Medico-Stalinist Anti-Christian Police State — Church CHARGED $6,000 for DRIVE-IN services; bylaw wait until Media Party leaves to issue tickets

Medico-Stalinist Anti-Christian Police State — Church CHARGED $6,000 for DRIVE-IN services; bylaw wait until Media Party leaves to issue tickets

Church CHARGED $6,000 for DRIVE-IN services; bylaw wait until Media Party leaves to issue tickets

The Church of God, just south of Steinbach, MB, has met the cold rubber of Brian Pallister’s cold boot.

On Sunday, the widely disliked premier dispatched uniformed officers with “Manitoba Justice” emblazoned on their backs to the small church in the countryside.

The Church of God cancelled indoor services this weekend, out of an abundance of caution. Instead, church leadership asked congregants to remain in their vehicles outside, and tune in to 88.5 FM.

Over the radio and in the safety of their cars, churchgoers listened to the weekly sermon. The church’s minister preached to the gathered faithful about the origin of liberty, and that rights pre-exist government and are granted to men by God.

It was a short service, but the way the province saw it, their disobedience could not go unpunished. And punished they were. Over $6,000 dollars in fines were issued to the church and its minister, Tobias Tissen.

Prior to Sunday, Tissen was threatened with 12 months of imprisonment for practicing his religion, in a letter issued by the province.

The RCMP did not decide to arrest Tissen, which is when the Manitoba Health and Manitoba Justice (both departments directly reporting to Premier Pallister’s cabinet) moved in to issue their vindictive punishment.

This comes a week after pollsters announced Brian Pallister is the most disliked premier in Canada, and days after Pallister called every Manitoban who didn’t agree with him “an idiot.

Update on Adamson Legal Defence Fund — $325,496 Donated by Sunday, December 6, 2020h

Good afternoon!

As you can see by the latest update, Adam has now taken ownership of the GoFundMe account, enabling me to back away.

This could not have come at a better time as I am out of the country now and accessing internet to provide the updates is not conventionally reliable.

All good things must come to an end and our GoFundMe effort is no exception.

So, I have set a date of December 19 to close out the GoFundMe effort.

This platform is not a perpetual hosting service and I think we can all agree that our campaign underpromised and more than overdelivered on the fundraising front.

The rest is up to Adam and his attorneys.

As you know, our initial campaign goal was $10,000. This number was chosen to present an achievable figure.

Once we had exceeded $290,000 I then set a “stretch target”— a target that, if achieved, would blow opponents out of the water and send an unmistakable message to our politicians that small business owners are sick and tired of being screwed.

Well, donations have slowed and we may not reach that full $350,000 stretch target.

But that’s ok.

In just one day last week, you all gave that one final push and brought us up more than $30,000!

Thanks to you, Adam should now have enough money to take this fight, if necessary, right to the Supreme court.

You should all be very proud.

I know that I am.

I am also extremely thankful to all of you for answering the call of an old political hack like me to help a fellow out who is fighting the good fight for every single one of us.

So, thank you.

Thank you for your financial support.

Thank you for your words of encouragement.

And thank you for your good faith that the funds would be used as intended.

As you have all heard from Adam personally, the funds are going into a legal trust to support this battle for equal treatment of all businesses under the law.

They cannot be clawed back by the noisy crowd of activists who are typically anti-everything but for some reason support greater government intrusion into our daily lives.

Now, before December 19, there are a few people who have offered to maintain your donor database in order to keep you all up to date on Adam’s progress.

I will be reaching out to them and to Adam to see whom he prefers to represent his good name going forward.

It is my sincere hope that you will all be kept in the loop every step of the way.

Indeed, I hope this movement grows larger than our 6,500 donors and is joined by the more than 36,000 people who have shared this campaign so far.

And I would encourage you all, to give this campaign one final “hurrah.”

Your legacy contribution of $30, $20, $10 or whatever you can afford can push this effort to the top and allow us to close with a bang.

Thank you again to my friends, both old and new, for answering the call.

And thank you again, for uniting behind this once-in-a-lifetime call to action for Adam.

From the bottom of my heart.

Barry McNamar

Randy Hillier’s Son Tasered and Arrested by OPP for Coming to Aid of a Maskless Friend Trying to Enter a Pub

Randy Hillier’s Son Tasered and Arrested by OPP for Coming to Aid of a Maskless Friend Trying to Enter a Pub

Ontario Independent MPP Randy Hillier is an outspoken opponent of the Tory government’s lockdown and forced masking policies. It appears his son was targetted in a revenge arrest. Hillier (Kingston-Lennox & Addington) tweeted: “@OPP_ER tasered my son in the back tonight in Perth. The crime, my sons friend went to the bar to order a beer wasn’t wearing a mask. the owner of the Arrow pub called the cops. My sons stood up & explained their friend is exempt from mask wearing, they’re both in jail #onpoli

We live in a snitch society. Pub owners like this collaborator should be picketed or, at least, boycotted by those who believe in freedom. Make no mistake, we live in a Medico-Stalinist tyranny!

University of Chicago Refuses to Punish Professor Who Opposed Anti-White “Diversity” Policies

FANTASTIC: A WHITE PROFESSOR STANDS UP: A VICTORY: UChicago refuses to punish professor protested for criticizing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts

4th December 20200 Comments


[Finally a White man stands up, a scientist. We need this BADLY. BADLY. The universities are dominated by Jews, and their evils know no bounds. The insanity is beyond imagination. Here is a professor who went on to social media and did his thing. This is what many white doctors and experts have done in the insane covid year of 2020. I hope this is the first of many. It’s about time Western intellectuals, scientists and academics stood up to this Jewish insanity. This gives me hope and this is why I say: WORSE IS BETTER, just keep your head down and keep on fighting forward. DON’T STOP. Educate other Whites and get stuck into the fight folks. Jan]

‘To anyone who is reading this, I would say: don’t be afraid. If you see something wrong, speak out about it,’ embattled professor tells The College Fix

The University of Chicago has refused demands to punish a science professor for speaking out against diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

Associate Professor Dorian Abbot recently took on the push to hire women and underrepresented minorities rather than select the best candidate for the job, bias against Chinese and Christian students, and other hot-button topics, drawing the ire of protesting students who said the scholar made them feel unsafe.

But their efforts to get him sanctioned failed at the University of Chicago, considered the best university in the country for free speech.

“I’m just a simple physical scientist. The way I’ve always approached my life is to tell the truth and try to do what is morally right,” Abbot wrote in an email to The College Fix. Abbot is (and it looks like he will continue to be) a professor of geophysical science at the university.

After Abbot cut a series of videos in which he listed his specific grievances with diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, “58 students and postdocs of the Department of Geophysical Sciences, and 71 other graduate students and postdocs from other University of Chicago departments,” published a letter calling for Abbot to be sanctioned, according to a petition in support of the professor.

“The contents of Professor Dorian Abbot’s videos threaten the safety and belonging of all underrepresented groups within the department and serve to undermine Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiatives,” the letter stated.

University President Robert Zimmer would not bow to their demands, however.

“We believe universities have an important role as places where novel and even controversial ideas can be proposed, tested and debated. For this reason, the University does not limit the comments of faculty members, mandate apologies, or impose other disciplinary consequences for such comments,” he wrote in a Nov. 29 statement to the community.

Abbot praised the decision in his email to The Fix.

“President Zimmer has a long-standing commitment to academic freedom and this is a central part of the UChicago brand. Critically, our commitment to academic freedom has been codified many times, most recently in the ‘Chicago Principles,’” he wrote.

The “Chicago Principles” he references were also mentioned by Zimmer in his statement. Defined in 2014, they constitute the university’s “fundamental commitment … to the principle that debate or deliberation may not be suppressed because the ideas put forth are thought by some or even by most members of the University community to be offensive, unwise, immoral, or wrong-headed.”

“The current ‘cancel culture,’” Abbot told The College Fix, “has a powerful chilling effect on faculty, who fear for their jobs if they speak their minds on critically important issues affecting the future of our universities and our society.”

As such, “I feel that it is my duty to express my opinion on important matters,” he said.

“What concerns me is that recently we have been trying to fix bias problems by building new biases into selection processes,” Abbot writes in his first video.

According to a personal account from Abbot, the university’s Title IX office wanted to investigate some of his claims, and the comment sections of the videos became a battleground where “a productive conversation was not occurring.” As a result, he took them down.

While the videos have since been deleted from YouTube, the petition in support of Abbot managed to save the slides from them.

He recounts experiences he had on selection committees for applicants. In many cases, although fewer women applied to the programs than men, the committee would select more women, implying preferential treatment, according to Abbot.

At one point, he claims that a dean once told members of a hiring committee on which he served that the only applicant that would be considered for the position would be “a woman or underrepresented minority.”

The second video sees Abbot claim that there have been instances of discrimination against Chinese students in his department. Other top universities, such as Harvard and Yale, have been accused of doing the same in their admissions processes.

Abbot also mentions a conservative Christian student of his.

“He is always being excluded,” Abbot says, “and his opinions and cherished beliefs are mocked and dismissed regularly.”

In the third video, Abbot discusses the Shills Report. Produced by a committee of UChicago scholars (including a Nobel Prize winner), the report catalogs the three main functions of modern universities: discovering new knowledge, teaching students that knowledge, and training students for future careers.

Abbot adds his own corollary to the Shills report, detailing what universities are not supposed to be doing:

(1) advocating particular political ideologies,
(2) religious instruction of the population,
(3) attempting to adjudicate and effect social justice, and
(4) providing for the national defense.

In the fourth and final video, Abbot paints the big-picture implications of the current “cancel culture” debate, naming “consequences of treating human beings primarily as members of
groups rather than as individuals worthy of dignity and respect.”

He specifically references the Holodomor, a famine in modern-day Ukraine. In its rush toward collectivization, the USSR forced peasant farmers they called “Kulaks” onto farming collectives. When the inefficiencies of the collectives brought about the famine, the government increased the peasants’ grain quotas, leading millions to starve to death.

Many scholars, along with the Ukrainian government, have classified the Holodomor as an act of genocide.

“The only way ‘cancel culture’ ends is for all of us to stand strong and when an attack comes, hold the line,” Abbot told The Fix.

“That said, try to understand the other side’s perspective and speak in a way that is as generous and loving as possible,” he advised. “Sometimes they will be unwilling to reason, and you will just have to say your piece and move on. If we all try our best to do that, then I am optimistic that we will get through this unfortunate phase in our society.”

“To anyone who is reading this, I would say: don’t be afraid. If you see something wrong, speak out about it.”

Abbot said he hopes that his good reputation on campus will be maintained. If not, he is prepared for what’s to come.

“To quote the old Kris Kristofferson song: ‘Don’t let the bastards get you down.’”


Full Gospel Outreach Church FINED $14,000 for SINGING without masks in Saskatchewan

Full Gospel Outreach Church FINED $14,000 for SINGING without masks in Saskatchewan

Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse in our ‘new normal’ — a church in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan has just received a staggering $14,000 coronavirus fine for singing without wearing masks. 

The fine comes after congregants of the Full Gospel Outreach Church were caught singing without their masks on, and a small ‘outbreak‘ of COVID-19 was allegedly pinned on their multi-day evangelical event.

The mayor of Prince Albert, Greg Dionne, said clearly that he wanted to make an example of the church. Speaking to CBC, he said there had to be “consequences,” so they handed down a $14,000 fine.

While the mainstream media demonized him and his congregants, I travelled down to Prince Albert to speak with pastor Vernon Temple and get his side of the story.

The church isn’t wealthy by any means. But they clothe and house the homeless, feed those in need and provide services for individuals with addictions. It makes the fine they got for practicing their religion even more appalling. 

Watch my video to see what pastor Vernon had to say about it.

Rebel News isn’t standing by. We are helping the Full Gospel Outreach Centre battle this outrageous fine — but we need your help. Please visit to pitch in a donation to help us cover the costs of the legal battle associated with trying to help this community-focused church stand up against the COVID bullies!

Adam Skelly, the Barbecue COVID Rebel, Thanks Supporters — ” I did not expect this kind of support and I am so fired up! I could feel the love from [my] cell.”

Today by Adam Skelly, Adam Skelly, the Barbecue COVID Rebel, Thanks Supporters — ” I did not expect this kind of support and I am so fired up! I could feel the love from [my] cell.”

Barry (McNamar), thank you so much for taking your time to set this up for me. It’s been a hectic week and it was a huge load off my shoulders knowing that this was in good hands.

I did not expect this kind of support and I am so fired up! I first found out the crowdfunding while I was in custody- the officers were updating me through the night. I could feel the love from the cell and it helped me get through the 30 hours in great spirits.

Thank you all for seeing through the collective hysteria and supporting our cause. I promise you I will fight this battle to the best of my abilities and honor your contributions.

FYI- 170k has cleared and a transfer to a trust account is pending. The legal fund is safe from attack.

Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund Reaches $310,209 — Organizer Refuses Leftists’ Ploy of Dividing & Criticizing Supporters & Resists Censors’ Efforts to Pressure GoFundMe to Shut Down These Freedom Fighters

Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund Reaches $310,209 — Organizer Refuses Leftists’ Ploy of Dividing & Criticizing Supporters & Resists Censors’ Efforts to Pressure GoFundMe to Shut Down These Freedom Fighters

Good morning folks,

Well, here we are at $303,000!

Thank you sincerely for all that you have done to make this effort a success.

Now, over the past days, I have been asked to comment on various rumours and perceived controversies.

Well, I won’t do it.

From the beginning I have asked you to fund the fight to challenge asymmetric COVID regulations in the courts.

I have asked you to do that by contributing to the Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund.

And you have all responded in kind.

Today I want to stand by that ask.

And thank all of you for your extremely generous support, with the utmost sincerity.

During my career, I have found myself outside the good graces of the compact majority.

Not often, but enough for it to matter.

It is the nature of having a successful career in politics and policy. Well, any successful career really.

I have been the subject of rumours, media scrutiny and even legal claims that were, at the end of the day, exposed as utter bullshit and were withdrawn without prejudice.

But not before they took their toll on my interpersonal relationships with my children, my spouse, my friends, my colleagues and my clients.

And I will never use any platform to do that to another man.

Nor will I use any platform to perpetuate those claims.

Why? Because at the end of the day, they exist to weaken our resolve and encourage us to just give up.

Public relations is war. Right now, we are engaged in a war with the most powerful adversary there is— government.

This is an institution with the power to use our own money against us.

So today I want to express to you all that I stand by Adam in his fight for the fair treatment of small business.

Really, if we do not have the courage to stand by our convictions when the going gets tough, then we have no business in the fight.

I will be ceasing the campaign within the next week.

Before I do, I would really love for us to hit that $350,000 target.

This is going to be a tough battle and I would hate to see it stall out for lack of resources.

For those of you, like me, whose resolve has only been strengthened by the recent petition campaign to “defund” our fight, I hope you will give one last time.

If each of us who receives this update contributed just $7 today, we would reach our goal.

Are you with me? Do you #standbyadam?

Tell me again about the right to freedom of opinion and critical enquiry that ‘authoritarian’ societies don’t have — Australian Court Upholds Sacking of Academic for Criticizing US and Israeli Militarism

Centre for Research on Globalization

Australian Court Upholds Sacking of Academic for Criticizing US and Israeli Militarism

By Mike Head Asia-Pacific Research, December 04, 2020 World Socialist Web Site 3 December 2020 Region: Oceania Theme: Justice

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A Federal Court judge last week set a chilling and far-reaching precedent for the further overturning of basic democratic rights and academic freedom, especially to express political or other dissenting views.

The ruling backed the University of Sydney’s February 2019 dismissal of Dr. Tim Anderson, an economics department senior lecturer, primarily on the basis of allegations that his criticisms of US militarism and Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people were “offensive.”

The court decision is another warning of the poisonous and repressive atmosphere being whipped up to silence opposition to the preparations for Australian involvement in potentially catastrophic US-led wars against China or other perceived threats to the global hegemony asserted by Washington since World War II.

Significantly, the University of Sydney hosts the US Studies Centre, which was established in 2006, with US and Australian government funding, for the express purpose of overcoming popular hostility to US militarism after the massive protests against the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

The court’s judgment also exposed the fraud of claims by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) that its enterprise bargaining agreements (EBAs) with universities protect the essential principle of academic freedom.

Justice Thomas Thawley ruled that the university’s EBA with the union, which is similar to those at most universities, “does not recognise the existence of, or give rise to, a legally enforceable right to intellectual freedom.”

In particular, Thawley declared that EBA “academic freedom” clauses do not protect university workers from being sacked for making comments—even on their private social media accounts—that managements deem in breach of their employee codes of conduct. Instead, EBA commitments to academic freedom were “purely aspirational.”

University of Sydney Institute Building, where United States Studies Centre is located (Photo source: Wikipedia)

This thoroughly anti-democratic decision comes on the back of a similar result in another case taken to the courts by the NTEU. In July, the Full Federal Court upheld the dismissal of James Cook University academic Dr. Peter Ridd, for expressing his views, as a climate-change sceptic, that cut across the university’s reputation.

Anderson’s case demonstrates how far university managements, working in league with governments and the corporate media, can victimise academics, especially those who oppose the wars of US imperialism and its allies, including the Zionist regime in Israel.

Among the charges the University of Sydney made against Anderson was that he tweeted, on his own Twitter account, criticism of the university hosting an address by US Senator John McCain. Anderson described McCain, a backer of every US military intervention for the past three decades, including the brutal neo-colonial wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as “a key US war criminal.”

Other allegations included Anderson posting on his personal Facebook account a photograph of a group of friends eating lunch, one of whom wore an anti-Israel badge. Anderson was accused of “promoting racial hatred and/or racism” and charged with violating the university’s Code of Conduct even though he was on leave from the university at the time.

Anderson was further charged with posting to his Facebook and Twitter accounts a denunciation of a video news report by Channel 7 reporter Bryan Seymour that insinuated that Anderson supported racism and the North Korean regime. Anderson’s comment that “Colonial media promotes ignorance, apartheid and war” was declared “derogatory” toward Seymour.

Anderson was also cited for giving a lecture that allegedly featured an Israeli flag with the Nazi swastika superimposed on it, examined media coverage of Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2014, and encouraged students to seek independent evidence of claims of “moral equivalence” between Israel’s deadly aerial bombardments and primitive Palestinian rocket attacks.

This was judged to be “derogatory and/or offensive” and as “reasonably seen as racist towards or seeking to target and/or offend Israelis and/or Jewish people and/or Jewish victims of the Nazi regime.” Yet, critics of the Israeli government, including anti-Zionist Jews, have often compared its persecution of the Palestinian people to the actions of the fascist German regime.

Finally, Anderson was accused of breaching confidentiality orders barring him from even telling anyone that he was facing dismissal, and of failing to comply with “a lawful and reasonable direction” to delete his social media posts.

The judge agreed with the university management’s determination that Anderson’s posts and efforts to fight his dismissal amounted to “serious misconduct” under both the NTEU’s EBA and the university’s Code of Conduct, thus justifying his sacking.

Anderson’s dismissal followed a protracted campaign by senior figures in the federal Liberal-National Coalition government, the corporate media and university management, to demonise Anderson because of his denunciations of wars and military interventions by the US, Israel and other major powers.

In April 2018, Education Minister Simon Birmingham, who was in charge of university funding, demanded an investigation into Anderson for comments he made questioning US claims that the Syrian government was responsible for a sarin gas attack in the town of Khan Sheikhoun.

The Murdoch-owned Sydney Daily Telegraph hysterically denounced Anderson as a “sarin gasbag” and the Sydney Morning Herald later reported that the university was taking disciplinary action against Anderson—a media disclosure that violated its own confidentiality regime.

Justice Thawley found Anderson’s dismissal as justified by the university’s Code of Conduct, which imposes requirements such as “the exercise of the best professional and ethical judgment,” “integrity and objectivity,” being “fair and reasonable” and treating “members of the public with respect, impartiality, courtesy and sensitivity.” The university’s employees must also “uphold the outstanding reputation of the University in the community.”

These formulations are so vague and value-laden that they could provide a pretext for sacking academics or other university workers for condemning government policies, denouncing corporate greed or accusing the US and Australian governments of military aggression or war crimes. Employees could be dismissed for criticising university policies, such as hosting pro-military think tanks.

Virtually every university campus across the country now participates in government-funded programs to tie academic research to the development of new military technologies. Australian universities are being integrated into a vast US-led military build-up, aimed at preparing for war with China and other powers.

The NTEU’s response to the court ruling, as it was to Anderson’s sacking itself, and the massive job cuts ravaging universities, is to oppose any mobilisation of university workers and instead appeal to the employers for a deal.

In a union media statement, NTEU New South Wales division secretary Michael Thomson said: “We call on all Vice Chancellors to come to the table to talk about how we can formulate a legally enforceable right, to provide the appropriate protections for university staff and to avoid these circumstances occurring in the future.”

The Federal Court’s support for Anderson’s victimisation is part of a deeper attack on fundamental democratic rights. It widens the impact of a High Court 2019 ruling that essentially abolished freedom of speech for workers, whether in government or corporate employment. With no dissent, the judges endorsed the sacking of a federal public servant for criticising—even anonymously—the country’s brutal refugee detention regime.

A warning must be sounded. The ruling class and its agencies, including university managements, are seeking to suppress dissent amid mounting social inequality, war preparations and deepening political discontent.

Hence the federal police raids on journalists for publishing leaks exposing government and military crimes, the prosecution of the whistleblowers involved and the bipartisan backing for the persecution of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


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Featured image: Dr. Tim Anderson (Photo source: Facebook)