Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, April 23 & 24: Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, OK Falls & Osoyoos, Plus: Running for Municipal Office; Huge Victory in Italy & 4 Out of 5 COVID Deaths in Canada are Fully Vaxxed

Rally’s and Events

It Ain’t Over”

We will not get boosters every nine months!


July 23, 2022

Join the CONVOY to our Kelowna Rally on Sat. morning!

Municipal Politicians – Part 1

Last year, Kari Simpson of Canadian Voters Association was attempting to effect change in government at the provincial and federal levels. What she discovered was that the corruption that is destroying the foundations of a flourishing society begins at the municipal levels. So it’s not as simple as replacing a provincial or federal leader. It means replacing all the unethical councilors, school trustees and other bureaucrats that shape our small towns and big cities.

Due to apathy and a general lack of involvement by good, caring and righteous people, almost every town in Canada is now run by unscrupulous characters motivated by power and greed. An anti-social, de-humanizing agenda now pervades society because those who were elected to serve the public are actually serving a different master. Evil is easily disguised in good-looking packages, but actions speak louder than words. Now that our eyes are open to the deceitful behaviour of our elected (or selected) local officials, it’s time to step up and get involved:

We know that media has become the propaganda arm of the federal government and controlled by Big Pharma. It wasn’t always as obvious as it is now, but, right from the beginning, media was designed to deceive and control the people. Is it just a coincidence that three of our current councilors and mayor in Kelowna are media alumni? Now, our former beloved CHBC News anchor Rick Webber has announced his candidacy for councilor. If this election is a popularity contest, he will be a shoo-in. Sadly, we found out first-hand last spring at a Global News protest that Rick Webber is NOT awake. Neither are any of the other people who’ve announced that they are running in this fall’s election.

Last spring, I attended a meeting that included “awake” politicians who were sharing their political experiences and providing tips on how to run a successful campaign. It was well attended and hopefully indicative of the number of people who will be running this fall. Here are important tips to remember if you wish to appeal to the masses:

  1. Show up at “hot” events
  2. Get some media training (the art of avoiding questions and re-directing the conversation)
  3. Have six solid talking points
  4. Be a generalist and focus on positive subjects
  5. Act like a leader, not a politician
  6. Start attending council meetings every week to familiarize yourself with procedures
  7. AVOID HOT-BUTTON TOPICS! In other words, DO NOT mention “freedom,” “COVID,” “the Pandemic,” “Bonnie Henry,” “Charter of Rights & Freedom,” etc….

REMEMBER, the point is to get ELECTED. You must AVOID divisive issues at all costs. You need to establish the “Know, Like & Trust” factor and build relationships. Offer solutions for widespread issues that affect the majority. Read a book on how to run for office and get elected. Sign up for Election E-Updates:

If we have no one to vote for who cares about truth, freedom, our constitution, and is aware of the spiritual war taking place, we may as well stay home on election day and helplessly bear witness to the continued destruction of our city for four more years.

Next week, Part 2 of this article will discuss various community issues that appeal to the masses and Part 3 will focus on what you need to do to promote yourself and create name recognition.


Recent Major Court Victory in Italy!

A psychologist was being suspended from work for refusing to be vaxxed. He took the gov’t to court – and won. The Court held that because the vaccine was still experimental and the ingredients were unknown, with unknown irreversible side effects, they could not force this upon him as a condition of work.

Here is a rough translation of the judgment:

N.R.G. 2022/7360


02 Second Civil Section

In the interlocutory proceedings registered under No. r. g. 7360/2022 brought by … under the patronage of … lawyer BENASSI RAUL (BNSRLA711A10G687J); electively domiciled at VIALE BELFIORE, 32 50144 FIRENZE at the offices of the lawyer




Noted that the suspension from the practice of the profession is likely to jeopardise primary individual goods such as the right to his livelihood and the right to work referred to in Article 4 understood as an expression of the freedom of the person and his dignity, guaranteed precisely by the freedom from need

In fact, having noted that Article 32 of the ‘personocentric’ constitutional charter after the experience of Nazi-fascism does not permit medical experimentation that is invasive of the person without his free and informed consent whereas informed consent is not conceivable when the components of the serums and the mechanism of their operation are, as in this case, covered not only by industrial secrecy but also, incomprehensibly, by ‘military’ secrecy whereas, therefore, after two years we still do not know the components of the serums nor their medium and long-term effects as written by the manufacturers themselves, whereas we know that in the short term they have already caused thousands of deaths and serious adverse events….

Whereas, on the other hand, the Tuscany Order of Psychologists is in breach of this immediately applicable legislation and is undeniably discriminating against Dr … compared with vaccinated colleagues who can continue to work despite having the same chance of becoming infected and transmitting the virus…considered that for these reasons there is also the alleged “fumus boni iuris” i.e. the unlawful imposition by the Order of belonging to an injection treatment that has already caused serious adverse events and death, and in the end with a substantial “acceptance of the risk” of occurrence of such harmful events for Dr. …

Held that for these reasons Dr … cannot be forced, in order to be able to support herself and her family, to undergo these experimental injection treatments which are so invasive that they insinuate themselves into her DNA, altering it in a way which could be irreversible, with effects which cannot as yet be foreseen for her life and health; whereas, from an epidemiological point of view, the condition of the vaccinated person is not dissimilar to that of the unvaccinated person, since both can become infected, develop the disease and transmit contagion.

For the reasons The Court Having regard to art. 669 paragraph 2 s code of civil procedure and 700 c.c.p. suspends the provision of the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany of … prohibiting Dr. … to exercise the profession of psychologist until she undergoes the injection treatment against Sars Cov 2, thus authorising the exercise of the profession without undergoing the injection treatment, working in any mode (both in the presence or remotely) in the same way as colleagues vaccinated. Sets for confirmation, modification or revocation of the provision in crossexamination the hearing of 15 Sept. 2022, 10,00 a.m. Florence on 6 July 2022 The Judge Dr Susanna Zanda


Despite have some of the strictest mask requirements in the world, COVID cases in Singapore and New Zealand have overtaken even Australia and appear to confirm that masks do not prevent viral transmission


CLEAR is proud to help sponsor and support Vaccine Choice Canada:

Register now for premiere viewing of:

Uniformed Consent

4:00 pm Sat. July 23rd, 2022 $20

Featuring: Ted Kuntz

Todd Harris Writer/Director

Odessa Orlewicz Executive Producer

Dr. Stephen Malthouse

Dr. Charles Hoff

Alan Cassels

Dr. Christopher Shaw


Trudeau Panics as his Government reveals the Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 COVID Deaths in Canada since February


Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning, the UK Gov. quietly published a report confirming the Vaccinated account for 94% of all COVID-19 Deaths since April, 90% of which were Triple/Quadruple Jabbed



Freedom Rallies

It ain’t over till it’s over”

Kelowna, BC

July 23, 2022

+33° – Sunny (subject to change without notice!!! lol)

12:00 noon

+ The CLEAR Information Table

Stuart Park

Because It Ain’t Over!


July 23, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


July 23, 2022 11:30 a.m.

OK Falls Freedom Rally

11:30 a.m. Across from Esso Station

Join the OK Falls freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 23, 2022 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


July 23, 2022  11:00 a.m.

Osoyoos Freedom Gathering

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Town Hall


July 24, 2022 1:00 p.m.

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!