Truth Seeker Monika Schaefer Plays Violin for CAFE Meeting in Vancouver

Truth Seeker Monika Schaefer Plays Violin for CAFE Meeting in Vancouver

Monika Schaefer Plays Edelweiss on the Violin in North Vancouver
MonikaSchaeferTruth Revealer
Monika plays her violin before she gave her lecture: Holohoax Truther Monika Schaefer on Ritual Defamation –

Evalion — Teenage Videographer Held 8 Hours By Customs Censors — Interview With Paul Fromm & Brian Ruhe

Evalion — Teenage Videographer Held 8 Hours By Customs Censors — Interview With Paul Fromm & Brian Ruhe

Published on Oct 26, 2016

Evalion was held after returning to Canada and her diary and computer were taken and searched for “hate literature”: She was separated from her German boyfriend who was then sent back to Germany.

Evalion burst onto the scene in 2016 with over 20,000,000 hits on YouTube because of her edgy way of telling the truth about Adolf Hitler, Interantional Jews and other controversies.

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Here Evalion is interviewed by Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression. The host is Brian Ruhe, a critic of Jewish power. All three are Canadians.

You Tube Sensation ‘Evalion’ Detained for Over 8 Hours by Customs Heavies; Personal Journals & Diaries Seized

You Tube Sensation ‘Evalion’ Detained for Over 8 Hours by Customs Heavies; Personal Journals & Diaries Seized

Evalion’  (pronounced ee-vay-lee-on) is the screen name of a very creative 18 year old Ontario girl who has taken You Tube and Twitter by storm with a series of engaging hard-hitting videos on race, political correctness and National Socialism over the past six months. Her videos have had over 20-million hits.  She has  an engaging voice and winning manner, mixed with defiant attitude that has won her a large youthful following.

And, of course, the usual Zionist enemies. She has been harassed and vilified online.

Perhaps, predictably, Canada`s political police, Canada Border Service Agency, which has subjected many other freedom fighters to degrading searches, seizures and long delays in the pursuit of `’hate’ or politically incorrect thoughts is now harassing Evalion.

On October 7,  Evalion  was returning from a visit to Germany. At primary inspection, she fully and honestly answered questions in her customs declaration.

She was then pulled aside for secondary inspection.  She was detained for over 8 and a quarter hours! She was denied food and only offered water in the last hour. Understand, she is just 18 years of age and was humiliated as male officers pawed through her private journals and leered at the contents.

As drug pushers and illegals streamed through, nearly a dozen CBSA officers at one time or another were all over this teenager. In the end, the burly defenders of political correctness seized and send off to Ottawa for further investigation: 
*  her computer — Lenovo Type 6474
* the computer’s power supply and case. What can an electrical cord and a case have to do with “hate propaganda”?
* Toshiba external hard drive
* Her white binder with blue notebook
* Her hardcover red, brown and gold book
* Her black ringed booklet and white cover
* Her single ringed booklet with multi-coloured cover

 She was not importing these items. They were hers and had been  brought from Canada.

 Her journals mostly contain her thoughts on life and romance. They are deeply personal. The border snoops had no reasonable or probable grounds for this seizure.

 Evalion says: ‘I feel violated by this experience and am appalled that grown men, who may have daughters my age, were crowded around and rummaging through my notebooks. These items were not guns or drugs.’`

Image may contain: 3 people , eyeglasses, smiling, closeup and indoor
You Tube sensation Èvalion with CAFE Director Paul Fromm

The name of the game of the political police is intimidation. Evalion sought out CAFE`s help and counsel. We are assisting her in crafting a response to the political police to get her property back.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm commented: `Those jerk-off johnnies who violated a young lady`s privacy should be ashamed of themselves. Increasingly, Canada is a failing state whose government cannot adequately vet hordes of Syrians but are all over a young dissident. The cowards like to go after soft targets.”


Raychyl`s Answer to Latest Liberal Party E-Mail Fundraiser

Raychyl`s Answer to Latest Liberal Party E-Mail Fundraiser
….’Wonder if the Libtards will get me arrested for this. LOL.
On Saturday, October 22, 2016 2:44 PM, Raychyl Whyte <> wrote:

“One year of real change”…. FOR THE WORSE.
Immediately discontinue sending me your unsolicited, audacious, sickening requests for donations.
I never voted for your government.
Your government’s inane policies are destroying hard-working, law-abiding, working poor, born & raised Canadians of European ancestry- such as myself.
You have been rolling out the red carpet to backward, extremely anti-West people who hate women, hate Caucasians, hate traditional Western/Christian values, who want to butcher the genitals of all females and behead anyone who does not practice their religion or ‘dare’ criticize their barbaric religion. You are dolling out billions of tax dollars from hard-working, struggling Canadians who never even were granted a referendum as to whether the majority approved of forking out so many billions of OUR funds to those human leeches. You evidently couldn’t care less about unemployed Canadians, veterans, or the working poor.
And those- such as myself- who speak out against the destructive insanity your government has demonstrated so far are accused of “hate speech” and “racism”. There have even been numerous free speech advocates in Canada who have been sued and/or arrested for daring to speak out.
As a woman who has been working since the age of 12 and has survived ongoing abuse + deliberate poverty from my next-of-kin, there has been zero assistance or compensation for my plight. I toil away day in, day out year after year and dead-end jobs where I am poorly treated, work like a dog, yet am only paid minimum wage. I was never able to afford post-secondary education. I am also a survivor of vaccine damage, and continue to suffer frequently from the effects of highly toxic vaccines that I was conned into receiving up until 10 years ago when I finally learned the truth about them, which prompted me to immediately decline any further vaccinations. Otherwise, I guarantee you that I would be dead by now. Although will invariably be sent to an early grave due to vaccine damage. I also cannot afford to take any sick days off work, so I haul myself to work regardless of how exhausted or ill I am.
Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne (Ontario is my province of birth and residence) is perhaps even more demented (than the current Prime Minister) with her bizarre, destructive policies which directly harm people such as myself. But apparently those of us who resent her deranged forthcoming severe taxation on basic survival items are classified as “homophobic”.

You are intentionally destroying my country, people of my ethnicity & culture, and my province.  
This is insidious Stalinist Communism all over again, just with different names: “Liberals” and “Globalists”.
Trudeau Jr.  and Wynne can take their destructive Libtard insanities and go to hell, although I wouldn’t like to be in their company. i.e.- I’m already in hell, thanks to circumstances evidently beyond ‘my’ control.
So are you going to have me arrested etc. because I candidly spoke out against your demented government??
A very hard-working, born & raised, law-abiding Caucasian Canadian who YOU are gradually killing.

On Tuesday, October 18, 2016 6:06 PM, Liberal Party of Canada <> wrote:


White Nationalist Videographer Èvalion`Stalked by Zionist Operative and Hassled by Canada Border Services

White Nationalist Videographer Èvalion`Stalked by Zionist Operative and Hassled by Canada Border Services

EVALION THE JEW THATS HARASSING ME : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Evalions site evalion.orgEvalions twitter @veronicaevalion

Diane King Says: “If it’s not free speech FOR ALL,, it’s not FREE SPEECH AT ALL”


Diane King Says: “If it’s not free speech FOR ALL,, it’s not FREE SPEECH AT ALL.”




So if it’s NOT free expression – why bother mentioning it AT ALL?

If it’s not free speech FOR ALL, 

it’s not FREE SPEECH AT ALL.  

HATE SPEECH  Our products are platforms for free expression. But we don’t support content that promotes or condones violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity, or whose primary purpose is inciting hatred on the basis of these core characteristics. This can be a delicate balancing act, but if the primary purpose is to attack a protected group, the content crosses the line.



Gerald Spezio

I love the admission of “protected”; that is, privileged groups. Apparently, one could advocate violence against, say capitalists, or Red Necks. Actually, it’s not really so much censorship of calls for violence but the “inciting of hatred” whatever that is, against privileged groups. Really it’s about silencing criticism of protected/privileged groups. – Paul Fromm





You Tube Bans Report on Day 2 of Topham Constitutional Challenge to 20 Countries
Whew, if you reside in any of 20 countries, including Germany, Austria and France (the land of liberte?), the Zionist censors at You Tube will block my report (reproduced below) on Day 2 of the Arthur Topham challenge to the constitutionality \of Canada’s “hate law”> The report coverage Tuesday, October 4 and also introduced another censorship victim Monika Schaefer who provided a report on the suspension without pay of Professor Anthony Hall for the non-violent expression of his political views.
Inline image 1
We see the desperation of the New World Order followers to stifle the growing dissent and torrent of information that counters decades of lies and managed news. Even more people will join the dissent as they learn about others like them out there  fighting for the same ideas. Hence, the latest efforts to close down discussion of important current issues.
Today Brian Ruhe who produced and hosted the show received the following notice from You Tube.
Paul Fromm

Regarding your account: Brian Ruhe

We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: B.C. man convicted of promoting hate on web challenges law in court. – Day 2has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte

YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help centre article on legal complaints //

Yours sincerely, 
The YouTube Team

You Tube Bans Report on Day 2 of Topham Constitutional Challenge to 20 Countries
Whew, if you reside in any of 20 countries, including Germany, Austria and France (the land of liberte?), the Zionist censors at You Tube will block my report (reproduced below) on Day 2 of the Arthur Topham challenge to the constitutionality \of Canada’s “hate law”> The report coverage Tuesday, October 4 and also introduced another censorship victim Monika Schaefer who provided a report on the suspension without pay of Professor Anthony Hall for the non-violent expression of his political views.
Inline image 1
We see the desperation of the New World Order followers to stifle the growing dissent and torrent of information that counters decades of lies and managed news. Even more people will join the dissent as they learn about others like them out there  fighting for the same ideas. Hence, the latest efforts to close down discussion of important current issues.
Today Brian Ruhe who produced and hosted the show received the following notice from You Tube.
Paul Fromm

Regarding your account: Brian Ruhe

We have received a legal complaint regarding your video. After review, the following video: B.C. man convicted of promoting hate on web challenges law in court. – Day 2has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s):

Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reunion, French Southern Territories, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte

YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help centre article on legal complaints //

Yours sincerely, 
The YouTube Team

An Open Letter to the Faith and Spirituality Centre at the University of Calgary

by Rev. Russell Haynes

Lennonism at the University of Calgary

With respect to the recent anti-Muslim/anti-Islam posters being placed at the University of Calgary, and within its immediate vicinity, what I am noticing from virtually every news-media outlet, including the “Faith and Spirituality Centre” at the university, is how absolutely no one is addressing or dealing with:

  1. the actual content of this person’s anger toward Islamic practice and teaching and
  2. the question of the legitimacy or rationality of the anger or hatred being directed.

All I appear to be seeing so far is a carefully coordinated PC attack in order to silence any discussion, regarding this anger and hatred, and to send a strong message that “any” criticism of Muslims and/or Islam will not be tolerated but will be treated as potentially indictable “hate speech.”

Thus, instead of seeing this situation as an opportunity for rational debate, reflection and discussion over the actual content and legitimacy of this individual’s grievances and anger, it has been used as a politically correct PR effort mainly by the left-leaning media and institutions at virtually every level, so as to stifle any reasonable debate and to silence any future criticism of Islam. This is not to say that I approve in any way of the method or the manner in which this sensitive issue was broached, but what I am saying is that I am equally disappointed in the way it was handled.

Posters placed at the University of Calgary
The posters placed at the University of Calgary

In examining the actual poster itself, this individual is clearly angry and hateful toward Muslim “beheadings,” “Sharia” law, female “genital mutilations,” “taqiyya” (i.e. sacred deception) together with “Muhammad” and the “Quran.” And by direct implication, or logical extension, one could legitimately add to that list, Muslim “sex slavery,” “stoning for adultery,” “amputation for stealing,” “hanging of homosexuals,” “honor killings,” and so on and so forth.

Lastly, this individual wants Muslims to “keep these barbaric ways right where they belong.” That is “in (their) 7th-century homelands.” And with Canada being based upon Western liberal-democratic laws, freedoms and values, I can, at the very least, certainly understand their passionate animosity towards not wanting to bring these non-Western (or “barbaric”) values or ways into Canada.

Thus, a rational or reasonable argument could easily be made that if (certain) Muslims do, in fact, want to bring these “barbaric ways” into Canada, is it wrong or irrational then for Canadians to want to passionately tell them to “GetTheF*ckOuttaHere”? Instead of responding with a PC knee-jerk reaction, maybe we should take this opportunity to reasonably debate this question, openly and honestly, rather than just simply concluding due to Political Correctness that there is absolutely nothing to legitimately discuss here.

The fact is that even the leftist multicultural Toronto Star reports that Islamic schools and mosques in Canada are filled with extremist literature.

Moreover, it is easy to assume that whenever strong or coarse language is used that it is always “vulgar.” This is not always the case. I once had a seminary professor, with a PhD, give a passionate lecture (from the OT book of Amos) on what happens when a nation breaks covenant with God. During the lecture, he more than emphatically stated that “when a nation or people break covenant with God they inevitably end up f*cking the poor and f*cking their neighbors wives.” Needless to say, I never forgot that lecture, along with the non-vulgar, academic-passionate use of the term.

Though I would personally never use the “f” word myself, or advise others to do so, since Christians are to strive toward holiness, it does not in any way take away from the reality that there is, in fact, at times a non-vulgar (and even academic) use of the term, so as to capture, on very rare occasions, I might add, the deeply felt and passionate nuance or force of a point (i.e. a truth) being made. I honestly think that, to a degree, this is what is being overlooked or suppressed here, due to Political Correctness.

Another question that I believe seriously needs to be considered, from a Christian perspective at least, is that the New Testament instructs the “strong” to be mindful of, as well as to bear, the infirmities of the “weak.” And so the question that begs to be asked is radically forcing, through legislation or policy, upon all Canadians a (mainly hidden) cultural-Marxist agenda of

  • mass immigration from every country of the world,
  • state sponsored multiculturalism (which has utterly failed as a political experiment in the UK and in Europe),
  • mindless-experimental diversity,
  • mindless-experimental religious pluralism, etc.,

being grossly and dangerously inconsiderate of those Canadians who are “weak”? That is, “weak” with respect to not accepting cultural Marxist principles being promoted and pushed on them without their knowledge or consent, let alone a referendum? I would tend to think that it is! And I would likewise tend to think, especially in light of these recent posters, that it is something that seriously needs to be openly discussed and debated and not suppressed or silenced, rather than having a neo-Marxist, Political Correctness forced down people’s throats.

The fact is, as indicated by a recent CBC-Angus Reid Institute poll, that Canadians want minorities to do more to ‘fit in’.

Lastly, the University of Calgary President, Elizabeth Cannon, stated that she finds the posters “disturbing, extremely offensive.” However, and once again, the question begs to be asked, I wonder if Elizabeth Cannon also finds the aforementioned Muslim beheadings, Sharia law, genital mutilations, taqqiya, stonings, amputations etc. likewise “disturbing, extremely offensive”? So far all I have heard is deafening silence. Might I suggest then that an investigative story or even better yet a public debate or perhaps best an inter-faith discussion in the “Faith and Spirituality Centre” be done by the University of Calgary, discussing and exploring-investigating this topic openly and honestly.

The best and most honest approach that I have seen so far with respect to any real possibility of interfaith dialogue is one that is espoused by Dr. John Alembillah Azumah — who does not shy away from the historical truths and the historical facts — as opposed to those individuals and organizations who, like the FSC it appears, want to subversively impose upon religion a universal-cultural Marxist ideology and agenda instead (e.g. “global citizen”), therefore, knowingly and intentionally avoiding the real issues. On this issue see The Legacy of Arab-Islam In Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue.

Finally, I can only hope that the FSC would have the decency and courage to be more open and honest or transparent about what I clearly perceive to be its hidden universal-cultural Marxist agenda. That is, with respect to the very real likelihood that the FSC is knowingly and subversively, not to mention patronizingly and paternalistically, attempting to subordinate and domesticate religion to a cultural Marxist ideology in the name of (or under the guise of) interfaith dialogue.”

And so, if the FSC ever decides to have an open and honest discussion, so as to address this specific question, I would be more than happy to participate!

Rev. Russell A. Haynes (Toronto, Canada)