SOS for Tenured Prof. Anthony Hall Being Forced Out for His Views from University of Lethbridge

SOS for Tenured Prof. Anthony Hall Being Forced Out for His Views from University of Lethbridge

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Preview YouTube video SOS for Tenured Prof. Anthony Hall Being Forced Out for His Views

Published on Oct 4, 2016

Professor Tony Hall is being pushed out of the University of Lethridge by B’nai Brith. He is a professor of Globalization studies and they don’t like his views on history. This video is an SOS appeal to help him at this time. Please watch the video and then write to the university, below. Your response is urgent.

Address of pres of university of Lethbridge
Copy to newspapers
Copy to Tony at

Brian Ruhe is joined by Paul Fromm and Monika Schaefer, Skyping from the Quesnel, British Columbia

Canada’s illegal witch-hunt: Arthur Topham trial continues Monday — CAFE DAILY REPORT BY E-MAIL AND ON

Canada’s illegal witch-hunt: Arthur Topham trial continues Monday — CAFE DAILY REPORT BY E-MAIL AND ON

Israel's 2014 military attack on Gaza civilians

Israel’s 2014 military attack on Gaza civilians

In a shameful display of state hubris, Canada is using illegal concocted provisions of its Criminal Code to prosecute a citizen for innocuous postings on a personal blog (The Radical Press). The provisions allow a maximum 2-year prison sentence, where the state prosecutor (“Crown”) does not need to prove intent to harm or any actual harm to a single person. Intent and actual harm are not even relevant legal considerations in the proceeding. Both harm and intent are presumed.The said Criminal Code provisions are straight out of the playbook of a totalitarian state.

The show trial was separated into two parts, despite the objections of the accused. In the first part the accused was found criminally guilty, for one blogpost, while not guilty for the other blogpost of the Crown’s charge. In the second part, which is scheduled to start tomorrow Monday October 3rd, the constitutionality of the law is being challenged on limited grounds. Any sentencing will be decided after the ruling on constitutionality.

The process of thus dividing the show trial into two parts is equivalent to first determining that the witch is guilty of blasphemy or worst, followed by a hearing to determine if burning at the stake in the town square is still within the bounds of community standards, rather than evaluating the legitimacy of the law at the same time (and before the same jury) that the nature of the “offense” is evaluated.

Meanwhile, the “defendant” was gagged from identifying the original complainants (the usual crew) but allowed to continue blogging about the process until a conviction is finally secured, and has mounted a funding campaign for the expensive constitutional challenge.

These kinds of show-trial proceedings and the associated media assaults are attempts to create a false impression of a victimized Israel, to shield the apartheid state from international condemnation for its on-going violations of the Geneva Conventions, illegal annexation, constant violations of human rights, and mass-murder “mowing of the grass” in Gaza. Israel wants a free hand to continuously expand by the same criminal methods it has used for decades. Therefore, when successful, the domestic show trials (most prominent in Canada, France, and Germany) are geopolitical in character by virtue of Israel’s leading role in US interference in the Middle East, with Canada and France as lead accompanying sycophant states.

Canada’s Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) has defended Arthur Topham against the state’s attack on freedom of thought and expression with several interventions. OCLA applies the principle that those who’s views are most at odds with orthodoxy and who are most aggressively attacked using the state apparatus are those most in need of civil defense.

The OCLA’s 2014 on-line petition to the state authority gathered over 1,400 signatures. OCLA also, in 2015, intervened by letter against other “civil liberties” associations that adopted a statement that harmed Mr. Topham’s case.

This year, OCLA intervened prior to the constitutional part of the trial by sending a letter directly to the trial judge, with all the state actors in cc. OCLA’s letter, reproduced below, spells out the illegal character of the criminal law being used in this particular show trial and witch hunt:

      January 13, 2016
      The Honourable Mr. Justice Butler, Supreme Court of British Columbia

Your Honour:

Re: Unconstitutionality of s. 319(2) of the Criminal Code (R. v. Topham, Court File No. 25166, Quesnel Registry)

The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) wishes to make this intervention, in letter form, to assist the Court in its hearing of the defendant’s constitutional challenge of s. 319(2) of the Criminal Code (“Code”), to be heard in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

The defendant submits that s. 319(2) of the Code infringes on the s. 2(b) guarantee of freedom of expression contained in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, and is not saved by s. 1 of the Charter.[1]

The Supreme Court of Canada has determined and reaffirmed that the Charter must provide at least as much protection for basic freedoms as is found in the international human rights documents adopted by Canada:[2]

“And this Court reaffirmed in Divito v. Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), [2013] 3 S.C.R. 157, at para. 23, “the Charter should be presumed to provide at least as great a level of protection as is found in the international human rights documents that Canada has ratified”.” [Emphasis added.]

Canada has ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (“Covenant”). Article 19, para. 2 of theCovenant protects freedom of expression:[3]

“2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.”

Further, the U.N. Human Rights Committee, in its General Comment dated 12 September 2011, has specified that any restrictions[4] to the protection of freedom of expression “must conform to the strict tests of necessity and proportionality”:[5]

“35. When a State party invokes a legitimate ground for restriction of freedom of expression, it must demonstrate in specific and individualized fashion the precise nature of the threat, and the necessity and proportionality of the specific action taken, in particular by establishing a direct and immediate connection between the expression and the threat.” [Emphasis added.][6]

The impugned provision in the Code does not require the Crown to prove any actual harm, and no evidence of actual harm to any individual or group was presented in the trial of R. v. Topham. There is no “direct and immediate connection” between Mr. Topham’s expression on his blog and any threat that would permit restriction of his expression.

The OCLA submits that the current jurisprudence of the Covenant, including the 2011 General Comment No. 34, represents both Canada’s obligation and the current status of reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society, in relation to state-enforced limits on expression. The process and the jury-conviction to date in the instant case establish that s. 319(2) of the Code exceeds these limits, and is therefore not constitutional.

Furthermore, s. 319(2) of the Code allows a maximum punishment of “imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years”. The Code punishment of imprisonment exceeds the “strict tests of necessity and proportionality” prescribed by the Covenant.

In addition, in paragraph 47 of General Comment No. 34, it is specified that: “States parties should consider the decriminalization of defamation and, in any case, the application of the criminal law should only be countenanced in the most serious of cases and imprisonment is never an appropriate penalty.” [Emphasis added.] In the penal defamation envisaged in the Covenant, unlike in s. 319(2) in the Code, the state has an onus to prove actual harm.

And in relation to state concerns or prohibitions about so-called “Holocaust denial”, paragraph 49 of the said General Comment has:

“Laws that penalize the expression of opinions about historical facts are incompatible with the obligations that the Covenant imposes on States parties in relation to the respect for freedom of opinion and expression.”

Finally, the OCLA submits that the feature of s. 319(2) that gives the Attorney General direct say regarding proceeding to prosecution (the requirement for the Attorney General’s “consent”)[7] is unconstitutional because it is contrary to the fundamental principle of the rule of law, wherein provisions in a statute cannot be subject to arbitrary application or be politically motivated or appear as such. The fundamental principle of the rule of law underlies the constitution.[8]

For these reasons, the OCLA is of the opinion that s. 319(2) of Canada’s Criminal Code is unconstitutional and incompatible with the values of a free and democratic society.

If the Court requests it, the OCLA will be pleased to make itself available to provide any further assistance in relation to the instant submission.

Yours sincerely,
Joseph Hickey
Executive Director
Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA)

[1] Defendant’s “Memorandum of Argument Regarding Charter Issues”, R. v. Topham, Court File No. 25166, Quesnel Registry.
[2] Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v. Saskatchewan [2015 SCC 4], at para. 64.
[3] International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 19, at para. 2.
[4] Ibid., Article 19, at para. 3, and Article 20.
[5] General Comment No. 34, UN Human Rights Committee [CCPR/C/GC/34], at para. 22.
[6] Ibid., at para. 35.
[7] Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46), s. 319(6).
[8] For a recent example where unconstitutionality arising from the rule of law was the main issue before the court, see: Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2014 SCC 59 (CanLII); and see Committee for the Commonwealth of Canada v. Canada, [1991] 1 SCR 139, 1991 CanLII 119 (SCC), p. 210 (i).

French Holocaust Skeptic Fined 9,000 Euros & Given 4 Months in Prison

French Holocaust Skeptic Fined 9,000 Euros & Given 4 Months in Prison
“Je suis Faurisson”? You have to be kidding!
In January, 2015, a cavalcade of Western leaders, including France’s President Francois Holland and Germany’s Angela Merkel (who preside over two of the most anti-free speech regimes in Europe) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose Zionist allies around the world lobby for prison, fines and unemployment for dissidents, paraded through Paris. The cause? To protest the Moslem terrorist attack and murder of employees of the largely Trostskyist, Jewish satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
Freedom lovers everywhere proclaimed: “Je suis Charlie.”
However, don’t mistake that protest with a real belief in free speech. France groans under the infamous Fabius-Gayssot “hate law”. It was the devil child of a French communist deputy Gayssot and a Jewish Socialist Laurent Fabius.
It’s latest victim in 88 year old French scholar and holocaust skeptic, Dr. Robert Faurisson who also assisted at Ernst Zundel’s “false news trials” in the 1980s. [Zundel won and got the law ruled unconstitutional by Canada’s Supreme Court in 1992.]

For questioning the new religion of holocaust, this brave old man, once beaten nearly to death by Jewish anti-racists, faces four months in prison (suspended) and 9,000 Euros [$13,300 Cnd.] in fines and “costs” to his anti-racist tormentors.
So much for the land of “liberte”!
His lawyer reports below.
Paul Fromm
On June 21, 2016 Professor Robert Faurisson was prosecuted, with regard to his 2006 talk in Tehran and his paper “The Victories of Revisionism“ [], for “disputing the existence of crimes against humanity“, and, because of his 60-word sentence alone, for “racial defamation“.
Here is the result of that trial as conveyed to us by the Professor’s barrister: B
On September 27, 2016, in the case of the talk given by Robert Faurisson in Tehran in 2006, the 17th chamber of the Paris correctional court ruled as follows:
Two charges of disputing the existence of crimes against humanity were declared null.
The third charge, that of racial defamation for the sentence of approximately 60 words [included in his talk], resulted in Robert Faurisson’s conviction and sentence to four months’ imprisonment (suspended) along with a fine of €4,000. The LICRA [Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme], plaintiff, obtained €3,000 in damages and €2,000 in legal costs. Thus, a judgment totalling €9,000.
Professor Faurisson immediately lodged an appeal against this decision.
Tomorrow, September 28, at 1.30 pm, Robert Faurisson will appear again before the same court for having spoken about the Nazi gas chambers on the website Meta TV [in June 2014:].
Damien Viguier

Some Key Works By Canada’s Free Speech “Battling Barrister”

Some Key Works By Canada’s Free Speech “Battling Barrister”


CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3


___    Here is my donation of $_______ to help CAFÉ’s ambitious campaign for free speech to support Arthur Topham and other censorship victims this Autumn.

___ We fought the good fight but were stymied by the Supreme Court. Here is my donation to help defray the costs of the McCorkill Appeal.

___Please renew my subscription for 2016 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).

$___  Doug Christie booklet or video order from back of this coupon.


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Doug Christie Free Speech  Booklets

For 30 years, Doug Christie, the Battling Barrister, has been Canada’s outstanding free speech attorney. He passed away of liver cancer, all too young, on March 11, 2013  at age 66. Order his outstanding free speech booklets published in C-FAR’S Canadian Issue Series and speeches he gave over the years.

__ The Zundel Trial & Free Speech by Douglas Christie (1985) $4.00

__  Thought Crimes Trial: The Keegstra Case by Douglas Christie (1987) $4.00

__   Free Speech IS the Issue by Douglas Christie  (1990) ($5)

___ Doug Christie –His Last Speech: Free Speech in Canada – Lesbians, Hypocrisies& Contadictions. DVD.  Toronto, December 2, 2012. $20.00

___ How I Became A Revisionist Film Maker And Lost A Lot of Jobs by Brian Ruhe. Toronto, June 30, 2016. $6.00

[Tick booklets or tapes or dvds you want here and indicate the number and enter dollar amount on the other side of this coupon.]

Paul Fromm Interviews Persecuted Holocaust Satirist Alison Chabloz

Inline image 1

Paul Fromm Interviews  Persecuted Holocaust Satirist Alison Chabloz
Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, interviews singer, songwriter and musician Alison Chabloz. Persecuted for her comical revisionist songs, the enemies of free speech have tried to beggar her by going after her jobs. It is war between freethinkers and the censoring apostles of “diversity” for anything but dissenting ideas.

The Witchhunt Continues: Monika Schaefer Removed as Director of Regional Fiddling Association & Uninvited As Instructor at Music Camp

The Witchhunt Continues: Monika Schaefer Removed as Director of Regional Fiddling Association & Uninvited As Instructor at Music Camp

Is there are state religion in Canada? You’d better believe it and it is NOT Christianity. You can doubt the divinity of Christ, loudly proclaim that you believe in no god or are a witch. But, you’d better not deviate from the new religion of holocaust or you’ll face its legions of witchhunters or sweaty peasants slack jawed but fanatical seeking to burn you at the stake.

Inline image 1

Last June, Jasper resident Monika Schaefer put a short video on You Tube, “Sorry, Mom, I Was Wrong About the holocaust.” It went viral with over 120,000 views. Repression came fast. Some longtime friends cut her off. Many of her local violin students stopped taking lessons for her. She was banned from the local Legion, a major centre for music in her town. She was refused a busking licence because of her views on WW II. She was uninvited from the Dominion (Canada) ceremonies, where she had been a very popular act last July.

Her views on World War II, in the opinion of the censorship fanatics, disqualifies her from earning a living or contributing to the community. The sorry list of insults, rejections and humiliations heaped upon her by the  narrow-minded acolytes of this  other tribes self-serving history — the so-called holocaust — continues. A loyal member of the Alberta Society of Fiddlers, Miss Schaefer has just been in formed that, at a secret meeting, she was removed  “as Director for the Yellowhead West Region of the ASF” and  an invitation to be an instructor at our upcoming music camp at Camp HeHoHa in February of 2017″ has been rescinded

Here is the Alberta Society of Fiddlers’ sorry letter and Monika’s reasonable and dignified response.

Paul Fromm



August 30, 2016

Dear Monika,

As President of the Alberta Society of Fiddlers, and on behalf of the Board of Directors and Executive, I am writing to advise you of decisions made at a special ASF meeting called on August 17th, 2016.

As a result of your recent public comments regarding your views on the Holocaust, we are relieving you of your duties as Director for the Yellowhead West Region of the ASF, and also rescinding your invitation to be an instructor at our upcoming music camp at Camp HeHoHa in February of 2017.

Thank you for your past contributions to our society.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavours,

Randy Jones, President 

Alberta Society of Fiddlers


Open letter to the Alberta Society of Fiddlers:

September 23, 2016

Thank you for the registered letter in which you informed me of the outcome of your meeting. I am being relieved of my duties as ASF Director of the Yellowhead West Region, and you are rescinding the invitation for me to be an instructor at Camp HeHoHa in February 2017. Here are my questions and comments.

At the time of the meeting, I was on the board of directors of the Alberta Society of Fiddlers. Therefore, I would expect that I should be informed of a meeting, especially if I was the subject of the meeting. Was there any attempt to contact me? It seems there was not, and if not, why not? Was there a prior meeting to discuss whether I should be invited? Is there a record of the discussion leading up to the special meeting? Who made the decision to have a special meeting? Is there a record of the special meeting? Was there a vote? Were minutes taken? I would like to see those minutes please. I would like to know if my membership will be next to be terminated. What indication do I have that I would be welcome to attend an ASF event in future?

My classes at Camp HeHoHa the last two years were well received, and the feedback, by all accounts, was very good. You are telling me now that because of my interpretation of the events of WW2, I am no longer welcome to teach at fiddle camp. Surely this is setting a precedent that a person’s opinions about history trumps their ability to play or teach the fiddle.

Last February I had the same views on the history of WW2 as I have now. I have been studying these matters for a few years now. Did anyone complain? Of course not! I did not talk much about history or politics during the camp, and definitely not in class. Whenever I have attended fiddle camp as a student or as an instructor, it was to immerse myself in the joy of playing music together with others in this wonderful musical family which has now been broken. And even if I had discussed history or politics in private conversations, what would be the problem?

We find ourselves in a world where certain conversations can only be whispered behind closed doors, and other conversations are permitted in public. Who would have imagined this could happen in our own province of Alberta in Canada? Who would have thought George Orwell’s world of thought control would prove to be so prophetic? It is shameful that the Alberta Society of Fiddlers is participating in this thought control.

I wonder what this saga teaches young people. If I was to return to the camp as a student like in years past, have you not set me up to be treated as a leper? Surely when asked why I am no longer teaching, I would tell the truth. It was not my teaching that received a failing grade, but my opinions and conclusions about an event which took place 70 years ago. I think the ASF action teaches young people to be conformist, and if they were to disagree with a prevailing view, they sure had better keep it to themselves and lie publicly about their beliefs.

This is becoming an international story. Here is a quote from a recent article by Editor-in-Chief of The American Herald Tribune,

Professor Anthony Hall:

“The new configurations of authority are extending to important agencies like the Royal Canadian Legion, Jasper National Park [Parks Canada], and the Alberta Society of Fiddlers. Those overseeing these important institutions are made to feel empowered to impose arbitrary sanctions and punishments against an individual who dared to question enshrined orthodoxy.

The message is made clear that the vibrancy of art and culture, the wellbeing of veterans as well as the need to protect some of Alberta’s most majestic Alpine environments have become secondary commitments. The treatment in Jasper National Park of violinist Monika Schaefer signals the end of our free and democratic society. Our right and need to express independent thought, the starting point of collective self-determination, has been sacrificed in order to enforce supine obedience to the sanctification of an historical interpretation that must not be subjected to skeptical scrutiny and reconsideration.”

I am in good company with regards to my understanding of the history of WW2. Gerard Menuhin, son of famous (Jewish) violinist Yehudi Menuhin, has written a book called “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil”. Here is a book review and synopsis.

From the volume of messages of support that I have been receiving, it is becoming quite clear to me that there are people in every village, town and hamlet who agree with my conclusions on the “holocaust”. These messages have come to me from all over Canada and the world, and from many places in Alberta. But the vast majority of those people do not speak publicly about it, because there is a high price to pay. They are afraid of losing their jobs, their friends, and their community standing. An example is made of anyone who dares speak out, to frighten others who might be tempted to question the prevailing dogma. I invite you to read about “ritual defamation”, something that I am becoming an expert on. Evidence and facts have no bearing in this process.

Of the people who have viewed my “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the holocaust”, those who have voted their approval or disapproval online have consistently done so in a ratio of approximately 3:1 likes over dislikes. Although not the final word, this ratio suggests that many see this video as a positive contribution, well within community standards.

Given that there are people all over Alberta who share my views, are you not now obliged to screen all potential instructors for their political views and their historical understanding? You have set the precedent by your actions against me. In the past, the sniff test might have been whether you believed the earth was flat. People used to be persecuted for saying the earth revolved around the sun.

Free thinkers are often found within the artistic community. I remember long ago hearing about political prisoners in countries far away, such as poets in the Soviet Union who were jailed because of their writings. A tyrannical state is threatened by free thinkers, so the tyrannical state often persecutes its artists. But it is strange when the artist community persecutes their own. That is the context in which I find the actions of the Alberta Society of Fiddlers to be so shocking.

The old adage “the victors write the history books” is not just about choosing the font. We have all been subjected to a life-time of indoctrination. If you have not done independent study of “The Holocaust” outside of the parameters of our schooling and Hollywood, then it is completely understandable that you disagree with my views. However, it is another matter altogether when you demonstrate such a Pavlovian response to my short video in which I apologize to my mother for having held her to account for the horrors of WW2 after having learned that the prevailing dogma is not correct.

I will give just one example to show that you cannot be 100% right and me 100% wrong. I remember learning in school either late 1960s or early ‘70s that the Germans were so evil and depraved that they made soap, lampshades and shrunken heads out of the bodies of Jews. Now they do not teach that propaganda anymore, because that has been proven to be lies. That puts a crack in the untouchable edifice of this narrative.

Aware people are everywhere. I know that. I am hearing from them. Does this mean you will all start looking over your shoulder wondering who else shares my views? Or might it give you cause to reconsider your certainty over this issue? And even if you are absolutely certain that I am 100% wrong, consider the fact that there is no other event in history for which debate is not permitted, quite literally against the law in many countries. There is something wrong with that picture. Only lies need to be protected by laws. The truth stands on its own.

This event called “Holocaust” has replaced our religions. Apparently I am a heretic, and the Alberta Society of Fiddlers is metaphorically burning me at the stake. I think in light of future history, this decision you have made will prove to be one of the more consequential in ASF history.

Will you have the courage to print this letter in your next newsletter? If not, why not? You might say it has no relevance to the fiddling world and the usual contents of that newsletter. Precisely! My views on the “holocaust” also have nothing to do with my participation in the fiddling world of the ASF. But by your actions, you have made the subject of WW2 part of the fiddling world in Alberta.


Monika Schaefer

Paul Fromm Gives Preview of Arthur Topham Constitutional Challenge to Be Held In Quesnel, BC, October 3-7.

Paul Fromm Gives Preview of Arthur Topham Constitutional Challenge to Be Held In Quesnel, BC, October 3-7.

Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression (CAFE) at and here he talks about the…

Brian Ruhe Fired By Delta School District for His Revisionist Views — Interview With Paul Fromm

Brian Ruhe Fired By Delta School District for His Revisionist Views — Interview With Paul Fromm

Hello Fellow Truth Seeker:
The Delta School Board has fired me from my job teaching Mindfulness Meditation on Sat. Oct. 1st. I have been teaching there since 2001 and this is unfair and I encourage you to protest this and request that they reverse their decision. Their reasons are unjustified as they signed a contract with me this summer. This is because of my YouTube videos which have nothing to do with what I teach in my meditation classes. As a Buddhist, concerned with peace and justice in the world, my extensive studies have led me to use YouTube to challenge the unbalanced power of Jewish supremacy in our society. They have used their powerful influence with their B’nai Brith organization to get me fired from six teaching positions a year ago and they even admit this publicly on two websites. They have now effectively brought my 20 year Buddhist meditation teaching career to an end which is a loss for spreading Buddhism around Vancouver.
If you would like to lend your voice, the Secretary/ Treasurer of the Delta School District has offered to be the contact person for them. His contact info is:
Joe Strain
Tel. 604-952-5359

The Director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression, Paul Fromm has made a video with me about my case which is liked below.
Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada
I have also documented the past two years of this persecution with 60 pages on my website under the, In the News, heading at: This can be used for others to make a story.
Because of this hostile, unfair destruction of my career I have made a career shift to speak out against this with a YouTube talk show called, The Brian Ruhe Show. I get about 1300 people a day watching my videos and I receive donations for this. If you would like to help at this time, please send a donation to my PayPal account using my email address or the ‘Donate’ button on my website.
Thank you. Much metta,
Brian Ruhe
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Preview YouTube video Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada

Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada

Teacher Fired. Delta School District has NO RESPECT for Free Speech in Canada
To keep up with unfolding events in this free speech
battle with the Delta School District in British…

Jim Rizoli Interviews Vincent Reynouard, Sept 2016, French Political Prisoner & Revisionist

Jim Rizoli Interviews Vincent Reynouard, Sept 2016, French Political Prisoner & Revisionist


Vincent Reynouard is a French revisionist who disputes the official version of the massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane. On 9 June 2004, his previous conviction on a charge of “approval of a war crime” was upheld on appeal and Reynouard was sentenced to two years in prison with 18 months of that time on probation, plus a 3,000 Euro fine. The court also upheld the confiscation of his research papers which had been seized in May 2001. Essentially, Reynouard’s crime was that he claimed that survivors of the Oradour massacre lied about the tragedy, and that the women and children were killed by an explosion in the church which was not set off by the Waffen-SS soldiers who were in the village that day. Contrary to Reynouard’s revisionist claims, the women and children were burned alive by a fire that was set in the church by the Waffen-SS soldiers, according to the official story. Reynouard wrote an article which was published in German on this web site, which has since been taken down:

Vincent Reynouard is an independent French historian specializing in the Second World War who has been punished repeatedly for violating France’s controversial “Gayssot” law, which criminalizes dissident views on certain aspects of twentieth century history.  For more by and about him, see the French-language website: , and

Born in 1969, Reynouard studied in Caen, Normandy, and graduated as a chemical engineer. He then taught mathematics at professional secondary schools. In 1997 he was dismissed as a teacher by the French Education Minister after the discovery of revisionist texts on the hard disk of the computer he used at school. Since then Reynouard has survived on his writings, videos and other work as an independent historian.


On October 8, 1992, a court in Caen, France, sentenced him to one month in prison (suspended), and fined him 5000 francs (about $850) for violating the country’s “Gayssot” law that makes it a crime to “contest” or dispute certain “crimes against humanity,” as defined by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal (IMT) of 1945-46. Specifically, he was punished for having sent to 24 secondary school pupils anonymous letters along with copies of writings that dispute claims of gas chamber killings during World War II.  In June 2004 Reynouard was sentenced to two years in prison for having produced and distributed a video on the tragedy of Oradour-sur-Glane that allegedly approved war crimes. However that ruling was later overturned by another court. An earlier confiscation of his research papers was validated.

On November 8, 2007, a court in Saverne (Lower Rhine), France, sentenced Reynouard to one year in prison, and to pay a fine of 10,000 euros (about $13,000) for “contesting crimes against humanity” by writing and distributing a 16-page brochure entitled “The Holocaust: What They Hide from You.” He was also ordered to pay 3,000 euros to the anti-racist association LICRA. His incarceration attracted public attention, and hundreds signed a petition to press for his release and the repeal of the French “denial” law.

On June 25, 2008, the Court of Appeals in Colmar (Alsace) upheld the one-year prison sentence and ordered Reynouard to pay a total of 60,000 euros, which included a fine of 20,000 euros, damages, and the cost of publishing a notice with extracts from this judgment in the “Official Journal of the French Republic,” as well as in two French daily newspapers. Meanwhile, Reynouard fled with his family to neighboring Belgium.

In June 2008, a court in Brussels, Belgium, declared Reynouard and Belgian VHO publisher Siegfried Verbeke guilty of “disputing crimes against humanity” for having written and published “Holocaust denial” literature. The two men were sentenced to one year imprisonment and to pay a fine of 25,000 euros, as well as damages and various other costs. In 2011 an appeals court upheld the sentence.

In February 2015, a criminal court in Normandy sentenced Reynouard to two years in prison for “Holocaust denial” (or négationnisme) in videos he had posted on social media. In addition, the French court ordered him to pay 4,500 euros in damages. Reynouard had represented himself in the three-hour trial in the city of Coutances, although he was not present for the verdict. This sentence came in the aftermath of emphatic expressions of support for freedom of speech — by politicians, in the media and in large rallies — following the killing by Muslim extremists of staff members of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, which had enraged Muslims for its demeaning cartoons of Muhammed. The sentence of Reynouard showed, once again, that in France there are very real limits on freedom of speech – restrictions that reflect the outlook and interests of those who have power and influence.

Reynouard has written (Used on the Interview video with Jim Rizoli)

“Historical revisionism belongs to no one. Its findings are the fruit of traditional methods of inquiry where scientific expertise assists in the appraisal of testimonies and in documentary research. They will be obvious to any honest individual, whether on the political left or right, [religious] believer or atheist …

“… Its implications extend well beyond the historical scope. The stakes involved, gigantic ones, are political and even theological. If some refuse to see this – because of blindness, cowardice or mistaken strategy – our adversaries, for their part, have understood quite well. They know that a sudden bursting through of the historical truth about the period 1914-1946 would call into question the world order founded at Nuremberg in 1945-1946 …

“The way ahead, therefore, is all laid out for us: we must continue to repeat the truth, the whole truth, including the truth about what’s at stake in this struggle. Far from being merely a sterile quarrel between devotees of the past cut off from present-day realities, the fight for historical truth is, on the contrary, the continuation, on the intellectual level, of the war whose armed phase ended in 1945 with the defeat of the Axis forces. And it’s clear that this conflict, having begun not on September 3, 1939, but on January 30, 1933, is the modern form of the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness. In the twentieth century, National Socialist Germany embodied – doubtless imperfectly but successfully all the same – the very last attempt to return to a well-ordered society, that is, a society respecting the natural order.

“This is the reason why, even after the Third Reich was completely crushed militarily, the war continued, and has continued up to today. Our opponents in this never-ending fight have a weapon of mass destruction: the alleged ‘Holocaust.’ Since 1945, this lie has prevented any dispassionate debate on National Socialism and, more generally, on societies that respect natural order. ‘We know where that led! …’ is how people constantly respond to those who, against the ‘Rights of Man’ and their natural offspring: the unleashing of all selfish inclinations, dare speak of order, the Common Good, wholesomeness, moral standards, safeguarding the genetic heritage, the birth rate, rights of kinship …

“The German homicidal gas chambers never existed. Yes, ‘the Holocaust’ is a myth. For my part, I add: Yes, Hitler embodied the hope of Europe in the face of the ruinous ideals of 1789; Yes, we must take up the best of what National Socialism comprised in order finally to surpass it and forge a doctrine that will be able to save our Old Continent.”

JIM RIZOLI:  Cofounder, producer/interviewer (Fred Leuchter and Assistant, Diane King) of the Series, LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY REVISIONISTS.  This also entails seeking out UNSUNG HEROES and German survivors of Allied atrocities – The German Story, The German Way.  Hard core historical revisionist, Jim and, his brother, Joe moved from combating the illegal immigrant hordes in their cable shows to dealing with the fundamental and pervading issue of the holocaust. Their immigrant battles led them to the plight of Ernst Zundel in Canada, being prosecuted for having reprinted *Did 6 Million Really Die*! Thus Jim and Joe’s efforts and cable shows also turned toward the issue of the holocaust.  That’s when their troubles accelerated. In 2002 – 2003 they began producing numerous (1000s of videos) dealing with many issues and 100s of videos about the holocaust. Consequently, YouTube videos (700) under the name of Jim Rizoli were banned. His name was banned on Facebook. In 2010, their cable shows were suspended. They returned and then were permanently removed in 2014. We are back to provide a venue of/freedom of, telling the story for tried-and-true revisionists and Germans throughout North America, Europe and Australia.

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Jim Rizoli’s Interview with Vincent Reynouard, Sept 2016

Jim Rizoli’s Interview with Vincent Reynouard, Sept 2016