Tribute to Richard Bilkszto today @ 2 pm at Mel Lastman Square

Tribute to Richard Bilkszto today @ 2 pm at Mel Lastman Square

SOS TDSBToronto, Canada

Oct 15, 2023 — 

A Tribute to Richard Bilkszto will be taking place today (Sunday, October 15) at Mel Lastman Square in North York, starting at 2:00 pm.

Please join us to commemorate and celebrate Richard’s life. All are welcome to attend.

Tasha Kheiriddin from SOS TDSB will be emcee and attendees will hear speeches from columnist Anthony Furey, Trustees Dr. Weidong Pei, Dennis Hastings and Mike Ramsay, as well as Dr. Ragini Sharma from the C and educators Natasha Mansouri and Jon Roberts.

Please join us in-person if you can, however, a video recording of speeches will be uploaded to our website following the memorial.

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, October 14 -21 — Donald Lee; 1 Million March for Children

This issue of the Penticton4Freedom Newsletter will be short, with just 3 events on the horizon for the next week or so. Come out and join us. We’d love to see you.

Please bear with us while we re-evaluate our newsletter and website processes.

Meanwhile, please email us your feedback on what you like, don’t like, would recommend we change about both our weekly newsletters and our website at

Your ideas matter.

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Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Events


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FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.  at Main and Warren, Penticton

============================================= This Week THIS SUNDAY IN PENTICTON OCTOBER 15: Donald Lee will be arriving EARLY so let’s be there to greet him! PLEASE SHOW UP no later than 12:45 to welcome him. Lots of time for Q&A, and book signings.image.png

Miss a week and you miss a lot!

Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————- EVENTS    image.png

Join us at Dakoda’s Sports Bar for a distinctive Town Hall experience.

Two independent candidates are running as Members of the Legislative Assembly

(MLA) in two Kelowna ridings. It’s a unique opportunity to ensure your voice is heard,

ask questions and engage in conversations that will shape Kelowna’s future.

This inclusive, non-partisan gathering welcomes all residents, whether you’re a

seasoned political enthusiast or a first-time voter.

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1 Million March 4 Children Events October 21, 2023



Murielle and James are organizing the event in Summerland, and can use some help both before and during the event at Memorial Park, Summerland at 1.

For more details of the Canada wide event:

 And for local details, please contact Murielle at 250-388-0820.



——————————- o0o————————————- Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!   Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!  

Mary Lou Gutscher


To all sovereign indigenous Britons —Stop the Online Safety Bill

To all sovereign indigenous Britons

Please, everyone, sign this petition to Stop the Online Safety Bill, keep free speech free.

The UK Government MUST kill the Online Safety Bill Immediately. Free speech MUST remain free!

Free speech is vital for democracy, individual rights, accountability, cultural growth, conflict resolution, personal development, and preventing minority oppression. It empowers expression, fosters an open society, and holds authorities accountable.

It safeguards rights, enabling people to express themselves authentically. It also ensures accountability by allowing citizens, journalists, and activists to expose corruption and wrongdoing, holding authorities and corporations accountable.

Click this link to see the petition and start sharing it:

Thanks very much,


mobile:07467 948294 email:

Merrick Garland Seeks to Criminalize Trump Supporters & Populist Dissent


Merrick Garland has one bone-chilling plan to target Trump supporters in 2024

Oct 6, 2023

Chuck Kennedy for The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Attorney General Merrick Garland weaponized the Justice Department against conservatives.

He’s now ramping up his efforts for the next election

And Merrick Garland has one bone-chilling plan to target Trump supporters in 202

Former President Donald Trump exposed the rot in the FBI, beginning with the agency’s attempt to target him in the Russian-collusion hoax.

Attorney General Merrick Garland unleashed the FBI against the political opponents of President Joe Biden, including pro-lifers, traditional Catholics, and parents who protested Marxist indoctrination at school board meetings.

The FBI has made persecuting Trump supporters a top priority for the agency, with child trafficking cases taking a backseat to investigating non-violent attendees on January 6.

The Biden regime is using the bogus claim that Trump supporters are potentially “violent” as an excuse to weaponize the federal government against them.

With the possibility growing that the former President could beat Biden in the 2024 election, the FBI is once again gearing up to target Trump supporters.

FBI has its sights set on Trump supporters for the 2024 election

The FBI is running a secret operation to target supporters of Donald Trump to prevent alleged violence and civil disturbances during the 2024 election, according to a report from Newsweek.

Over the course of three months, Newsweek spoke to more than a dozen current or former federal government officials who specialize in terrorism.

The Biden regime falsely claims that domestic terrorism from “right-wing extremism” is the top threat facing the country, and the FBI is using it as a flimsy pretext to target Trump supporters.

The FBI is secretly tracking Trump supporters because the agency believes that they pose the greatest risk of violence in the country and could potentially start another civil war.

Supporters of Trump’s Make America Great Again movement are being labeled as “violent domestic extremists” by the agency.

The FBI created a new category of domestic terrorists called AGAAVE-Other (anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism).

This new category is defined by the agency as “domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party.”

The move is an attempt to give Trump supporters an official government label as violent extremists.

“Government insiders acknowledged to Newsweek that although they are not named specifically, the AGAAVE-Other title applies to political violence associated with Trump supporters,” Newsweek reported.

This is a massive change from the FBI after publicly claiming that political viewpoints were not a consideration for domestic terrorism investigations.

“It was a subtle change, little noticed, but a gigantic departure for the Bureau,” Newsweek wrote. “Trump and his army of supporters were acknowledged as a distinct category of domestic violent extremists, even as the FBI was saying publicly that political views were never part of its criteria to investigate or prevent domestic terrorism. Where the FBI sees threats is also plain from the way it categorizes them — a system which on the surface is designed to appear nonpartisan. This shifted subtly days after the events of January 6 when it comes to what the Bureau calls AGAAVE.”

The current momentum in the 2024 election is with Trump after a slew of polls showed that he opened a small lead against Biden.

The FBI is going into overdrive to ensure that Donald Trump does not take back the White House in 2024

Professional Organizations in Canada Silence Dissent by Disciplinary Measures

Dear friend of the free society,
It seems obvious that freedom of expression is fundamental to a well-functioning free society.
But does this also include freedom of expression for nurses, accountants, teachers, engineers and other professionals?
While some establishment voices in Canada will try to tell you and I that there is a distinction between professionals and the general public, the Justice Centre is here to remind these powers that, in no uncertain terms, there is no difference.
Professionals in all fields deserve to be able to express their opinions, whether it’s convenient for industry gatekeepers or not.

Silencing and punishing Canada’s doctors, lawyers and psychologists for expressing unpopular opinions is unconstitutional.
How Dr. Jordan Peterson is being censored by the College of Psychologists of Ontario may well be the most prominent example. And let’s not forget British Columbia nurse Amy Hamm, whom the Justice Centre is defending against the BC College of Nurses and Midwives, which is conducting disciplinary proceedings against Amy Hamm because she stated publicly that there are only two genders.
Saskatchewan nurse Leah McInnes is now facing the same intimidation and censorship after daring to criticize the government’s vaccine mandates and attending a peaceful protest in September 2021.
Support us today!
As Leah McInnes would soon find out, merely by stating her opinions about government policies, she slighted a healthcare establishment that prioritized conformity, uniformity and blind obedience. 
The College claims that no “mandates” were ever brought into force in Saskatchewan, and on that basis claims that Leah’s public statements about “mandates” amounted to “misinformation”, “disinformation” or “misleading” information. Of note, virtually the entire media apparatus, government officials and medical authorities have frequently referred to the government’s vaccine policies as “mandates” in Saskatchewan and across the country.
When taking on this case, our lawyers had a sobering reflection…
What happens when professionals tasked with the responsibility of looking after our health can be silenced for doing so openly? For exercising their independent professional judgment about medicine and science?
Or, perhaps more pertinently, what happens when well meaning, truth-seeking professionals speak out against the professional establishments that employ them?
Today in Canada, government-sponsored professional regulators–most notably in the medical space, such as the College of Registered Nurse’s of Saskatchewan (CRNS)–are increasingly taking on a brand new role by insisting that they are the final arbiters of what is true and what is not.
Freedom of expression in Canada is taking a back seat to power, control and obedience–even amongst our most educated and acclaimed sectors like medicine and law.
It’s becoming blatantly clear to our legal team, as well as to so many hard-working professionals who toil in silence every single day, that vexatious allegations of misconduct made by professional regulators, thrown at individuals merely for expressing an opinion that may undermine the regulators’ influence, has nothing to do with misconduct at all…
… it has everything to do with power and control
The culture of control in Canada’s most coveted professions must be reined in.
If you want to live in a country that respects freedom of expression, and allows Canadians serving in their professions to think critically, speak honestly, and exercise their professional judgment without fear, then please help the Justice Centre defend rights and freedoms with a $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,500 contribution today, so that our litigation team can take on as many of these professional censorship cases as possible.
As in the case of Leah McInnes, non-descript allegations of ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ are used as a cudgel in disciplinary hearings by self-interested industry hall monitors to silence voices and opinions that differ from their own.
By defending brave, critical thinking, and selfless healthcare professionals like Leah McInnes, the Justice Centre is sending a clear message directly to occupational regulators everywhere:
Their political interests and their obsession for complete conformity does not and will not ever supersede the fundamental Charter rights of Canadians. Period. 
Our legal team knows that Leah McInnes is on the right side of the law in this case because we’ve won on this issue before!And we know we can WIN MORE CASES just like this one if we could only stretch our litigation budget a bit further…
Support us today
That’s right. In November 2020, the Justice Centre successfully defended Dr. Chris Milburn from disciplinary action being considered against him by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia.
A group of 14 activists filed a complaint against Dr. Milburn for writing an op-ed in which he opined that, while police and jail guards should be held to a high standard, they cannot reasonably be held responsible for inmate deaths arising from drugs, alcohol, and the often-violent consequences arising from their use.
The Justice Centre noted that attempting to have a doctor professionally disciplined for his opinions and commentary on matters of public interest amounts to bullying and should not be encouraged by the College.
As proponents of a truly free society, Canadians like you and I know that our society only improves when there is free debate, and when no power is beyond scrutiny.
Regulatory agencies must be held to the same standard as the rest of society when it comes to upholding these principles: the spirit of free and open dialogue and the right to free expression.
The Justice Centre is eager to take on more of these cases. 
The more freedom of expression cases the Justice Centre can take on today, the less likely it will be that regulatory bodies will consider silencing dissent within their industries tomorrow.

Please help us defend even more independent-minded professionals who have the courage to take a stand for what they know in their hearts is right. Please consider donating $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or even $1000 today. Your generous contribution will go toward establishing the protection of basic expression–not to mention professional opinion–in critical sectors across Canada.
Donate today
Unfortunately, right now the Justice Centre can take on only a small fraction of the many very legitimate requests for legal help that come to us from across the country. 
Every single one of these cases is another Canadian who needs help…
Our nation depends on free and open debate.
Such is the messy nature of democracy, a democracy worth preserving.

John Carpay
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
P.S. Since its founding in 2010, the Justice Centre has been the tip of the spear for defending Charter rights and freedoms in Canada. Freedom of expression is a foundational liberty, without which we could not defend the rest. As healthcare and other functions like the justice system in our country encounter unprecedented dangers, the time is now to stand for free speech–the medicine that cures the disease. Only through free and open discussion–something we are very close to losing entirely in this country–will Canadians take back their lives and their safety. That discussion starts with principled citizens like you.

Ireland Fierce Anti-Free Speech Bill: Mere Possession of Offensive Material on Your Computer Could Be A Crime

Free speech fears and far-right conspiracies: the culture war over Ireland’s hate speech bill A chorus of negative reactions to the bill has grown louder in recent weeks. 25.7k 92 May 29th 2023, 12:05 AM


When Ireland’s proposed hate speech laws, The Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, passed final stage in the Dáil last month, the most high-profile criticism came from international right-wing figures online. 

“This is a massive attack against freedom of speech,” Elon Musk wrote on Twitter.

“It’s insane what’s happening in the “free world”,” Donald Trump Jr, the former US president’s son, decried while quoting a tweet which warned what the law could mean for those in possession of “hateful” material on their device.

Unbeknownst to them, the pair echoed arguments made during the final Dáil debate on the bill by a self-styled socialist. 

People Before Profit’s Paul Murphy, a TD who would definitely see himself on the opposite end of the political spectrum to the Trumps, made a series of failed last-ditch attempts to amend the legislation. 

He repeatedly warned about the bill’s creation of “thought crime” and complained about its lack of an explicit reference to the right to freedom of expression.

“Persons can be criminalised for having hateful material on their computer but without having published it or caused incitement to hatred or a consequence for anybody else,” he said during the bill’s final debate in the Dáil.

It’s difficult to imagine many other situations in which Murphy, Musk and Trump would appear on the same side of a contentious political debate, but controversy over the proposed hate speech laws has created an unusual space in which exponents of opposing political outlooks have united.

The ranks of those against the bill have swelled in recent weeks, with NGOs and free speech groups joining the chorus of Irish and international detractors.

The Government continues to defend the bill – which only has to pass through the Seanad before going to the President to be signed into law – amid a strange battle in a wider culture war where most people are actually on the same side. 

But it does beg the question, why has the chorus of negative reactions grown so much louder in recent weeks? 

The bill, itself, was first approved by the Government in 2021.

A ‘form of deterrence’

At the time, then-Justice Minister Helen McEntee explained that the Government wanted to “stamp out prejudice and hate” and to show solidarity with minority groups. 

“Offenders will also be managed appropriately, and perpetrators will know that their crimes will be reported, investigated and prosecuted, which is the most effective form of deterrence,” she said.

Although legislation on hatred already exists in Ireland in the form of the Prohibition of Incitement To Hatred Act 1989, critics have argued that this is ineffective and point to the fact that it has only led to around 50 prosecutions in almost a quarter of a century.

The new bill will, if it passes into law, introduce more up-to-date protections than those contained in that legislation, such as gender identity and disability.

In a nutshell, it seeks to buttress the laws on hate speech in Ireland by strengthening the legal recognition of hatred in the criminal justice system.

It would create new aggravated forms of a number of existing crimes, where those crimes are proven to be motivated by prejudice against ten “protected characteristics”.

These characteristics are: race; colour; nationality; religion (including the absence of religion); national or ethnic origin; descent; gender; sex characteristics; sexual orientation; and disability.

If the new bill becomes law, prosecutors will be allowed to consider that crimes against vulnerable individuals or communities could be motivated by hatred against them, based on those characteristics.

By recognising hatred as a motivation in law, Irish courts could potentially consider certain crimes to be aggravated by these protected characteristics, which in turn could lead to longer sentences.

Walter Scott House 015 Sasko Lazarov / Justice Minister Helen McEntee introduced the bill two years ago

Those who would be protected by the legislation have welcomed the bill, particularly groups within the Coalition against Hate Crime, an umbrella grouping made up of 22 representative organisations for those who are commonly targeted by hate crimes.

The coalition has long campaigned for a review of the Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act and the introduction of hate crime laws.

In a submission to the Oireachtas in 2021, the coalition pointed to research showing how the impact of hate crime could be greater than the comparative impact of crimes committed where no such bias existed.

“Part of the importance of hate crime legislation is the symbolic value – for victims and society at large – of labeling the offence and explicitly condemning the bias motive,” the group said.

The submission also pointed to the potential use of data arising from criminal convictions, which it suggested could ultimately prevent similar crimes occurring in future. 

“In addition, with aggravated offences patterns relating to the commission of such crimes have greater visibility and data on hate crime is easier to collect, which can then better inform the legal and policy responses required to combat such crimes,” it added.

Culture war issue

But the potential criminalisation of forms of speech has been seized upon to make the passage of the bill a culture war issue.

Anticipating this as far back as 2021, McEntee said that the proposals are not about criminalising instances where someone is merely offended by something another has said, but rather about preventing forms of speech that could lead to harm and illegal discrimination.

“The legislation we are working on will be evidence-based, while respecting the vital constitutional right to freedom of expression and association,” she said.

The passage of the bill through the Dáil has simply ignited concerns, however, with perceived issues about the impact the bill could have on the right to free speech catalysing opposition towards it in recent weeks.

On top of international criticism from the likes of Trump and Musk, an array of Irish-based groups and individuals have latched on to the bill, with some conflating it with other culture war issues.

Occasionally, such critics have used the bill as an excuse to attack some of the minorities the proposed legislation would protect.

During a rally organised by the far-right Irish Freedom Party to “protect free speech” outside Dublin’s Customs House earlier this month, multiple speakers launched verbal attacks on transgender people in speeches criticising the bill.

“I want to protect my kids from dangerous trans ideology,” one woman told the assembled audience, claiming she needed to be able to speak ‘freely’ in order to do so.

The party’s president and founder Hermann Kelly, who has previously claimed that “anybody who puts sugar on their porridge will be dishonestly smeared as far-right”, also appeared to address immigration issues during his speech at the rally.

“What’s clear over the last number of years, with the legislation that’s been brought in – and you can see even about the priority of people on the housing list – that the people who the Irish Government hate is the Irish people,” he told the rally.

DAIL PROTEST AM4Z8094 Sasko Lazarov / Irish Freedom Party leader Hermann Kelly

The bill is also discussed regularly in conspiracy groups and the channels of Irish misinformation spreaders on the messaging app Telegram, though it received limited attention until after it passed through the Dáil at the end of last month.

Those channels contain outlandish claims that the proposed law is designed to defend “globalists” and that it another step in the ongoing “plantation” of Ireland (a local version of the Great Replacement conspiracy).

Prominent figures have shared lists of all senators’ email addresses, urging people to ask for the bill to be amended in the Seanad, while others have called for an email campaign to President Michael D Higgins to demand that he refuses to sign the bill into law.  

‘Uncensored debate’

Grassroots groups are also campaigning on the issue, notably Free Speech Ireland, whose tweets were quoted by Musk and Trump in their critiques of the bill.

The extent of the group’s membership and the identity of its leaders are unknown, though it claims on its website to have “members, students and college alumni from all across Ireland” after starting out in University College Cork in 2018.

It says its aim is to preserve the right to freedom of speech and expression, and it has opposed the bill since at least last year.

“If it’s not nothing to do with the incitement of violence or any incitement to commit a crime, [we think] that’s acceptable speech,” Free Speech Ireland’s Alex Sheridan told attendees at a press conference in Dublin a few weeks ago. I think developed nations [should] have no issue with uncensored debate.”

During a presentation outlining why the group was opposed to the bill, Sheridan highlighted examples of things that were prosecuted in other jurisdictions under laws on hatred – suggesting similar may happen here if the legislation as it stands becomes law.

Those examples included the animated sitcom South Park, though the bill does contain exceptions for material that consists solely of “a reasonable and genuine contribution” to several fields, including artistic discourse (which may except comedy shows).

The group also expressed concerns about the use of the image of Pepe the Frog, an internet a meme often – though not exclusively – used by the far-right.

Sheridan questioned whether Ireland’s hate speech laws could lead to commercial pressures similar to those faced by a pub in the UK, where golliwog dolls were seized in April after being prominently displayed in the pub.

The pub’s landlady, Benice Ryley, had put the dolls on show near a sign which read “If you feel offended please do not enter”, before police seized the dolls as evidence and began investigating their display as a hate crime.

The pub has since closed down after Heineken and Carlsberg said they would no longer sell lager to its owners, while a maintenance company also refused to work on the site.

In another example, Sheridan asked whether hate speech laws in the UK were justified in the prosecution of former UKIP candidate Mark Meechan for filming a dog responding to Nazi slogans.

Meechan had recorded and uploaded to YouTube a clip of his girlfriend’s dog responding to statements such as “gas the Jews” and “Sieg Heil” by raising its paw.

A court found that the video was “anti-Semitic and racist in nature”, aggravated by religious prejudice; it rejected a claim made by Meechan that he had made the video simply to annoy his girlfriend.

Claiming that Ireland did not need to see hate speech laws because they already exist here, Free Speech Ireland suggested the bill was being pushed by “NGO groups funded by foreign billionaires, sometimes by bodies like the EU”.

Sheridan claimed that such groups have lobbied governments to introduce hate speech laws around the world.

When asked by The Journal to name such billionaires, Sheridan refused to answer but referenced the Open Society Foundations, founded and chaired by George Soros, a frequent target of anti-Semitic conspiracies.

The claim of foreign influence was echoed at the meeting by Independent Senator Ronan Mullen, who also expressed opposition to the bill and suggested vaguely that there was an “international element” to the proposed legislation.

“[There have been] very few prosecutions under current legislation and it’s assumed that this is a problem. Why is that a problem?” Independent Senator Ronan Mullen also said last week.

“It’s not like people can just say anything in our society [and don’t] need to worry about the law. There are already protections in place.”


In recent weeks, however, the Government itself has fed the sense of polarisation around the bill, with certain figures dismissing opposition towards the proposed legislation as a unified pushback against plans to protect minorities. 

The week that Musk and Trump attacked the bill on Twitter, Justice Minister Simon Harris dismissed their criticism by taking aim at the pair instead.

“Whenever you see Donald Trump Jr, the Trump family and Elon Musk oppose your legislation and then you see Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, the Greens, Sinn Féin, Labour coming together to vote in favour of something? You know, there’s no conspiracy here,” he told reporters.

This narrative has played out in another form, allowing those against the bill, particularly on the far-right, to criticise opposition parties for not doing enough to prevent the bill from progressing.

They suggest that the opposition simply sided with the Government all through the process (a similar trend to anti-immigrant groups who are targeting opposition parties at protests in an effort to hoover up some of their vote).

526New DMR Offices Leah Farrell / Simon Harris recently dismissed criticism of the bill

Yet both perspectives – the Government and the far-right’s – present a binary choice of being for or against the bill and obscure more nuanced forms of opposition.

NGOs and some opposition parties expressed concerns with certain sections of the bill, despite welcoming it overall.

Although far-right groups are correct to say that most opposition parties – such as Sinn Féin and Labour – voted to send the bill through the Dáil in a final vote, TDs from both parties voted against the Government to alter or remove controversial sections of the legislation in the debate that preceded that final vote.

That included a proposal to remove the bill’s most controversial section, Section 10, in an amendment put forward by Paul Murphy. 

The section outlines a proposed offence of creating or being in possession of material that is deemed likely to incite violence or hatred.

This will make it an offence to possesses inciteful material that could be communicated to members of the public, whether by the person who possesses it or someone else.

There are further worries about a subsection of the bill, which some say could upend the traditional legal presumption of innocence if it becomes law.

It says that a person in possession of hateful material will “be presumed, until the contrary is proved” to be in breach of an offence.

In a speech during the final debate that was widely shared online, Murphy captured the nuance of this other, non-binary form of opposition, which welcomes how the bill would protect minorities while also being concerned at what could mean if it is enacted.

“Section 10 creates the possibility of someone being criminalised purely for having material which is hateful, without that material being communicated to the public,” he said.

“That’s a problem, in my opinion. That gets to the fundamental problem of this bill; that is the creation of a thought crime.

“Someone has hateful material on their computer; they don’t publish it; no incitement to hatred is caused; there’s no consequences to anyone else […] and they can be criminalised as a consequence of that.

“Again, to be clear, I’m completely against this hypothetical hateful material that this person has on their computer. But I think this is extremely problematic.”     

It was also this specific section that prompted criticism from Musk and Trump, and among others who raised concerns about it were the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), a leading member of the Coalition against Hate Crime.

The group particularly raised fears about the idea that a person suspected to be in possession of hateful material could have to prove that it is solely for personal use.

“Normally in the criminal case, the burden is on the prosecutor to prove the offence. That’s at the heart of what it is to be presumed innocent,” Doireann Ansbro, ICCL’s Head of Legal and Policy told The Journal.

“What we’re seeing here, we would agree, is that there is a reversal of the burden of proof. We would totally disagree with that. We think it should be on the prosecutor to prove any every element of a crime. We don’t agree with any kind of reversing of the burden of proof.”

A vote to remove this section of the bill, proposed by Murphy and supported by People Before Profit, Sinn Féin, Labour, Aontú and other Independent TDs, was defeated before the legislation passed final stage.

“Within Section 10, we have the creation of thought crime and then a dangerous reversal of the burden of proof, where the burden is now placed on the accused to overturn the presumption that the material was not intended for personal use,” Murphy said during the final debate.

“This is extremely problematic. There is a real problem in terms of civil liberties with this section.”

People Before Profit 003 Leah Farrell / People Before Profit’s Paul Murphy, who has described the bill as ‘problematic’

‘People trying to overstate things’

The Department of Justice has disputed these claims, saying in a statement to The Journal that claims the bill equated to “thought crime” were “erroneous”.

“The provisions being referenced here apply to where an individual has a clear intention to disseminate harmful material which would incite violence or hatred – for example pamphlets, websites, public displays of hateful material etc. against members of vulnerable and minority groups,” a spokesperson said.

“Furthermore, preparing and possessing material that is likely to incite hatred is already an offence under the 1989 Act and it is fundamentally important that we retain the latitude to hold these people to account, even if An Garda Síochána manages to intervene before the material becomes public.”

Simon Harris likewise suggested that such criticisms of the bill were unfounded, once again dismissing all opposition towards it as a single entity and conflating concerns about Section 10 with those who believe the entire bill impinges on free speech.

“The reality here is just people trying to overstate things for whatever reason, that’s fine. We live in a democracy that people have their debate,” he said.

“This legislation went to Dáil Éireann, there is not much that the opposition and the government agree on. Overwhelmingly, the Dáil passed this legislation, because it’s not about policing thought. It’s not about stopping freedom of expression.”

In the coming months, the bill will be debated in the Seanad before it is signed into law by President Michael D Higgins.

The nature of the debate in the upper house of the Oireachtas will depend on how effectively the various campaigns against the bill mobilise – and how well those who are normally political opposites attract each other – between now and then.

Insane Police Closure of Downtown Toronto Streets: The System Fears the People

Downtown Toronto roads reopen after expected protest didn’t materialize

Roads around Queen’s Park, hospital row were closed for several hours

CBC News · Posted: Sep 26, 2023 5:07 AM PDT | Last Updated: September 26

Toronto police cruisers and City of Toronto garbage trucks block access to a downtown road.
Toronto police used cruisers, SUVs and city garbage trucks to temporarily block road access to the provincial legislature on Tuesday. (Clara Pasieka/CBC)

Toronto police reopened roads around Queen’s Park and hospital row in the downtown core Tuesday after an anticipated convoy-style protest didn’t materialize.

Police had closed stretches of Queen’s Park Crescent, University Avenue and Wellesley Street for several hours in advance of what they said was a possible “demonstration involving a large number of vehicles.”

The closures were intended to keep emergency routes to downtown hospitals open and limit other disruptions in the area, police said.

In a tweet announcing the road reopenings, police said they would “continue to monitor, assess, and act upon the latest, credible information.

“We thank the public for their patience.”

Earlier Tuesday, Insp. Suzanne Redman said a protest was planned by an informal group calling itself “Save the Children,” unrelated to the international non-profit organization of the same name.

There was a heavy police presence throughout the morning on the grounds of the provincial legislature, which included officers from the Toronto Police Service and the Ontario Provincial Police.

Last week, protests and counter-protests framed around gender and sexual education in schools took place across the GTA and Canada. 

FREEDOM EVENTS IN THE OKANAGAN, October 7-14: Maria Ho, C.L.E.A.R Rally Kelowna, Druthers, Maria Ho


Penticton 4 Freedom Weekly Newsletter

Index of Important Updates In this issue:

–      Rallies and local events

–      Penticton4Freedom Sunday, 1 to 3 – Main Street & Warren Avenue, Penticton

o   Request for Feedback – please respond

–      C.L.E.A.R Rally, Kelowna – Oct 7th – Noon to 2 at Stuart Park by the Bear – David Lindsay’s court case and other updates

–      An evening with Maria Ho – Cannery Brewery – October 8

–      GEO Engineering October 12

–      1 Million March for Kids October 21

–      NCI Call for Volunteers – Largest body of evidence regarding COVID mandate harms and media lies anywhere in the world


–      Shop Local ~ Support Farmers – Bargains at the Farmers’ Produce Stands

–      Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 58 – Free Speech in Medicine

–      Druthers call to help! The October edition is online. Donations are always needed.

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FREEDOM RALLIES – Penticton4Freedom – every Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.  at Main and Warren, Penticton

In case you missed last week- We started with a small group of on-timers, so we gathered our chairs in a circle and had a great conversation, with others joining in as they arrived. We took our signs out to the sidewalks, and someone handed out Druthers to vehicle drivers stopped at the lights.

A transsexual woman joined us for a chat. She insisted that there was no harm to children from the SOGI123 recommended materials and had obviously been trained on what to say to get a rise out of people. One of our newer attendees simply countered by saying, “I love you, and Jesus loves you.” There is no hate here.

Another said, “If you have read the materials and teacher instructions that are part of SOGI123, and still insist there is no harm to children with that program, then we have nothing more to discuss”, then walked away.

THE MILLION MARCH PLANNING GROUP met on Zoom to report back our findings and decide about whether to organize another event in support of parental rights, protecting children, and opposing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity programs in the schools. Emily Duggan was a surprise guest. She has led the only successful initiative anywhere in Canada, to disallow Drag Queen Story Hour in libraries and other public venues in her area. She left us with some great tips on how to approach school boards and municipal councils on the subject of sex education and specifically SOGI 123 in our schools. Here is a 12 minute video of her address at the September 30 Million March 4 Children in Surrey.

This is a call-out to all who want to team up to attend school board and/or council meetings on this SOGI 123 or other subjects such as 15- minute cities, or any other of the attacks on our freedoms and natural law. Please reply by return email to show your interest and we will get back to you ASAP. Training and Action Buddies can be provided.

============================================= This week October 8th – Donald Lee has had to re-book to the following Sunday, so We Are Open to Suggestions – With an Open Mic, surprise guest speakers frequently show up, and it’s a great time to catch up with what’s going on in your neck of the woods.   IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR OCTOBER 15: Donald Lee will be arriving EARLY and will be first on the agenda because he has a later engagement in Vancouver. PLEASE SHOW UP AT 12:30 SO YOU DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Donald Lee, author of “What The Hell is Going On? (the Web of Fraud that is Enslaving Everyone and How We Can Escape to Freedom)” will be our special guest speaker on Sunday, October 15. He will be focusing on solutions to that web of fraud he exposed in his book and will have copies of his book available for signing. Donald is an engaging speaker, with inspiring stories, insights, and action plans. Plan to be there! And then follow your plan and show up. 😉 I’ll see you there!   Miss a week and you miss a lot!  image.png
Fighting for freedom is more fun with friends. Bring a few. Suggest a topic or a speaker, and we’ll be happy to find someone to share their knowledge with us.   ——————————- o0o————————————- OTHERS’ EVENTS  ·      Kelowna CLEAR Rallies – 1st Saturday of each month at noon – Stuart Park, Kelowna ·       Oliver Rally – in front of city hall – Saturdays at 12:30 p.m.  · Check online for school board meetings and city council meetings in your area. They’ve been changing dates lately. ——————————————- o0o————————————————- EVENTS October 8th 5-7 pm  image.png

Maria HO and her band entertained us at the July 17 event at Skaha Lake Park, hosted by members of the Penticton Freedom Frequency. It’s great to have the opportunity to welcome her back in town. Bar food available. No cover charge. First Come, First Served. No reservations required or taken.

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More Info coming…. If you are interested in helping to organize this event, please reply by email with your name and phone number, or call or text 780-908-0309 with your name and email address and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Thank you.


  ——————————- o0o————————————- ACTIONS OF THE WEEK Go to for a list of action committees including Bill 36, FOI (Freedom of Information Registry and Support), SOGI, and Community Food/Self-Reliance.  Email to receive weekly update emails and links to their activities.   Also Email Ted Kuntz at to be invited to join the Canada-wide Friday morning zooms with freedom advocates and initiatives from across Canada. ———————————— o0o————————————-  
Worth A Look   National Citizen s Inquiry Is Calling for Your Help to Take the Commissioners Report World- Wide The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) has amassed the largest body of evidence in the world exposing the methods used and the harms caused by the reckless, immoral and illegal use of compulsory injections and other mandates surrounding the “COVID pandemic”, which it turns out was never a pandemic at all. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP GET THE WORD OUT NOW, AND WHEN THE COMMISSIONERS’ FINAL REPORT IS RELEASED IN NOVEMBER. Volunteer here! Volunteer Now! The Commissioners recommend that: ·  A full judicial investigation of the process under which the Covid-19 vaccinations were authorized in Canada must be carried out. Criminal liability, if discovered, may be dealt with under existing Canadian law. ·  The current use of Covid-19 vaccines in Canada that were authorized under the revised provisions of the Interim Order and the newly revised Food and Drug Regulations, should be stopped immediately. The Commissioners’ recommendations are based on testimony provided to the Inquiry indicating that the conventional evaluation and endorsement process for vaccines was not adhered to by the Canadian Government in their evaluation of the COVID-19 vaccines. Access The Commissioners Interim Report on the NCI website Included is a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Send a copy to your MP and MLA to help open their eyes. Video of Commissioner’s Press Conference – Sept 14 Citizen-Led Inquiry Asks Ottawa to Cancel COVID-19 Vaccine Approval – Epoch Times NCI Website   ———————————— o0o————————————-
Shop Local ~ Support Farmers Do you know what happens when the Keremeos and Cawston Fruit stands close?   S&S closes after Remembrance Day, Sanderson’s stays open year-round, other fruit stands vary between the end of October to either the first or middle of November.   Each one strives for that ultimate last dollar that they can collect before boarding up their stands. October and November are when the fields are turned for the winter. The remaining fruit, squashes and vegetables are then sold at discount prices where you drop your money in a provided cash box. This discount continues through to spring providing large 10 and 20-lb bags of apples until the fruit stands open again.   Thank you to Sue for the above update. XO   And a note from a produce stand shopper…   BARGAINS ABOUND I visited some shops, looking primarily for organics this past week and I highly recommend heading out to Keremeos and Cawston for fresh fruits and vegetables and already incredibly low prices. When the farmers sell to the chain stores, or even local retailers, we, as consumers pay multiples of what we pay if we buy direct from the farmer. For example, bell peppers – locally grown, beautiful, big, colourful top-grade peppers can be purchased for $1.50 a pound at a farm stand, where the regular prices, even now, in season, can range from $3.99 to $4.99 at many retail stores.   Most stores also favour buying US produce over local produce and we don’t know what sprays and fertilizers have been used to maximize production, nor what measures have had to be taken to keep it looking fresh and crisp during transportation. When they do buy from local farmers, the prices they pay are hardly sufficient to keep farmers in business, so mega-farms that use more chemicals to create bigger yields, can benefit while smaller farmers suffer. Farm costs have risen dramatically along with fuel costs, minimum wage costs and other government regulations and fees, which add no value to the farmers’ bottom lines or to the pocketbooks of the consumers who pay for them.   Whether those are concerns of yours or not, the farm stand lower prices and variety alone will amaze you and leave you with money to buy ice cream on the way home, and put some healthy change back into your piggy bank.   MAKE A LIST AND SCOPE OUT THE DEALS As a bargain shopper, I recommend that you go with a list of what you want, then take a quick tour of all the shops along Highways 3 and 3A through Keremeos, and highway 3 through Cawston, before choosing where to purchase your items. On my way home from buying tomatoes for canning, I discovered that buying a 20 lb box from the first vendor I found, cost me double what it would have cost down the road, if only I had gone there to check the prices beforehand.   Happy produce hunting. And Happy Thanksgiving!    

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Freedom Rising Newsletter – Issue 57 – Free Speech in Medicine HERE

Well friends, it happened…

As of September 23rd, we lost connection with 187,000 of you on Facebook and 27,000 more of you on Instagram. This is where the majority of our online reach came from, so this is a pretty big deal to Druthers. This is also a really big deal for all Canadians, yet many don’t seem to see or care that this is a very serious issue.

But they cannot censor print!

This goes to show the importance of Druthers as a print media option here in Canada. With online censorship seeping in thicker and thicker, now is the time to really double down and boost Druthers to get important news & information into the hands of more people.

It’s an information war… and we need more help from more people.

Please donate today:

Help us print more papers!!

Etransfer is easiest and carries no fees:

Credit cards & paypal can be used at our official fundraising page:

Or send cash, gift cards or checks made out to:

Shawn Jason Laplante

P.O. Box 40531

Six Points Plaza

Toronto, Ontario

M9B 6K8

Please know, every dollar of your donation goes entirely to printing papers and shipping skids to our hubs each month (less credit card or paypal fees if applicable). Your money goes only to the printers and the shippers. We cover other expenses through subscriptions, merchandise & neighbourhood mail.

Thank you. Stay strong. Stay free.

Much love & strength to you all <3

Shawn Jason

P.S. Don’t ever miss as issue. Get Druthers delivered right to your mailbox every month with a postal subscription:

Read October Issue Online. Government Aims to Obliterate Natural Health Care


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Want to join the fun in one of these initiatives or suggest another more important to you?

Just reply to this email or call 780-908-0309 to offer your help and suggestions.

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Remember that Freedom Hugs are available at ALL our Penticton4Freedom events!

Let’s make this weekend AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher


Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Citizens’ inquiry on Canada’s COVID-19 response releases interim report – September 14, 2023