting to cover these developments, Canada’s public media broadcaster has departed from their journalistic mandate and is acting in violation of their article of incorporation – specifically, The Broadcasting Act, 1991.
In response to this, last month we submitted a request with the Canadian Radio & Television Communications to revoke their broadcasting license rather than renewing it during the public consultation process.
The Broadcasting Act 1991, states clearly that the broadcasting system shall be effectively owned and controlled by Canadians, shall provide a public service essential to the maintenance and enhancement of national identity and cultural sovereignty, and should serve to enrich the political fabric of Canada. Additionally, where any conflict arises between the objectives of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, it shall be resolved in the public interest, and where the public interest would be equally served by resolving the conflict in favour of either, it shall be resolved in favour of a shared national consciousness and identity.
As a federally-sanctioned political party that has touted the importance of national identity since our very inception, we view neglecting to inform the public of our lawsuit which claims the Government Of Canada has failed to uphold its democratic mandate as a violation of The Broadcasting Act of 1991.
In recognition that this act is binding on Her Majesty The Queen, we also submit that the willful violation of these policies is grounds for civil asset forfeiture.
You can watch the Friday encounter at CBC Regina below: Video Player00:0007:04Video Player00:0009:07Video Player00:0004:10Video Player00:0001:55
We will continue to put pressure on our public media broadcaster until we are confident they are abiding by a journalistic mandate which is in the public interest and in alignment with The Broadcasting Act, 1991.
Read More:
Posted on July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
Canadian Anti-Hate Network
In June 2019, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network filed a criminal complaint with the RCMP in Saskatchewan for an antisemitic video posted by Travis Patron, leader of the neo-Nazi [false] Canadian Nationalist Party. The RCMP says they launched an investigation. A full year later the RCMP has not made any further statement on the status of that investigation, despite Patron escalating his antisemitic calls to arms. It’s turning into international news.
Given the most recent incidents, CAHN board member Richard Warman filed a renewed criminal complaint with the RCMP and CIJA and the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center followed suit, filing their own complaints.
If you support our work against the neo-Nazi [false] Canadian Nationalist Party, help us out at antihate.ca/donate. Thank you!
The video that prompted our June 2019 complaint deals in antisemitic tropes, calls Jews a “parasitic tribe,” and says they need to be dealt with once and for all; any reasonable person would understand the video as a call for deportations and genocide.
At the time Patron claimed it wasn’t about Jews:
“Unless you self-identify with the accusations in the video, then it doesn’t concern you. But if you choose to be offended by it, ask yourself WHY? Is it wrong for Canada to rid itself of a parasitic relationship that has only served to suck us dry? #Zionism #cdnpoli”
Patron has a social media history of supporting “historical revisionism,” a term Holocaust deniers [false — skeptics] use to self-identity, liking posts quoting Hitler, and promoting the writings of Quebec fascist Adrian Arcand, a Hitler supporter who was arrested and interned during WWII.
Despite his barely veiled neo-Nazism, [false] our promise to name their members should they not renounce their support, and the pending investigation, Patron’s Canadian Nationalist Party was ultimately recognized as a federal political party with all the inherent benefits in time for the 2019 election. Unsurprisingly, Patron and his two candidates received almost no votes.
In November 2019, Patron was charged with aggravated assault and assault causing bodily harm for allegedly attacking two women who wouldn’t get in his car. Those charges are pending.
Since then Patron has made nonsense arguments that he isn’t subject to Canadian law and dispensed with any pretense that he isn’t targeting Canadian Jews. He has posted a video giving a Nazi salute, which he calls a Roman salute, and published a flyer with the transcript of the first antisemitic video, adding:
“The people we speak of are not truly ‘Jews.’ They are liars and deceivers attempting to shield themselves from criticism using a false identity. Let us be aware and expose them for what they are: a tribe of parasites.”
Patron has since made other videos in the same vein, and is also dealing biblical antisemitism, including sharing an infamous bible passage saying Jews are of the “synagogue of Satan.”
CAHN believes the evidence is more than sufficient for the RCMP to criminally charge Patron with the wilful promotion of hatred against the Jewish community who have every right to be protected from Patron and the poison of his hate propaganda.
It’s been over a year since the first criminal complaint. How much longer do we have to wait?
While Canada has clear legal definitions of what does and does not constitute hate speech, enforcement is lacking. In the cases when known peddlers are actually brought before a judge, the trials are delayed, extended, and lack consequences. It’s time to bring back section 13. Posted on December 30, 2020
Elizabeth Simons
Canadian Anti-Hate Network
We need to do away with the myth that hate and racism aren’t issues in Canada, especially online. We produce hate speech and internationally recognized hate figures at a disproportionately high rate — in many measures we’re worse than the United States on a per capita basis.
As it stands now, we do not have the legal tools needed to reverse this trend.
On 4Chan, we represent almost 6% of posts made to the worst message board on the site, and earlier this year UK based think tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue identified 6,600 online channels where Canadians posted hateful content.
Before we begin, let’s quickly debunk the central bad faith argument against our hate speech laws. “Hate” is not impossible to define or undefined — the Supreme Court has clearly defined it and endorsed a guide to determining what is and isn’t criminal hate speech. Our laws have been challenged and upheld by the Supreme Court as Charter consistent.
The laws strike a good balance between freedom of expression and criminalizing what is dangerous hate speech. Unfortunately, they aren’t enforced and they don’t have sharp enough teeth to be a deterrent. The very worst actors continue spreading hate largely with impunity.
Police services across Canada are the main roadblock. A few do take it seriously and act, but most are reluctant in the extreme to investigate hate-related charges against individuals — whether that’s hate speech, continuous harassment, and even death threats. Sometimes, overwhelming community pressure on the police works — but shouldn’t be necessary.
Even if the law is applied correctly, it’s not strong enough to be a deterrent. Some hatemongers make a mockery of it and use the opportunity to grandstand.
James Sears, the discredited former medical doctor who served as editor for Toronto-based Your Ward News, was sentenced to the maximum one year in prison in 2019 for promoting hatred against women and Jews. The crown proceeded with the charge as a summary offence.
Ontario Justice Richard Blouin wished he could hand down more, saying at the time “It is impossible, in my view, to conclude that Mr. Sears … should receive a sentence of any less than 18 months in jail.”
Sears hasn’t seen a day in jail yet. He was allowed to stay out, pending his argument that his lawyer misrepresented him by not giving him an opportunity to deny the holocaust and call notorious antisemites as “expert witnesses.” He regrets nothing.
Hate vlogger Kevin Johnston was initially charged with a single count of wilful promotion of hatred in 2017. Johnston has still not been tried. In 2019 he lost a $2.5 million judgment to Toronto philanthropist Mohamad Fakih for his role in racially motivated defamation against Fakih in which he repeatedly accused him of being a terrorist.
Ontario Superior Court Justice Jane Ferguson called Johnston’s attacks on Fakih “hate speech at its worst.”
Travis Patron, leader of the overtly neo-Nazi federal Canadian Nationalist Party, has been “under investigation” by the RCMP for over a year for a video in which he claimed Jews are a “parasitic tribe” and called for their expulsion from Canada. Patron continues to make antisemitic posts and flyers and do photo ops giving the Nazi salute.
It’s an open and shut case. What could possibly make it take this long to lay charges?
In 2018, a warrant was issued for Gabriel Sohier Chaput, aka Zeiger — called one of the most prominent neo-Nazis in North America, and writer with The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website — for spreading hatred. Having been on the run for two years, in August 2020 Chaput reappeared and is awaiting trial in Montreal.
Chaput is one of the ideological leaders of the newest generation of neo-Nazi terrorists — his hands are soaked in blood. It’s a travesty that the most he’s likely to get is a year. It’s uncertain whether he will even spend it in prison, given the pandemic.
Neo-Nazi Paul Fromm was under investigation by the Hamilton Police Service for posting the manifesto of the Christchurch killer, titled “The Great Replacement” — a nod to the white supremacist conspiracy theory that white people are being replaced — in full on his website in 2019. Fromm had stated, “[The shooter’s] analysis of the crisis we face is cogent.”*
They decided not to charge him.
British Columbia’s Arthur Topham, convicted in 2015 of one count of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jews, and again in 2017, had been sentenced to a six month conditional sentence, two years probation, a curfew, and was banned from posting online.
In early 2020, Topham was again before the courts for breaching his probation order and spreading online hate.
Some of these people just won’t stop — not as things are.
Our hate speech law, s. 319 (2), is crafted to balance freedom of expression while criminalizing the worst hate speech. Unfortunately, it’s not a deterrent for the most vitriolic offenders because the police won’t enforce it, and some hate mongers laugh off the consequences.
It feels like we’re banging our heads against the wall filing criminal complaints.
Before 2014, members of the public could file a hate speech complaint under s.13. Credible complaints went to the Human Rights Tribunal, and a panel of judges could order hatemongers to stop. It was relatively fast, gave communities the power to defend themselves legally, and it worked. It gave us direct access to justice
If they refused to stop, they were in violation of a standing court order and were relatively quickly thrown in jail. Eventually, most of them learned their lesson.
Earlier this month we met with Heritage minister Steven Guilbeault and a number of social justice organizations to discuss legislation surrounding online hate. We argued that reinstating s. 13 is fundamental to successfully dealing with the problem. We were joined by numerous voices in support of these measures — the Mosaic Institute, the National Association of Friendship Centres, the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice, and others — and we are committed to a coalition to realize a better solution for today.
Every single anti-racist and human rights group we know of wants it back.
Bring it back.
Follow Elizabeth Simons on Twitter @esimons_
_____* This viciously anti-free speech group utterly distorts my posting of the Christchurch Manifesto. Yes, I said his analysis of the dire position of Europeans, betrayed internally and being replaced by an elite-organized Third World invasion_was correct. BUT, and this is a huge BUT, I added that his solution — shooting up two mosques and killing 31 people was NOT the solution._________________________________________
By Travis Patron Post date
Office Of The Ombudsman,
My main point of contention lies with the idea that CBC, as a publicly-funded media broadcaster, has paid no
attention whatsoever to the fact that a federal political party
espousing the ideology of nationalism has been (for all intents and
purposes) excluded from the democratic channel during and leading up to
the recent 43rd Federal Election. It is unacceptable to justify
this lack of coverage by claiming that the Canadian Nationalist Party
is a “small party” and therefore does not warrant this kind of coverage
when the subject-matter at hand demonstrates it is essentially
impossible to grow any party who is not permitted to host public events
and communicate their policies during an active election. This is a fundamental violation of our constitutional rights and self-determination.
In terms of mandate, the CBC is obligated to report on current affairs within the country which are in the public interest. The aforementioned claim is indeed
in the public interest because Canadian citizens are not only being
kept in the dark about the electoral policies of a federal political
party but they are being denied meaningful representation when it comes
to the ideology of nationalism. To not report on the exclusion of the
ideology of nationalism from democratic proceedings in Canada is contrary to the public interest.
Canadian Nationalist Party currently has active lawsuits in court
regarding these claims. This too is in the public interest to know about
– yet no coverage whatsoever has been brought to these very important
issues which relate to the democratic and constitutional integrity of
our society.
The willful lack of coverage of these developments,
combined with the track record of CBC ubiquitously reporting
negatively-oriented information about the same political party, provide
reasonable grounds to conclude that our publicly-funded media broadcaster has departed from its mandate of journalistic integrity and balanced reporting.
unless they can make amends and keep Canadians informed of these very
serious violations against our democratic and constitutional integrity,
the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation cannot be said to be acting in the public interest and should not expect the support of taxpaying citizens.
What Pandemic?
The recent declaration of emergency from the provincial government has proven to be unnecessary and economically debilitating.
Citizens of Redvers,
The recent “pandemic” has impacted all
our lives in one way or another. Local businesses especially are feeling the
pinch due to restrictions which many believe are becoming intolerable. We
ourselves, the Canadian Nationalist Party, served the provincial government of
Saskatchewan a notice of objection to their declared state of emergency in
March of this year (www.nationalist.ca/?p=12572), claiming it was
“unprecedented and unnecessary” and that these actions have a “high probability
of causing undo suppression of our economic conditions – especially in rural
areas of the province”.
We believe those
words to be self-evident today.
What we need to do is aggressively
lift restrictions and get people back to work. No amount of “stimulus” cheques
can replace millions of workers who are now unemployed across the country. We
need government that is capable and willing to stand up to regional,
provincial, and federal agencies who limit access to public utilities,
essential services, and private functions. This needs to stop. I don’t believe
I’m alone when I say I PREFER NOT to wear a mask. I personally have yet to meet
basically anyone who has contracted this illness. Fortunately, for those who DO
contract it, there is a ~99% survival rate.
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the
people who’ve infiltrated our government/media are attempting to collapse our
economy, extinguish our national identity, and usher in a world government
surveillance state using a combination of social media data mining, artificial
intelligence, and facial recognition technology. We oppose this and we hope
you’ll join us …
C – O – R – O – N – A = 6
3 – 15 – 18 – 15 – 14 – 1 = 66
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the
beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six.” – Revelation 13:8
“The numbers of the beast shall be sixty-six, and six hundred and sixty-six, and the parts thereof. Because in the coil of the cycle, behold the distances are two-thirds of a circle (2/3), whether it be a hundred or a thousand or three times a thousand.” – God’s Book Of Ben
It may be necessary to disconnect from social media and the television entirely if we are to regain control of the cultural narrative. Regardless, if the good people of Redvers are not having their voices heard by their current elected officials, I am confident they will look to other local political bodies for representation – with or without the approval of the ballot box, with or without the approval of our increasingly untrustworthy media apparatus.
Our citizens demand
accountability from their leaders and will not support an administration which
is no longer serving their best interests.
In your service,
Mr. Travis Patron
Several dozen supporters of free speech from a number of groups, including the Canadian Association for Free Expression, the Canadian Nationalist Party and the Yellow Vests, rallied in support of fired broadcaster Don Cherry Saturday afternoon. The protest took place outside Rogers HQ, which owns Sportsnet and which fired the controversial broadcaster for pointing out last weekend that immigrants, who feast off Canada’s milk and honey and freedoms, should honour the veterans who fought to preserve these rights. Under the old Red Ensign, the flag of the Real Canada, they called for the reinstatement of this iconic hockey and broadcasting legend. Mr. Cherry is the latest victim of the “cancel culture” of political correctness.
Signs denounced corporate cowardice, the intolerant cancel culture and called for defunding the far leftist Canadian Broadcasting Agency that leeches over $1-billion a year to pump Cultural Marxist propaganda into our living room.
Paul Fromm Complains About Anti-Racist Canada Cyber Thuggery & Doxing of Canadian Nationalist Party Members
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;
Website http://cafe.nfshost.com
Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director
September 16, 2019
Elections Canada.
Dear Sirs:
On July 15, I spoke to a “Michael” in your office and filed a formal complaint asking for an investigation of threats made by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network to publicize the names of persons who joined the Canadian Nationalist Party in order for them to receive certification by Elections Canada as a recognized political party. I warned that these threats were being circulated on the Internet to intimidate those who had signed in the hopes that they would withdraw their signatures.
I had been advised that such use of public information was illegal. The names of signators were to be used “for election purposes” — that is, to challenge their validity — not for doxing or intimidation purposes. These threats, I warned, constituted voter intimidation and cyberspace thuggery.
It has now been three months since my complaint and I have received no acknowledgement, let alone any response.
I phoned Elections Canada again today seeking to speak to your legal department. I was told they were unavailable. I explained the newest development and again wish to lodge a formal complaint.
On Sunday, September 15, the threats became reality. The Canadian Nationalist Party is now a duly registered Canadian political party. A website, Anti Racist Canada,blogspot.com, http://anti-racistcanada.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-cnp-eligible-for-official-party.html whose cowardly authors are, of course, anonymous posted the first two of 250 names of those who had signed up as members. They stated:
“The next article will contain a list of names and cities/towns of individuals who signed the forms that allowed the registration of the far-right Canadian Nationalist Party; we won’t publish the addresses however. .. . These are public documents that every citizen can access and Canadians do have a right to know who in their community has supported the registration of this far-right party.
I won’t be posting many images of the forms in the upcoming article but as a bit of a preview I will post these two. Readers won’t be surprised by what they see.”
The “I” in this article is anonymous. The first two names published were mine and a gentleman from Saskatchewan.
I again ask for an investigation and determination whether this clear effort to target people for exercizing their democratic rights for election purposes violates the Canada Elections Act.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm
Canadian Association for Free Expression
p.s. I enclose my original complaint for your reference.
Canadian Association for Free Expression
Box 332,
Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
Ph: 905-289-674-4455; FAX: 289-674-4820;
Website http://cafe.nfshost.com
Paul Fromm, B.Ed, M.A. Director
July 15, 2019
Elections Canada.
Dear Sirs:
Today I filed a verbal complaint with one of your employees, Michael by name. I now wish to make this a formal complaint.
It has come to our attention that a group calling itself the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, with a website by the same name, has declared its intention to widely publicize the names and address of the 250 who will have signed as members of the Canadian Nationalist Party, when it obtains formal registration as a political party
In their July 10 statement this group of anti-democratic fanatics stated: “The Canadian Anti-Hate Network will publish the names of 250 members of the neo-Nazi Canadian Nationalist Party if they are successful in becoming a registered political party. We plan to publish these names and their cities of residence as soon as they become public, and will encourage local media to run stories naming neo-Nazi supporters in their communities. … This kind of naming and shaming is part of our mandate of exposing hate groups to make sure communities are well-informed, and to ensure that there are significant, nonviolent social consequences for supporting hate groups.”
This ugly bullying threat is libellous, as well. We have studied the platform of the Canadian Nationalist Party and found that the group would more accurately be described as traditional Canadians and populists, not National Socialist wannabees. CAHN, who boasts longtime anti-free speech campaigners like Bernie Farber and Richard Warman as board members, seeks to intimidate citizens from their right to vote as they choose. Furthermore, even if the aims of the party were national socialist in nature, they still have every right to exist and campaign.
Canadian Anti-Hate Network Board member Evan Balgord, a former assistant to Toronto’s Mayor John Tory, enthused: “Employer concerns are a natural consequence of supporting a neo-Nazi party. Practically, however, we won’t have the time to research 250 individuals. Local media might. I’d note they can avoid that consequence by emailing Elections Canada and withdrawing their support. – Evan”
Then, as a further step to interfere with the secret ballot and the right of citizens to freely choose the party they prefer, the CAHN offers a carrot: “If any of members of the Canadian Nationalist Party want to avoid being named and facing the social consequences of supporting a neo-Nazi party, they can email Elections Canada at info@elections.ca to withdraw their support.”
The threatening tactics of the CAHN are no different than posting goons armed with clubs outside polling stations reminding voters not to vote the “wrong” way.
We call upon Elections Canada to investigate the campaign by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network to intimidate voters and further to take all available action against the goons of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. We may have reason to fear foreign interference in the Canadian election process but it is clear that there are some domestic forces seeking to do the same thing.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm
CAFE Protests Trudeau’s Poisonous Immigration Policy & Hamilton City Council’s Refusal to Hear Free Speech Delegations
Supporters of the Canadian Association for Free Expression & the Canadian Nationalist Party rallied outside Hamilton City Hall Today.
We were there to protests Trudeau’s demography wrecking open door immigration, his fanatical pushing of the LGBTQ agenda & Hamilton City Hall’s anti-free speech policies, including their refusal to hear a delegation by CAFE Director Paul Fromm on just such anti-free speech policies.
One elderly Christian lady had her signed ripped up.