The War Against Christians & Dissidents Intensifies in Kim Jong Kenny’s Police State: Calgary Mayoralty Candidate Kevin J. Johnston Arrested for Attending END THE LOCKDOWN PROTEST

The War Against Christians & Dissidents Intensifies in Kim Jong Kenny’s Police State: Calgary Mayoralty Candidate Kevin J. Johnston Arrested for Attending END THE LOCKDOWN PROTEST

Police arrest Calgary mayoral candidate Kevin J. Johnston for attending illegal gathering

(Calgary Herald, May 15, 2021)

Police said in a news release Saturday evening officers arrested Johnston for attending an illegal public gathering against a provincial health order issued earlier this month. …


The illegal gathering took place Saturday morning, police said, though the service did not release details on the nature of the gathering and could not be immediately reached by Postmedia on Saturday evening.

On Friday, an Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench judge granted AHS the restraining order against Johnston, prohibiting him from a wide array of activities, including recording AHS officials, being within 100 metres of any AHS public health officer and uttering any threats against AHS employees.

The arrest Saturday was not under the recently granted restraining order, however. Johnston was arrested under a separate Court of Queen’s Bench Order obtained by Alberta Health Services on May 6, which applies to gatherings held in contravention of the public health orders.

Other public health scofflaws including Street Church preacher Artur Pawlowski and Whistle Stop Café owner Chris Scott have also been charged under the order.

“This order imposes compliance with public health restrictions on organizers of events, including masking, physical distancing and attendance limits,” police said in Saturday’s statement.

Welcome to North Korea in Western Canada: Calgary judge refuses to overturn anti-free speech restraining order

Welcome to North Korea in Western Canada: Calgary judge refuses to overturn anti-free speech restraining order

[If you’ve never been to North Korea, just jump on  plane to Edmonton or Calgary and experience life in Kim Jong Kenny’s Medico-Stalinist police state. There the Charter Rights of freedom of speech, freedom to practise one’s religion and freedom of assembly mean NOTHING! The corrupted courts won’t protect. you. A Calgary judge just turned down an application to stay a police state order. The order was obtained secretly, ex parte, with the lawyer for the named victims not  informed. The order reads:

1. The named respondents [Pastor Artur Pawlowski and restaurant owner Chris Scott] and any other persons acting under their instructions or in concert with them or independently [that means, in fact ALL Albertans] to like effect and with the Notice of this Order, shall be restrained anywhere in Alberta, shall be restrained from

a.  Organizing an in-person gathering, including requesting. inciting or inviting others to attend an “Illegal Public Gathering” [that’s more than five people!];
b. Promoting an Illegal Public Gathering by social media or otherwise;
“c. Attending an Illegal Public Gathering of any nature in a “Public Place” or in a “Private Place” [a birthday party of six people for granny in your OWN home] |

If you violate this police state order, you can be hauled off to jail for “contempt of court” as Pastor Pawlowski and Chris Scott were last weekend.]
Paul Fromm,DirectorCAFE

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A judge in Calgary has denied an application to have Alberta Health Services’ anti-free speech restraining order overturned. But the fight is just getting started, because now Fight The Fines lawyers are going to examine Alberta’s chief medical officer, Deena Hinshaw, in court.

Thursday morning, Chad Williamson of Williamson Law argued to have the injunction that prohibits his clients, Glen Carritt, Chris Scott and unnamed Jane and John Does, from participating in, organizing, or promoting “illegal public gatherings” that do not comply with the current restrictions: limiting such activities to five (or fewer) participants, masking and social distancing.

In essence, the order outlaws political protests of half a dozen or more outdoors, but could also see grandma end up in the slammer for contempt of court if she is the sixth person at a birthday party in the park.

The original order was obtained in secret after lawyers for AHS refused to inform Williamson Law of the order being sought against their clients.

The order restricts the interactions, free speech and free association of all Albertans and it does that under threat of imprisonment.

Two arrests have already occurred under the new court order.

One was Chris Scott of the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror. He was arrested after he holding a protest of 1,500 people adjacent to his property seized just days before by the province because he refused to abide by the lockdown on restaurants. He spent three days in jail.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski spent two days in jail after he was arrested in Calgary for holding a non-compliant church service.

Associate Chief Justice Rooke heard arguments but declined to stay the order, however he did agree to a full hearing on the matter — including a full examination of the decision makers who deemed the excessively broad court order necessary, like CMOH Deena Hinshaw and the AHS health inspector behind the constant visits to the Whistle Stop Cafe since Chris Scott made the decision to re-open in January.

We are going to fight to overturn this order like freedom and democracy depend on it. Because they do.

It’s going to be a lot of hard work, and it’s going to be expensive, but it’s worth it, because it is the right of every Albertan to criticize the government.

Support Pastor Hildbrandt’s Freedom of Speech & Worship

Support Pastor Hildbrandt’s Freedom of Speech & Worship

On Friday, Pastor Hildebrandt’s Church of God in Aylmer was seized by the government and locked down, with hefty fines being issued. Following a Court order closing the Church of God earlier in the day and allegedly for reasons of ‘public safety’, armed agents of the government wearing bullet proof vests descended upon the peaceful congregation gathered at the Church, a significant portion of whom were women and children.

This is, of course, for their own good. We all know you can safely gather and rally to oppose policies in Columbia, to support the Palestinian cause, or to support Black Lives Matter. But you’ll be charged and shut down if you gather to protest domestic policies in Ontario, or simply to pray.

This Sunday, May 16th at 10:30, Pastor Hildebrandt will be hosting a service at 10:30am on the lawn of his Church. I encourage anyone of like-mind to join their peaceful resistance by sharing in worship with them on Sunday.

You can find their location at the bottom of the page here:

We must support each other if we are going to correct these injustices; if you oppose these lockdowns, you must add your voice with others in peaceful defiance of their unjust orders.

Only together, will we end the lockdowns.

Randy Hillier

Web Version:

The Christian-hating Ontario courts & their Christian-hating police enforcers padlock Pastor Henry Hildebrandt’s church and evict the congregation.

The Christian-hating Ontario courts & their Christian-hating police enforcers padlock Pastor Henry Hildebrandt’s church and evict the congregation.

Freedom of religion in Fidel Ford’s Ontario.

The Wiesenthalers Want Flying the Hitler Youth Flag & the Confederate Flag Declared a “Hate Crime”

Image provided by Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies By Canadian Press

[Some groups just don’t get freedom of expression. Ideas contrary to theirs must be stifled by state control. Some eccentric landowner in Breton, Alberta is flying a Hitler Youth Flag and a Confederate Flag on his property. Perhaps, he’s a history buff. It’s his property. However, the meddling friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in far off Toronto have scuttled off to the RCMP demanding they DO something. ““We urge police to investigate this incident as a hate crime.” [Lethbridge News, May 11, 2021] But, it isn’t a crime. It’s somebody’s expression on their own property of their own views. Canada would be a much healthier country if pushy special interest groups minded their own business.]

Jewish group “extremely disturbed” by reports of Hitler Youth flags in Alberta towns

May 11, 2021 | 3:18 PM

BRETON, AB– A prominent Jewish organization says it is “extremely disturbed” by reports of Hitler Youth flags being displayed in two Alberta towns within days of each other.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies says it filed a criminal complaint with RCMP after being alerted on the weekend to Hitler Youth and Confederate flags by a resident of Breton, Alta., about 100 kilometres southwest of Edmonton.

The Toronto-based organization says in a release that the RCMP confirmed that officers spoke to the property owner, who has refused to take down the flags.

The report came less than a week after the Jewish group filed a complaint to the RCMP about a Hitler Youth flag at a property in Boyle, Alta., about 125 kilometres north of Edmonton.

In a recent interview, RCMP spokeswoman Const. Chantelle Kelly said that property owner removed a flag after speaking with officers.

Mounties were not immediately available for comment on the Breton flag, but have said they were investigating whether hate was a factor in the Boyle case.

“Technically, flying a flag is not illegal in itself, so (investigators) have to determine whether there is motivation or something else behind it that is criminal in nature,” Kelly said in an interview last week.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center said Tuesday that “it is extremely disturbing and quite disheartening to once again see a Hitler Youth flag, as well as the Confederate flag, on display.”

The organization said it has written to Breton’s mayor and village council to ask that they work with police to ensure the flags are removed.

“These displays of hate go against the values that Canada stands for and are an attack on not only the Jewish and Black communities, but also on our veterans and fallen soldiers who made unspeakable sacrifices to defeat the Nazis and preserve our freedoms,” Jaime Kirzner-Roberts, the group’s policy director, said in the release.

“We urge police to investigate this incident as a hate crime and for community leaders to send a message loud and clear that hate will not be tolerated in their community.”

by Canadian Press

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END THE LOCKDOWN Rallies & Protests in the Lower Mainland, May 13-16











“Anyone interesting in being a Captain or Team Member of the MONSTER overpass rally we are planning, pm me your info. We’re going to have people on MULTIPLE overpasses all down the number 1 hwy. It’s ALL UP TO YOU whether we win or lose…”🤩

Christian Lady Judith Lam Arrested & Handcuffed at END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Toronto for Carrying a Megaphone

Christian Lady Judith Lam Arrested & Handcuffed at END THE LOCKDOWN Rally in Toronto for Carrying a Megaphone

Judith Lam has been a regular at Torontos END THE LOCKDOWN rallies. She always brings a tray of her home baked goodies to hand out to the freedom fighters.

Last Saturday 10 Toronto police surrounded her at the END THE LOCKDOWN rally staging ground in Queen’s Park, handcuffed her and led her away. She was not allowed to contact her son who was already on the march. They alleged she had violated release conditions from a previous ticket. [The way our soft tyranny courts restrict people who have not been found guilty is with brutal bail or release conditions] She was not to use a megaphone! Talk about a gag order. Her lawyer had already got this condition amended or removed. The cops would not let her get the document to verify this. In order not to be hauled off to the police station, she was coerced under protest to sign a ticket which also forbad her from marching in the protest. [Wasn’t freedom of movement and the right to peaceful assembly somewhere in Trudeau I’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Here is her statement. The video makes painful viewing. Notice, hovering inthe background during her arrest are a dozen mounted police, the riot cavalry, all to intimidate a peaceful rally of freedom fighters.

 ” Here’s the vid with my full exchange with the police.


I’m sûre the cops pulled me out of the march because I announced we should go through Chinatown again to wake up my ethnic group.  They claimed I breached the conditions of the 1st  arrest  (Feb 6th).  The cops denied receiving my lawyer’s March 19th variation of my arrest conditions where I had boundary limits and couldn’t speak into a Megaphone (even though my lawyer told me it was approved by the crown so of course the police would have it!)

They threatened to take me to the station (and who knows how long I would be in jail) if I didn’t sign that form (Form 10) that had new boundary limits and again no use of megaphone. I couldn’t even call my lawyer  BEFORE signing!  Presuming me to be guilty and not allowing me to present evidence otherwise!  I’m still shocked that the cops can just lie and arrest people without just reasons! 

If I had really broken bail conditions, they would have put me in jail for breach and not just give me new conditions!! “

Whatcott commentary and update: Canada is no longer free. We lost it. The ship has sailed.

Pastor Art Pawlowski arrested by Calgary Police, May 8, 2021 for the “crime” of holding church and refusing to turn away worshippers during our so-called Wuhan virus pandemic. It is worth noting that in close to a year and a half, Pastor Art’s church has operated at full capacity, with no physical distancing and no mask wearing, yet there is not one single Wuhan virus death attached to his ministry. Alberta Health Services on the other hand is responsible for many deaths related to their lockdown, but the media will never talk about that.
Police officer wears a face diaper and helps collect evidence to prosecute restaurant owner Chris Scott and the supporters of economic, religious, and political freedom at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror AB, May 8, 2021

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I went to the Whistle Stop Cafe to lend my support to owner and protest organizer Chris Scott and the other supporters of freedom who were gathered there to resist the pseudo scientific tyranny being imposed on us. I would estimate a thousand or so people were in attendance, which for me is quite encouraging, given Mirror, AB is a small village that is literally in the middle of nowhere. And it was a cold, rainy day and the Alberta government was threatening people with $2000 fines if they dared to come to the protest. Premier Kenny also threatened potential protesters with permanent driver’s license suspensions if they refused to pay the $2000 Wuhan virus fines. Yet, literally a thousand or so people came out and demanded an end to the Alberta government’s destructive lockdown.

While at the Whistle Stop, I was blessed to be served a delicious Beef Brisket sandwich by Adam Skelly, of Adamson Barbecue fame. Adamson BBQ was forcibly shut down by 200 Toronto Police Officers, some of them on horseback, ostensibly in order to keep Toronto safe from the Wuhan virus. It is worth noting that while Mayor Tory was deploying massive police resources to insure Toronto’s adults could not purchase Adam’s delicious beef briskets, Torontonions were allowed to stand in line ups to buy the lesser quality, mass produced, briskets at the Costcos that remained open in Toronto.

While I was at the Whistle Stop rally, I received the news Pastor Art Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested for holding a church service in Calgary. As of now both men are being held in the Calgary Remand Centre. Please pray for them and for the state of our country.

I tried to post on a Calgary Herald story covering Pastor Art’s arrest in defence of Pastor Art’s ministry and tried to show the lockdown is irrational and harmful, but as it is with all large media and social media platforms it seems debate that is critical of our unelected public health czars is deleted. Judge for yourself if my comments violated the Calgary Herald’s “community guidelines” or wether they promoted so-called “misinformation.”

Lots of nasty comments were allowed by the Calgary Herald story that were critical and derogatory of Christians, but reminding people of the nutty and inconsistent comments/actions of our Public Health czars gets your comments promptly deleted.

Anyways, please pray for Pastor Art Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates and Dawid. They are suffering unjustly. The lockdown of churches and destruction of small businesses and isolation of people from friends and families is completely unjustified. South Dakota never locked down their churches for a single day nor has the state’s governor destroyed her small businesses. My friend who lives in North Dakota and regularly travels to South Dakota reports there are no bodies lying in the streets of either state, nor is South Dakota’s health care system collapsing from Wuhan virus sickness. Outside forces and the national media tried hard to push South Dakota into a lockdown and forced mask wearing for her citizens and they failed. The evidence is clear when one looks at South Dakota’s approach vs Alberta’s approach to the Wuhan virus that such draconian violations of our civil and religious liberties cause financial and psychological distress, but don’t actually yield as much benefit as the Public Health Doctors would have you think in the way of saving citizens from the Wuhan virus.

It is hard for me to fathom that Canada has now joined the former Soviet Union and present day China as nations where Pastors are imprisoned for ministering the Gospel to their flocks.

As for other news. One might remember I advocated homosexual parade attendees changing their sexual behaviours to protect people from serious communicable diseases such as HIV, HPV of the rectum, and anal cancer. I would argue from the point of view of mortality and morbidity, HIV is more serious than the Wuhan Virus. The measures I advocated (keeping one’s pants up and abstaining from sodomy) was certainly less onerous than Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocacy for closing all businesses, churches, separating friends and families, and forcing healthy people into face diapers.

While Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw make over $350,000 per year (that was their predecessor’s salaries), but I note the BC and Alberta Premiers think we the taxpayers have no right to know the current Chief Public Health doctor’s salaries and bonuses; even as they croon “we are all in it together.” These top “Doctors,” while handsomely lining their pockets advocate for the destruction of livelihoods, the isolation of the elderly and everyone else, and huge fines for those of us who don’t want to wear their sacred face diapers or stay home in perpetual fear of their much hyped virus. I on the other hand never charged the taxpayer a penny for my public and spiritual health literature at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016.

While a reasonable person could certainly argue Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocated restrictions on millions of healthy people have caused widespread death (suicides, overdoses, delayed lifesaving surgeries, etc) and despair (weight gain, isolation, depression, unemployment) in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus; even if homosexuals accepted my advice on abstaining from sodomy, their lives and livelihoods would have remained intact had they listened to me. Indeed their physical and psychological health outcomes would have definitely improved, as they would have avoided the behaviours that put them at risk of so many deadly and debilitating viruses.

Yet, unlike Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw who are looking forward to comfy retirements, with defined benefit pensions and perks that we are not entitled to know about; me for my public health efforts have to look forward to a “hate crime” charge and a 3 day preliminary trial on June 9, 10, 11th, and my actual trial remains scheduled to take place on October 4th and is expected to last a month.

While multiple criminal cases have been dropped in Toronto over the past year and thousands of criminals have been released from Ontario’s prisons in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus, the Crown Prosecutor for my case is adamant that my now 5 year old public and spiritual health ministry at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade is such a serious “hate crime” that my trial will go ahead and if a conviction is secured, there will be room in an Ontario prison to keep me confined for 18 months, Wuhan virus or no Wuhan virus.

Such is the state of Canada now, so please remember me in your prayers as you remember Pastor Art, his brother Dawid, Pastor James Coates, and Chris Scott in your prayers as well.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 Advertisements about:blank Report this ad

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Published by BillWhatcott

“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:21-25 View more posts

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Whatcott commentary and update: Canada is no longer free. We lost it. The ship has sailed.

Pastor Art Pawlowski arrested by Calgary Police, May 8, 2021 for the “crime” of holding church and refusing to turn away worshippers during our so-called Wuhan virus pandemic. It is worth noting that in close to a year and a half, Pastor Art’s church has operated at full capacity, with no physical distancing and no mask wearing, yet there is not one single Wuhan virus death attached to his ministry. Alberta Health Services on the other hand is responsible for many deaths related to their lockdown, but the media will never talk about that.
Police officer wears a face diaper and helps collect evidence to prosecute restaurant owner Chris Scott and the supporters of economic, religious, and political freedom at the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror AB, May 8, 2021

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I went to the Whistle Stop Cafe to lend my support to owner and protest organizer Chris Scott and the other supporters of freedom who were gathered there to resist the pseudo scientific tyranny being imposed on us. I would estimate a thousand or so people were in attendance, which for me is quite encouraging, given Mirror, AB is a small village that is literally in the middle of nowhere. And it was a cold, rainy day and the Alberta government was threatening people with $2000 fines if they dared to come to the protest. Premier Kenny also threatened potential protesters with permanent driver’s license suspensions if they refused to pay the $2000 Wuhan virus fines. Yet, literally a thousand or so people came out and demanded an end to the Alberta government’s destructive lockdown.

While at the Whistle Stop, I was blessed to be served a delicious Beef Brisket sandwich by Adam Skelly, of Adamson Barbecue fame. Adamson BBQ was forcibly shut down by 200 Toronto Police Officers, some of them on horseback, ostensibly in order to keep Toronto safe from the Wuhan virus. It is worth noting that while Mayor Tory was deploying massive police resources to insure Toronto’s adults could not purchase Adam’s delicious beef briskets, Torontonions were allowed to stand in line ups to buy the lesser quality, mass produced, briskets at the Costcos that remained open in Toronto.

While I was at the Whistle Stop rally, I received the news Pastor Art Pawlowski and his brother Dawid were arrested for holding a church service in Calgary. As of now both men are being held in the Calgary Remand Centre. Please pray for them and for the state of our country.

I tried to post on a Calgary Herald story covering Pastor Art’s arrest in defence of Pastor Art’s ministry and tried to show the lockdown is irrational and harmful, but as it is with all large media and social media platforms it seems debate that is critical of our unelected public health czars is deleted. Judge for yourself if my comments violated the Calgary Herald’s “community guidelines” or whether they promoted so-called “misinformation.”

Lots of nasty comments were allowed by the Calgary Herald story that were critical and derogatory of Christians, but reminding people of the nutty and inconsistent comments/actions of our Public Health czars gets your comments promptly deleted.

Anyways, please pray for Pastor Art Pawlowski, Pastor James Coates and Dawid. They are suffering unjustly. The lockdown of churches and destruction of small businesses and isolation of people from friends and families is completely unjustified. South Dakota never locked down their churches for a single day nor has the state’s governor destroyed her small businesses. My friend who lives in North Dakota and regularly travels to South Dakota reports there are no bodies lying in the streets of either state, nor is South Dakota’s health care system collapsing from Wuhan virus sickness. Outside forces and the national media tried hard to push South Dakota into a lockdown and forced mask wearing for her citizens and they failed. The evidence is clear when one looks at South Dakota’s approach vs Alberta’s approach to the Wuhan virus that such draconian violations of our civil and religious liberties cause financial and psychological distress, but don’t actually yield as much benefit as the Public Health Doctors would have you think in the way of saving citizens from the Wuhan virus.

It is hard for me to fathom that Canada has now joined the former Soviet Union and present day China as nations where Pastors are imprisoned for ministering the Gospel to their flocks.

As for other news. One might remember I advocated homosexual parade attendees changing their sexual behaviours to protect people from serious communicable diseases such as HIV, HPV of the rectum, and anal cancer. I would argue from the point of view of mortality and morbidity, HIV is more serious than the Wuhan Virus. The measures I advocated (keeping one’s pants up and abstaining from sodomy) was certainly less onerous than Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocacy for closing all businesses, churches, separating friends and families, and forcing healthy people into face diapers.

While Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw make over $350,000 per year (that was their predecessor’s salaries), but I note the BC and Alberta Premiers think we the taxpayers have no right to know the current Chief Public Health doctor’s salaries and bonuses; even as they croon “we are all in it together.” These top “Doctors,” while handsomely lining their pockets advocate for the destruction of livelihoods, the isolation of the elderly and everyone else, and huge fines for those of us who don’t want to wear their sacred face diapers or stay home in perpetual fear of their much hyped virus. I on the other hand never charged the taxpayer a penny for my public and spiritual health literature at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade in 2016.

While a reasonable person could certainly argue Bonnie Henry’s and Deena Hinshaw’s advocated restrictions on millions of healthy people have caused widespread death (suicides, overdoses, delayed lifesaving surgeries, etc) and despair (weight gain, isolation, depression, unemployment) in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus; even if homosexuals accepted my advice on abstaining from sodomy, their lives and livelihoods would have remained intact had they listened to me. Indeed their physical and psychological health outcomes would have definitely improved, as they would have avoided the behaviours that put them at risk of so many deadly and debilitating viruses.

Yet, unlike Bonnie Henry and Deena Hinshaw who are looking forward to comfy retirements, with defined benefit pensions and perks that we are not entitled to know about; me for my public health efforts have to look forward to a “hate crime” charge and a 3 day preliminary trial on June 9, 10, 11th, and my actual trial remains scheduled to take place on October 4th and is expected to last a month.

While multiple criminal cases have been dropped in Toronto over the past year and thousands of criminals have been released from Ontario’s prisons in the name of fighting the Wuhan virus, the Crown Prosecutor for my case is adamant that my now 5 year old public and spiritual health ministry at the Toronto Homosexual Pride parade is such a serious “hate crime” that my trial will go ahead and if a conviction is secured, there will be room in an Ontario prison to keep me confined for 18 months, Wuhan virus or no Wuhan virus.

Such is the state of Canada now, so please remember me in your prayers as you remember Pastor Art, his brother Dawid, Pastor James Coates, and Chris Scott in your prayers as well.

In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott

“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.” Matthew 18:15 Advertisements about:blank Report this ad

Share this: Posted byBillWhatcottPosted inUncategorized

Published by BillWhatcott

“So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of God, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:21-25 View more posts

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Canadian pastor arrested for organizing an ‘illegal gathering’ otherwise known as a church service. DRAGGED DOWN THE ROAD AND HANDCUFFED

Canadian pastor arrested for organizing an ‘illegal gathering’ otherwise known as a church service. DRAGGED DOWN THE ROAD AND HANDCUFFED.

Kim Jong Kenney in Junior Turban

Yes, this is Kim Jong Kenney’s Alberta. not Cuba, not Red China!

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”


Arthur Topham

QCSentinel Reporter

[Editor’s Note: Once again we are witnessing the venomous, draconian actions of the BC NDP government via their servile minions Dr. Henry and the Interior Health Authority (IHA), in this latest blatant attack upon Dr. Hoffe’s integrity and his very livelihood, not to mention the well being of all the local residents of the town of Lytton, BC where the good doctor has dedicated many years of service to the community. 

The unabashed arrogance and power-tripping displayed by these bungling bureaucrats and their political overlords, all of whom are willing participants in what is now recognized universally as being the most virulent attack upon the human race ever witnessed in recorded history, demands that ‘we the people’ expose their actions for what they are and thwarted them in every way possible.

The letter below, issued by the Lytton Medical Clinic on May 4, 2021, provides a general overview of the maliciousness of the NDP traitors when it comes to their deliberate crude and cruel reactionary response to anyone, be they a professional medical practitioner or not, who displays the intestinal fortitude to speak Truth to power as was done by Dr. Hoffe in his original open letter to Dr. Henry.

The Interior Health Authority’s feigned phoney claim that they never received Dr. Hoffe’s vaccine injury report is as repugnant and puerile as anything one might expect from the former Bolshevik Communist regime of the Soviet Union. On top of that it flies in the very face of the IHA’s website logo that overtly and unabashedly claims “Every person matters.” 

Not only Lytton is being affected by the measures Interior Health Authority is instituting. As the graphic further down in the following article shows the other small community of Lillooet is also being downsized and the Lillooet Medical Clinic being shut down as of July 31st, 2021. It begs the question as to whether or not these bureaucratic maneuvers on the part of the NDP government are designed to help or hinder the clear and present danger now facing ALL residents of beautiful British Columbia.

As for the IHA’s words “Every person matters” I trust that Dr. Henry and Premier Horgan and his lackey Farnworth will all be publicly apologizing to the families and victims who they are responsible for murdering and crippling for life .] 


Lytton Medical Clinic

4 May, 2021

Community Notice to Lytton, and surrounding area.

Health care changes at St. Bartholomew’s Health Centre, Lytton, BC.

The rollout of the Moderna vaccine in Lytton, which started in mid January 2021, has unfortunately given rise to a very high rate of serious side-effects. Of the initial 900 people vaccinated, ten now have serious ongoing neurological side-effects; (1 in 90). Of these, five now appear to have permanent disabilities as a result of this novel treatment; (1 in 180)

Dr Charles Hoffe, has not been silent about his concern for these people, who received this experimental  vaccine in the belief that it was safe. He has written to those responsible, both at Interior Health, and to Dr Bonnie Henry to voice his concerns.

The vaccine injury reporting forms submitted, appear to have been lost by those involved in the vaccine rollout. Consequently, Interior Health has denied any significant vaccine injuries. These forms are now being resubmitted, (and sent by registered mail), in another attempt to get the authorities to take this matter seriously.

The authorities have sought to silence and discipline Dr Hoffe, for informing the public about this very high rate of  vaccine injury. He is accused of the crime of causing “vaccine hesitancy.”

Dr Hoffe received notification from the Interior Health Authority on the 29 April, 2021, that he would no longer be allowed to work in the St. Bartholomew’s Emergency Room in Lytton, because of his refusal to remain silent regarding the vaccine injuries to the people of Lytton, and the “vaccine hesitancy” that he has therefor caused. 

Despite a sporadic series of Covid infections in the community during the course of this pandemic, no one in Lyttton has required any medical care at St. Bartholomew’s for Covid infections. By contrast, much medical care has been given for vaccine injuries. 

Dr Hoffe is usually on duty as the emergency room physician in Lytton for two weeks out of every month. So his suspension by the Interior Health Authority, is likely to mean that the emergency room in Lytton will be closed for at least two weeks out of every month. 

Dr Glynn Jones, has tendered his resignation from working in Lytton. This will leave a significant gap in physician staffing at St. Bartholomew’s, since there will only be one remaining physician to staff the ER. Locum physicians are very hard to find, but every effort will be made. 

These problems are further exacerbated by the fact Interior Health Authority has also decided to reduce laboratory services in Lytton to 2 days per week. Apart from the negative impact on the quality of health care in Lytton, this will make recruitment of any new physicians extremely difficult.

The Lytton Medical Clinic will attempt to continue as normal.

Sadly, the recent decisions by the Interior Health Authority, have made the delivery of healthcare in Lytton very precarious, substantially reduced and essentially unsustainable.