We were there – ReOpenPA.org 15 May 2020 – Harrisburg

Event was well-attended, we estimate 3000 souls. The first one on 20 April had twice that many, but this one was more … well, organized. I think the fact that a second rally occurred really unnerved the Communist Dictator. A whole bunch of Counties got re-opened yesterday that were going to stay “closed” for an extended period.

Not perfect, but we did the best we could. There was a threat-in-the-air to try and disperse the demonstrators, that probably discouraged another 3000 participants. But the police kept their distance … even more so than last month’s rally. We get the feeling that local “Law Enforcement” is tired of the BS and not so fond of Comrade Wolf

We made three passes in our vehicle and each “on-station” period lasted about fifteen minutes. We recognized several dozen cars and trucks that made “the circuit” with us three times. The main-opposition State Senator made a REALLY good impassioned speech. In general, people were PISSED OFF

    “Tom Wolf – The Antichrist”