We’ve been attacked at our shop: The sickos have arrived in Penticton

We’ve been attacked at our shop: The sickos have arrived in Penticton

 We’ve officially been attacked at the shop by interior health today. These chicks came to issue a fine for not forcing people to wear a mask in our shop.
I got their ID. While they were there, I contacted the RCMP and wanted to file a charge of extortion for trying to force us to comply with discriminatory acts and violation of the constitution. We learned that the RCMP will not stand for the constitution and won’t arrest these assholes. One cop said they have the authority to shut our business down! BS
We were told that challenging the fine in court is our only defence.
Does that sound like we are a communist or lawless society?

We confirmed today the VAX killed one of our friends. Art was a cook at ‘Shades on Main’ for many years.

– Lindsey 

Virus-free. www.avg.com

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”

Dr. Hoffe of Lytton B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon falsely labelled a “Vaccine”


Arthur Topham

QCSentinel Reporter

[Editor’s Note: Once again we are witnessing the venomous, draconian actions of the BC NDP government via their servile minions Dr. Henry and the Interior Health Authority (IHA), in this latest blatant attack upon Dr. Hoffe’s integrity and his very livelihood, not to mention the well being of all the local residents of the town of Lytton, BC where the good doctor has dedicated many years of service to the community. 

The unabashed arrogance and power-tripping displayed by these bungling bureaucrats and their political overlords, all of whom are willing participants in what is now recognized universally as being the most virulent attack upon the human race ever witnessed in recorded history, demands that ‘we the people’ expose their actions for what they are and thwarted them in every way possible.

The letter below, issued by the Lytton Medical Clinic on May 4, 2021, provides a general overview of the maliciousness of the NDP traitors when it comes to their deliberate crude and cruel reactionary response to anyone, be they a professional medical practitioner or not, who displays the intestinal fortitude to speak Truth to power as was done by Dr. Hoffe in his original open letter to Dr. Henry.

The Interior Health Authority’s feigned phoney claim that they never received Dr. Hoffe’s vaccine injury report is as repugnant and puerile as anything one might expect from the former Bolshevik Communist regime of the Soviet Union. On top of that it flies in the very face of the IHA’s website logo that overtly and unabashedly claims “Every person matters.” 

Not only Lytton is being affected by the measures Interior Health Authority is instituting. As the graphic further down in the following article shows the other small community of Lillooet is also being downsized and the Lillooet Medical Clinic being shut down as of July 31st, 2021. It begs the question as to whether or not these bureaucratic maneuvers on the part of the NDP government are designed to help or hinder the clear and present danger now facing ALL residents of beautiful British Columbia.

As for the IHA’s words “Every person matters” I trust that Dr. Henry and Premier Horgan and his lackey Farnworth will all be publicly apologizing to the families and victims who they are responsible for murdering and crippling for life .] 


Lytton Medical Clinic

4 May, 2021

Community Notice to Lytton, and surrounding area.

Health care changes at St. Bartholomew’s Health Centre, Lytton, BC.

The rollout of the Moderna vaccine in Lytton, which started in mid January 2021, has unfortunately given rise to a very high rate of serious side-effects. Of the initial 900 people vaccinated, ten now have serious ongoing neurological side-effects; (1 in 90). Of these, five now appear to have permanent disabilities as a result of this novel treatment; (1 in 180)

Dr Charles Hoffe, has not been silent about his concern for these people, who received this experimental  vaccine in the belief that it was safe. He has written to those responsible, both at Interior Health, and to Dr Bonnie Henry to voice his concerns.

The vaccine injury reporting forms submitted, appear to have been lost by those involved in the vaccine rollout. Consequently, Interior Health has denied any significant vaccine injuries. These forms are now being resubmitted, (and sent by registered mail), in another attempt to get the authorities to take this matter seriously.

The authorities have sought to silence and discipline Dr Hoffe, for informing the public about this very high rate of  vaccine injury. He is accused of the crime of causing “vaccine hesitancy.”

Dr Hoffe received notification from the Interior Health Authority on the 29 April, 2021, that he would no longer be allowed to work in the St. Bartholomew’s Emergency Room in Lytton, because of his refusal to remain silent regarding the vaccine injuries to the people of Lytton, and the “vaccine hesitancy” that he has therefor caused. 

Despite a sporadic series of Covid infections in the community during the course of this pandemic, no one in Lyttton has required any medical care at St. Bartholomew’s for Covid infections. By contrast, much medical care has been given for vaccine injuries. 

Dr Hoffe is usually on duty as the emergency room physician in Lytton for two weeks out of every month. So his suspension by the Interior Health Authority, is likely to mean that the emergency room in Lytton will be closed for at least two weeks out of every month. 

Dr Glynn Jones, has tendered his resignation from working in Lytton. This will leave a significant gap in physician staffing at St. Bartholomew’s, since there will only be one remaining physician to staff the ER. Locum physicians are very hard to find, but every effort will be made. 

These problems are further exacerbated by the fact Interior Health Authority has also decided to reduce laboratory services in Lytton to 2 days per week. Apart from the negative impact on the quality of health care in Lytton, this will make recruitment of any new physicians extremely difficult.

The Lytton Medical Clinic will attempt to continue as normal.

Sadly, the recent decisions by the Interior Health Authority, have made the delivery of healthcare in Lytton very precarious, substantially reduced and essentially unsustainable.