Canadian Constitution Foundation in the Federal Court today

Canadian Constitution Foundation
Canadian Constitution Foundation in the Federal Court today

Canadian Constitution Foundation in the Federal Court today

TORONTO: The Canadian Constitution Foundation is in the Federal Court today seeking the disclosure of information which goes to the heart of the government’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act on February, 14, 2022. 

The CCF will seek an order for the Attorney General to deliver unredacted documents, including minutes of the Incident Response Group and Cabinet meetings leading up to the declaration of the Emergencies Act

The government invoked cabinet confidence, and subsequently, national security privilege over many documents relevant to a judge’s determination of whether the government was justified in declaring a public order emergency. 

“The government’s failure to disclose wide swaths of evidence that go to the question of whether it was justified in invoking the Emergencies Act is an attempt to evade meaningful judicial review. Allowing these documents to remain secret would undermine the integrity of the proceedings in this historic matter if a litigant is pre-empted from arguing in court that the government acted unconstitutionally”, said Christine Van Geyn, the CCF’s Litigation Director. Members of the public may request a link for the hearing here:

Resistance Is Not Futile: Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, August 6 & 7 – Vernon, Kelowna, OK Falls, Oliver, Osoyoos, & Penticton

Rally’s and Events

“It Ain’t Over“

We will not get boosters every nine months!


August 6, 2022




Dr. Malthouse speaking at

Kelowna Freedom Rally on August 20, 2022!!

Don’t just tell believers – tell the unbelievers and get them out!


Municipal Politicians – Part 3

Now that you have picked your six talking points and know them well, it’s time to promote yourself. If you haven’t yet started attending council meetings every week, what are you waiting for? It’s time to brush up on that part of the job so you can find out what kind of topics are being discussed and get to know the present council’s attitudes and opinions about various subjects. Some of these people may end up becoming your co-worker after this election.

But remember, the Totalitarian Tip-Toe has been creeping in for years. Many

authoritarian policies have been enacted behind closed doors that you won’t

know about until you scratch the surface. Right now, most of the general public are not aware of these policies because they rarely encounter the situations that expose them. So why worry about this? Because they are designed to silence you and make it impossible for you to demand accountability.

One example of this is the fact that councilors can ignore your concerns if they don’t like the topic. You don’t even get to bring it up since questions are vetted beforehand. Why do you think council has never once acknowledged Plandemic-related issues? They have received correspondence from concerned citizens but have the power to ignore what they don’t want to talk about.

The other example deals with the un-accountability of law enforcement and security officers. If one of them commits an offence, good luck identifying these people. Certain positions have no identification whatsoever and even though the employee is obligated to identify himself when asked, he doesn’t. If you have a run-in with a Sheriff who only has a badge number, you will be stone-walled by his supervisor who will conceal his identity to prevent you from seeking justice. As for police, they are “policy-enforcers,” NOT there to serve and protect YOU (contrary to public delusion.)

Anybody in a uniform, who may have a badge and/or weapons, represents some level of authority and law enforcement. When they are left to go rogue, as they have noticeably been doing the past couple of years, the city they patrol becomes a dangerous place for its citizens. We are now one step away from a police state. As a newly-elected Councilor/Mayor, you have the power to turn this around.

The more money you can budget for advertising, the more you can afford to market yourself. People need to put a name to a face. And just as important, they need to know what that name and face stands for. You can do mass mail-outs to every address in your jurisdiction. A simple pamphlet with your picture (colour preferred) listing your six general talking points with matching feasible solutions is a fairly inexpensive, minimal effort way to promote yourself.

If you want to use lawn signs, make sure your last name is BIGGER than your

first. And make it generic so you can re-use it for another election. For example: “Vote for (your name) this election” (don’t put dates.)

Tell everyone you meet to vote for you. Have your pamphlets with you to hand out everywhere you go. Announce your candidacy at every opportunity. Be prepared to deal with Mainstream Media. They will either ignore you or slander you (as they have already been doing to some.) Learn to ignore their derogatory comments/questions and say something positive about your platform. NEVER engage with Mainstream Media, they are nothing more than mindless minions pre-programed to attack your character and dismiss your message.

For example, if they say something like “Sir, you’ve been observed on many occasions at the anti-vaxxers’ Saturday rallies, are you an anti-vaxxer?” You could answer “Thank You (minion’s name) for acknowledging this. One of my subjects of concern is poor maintenance of public facilities and parks just like Stuart Park. Broken garbage cans and disgusting washrooms only get attention once every four years JUST before the next election. I want to ensure that all public-use items are regularly maintained and repaired so they can be enjoyed by all year-round, every year.” You’ll get your message across and it will drive the minion crazy.

If you are successful in entering the Demon’s Den, you will need to maintain a high moral compass. You will discover how many secret meetings take place that constituents will never hear about. You’ll see countless confidential provincial government directives that drive local decisions. You’ll be privy to all kinds of dirty laundry; and you get to start draining that swamp!

Good Luck!



We have said repeatedly that if our generation fails, there is no new generation coming up behind us, that has the intelligence to oppose the Government corruption and criminal activities we are witnessing today. If we lose, everyone will lose.

Historically, succeeding generations have had the benefits of intelligence passed along from their previous generation, combined with newly acquired knowledge and experience, to increase subsequent knowledge and intelligence—with the benefits of increasing inventions and ideas to make our lives easier and more rewarding.

For the first time, the next generation (today’s) is dumber than the generation that preceded it (ours). Their basic knowledge of math, history, science, Constitutions, law, English, grammar, geography etc., is so far below our generation, that it may be impossible for them to catch up – and their generation (our grandchildren) may have no chance at all.

The next generation of grandchildren are further being confused at birth as to the binary male/female nature of gender, supplying children who are sexually misinformed from the moment they enter the school system. This alone, should provide all of us with the continued desire for freedom to oppose our corrupt and criminal governments today.

It should further provide a basic and fundamental reason for every parent to be involved and/or run for their school boards and municipal councils.

Thank you Sibille for this link, showing basic questions that Americans are unable to answer. Canadian school children, youth and early adults, are not much better, while the Communists looks laughingly upon us, knowing that their day of invasion draws close, as our people are too dumb to even defend themselves anymore.


On a sad note, now six (6) doctors (up from four) recently have died shortly after mandatory vaccines were required for their fourth shot. Notwithstanding, the MSM continues to either ignore this situation, or portray it as a “coincidence”, or try and blame the deaths on previous co-morbidities. If these previous co-morbidities existed, these doctors would not have been working.

One recent doctor had been participating in marathons and many other strenuous outdoor events and was only 27 years of age. Healthy doctors do not just die, unless they have been injected with experimental vaccines.


In 2021, a Trudeau-created body, the COVID Recovery Unit, consisting of 20 persons, was instructed by Trudeau to recommend to the PM that COVID restrictions be imposed on travel. This body is not registered anywhere, has no website, and is virtually non-existent in any Government records.

The following is a very interesting article on the politics behind the Federal COVID-19 scam restrictions on travel.

Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis”


Check out the most recent Domestic/International Travel

Notice of Liability from Action4Canada


  1. You have a Constitutional right or freedom to enter Canada.
  1. You have a Constitutional right or freedom to full privacy with respect to all your medical information.
  1. Do not have the ArriveCan app on your phone.
  1. Do not release any information to any health official. They have no power to demand it and cannot refuse you entry if you refuse to tell them. If they threaten you with a ticket, just take it and go home. You can challenge it later.

Patrick McNulty

CBSA Officer

Canada Border Services Agency
“How to beat ArriveCan App”




Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

August 6, 2022

+26° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


August 6, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


August 6, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


August 6, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


August 6, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


Kamloops Freedom Gathering

August 6, 2022 10:00 – 12:00 Noon

Valleyview Centennial Park


August 7, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

A Response & Appreciation of the George Orwell Awards to Monika & Alfred Schaefer in Vancouver, July 30 by Timothy Cuish of the Daily Rake

Today I went to the Schaefer-Fromm Convention in Downtown Vancouver

theTDCtheTDCJuly 30, 2022

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I announced my intention to be heading into downtown Vancouver in support of Paul Fromm and Monika Schaefer on this site. I didn’t announce the time and location on this site, because I wasn’t sure if Paul wanted that information known. In our interview he clarified that no, he would very much appreciate the event to be known only to private individuals, because they’ve had problems with antifa types before. Even if they don’t show up, often they call the hotel or other institution hosting the event and tell them that they’re hosting “KKK HuWhyte Supreemacists,” or whatever, and that there will be trouble. Going to the RCMP has, in his experience, been of next to zero utility, so it’s easier to simply have a small, privately known about event.

As a result, I found myself surrounded by about a dozen other people in a small conference room n downtown Vancouver. After a bit of trouble parking, due to an unrelated event happening in the area, and then much more trouble finding the conference room, due to it being in a part of the hotel that appeared to be marked off for the general public, I got myself in there mingling with the crowd.

I’m not sure if I can say who I met there. While no one did anything wrong in coming, just the opposite, I don’t want to violate anyone’s privacy. I will say that I saw Monika Schaefer and Paul Fromm of course, with Alfred Schaefer making a guest appearance from Germany through Skype. He was there the entire conference, listening along, before giving a speech at the very end, just after Monika had finished talking.


Alfred had just gotten out of prison on July 1st, and his speech was optimistic and to the point. He believes, as many of us do, that in Europe the upcoming hard economic times, especially if Russia cuts off oil and gas deliveries, is going to make for a situation very ripe for populist politics. The difficulty is of course logistical and legal, in getting out in front of the public and offering them the solutions.

At some point about an hour in this guy showed up who seemed weirdly familiar to me. Making things a bit odder, he was the only non-White person there. Turns out it’s Frank Raymond, author of the highly regarded fiction work “Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells.” Here you can see him slapping some cuck back into shape.

Imagine if Dinesh D’Souza was actually based, and you’ve got Frank Raymond. He showed up a bit late, but spoke some words to us there in attendance praising Monika and especially Alfred for their perseverance in the face of massive oppression.

I didn’t think it appropriate to take pictures of this event, for obvious reasons, but Paul Fromm started off the event with a very nice speech. As is something of a running theme with my interactions with Paul Fromm, there were some technical issues which delayed the event for about thirty minutes or so, but eventually we got going. While this is not a speech review, I did appreciate that his speech, while serious, wasn’t some sort of Hollywood stereotypical “we here the White Race must be deadly serious at all times in the face of Schlomo, the physical manifestation of the devil,” type stuff. Although to be honest, if someone actually said that verbatim, I’d instantly support them with all my heart.

In particular I liked his comment on 911. Of course we know all about the dancing Israelis, or Lucky Larry Silverstein, but I’d forgotten about the third tower that mysteriously fell. As he put it:

And why’d that third tower fall anyway? Perhaps it was due to emotional attachment to the previous towers. It decided to show solidarity with them and collapsed.

Most of his speech was directly relevant to the lampshadocaust, which he identifies as a state religion. After all, beliefs that have no evidence are religious beliefs, not factual ones. As the TRS guys have shown, you will never get the holocaust lobby to debate you. That’s because the truth is on the the skeptics’ side, and only censorship can keep this ludicrous slander alive.

Fromm’s speech was quite long, and I didn’t want to be on my phone the entire time making notes, but he did mention two lawyers, Doug Christie, the defense for Ernst Zundel, and John Rosen, a lawyer for the CJC and someone I believe was on the other side of that very trial. Rosen also defended Paul Bernardo, a notorious violent rapist who raped and murdered three young girls in the 1980’s. And yet Rosen never had any doors close for him in the legal profession, as opposed to Doug Christie.

Lawyer Doug Christie.

Christie had a clear in with Con Inc, as a hotshot young up and coming lawyer. He was told explicitly that he was on a fast track to the judiciary, and he was approached by the B.C. Conservatives to potentially lead the entire party.

Instead, he defended Ernst Zundel. And he didn’t just defend him, he destroyed the opposition in those trials. While Zundel ultimately lost both cases, before winning both on appeals, Raul Hilberg, the lead “expert,” testifying on behalf of the holocaust lobby, ragequit from doing trials ever again after getting destroyed by Christie up on the stand. 

I can’t find the TRS episode where they go into this trial, although this Strike and Mike might be a good listen. I remember them going into an exchange that was something like this.

Christie is cross-examining Raul Hilberg.

Doug Christie: Do you have literally any physical evidence of these supposed gas chambers?

Raul Hilberg: Gee I’m just pulling a blank here. I mean I don’t know what to say. I’m stumped. I just, gosh, not really sure there is any evidence.

Fromm passed the baton to Monika, who went into her own speech, mostly delving into Alfred’s life, as well as their relationship together. I did appreciate her point about Alfred getting lost at sea in his youth, due to a broken rudder, at which point he was forced to find a way, however hopeless, to save himself. I don’t want to cover too much of Monika’s speech, because I don’t have it recorded, and she retreaded much of the same ground as she did in her interview with yours truly. 

Monika and Alfred together.

Paul Fromm Sits Down with the Daily Rake, Part 1 – the Overview: My Early Years in Politics

Paul Fromm Sits Down with the Daily Rake, Part 1 – the Overview

theTDCtheTDCJuly 30, 2022

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I recently had an interview with none other than Monika Schaefer. She’s the wonderful woman who made a video fact-checking the lampshadocaust in 2016, only to have her life turned upside down by the usual suspects. Video of our interview is below.$/embed/POL_MonikaSchaeferInterview/8cfd113aa77409dad307f6df6258c2c777b85b7d?r=FTJ3BGxkHz9uNBeBiPCCFtPdA1DwVM19

At the bottom of the article I wrote on our interview, the first in the series, I mentioned that I had an interview set up with Paul Fromm, and in fact I finished this interview two days ago. Unfortunately, we had serious technical issues right from the very beginning. This caused us to delay the interview by forty minutes, and eventually we settled on simply having me call Paul and record the conversation with him. The video is below.$/embed/POL_PaulFrommInterview/b31283be29ff5bc40c5b880e7499ad187e1bcc03?r=FTJ3BGxkHz9uNBeBiPCCFtPdA1DwVM19

As for Paul Fromm himself, he’s been fighting for Our People for half a century now, starting out in the anti-communist days, and moving on to what we see today. One thing I did mention to him, and which he agreed with in our interview, is that it sure does seem like the communists of the day, like William “Moses” Kunstler, seem to be pushing the exact same anti-White pervert garbage as the capitalists of today.

But just as I’m doing with Monika Schaefer, I’m going to write one or more additional articles on my interview with Paul Fromm. So I won’t get too in depth as to our interview right now.

In fact, I’m not going to get too in depth as to Paul Fromm’s history either, but it certainly is interesting. Fromm has been the international director of the Council of Conservative Citizens. He founded the Edmund Burke Society with Don Andrews and Leigh Smith when he was just a teenager. He’s founded CAFE, a free speech organization, in the 80’s, 

And for those who want to do the whole “SerIoUS GuYS wOrK WiThIN thE CuckSeRVAtIvE/RepUbLiCAn PaRTy” bit, he, like many of these guys, has had the ear of some Conservative politicians since back in the late 60’s. Although now he agreed with me that the Conservative Party of Canada is a thoroughly useless and in fact actively harmful institution.

He’s been involved in multiple high profile legal cases, had serious violent confrontations, all started by antifa/commies of course, been the leader of the Ontario Social Credit Party, fought against koshervatives like Jason Kenney, and is of course denied entry to the United States of America. And I guess at one point he crossed paths with Evalion. 

Paul Fromm with Evalion. Remember her?

I told him when I began interviewing him that I would need to wrap it up as soon as possible. I had planned something like just ten minutes, and then we could reschedule a new meeting when the technical hiccups were ironed out. Of course we ended up talking for forty minutes, and I didn’t even get to ask him about some entire topics of interest, like his defamation trial, his connection to Ernst Zundel, and many other topics.

That will have to wait for a later date. For now I’ll end here, and simply thank Paul for coming onto the Daily Rake, tolerating the technical problems we had, and accepting my stilted, scatterbrained interview “technique.” I’ll have the video up shortly, and an in depth piece will be released on this interview after tomorrow’s event — The 2022 George Orwell Free Speech Awards to Monika and Alfred Schaefer in Vancouver.

Ongoing Freedom Protests at the British Columbia Legislature — Gordon Watson’s Report & Commentary

Ongoing Freedom Protests at the British Columbia Legislature

In Victoria, the big anti-Lockdown EVENTS are over, for now.  Two years of weekly PROTESTation against Covid~mania has made us a fixture on Belleville street.  My banner IS THIS RED FASCISM ?    NO VAXX PASS  gets thousands of views.  About 50+ regulars show up for a couple hours on Saturdays.    Always a few new faces standing with us.     Lately, the Inner Harbor is at its touristy best — peaceful prosperous families and couples strolling on the grand lawn . A perfect soundtrack for this scene is the pop tune  “Saturday in the Park”  by the band Chicago.

On July 16th,  Deuce Days were underway … hundreds of  ‘32 Ford coupes along with many other vintage cars in showroom condition,  cruisin’ the streets,works of Art, reminiscent of the American Way of

From face-to-face interaction, we know that people are awakening from the trance.   Two years ago, the ratio of sympathetic honks and thumbs-up from passersby, was equally pro versus con.   These days, it’s 10 to one commending us with sincere  “thanks for being here”.     Authentic feedback from folks of all walks of life,  which the LugenPress sure does not admit.                                                                    

Expressing righteous indignation at the gates of the City, ie the Legislature building, is a godly thing to do.  Handing out the  Druthers  newspaper is very important.   Freedom of the Press belongs to those who practise it.  We are standard-bearers for millions all over N. America not cowed by the anti-Christ World Health Organization.  Evidence about how they prepared the grand, wicked conspiracy to perpetrate the SARS2Covid19 HOAX comes out daily.   We are not going away til we see ACCOUNTABILITY.   By which I mean criminal charges against the traitors in high places: Horgan, Farnworth, Dix, Dr Henry for COMMON NUISANCE,  criminal negligence causing death,  et cetera. If you can, come join us, noon to 3 pm, face to face socialization with real people is the antidote for angst induced by cyber-hearsay.                                                                                                                                      

Small tangible proof our efforts are worthwhile, is the success of the Tulip buttons.   Six months ago, Sophie came up with an image to be worn on a button,  discretely identifying contrarians.  Starting with a batch of 100, she’s since handed out over 10,000.                                                                     

The pathetic excuse for a newspaper in the capital city  ( calling itself the Times Colonist)  makes its living, suckholing to the NDP administration,  sneering at every criticism of their propaganda.   Of course, the TC receives a direct $ub$idy out of the public accounts of Canada.   So, its directing mind can find space for 750 words from one of the local religious racketeers deriding us as we protest Bonnie Henry’s nightmare.  And the TC prints Letters-to-the-Editor which get right out to the very edge of slander.   Not a word, though, scrutinizing the basis of the trouble.                                                 

After mockery, next thing the commies cannot stand, is,  their pride of place pricked by a competitor getting traction.  Necessitating the article about someone doing what the Free Press ought to do, challenging the Central Party Line.  The tone of a recent article insinuates that leafletting cars in a parking lot with anti-Lockdown information,  is all but illegal!!                                                                                                                                         

We are well aware of noises being made re more trouble scheduled for the fall.    
                                         well,  we aren’t having it   

If the Reds try that stunt again, there will be very serious push back.   What form will that take?    There will be a World Wide Freedom Rally in the 3rd week of September.    One thing I’m sure of, is The Plan marketed by Marcus Ray and Christopher James, is unrealistic.  Just stand back and let his delusion of grandeur come to its INevitable implosion.      Same with the lawsuit brought by Action4Canada naming a dozen branches of govt. as Defendants. When we see a ruling on that one, I’ll have more to say.    Particularly, its counsel Rocco Galati suing anyone uttering a discouraging word about him.  Meanwhile, do  NOT  contribute funds to Mr Galati’s  retirement fund via the accounts of Action4Canada UNTIL we see an accounting of what’s been gathered-in so far.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

                      Gordon S Watson

                           Metchosin    British Columbia

                              August  1st   2022 A. D.  

Catch My Daily Radio Programme “The Fighting Side of Me”

Catch My Daily Radio Programme “The Fighting Side of Me”

My daily programme The Fighting Side of Me contains news and views and commentary for OUR people; that is, the European founding/settler people of Canada, the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa & Rhodesia and those in the European heartland.

“Because it Ain’t Over” — Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan July 30-31: Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, OK Falls, Oliver, & Osoyoos

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over

We will not get boosters every nine months!


July 30, 2022

Tamara Lich is released!

In a most fortuitous turn of events, freedom activist Tamara Lich has just been released from custody on July 26, 2022. However, it is not only her release that is of significance, but the terminology utilized by a Superior Court of Justice that has materiality.

Ms. Lich was appearing before a Superior Court of Justice on a review of the decision of a JP to refuse to release her earlier this month. This, after she was arrested and held in custody for a week, for political purposes, simply to prevent her from appearing to the freedom Canada Day celebrations.

Judge: The likelihood to re-offend and the risk to the community remains low.

While on release, there has been strict compliance with the conditions save for the picture with Mr. Marazzo, and there is a very live question about whether there was a breach at all.

Two JPs opined the case for the Crown was strong. However, two Superior Court justices noted the challenges of the Crown’s case. I share that view.

Ms. Lich is not charged with sedition or inciting a riot. While the protests were of national import…the charges here relate to minor offences in the Criminal Code I find it highly unlikely this 49yr old woman with no criminal record…would spend any more time in jail.

This is a strong notice to the Crown, that their case is visibly weak, a finding shared by two (2) Superior Court Justices. These Justices are far higher in rank than some lowly, politically appointed JP who merely follows orders.

It is further notice to the politically motivated Attorney General, that even if it now goes to trial and a conviction is entered, Tamara will not be spending any more time in jail.

This is a strong warning to the Crown. For a Justice to issue these strong statements, before a trial and upon the evidence presently available, implies a stern message of a weak case upon the Crown. If the Crown had truly stronger evidence, it would have been presented at the original bail hearing and no such evidence was provided.

Congratulations to Tamara and hopefully not only will she remain out of jail permanently now, but there is a ray of hope she will be able to eventually file claims against the government for their corrupt and criminal actions against her.



Municipal Politicians – Part 1

Choose your six talking points and know them well. By keeping your topics generic, you will appeal to the majority and more likely to get your foot in the door.

Here are some examples of general topics that will resonate with people:

  1. Property Taxes: you can declare that you will work to stop the seizure of homes for non-payment of property taxes. There are multiple ways that people can pay this tax debt and the city should work with home-owners to find a solution that is feasible. Auctioning off someone’s home for $100,000 (worth $500,000) for non-payment of a $2,000 tax debt should not be an option.
  1. Bicycles and pathways: bring back the bicycles for rent. Scooters do not offer any health benefits but bicycles do. Create more bike paths throughout the city to make it safe for cyclists to travel.
  1. Provide petty criminals with the help they need. Deal with the root cause of the problem instead of wasting time and resources putting them through the court system’s revolving doors. Homelessness, drug use and petty crime are symptoms of deeper problems. Acknowledge and help these individuals face their issues so they can get back to contributing to society in a positive way.
  1. Clean up and maintain city garbage and recycling receptacles as well as public washrooms. Many remain broken for years while public facilities are not cleaned and maintained regularly. These low-skill maintenance jobs could be given to homeless people participating in a recovery program.
  1. Eliminate Paid Parking Meters. This is nothing but a cash grab and people should have the right to park for free on city property. A token could be put in the slot to regulate time limits instead and tickets would only be issued if the token expired.
  1. Stop the destruction of residential family neighbourhoods with zoning that allows two residential buildings per lot. Kelowna is not geographically designed to accommodate a million people. The fast & furious building of multi-family units and sky-rises means less quality of life for everyone. Backyards should not be considered a waste of space.
  1. Reduce the salaries of the mayor & councilors and put that money towards the homeless problem in Kelowna which has skyrocketed. For example, public outdoor patios are now unavailable to the public because homeless people have taken them over.
  1. Stop the RCMP practice of rotating officers in and out of the city for short-term periods. We need officers who plan to live here long-term so they care about the city and the citizens they should be serving and protecting. As well, officers are trained to reply to all inquiries with pre-programed, rehearsed responses. We need human beings with the ability to communicate, not robots.
  1. Stop the current city council practice of picking and choosing which topics they will consider while cancelling any one’s voice that they don’t want to hear. Right now, if they don’t like your issue, you don’t get to speak to council.
  1. Encourage and support small business ownership. We need to educate business owners about their rights to operate and make a living. Small Business is essential to maintain a thriving society. They are the fabric of our community and should not be discriminated against while foreign big box stores are afforded different privileges so they can profit at the expense of the small business owner’s demise.
  1. Public schools need to be over-hauled. Children are not being taught the important, basic skills required to become independent, fully-functioning adults. Basic hand-writing skills, basic mathematics, financial responsibility, respect for the environment, social skills, Canada’s Constitution etc…
  1. Start programs that encourage healthy eating and regular fitness routines to educate people on how to take responsibility for their health. Teach people about the amazing powers of a healthy immune system so they don’t waste their money on unnecessary drugs that only mask symptoms.

Whatever other ideas you come up with, avoid hot-button words or subjects. Thoroughly research each topic and make sure you offer feasible, practical solutions to the problems that you want to deal with as councilor/mayor. In Part 3 of this series, I will discuss tips on what you need to do to promote yourself to establish name recognition.


On a sad note, four (4) Ontario doctors recently died shortly after mandatory vaccines were required for their fourth shot.

Truth-seeker Steve Kirsch acquired a note pertaining to these deaths:

“Please share – 3 physicians at Mississauga hospitals have died this week. 1st memo Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Thursday. Cause of death wasn’t shared in the memo, but how many times have 3 doctors died in 1 week, days after the hospital started administering the 4th shot to staff” This is in addition to the physician who worked at North York General who died this week while out running. How many more “coincidences” will people accept? These shots need to be pulled.”

Now in the Toronto Sun, they are quoting a press release issued by the hospitals involved, disclaiming the deaths are linked to the vaccine. Interestingly, the reporter goes to list the co-morbidities that each doctor allegedly had, but insist the vaccine had nothing to do with their deaths.

At no time, were any denials made that the doctors had not received the vaccines in the past week. One doctor allegedly had lung cancer. How can a doctor with lung cancer be working, especially when such employment requires constant walking all day.

No express denial of vaccine causation was even stated for Dr. Hannam, who was simply reported as dying of sudden cardiac failure at only 50 years of age. Heart failures and problems are most often connected to these vaccines, so it is unquestioned that these hospitals took a few days to have a prepared statement issued to cover up the facts.



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

July 30, 2022

+33° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


July 30, 2022  12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


July 30, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 30, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 30, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


July 31, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!

Dr Daniel Negase hoists our Flag

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

A judge has granted Tamara Lich bail.

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

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Following an allegation that she breached the conditions of her bail, Tamara Lich, one of the organizers behind the Freedom Convoy, has been granted her release after a bail review.

The judge also noted the difference in opinion between two justices of the peace and two superior court justice’s who reviewed Lich’s case.

While Rebel News has previously reported on the non-severe nature of the supposed breach in bail terms, more importantly the judge also agreed with that point of view and said that courts should not be trying to control political

After reviewing the case, “Ms. Lich will be released from this courthouse today” the judge said.