FREEDOM RALLIES IN THE OKANAGAN: Nov. 23 — Vernon, Kamloops, OK Falls, Oliver; Nov. 30 — Kelowna & Randy Hillier; Keep Cash ; Court Cases

“It Ain’t Over” Freedom activists are critical thinkers! Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist to avoid critical debates Did you know: The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative? ————————————– ————————————– IMPORTANT It is important to come out on Saturdays to oppose all Gov’t corruption and support others. Next rally is: Saturday November 30, 2024 No planned Rally on Nov. 23 December 7, 2024 Stuart Park – Christmas Freedom Rally


Falsified assault charge

Kelowna Courthouse

R v David Lindsay s. 266 Criminal Code Assault – Appeal

Thank you for all your support and belief for freedom!!

Remember the Freedom Principle:

An attack against one is an attack against all.

An attack against all, is an attack against one.


⇒ Gifts ⇐


Next Supreme Court Appeal Hearing Date:

Week of Nov. 25 – TBA on Nov. 22

This is for my release application.

It is somewhat moot now, as I am set to be released on Dec. 6 in any event. But there are remaining important issues to be dealt with.

November 29, 2024

9:00 a.m.

This is for a B.C. Supreme Court case management hearing.

The purpose is to determine how my appeal is to proceed in the new year, especially as there are so many appeal grounds, and my Constitutional Challenge. Grabavac is abusively opposing everything in my appeal of course, to no surprise.

Dec. 13, 2024

I have to file my Appeal Book (includes a copy of all documents from the trial in relation to the contempt allegations, including judgments and orders), as well as my Transcripts Book, including all Transcripts just in relation to the disclosure issue as well.

I will have to file my Factum (written argument) by the end of January and the Crown in March. The appeal hearing is set for Kelowna before the BC Court of Appeal (three judges) in May, 2025.


City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al

Petition to Stop Rallies at Stuart Park

December 3, 4, 5, 2024 10:00 a.m.

1355 Water St.

Kelowna Courthouse

for final hearing on my SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) application to strike the City’s Petition against us. (See the B.C. Protection of Public Participation Act)

Our documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:







Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz

And Dr. Trozzi





Next Empower Hour: Nov. 20, 2024
Tanner Hnidey: Finances- A Biblical Perspective

Sign on starts at: 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar

Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!

Guidelines for Peaceful Protesting/Gathering/Rallies and/or Attending Events (eg. Council Meetings, School Boards, Handing out Flyers)

Check out A4C for some of the most successful actions and strategies available to us!

And a big thank you to Tanya for all her hard work and dedication and support for the Christian principles that founded our nation!



In a mixed set of updates here.

CBDC Updates:

Canadian reporter Alex Newman explains what gov’ts around the world are doing with CBDCs right now.

India: advertising about banning Bitcoin

Kuwait: Forced over 1 million citizens to hand over their bio-metric data (including fingerprints) and suspending services if they do not do so, including withdrawing or transferring money.

Date for this was Sept. 30.

35 000 bank customers suspended from using bank services

England: Bank England is preparing to force digital currencies if the banks do not do so.

93% of Central Banks in the world are working on a CBDC – this is truly frightening.

USA: House of Representatives voted to pass a bill, The Anti-Surveillance State Act, 216-192, prohibiting the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC. It is concerning however, many still voted against this.

Florida: Passed a law banning CBDCs!


Support Protection of Cash Now – in Parliament!

Bill C-400


This enactment provides for the development and implementation of a framework to ensure that cash continues to be available throughout Canada.

It also amends the Currency Act and the Bank of Canada Act to remove the Governor in Council’s power to call in coins and notes. Finally, it amends the Bank of Canada Act to prohibit the Bank of Canada from issuing a digital form of the dollar.


The Bank of Canada (B of C) has recently announced plans to suspend introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to the public.

While this may sound victorious on its face, and there is much positive to say when such plans are shelved or put on hold, please remember the use of the word “suspend” as opposed to “cancel”.

Has the B of C simply decided to wait on the outcomes and research from other countries and then simply tag along?

In this past summer, the B of C was recommending Canada provide its own CBDC for digital payments. This apparently has been suspended or now put on hold. We can only hope for some permanency to this decision.

We need a Constitutional amendment that 100% absolutely provides for the mandatory use and acceptance of cash for all transactions – in any amount. So, if you wish to pay $1 000 000.00 for a house in $100/bills, you should be allowed to so do. That is privacy.

Conversely, Google has announced that the Google Wallet can now function as digital ID, based on the selling point of course, of convenience to the exclusion of all privacy. Once privacy is lost, so is freedom.

Imagine starting a vacation like this,” Google Wallet executive Alan Stapelberg wrote in a blog post last week. “You arrive at the airport and breeze through security by tapping your phone to a reader, scanning your boarding pass and ID. While waiting to board, you grab a drink at an airport bar, tapping your phone to prove your age. When you arrive at your destination, you find your rental car and leave the lot without stopping for an in-person ID check because you already provided the necessary information in the rental car app. You check into your hotel online and your key is issued straight to your digital wallet. You do all of this with your phone — no physical wallet required.”

Though a bit late, in June, 2024, Norway passed legislation requiring use of cash!

Yes to cash



New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

The Bank of Canada is admittedly planning for digital currency. It claims that it will not replace cash – BUT – and here is the caveat, it will continue to use cash “notes for as long as Canadians want them.”

In other words, if you don’t use cash, you will lose it. Reading between the lines, it is clear that the Gov’t will simply issue press releases and polls showing most Canadians don’t use and/or don’t want cash, and then the Bank of Canada will claim it has to eliminate cash because few people are using it or want it, and it is, ironically, too costly to maintain printing the notes and coins.

Bill Still, the US Patriot and author of the incredible documentary, The Money Masters, outlines the results of recent polls showing that 86% of Canadians fear the digital dollar!!! Wow.

87% of Canadians have heard or are aware of the Bank of Canada’s CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), and 82% are strongly opposed to it!!

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency!

It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here are two awesome posters that you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible. As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency. What do you do, not if, but when:

The internet is down

There is a power outage

The card reader malfunctions

Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

Your passwords are co-opted

Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years.

Suggested Solution:

Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????

Another sample: (thanks Adele)

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out every time you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!


Sunday Paper


Next delivery day:

Sunday, November 23, 2024

(Weather Permitting)

Capril Mall, Gordon & Harvey St. (Hwy 97)

A small group of dedicated volunteers have been spreading the truth via Druthers deliveries every Sunday for over 2 years now. This is one of the most powerful things a freedom activist can do to help inform the public. We meet every Sunday in the Capri Mall parking lot between A&W and DeDutch Pannekoeke House.

Please note that if you have chosen to “fall back” to end Daylight Savings Time, meet-up time will be at 9:30 am for you until the government tells you to spring forward again in March. For those who don’t adhere to this senseless ritual, Druthers deliveries will continue to be at 10:30 am, Daylight Savings Time, all year long. Thank You!




A must insight to making informed voting choices.



On a semi-positive note- Randy Hillier has just had his falsified charges against him thrown out of court, for delay by the Crown.

I say “semi-positive”, for several reasons. These falsified charges should never have been laid. They took Randy through the corrupt justice system for years, attempting to break him financially and emotionally. They failed.

Now, for a true victory of substance, we need to hold these prosecutors accountable for what they have done. The principle of prosecutorial immunity for their actions, MUST come to an end.

Congratulations Randy and thank you for all your dedication and sacrifices, as well as for all those who supported you.


Sadly, Dr. Trozzi is now the victim of judicial denial of freedom of expression. This reminds of other aspects of the court system. They claim we have a right to open courts including the court files, then they put so many exceptions in place, so as to render the right/freedom useless. Same as with Access to Information legislation.

I’m sorry to hear of your loss Mark. I hope you can seek leave to appeal from the SCC.


Incredible Viva Frei interview with Pastor Artur Pawlowski


20 million dead from the COVID-19 jab


Big Pharma-Sponsored Vaccinologist Finally Admits mRNA Shots Are Killing Millions



Freedom Rallies

Publicity is the

soul of justice

It ain’t over till

it’s over”

Next Kelowna


Saturdays 12:00


November 30,


Hwy 97 & Cooper

December 7,


Stuart Park!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!

November 23, 2024 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Ted for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan


Freedom Radio


November 23, 20242024 12:00 noon




Valleyview Centennial Park


November 23, 20242024 12:00 noon

O.K. Falls

Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m.

Across from Esso Station


November 23, 20242024 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom


12:00 p.m.

Town Hall

MPP Randy Hillier Quotes Doctor That Masks Don’t Work & Lockdowns Don’t Work

MPP Randy Hillier Quotes Doctor That Masks Don’t Work & Lockdowns Don’t Work

This just too good not to retweet. @fordnation listen to this Dr. Healthy people do not infect other healthy people. Follow the science not the PH feareaucrats, science says masks don’t work, lockdowns don’t work.

Randy Hillier’s Son Tasered and Arrested by OPP for Coming to Aid of a Maskless Friend Trying to Enter a Pub

Randy Hillier’s Son Tasered and Arrested by OPP for Coming to Aid of a Maskless Friend Trying to Enter a Pub

Ontario Independent MPP Randy Hillier is an outspoken opponent of the Tory government’s lockdown and forced masking policies. It appears his son was targetted in a revenge arrest. Hillier (Kingston-Lennox & Addington) tweeted: “@OPP_ER tasered my son in the back tonight in Perth. The crime, my sons friend went to the bar to order a beer wasn’t wearing a mask. the owner of the Arrow pub called the cops. My sons stood up & explained their friend is exempt from mask wearing, they’re both in jail #onpoli

We live in a snitch society. Pub owners like this collaborator should be picketed or, at least, boycotted by those who believe in freedom. Make no mistake, we live in a Medico-Stalinist tyranny!