Brian Ruhe & Dr. James Sears at Canadian Association of Freedom of Expression in Toronto

Brian Ruhe & Dr. James Sears at Canadian Association of Freedom of Expression in Toronto

Brian Ruhe is a Buddhist truth activist, occasional troublemaker and president of the . Brian was fired from teaching at Capilano University because of these videos. Please donate to support these videos and his work by going to his website at linked on this YouTube channel and click on the PayPal Donate button. Even the smallest donation helps!

To see my diary of what I’m up to please send me a friend request and I’ll accept you on Facebook at . I am available for one-to-one counselling for $25/ half hour by Skype, phone or in person, on any matter. You can connect with me on Skype at: brianaruhe .

My most recent book is A SHORT WALK ON AN ANCIENT PATH – A Buddhist Exploration of Meditation, Karma and Rebirth, is available in book or ebook form at at:……

I was a Buddhist monk in Chiangmai, Thailand in 1995 – 1996 and I have been teaching Theravada Buddhism and meditation for 20 years. My first book from 1999, is “Freeing the Buddha,” also at Amazon. I follow the Theravada Buddhist Forest tradition

Brian Ruhe is a Buddhist truth activist, occasional troublemaker and president of the . Brian was fired from teaching at Capilano University…

Warman Tries to Shut Down YOUR WARD NEWS Website

Warman Tries to Shut Down YOUR WARD NEWS Website

TORONTO, July 4, 2016. It might have been Independence Day in the U.S., but here in soft tyranny Canada, the forces of thought suppression are very active.
Dr. James Sears, editor of YOUR WARD NEWS, recently  rendered a non-person — not allowed top send or receive mail — under an arbitrary temporary order imposed by Public Services Minister Judy Foote, now finds the website of his controversial and satirical YOUR WARD NEWS under attack.
“Today, I was told our web host received a letter from Richard Warman demanding that they shut us down or face some sort of legal action. I’ll be meeting with the owners and discussing this later this week,” he told CAFE.
Frederick Fromm's photo.
“For all the chatter about ‘inclusiveness’ and ‘diversity’, the forces of political correctness insist on Maoist conformity to the pc party line. No diversity of opinion for them. Warman’s latest assault on free speech — he’s the chief complainer whose actions led to Judy Foote’s police state shutdown of mail service to a publication that has never been charged much less convicted of anything. It’s shut down first, have a hearing later,” says Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.
“We were a healthier more mature nation 50 years ago,” he add. “Before the tyranny of political correctness and cultural Marxism, Canadians could disagree. We might have radically different ideas. We’d say: ‘I totally disapprove of what you say, but you have the right to say it.’ However, today’s thought control advocates say, ‘I don’t approve of your views and you should not be allowed to express them nor should others be allow to read them,” he adds.
“It’s a sick form of  prune-faced Puritanism.”



Eli Wiesel was one of those high priests of the New Religion of Holocaust. He claims to have been in Auschwitz, yet would never show his tattoo. He hated Germans. Yet, when Auschwitz was evacuated, he chose to head west with the hated Germans, rather, as was his option, wait for the Soviets.

Nevertheless, he was able to parlay his stories into a fortune and a Nobel Prize and into a role as senior philosopher of this new religion.

He was an admitted German hater who, nevertheless, was seen as some moral prophet. He wrote: “”Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate — healthy, virile hate — for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.

Elie the Wiesel is dead (32 seconds):



Preview YouTube video Elie Wiesel Tribute July 1 2016

Elie Wiesel Tribute July 1 2016
Preview YouTube video Holocaust Survivor Jim Rizoli June 2016

Holocaust Survivor Jim Rizoli June 2016

Let him rot in Hell……


by Diane King (1999)THE FOURTH OF JULY is a sentimental time which builds strength in the national soul. This is reinforced by the memorials – the Vietnam Memorial, though long overdue is of great comfort to the bereaved (were you in Vietnam?) I have a second cousin whose name is on that wall. And eventually there will be a D-Day Memorial (though I am somewhat
ambivalent about this prospect).
And the U.S. isn’t the only nation which enjoys the reaffirmation of their National Spirit by celebrating their nation’s holidays, remembering events of the past with festivities, parades, signs, banners, flags, music, memorials, and portraits. Others such as Canada whose citizenry just celebrated Dominion Day this weekend, enjoyed their holiday. But there is one nation which is prohibited from enjoying what every other nation enjoys. In fact, it is against the law for them to do so should they choose to celebrate it in the same fashion that we all enjoy and take for granted.

GERMANY has no such national holidays marking historic events. There is no Chancellor’s Day to remember the birthdays of former Chancellors. Or a day for remembering the Kaiser or any other of the royalty. There are no parades, no flags or banners. Men in military uniforms do not march before an adoring and appreciative citizenry which line the streets. There is no Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day or memorials to remember those who fought on behalf of the Fatherland. There is no Veteran’s Wall to touch the names of those who have fallen, no D-Day Memorial of those defending the shores of the Fatherland. And except for the National Anthem there are no songs reminiscent – no reminder of the years Germany ruled Europe. Well, that’s understandable you say, they don’t deserve it (?) When Germans did such things, they nearly conquered Europe.

And that’s supposed to be a bad thing. But if that’s the criteria for denying a people their national identity, then the Russians should not be allowed to express their communist sentiments or memories on May l with the huge banners of Lenin and Stalin and the Communist Flag (and that awful anthem that I can’t get out of my head) as they march in mass down various Russian streets in remembrance and celebration of the most vicious and barbaric system known to the history of man (so far). Nor should Red China be allowed to celebrate their tyranny and oppressive regime nor even those who might be considered renegade nations … or used to be.

Why the inequity? Why the oppression against one peoples and preference for another? (The victors write the history books. They also determine international agendas). You have probably observed how the enemies of free speech andthought attempt to associate – at every opportunity – the free thinkers and usually “right” with the dreaded “Nazis”. That’s supposed to be insulting and degrading, to demonize the motives and actions of conservative people who oppose those enemies in and out of political office. WELL, I OPPOSE THEM! They are vicious, malicious, and dangerous. And had theframers of the constitution been forced to live under them, you’d have heard a strong call to abolish the government that is run by them – to scrap it and start over, as is provided by the Constitution.


One of the tactics of the enemies of free speech and expression is to cover, obscure, attempt to destroy, color and otherwise misrepresent the truth. And one of these ways, first of all, though ranging from subtle to blatant attacks, is the attack on Germans with a clear anti-German bias in the media, the entertainment industry, and the literary world. For you see, because of German history, any Nazi-bashing is also German-bashing, so I reject both. I’ve boycotted the History Channel as the yellow journalism it is because of its ardent anti-Nazi (and consequently anti-German) position. Nearly every reference to Germans in the Media is with disrespect or hostility. It would be one thing if this posturing were accurate, but they are sorely lacking in the simple truths discovered since WWII. The Germans are still suffering from it as are we. No one wins in National character assassinations, especially on this scale.

So, what is at the foundation of this national mudslinging? This hostility? What is the one thing of which the Nazis areaccused and eternally found guilty? What is the one word that describes it all: THE HOLOCAUST: The alleged state-ordered, planned and executed extermination of European Jewry to the tune of 6 million – the most barbaric act in all humanity – that is the indictment. And maybe it would have been … IF IT WERE TRUE!

THE SHRINE TO GERMAN-BASHING illustrates this very point with the Jewish Holocaust as the foundation composed of 8 “bricks” (not in any order of significance) This information was gleaned from the Zundelsite, the Institute for Historical
Review, CODOH, the work of Germar Rudolf and many others who have availed much crucial information and truth in many forms to include the incredible work: DID SIX MILLION REALLY DIE? By Richard Harwood. These eight components of the foundation of the shrine are:

l. The number of 6 Million.
2. Mass murders/cremation
3. Death Camps-Auschwitz
4. The Hitler Order
5. Warsaw Ghetto
6. Wannsee Conference
7. Diary of Anne Frank
8. Einsatzgruppen

To study the “shrine” you have to study each of the integral parts – dare to go where few have thought to go? Ask the
questions, read the evidence. You too may never be the same. For me, it was the next step, the final conclusion to my
search and research and studies. Some questions remain unanswered, of course. If not “beyond all shadow of a doubt”
then “beyond a reasonable doubt” until we learn more and what is available out there. The consequences of finding these
discoveries … You will never be the same! But you will know, without apology, why you bristle at anti-German comments, and why you would and should love Germany, the people, and their history even more. And then you will KNOW without a shadow of a doubt what you had suspected all along about Germany and its history: A heritage of which to be proud.

Remember that not all nations have the privilege of enjoying their national heritage. That there is one nation for which it is illegal to do so and in fact suffer a national character crisis: GERMANY!

The future of any nation is in the nurturing and training of its children. German children are unclear and confused about
their history and their identity as Germans. Of course they are confused. They are born into a world universally hostile
towards their Germanness and their heritage.

In the LIFE WORLD LIBRARY book on GERMANY (1965), one statement was made: “Nazis personify the known power of evil ….” This is the prevailing international opinion. In another place, the author attempts to identify the cause of emotional unrest in Germany, especially among the young. He says: “The undercurrent of uneasiness in Germany … (in the mid 1960’s and still in the 1990’s) can be traced largely to the fact that while a great many Germans would like to forget the past, most are unable to do so. To them, the past means the uncertainty, the fear, the shame of the Nazi era. And that uncertainty, fear, and shame still intrude relentlessly into their comfortable presence …. difficulty of escaping the past.”


In another place, they say concerning Eichmann’s capture that no one spoke on his behalf in Western Germany (no doubt since sympathies with the “Nazis” was punished harshly — it is understandable in war-destroyed Germany). But the author
states that the trial and execution of Eichmann was helpful for the Germans:

“Indeed, (they) accelerated a national soul-searching and did much to bring home to the Germans the full horror of what the
Nazi’s had done.” (Really, that’s what they want us to believe because that’s what they’ve told us despite the contrary.)

They state that it is difficult for the German to evaluate this time period and all that was involved because it is still being thrown up in his face even though this matter should be settled.

“Even the great majority of Germans who agree that the holocaust (a major part of the reason for their problems) must never be forgotten must wonder whether they’ll be required to examine it from a fresh historical perspective with every publishing season (when books like HITLER’S WILLING EXECUTIONERS – about the German people – come out) … and how many times (do) Americans or their puppet masters plan to revisit the holocaust?”

These sentiments and all of these difficulties forced upon the Germans for time immemorial “… approach a kind of
reverse racism.” (Kind of!?)

“And to take it a step further since the end of WWII, it’s been open season on National Socialists specifically (or anyone who is “unfortunately” decried or labeled as “NAZIS”) and Germans in general. Anyone, no matter how disreputable, can and are encouraged to say whatever he wants to whomever whenever about the National Socialists of old, and byassociation, the Germans. This is malicious RACISM which often takes its form in hate crimes – institutional and otherwise – against Germans.

Now, the elderly and middle-aged Germans still suffer today from a guilt complex. They further state that “there is probably as much unhappiness of mind among millions of Germans who failed to oppose Hitler as among the millions who actively supported him: (because they couldn’t do anything to stop him).” It seems that this is what they are told and the guilt is how they are supposed to feel. It perpetuates the national guilt.

So, with all of these attacks from all sides, directed toward the German people, it is no wonder that the children along
with their parents are in a quandary about who they are. The editors/authors of LIFE’S GERMANY stated:

“Grave difficulties exist for German parents who are called on to answer their children’s questions about the country’s
past.” Parents avoid it. “Young Germans declare, “It’s no good asking Father about what happened under the Nazis. He
just says the subject is too complicated to discuss.”

The parents have lost faith and trust with their kids because the kids believe that (the parents) didn’t stop what they saw
happen to the Jews and others. (What did they actually see? The deportations? There is a great leap of logic without
evidence to move from the deportations to deportations for the purpose of extermination. But then that’s what they and
we have been told.)

School teachers suffer the same problems. “Better history books are being written today,” about the true perspective on
the holocaust. Now would be the time to inject some balance in this fact-finding and reporting and teaching mission about
the Third Reich. It is fairly certain how the Third Reich will be depicted. And in the attempt to re-educate and “help”
by giving the internationally accepted anti-Nazi, anti-German view, the authors and editors of these learning materials
will only succeed in confusing these children further.

But maybe it is too late. Maybe the new generations since the war have no interest in their German roots. Or maybe, again,
that’s what they have been told concerning how they should feel and how they should think. Again in LIFE’S GERMANY, “(The youth) are more internationally minded.” Perhaps they have already been programmed to think from a world view rather than as Germans. And yet there is a generation coming up that just might not accept this very old and badly preserved diet of hostility and hatred against their nation and against themselves.

Tragically, the children are affected by their history, their lack of understanding from not being taught, and they are
robbed of their perspective, even over two decades later. Again from LIFE’S GERMANY, (of the youth):

“There seems to be a lack of intellectual sparkle about them, a serious-mindedness conditioned by steady concentration on
material objectives. This is at least partly due to uncertainties of mind, which are due in turn to lack of candor on the part of the parents and to an uneasy awareness of the shadows of the past. One thing is certain about young people in West Germany – the vast majority of them reject the traditional ideas about German grandeur and glory, and about an overbearing German role in Europe, and they are skeptical about any “mission” other than the modest one of being a loyal partner to the western democracies.”

In essence, they are so concerned about saving their lives, what they have, that they are actually losing their lives. And this doesn’t sound too promising. Evidently, lack of knowledge and “correct” education have formed a vacuum. So the only opinion they hear, the only teaching they receive is from the international Weltanschauung which is the one which includes and even requires the typical German (Nazi) bashing curriculum. Whether or not this damage can be undone remains to be seen.

The Army evokes similar concern. Whereas before, the Wehrmacht historically represented and depicted the most powerful army in the world, now its successor, the Bundeswehr has resigned itself to a subservient position.

According to NEWSWEEK, July 25, 1994, “The Bundeswehr is back in business.” It sounds good, energetic, national, promising, a hint of its grandeur, strength, and discipline of times past. But that is not what this new army portends. The former allies cringe at the sight of a revived German army in spite of constant reassurances that the Bundeswehr has changed and is not the army it was in the past. And the powers that be need not be concerned with the new Germany Army; the new German Army has a different agenda, a different look. In the same article, “Now the military faces the challenge of training “good soldiers” instead of blind followers …. Germany has reinvented the concept of the military …. They have chafed under the country’s inability to play a wider international role.”

They want to participate on the international playing field. But can the German military compete or even participate and
should they? German soldiers aren’t required necessarily to obey orders. “Student officers aren’t required to train physically at all – or even wear their uniforms to class.”

Instead of classes entitled: Military Strategy or Great Battles in History or Great Field Marshals in German Military History being the most popular classroom topics, “Peace Ethics” rises to the top of the list of popular classes. That is shameful! Perhaps the current German Military is more interested in participating in international affairs than being militarily fit to do so. But perhaps playing on the international field doesn’t require the traditional discipline and skills of which the Germans of the past have been particularly skilled and famous.

Others have come to this same conclusion. Chile’s General Augusto Pinochet “irked Bonn by declaring the Bundeswehr an
army of ‘drug addicts, long-hairs, gays, and union members.'” He seems to suggest that the new German army is far from the ideal military tradition of the crack Prussian tradition of the past and is hardly prepared for the hardships of war.
Additionally, former East Germans whose army copied the Wehrmacht “right down to the goose step,” called the new
Bundeswehr a “second-class army.” Tough stuff!

And a final note on the new Army and how the new officers consider its function. They “look forward confidently to the
day when they can further demonstrate their mettle — by helping the UN defend democracy.” This is an ominous cloud on
the horizon of our future. That the German military rather than having an identity of its own will be assimilated into
the UN/NATO peace-keeping forces for their purposes and oppressive use.

Why??? – Why the confusion for the parents and the children of the Reich? Why is their history maligned? Their education
robbed of its power to teach and inspire from correct history, the animosity toward Germans in general, and their history in particular, and why is the German Army groveling and forfeiting their national honor and their very soul to serve at the despotic UN/NATO’s feet, stained with the blood of their victims. Is it worth this price in order to play on the international playing field? This is all very clear when one understands the foundation and structure of the SHRINE erected to GERMAN BASHING.

So, on the 4th of July, when we see the “rocket’s red glare” and “bombs bursting in air” the symbolism of our nation’s
struggle for nationhood in the past, the parades, the red, white and blue, the flag with the stars and stripes, the soul-
stirring music, we should remember that there is one nation that cannot enjoy such celebrations and who has been beaten
down and robbed of their national soul. Is not the American spirit to champion the cause of those oppressed? Can we not
export a freedom-loving spirit instead of our own brand of terrorism to the nations of the world? Should there not be a
call to arms, in a way, to fight the forces against free thought and expression so rampant now? Should we not renew ourown “declaration of independence”against such blatant hostility? For then we will have the right to have “the land of the free” because we are the “home of the brave.”




Congratulations to the endlessly creative Christian missionary Bill Whatcott. He and his supporters infiltrated Toronto’s orgy of Homosexual Pride. Here are pictures of exhibitionist nudity and vulgarity — carefully screened out by Pravda West — the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Of course, the parade featured the first sitting Canadian Prime Minister marcher – Trust Fund Kid, Justin Trudeau — and  Ontario’s raging lesbian premier (forcing perverted indoctrination into the school curriculum for tots) and Toronto’s wimpy Red Tory Mayor John Tory.
The Trust Fund Kid — loud representative of Moslems, Sikhs, the transgendered, feminists and all manner of the sexually unusual but not Majority Canadians — will introduce more repressive anti-free speech legislation in Parliament to protect the transgendered from criticism.
Toronto’s “Pride” (pride in which orifice you penetrate?) march was heavily promoted by collaborationist banks. Would TD and BMO, gushing over “diversity”, “inclusion” and homosexual pride celebrate healthy heterosexual families or Christmas? Ask your bank manager.
Big laugh: Black Lives Matters, chronic protesters disrupted and blocked the Gay Pride Parade until they’d shaken down its organizers for some money and special privilege for sexually unusual Negroes and the banning of any police floats in the parade. [Actually, most  Blacks are not very receptive to the homosexual agenda. Most Negro Caribbean countries still consider buggery a criminal offence.]
Paul Fromm

Whatcott Christian Commandos infiltrate Toronto Shame Parade

Postby Bill Whatcott » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:43 am

Here is my Elite Top Secret Special Forces Crack Christian Commando Anti-Sodomite Counter Intellegence Unit leaving the Sherbourne Subway Station disguised as the “Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association” to infiltrate and strike the dark forces of the Toronto Homosexual Shame parade and bring about a glorious victory for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by delivering 3,000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages to the parade goers.To the the front of the “Zombie Safe Sex” package click here: … c4RXd5V0U4
To see the back of the “Zombie Safe Sex” package click here: … VmTlRWaE5R

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12

Here is me with two of my top secret activists at our staging area at Ted Roger’s Way and Bloor Street

Here we are still waiting to get moving. A Black Lives Matter protest erupted in front of the parade and delayed our march by about 2 hours.
It appears the Black Lives Matter activists held up the entire parade and demanded money, affirmative action for black sodomites, and a banning of
all police floats from future homosexual shame parades. Apparently Mathieu Chantelois , the Executive Director of the Toronto unGodly
Pride Committee decided all of the demands were “reasonable” and approved them on the spot.

Here is me with a leather man

My activist trying to look dignified as a naked sodomite talks to her

Eventually the parade got moving and me and my Christian commandos got to work delivering our “Zombie Safe Sex” packages

Here is one of my commandos delivering Biblical, medical and sociological truth on the harms of homosexuality. Sadly,
in order to deliver this much needed truth he had to disguise himself as a “gay” zombie because the parade was too
intolerant to accept him as an “out of the closet” Christian man who speaks the truth about homosexuality.

Bill Whatcott handing out “Zombie Safe Sex” packages

Bill Whatcott marching in the parade

A spectator on the sidewalk photographs our successful truth assault from within the parade

“Now Joshua the son of Nun sent out two men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.”
Joshua 2:1

The parade had a massive police and security presence this year. However, we had no problem with either police or
security. The “Gay Zombies Cannabis Consumers Association” was embraced by the parade and police. We had no opposition
to our delivery of the much needed 3000 “Zombie Safe Sex” packages, which contained accurate truth on the harms of the
homosexual lifestyle and the good news that Jesus died for the redemption of homosexuals! At least until 11;00 pm Sunday
night when the first lesbian called and swore at Bill Whatcott after she read her “Zombie Safe Sex” package.

Gospel infltration of the parade completed! Police officers smile as we depart on the subway…..

“I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.”
1 Corinthians 9:22, 23

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Bill Whatcott
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Location: Edmonton, AB

Re: Whatcott Christian Commandos infiltrate Toronto Shame Pa

Postby Bill Whatcott » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:08 am

Here is some of what is wrong with the parade. The Toronto Pride mission statement says “Pride Toronto is a not-for-profit organization with a
mission to bring people together to celebrate the history, courage and diversity of our community.” Aside from biting the hand of their most
faithful supporters, the police; and getting rid of diversity amongst the ranks of the police by arbitrarily banning all police floats, I fail to see
any “courage” or “celebration of diversity” with this group of marchers. The one marcher on the left has a picture of our Lord painted on his crotch.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgance promote hate and show a level of disrespect towards Christians that would get Christians charged with a “hate
crime” if we were to emulate their nastiness and behave in a similar fashion towards homosexuals or any other minority.Image
Two small children being exposed to the disordered sexuality on display at the shame parade

Another small child exposed to homosexual depravity at the Toronto shame parade

“He said to his disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.”



The Southern Poverty Law Center smears patriots and provides cover for the nation’s enemies.

The far-left Southern Poverty Law Center relentlessly promotes the Big Lie, wildly popular in the media, that conservative Americans are racists and the real threat to the nation rather than Islamic terrorists.

The group claims the principal enemies of the American people are presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, conservatives like David Horowitz, and the Tea Party movement.

The SPLC is a shamelessly hypocritical leftist attack machine funded by radical speculator George Soros and a rogue’s gallery of rich people and established philanthropies that want to fundamentally transform America. The fabulously wealthy 501(c)(3) nonprofit has an astounding one third of a billion dollars ($338 million) in assets, as well as investments in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, two offshore tax havens the Left loves to attack (but only when non-leftists stash cash there).

The Center characterizes all opposition to immigration and open borders as symptomatic of hate and all political expression of those views to be hate speech. In other words, if you disagree with founder Morris Dees and his minions you are evil and worthy of public condemnation. It may take some intellectual toughness to insist that the nation has the right to decide who may or may not cross its borders, but it’s not hate.

Following the Islamist massacre at a gay club in Orlando a fortnight ago, the group has played an integral role in the Left’s propaganda push aimed at taking the focus away from gay-hating Islam and finding creative ways to blame conservatives and Republicans for the slaughter.

Two days after Orlando as a sea of rainbow flags rivaling those that washed over Facebook and Twitter following the Supreme Court’s pro-same sex marriage ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges swept over social media, David Dinielli, deputy legal director of SPLC’s LGBT Rights Project, tossed out a red herring as he whined amidst a national outpouring of grief that somehow politicians weren’t doing enough to characterize the attack as an assault on the gay community.

Instead of blaming Muslim terrorist Omar Mateen, reportedly a registered Democrat, for the attack, Dinielli blamed people like Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) instead. Many politicians were secretly delighted so many gays were killed, he implied.

“[M]any who offered their ‘thoughts and prayers’ know exactly what they are doing. They are trading on political expediency. The demonization of gay, lesbian, and transgender Americans pays, politically.”

But this “demonization” of the LGBT community that the Southern Poverty Law Center complains of is pure paranoid fantasy. Anyone who followed media coverage in the days following the June 12 incident knows that cable TV and other media were filled with wall-to-wall denunciations of the Muslim terrorist Omar Mateen by politicians who acknowledged the sexual orientation of the victims whether explicitly or implicitly. Even those not generally sympathetic to gay rights made it clear that murder, including the murder of people based on their sexual preference, was morally abhorrent.

None of this is surprising to those of us who have been tracking the SPLC’s adventures in vilification and defamation over the years.

The SPLC is waging a scorched-earth war against Donald Trump. The group routinely and baselessly associates Trump with neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and other marginal political actors it calls “the racist right.”

Pointing out that these fringe figures back Trump in the election is the most obvious kind of smear. The Left did the same thing to Ronald Reagan in 1984 when the Ku Klux Klan offered him its unwanted endorsement.

Reagan waited a full two weeks to denounce the KKK and reject its endorsement.

But Trump waited barely a day after a bungled CNN interview Feb. 28 in which Jake Tapper asked him if he would reject the Klan’s endorsement of him.

Trump gave a less than clear answer to Tapper, blaming a “bad earpiece” that led him to misunderstand the question. The very next day Trump asked “How many times do I have to continue to disavow people?” andattacked the KKK on Michael Savage’s radio show. Replying to a question, he said “yeah, totally denounce, and I disavowed it, and I’ve disavowed it numerous times, and I’ve disavowed it on Twitter and on Facebook and all over the place but people refuse to accept it.”

The SPLC’s annual report on “hate” in America this year features a cover picture of Trump, a man the group blames for increasing hate in the U.S.

According to the left-wing Guardian (UK), “the image underscores a theme laid out by the report’s author, about how hate speech has invaded mainstream political discourse in a way that might have shocked many even a year ago.”

“I have been writing these Year in Hate and Extremism essays for 20 years now, and only very rarely, if at all, have we seen a year like last year,” said SPLC senior fellow Mark Potok.

Hate, of course, isn’t exactly a precise concept in the world of politics and ideology, and the SPLC likes it that way because then it has wide latitude to malign and slander its targets. Its leaders are no doubt proud that Pentagon training materials borrow from SPLC reports and refer to extremists as “haters,” a colloquialism that appears in hip hop music and in humorous graphic art posted on the Internet.

Trump is definitely a hater, according to the Center. On April 4 its blog cited his “continued embrace of racist and extremist ideas” and accused him of turning “the political landscape on its side and introduced countless numbers to hate speech and racist conspiracy theories.”

It’s all spin and lies. The SPLC is still bellyaching over the courageous, electrifying anti-illegal immigration speech Trump gave last summer when launching his campaign. In it Trump said many of the Mexicans crossing illegally into the U.S. are “people that have lots of problems” who bring drugs and crime with them and that some are “rapists.”

Trump’s statements are demonstrably true. He wasn’t saying all Mexicans are criminals, just many of the Mexicans sneaking into the country. This isn’t racism: it is empirical fact.

Many of the so-called hate groups the SPLC monitors are so labeled because they fail to genuflect before political correctness. The Center labels as hate groups respectable right-leaning organizations such as the Center for Security Policy (CSP), Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), American Freedom Defense Initiative, and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which publishes FrontPage.

The Southern Poverty Law Center frequently targets New York-based civil rights attorney David Yerushalmi, a co-founder of the American Freedom Law Center and counsel to CSP.

In 2011 the SPLC named Yerushalmi to its 10-member “Anti-Muslim Inner Circle.” Among the other “members” of the inner circle are David Horowitz, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and Brigitte Gabriel. According to the Center, the rhetoric these individuals use “reveals how doggedly this group works to provoke and guide populist anger over what is seen as the threat posed by the 0.6% of Americans who are Muslim — an agenda that goes beyond reasonable concern about terrorism into the realm of demonization.”

The Guardian ran a story last week attacking Yerushalmi for daring to countersue a group of grandstanding Muslim women trying to shake down a Laguna Beach, Calif. café. The women filed a discrimination lawsuit claiming they were given the bum’s rush at the establishment because they were wearing hijabs. The café counters that the women violated the 45-minute seating time limit and that other headscarf-clad women present were not asked to leave.

The newspaper regurgitated SPLC writings on Yerushalmi who maintains that the women’s lawyers are “ambulance-chasers” involved in “an extortion.” It reported:

“Asked about the SPLC’s characterization of him, Yerushalmi said that he ‘represents a lot of Muslims.’

“I represent Muslim Americans, running from jihad and seeking asylum. If you want to say I’m an anti-jihad lawyer, you’re 100% right,” he continued. “Am I anti-Sharia? Yes, I am. Am I anti-Muslim? Not if he doesn’t have a gun in his hand shooting at me.’

“Yerushalmi alleged that the suit against Urth Caffe was part of a wider “civilizational jihad” waged by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) which aims, he said, “to weaken western civilization.”

The SPLC never tires of trying to assassinate the character of David Horowitz. A May 24, 2014 profile calls him “the godfather of the modern anti-Muslim movement.”

Without presenting a shred of useful evidence, the Center separately smears Horowitz as “a driving force of the anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and anti-black movements.”

Horowitz rejects these characterizations. On Monday he told this writer:

“I’m called the godfather of the anti-Muslim movement, which puts a target on my back, whereas out of million words and scores of hours of speeches on the subject they couldn’t find one sentence to back up their claim.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center has been playing this dangerous game for a long time. It doesn’t care if it gets innocent Americans killed.

It came close to getting people killed four years ago.

SPLC reports inspired left-wing terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins II to shoot up the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council four years ago. The Center identified FRC as a “hate group” not because it actually hates anyone but because it opposes same-sex marriage.

Even the reliably left-wing Dana Milbank rejected that designation for FRC in an Aug. 16, 2012 Washington Postcolumn, calling that group “a mainstream conservative think tank.”

“I disagree with the Family Research Council’s views on gays and lesbians,” he wrote. “But it’s absurd to put the group, as the law center does, in the same category as Aryan Nations, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Stormfront and the Westboro Baptist Church.”

Corkins apparently disagreed. Upon entering FRC’s office he reportedly said “I don’t like your politics” and shot a black Christian security guard who managed to subdue him and lived to forgive him.

Later Corkins told investigators “Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups,” the Washington Examiner reported at the time. “I found them online, did a little research, went to the website, stuff like that.”

The gay rights-avenging shooter had planned to kill as many FRC staffers as possible and smear Chick-fil-A sandwiches — his backpack contained 15 of them — on their faces as a political statement. He chose that fast food chain whose management is unabashedly Christian because its president was revealed to be a supporter of traditional marriage. Corkins was convicted of terrorism in 2013 and sentenced to 25 years in prison.

And when the next Floyd Corkins comes along and actually succeeds in killing someone targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center, its staffers will direct blame elsewhere.

Scapegoating is what they do best.

Dr. Tom Sunic Blasts Slanderous Gov’t Attack on American Freedom Party

  Dr. Tom Sunic Blasts Slanderous Gov’t Attack on American Freedom Party                     

           American Freedom Party

2753 Broadway, Suite 245

New York, NY 10025

Tel.  (213) 621-3000

Fax: (213) 621-2900



June 27, 2016


-The Honorable Jeh Johnson

Secretary of Homeland Security

Washington, D.C. 20528

-Mr. William Webster (Chair)

Homeland Security Advisory Council Member


Re: Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Subcommittee Interim Report and Recommendations (June 2016)


Dear Madams, Sirs:


The June 2016 Interim Report by the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) contains a number of factual, conceptual, and semantic errors that need to be critically addressed, and possibly revised. While we are aware that the USA is faced with threats to its domestic security, and that the DHS must therefore encourage cooperation with various academic and non-governmental bodies in assuring the safety of the American people, we have serious concerns with the HSAC’s choice of words and with the sources it quotes.

The commendable objective of the HSAC Report is to alert the American public to the rise of radical and unconstitutional behavior among American youth. Why then does the author of the Report, in describing “extremist  groups,”  resort to loaded, unfair terminology, such as “violent extremism “ and “white supremacism” when describing peaceful groups such as the American Freedom Party (AFP)? Thus, in Chapter III, titled “Generational Threat,” the HSAC author writes that “the American Freedom Party, a white supremacist group, recently established a youth wing…” As his source, the HSAC author quotes the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an activist organization whose own ethnic agenda hardly qualifies it as able to provide a neutral assessment of the American political scene. Such groups are incapable of providing useful, unbiased information for the DHS staff.


The locution “white supremacist” used in the HSAC Report has become a standard insult whose value-laden meaning serves primarily as a way of closing off discussion and debate about the legitimate interests of Americans of European cultural heritage. Another technique is to call European Americans “racists” when they seek to advance the interests of their group — at the same time that all other Americans are strongly encouraged to identify with their racial or ethnic group and band together to promote their interests. Likewise, the phrase “violent extremism”, also used in the HSAC Report, should only be used to describe groups with a history of promoting violence — certainly not the stance of the American Freedom Party.


The American Freedom Party is a law-abiding party whose primary goal is to educate young Americans of European ancestry about their heritage and culture. This goal is achieved by educating citizens on a range of academic subjects; from classical literature to sociobiology. Of course, we cannot keep track of the pedigree of all our members or all our sympathizers; nor can we exclude the possibility that some “Hollywood Nazis” or other agents provocateurs may identify with the AFP for reasons that are thoroughly incompatible with AFP goals.


Of far more interest to the HASC should be violence-prone, “diversity”-championing activists on the Left who thrive in the highly politicized atmosphere of American colleges and universities. The AFP considers these groups to be a far more significant threat to the stability of America and to the preservation of traditional American freedoms such as freedom of speech — an issue which the HASC should examine in depth in future reports.


On a personal level, I, T. Sunic, as a naturalized American citizen, having spent a good portion of my youth in communist ex-Yugoslavia, am well-acquainted with the narratives of the former communist regimes in Eastern Europe and their similarity to various semantic distortions in the present political and mainstream media and academic discourse in the USA, including the discourse of the HSAC report. The author of the HASC Report may or may not be aware that his prose often lapses into the type of “millenarian”, eschatological prose that bears a strange, if less threatening, resemblance to the former Soviet ukases.

Feel free to call or write if I /we can be of any assistance.




Tom Sunic, Ph.D                                                    Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D.


Author, former Prof. of Pol. Sc., former diplomat    Author, emeritus Prof. of Psychology

Member of the Board of Directors, AFP                  Member of the Board of Directors, AFP Croatia (temp.)                                                Oregon, USA

Cell. 00385 91 1722 783                                         Email:




Ms. Loretta E. Lynch

Attorney General of the United States

U.S. Department of Justice

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Paul Fromm — Free Speech in Justin Trudeau’s Soft Dictatorship

Paul Fromm — Free Speech in Justin Trudeau’s Soft Dictatorship

The Canada Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents
Paul Fromm

Director, Canada First Immigration Reform Committee

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award,

Free Speech in Justin Trudeau’s Soft Dictatorship

· Kicked off Parliament Hill

· YOUR WARD NEWS editor & publisher banned from sending or receiving mail

· Supremos Won’t Hear McCorkill Case (bequests to groups whose views are “contrary to public policy” vulnerable)

· The transgendered and sexually screwed up – yet another group you soon will not be able to criticize.

Gordon Watson Demands Apology & Compensation from the Waddling Dog for Assault & Denial of Rights: THE BATTLE OF THE WADDLING DOG, Part IV

Gordon Watson Demands Apology & Compensation from the Waddling Dog for Assault & Denial of Rights: THE BATTLE OF THE WADDLING DOG, Part IV

Below is the letter which I dropped off tonight (June 22, 2016), addressed to the owner and managers of the Wadding Dog Quality Inn. as I handed it over to the lady at the front desk, I asked ‘will this get to the owner or to Brandon?” She replied :’I’ll put it in his basket. Brandon will probably get it. They’re father and son” Gordon Watson …………


To : owner and managers of the Waddling Dog Quality Inn Mount Newton Cross Road Central Saanich British Columbia From Gordon S Watson 01 I am more than a bit disgusted with what played-out in an incident at your hotel on June 18 2016 : police power was mis-used to prevent legitimate political activity. What I want to know, is : ‘who’s responsible for the outrageous interference in my civil rights?!!!!!!!’

02 The BC Human Rights Code states that its purposes are to foster a society in British Columbia in which there are no impediments to participation in the economic, social, political and cultural life of British Columbia. As explained in my letter to the Central Saanich Police, [ enclosed ] Brandon Petraroia, acting as your Agent, did offend the core principle explicit in that statute

03 Not long ago, a Justice of the Court of Appeal called me “ a long-time political activist”, (which I consider a high compliment). Since 1991 I have been around the block a few times, getting exposure on issues of national importance. In 2001, I was on the ballot as a candidate for MLA in the provincial election. Thus, I certainly do qualify as a ‘politician’.

04 Early in the day on June 18th 2016 Paul Fromm called me to say that the meeting which he’d arranged for 2 pm was cancelled by the management of the Waddling Dog. I said I’d go to the hotel so as to direct anyone who showed up for it, to the changed venue. When I got there, I was dismayed by the show of force = armed uniformed men guarding the Library. I ditched the notion of having any kind of dialogue with the man who presented himself as “the owner” direct quote. Over my 2 decades’ experience in political activity, I’ve been involved in confrontations much more ominous than that one. The attitude displayed by Brandon Petraroia – gloating at having sabotaged our meeting – conveyed that he was spoiling for a physical confrontation.
05 As explained in my letter to the police, when I failed to confirm his assumption that I was there to cause trouble, and started to leave, Mr Petraroia shoved me. There is no doubt in my mind but that that contact was calculated to provoke reflexive reaction, which he’d then use as pretext for the police to arrest me. One wonders if he learned that dirty trick in the curriculum of the hotel management course at Royal Roads University. More likely, it arose from his experience playing ice hockey, where such a move is acceptable among consenting participants. Then again, from what I see on the internet, apparently the hotel’s team = The Greasers (!) = play in a co-ed league … so he wouldn’t get away with that kind of a body check  either.

waddling dog brandon

Variously self-identified as “manager” or “owner” of the Waddling Dog, Brandon Petraroia is in the background. Central Saanich cop one of a group on hand to prevent free speech meeting, June 18 in Victoria.


06 Your manager committed serious breaches of the law. One of the maxims I’ve learned along the way in my career, is : “make the courtroom the classroom”. He breached the BC Human Rights Code. He committed an assault. For which he, the Agent – and his Principal, the Waddling Dog – are liable for a claim of damages for tortious interference with my civil rights. If you fail to treat this my complaint fairly, we’re headed for Court

07 But we don’t have to go that route. Mr Petraroia’s misconduct demonstrated how far-removed his generation is, from understanding what – once upon a time – was common sense in the white, Christian nation known as the Dominion of Canada. Today, stupified by Marxist propaganda inculcated by the Public Fool System, they mouthe platitudes about “tolerance” and “diversity”, while doing the very opposite … automatically demonizing people like me and Paul Fromm as we attempt to reach the conscience of the nation.
08 Ironically, the topic of the meeting was ; potential change in the law, criminalizing criticism of particular communist doctrines. So Mr Petraroia’s actions are a perfect example of what my old man used to say : “ nothing is so useless it cannot at least be used as a bad example.” We have yet to get any good reason why our group was denied service normally available to the public. I am left to surmise that it was because our political enemies poured the usual slanders into the ear of Brandon Petraroia, which moved him to call the cops. The photo of armed policemen stifling freedom of speech speaks volumes. The capper being Sgt. Sihota’s reply when I asked him “who called the police and why?”. Ie. “we’re here to keep the Peace. To make sure everyone is safe” Safe from what, pray tell?! The photos of Thought Police on the job on your premises illustrate Joseph Stalin’s diktat : “Ideas are weapons. Why should we let our enemies have such weapons?” 09 This letter is my offer to the Waddling Dog Inn / Brandon Petraroia that my complaints can be resolved using common sense. For that to happen, I require: – an acknowledgment of wrongdoing – an apology – a significant sum of money payed to me in Silver Canadian Maple Leaf coins
10 If I don’t receive acknowledgment of my offer by July 31st 2016, I shall submit a formal complaint to the BC Human Rights Commission, as well as : I will lay a Private Information of the charge of ‘Assault’, as well = I will originate a claim in Supreme Court of British Columbia for damages for tortious interference with my civil rights, such claim to be tried before a jury.

Govern yourselves accordingly,

Gordon S Watson