German Political Prisoner Ursula Haverbeck faces the Inquisition… again!

German Political Prisoners Ursula Haverbeck faces the Inquisition… again!

03 Thursday Dec 2020

Posted by Monika in Free Speech, Germany, Truth and Justice for Germans, Uncategorized, Ursula Haverbeck, WW II Revisionism

Ursula Haverbeck

What does the state have to hide when they relentlessly persecute a 92-year-old peaceful woman who has never done anything that we normally associate with “criminal”, never did anything violent, never stolen, never vandalized, never defrauded anyone, BUT has asked an inconvenient question over and over again. This woman has just been released from jail, having spent 2&1/2 years behind bars, and less than 2 weeks later was in court in Berlin for more charges. Her name is Ursula Haverbeck. The Law is the infamous Par. 130.


This 16-minute video (in German) by the Volkslehrer (Folk Teacher) was sent my way recently by an English-only speaker, who wondered what was said. What follows is by no means a word-for-word translation, but a description giving the gist of it. I highly recommend viewing at least the first 8 minutes of the video even if you do not speak German, because it is beautifully put together especially the music and scenes at the beginning, followed by the interesting scene of reporters chumming outside the courtroom… excluding the independent journalist-reporter Nikolai Nerling the Volkslehrer – producer of this video.


The Volkslehrer asked Ursula Haverbeck for an interview before court began, but she explained that she was not allowed to speak to anyone at this time.

Then you see the throng of reporters outside the courtroom awaiting entry, all friendly with each other, laughing and joking, until one masked woman asks “who are you?!” to Nikolai. He introduces himself, shows his press pass, explains that he has been a journalist for the last 3&1/2 years. Condescendingly, she scoffs at him, accuses him of having made up his press pass himself (effectively calling him a liar), says this is nothing, it is not from uh.. uh.. a proper organ of the press, and then natters about putting the mask on properly. He answered that it had just slipped down.

After she disappears with his press pass, she returns, again delegitimizing him by saying his press pass has not been issued by a recognized institution. She cackles about not coming too near and that his mask is slipping yet again.

He read her the Grundgesetz – the foundational law which stipulates freedom of the press, to no avail. Nikolai Nerling was NOT allowed in, and was forcibly taken out of the building.

Next, Ursula Haverbeck was in fine spirits when she came out of the building. The remainder of the video is the interview with Haverbeck’s Attorney, Wolfram Nahrath.

Nahrath tells how Ursula spoke so clearly, so honestly, with dignity, with grace, brilliantly really, and made her case in court that day. She spoke about how she came to her present understanding of what really happened in WW2. It began in the 1960’s, as she was investigating the nuclear industry on account of her concern for the environment. She read much, researched much, which led her to question the official narrative of WW2.

She emphasized that she never denies anything, but that she has repeatedly asked the question over the years, to which nobody could ever give her an answer. Nahrath referred to that famous question which she still asks, but did not describe it in this interview. [The question is “where did the crime (the 6 million…) take place?”]

Ursula went on to say that actually there is nobody in the courtroom who would be capable of denying anything, because nobody was there to witness what happened. So if they don’t know what it is that happened (because they did not see it themselves), then none of them are in the position to “deny” it either.

[It is an interesting logic, because in German the word for deny is “leugnen”, and by the German definition, you cannot “leugne” something that did not happen. It is impossible. ~ MS]

Then Nahrath went on to say that Ursula had said all these things with a clear mind and spirit, and that she demonstrated that she has no guilt-awareness or better said, no guilt feeling. In all the 10 different trials she has been through, that not a single prosecutor nor judge nor anybody could answer her question. Nor did anybody attempt to answer her question. They simply declared her guilty.

[When they declared her guilty in the past, they proclaimed that Frau Haverbeck knows the holocaust took place, and yet she denies it (leugner). So she is guilty. ~ Evidently the judges and prosecutors engage in mind-reading. ~ MS]

We will see what the verdict is on December 4th, he says. He fears it might be as previous verdicts. Then it is far from over. There is another count that she is charged with in Berlin for which the prosecutor appealed because the 6-month sentence was not deemed stiff enough. Then there are the court proceedings in Hamburg still underway in which the prosecutor asked for 10 months.

Lastly, Nahrath goes on to say that Frau Haverbeck is in no way-shape-or-form agitating to incite. She operates on an intellectual level, searching for answers. He laments the fact that they are dragging a 92 year-old through the court. He of course makes the point that this Par. 130 should not exist at all, but really emphasizes how terrible it is that they drag an elderly woman through this. He talks about how at this age her health could take a turn at any time, and also that if she goes back to jail after these legal battles, there is naturally the possibility that she could be brought back out under a sheet directly to her grave. The fact that she is willing to seek answers at the age of 92, in full knowledge of the personal consequences — it rings forth – yeah – respect!


Nahrath’s emotions could be felt coming close to the surface when he said those things. The whole affair is such a travesty. But if they do put Ursula Haverbeck back in jail, do they not just show their desperation to protect their lies? Evidence is forbidden. Independent reportage is forbidden. They read the accused’s mind to say she KNOWS something only to deny it with the intention to incite hatred. How absurd.

How is it not blatantly obvious to every thinking man and woman?
The house of cards is tumbling down!

More Medico-Stalinism: Prince Albert Pastor Fined $14,000 for Singing

, Pastor Vern Temple does what other people won’t do. He helps the lowest of the low — homeless people, hungry people. He’s up in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, so a lot of his work is with people from the nearby Indian band.  It’s one of the poorest churches I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen the churches in Iraq that ISIS torched. But the local mayor, a bully named Greg Dionne, just can’t stand the church. He’s always after it for something. And he finally found a way to try and bring it down — a ludicrous $14,000 fine for singing. I’m serious. For singing in a church. Here, watch Pastor Vern tell you himself:

No-one can afford a $14,000 fine. Certainly not one of the poorest churches in Canada, one that already spends every dollar it has to feed the poor and house the homeless. Imagine the moral compass of a mayor who permits a casino to stay open during the pandemic, but cracks down on a church for doing the same. Pastor Vern and his congregants can’t afford the fine. They can’t afford a lawyer, either. He’s between a rock and a hard place.

But that’s where we come in — you and me. Rebel News has hired a great lawyer for Pastor Vern — a freedom-fighting civil liberties lawyer named Sarah Miller. I almost feel bad for that bully mayor. He’s not going to know what hit him! We’re not going to pay the fine. We’re going to fight the fine.

And if you want to support our fight, go to and chip in to help us crowdfund this top-notch lawyer. That’s where you can check out our other cases, too! If you know someone who needs a lawyer to fight a pandemic fine, tell them to go to our site and fill out the form — we’ll try to have a lawyer reach out and help them. And if you don’t know someone who needs help, maybe you can be someone who gives it by joining our crowdfunding campaign and pitching in a few dollars. On behalf of Pastor Vern — thanks.

Yours truly,

Sheila Gunn Reid
Chief Reporter,

Rebel News P.S. Have you noticed how the lockdown bullies seem to be picking on Christian churches? Not on casinos, liquor stores, cannabis stores, or even Wal-marts and Costcos. They’re picking on churches. In this case, they’ve issued the largest fine in Canada — a whopping $14,000. Time to fight back!

Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson Launches A Human Rights Complaint for Discrimination by Fountain Diner Because He Was Not Masked

Free Speech Activist Gordon Watson Launches A Human Rights Complaint for Discrimination by Fountain Diner Because He Was Not Masked

is the opening skirmish in my campaign to have one aspect of the KronaMadness scrutinized in a court of law. Starting with a tiny, apparently in-significant incident.  My technique, is = bundle-up your complaint so someone who knows nothing about it can grasp it, then put it in front of someone who can do something about it.

I am no fan of the BC Human Rights Commission. Yet it is a proper starting-point up the ladder of Court … getting a ruling on the legitimacy of Commissar Farnsworth’s  “mandate” for  muzzling British Columbians = particularly, the exemption which is expressly set out in his Ministerial Order. 

Gordon S Watson
Justice Critic, Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians


December 1st  2020

 British Columbia Human Rights Commission

This is my complaint that on November 30th 2020  employees of the Fountain Diner restaurant in Langford British Columbia unreasonably denied me a service normally available to the public,   contrary to the BC Human Rights Code.          

01             since about June 2020, I have been paying attention to the issue of the imposition of regulations under the Emergency Program Act  and also  Public Health Act . In August 2020,
I received from the office of the Ombudsman a copy of his report   “Extraordinary Times Extraordinary Measures”.  That report is available at the URL on the internet website URL

Over-simplified, the opinion of lawyer Jay Chalke, is :  the administration which had been in power prior to the election of 2020,  exceeded its authority, so that powers it presumed to enshrine in law, are un-constitutional ab initio.  UN-learned in the law as I am, I say that >
Orders predicated in those Acts, made consequent to illegal amendments to them, are each invalid.     Particularly:  the diktat of Commissar Farnsworth re compulsory wearing of face coverings = Ministerial Order M425 made November 24 2020 =   is of no force nor effect.
A copy of that order is enclosed as Item  ONE  of Materials to be relied-upon
02             in the fall of 2020, I began requesting copies of the Orders made by Chief Medical Health Officer Henry as they were advertised in the newsmedia.  Each time I called the main office of the Ministry of Health, asking for a hard copy of the most recent Order, I was told “it’s not available”. Then about a week later, it would be posted on the internet.  Point being : in the meantime, lacking proper NOTICE, the Chief Medical Health Officer had not complied with that Act ergo her Order was not in effect in that timeframe

03             After studying this topic for the last few months, my position today is =  the Covid 19 phenomenon is a HOAX of the first order.  It is the worst medical mistake in modern history.  Included as Item TWO and integral to this my complaint, is the transcript of remarks made by Dr Roger Hodkins buttressing my opinion.  Also : Item THREE of Materials to be relied upon is the article by the past president of the Ontario Medical Association Mask Laws Necessary or Nonsense? 

04            Item FOUR of Materials to be relied upon, is, a batch of pertinent pages from the Kaplan Report. It is crucial that the Human Rights Commission know and take in to consideration, that in her official capacity as a health officer in British Columbia Bonnie Henry md gave evidence to the Kaplan Commission re the efficacy of wearing masks to prevent transmission of contagious disease in hospital settings.  I have good reason to believe and I verily do believe, that in the labor arbitration carried on between the BC Nurses Union and the Health Sciences Association re the issue of whether or not nurses were compelled to wear masks in hospital settings   Bonnie Henry in her capacity as Chief Medical Health Officer for British Columbia signed a Memorandum of Understanding in which she acknowledged that the wearing of masks was irrelvant to transmission of contagious disease, particularly, the influenza virus. The labor arbitration was settled behind closed doors, in December 2019.   That Memorandum is now improperly hidden from the public.    It is crucial for the purpose of this my complaint against the Fountain Diner that the Human Rights Commission compel Dr Henry to produce that Memorandum of Understanding – or whatever that document is titled – as evidence in this my complaint. 

05            Also  Item FIVE of the Materials to be relied upon, the interview COVID-19: Americans are in ‘delusional psychosis’.    It is crucial that the Human Rights Tribunal appreciate that section 103 of the Public Health Act  RSBC provides for a categorical defence to a prosecution under it, if the accused had a sincere belief as to the veracity a certain set of facts.    

06            On or about September 2020,  in my investigation of the Corona Madness,  I came upon the letter of the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority,  informing Translink as to the legality of compulsion to wear the face muzzle. A copy of that letter is Item SIX of the Materials to be relied-upon.     When I learned about the exemption card offered by Translink,  I immediately published that image around the internet, and handed it to people whom I encountered in what we used to call “the real world”, recommending that they get it and use.  Dozens of people went to the Translink offices and got the card, for free, or printed it out from my email message. Feedback I got from them tells me that Translink drivers do acknowledge that that card is valid for the sake of exempting the bearer from wearing a muzzle. It is important that the Human Rights Commission appreciate that that policy was in effect on November 30th 2020, the day I was denied entry to Fountain Diner.   Around that same time, I came upon the image of a card which declares that the person using it is exempt from compulsion to wear a “mask”.  A photocopy of the front and back of that card is Item  SEVEN  of the Materials to be relied upon.     Ironically, when I came back home to compose this complaint, I saw a bus go by in which the driver was NOT wearing a muzzle.   Shocking, eh? !

07              For context, it is worth noting the following anecdotes.  On Monday November 23rd 2020 I was in Vancouver at work in the STAPLES store on Seymour street downtown. The manager of the store came about 20 feet from me and politely said “sir you have to have a mask on”.  I said to him “I’ve got the exemption card”. He was happy with that and left.  He did not ask to see the card itself.  Shortly thereafter, I attended the Registry of the Lawcourts building at 800 Smithe Street.  At the entrance, I was challenged by a deputy Sherriff.  I showed him the exemption card.  He glanced at it but did not read it.  He went through the protocol questions with me, then directed me to go ahead and enter.  I filed a document with the Registry Clerk, then left the premises.    In Vancouver and in Burnaby and in Surrey, I entered several other businesses including restaurants. When they politely asked me to put on a mask, I showed them the card and had no problem. With one exception.  In that instance, I simply ignored the fool who refused to acknowledge the declaration,  continued to finish what I was doing – photocopying – then left the premises. On Wednesday November 25th 2020 I came back to Swartz Bay on the ferry and had no problem with the staff as I walked around, breathing freely un-muzzled.   Despite relentless annoying messages over the public address system about requirement to wear a mask, no one challenged me anywhere on the ship.

08             On the morning of November 26th 2020, at approximately 10:30 am, I called the head office of the Ministry de Health :  250 952 1330 identified myself and told the telephone receptionist that the Public Health Act Order of which I’d heard rumors, was not available on the website of the office of the Chief medical Health Officer. Recognizing my voice from the other times I’d called asking for a copy of Orders which were pretended to be in force as of those days yet not available, she said “we’ve had this converstation before.”  I demanded her name and position. She said “Angela patient client relations

09            The Public Health Act RSBC dictates that a person subject to an order must be notified of that Order.  I told “Angela” that I required a hard copy of that Order so that I could originate a Request for Reconsideration pursuant to its section 43 as I had done twice before. In both instances, there has been no reply from the Chief Medical health Officer nor anyone else in her Ministry. Even though in that exchange,  I offered to drive downtown and pick up a copy were they to make it available Angela told me that there was no Order available via the internet nor anywhere else.    Days later, I learned that the rumor about a “masking mandate” originated with Ministerial Order in Council M425 made – ostensibly – under the Emergency Program Act.  Thus,   the receptionist, in charge of advising the public what was going on for all things to do with the Ministry de Health was in ignorance about the state of the law

10             On Friday November 27th  2020 I went in to Langford.  UN-muzzled, I went in to the place where I do banking.    No one said a word to me about anything to do with a mask.  I then went to the Canada Post outlet in the Westshore Town Centre mall.    After noticing the headline on the Times-Colonist newspaper, I purchased a copy in the Fairways store.     No one there said anything to me about not being muzzled.    Reading the frontpage article headed At odds over whether doctor’s note required to not wear mask : item EIGHT of Materials to be relied upon, I noticed the quotation from the Emergency Management BC.  In the Canadian Journalism style manual,  such double quotation marks indicate that that is precisely what was said.   I went over to the STAPLES store on McCallum Road.   No one there said a word about me not wearing a muzzle, because I am a regular customer and have shown the exemption card to most of the employees, over the past couple of months.     I cut the article out of the newspaper and fitted it on one sheet then made many photocopies. My intent was,  to hand them out, for free, to people with whom I might come in contact so as to prompt discussion about the facts and logic to do with government policy to do with the so-called “pandemic”. 

11            On Monday November 30th 2020 I went up to the door of the Fountain Diner at  102- 2800 Goldstream Avenue Langford British Columbia.  I went inside the door and spoke to a waitress.  I gave her my name to put on the list of customers waiting to get in.  The look she gave me conveyed that she was unhappy that I was not wearing a muzzle.   About 10 minutes later, she came out and called my name. When I stepped up as though I would enter, she impeded me.  She said  “you have to wear a mask”.  I had in my left hand quite obviously, the exemption card.  Politely,  I put it closer to her face so she could get a good look.  She glanced at it but did not read it.  She said something like ‘it isn’t from a government office’.  I said to her  ‘read it.  The Human Rights commission is a government body.’  She turned away saying she would get the manager.

12            A few minutes later, another woman walked up to me saying she was the manager.  She spoke but it was hard to understand what she said through the cloth diaper she was wearing over her mouth.    After another try, I gathered her name was “Crystal”.  She told me she was refusing me entry because I did not have on a face mask.   I held out the exemption card for her to inspect. She sneered at it.  I pointed to the explanation on the back. She refused to read it. In short order, it became perfectly clear that she was not going to let me in. 

13            I warned her that if she was refusing to acknowledge the declaration on the card as excuse to deny me service normally available to the public,  I would make a complaint to the BC Human Rights Commission.   She said  “that’s your choice”.  I responded “no, that’s your choice.  You chose not to serve me contrary to the law    I left

I hereby entreat the Human Rights Commission to haul the Fountain Diner folks in to line …. educate them, as well as all citizens, as to their duty to obey the law

Gordon S Watson

Post Office box  47034   Langford P O British Columbia V9B 5T2

Okanagan END THE LOCKDOWNS Update & Come to the Mega Rally in Kelowna, December 12, 2020

The next two weeks will be very exciting for everyone committed to freedom in B.C.

Following after our spectacular 350+ attendance rally this past Saturday, we will once again join together this coming Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020 at 12:00 at Stuart Park in Kelowna.

The entire Interior from Penticton to Salmon Arm, saw over 600 people opposing the tyrannical lockdown and mask policies of our corrupt B.C. Gov’t.

Our posters below set out the agenda for the following weekend MEGA Rally in Kelowna, B.C. on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020.  With everyone from Salmon Arm to Kamloops to Osoyoos coming, this promises to be an exciting day of representation to Bonnie Henry and Farnworth that not only do we not agree with their unconstitutional orders, we are not complying with them!

Bring all your friends and anyone who truly believes in FREEDOM to the biggest Constitutional ASSEMBLY for freedom the BC Interior has ever seen!

Sunday December 13, 2020 is our CLEAR Common Law Solution Zoom call, due to the lack of available indoor facilities at present.  This is a must for everyone who desires to learn the fundamental principles of our common law that not only support, but recognize our right to civil disobedience to the present COVID-19 orders of Henry and Farnworth.
We urge everyone interested to pre-register by e-transfer at, (Password:  FREEDOM) for only $25, or mail cash to: Common Law Education and Rights Initiative, P.O. Box 21113 Cherry Lane Mall, Penticton, B.C. V2A 8K8, or for those in attendance at our rallies, registration can be made to Mary Lou.  Any questions can be directed to this email address as well.

Randy Hillier as part of ‘’ 3

Randy Hillier as part of ‘

Our fundamental rights and freedoms are under attack and must be defended. It’s not enough to be found not guilty of violating these unlawful measures, I am determined to have these unlawful #COVID19 laws struck down, never to be implemented again. They will not hold up in court, and we are going to prove has started a legal defence fund to help fight these authoritarian lockdowns in court.

’m thankful for everyone who has helped me fight in the court of public opinion, but now I need your help to fight in the court of law

consider making a donation at to help put an end to these intrusive and unconstitutional lockdown measures.Together we will assemble a top notch legal team to beat the government in court, restore our businesses, bring our families back together, and return Ontario and the country back to normal.#onpoli#cdnpoli#nomorelockdowns#fordfailedthepeople

Anti-Free Speech Leftists Try to Shut Down GoFundMe for Adam Skelly 70

Anti-Free Speech Leftists Try to Shut Down GoFundMe for Adam Skelly

Stop The GoFundMe for Adamson BBQ

Lindsay Fraser started this petition to GoFundMe

If you have been following the news you have most likely heard of this self-righteous bro who owns a bbq joint in Etobicoke that is going against the provincial government’s mandates to protect the people. Whether you agree with these mandates or not, he is putting the lives of others at risk and selfishly breaking the law in order to gain fame and attention. This has led to him being arrested and charged, as well as tax payers money being wasted in the fight against his nonsense.

Now a third party (who does not know this man) has gotten involved and set up a GoFundMe to raise money for him so that he can fight the charges against him – which is nearing a quarter of a million dollars!

This is not right and I am asking GoFundMe to reevaluate what it’s platform should and should not be used for and to remove this so called “fundraiser” immediately. It’s setting a bad precedent for others, and giving money to a “rich kid” instead of to people and small businesses who actually need it.

He has made decisions in which he knew there would be consequences – and he should pay for them himself!

It is important to also note that this guy is not the “small business working-class hero” that he is trying to portray himself as. He is a white privileged anti-masker conspiracy theorist who comes from money and is known in Toronto for being an “attention seeker”. Earlier this year he was called out by the media after he had a public meltdown on Twitter over the Covid-19 pandemic and repeatedly referred to others as the R word.

Please help by signing this petition to let GoFundMe know that you are not ok with this behaviour and that their platform should suspend this fundraiser immediately.Start a petition of your ownThis petition starter stood up and took action. Will you do the same?Start a petition


barbara-anne patterson

barbara-anne patterson signed this petition

Emile Jumean

Emile Jumean signed 3 minutes ago

Gavin Myles

Gavin Myles signed 3 minutes agoDisplay my name and comment on this petition

Former Political Prisoner Brad Love’s Trial Remanded to May 31, 2021 on 10 Counts of Mischief Under $5,000 for Allegedly Putting up Posters

Former Political Prisoner Brad Love’s Trial Remanded to May 31, 2021 on 10 Counts of Mischief Under $5,000 for Allegedly Putting up Posters

FORT MCMURRAY, ALBERTA, DECEMBER 3, 2020. “I went to the courthouse today, but I didn’t get to see the judge” former political prisoner and citizen journalist Brad Love reported. Mr. Love was in court for his first appearance after being charged with 10 counts of “mischief under $5,000” for allegedly putting up “Keep Canada White” posters about town.

Mr. Love never got to see the judge. He and others who had appearances were rerouted to a desk. Mr. Love was offered a “deal”. If he pled guilty, he’d be sentenced to six months in jail. “No deal,” Mr. Love told the official.

“My rights have been violated,|” Mr. Love told CAFE, “I wanted to see a ban on publicity to protect my rights.” The local paper has complained to the police and instigated charges which were dismissed for Mr. Love’s having called reporters and challenged their reporting or lack of it. Right after he was charged the paper did a smear piece on the outspoken critic of massive immigration and government waste.

Lockdown Protest – Express Fitness Scarborough — Sat. December 5, 10:00 a.m.

Lockdown Protest – Express Fitness Scarborough — Sat. December 5, 10:00 a.m.

The brave owner tried to re-open last week & was fined by the cops. He said: “I left Russia because the state controlled everything. When I saw the cops coming, I thought I was back in Russia.” This is Medico-Stalinist tyranny.

Join us to protest against the irrational and unscientific Lockdown orders that are harming small businesses and families across the Province.

Please come to support Express Fitness in Scarborough, on Saturday, December 5th, at 10 am, to demand No More Lockdowns!

Small businesses like Express Fitness need our support to reopen. Please consider donating to our Legal Fund to help fight Emergency Orders


December 05, 2020 at 10am – 1pm


Express Fitness Scarborough
1399 Kennedy Rd
Scarborough, ON J7H 0E7

Don’t Trust the “Experts”

Throne, Altar, Liberty

The Canadian Red Ensign

The Canadian Red Ensign

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Don’t Trust the “Experts”

Until a short time ago the word “misinformation” referred to statements purporting to be factual which fell short in some way, whether in letter or spirit, of the ancient and ageless transcendental landmark known as truth.   “Disinformation” meant the same, but with the additional connotation that the erroneous information was being spread in mala fide by those with a deliberate intent to deceive.   Both words have been in the soi-disant news far more frequently in recent days than has been the norm in the past.   Indeed, it would almost seem that other words have dropped out of the vocabularies of our regular commentators on passing events, because they have been using these multiple times per day.   It would appear, however, that the words have undergone a change in meaning.   They now seem to mean anything which differs or disagrees with whatever the media’s approved experts happen to be saying at any given moment even if it conforms with what they had been saying in the moment immediately prior to that one.

This is indicative of just how far we have apostatized from the wisdom of the ancients who sought the illumination of the eternal beacons of Goodness, Beauty and Truth to light their path.   To the extent that the media, the information machine which has far too much influence over how we perceive and think of the world, acknowledges truth today, it is truth in the old leftist sense of whatever advances the cause of the revolution.   This, of course, is not truth at all in the proper and older sense of that permanent standard, recognized as a basic aspect of being itself, which we strive to attain by conforming our indicative or descriptive speech to reality, i.e., things as they are in themselves.

Ultimately what we are seeing is the result of centuries of assault on the foundations laid for Western thought, at least in its Classical and Christian phases, by the Attic philosophers, specifically the Socratic school and especially Socrates himself.   I addressed this matter earlier this year in an essay about how Western academe has betrayed the very foundation of its venerable tradition, the first of a series that scrutinized the corruption of the various branches of the universities.   It is worth revisiting now as the media is once again telling us to blindly trust the experts as they impose all sorts of invasive restrictions on us in total disregard of our prescriptive and constitutional civil rights and basic freedoms in the name of keeping us safe.

If the message of the Socrates who has come down to us primarily through the writings of Plato could be summarized in one sentence, which, of course, it cannot, that sentence would be “don’t trust the experts”.   For Socrates’ career as a philosopher basically consisted of going around and pestering experts, those who claimed to have authoritative knowledge about courage, justice, piety and the like, with questions that demonstrated that the experts didn’t really know what they were talking about and didn’t possess the kind of knowledge they professed.   He was, in other words, someone who spent his entire life doing the exact opposite of what those who say “shut up and listen to the science” tell us to do when we question the climatologists’ prophecies of doom by pointing out holes in the theory of anthropogenic climate change or question the epidemiologists’ insistence that we must sacrifice all of our freedoms and necessary social interaction and put ourselves in house arrest for weeks and months at a time to prevent the spread of the Chinese bat flu.   

“Isn’t it true that human beings have historically thrived better in warmer periods than colder periods?”

“Isn’t it true that climate has been constantly changing through history and that this has affected how people live rather than the other way around?”

“What about that Danish study from this summer in which masks were found not to reduce the spread of the virus?”

“What about all the deaths that lockdowns cause?”

“Why should we believe that the same health authorities who support abortion and euthanasia are taking our freedoms away because they want to save lives?”

“Why all this hype about a virus that is non-lethal for well over 99 percent of people under 65 and in good health,  most of whom will experience only mild symptoms or none at all?”

The answer we hear to these questions and countless others like them is always “Shut up, listen to the science, and trust the experts”.

Some might raise the objection to my point that today’s experts differ from the ones to whom Socrates was, in his own words as recorded by Plato in the Apologia, a “gadfly”, in that they have science to back up their claims to authoritative knowledge.

Let us consider that argument and see whether it can bear up under scrutiny.

Science, although it bears the Latin word for knowledge as its name, is not synonymous with knowledge but is rather a specific type of knowledge.   The admirers of Modern science see the history of its development as one of unprecedented and exponential expansion of human knowledge to the benefit of the species.   This is not, however, the only way to look at it.   From a different perspective Modern science can be seen as a contraction rather than an expansion of knowledge.   Furthermore, it is rather difficult to deny that science has done harm to the species as well as good.

Whether science is an expansion or contraction of knowledge depends on what measuring stick you are using.   Allow me to illustrate.  Imagine two men with studies in their home in which their personal libraries are kept.   The one man keeps all of his books in a single bookcase.   The shelves are crammed full and overflowing.   The other man has several bookcases around the room, but none of them is full and there is plenty of space for other books.    Which of the two has the larger library?

The answer depends upon how you are determining library size.   If the measurement is in bookcases the second man obviously has the larger library.   If, however, we are measuring in number of books, the first man might have the larger library.   Indeed, for the sake of making the point of the illustration let us stipulate that he does have more books in his one bookcase than the other in his many.  Therefore the answer to the question of which has the larger library is different when size is measured by bookcases than by books.

Now here is how that illustration applies to science: pre-modern science was integrated into philosophy which concerned itself with the whole of reality.   Pre-modern science like Modern science, involved specialized knowledge of different aspects of reality, but, being integrated into philosophy as it was, it recognized the general knowledge of the whole that philosophy sought after to be the higher and greater knowledge, and therefore did not exclude any part of that whole as an area of interest for its more concentrated study.   The science that emerged from the transition into the Modern Age, by contrast, was far less integrated into philosophy, which itself was undergoing a radical transformation, and not, in my opinion, for the better.   Neither Modern science nor Modern philosophy shared the pre-modern hierarchical ranking of general knowledge of the whole as higher and superior to specialized knowledge of the parts.   Furthermore, Modern science narrowed the areas in which it was interested, excluding several parts or aspects of the whole of reality that pre-modern science had not so excluded.

In other words, when it comes to the parts of the whole of reality that science concerns itself with, Modern science is actually interested in less than pre-modern science.   This is often overlooked since Modern science has subdivided those fewer parts of reality that have retained its interest into multiple fields to facilitate its scrutiny of each.   Think of it as being like a food store that originally sold all different kinds of food – meat, fruit, vegetables, dairy, grains, etc. – then limited itself to fruit, but multiplied the kinds of fruit it offered, now including all the exotic varieties alongside every available type of the staple apples, oranges, pears, peaches and bananas.   Although it has actually narrowed what it has to offer, someone who only ever entered the store to buy fruit might miss this because for him the variety has increased.   The point is that when measured by the criteria of the portion of reality that Modern science takes an interest in compared with pre-modern science, the development of Modern science is clearly a contraction of knowledge rather than an expansion.

When it comes to the areas in which Modern science has retained an interest, it has, undeniably, expanded one type of knowledge about those areas, and that exponentially.   That type of knowledge is the kind that answers such questions as “How does this work?” and “What is this made of?”    That providing highly detailed answers to such questions in no way answers such questions as “what is this thing in itself?” and “what is the good of such things?” was beautifully illustrated by C. S. Lewis in the exchange on the nature of a star between Ramandu and Eustace in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and explained more prosaically in a number of his non-fictional writings.

The reason Modern science can answer the one type of question well and in great depth but is hopeless at answering the other type of question is the same reason why it is interested in some parts of the whole that is reality and not others.   Finding the answers to the first type of questions with regards to the areas in which it is interested serves the end of Modern science.   Finding the answers to the second type of questions does not serve that end.   Nor is there anything in the areas of reality which Modern science has excluded from its interest that would serve that end.

This is because the end of Modern science, that for which it seeks and strives, is not truth at all, but power and control.   As C. S. Lewis opened his lecture on “The Abolition of Man”, the third of the lectures transcribed and published together under the same title in 1943, “’Man’s conquest of Nature’ is an expression often used to describe the progress of applied science”.   Lewis’ entire lecture is well worth reading to understand the implications, positive and negative of this, as is the entire book in which it can be found and, for that matter, his treatment of the same subject in That Hideous Strength, the third and longest of his “Space Trilogy” in which theological and philosophical discussion is presented in the form of science fiction.   That this is the goal of Modern science, however, rests not merely on the assertion of one of its more distinguished critics.   We also have the word of one of its earliest advocates.   Sir Francis Bacon famously expressed the end of Modern science as the mission statement of his fictional Salomon’s House in his unfinished novel The New Atlantis (1626), “the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible.”

It is because this is its purpose that Modern science is interested only in those parts of reality which it can bend to serve the human will and only in the kind of knowledge that serves that purpose, such as what those things it wishes to bend and harness into service are made of and how they work.   Answers to the questions of what things are in themselves, what their good is, how they fit in to the larger whole of reality, and how they contribute to the good of that whole, are entirely irrelevant to that purpose, as indispensable as they are to Truth.   Indeed, true knowledge of the good of things in themselves and the part they play in the order of reality as a whole, would in many cases run counter to the goal of Modern science for it would identify a good for all things which is not imposed upon them by the will of man, and to which man is obligated to bend his will.

The history of Modern science itself demonstrates that truth is entirely irrelevant to it at the theoretical level.   Theory is the essential link between scientific fact gathering – observation and recording – and scientific application – the use of those facts to bend the nature of things into the service of the will of man.   It begins as hypothesis – an interpretive explanation of what has been observed – which, if it survives testing by experimentation, becomes theory, that is to say, an explanation that is accepted and taken to be true for the purpose of devising further hypotheses and developing practical applications.   This is the means whereby science has obtained its great success at manipulating the nature of things to serve man’s will.   This success, however, has never required that the theories underlying human invention actually be true.    Indeed, most if not all of what are considered to be Modern science’s greatest successes, are the culmination of a series of advancements, each based upon a theory that has subsequently been shown to be false.    Success for Modern science is measured by whether it works, not by whether it is true.   The philosophy of science took a major step towards acknowledging this in the twentieth century, when Sir Karl Popper successfully replaced “verifiability” with “falsifiability” as the litmus test of whether a theory is truly scientific or not.   To be scientific, Popper argued, a theory must be falsifiable, that is, susceptible to being shown to be false.   Logic, of course, would tell us that if a theory is capable of being shown to be false, it is, therefore false, and, indeed, Gordon H. Clark argued convincingly that all scientific theories are false, by the standards of logic, for they all involve the fallacy of asserting the consequent.

Now perhaps you are wondering whether any of this matters or not.   Since science presumably aims at using the mastery over nature it seeks to benefit mankind is not the question of whether it works all that really matters?  This objection would have more validity if everything science had accomplished had been beneficial.   Some things science has given us – the ability to preserve food longer for example – are unquestionably beneficial.   Other things science has given us – nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction – are decidedly not so beneficial, quite the opposite as a matter of fact.

This is directly related to everything we have seen about how Modern science has divorced its inquiries from an appreciation of things as they are in themselves, contemplation of the whole, and Truth as it was classically and traditionally understood.   A science that seeks only such knowledge as can be used to bend nature to man’s will is a science that recognizes no limits on man’s will.   Such a science is incapable of distinguishing between a good use of its mastery of nature and a bad use.   Goodness like Truth, from which it can be distinguished but never separated, is a transcendental, an element of the permanent order of reality that cannot be bent to serve human will but which requires man to bend his will instead to his own peril if he refuses.  Since Modern science is based upon an assertion of the will in rejection of these limitations it dooms itself to using its power in an evil way, as in the example given in the previous paragraph.

I offer the above as grounds for continuing the Socratic tradition of not trusting the experts.   Modern science, for the reasons given, is cause for regarding today’s experts as being less reliable than those of Socrates’ day, not more.  

Someone may, however, object that this does not apply to the medical experts we are being told to trust today because their science is devoted to the end of saving people’s lives and health and that this ensures that medical science cannot serve evil ends like the science that went into creating the nuclear bomb.   The response that jumps to mind is to point to all the harm and destruction done – small businesses going bankrupt, massive job losses, mental health breakdowns, alcohol, opioid and other addictions, suicides, the erosion of social capital, distrust of family, friends, neighbours, the development of a snitch culture, the trampling of basic freedom and constitutional rights, the cruel locking away of people in the last days of their lives from their loved ones, the brainwashing people into regarding such things as a friendly handshake or a warm hug as sources of contagion, the cancelling of weddings, birthday parties, holidays, and all the joys of life, forcing people to merely exist rather than truly live, etc. – by the lockdowns that so many of these medical experts have been demanding and imposing for the sake of preventing the spread of a disease that most often produces only mild symptoms, has over a 99 percent survival rate for those under 65-70 and in good health, and which poses a threat mostly to the very old and very sick.   Medical experts who would recommend such a thing demonstrate thereby that they are completely unworthy of our trust.

George Grant devoted his philosophical career to the contemplation of the significance of the transition from ancient to Modern thinking, focusing specifically on the shift from the view in which the permanent order of reality held us accountable to standards such as goodness, justice, and truth to the view in which the only “goodness”, “justice” and “truth” are values we impose on reality by bending it to our will.    He frequently quoted Robert Oppenheimer’s statement “When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it” as encapsulating the thinking behind Modern technological science and showing why such thinking precluded bending and submitting to the order of the universe.   He contrasted this unfavourably with the old adage a posse ad esse non valet consequentia as epitomizing the older and wiser way of thinking.  He spoke and wrote frequently about the troubling paradox of freedom, wherein the prevalent liberalism of the Modern Age made freedom its highest value, but understood freedom as the unshackling of the will from the constraints of the order recognized by ancient wisdom, and in developing the science and technology necessary to so “free” the will as to make every desire attainable, created the conditions for unprecedented levels of social control that were eliminating freedom in the older sense of protected civil liberties and rights and ironically, in the name of freedom, were moving us closer to tyranny.   That medical science was as much a part of this problem as any other he recognized when he wrote:

The proliferating power of the medical profession illustrates our drive to new technologies of human nature.  This expanding power has generally been developed by people concerned with human betterment.

Yet nevertheless, the profession has become a chief instrument for tightening social control in the western world, as is made evident by the unity of the profession’s purpose with those of political administration and law enforcement, the complex organization of dependent professions it has gathered around itself, its taking over of the cure of the ‘psyche’, and the increasing correlation of psychiatry with a behaviourally and physiologically oriented psychology. It becomes increasingly necessary to adjust the masses to behave appropriately amidst such technological crises as those of population and pollution and life in the cities. (“Thinking About Technology”, in Technology and Justice, 1986, pp 16-17.

Posted by Gerry T. Neal