MPP Randy Hillier Quotes Doctor That Masks Don’t Work & Lockdowns Don’t Work

MPP Randy Hillier Quotes Doctor That Masks Don’t Work & Lockdowns Don’t Work

This just too good not to retweet. @fordnation listen to this Dr. Healthy people do not infect other healthy people. Follow the science not the PH feareaucrats, science says masks don’t work, lockdowns don’t work.

Randy Hillier’s Son Tasered and Arrested by OPP for Coming to Aid of a Maskless Friend Trying to Enter a Pub

Randy Hillier’s Son Tasered and Arrested by OPP for Coming to Aid of a Maskless Friend Trying to Enter a Pub

Ontario Independent MPP Randy Hillier is an outspoken opponent of the Tory government’s lockdown and forced masking policies. It appears his son was targetted in a revenge arrest. Hillier (Kingston-Lennox & Addington) tweeted: “@OPP_ER tasered my son in the back tonight in Perth. The crime, my sons friend went to the bar to order a beer wasn’t wearing a mask. the owner of the Arrow pub called the cops. My sons stood up & explained their friend is exempt from mask wearing, they’re both in jail #onpoli

We live in a snitch society. Pub owners like this collaborator should be picketed or, at least, boycotted by those who believe in freedom. Make no mistake, we live in a Medico-Stalinist tyranny!