Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund Reaches $310,209 — Organizer Refuses Leftists’ Ploy of Dividing & Criticizing Supporters & Resists Censors’ Efforts to Pressure GoFundMe to Shut Down These Freedom Fighters
Good morning folks,
Well, here we are at $303,000!
Thank you sincerely for all that you have done to make this effort a success.
Now, over the past days, I have been asked to comment on various rumours and perceived controversies.
Well, I won’t do it.
From the beginning I have asked you to fund the fight to challenge asymmetric COVID regulations in the courts.
I have asked you to do that by contributing to the Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund.
And you have all responded in kind.
Today I want to stand by that ask.
And thank all of you for your extremely generous support, with the utmost sincerity.
During my career, I have found myself outside the good graces of the compact majority.
Not often, but enough for it to matter.
It is the nature of having a successful career in politics and policy. Well, any successful career really.
I have been the subject of rumours, media scrutiny and even legal claims that were, at the end of the day, exposed as utter bullshit and were withdrawn without prejudice.
But not before they took their toll on my interpersonal relationships with my children, my spouse, my friends, my colleagues and my clients.
And I will never use any platform to do that to another man.
Nor will I use any platform to perpetuate those claims.
Why? Because at the end of the day, they exist to weaken our resolve and encourage us to just give up.
Public relations is war. Right now, we are engaged in a war with the most powerful adversary there is— government.
This is an institution with the power to use our own money against us.
So today I want to express to you all that I stand by Adam in his fight for the fair treatment of small business.
Really, if we do not have the courage to stand by our convictions when the going gets tough, then we have no business in the fight.
I will be ceasing the campaign within the next week.
Before I do, I would really love for us to hit that $350,000 target.
This is going to be a tough battle and I would hate to see it stall out for lack of resources.
For those of you, like me, whose resolve has only been strengthened by the recent petition campaign to “defund” our fight, I hope you will give one last time.
If each of us who receives this update contributed just $7 today, we would reach our goal.
Are you with me? Do you #standbyadam?