GO FUND ME Freezes Distribution of $4-Million in Funds for Truckers’ Protest When They Are Most Needed

GO FUND ME Freezes Distribution of $4-Million in Funds for Truckers’ Protest When They Are Most Needed

This looks like elitist sabotage. The convoy is on its way. Saturday is the day. The funds thousands of Canadians have contributed — $4-million+ in 10 days1 — are needed now.

GO FUND ME Freezes Distribution of $4-Million in Funds for Truckers’ Protest When They Are Most Needed

GoFundMe confirms trucker freedom convoy funds being held until ‘clear plan’ is revealed

GoFundMe has confirmed it is holding the funds in the freedom convoy fundraiser until a clear plan about how the funds will be spent is presented.

Hundreds of B.C. truckers took to the road Sunday kicking off what they called a “freedom convoy” to Ottawa in protest of the federal government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers.

The GoFundMe, started by Tamara Lich in Medicine Hat, Alta., has already raised more than $4.5 million since Jan. 14 and while it appears people can still donate, GoFundMe said in a statement it is continuing to work directly with the organizer to gather information about how the funds will be distributed — the standard process to ensure the protection of all donors.

“Once a withdrawal plan is provided by the organizer, our team is on standby to safely and quickly deliver the funds,” the company said. Story continues below advertisement Click to play video: '‘Freedom convoy’ of truckers opposing vaccine mandate rolls through Calgary' 3:35 ‘Freedom convoy’ of truckers opposing vaccine mandate rolls through Calgary ‘Freedom convoy’ of truckers opposing vaccine mandate rolls through Calgary

Read more: Trucks pass through Regina as ‘freedom convoy’ continues toward Ottawa

The convoy of truckers rolled through Regina Monday night and was greeted by supporters who braved the cold weather to welcome the truckers to town.

“A lot of people are trying to say that these type of things are done out of anger, but this is actually being done out of frustration towards the things the government is imposing upon Canadian citizens,” said a man named Trevor who spoke to Global News when the convoy passed through the Balgonie area. He declined to provide his full name due to the controversial nature of the story.

“The amount of trucks involved and the amount of people showing up here, this shows the frustrations of Canadians and it’s going to continue to grow.” Story continues below advertisement

The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) posted a statement this past weekend saying the vaccination rate among drivers in the country’s trucking industry closely mirrors that of the general public.

The U.S. also has a vaccine mandate for truckers seeking entry from Canada.

Meanwhile, the CTA also stated it “does not support and strongly disapproves of any protests on public roadways, highways and bridges.”Click to play video: '“Freedom Convoy” in protest of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate' 5:11 “Freedom Convoy” in protest of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate “Freedom Convoy” in protest of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate

As the trucking convoy continues to Ottawa, GoFundMe said it requires “that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent. In this case, we are in touch with the organizer to verify that information. Funds will be safely held until the organizer is able to provide the information to our team about how funds will be properly distributed.”

Independent Ontario MPP Roman Babar Runs Ads to Expose the COVID Lies, Failures & Misinformation of the Doug Ford Gov’t

Independent Ontario MPP Roman Babar Runs Ads to Expose the COVID Lies, Failures & Misinformation of the Doug Ford Gov’t

Doug Ford tried to distract Ontarians from his own failures by offering us more crumbs in a sleight of hand. Instead of allowing restrictions to expire on January 26, he extended them to January 31 and announced a “slow and cautious opening”. Doug is not fooling anymore, instead he got caught trying to save himself politically. 

By the Government’s measures, Ontario’s hospitals are in worse shape today than they were in October 2021. There is less hospital staff now than in March 2020. If Doug stuck to the illusion that we must lock down to protect hospital capacity, then he would not announce any reopening at this time. Instead, he knows where the wind is blowing and is trying to save his political career.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Health, Christine Elliott, threatened some Ontario’s Physicians for allegedly spreading vaccine misinformation. Understanding of the Covid vaccines is an evolving scientific matter. One could have been accused of misinformation by suggesting that the risk of the Astra Zeneca vaccine was too high due to the risk of blood clots before it was pulled from the market. One could have also been accused of misinformation for suggesting that that Moderna should not be offered to 18-24 year olds before it was no longer recommended by Public Health Ontario for that age group.  Threatening professionals for expressing a professional opinion is a chill on speech to be expected of dictatorial regimes. This is an unprecedented territory.

The McDonald Laurier Institute concluded that “other nations managed to maintain hospitalization and death rates at levels comparable to Canada – but without the harsh restrictions and lockdowns.” Read about it in the National Post. We must continue to persuade our friends, family and neighbours that lockdowns caused significantly more harm than any benefit.

One of the greatest harms perpetrated by the Ford Government is the cancellation of elective surgeries. Even independent clinics outside of hospitals were ordered to cancel procedures involving nurses or anesthesiologists. That is despite the fact that the doctors and nurses employed by these clinics were not redirected to hospitals. The extent of Ontario’s healthcare mismanagement as well as the human toll resulting from it is astonishing.

My Constituency Association started an ad blitz. Here is a sample of an ad you could hear on several radio stations (YouTube). It will extend our ad blitz throughout Ontario, as it is imperative that our view point is heard on mainstream media. We ask you to support the ad blitz by donating to the Roman Baber Constituency Association.

Finally, we have reason to be hopeful as several jurisdictions around the world are coming to the conclusion that we must live with Covid. Please continue to share my social media messaging and do not be afraid to speak out about the harms of lockdowns, passports, and mandates. For two years, Ontario’s pandemic response wreaked havoc on Ontarians. But more people are changing their minds and the narrative may soon come to an end.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Roman Baber

The Internet Censors Chortle at Their Success With the EU

The Internet Censors Chortle at Their Success With the EU

We did it!!!!

Hours ago, the EU Parliament overwhelmingly voted in favor of the most ambitious regulation ever drafted to end the era of toxic social media.

We’re still in shock. 

We were up against some of the most powerful corporations in the world. But we were louder.

Donating in the thousands, flooding key decision-makers with messages, delivering powerful solutions in meetings, and publishing groundbreaking investigations showing the harms caused by Big Tech: the Avaaz community has helped shape history this week, together with other awesome groups out there fighting alongside us and brave lawmakers who decided to listen.

We’re not done yet, but if EU lawmakers stand strong in further negotiations, this could be the first wave of a cascade of new laws all over the world that finally put people before platforms and their profits: whenever Facebook, Youtube or TikTok would harm our societies at scale – from making dangerous disinformation go viral to spreading harmful content to kids or misusing our personal data — our democracies would be able to ensure they take responsibility.

Join the celebration by retweeting the Avaaz tweet here or posting on Facebook here

Social media has brought powerful innovation to our societies. But for too long they have been  able to evolve with literally just one goal: maximizing their profit, even if that meant radicalizing our societies, delegitimizing science or a rise in teen depression.

Now, thanks to this regulation which some have called a new constitution for the Internet, we can demand a future where technologies are shaped around common values, and protect our fundamental human rights, instead of exploiting our weaknesses.

Also, with so much disillusionment around politics, this regulation has shown Europe at its best. With almost all the demands from citizens, experts and civic society organizations landing in some way in the text just voted including:
Detoxify the algorithm— make the platforms take responsibility for the harms they cause to our societies, like the viral spread of dangerous disinformation;  Big sanctions — Face fines up to 6% of their global income, yes we’re talking billions of dollars here, if they don’t fix their systems;Open the black box — Allow independent auditors, researchers and civic society to scrutinize their actions and uncover their wrongdoings;Stop surveillance ads — Ban the exploitation of children’s data, and our political beliefs or gender choices, to target us with ads.

Join the celebration by retweeting the Avaaz tweet here or posting on Facebook here

For over four years Avaaz has been on the forefront of the public push to force social media platforms to tackle the harms they create. From the EU, to the US, or Brazil, we have reported on disinformation and its scale, commissioning polls on its harmful effects, evaluating platforms’ efforts to tackle them, and identifying their failures. None of this would have been possible without the Avaaz membership. It was a huge shared effort. But it paid off. And now we’re making history.

With deep excitement and determination,

Luca, Sarah, Christoph, Joana, Nadia, Andy, Rosie, Luana, Camille, Barbara, Sam and the rest of the Avaaz team

‘No dissent is allowed’: School board bars teacher from raising concerns over transgender books

‘No dissent is allowed’: School board bars teacher from raising concerns over transgender books

‘I am not a transphobic person. It’s crazy that just because you ask a question, the first thing people do is call you that’

Tom Blackwell, NATIONAL POST,


Jan 21, 2022  • 

Carolyn Burjoski, bottom row left, was ejected from this Waterloo Region District School Board virtual meeting for expressing concerns over content in some board-approved school library books.Carolyn Burjoski, bottom row left, was ejected from this Waterloo Region District School Board virtual meeting for expressing concerns over content in some board-approved school library books. Photo by Screen grab

An Ontario school board is facing charges of censorship this week after shutting down a teacher’s presentation to the group, saying her comments about books on transgender issues violated the province’s human rights code.

Carolyn Burjoski was discussing publications she said are available in the libraries of Kindergarten to grade six schools. She had begun to argue the books made it seem too simple and “cool” to medically transition to another gender when her presentation was cut short by the Waterloo Region District School Board’s chair.

Scott Piatkowski ruled she could not continue and the board eventually voted 5-4 to back up his decision. The fallout has continued since.

Though controversial and opposed by most transgender advocates, concerns have been voiced before — including by leading figures in the movement itself — that gender-dysphoric young people are sometimes pushed too aggressively into medical transition.

Piatkowski later told a local CTV station , however, that Burjoski’s comments were actually transphobic and “questioned the right to exist” of trans people. Meanwhile, the organization took down its recording of the meeting — a regular, public session of elected officials — and had YouTube remove another copy of the video for alleged copyright infringement.

And then the teacher was given what she calls a “stay-at-home order” and told not to communicate with colleagues or students, though she’s still being paid and is slated to retire soon. On Thursday, she says her union rep informed her the board had appointed an outside investigator to examine her actions.

We do need to have a conversation about the intersection of biology and gender

In her first interview on the affair, Burjoski said she was “flabbergasted” by what happened at the meeting and Piatkowski’s remarks afterward.

 “I am not a transphobic person. It’s crazy that just because you ask a question, the first thing people do is call you that,” she said. “We do need to have a conversation about the intersection of biology and gender. We’re not having those conversations in our culture because, look what happened to me.”

She said the order to stay away from school was likely meant to make an example of her: “The message is clear: no dissent is allowed.”

Piatkowski declined to comment Thursday, saying he was already the target of organized online harassment and didn’t want to feed it further. He referred to two previous interviews with local media outlets.

The human rights code bars discrimination based on gender identity and other grounds in the areas of housing, employment and providing services.

Asked to explain how Burjoski’s comments violated the code, the chair told 570 News radio station that he would not repeat or respond to her remarks and “give them oxygen.”

But he said he stood by his decision, and that chairs of other boards in the province have told him they would have done the same thing.

“This person was speaking about transgender people in a way that was disrespectful, that would cause them to be attacked and I really needed to ensure it did not continue,” Piatkowski said. “I’m quite confident it was the right decision.”

He said Thursday he knew nothing about the board’s actions against Burjoski or removal of the video of the meeting.

Board spokesperson Eusis Dougan-McKenzie said Friday the video was not officially posted because of concerns about a possible human-rights code violation. In a statement, WDRSB said “we would like to express our deep regret for any harm caused to the transgender community” by Burjoski’s comments.

Two groups representing the LGBTQ community in Waterloo could not be reached for comment. Trans activists, however, often argue that statements questioning medical transition in any way can fuel transgender harassment, discrimination and violence.

“I’m not sorry that someone who opened the door to transphobic comments was stopped from keeping that door open,” Laura Mae Lindo, the NDP MPP for Kitchener Centre, commented on Twitter. “That’s not over-reach. Protect the most vulnerable. Uphold human rights. If you can’t do that, sit down.”

One Waterloo trustee who came to Burjoski’s defence on Monday, though, blasted the board’s decision and said he’s never seen a delegation silenced in that way before.

 “It’s censoring presentations that the chair doesn’t agree with,” said long-time board member Mike Ramsay, who has served as chair three times himself. “As decision makers, we have to make informed decisions.… If we’re going to just take one point of view and say that’s sufficient, that’s wrong on so many fronts.”

Burjoski said she has worked for more than 20 years as a teacher of English as a second language, specializing in children who have immigrated from various countries affected by war and political unrest.

She appeared as a one-person public “delegation” in a session discussing the board’s controversial decision to conduct a system-wide removal of books it considered “harmful.”

Her comments focused on resources recommended by the board for a transgender awareness day. Trouble started when she turned to a book called The Other Boy by M.G. Hennessey and a scene that depicts a meeting between Shane, a transgender boy (born a girl), and a doctor. He voices excitement about starting on testosterone and when the physician says it would mean he likely wouldn’t be able to have children, he says, “It’s cool.”

If we’re going to just take one point of view and say that’s sufficient, that’s wrong

As Burjoski remarked that such books make it seem overly straightforward to take cross-sex hormones, Piatkowski interjected to warn she may be violating the code.

The teacher then went on to say the book was misleading “because it does not take into account how Shane might feel later in life about being infertile. This book makes very serious medical interventions seem like an easy cure for emotional and psychological distress.”

At that point, Piatkowski told her he was “ending the presentation.”

The widely used “affirmation” approach to children who identify as transgender has raised some concerns in several countries, and not just among obvious critics. Two leading psychologists in the transgender medical community, one of them a trans woman, complained in a recent article about sloppy and dangerous assessment of young people presenting as trans, with overly hasty resort to hormones.

Pam Buffone, whose parents group Canadian Gender Report highlights similar issues, said Burjoski raised legitimate questions about the appropriateness of school materials, as places like Finland restrict the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.

“If there’s a reason to hide this discussion from public scrutiny, then there’s really something wrong,” she said.

Join Maxime Bernier in Two Rallies in Toronto & Mississauga, January 22 as Part of Worldwide Freedom Day

The freedom fighters are back!

This Saturday, January 22nd I will be at Queen’s Park in Toronto with Dr. Rochangné Kilian, lawyer Knia Singh, Greg Hill from Free2Fly, and independent MPP Randy Hillier.

I am excited to be back in Toronto to speak out against the corrupt political establishment and champion our rights and freedoms. 

We will start with a rally at  Queen’s Park, then march to CBC HQ where there will be additional speeches in neighbouring Simcoe Park. Later in the day, I will also be making an appearance at Port Credit Memorial Park in Mississauga.

Join me this weekend at Queen’s Park to make your voice heard!


Where: Queen’s Park, by the King Edward VII Equestrian Statue

110 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

When: Saturday, January 22 @ 12pm (Noon)


Where: Port Credit Memorial Park

40 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga, ON L5G 1S4

When: Saturday, January 22 @ 5pm

I hope to see you there!



Common Law Fundamentals & The COVID Crisis

Common Law Fundamentals & The COVID Crisis

Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship

Quote of the Week

The following comments were reportedly issued by a professional nurse. Though the person remains anonymous, the facts speak for themselves:

Among all the vaccines I have known in my life (diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis), I want to also add flu and pneumonia.

  • I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated.
  • I had never heard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.
  • I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated.
  • I never saw discrimination for those who didn’t. If you haven’t been vaccinated no one has tried to make you feel like a bad person.
  • I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends.
  • I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school.
  • I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent.

After all the vaccines I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as it is. And as the social fabric tightens… It’s a powerful vaccine! She does all these things except IMMUNIZATION.

If we still need a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to get a negative test after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to wear a mask after we are fully vaccinated, and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated, it will likely come to “It’s time for us to admit that we’ve been completely deceived.”


Are Lockdowns Effective?

If they are effective, then where are the supporting statistics? A look at sites from each province and some reporting sites, shows significant statistics in relation to COVID-19, despite the fact that many are incomplete and fail to provide all relevant considerations, such as Bonnie Henry only talking about deaths per “cases” when the real criteria to consider is “infections” (this latter point being the same or lower than the flu).

Despite this, not one province nor the Federal Gov’t are releasing any information or statistics to permit analysis of whether their lockdowns are effective.


Recently, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has come out publicly and admitted that lockdowns have resulted in serious “harm in our communities, often with little or virtually no benefit”.


Despite this, why are you continuing to enforce lockdowns and restrictions upon us Bonnie Henry?

Recent opposition by gym owners who have opened even in the face of having their business permits cancelled, continues to show mounting opposition by all sectors in our society against these useless COVID-19 restrictions.


England – Is this finally the beginning of the end?

Boris Johnson in England has announced to thunderous applause in Parliament that COVID-19 restrictions including wearing of masks, mandatory vaccinations and working from home will, as of next week, be coming to an end.



This follows on the heels of the ex-head of the UK Vaccination Taskforce demanding an end to mass vaccination and managed COVID-19 like the flu.


Continue to do your part – Refuse to Comply until all restrictions are lifted!


Confidence is rooted in understanding

Fear is based on the unknown

Australia –

Fully vaccinated Australians in Hospital for COVID-19 surpass the unvaccinated, with almost 70% of reported COVID-19 cases in New South Wales having received two vaccines.


Quebec –

In La Belle Province, it has been admitted by the Gov’t (s. 2.1), that 97.8% of all cumulative deaths, had at least one comorbidity, and 92.9% had two comorbidities.


Ontario –

Here is the most recent graph in Ontario, showing that Fully Vaccinated cases far outstrip partially vaccinated and unvaccinated.


Alberta Recently, Alberta Health Minister Deena Hinshaw has publicly announced that that their gov’t has seriously misrepresented ICU numbers in that province. https://www.thecountersignal.com/news/alberta-health-admits-they-manipulated-icu-numbers?fbclid=IwAR0sjy30uEJSC5o1UMAke8WEI2Tmvsn9IdMq5jn6MWaIEKS6cVUrFlXcvgk CTV deletes headlines that vaccinated outnumber unvaccinated in hospitals – and are now changing the narrative, but still have to admit this is true. https://thepostmillennial.com/ctv-quietly-deletes-headline-saying-vaccinated-outnumber-unvaxxed-in-hospitals

British Columbia https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/a6f23959a8b14bfa989e3cda29297ded Note: The flu averages about .1% fatality rate from complications, or about 1/1000 infections. That is what is required to be considered – not simply cases as Bonnie Henry falsely informs us. Both these rates have, nonetheless, continued to fall for a year or more. Jan. 19, 2022 Tests 5 332 975 (more than total people in B.C.) Cases 301 178 Only .56% (1/2 of 1%) of tests are positive, or a “case” (Much less if you factor in the 97% false positive rate using the PCR test at 35 cycles) 301 178 Cases ÷ 2 492 deaths = .83% Case Fatality Rate (CFR) Quoted by Bonnie Henry Because few cases are reported due to stigma and many people confusing with flu or common cold due to similarity of symptoms, Bonnie Henry did a study of antibodies in people (which would not exist if they were not already infected) and found an average of eight (8) times more people were infected than were reported cases. Using this figure then: 301 178 x 8 (actual estimated cases by Bonnie Henry) = 2 408 424 Infections 2 408 424 ÷ 2 492 = .010 Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) Less than flu ————-

New Jersey It was recently admitted in New Jersey, USA, that the majority of people hospitalized with COVID-19 were admitted for other reasons, but because everyone is being tested, many are then found to have COVID-19 and not even know it. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/most-covid-19-patients-in-new-jersey-hospitalized-admitted-for-non-covid-reasons-officials_4204097.html?utm_source=appan2028330?v=ul
In short, there is no pandemic.

Lost your employment? You may wish to investigate more and more sites offering employment without masks or jabs. Being unvaccinated is not a permanent obstacle to future employment! https://jablessjobs.work/ —————–

Jordan Peterson: Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto

Jordan Peterson: Why I am no longer a tenured professor at the University of Toronto: The appalling ideology of diversity, inclusion and equity is demolishing education and business

[How anti-White, anti-heterosexual “diversity” fanaticism is destroying our universities, turning them into indoctrination centres and swamps of mediocrity. A sad comment on the state of freedom on campus. — Paul Fromm]
Author of the article: Jordan Peterson,  Special to National Post
Jan 19, 2022  •  1 day ago  •  10 minute read  •  1955 Comments

Jordan Peterson speaks at ICC Sydney Theatre on February 26, 2019 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Don Arnold/WireImage)
Jordan Peterson speaks at ICC Sydney Theatre on February 26, 2019 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Don Arnold/WireImage)

I recently resigned from my position as full tenured professor at the University of Toronto. I am now professor emeritus, and before I turned sixty. Emeritus is generally a designation reserved for superannuated faculty, albeit those who had served their term with some distinction. I had envisioned teaching and researching at the U of T, full time, until they had to haul my skeleton out of my office. I loved my job. And my students, undergraduates and graduates alike, were positively predisposed toward me. But that career path was not meant to be. There were many reasons, including the fact that I can now teach many more people and with less interference online. But here’s a few more:

First, my qualified and supremely trained heterosexual white male graduate students (and I’ve had many others, by the way) face a negligible chance of being offered university research positions, despite stellar scientific dossiers. This is partly because of Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity mandates (my preferred acronym: DIE). These have been imposed universally in academia, despite the fact that university hiring committees had already done everything reasonable for all the years of my career, and then some, to ensure that no qualified “minority” candidates were ever overlooked. My students are also partly unacceptable precisely because they are my students. I am academic persona non grata, because of my unacceptable philosophical positions. And this isn’t just some inconvenience. These facts rendered my job morally untenable. How can I accept prospective researchers and train them in good conscience knowing their employment prospects to be minimal?

Second reason: This is one of many issues of appalling ideology currently demolishing the universities and, downstream, the general culture. Not least because there simply is not enough qualified BIPOC people in the pipeline to meet diversity targets quickly enough (BIPOC: black, indigenous and people of colour, for those of you not in the knowing woke). This has been common knowledge among any remotely truthful academic who has served on a hiring committee for the last three decades. This means we’re out to produce a generation of researchers utterly unqualified for the job. And we’ve seen what that means already in the horrible grievance studies “disciplines.” That, combined with the death of objective testing, has compromised the universities so badly that it can hardly be overstated. And what happens in the universities eventually colours everything. As we have discovered.

All my craven colleagues must craft DIE statements to obtain a research grant. They all lie (excepting the minority of true believers) and they teach their students to do the same. And they do it constantly, with various rationalizations and justifications, further corrupting what is already a stunningly corrupt enterprise. Some of my colleagues even allow themselves to undergo so-called anti-bias training, conducted by supremely unqualified Human Resources personnel, lecturing inanely and blithely and in an accusatory manner about theoretically all-pervasive racist/sexist/heterosexist attitudes. Such training is now often a precondition to occupy a faculty position on a hiring committee.

Need I point out that implicit attitudes cannot — by the definitions generated by those who have made them a central point of our culture — be transformed by short-term explicit training? Assuming that those biases exist in the manner claimed, and that is a very weak claim, and I’m speaking scientifically here. The Implicit Association test — the much-vaunted IAT, which purports to objectively diagnose implicit bias (that’s automatic racism and the like) is by no means powerful enough — valid and reliable enough — to do what it purports to do. Two of the original designers of that test, Anthony Greenwald and Brian Nosek, have said as much, publicly. The third, Professor Mahzarin Banaji of Harvard, remains recalcitrant. Much of this can be attributed to her overtly leftist political agenda, as well as to her embeddedness within a sub-discipline of psychology, social psychology, so corrupt that it denied the existence of left-wing authoritarianism for six decades after World War II. The same social psychologists, broadly speaking, also casually regard conservatism (in the guise of “system justification”) as a form of psychopathology.

Banaji’s continued countenancing of the misuse of her research instrument, combined with the status of her position at Harvard, is a prime reason we still suffer under the DIE yoke, with its baleful effect on what was once the closest we had ever come to truly meritorious selection. There are good reasons to suppose that DIE-motivated eradication of objective testing, such as the GRE for graduate school admission, will have deleterious effects on the ability of students so selected to master such topics as the statistics all social sciences (and medicine, for that matter) rely upon completely for their validity.

Furthermore, the accrediting boards for graduate clinical psychology training programs in Canada are now planning to refuse to accredit university clinical programs unless they have a “social justice” orientation. That, combined with some recent legislative changes in Canada, claiming to outlaw so-called “conversion therapy” (but really making it exceedingly risky for clinicians to do anything ever but agree always and about everything with their clients) have likely doomed the practice of clinical psychology, which always depended entirely on trust and privacy. Similar moves are afoot in other professional disciplines, such as medicine and law. And if you don’t think that psychologists, lawyers and other professionals are anything but terrified of their now woke governing professional colleges, much to everyone’s extreme detriment, you simply don’t understand how far this has all gone.

Just exactly what am I supposed to do when I meet a graduate student or young professor, hired on DIE grounds? Manifest instant skepticism regarding their professional ability? What a slap in the face to a truly meritorious young outsider. And perhaps that’s the point. The DIE ideology is not friend to peace and tolerance. It is absolutely and completely the enemy of competence and justice.

And for those of you who think that I am overstating the case, or that this is something limited in some trivial sense to the universities, consider some other examples: This report from Hollywood, cliched hotbed of “liberal” sentiment, for example, indicates just how far this has gone. In 2020, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the Oscar people) embarked on a five-year plan (does that ring any historical bells?) “to diversify our organization and expand our definition of the best,” They did so in an attempt which included developing “new representation and inclusion standards for Oscars,” to, hypothetically, “better reflect the diversity of the movie-going audience.” What fruit has this initiative, offspring of the DIE ideology, borne? According to a recent article, penned by Peter Kiefer and Peter Savodnik, but posted on former NY Times’ journalist Bari Weiss’s Common Sense website (and Weiss left the Times, because of the intrusion of radical left ideology into that newspaper, just as Tara Henley did recently, vis a vis the CBC): “We spoke to more than 25 writers, directors, and producers — all of whom identify as liberal, and all of whom described a pervasive fear of running afoul of the new dogma. … How to survive the revolution? By becoming its most ardent supporter. … Suddenly, every conversation with every agent or head of content started with: Is anyone BIPOC attached to this?”

And this is everywhere — and if you don’t see it, your head is either in the sand or shoved somewhere far more unmentionable. CBS, for example, has literally mandated that every writers’ room be at least 40 per cent BIPOC in 2021 (50 per cent in 2022).

We are now at the point where race, ethnicity, “gender,” or sexual preference is first, accepted as the fundamental characteristic defining each person (just as the radical leftists were hoping) and second, is now treated as the most important qualification for study, research and employment.

Need I point out that this is insane ? Even the benighted New York Times has its doubts. A headline from August 11, 2021: Are Workplace Diversity Programs Doing More Harm than Good? In a word, yes. How can accusing your employees of racism etc. sufficient to require re-training (particularly in relationship to those who are working in good faith to overcome whatever bias they might still, in these modern, liberal times, manifest) be anything other than insulting, annoying, invasive, high-handed, moralizing, inappropriate, ill-considered, counterproductive, and otherwise unjustifiable?

And if you think DIE is bad, wait until you get a load of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores . Purporting to assess corporate moral responsibility, these scores, which can dramatically affect an enterprise’s financial viability, are nothing less than the equivalent of China’s damnable social credit system, applied to the entrepreneurial and financial world. CEOs: what in the world is wrong with you? Can’t you see that the ideologues who push such appalling nonsense are driven by an agenda that is not only absolutely antithetical to your free-market enterprise, as such, but precisely targeted at the freedoms that made your success possible? Can’t you see that by going along, sheep-like (just as the professors are doing; just as the artists and writers are doing) that you are generating a veritable fifth column within your businesses? Are you really so blind, cowed and cowardly? With all your so-called privilege?

And it’s not just the universities. And the professional colleges. And Hollywood. And the corporate world. Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity — that radical leftist Trinity — is destroying us. Wondering about the divisiveness that is currently besetting us? Look no farther than DIE. Wondering — more specifically — about the attractiveness of Trump? Look no farther than DIE. When does the left go too far? When they worship at the altar of DIE, and insist that the rest of us, who mostly want to be left alone, do so as well. Enough already. Enough. Enough.

Finally, do you know that Vladimir Putin himself is capitalizing on this woke madness? Anna Mahjar-Barducci at MEMRI.org covered his recent speech. I quote from the article’s translation: “The advocates of so-called ‘social progress’ believe they are introducing humanity to some kind of a new and better consciousness. Godspeed, hoist the flags, as we say, go right ahead. The only thing that I want to say now is that their prescriptions are not new at all. It may come as a surprise to some people, but Russia has been there already. After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs, and not just political and economic ones, but the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society. The destruction of age-old values, religion, and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family (we had that, too), encouragement to inform on loved ones — all this was proclaimed progress and, by the way, was widely supported around the world back then and was quite fashionable, same as today. By the way, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of opinions other than theirs.

“This, I believe, should call to mind some of what we are witnessing now. Looking at what is happening in a number of Western countries, we are amazed to see the domestic practices — which we, fortunately, have left, I hope — in the distant past. The fight for equality and against discrimination has turned into aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity, when the works of the great authors of the past — such as Shakespeare — are no longer taught at schools or universities, because their ideas are believed to be backward. The classics are declared backward and ignorant of the importance of gender or race. In Hollywood, memos are distributed about proper storytelling and how many characters of what color or gender should be in a movie. This is even worse than the agitprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.”

This, from the head of the former totalitarian enterprise, against whom we fought a five decades’ long Cold War, risking the entire planet (in a very real manner). This, from the head of a country riven in a literally genocidal manner by ideas that Putin himself attributes to the progressives in the West, to the generally accepting audience of his once-burned (once (!)) twice-shy listeners.

And all of you going along with the DIE activists, whatever your reasons: this is on you. Professors. Cowering cravenly in pretence and silence. Teaching your students to dissimulate and lie. To get along. As the walls crumble. For shame. CEOs: signalling a virtue you don’t possess and shouldn’t want to please a minority who literally live their lives by displeasure. You’re evil capitalists, after all, and should be proud of it. At the moment, I can’t tell if you’re more reprehensibly timid even than the professors. Why the hell don’t you banish the human resource DIE upstarts back to the more-appropriately-named Personnel departments, stop them from interfering with the psyches of you and your employees, and be done with it? Musicians, artists, writers: stop bending your sacred and meritorious art to the demands of the propagandists before you fatally betray the spirit of your own intuition. Stop censoring your thought. Stop saying you will hire for your orchestral and theatrical productions for any reason other than talent and excellence. That’s all you have. That’s all any of us have.

He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind. And the wind is rising.



The Supreme Court, on January 13, 2022, handed down two major COVID-19 related decisions: Biden v. Missouri permanently in favor of far reaching vaccine mandates FOR THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY (due to the power of Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid Laws) and NFIB v. OSHA,  which TEMPORARILY stayed the OSHA vaccine mandate for thousands of workers nationwide.  The mainstream media’s misrepresentation of these results notwithstanding, the NET Victory went to to Federal Power to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations, and that is how we need to analyze the results of January 13, 2022.  Paul Frederick Fromm and I are alone tonight discussing COVID-as-CASTE, COVID-as-DISCRIMINATION, COVID-as-CLASSIFICATION, and other aspects of COVID-as the GLOBAL RESET and New World Order, two years after the “discovery” of COVID-19:
covid changing stories.png

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan in January: Kelowna, Penticton, & Vernon

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan in January: Kelowna, Penticton, & Vernon

Common Law Fundamentals Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship Let’s begin by first announcing two extremely important rallies upcoming in the next few weeks. Regular rallies are listed at the bottom as per usual. Your support and presence, especially at these next two rallies, is critical to maintaining our exposure to the world, of the gov’t and media corruption.

World Wide Rally and MEGA Rally is coming to Kelowna!

January 22, 2022

Stuart Park 12:00 Noon

Including downtown Kelowna march, and Hwy Rally to follow!

Hosted by Singer/songwriter Jacquelyn Rose

Christy Derksen – From Vancouver singing O’Canada

Presently scheduled speakers:

Marcus Ray

Supporting and rallying local businesses for freedom


KGH nurse, forced to be vaxxed unwillingly, Jennifer will discuss the life altering side effects of this vaccine assault

Ted Kuntz

One of the most inspiring speakers in Canada on vaccines, and co-founder of Vaccine Choice Canada


Blackout Mainstream Media Rally

Ongoing lies, misleading comments, omission of material facts, admissions that the B.C. Gov’t have told media to not give people who love freedom or are opposed to Bonnie the Commie a “platform”, libelous and defamatory statements, and representing freedom lovers as the enemy, has required more vigilant activities to expose the media fraud in the Okanagan.

Colin Dacre of Castanet has been one of the more vocal criminals in this regard, intentionally portraying freedom activists as conspiracy theorists and other false labels. Many of his comments truly amount to nothing less than pure libel. Other reporters have reported in a similar manner.

Almost all rallies in Canada have been peaceful, yet the media continues to falsely label us being associated with racist and violent groups and spreading misinformation. No one is immune, as Maxime Bernier has learned.

We would not be in this position had the media asked the appropriate damning questions of our Governments and Bonnie the Commie right from the beginning. The primary reason for the destruction of our rights and freedoms, and the ignorance of Canadians, lies directly with the compromised media.

We would not be here if the media correctly reported that the problems at hospitals lie not with the number of cases, but with the number of nurses and doctors who have quit or resigned rather than be vaxxed.

Lies include:

that the injection is a vaccine when in fact it has no actual viral particles in it – it changes your DNA

that activists are violent right-wing people, who are racist and extremists. Nothing is further from the truth. We never see pictures of violence at Canadian rallies – just peaceful marches and demonstrations


reporting gov’t press releases with no verification of statistics – most of which are direct lies or lies by omission

that we need to wear masks, when it is physically impossible for masks to prevent viral transmission (and not telling the public Bonnie the Commie has admitted this under oath)

refusing to inform the public that the PCR test is not the gold standard for COVID-19 testing, but fool’s gold, does not test for live viruses and has a 97.5% false positive rate at gov’t testing cycles

that vaccines do not prevent viral transmission, but, if and when they work, only reduce the symptoms

deaths are reported as COVID-19 even if people die from other causes

hospitals have been routinely seen to be empty – not overfilled

any problems at hospitals are because medical personnel are quitting en masse, rather than be subject to the experimental jab

that we don’t believe in science, when everything we promote is scientifically based and in fact, we do believe in science, just not their junk science….and…

Castanet has criminally published letters from people advocating those infected with COVID-19 to come to our rallies and intentionally infect people!!

…and on it goes



CASTANET 11:00 a.m.

455 Lawrence Ave. Kelowna

Bring your signs exposing media corruption.

Bring your A4C media Notices of Liability to serve on Castanet.


Keep on Trucking!!

Following on the heels of the Quebec Government’s decision to back off from firing all non-vaccinated nurses, and the New Brunswick Government’s decision to back off their threats prohibiting all non-vaccinated people from shopping even for food, the Federal Government has now retreated from its decision that all truckers had to be vaxxed before January 15, 2022. With at least 12 000 truckers refusing to vaccinate, the Federal Government had no choice but to retreat or face serious supply chain problems.

Next time you see them on the road, or at your diner or hotel, thank your truckers!!!



Anti-Vax Tax

Recently Quebec Premier Legault, pictured demonstrating the size of his brain, has declared that it will impose a tax upon the unvaxxed. In politics nothing happens by chance. Less that one day before Quebec announced its recent health tax, the Minister of Health, who clearly knew this was coming, resigned.


In other words, if you don’t agree to let your employer or the State commit the criminal offence of assaulting you, they will tax you for refusing to be assaulted.

Our concern is that these types of cases begin in Quebec, under their civil code. Then the adverse judgments are applied in all common law provinces. For example, in response, Ontario has recently declared, that they will not follow suit.


British Columbia will not follow Quebec, the province’s Health Minister, Adrian Dix, said on Tuesday.

I can say, definitively, we will not be proceeding with a similar measure in B.C.,” he told reporters at a briefing.


Alta has recently opined that it will not follow La Belle Province either.

In Manitoba, in a carefully crafted statement, the Gov’t said: “We’re certainly not looking at something like that now.” The implication is clear – it will be coming just not right now.


These and other provinces are merely waiting to see what happens with the inevitable Quebec challenge under the civil code, to then comply with adverse court rulings, passing the buck onto the courts. It won’t be the last time during this falsified pandemic, that gov’ts have stated a position only to reverse it months if not weeks later. This time, they will simply claim they had to follow the court’s decision.

Quebecers need to oppose this unequal tax on your right to choose what goes into your body.


Constitutional Creep – Declare all provincial offences to be administrative and charge fees to defend yourself

Fundamental principles cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship

The common law principle above herein, could not be more appropriate to the present situation in our country – on all fronts. Constitutional creep is now the new norm. Beginning in 2013, Alta. began this administrative creep by denial of court protections for drinking and driving. Now they are expanding this to all driving tickets. YOU will be presumed guilty and have to pay to challenge these tickets!!! And if you lose…more administrative penalties. The Alta. Gov’t further intends to expand this to all provincial offence tickets. Drinking was easily sold to the public due to the effects this caused which meant all of us had to forego some of our rights and liberties, (appropriate for China maybe).

Instead of an independent judge, you appear before a gov’t appointed biased adjudicator, with significant limitations on what evidence you can submit, and no appeal process only a limited judicial review. And YOU have to pay for this hearing!

Make no mistake, judges are one of the foremost lobbying force behind these changes. They simply want to see these ‘piddly’ little cases taken out of the courts so they don’t have to deal with them, though the publicly stated reason is to: “make …roads safer while restoring justice system capacity.” Please tell us how stripping you of your fundamental procedural and Constitutional rights to natural justice and procedural fairness, will make the roads safer? By having less people win in court?

This is a cryptic way of stating that due to gov’ts in the past penalizing every action on the highway, mismanagement, judicial laziness, and COVID-19 fear mongering, the courts were backlogged.

Every time changes are made for expediency or for ease, or safety, YOU lose your fundamental Constitutional and/or procedural guarantees. NEVER forget this. It’s like a new menu at your favorite restaurant – you just know the prices are going up despite any new products being offered. Menus are not changed, with corresponding costs, for nothing. Similarly, changes to the system only occur for your detriment. When was the last time you read a statute and said to yourself: “Wow, I’ve just gained more rights or liberties!”?

Don’t think for a moment this won’t come to your province. All courts are backlogged in every province and they will use this as a scapegoat to screw you and make YOU pay up front for it.


CLEAR Telegram

With over 600 members now, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times, no government officials, agents or rep posts are accepted. Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness. This is a private group for trusted people and friends only. Our rules are simple:

CLEAR Telegram Group


Rallies and events

Freedom is a multi-generational struggle. Our objective is to retain more rights and freedoms each year for our children.

Our attendance is our display to the world, of our belief and commitment to freedom.

Weekly Rallies

Bring at least two friends who care about freedom!


Saturday January 15, 2022 12:00 Noon Stuart Park

Join the largest Freedom rallies in the Okanagan!

Dress Warm – We will be going back to the Highway this weekend!!


Sunday January 16, 2022 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Main & Warren St.

Say hi to Mary-Lou, supporting the largest Freedom Rallies in the South Okanagan!


Saturday January 15, 2022 12:00 Polson Park

Say hi to Darren, supporting the largest Freedom Rallies in the North Okanagan!

Very Clear Thinking from Corp. Richard Mehner, Suspended from RCMP FOR Not Being Jabbed

Very clear thinking from an RCMP officer who is now on unpaid leave

He wrote a compelling letter when he resigned. Here’s a brief excerpt that everyone in the world should read.Steve KirschJan 11Corporal Richard Mehner, has served in the RCMP for 21 years.He was forced to resign over the vaccine mandate. He penned an excellent letter explaining how he felt.

I wanted to share a snippet with you because it puts everything into perspective: basically, the death rate hasn’t changed at all because people are dying with COVID rather than from COVID.Check this out.At the end of 2020 I became convinced we were all being force fed a giant load of absolute bullshit. Don’t believe me? Look at world population statistics. Here’s a sample.At the end of 2018, the world population was 7,631,091,040 and that year 57,625,149 people died. This showed an overall death rate of .76%. I know some of you are shocked by this, but yes, 57 million people died of all types of causes in 2018. When you reach the end of your life, you die.At the end of 2019, the world population was 7,713,468,100 and 58,394,378 died. Naturally, because we had more people reaching the end of their lives, more people died. The death rate that year was .76%.

Now let’s see what 2020 brought us. The year of the pandemic.At the end of 2020, the world population was 7,794,798,739 and 59,230,795 died. The death rate was .76%. Yes. That’s right. In the year of the deadly pandemic the world’s population grew by 81,330,639 people and the death rate did not change by even a hundredth of a percent. The media never once pulled back the lens to show this, they continued to show the narrow focus of case counts and Covid deaths. Even going so far as to change causes of death so that someone who died “with” Covid in their system was counted as someone who died “of” Covid. The Western world shut down over a disease about as deadly as the common flu. And our rights were shut down along with it.Despite this disease having a non existent effect on the overall death rate of the world’s population the call came out for a mass vaccination.