Lawyer John Rosen Convinces Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott to Appeal to Supreme Court of Canada

Dear Friends,
After a discussion with my lawyer John Rosen, I have reluctantly decided to return to Canada to appeal my latest Ontario Court of Appeal decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.

To see Lorne Sossin’s he/his corrupt decision that will likely get him an appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada by Prime Minister Blackface himself go here: Advertisement
I was adament that appealing to the Supreme Court of Canada was a waste of time and that appealing to the Hungarian government for asylum as a persecuted Christian made sense, given my personal circumstances. (Prosecutor wants 18 months incarceration for a flyer that doesn’t likely violate any law in Hungary and definitely didn’t violate any law in Canada a few years ago.)
To see the flyer Justice Sossin he/him and his two fellow Trudeau appointees think might be hate speech of a sort that harms vulnerable homosexuals marching in the Toronto shame parade with silhouettes of Christ on their crotches by causing “emotional distress,” or that might have caused some Joe Sixpack to have feelings of “detestation, and villification” towards the pink speedo brigade after reading it go here:
Anyways, Mr. Rosen and his assistant lawyer, a young lady by the name of Mindy I think, countered that they can see “significant errors” in the judgment and that I really should appeal it. Looking at the flyer from the the point of view of common sense, according to how I see the world, I agree there are “significant errors” in the ruling. I actually see how a homosexual activist like Nick Mule’ could prejudice a judge or jury to find me guilty of so-called “hate speech,” but I don’t see how Mr. Mule’ can help a judge or jury come to an honest decision regarding my flyer’s legality.
Mr. Mule when under cross examination demonstrated that he could pick apart my sentences and photographs, deny what they actually communicate, and read all kinds of nasty motives into my literary work. The problem with this is Nick Mule’ is not me, and he cannot get into my head to read my motives. His idea that my flyer contains “tropes” to spread “hatred” is not true.
Even under intense scrutiny from the LGBT activist infectious disease specialist Mona Loutfy who discredited herself by being less than honest under cross examination, and who tried to mislead the court in her personal crusade to have me convicted of a “hate crime; it was found most of my flyer was substantially true (prevalence of hepatitis amongst homosexuals, prevalence of HPV of the rectum, etc….) and the parts that came up less than 100% accurate were only dated, (more homosexuals died of AIDS at an earlier age when I was a nurse than today thanks to modern anti-retrovirals that were not available when I was practicing); no evidence came out that I was lying (unlike the Crown’s infectious disease specialist).
Sadly, Mr. Mule’ and it seems the Ontario Appeal Court that ruled we need to hear from him, has no interest in the truth of my flyer. The truth won’t likely matter so much as the impugned motivations of alleged hatred and ill will that I am alleged to have, this will be discussed as the driver of my flyer. Advertisements Report this ad
To see the flyer that is heading to the Supreme Court of Canada go here:
However, Mr Rosen and Mindy weren’t looking at the appeal from the angle of Bill Whatcott’s common sense. They see significant legal and technical errors in the Ontario Court of Appeal judgment and they believe there is a good chance the Supreme Court will feel compelled to address these errors.
My initial thoughts, while listening to Mr. Rosen was, I didn’t actually care if there are appealable errors. The Supreme Court is very expensive and 100% of pro-family lawyers thought I was winning the 2013 Whatcott decision and they were wrong. Being out of Canada has it’s down moments. I don’t know Hungarian and I don’t quite know what to do here. If I elected to stay in Hungary and ask for asylum, there is no guarantee the Hungarian government will accept my claim and for months I would be compelled to reside in a somewhat spartan, semi secure, refugee centre. But the streets of Hungary are clean, you see no drug addicts, garbage, needles, etc… littering the capital city’s streets.
The streets of Hungary are safe everywhere, people seem more honest, and crime is much lower than in Canada. No Hungarian kids and almost no adults are identifying as homosexual, gender confused, bisexual or furry. Cancel culture doesn’t appear to be a thing here. You won’t lose your job for saying Bruce Jenner is a man. People here are normal and the past three weeks has convinced me the Canadian government, academia, justice system and media are actually really spiritually sick and corrupt.
Our media and government has a religious devotion to so-called harm reduction, critical race theory, gender ideology, climate alarmism, etc…. Our broken justice system likes to pontificate a false and harmful narrative that non-white criminals are chronic victims of systemic racism and therefore somehow merit ridiculously light sentences that fail victims and law abiding taxpayers. The false “harm reduction” narrative is an absolute disaster for Canadians. Overdoses have never been been more common, whole cities are being turned to garbage as junkies and discarded needles litter the streets, emergency wards are swamped with opiate and meth overdoses and normal patients suffer. Hungary and Singapore are testimonies that safe, clean streets, and normal people is possible. I have not seen a single drug addict shooting up on a sidewalk or dude in a dress demanding that I should call him a woman in either Budapest or Szeged.
Anyways, I thought God wanted me in Hungary and I prayed for His guidance in regards to this matter and when the negative decision came down from the Ontario Court of Appeal, I really thought God arranged for me to be in Hungary and that I am meant to live out the rest of my life here. But now I am confronted with new information. So, I prayed again, maybe God does want me to fight another round in our courts, though I have no confidence in their neutrality or sense of fairness when it comes to socially conservative Christians. Advertisements Report this ad
I talked to one of my long time friends and supporters in Vancouver. She appreciates John Rosen’s work on my case and offered to donate some money to the Supreme Court appeal, if I decided to come back and appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal decision. Mr. Rosen agreed to launch the appeal for $10,000 with an understanding there is no guarantee I can raise anything close to what an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada costs in the future. There really is no church, lobby group, legal group, etc… backing my court battle.
Most “respectable” Conservatives prefer to fight safer battles, such as gun control, Blackface’s insane spending habits, vaccine mandates, etc….. Those fights are all worthwhile, but Romans 1 and Leviticus 20 is clear God is opposed to homosexual perversion. It really is not about two consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom. The harm this sexual agenda has caused to children, our healthcare system, our education system and indeed to our civil liberties; not to mention truth its self, is tangible and severe. This Ontario Court of Appeal decision that I must go on trial again is clear evidence that speaking truthfully and in good faith about the LGBT agenda is fraught with serious and life altering risks. Truth is no longer a solid defense in Canada when it comes to so-called hate crime cases.
I am a controversial and less than perfect Prophet that has been given this calling. It really seems only God and a handful of loyal friends has walked with me through this long seven year trial. It also seems clear God has persevered me this far, but I have no answer how, and it often seems precarious, though He is faithful.
“O God, you know my folly;
the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you. Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me,
O Lord God of hosts;
let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me,
O God of Israel.
For it is for your sake that I have borne reproach,
that dishonor has covered my face.
I have become a stranger to my brothers,
an alien to my mother’s sons. For zeal for your house has consumed me,
and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me.
When I wept and humbled my soul with fasting,
it became my reproach.
When I made sackcloth my clothing,
I became a byword to them.
I am the talk of those who sit in the gate,
and the drunkards make songs about me. But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord.
At an acceptable time, O God,
in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.” Psalm 69:5-13
I will be back in Canada soon and if God so desires and enables it, we will see what happens when this case reaches the Supreme Court of Canada.
In Christ’s Service, Bill Whatcott
“Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.” 2 Corinthians 7:1