Slovak Police Goon Squad Raid Home of Historical Revisionist Professor


Slovak Police Goon Squad Raid Home of Historical Revisionist Professor

e: John Dudas, Alleged Holocaust Denier

.  I would like to make you aware of the case of John Dudas, a 74 years old emeritus senior lecturer at the Kosice University in Slovakia.

In brief, this is the story:  John read an account about life in the Sered Labour Camp in Slovakia by a Jewish doctor.  On doing some further research, John wrote to the director of the Sered “Holocaust Museum” pointing out some obvious discrepancies.  I translated the contents and attach it here as a Pdf. The full letter in Slovak additionally contains John’s questioning of the bases some commentators use in the theme of the holocaust and, being of technical scientific background, John believes that humanities at large, lack a proper scientific approach.  We would not disagree with John on that.

The Slovak version of Infowars, called Infovojna (same meaning, and equally controlled, may I add) that published the account by the Jewish doctor, also published John’s letter to the Sered Holocaust Museum, in August 2019. Ten months later that resulted  in a commando of NAKA (National Criminal Agency Slovakia), consisting of 10 people, tearing into John’s house, on the 28th May 2020 at 06:50 hours. They searched his entire home for 5 hours, they photographed every part of his home, they confiscated his computer and some materials John worked on and then they proceeded to doing same in his office at the University. John is accused of the production of extremist materials, of dissemination of extremist materials and of holocaust denial.  Criminal proceedings against John Dudas were put in place.   This is the first Slovak case of the kind. 

To manager Dr. Korčok,I read the recollections by Dr G. Hoffmann, MD, about the Jewish labour camp in Sered on the Infowars (Infovojny) website, as well as your response in your role of the “Sered holocaust museum” manager.1.I was hugely surprised that your statements are solely damnatory without a proof and that, as a PhD, you have failed to produce a single argument in their support, and that you have not presented a single forensic proof to your assertions.2.Jewish authors originally from Slovakia gave further testimonies. Forexample,SlovakhistorianofJewishoriginI.KamenecwroteabouttheJewishlabourcampsinSeredandNovaky:“IntheJewishlabourcampinNovakytheyhadagriculturalproductionon15hectaresofland.Itservedtosupplythecampwithvegetablesandanimalproduce.ThegradualgrowthoftheagriculturalstatusofthecampfacilitateditsequipmentwithotheramenitiesperhapslesslikelytofindinsimilarestablishmentsforJewswithinfascistGermanycontrolledEurope.In1944,wastheNovakyLabourcampalreadyequippedwithbaths,aswimmingpoolandasportsplayground.Anoveltywastheintroductionofkindergartens,carefacilitiesandgeneraleducation.ThecampschoolwasputundertheremitoftheMinistryforEducationandNationalEdification,whichgavetheschoolarecognisedlegalstatus.TheNovakycampranalsospecialistcoursesinavarietyoftradesandadultswereregularlyattendingSlovaklanguagecourses.Anoldpeople’shomewasestablishedinNoveMestonadVahom.AnundisputedrarityoftheNovakycampwasthesimultaneousconductofJewishandChristianreligiousceremonies.”(Kamenec1966)Or, an American historian of Jewish Slovak origin says:“Judaistsbroughtintothecampstheirtradetoolsandmachines;forexample,tensofsewingmachineswerebroughttoNovaky.WholecommunitiescamevoluntarilyfromsmalltownslikePrievidzaandTopolcanynearNovaky.Theyformedadramacircleinthecamp;theybuiltaswimmingpoolandsportsfacilitiesforlightathletics.TheJudaistshadtheirownself-government,aswellaspoliceandinVyhnedidthemembersoftheJudaistpolicecollaboratewiththeWorksgroup,theyacquiredgunswiththehelpofthepeoplefromtheNovakyandtheyhavehiddentheminsecretlocations(theywerediscoveredwhentheSStookoverthecampfollowingtheBystriceuprising)”.(Jelinek,JešajahuAndrej,(2009).DávidovahviezdapodTatrami{theStarofDavidundertheTatramountains},Praha,Vyd.J.Mlynárika2009,s.494,ISBN978-80-904134-3-6.,s.343,357).According to these testimonies,is the term holocaust in Sered a myth contradicting reality, in effect it is a museum of something that never was. It is a step towards a racist anti-humane Zionism. In 1975, the UN General assembly approved Resolution No. 3379, which recognised Zionism as a form of racism ( It became designed as a hammeron the truth-seeking thinking person. The religion of the so-called holocaust is implemented in an “Alice in Wonderland” manner by uneducated and lying persons. The actual suffering of Jews and non-Jews is presented scientificallyin thework(Rudolf,Germar(2015).Přednáškyoholokaustu–Spornéotázkypodkřížovýmvýslechem,Praha,VydavatelstvíA.B.Bartoš2015,s.427,ISBN978-80-905861-4-7).3.Additionally, you are substituting the absence of proofs with infantile threats “… I am sending a copy to the Central Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Slovakia“(a significant pressure body operating alongside public functions starved of intellect in adeviant political system run by amateurs) as a „memberoftheInternationalAllianceofHolocaustRemembrance(“–this alliance known to be fighting against the freedom of speech and against the truth regarding the suffering solely of Jews during WWII, which constitutes anti-humane and anti-intellectual elements of real extremism.4.Israeli Professor Sh. Sand states:„Amorecarefulreadingofnotonlyhistoricandpoliticalworks,butalsoofmodernEuropeanlexicons,revealsanun-interruptedmigrationofmeaningswithregardstothetermcontentlimits,inparticularthosetermsthataredesignatedfortheinterpretationofachangingsocialreality.Thereasonforthisarenotonlypoliticalinterests(forexample,toserveZionistpoliticalaims),butalsolaziness,orperhapsaninabilityoftheintellectualscopeofthehumanitiestoproducenewterms.Moreover,thereasoningusedinhumanitiesoftengoesagainstthereasoningofthenaturalandtechnicalsciences,thatarethebackboneofcivilisation’sprogress,andtherefore,itgoesalsoagainstthesociety.”(Sand,Shlomo,(2009).Jakbylvynalezenžidovskýnárod{TheInventionoftheJewishPeople},Praha,RybkaPublishers2015,s.492,ISBN978-80-87950-16-6,s.42,45).The term holocaust is an ancient one and it means the burning of the whole of the victim, in line with the meaning of the Greek word hólos –whole, complete,andkaustós –burnt(Iskrová,Daniela,(2012).Náboženstvoizraelskéhoľudu,Ružomberok,Verbum–VydavateľstvoKatolíckejuniverzity2012,s.167,ISBN978-80-8084-957-3,s.84). The purpose of holocaust wasto supply meat nutrition -roasted lambs to the kaftan nobility -the Jahvist clergy.The entire idea of sacrifice in the Temple ofJerusalem constituted parasitism by the Jahvist clergy that was, of course,givenreligiousreasons.Inaddition,duringthekingdom,theyalsoestablishedthesocalled“holyprostitutionbybothsexes.”(Eliade,Mircea,(1995).DEJINYNÁBOŽENSKÝCHPREDSTÁVAIDEÍI.,{AHISTORYOFRELIGIOUSIDEASI.},Bratislava,Agora1995,s.398,ISBN80-967210-1-1,s.165)That opens the question whether –when taking into account the original meaning of the word holocaust, the suffering of the Jews during WWII was a holocaust. Do exist proofs that their bodies will have been consumed by anyone? Hence, it is the case of a perverted meaning of this word, a creation ofa deviant demented anti-human intelligence,as an effective hammeron the thinkingperson,that became rampant long after the war, in particular during the 1960s.TheIndustryoftheholocaust–Encyclopaedia Britannica of 1956, that is 11 years after the war, does not mention a six million figure, gas chambers, or the term holocaust. The majority of what we get to hear today about the holocaust is nothing other than the product of sick propaganda brains. Holocaust –so called holocaust, more precisely the religion of holocaust, the hysterics of holocaust. The hysterics of holocaust belong more into morbid fantasies,than into sober factual reality.(Hoggan,David,(1969).Mýtus6miliónov,{TheMyth of the Six Million: An Examination of the Nazi Extermination Plot}Žďárn.Sázavou,BodyartPresss.r.o2016,s.111,ISBN978-80-87525-29-9,s.39;Rudolf,Germar(2015).Přednáškyoholokaustu–Spornéotázkypodkřížovýmvýslechem,{Dissecting the Holocaust, The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory}Praha,VydavatelstvíA.B.Bartoš2015,s.427,ISBN978-80-905861-4-7.,s.269).Jewish philosopher H. Arendt condemned the leading figures of Zionism for the removal of European Jews. In her book “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil”Arendtaptly summed up the Jewish collaboration with the Nazis:“FortheJewsisthisroleoftheJewishleadersintheannihilationoftheirownpeopleundoubtedlythedarkestchapterofthisentiredarkstory.”P.Lesc