‘GLARING HYPOCRISY” Update on Police Raid on German Dissident Alfred Schaefer

INTERVIEW: Police Seize Holocaust & 9/11 Truther Alfred Schaefer’s Computers, Papers, etc.

‘GLARING HYPOCRISY” Update on Police Raid on German Dissident Alfred Schaefer

(GLARING Hypocrisy) The above video is a 29-minute interview, recorded Friday, August 19, 2016, with Alfred Schaefer, a German-Canadian Holocaust and 9/11 truther and video producer. Early Thursday morning, Alfred and his wife Elfriede’s house was visited by two German criminal police officers who, after providing a search warrant, took possession of Alfred’s computer equipment (e.g., Mac, drives, iPad), various papers and even his iPod.

Alfred is the brother of Monika Schaefer, the German-Canadian woman who, alongside Alfred, produced the Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust video that has garnered much media attention around the world. GLARING Hypocrisy interviews with Monika are available here andhere, with additional GH coverage here.

As part of the above interview with Alfred, he discusses the video entitled, A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner, which he posted to his YouTube channel on August 14.

We suggest you watch this brief but potent discussion between Alfred and Gerhard Ittner, who was unlawfully abducted from Portugal and imprisoned for five years for denouncing the lies of the Jewish Holocaust. But — as we like to see here at GLARING Hypocrisy — the import of their discussion reaches far beyond the Holohoax into the present-day Jew World Order tyranny that has all of humanity in its crosshairs. Notably, Ittner had already sent Alfred’s video to all of the judges in Germany before the Schaefers received their home visit from the Kriminalpolizei.

CTA Support

German Thought Police Raid Dissident Videographer Alfred Schaefer and Steal His Computers

German Thought Police Raid Dissident Videographer Alfred Schaefer and Steal His Computers

PATHETIC! Once again, old communist Angela Merkel’s thought control goon squad has swept down on a dissident, raided and ransacked his home and stolen his computers. News just in: ” “Finally, the police raided today the home in Bavaria on Lake Starnberg of Alfred Schaefer, the German + Canadian retired IBM executive whose amazing videos (with those of his sister Monika) on the so-called holocaust stories and 9/11 have terrified the authorities.”

Alfred Schaefer, who made the “Sorry Mom . . .” video  —> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0_BZphQ7Qo , 89K views)
has had his house raided by police in Bavaria.   All his computers were taken.
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Ironically, the Basic German Law of 1949 brought in during the Allied occupation guarantees freedom of speech. However, just as with notions of “liberte” or the “freedom of thought, freedom of belief, freedom of speech and freedom of the press” guaranteed by Mao-lover Trudeau I’s mendacious and weasely Charter of Rights and Freedoms, no one in the increasingly repressive West takes these promises seriously.
The New Unhappy Lords eager to flood the White world with the Third World and replace us with their grim New World Order are in a panic that more and more once complacent people are on to their game and to the phony New Religion of Holocaust designed to keep the masses ashamed, guilty and accepting of imposed “diversity.”
As a German Canadian, I am outraged that my father’s and mother’s generation sacrificed part of their youth and many sacrificed their health or their lives in a fratricidal war against fellow Europeans. Idealistically, they THOUGHT they were fighting for “King and country and democracy.” That, of course, was not the real agenda, but they were well intentioned and brave and that is what they imagined they were fighting for. What a sham, what a waste, what a shame to see the leaden hand of thought dictatorship smashing down door and seizing computers all for the non-violent expression of a person’s opinion. That’s the very thing my parents’ generation thought they were fighting against.
Paul Fromm

Help Christian Activist fight $104 million lawsuit

Help Christian Activist fight $104 million lawsuit

Fundraising campaign by Bill Whatcott


Dear Friends,

I have been hit with a $104 million dollar lawsuit seeking to destroy, intimidate, and silence me, my wife, and any friend who helped me with my subversive, charitable, health and truth promoting Gospel ministry to the Toronto Homosexual (unGodly) Pride Parade.

Rather than give too much of my own commentary I will let you the audience look at the lawsuit (Statement of Claim), my own account of my charitable and truthful activism. You can look at the photos of my “Crack Christian Top Secret Commandos” disguised as “gay” zombies. You can listen to the homosexual activists and their lawyer accuse me of lying and talk about my alleged malice and all the harm I allegedly caused them. You can see our literature and photos of the “gay” pride participants who Were allegedly victimized by us and you can see the media coverage and decide for yourself if this lawsuit is anything close to just, meritorious, or proportional to any alleged offense that we committed.

If you agree with me this lawsuit is unjust and if you would like to help please do so. We seriously need a lawyer to help defend ourselves against these well funded and tyrannical homosexual activists and their army of lawyers……

1.Top secret Christian commandos disguised as gay zombies subversively delivering Gospel literature to the homosexual pride parade. On this link you can read Bill Whatcott’s entire account of his and his zombies’ participation in the parade and at the bottom you can read the flyers that we delivered disguised as “zombie safe sex” packages:

http://www.freenorthamerica.ca/viewtopic.php?f=16&…2. Here are the homosexual activists and their lawyers at a press conference announcing their lawsuit against me and my supporters in their own words:

3. Here are some media articles regarding the $104 million lawsuit against me, my wife and my friends.

http://www.freenorthamerica.ca/viewtopic.php?f=16&…4. The Statement of Claim against Bill Whatcott, his wife and any friend who helped him:


Proceeds to go to a lawyer willing to defend us against this “gay” activist sledgehammer…..

In Christ’s Service Bill Whatcott

“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” Romans 14:8



I just got this email. Mary approached me a couple of months ago to teach a one hour mindfulness meditation class for $50 at UBC because she met me 10 years ago. This is minor compared to the six jobs I was fired from a year ago.


Image may contain: 1 person , people smiling , closeup

——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Re: info
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 12:57:01 -0700
From: Mary Stern <marziehstern@gmail.com>
To: Brian Ruhe <brian@brianruhe.ca>

Hi there Brian,

I am really sorry to have to tell you that the meditation will be cancelled this Thursday. As a volunteer elected by the community to serve on the association for Acadia park, I have to represent the diverse needs of those how have elected me, and unfortunately, some of those who were interested in coming to meditation are uncomfortable with some of the views on your web site. I apologize for having to cancel, and wish you all the best in continuing your good work. I hope you understand that my group is very culturally diverse, and I need to be accountable to them and support their wellness foremost.
Take care and all the best,

A German Dissident Speaks Out – Gerhard Ittner — About and in Support of Monika Schaefer

After the phenomenal success of Monika’s wonderful fiddle tune and the recognition that it enjoyed worldwide, this dialog is a suitable followup.
Feel free to share this your friends.
Attachments area

Preview YouTube video A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner


A Dissident Speaking Out – Gerhard Ittner

Whatcott hit with $104 million lawsuit by sodomite activists

 Whatcott hit with $104 million lawsuit by sodomite activists
The homosexual agenda has never been about “rights”. It traces itself back to the Frankfurt School of Cultural Communists who sought to destroy Western society and pave the way for a new order of mixed race, rootless confused people — easy to manipulate and control. [Interestingly, we see this agenda at work in the fact that the recent Gay Pride parade in Toronto invited as its special guests the radical anti-White Black Lives Matter group, who promptly turned on them, sat down and blocked the parade until a blackmail list of demands were agreed to. Serves the homosexuals right.] A key target has been the family. Two prongs of the attack on the family are radical (mostly Jewish-led) feminism and the homosexual movement, with its ever changing names  —  Gay Pride, Pride, LGBTQ. The homosexual agenda involves suppression and destruction of freedom of speech and all opposition. Notice that the clear intention is the destruction and silencing of the persistent Mr. Whatcott. He uses humour in trying to win over and confront homosexuals. The politically correct are bereft of humour and HATE Whatcott’s zany promotion of Christianity.
George Smitherman, a former Liberal provincial politician, cabinet minister and failed mayoralty candidate (2010), makes it quite clear that the goal is to destroy Mr. Whatcott. No “inclusiveness” or “diversity” for Christian believers. Daily XTRA (August 12, 2106) quotes Smitherman as joining the lawsuit as a way  “to stamp this hateful individual out.” The lawsuit seeks, as well, to expose and potentially beggar Whatcott’s supporters:  “The lawsuit seeks in part to determine the identities of those who marched with Whatcott and those who financially supported the political stunt through subpoenaed documents.

‘Those who paid for his airfare or donated Aeroplan miles to get him to Toronto, those who put him up in Toronto, the people who paid to print the pamphlets: anyone who helped him in any way could be on the hook for $100 million dollars.” says [homosexual lawyer Douglas] Elliott, whose firm Cambridge LLP is handling the lawsuit.

Christians had better pay attention. The homosexual agenda is totalitarian and intent on silencing its critics. Free speech IS the issue.
Paul Fromm

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Lawyer Douglas Elliott (left) and former politician George Smitherman at an Ottawa press conference announcing a class action lawsuit against anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott. Claire Wählen/Daily Xtra

I hope this class action lawsuit against me and those who choose to stand with me wakes Christians and others up to the reality of what is happening in the west. As homosexual activism and other libertine and anti-Christian movements gain power in Canada, freedom and truth are dying and those cherished principles are being replaced with falsehood, censorship and tyranny.

I have no intention of divulging the identities of anyone who has chosen to help me. My advice for my Christian friends is be wise and courageous. Pray and do what you can to stand against this tyranny. Also if you sent me some some cash, offered me a bed, or helped make a Gospel condom, keep your mouths shut if these vengeful homosexual activists come snooping. Ask your friends to keep their yaps shut too. If the Ontario courts are corrupt enough to go along with this and if they put me in jail for not cooperating with this witch hunt, just send me the occassional $20 for prison canteen, so I can enjoy some potato chips and continue to write God pleasing commentaries from my jail cell. As much as possible, I don’t want anyone to make it easy for these homosexual activists and lawyers to silence debate or attain any sort of a financial reward at my or my friend’s expense.

Bill Whatcott

$104-million lawsuit filed against Toronto Pride parade crashers
Bill Whatcott and his ‘gay zombies’ face possible legal injunction
Published on Fri, Aug 12, 2016 8:40 pm.
http://www.dailyxtra.com/toronto/news-a … ers-203986

Prominent gay lawyer Douglas Elliott has filed a $104-million class action lawsuit against anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott for crashing the 2016 Toronto Pride parade.

Elliott is also seeking an injunction from the court to prevent Whatcott and his associates from crashing anymore Pride parades in Canada.

Whatcott and several unidentified allies suited up in neon green body suits and disseminated anti-gay literature at the July 3 Toronto parade, calling themselves “gay zombies.”

The lawsuit seeks in part to determine the identities of those who marched with Whatcott and those who financially supported the political stunt through subpoenaed documents.

“Those who paid for his airfare or donated Aeroplan miles to get him to Toronto, those who put him up in Toronto, the people who paid to print the pamphlets: anyone who helped him in any way could be on the hook for $100 million dollars.” says Elliott, whose firm Cambridge LLP is handling the lawsuit.

Bill Whatcott and his assistants wore green bodysuits to sneak into Toronto’s Pride parade on July 3, 2016.

The two main representatives of the class action suit are well known in the gay community, Christopher Hudspeth, who owns Pegasus Bar in Toronto’s gay village, and former MPP George Smitherman, Ontario’s first openly gay provincial representative and first openly gay cabinet minister.

Both marched in the parade on July 3, 2016 — and in the case of Smitherman have marched in every parade dating back to 1986. Smitherman says he joined the suit to “do all we can to stamp this hateful individual out.”

“Too often, religion is used as the justification for the vilest of homophobia. From my life on the inside of the fundamentalist movement, I know that promoting homophobia is a great way to raise money from other fundamentalists,” explains Hudspeth, who was raised in a fundamentalist Pentecostal home and spoke of the experience at the Aug 12 press conference in Ottawa announcing the lawsuit.

“There is no doubt in my mind that some fundamentalist group, either here or in the United States, is backing these activities. We need to smoke them out.”

As a gay father, Smitherman says he is deeply offended that Whatcott is once again equating homosexuality with pedophilia.

“My outrage and disgust at the duplicitous means by which Whatcott and his so-called zombies will go to to interrupt this place where love is supposed to be safe and to use the most defamatory statements possible, to regurgitate the most untruthful and disgusting stereotypes with respect to gay and lesbian people, means this [lawsuit] is the right thing to do,” Smitherman says.

Toronto Homosexual Pride Parade in the 1970s. Sodomite activist George Smitherman sues Bill Whatcott, accusing him of speaking
falsehoods and stereotypes, yet the Toronto shame parades prove what Bill is saying is true!

“We need to get right to the heart of the matter, which is the financial resources that allow for this disgraceful person to continue his act, which is hurtful to the thousands and thousands that it has impacted.”

When reached by Facebook, Whatcott tells Daily Xtra that he should have been welcomed into the Pride parade, not sued for participating.

“I just read the statement of claim. It seems to me the poor homosexuals are angry at God and the Gospel. They should have welcomed me in their parade as a much needed truth teller and indeed I was far less disruptive than BLM [Black Lives Matter]. Not sure why the homosexual activists aren’t suing them,” Whatcott writes.

Angry at God and the Gospel: A Homosexual in the 2016 Toronto sodomite parade puts Jesus on his crotch and has profanities
directed at Jesus on his behind

If the class action is certified, Elliott says he intends to ask for a summary judgment.

“Where a case is clear cut, there is no point in going through the expense and delay associated with a trial, [so we can] bring a motion to the court for a summary judgment and get it over with, quickly and inexpensively,” Elliott says.

However, they still need to serve Whatcott who, without a permanent address, has been difficult for them to track down, the plaintiffs say.

Whatcott is well known to courts and tribunals in Ontario, Saskatchewan and British Columbia as an anti-gay activist for previous protests, both at parades and on university campuses.

In 2013, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld part of a 2005 Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal against Whatcott, for distributing flyers targeting gay and lesbian Canadians.

Before infiltrating the Toronto Pride parade in 2016, Whatcott had similarly faked his identity in 2014 to march along with the Vancouver Pride parade, that time under the disguise of fictitious Calgary Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, to distribute anti-gay leaflets disguised as condoms.

Whatcott disguised as Matthew Davidson, the “gay” high priest of the Calgary Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster giving hugs and
delivering thousands of desperately needed Gospel condoms to homosexuals and their messed up allies, telling them to keep their pants
on and turn their lives over to Jesus so they can have their sins forgiven

Whatcott told Daily Xtra that he and six of his supporters distributed 3,000 flyers at the Toronto Pride parade, including to parade goers, that warned of risks allegedly associated with gay sex.

A Crack Christian Commando from the top secret Christian Truth Activist Gospel Counter Intellegence Unit disguised as a “gay zombie” in a tutu poses with an unsuspecting leatherman at the Toronto Homosexual Shame Parade

The two-page flyer featured graphic photos of anal warts and a dead body described as an “AIDS fatality.” A second page criticizes the “homosexual activism” of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and former Liberal defence minister Bill Graham.

They, among other Liberals, are being listed as a subclass to the class action suit, as having been targeted by the content of the pamphlets and singled out for their political affiliations. The two main classes of the suit are those marchers who legitimately signed up and marched in the Pride parade, and those who received copies of the flyer at the parade.


To see the flyers that were distributed at the Toronto homosexual shame parade by the “Gay Zombies” and to stand in solidarity with Bill Whatcott and further distribute these truthful “Zombie Safe Sex” messages before the homosedual activists get them banned download them here!

Front of Flyer
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Ol-X … sp=sharing

Back of Flyer
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Ol-X … sp=sharing

GERMAN SURVIVORS OF ALLIED ATROCITIES — A Panel Discussion of Survivors: Charlotte, Helga & Hans With Karin Manion

GERMAN SURVIVORS OF ALLIED ATROCITIES — A Panel Discussion of Survivors: Charlotte, Helga & Hans With Karin Manion
Jews have been remarkably successful, thanks to their significant control over much of the mass media and Hollyweird, telling their tribal stories about World War II — often labeled ‘the holocaust.’ This tribal history, as all such histories are, is entirely self-centered and prone to wild exaggeration. For instance, one of the tenets of the new religion of holocaust is that what happened to the Jews is WW II was the “worst” atrocity in human history. Well, without leaving the 20th century, Stalin exterminated 8-10-million Ukrainians by fame in 1932-33 in the holodomor. Clearly, 8-10-million is greater than the alleged 6-million.  In the greatest ethnic cleansing in human history, 16-million ethnic Germans were expelled from their ancestral homelands in the Sudetenland, East Prussia, Pomerania, Silesia, the lands of the Danube Swabians and others. Three million died or were murdered along the way.
Even dull Canadian high school graduates know that Hitler allegedly killed 6-million Jews, although they might be clueless as to how many Canadians died in WW I (60,000). The time has come to get out from the tyranny of another tribe’s history, no longer adopt it as ours and start telling out own stories.
Now is the time for the German tribe to tell their stories.
Paul Fromm
German Survivors of Allied Atrocities

GERMAN SURVIVORS OF ALLIED ATROCITIES.  A panel discussion with three (more) ACTUAL survivors (German) from WWII who suffered the atrocities of the invading Allied powers and lived to tell about it.  [This interview cluster is slightly different from others (a lot of the information is the same as was derived from Karin and Rosemarie’s interviews), so I strove to focus on the 4 presented rather than the background picture/video effects.]

Charlotte:  Born in 1936 in East Prussia.  Had to flee from her home in Jan 1945 from the Russians.  Remembers military moving WEST also retreating from the Russians.  Also fled to the Baltic inlet, surviving the Soviet assault on the refugees, attempting to machine gun the ice to drown them as they walked across this frozen inlet.  Headed toward Pomerania, surrounded by the Russians.  
Helga:  Danzig, 1932. Escaped twice from the Soviets, head toward Baltic Inlet in the same Danish refugee camp as Karin Manion.
Hans:  Volksdeutsch (Ethnic German) born in Transylvania, former Austrian empire (was Hungarian until after WWI) then became Romania.  The town witnessed the fortifications in the East against a possible impending Soviet invasion. Worked in a Labor Camp for the Soviets, also forced labor for AT&T through the Soviets.  Was able to be released from the Labor Camp and escaped to the West, through to Austria.  

They migrated to Canada (legally) and made a life for themselves.  As a result of a friend of Karin’s, “Sigi”, these German Volkdeutsch were able to see that the education and propaganda against them was categorically FALSE and have been striving to learn more and share their story.

Jim Rizoli (LOER)
94 Pond St.
Framingham, MA  01702
Diane King
Fred Leuchter
If you are interested in helping us defray costs in this effort,
send a check to:
Jim Rizoli (LOER)
94 Pond St.
Framingham, MA  01702
Thank You!

Paul Fromm — Free Speech in Justin Trudeau’s Soft Dictatorship

Paul Fromm — Free Speech in Justin Trudeau’s Soft Dictatorship

The Canada Canadian Association for Free Expression Proudly Presents
Paul Fromm

Director, Canada First Immigration Reform Committee

Winner of the George Orwell Free Speech Award,

Free Speech in Justin Trudeau’s Soft Dictatorship

· Kicked off Parliament Hill

· YOUR WARD NEWS editor & publisher banned from sending or receiving mail

· Supremos Won’t Hear McCorkill Case (bequests to groups whose views are “contrary to public policy” vulnerable)

· The transgendered and sexually screwed up – yet another group you soon will not be able to criticize.