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“It Ain’t Over”

Freedom activists are critical thinkers!

Our society is so dumbed down and indoctrinated that anyone who is a critical thinker is labeled as a Conspiracy Theorist  

Did you know:  The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was first coined and used by the CIA to ridicule anyone who opposed the gov’t narrative?

Including our own media

Kelowna Courts


Long time Kelowna freedom activist Bruce Orydzuk is in court on Tuesday, March 19 at 2:00 p.m. as Judge Ruse will read out the judgment in open court.  Bruce had charges falsified of causing a disturbance, arising from his participation in the protests at Trinity Church vaccination clinic in 2021.  

Please show up and support Bruce in court!!!   Your support is much needed.

April 12, 2024   9:30 a.m. — Sentencing hearing 

This is the sentencing hearing for David Lindsay, on falsified assault charges.  David Grabavac, the Criminal Persecutor in this case, is unbelievably seeking two years in jail, three years probation, a weapons ban and DNA sample. 

From those who have seen the video, this is nothing more than political harassment and intimidation by Mr. Grabavac who is abusing his powers and should be removed from the office immediately.   

Judge Heinrichs, who to this time has been completely biased in favour of the Crown, will be present.  Without giving away details at this point, the Crown’s strategy is to again, attempt to have me banned from parks and schools in Kelowna in their hopes that by so doing, no more rallies will take place.  The Crown is trying every civil and criminal method possible to achieve this objective. 

Please show up in court on April 12, 2024.  Judge Henrichs may give judgment on that day, or may reserve judgment to a future date.  This remains unknown until the date of hearing.  

April 22, 2024 – David Lindsay first conviction appeal hearing date

BC Supreme Court hearing – Conviction Appeal on assault charges

In the B.C. Supreme Court on Jan. 29, 2024, I appeared before Justice Weatherill. I was ordered to file my Constitutional Challenge to the payment of transcripts fees and serve them on the AG of Canada and BC, by April 5, 2024.   Next hearing date is simply to see how to proceed with the appeal after that.

The first batch of transcripts has arrived, thank you so very kindly to all those who have supported obtaining them.  Two more days remain to be obtained for this appeal to be heard, on the delay issue only. 

June 17, 2024

City of Kelowna v David Lindsay et al                          Petition to Stop Rallies

My SLAPP application to strike the City of Kelowna’s Petition to ban our rallies, was originally set for the week of Feb. 20, 2024, however the schedulers were unable to find a judge.  Maybe they are looking for a specific NDP supporting judge and couldn’t fine one.  Whatever the reason, it is now put over to the week of June 17, 2024.  I will get notified of the specific date that week, on Friday, June 14, including the name of the judge.

My documents in this case are located on our website at:

All City of Kelowna documents, affidavits and pleadings are now placed on our website for public viewing:

Emergencies Act Appeal

The Communist Gov’t of Canada has now filed its appeal to the recent decision of the Federal Court striking the Trudeau Gov’t’s Proclamation Declaring a Public Order Emergency to the Trucker’s Freedom Convoy.  Here is the link to the site for you to be able to read their Notice of Appeal.

BC unexplained wealth order regime faces first legal opposition in the Courts

Violating every principle of our law, the BC Gov’t in March 2023, passed a law which compels you to prove where you got the money for your assets, or the Gov’t will steal it from you.  Now. two people are challenging this. We will get these challenges shortly and post them on our website for you.

Media Correction:

Recently, Kelowna was blessed to have our local Town Hall meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2024.  Lindsay Gabelhouse put forth an incredibly professional moderating.  The two speakers, Lloyd Manchester and Dr. Hsaing were both very knowledgeable and professional in their presentations.  For the hundreds of people present, it was an awesome presentation of facts in relation to new legislation by the BC NDP (Communist Party).

No one from the media replied to Lindsay’s request for media reporters to identify themselves. Yet, InfoNews reporter Marshall Jones was there and published a report on Friday.

As with all subsidized Kelowna media, Jones’ report was a scathing and negatively biased diatribe against anyone opposing the corrupt Gov’t narrative.  It matters not how professional and correct the individuals are in their opposition to the Gov’t, the media is in attack mode in every article.

As appears to be their want, once again reference was made by Jones to my presence at this Town Hall, falsely claiming, as does Castanet (BC’s answer to the National Inquirer), that I am a member of the Freeman-on-the-Land (FOTL) organization.  This is not the first time such allegations have been made.

I wish to clear this up for everyone.  

I am not a member of this organization. I have never been a member of FOTL.  I have never attended any of their in person or zoom meetings. I have never promoted or supported them or their ideologies and platforms. In short, I have no direct or indirect association with FOTL and never had, ever. 

All of us need to put these reporters on notice every time they make false allegations against us. My notice is set out below.  If you are subject to false information in the media, contact the reporter and demand a retraction and an apology. 

Here is my letter to Mr. Jones, emailed on March 17, 2024.

Mr. Jones 

Re:         What the blind need to see about town halls 

                March 17, 2024 

Mr. Jones 

      In your recent attack against those who believe in freedom and gov’t accountability, you make reference to my presence at the recent Kelowna Town Hall event, without reason as I never talked to you.  As usual with Kelowna’s Socialist reporters, no attempt was made by yourself to verify the accuracy of your claims. I wish to clarify your errors.  

     I am not a member of this organization called Freeman-on-the-Land (FOTL.)  I have never been a member of FOTL.  I have never attended any of their in person or zoom meetings. I have never spoken at any of their events. I have never promoted or supported them or their ideologies and platforms. In short, I have no direct or indirect association nor contact with FOTL or any other members or supporters, and never have, ever.  That there may be an overlap of beliefs as to our rights and freedoms, does not ipso facto make me a FOTL member or supporter, now or historically.

    I am demanding you print an immediate retraction with respect to your false allegations against me in this regard. 

   Considering the negative judicial, media and public attention this organization is the recipient of, your false allegation that I am or was part of this organization, is libelous and further intended to lower my standing, good name and reputation.

      I notice that despite your attack on me, you fail to mention my name helping a long time and blind, freedom supporter to ask her question and express her concerns to the panel.  Your only objective was to portray me in a negative light, and fail to tell the public all the positive actions I have taken, most of which you know nothing about as none of you reporters ever bother to seek out my position and supporting materials. 

      Everything I have said since the beginning of the COVID CON has or is coming true.  The PCR Test, which I have exposed as far back as early summer of 2020 as being a fraud, is now being recognized as not the gold standard of COVID-19 testing, but rather, fool’s gold – as admitted by its inventor Kari Mullis, who just happened to die six months prior to the alleged outset of COVID-19.  But you’re a coincidence theorist correct?  It was just a coincidence the inventor of this test and Nobel Prize Winner for so doing, died before COVID so he could not publicly expose the fact that PCR cannot detect live viral infections, nor determine if you are at risk to transmit it to anyone.  

     All our studies and reports, including having a court recognized expert on the nature, types and effectiveness of masks against viruses, showing that masks are completely ineffective against preventing viral transmission, whether in aerosol form or droplets.  Why were there never any bio-hazard disposal bins at hospitals for used masks, instead of piling them overflowing the open garbage cans on the floor?  If COVID was so dangerous, clearly and literally throwing used masks into an open pit garbage can, will result in billions of airborne viruses floating throughout the hospital.  

     Bonnie Henry’s (you’ll notice I don’t recognize her as a doctor – she has violated her Oath and should be in jail) completely falsified COVID-19 statistics, using the Case Fatality Rate instead of the much more accurate Infection Fatality Rate, which more accurately confirmed COVID-19 fatality rates were on par with the regular flu virus.  All the injuries and deaths associated with the experimental injections (how does it feel to be the guinea pig?) were falsely represented as being much lower than actual figures.  This to say nothing of the Constitutional rights and freedoms violations based on a false pandemic.  Only people with no ability to think critically or who have been compromised, can maintain a COVID-19 pandemic where the Gov’t claims, for the first time in history that for two years there were no recorded cases of the flu.  This is simply not possible and is self-evident of statistical manipulation of flu cases as being COVID-19.

     Despite having up to almost 2000 people at times to our rallies, there has never been any ‘super-spreader’ event, where suddenly hospitals were overwhelmed with COVID infections immediately after one of our rallies, despite all the hugging, refusal to social distance and other natural human social activities.   

   Then again, as Rob Gibson from Castanet informed me in 2020, you were all contacted by Gov’t officials in Victoria, and ordered that no one with opposing views on COVID-19 was to be given “a platform” in the media.  I guess your subsidies are just too valuable to print the truth. 

   There are four types of people – those who love rights and freedoms and those who love taking them away – directly or indirectly through support such as yours in the Socialist media.  Those who think the government is out for their best interests, and those people who think. 

    I remind you that our law is based on the supremacy of the individual, not the collective.  If you believe in the latter, I suggest you leave my once great country and go live in China or Russia, or even North Korea, where such beliefs are more readily appreciated.  

   In the meantime, as long as you are in Canada, and especially here in B.C., I demand you retract your patently false allegations against me.  Your research will fail to show anything that I have been a member or supporter of the Freeman-on-the-Land organization. And do not repeat these false allegations in the future.  Your false claim on your website of “meeting the highest standard of journalism.”, is clearly false as well.  This highest standard of journalism requires full investigations of both sides of an issue, not simply being a Gov’t Socialist puppet.

In freedom  

David Lindsay 

March 19, 2024

Penticton Town Hall 

Similar to the recent Kelowna Town Hall success, Penticton is set for its local Town Hall on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. 

Penticton Seniors Drop-In Centre   2965 South Main Street

Local media has also picked up on this event:

See Cash is King Poster for businesses below!!

Empower Hour

Every Wednesday Action4Canada hosts the Empower Hour, an online zoom meeting open to everyone. We have a special guest each week, who will educate, inform and answer your burning questions. Also, watch the Weekly Updates HERE.

To be kept informed of these webinars sign up for our Email Updates so as to receive advance notification along with details on how to pre-register for each Empower Hour webinar.

March 20, 2024

Sign on starts at: 4.30pm PST/7.30pm EST

Pre-Register Now for this Webinar
Join us! Share this page and link with your friends and social media!

Sunday Druthers Deliveries

Next Delivery Day:

Sunday, March 24, 2024

(weather permitting)

Pay with CASH$$$$$$$$$


New Credit Card Fees & Lack of Privacy

It is starting – Use cash as much as possible – use credit cards or digital only if there is no other alternative.

Companies will not use digital currency if we are not using digital currency!  It will cost them too much in lost business.

Here is an awesome poster you can distribute to all businesses to put on their entrance doors, advocating for the use of cash.  Print on   8 1/2 x 11 glossy hard stock for best results.

BC Transit launches tap payment in Victoria

Use cash for all transit!!!!

For Business owners:

The dangers of digital gov’t ID and currencies are here… you need to use cash as much as possible.  As recognized by Freedom Rising, there are many inherent dangers of using digital currency.  What do you do, not if, but when:

          The internet is down

          There is a power outage

          The card reader malfunctions

          Your phone battery dies or doesn’t work for other reasons


Your phone is stolen

          Your passwords are co-opted

          Your credit/debit card strip is damaged – needs replacing

          There are errors in relation to the quantum of $$ on your card

Gov’t limits your purchases/CRA liens the balance on your card


CLEAR has promoted the non-use of digital currencies and credit/debit cards as much as possible, for years. 


Withdraw money on Saturday/Sunday from the bank or bank machine, and then leave your money at home if you are scared to carry it with you, and just carry the amounts of cash for each day’s purchases for the week.


USE CASH  $$$$$$$$$

Do you want to be the next person to be “unbanked” because of your political beliefs????

Get these cards below at the CLEAR booth to give out every time you use cash – or print your own to hand out!

Make Business sized cards to hand out at all your cash purchases!


In a revolutionary strategy, local B.C. activists have devised an incredibly ingenious method of holding politicians accountable on election day. Very few people know how they politicians have voted, and on what bills. That is about to change with the Politicians Scorecards!


Largest COVID vaxx study to date finds link to blood, heart conditions

A study of 99 million vaccinated people against COVID-19 leads to the expected result, that these vaccines have resulted in significant injuries and deaths.


Former SCC Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin discusses the upcoming Liberal Gov’t’s Online Harms Bill, and why it is likely to fail in the courts.


Scientists Expose Major Problems with Climate Change Data

The flaws are so significant that they make the temperature data—and the models based on it—essentially useless or worse, three independent scientists with the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES) explained.

Sask. Ass’n of Rural Municipalities agree C02 is not a pollutant

Canadians skeptical about climate change






 Foundational Principles Pledge – Politician Scorecards



Providing awesome, professionally sanctioned materials and information against the COVID and other vaccines







Dr. Malone





Freedom Rallies

“It ain’t over till it’s over”

Next Kelowna Rally:


April 6, 2024

12:oo pm  Stuart Park,

April 20, 2024

Hwy 97 and Cooper!!

Join us for important announcements on the local, legal scene, and informative speakers!

March 23. 2024

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 – 2:00 p.m. @ Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!

North Okanagan Shuswap Freedom Radio


March 23. 2024   12:00 noon

O.K. Falls Freedom Rally

Across from Esso Station


March 23. 2024 12:00 noon

Oliver Freedom Rally

12:00 p.m.

Town Hall

March 23. 2024 12:00 noon

Kamloops Freedom Gathering

Valleyview Centennial Park


March 24. 2024 12:00 noon

Penticton Freedom Rally

Main and Warren St.

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!


CLEAR Telegram

With almost 600 members now and growing, join us in our C.L.E.A.R. Telegram group! Please remember: no foul language, abuse or vulgarity for any posts, keep posts relevant to today’s freedom issues, humour is fine, be respectful at all times. Government officials, police, agents or their posts are not accepted nor permitted on this site. Please ensure as best you can, that material you post is accurate and correct. Posting false or incorrect information is not acceptable.

Help us ensure all posts are verified for correctness.

Opinions and discussions on relevant issues are also encouraged.

This is a private group for trusted people and friends only.

If you are interested in joining our text messaging list please reply to this email with your cell phone number and your carrier. You will receive the occasional text message with important last minute notices and updates

Was this newsletter forwarded to you by a friend ?
If so, please consider joining our elist so you don’t miss any future newsletters

Penticton Town Hall to Protect YOUR Rights


Watch this News Release NOW!

Community Awareness Project Penticton hosts first South Okanagan TownHall

Tuesday, March 19 – 6:30 p.m. (Doors Open at 6)

Penticton Seniors Drop-In Centre

2965 South Main Street







WRITE to get involved!


Team up with your fellow citizens.

Meet at Main & Warren this Sunday at 1 PM.

BC Needs You.

Your Family, Your Friends and Your Neighbours need you.

And needs You

to take TownHalls across the province, Across Canada,

And to Light a Spark around the world.

All it takes is to say, Yes! to BC TownHalls and to

Just Say NO! to unreasonable legislation.

——————————- o0o————————————-


This is only the first of many.

Momentum is Growing and You can be a part of Something Big!

Let’s make this Event AMAZING!!

Canada to Sentence Citizens to ‘Life Imprisonment’ for ‘Hate’

Canada to Sentence Citizens to ‘Life Imprisonment’ for ‘Hate’

by Frank Bergman – March 13, 2024

The Canadian government is rapidly advancing plans to usher in full-blown tyranny and will soon begin sentencing citizens to life in prison if they are found guilty of committing the “crime” of so-called “hate”. Many are likening the new laws to George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984” as Canada will soon start handing out severe penalties for wrongthink. The push for life sentences is part of “liberal” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s “anti-hate” legislation.

The shocking new law, buried in bill C-63, states:

Everyone who commits an offense under this act or any other act of Parliament, if the commission of the offense is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, color, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offense and liable to imprisonment for life.

However, the bill only gets worse the further you read.

The new law will also offer cash bribes to members of the public “anonymously” snitch on their fellow citizens for committing “hate.”

The bill states:

It [C-63 bill] allows someone to make a complaint of a discrimination anonymously … if that hateful complaint is found legit, a maximum of 20,000 [Canadian] dollars goes to that person.

Meanwhile, similar legislation to define and crack down on in-person and online “hate” is being pushed across Europe.

Just recently, in Belgium, former Flemish parliamentarian Dries Van Langenhove was sentenced to one year in prison. The reason for this sentence was for sharing supposedly “racist memes” in a private group chat.

The new law from Canada comes as Trudeau’s World Economic Forum-controlled administration seeks to rapidly advance the nation’s descent into globalist tyranny. The government has been pushing several new laws that seek to strip the public of their freedoms. As Slay News reported, among the draconian new laws are powers that allow authorities to begin jailing citizens who “might” commit a crime.

Trudeau’s government is pushing for the new “pre-crime” authority which officials claim will help to tackle so-called “hate crimes.” The new powers are buried in Trudeau’s “Online Harms Bill,” (Bill C-63) which is expected to soon be signed into law, the Daily Telegraph reports.The “Online Harms Bill” is designed to crack down on any opposition to the “progressive” agenda of Trudeau’s ruling Liberal Party. One of the measures within the bill would give judges the power to imprison individuals if they believe they “might” commit a crime in the future.

Meanwhile, the government is also pushing new laws that seek to criminalize Christianity, as Slay News recently reported. Trudeau’s administration is planning to make Bible reading and prayer considered “hate speech” – a “crime” punishable with prison time. Under Trudeau, a WEF Young Global Leader, the government is introducing an amendment to the Criminal Code. The amendment could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings. The legislation, Bill C-367, will make it illegal to reiterate certain parts of the Bible.

By stripping away the “good faith” defense, the government will be able to prosecute Christians for what is deemed by the globalist state as “hate speech.” Traditional Christian practices such as celebrating Christmas or attending church service will be considered crimes that carry severe penalties.

Additionally, Slay News recently reported globalist lawmakers in Canada are pushing a disturbing new piece of legislation that seeks to jail members of the public who question the “Net Zero” agenda of the unelected WEF. The push aims to tackle so-called “climate skepticism” as governments around the world scramble to meet the WEF’s “Net Zero” goals. The legislation, Bill C-372, was introduced by Canada’s left-wing socialist New Democratic Party (NDP).

Under the bill, the promotion of fossil fuel use will be outlawed with restrictions similar to tobacco advertising applied. Those who speak in favor of fossil fuels, or criticize plans to eliminate them, will face massive fines and possible prison time.

The “anti-hate” laws are so extreme that even radical leftists are calling out the government over the push. The environmental activist, feminist, and author, Margaret Atwood slammed the government’s “Online Harms Bill” in a social media post.

Atwood called the bill “Trudeau’s Orwellian online harms bill” and stated “If this account of the bill is true, it’s Lettres de Cachet all over again,” referring to letters signed by the King of France granting him absolute authority. On Tuesday, Canadian psychologist Jordan Pederson, who’s already expressed shock and disapproval at the bill, responded to Atwood’s comments, stating:

“If even the mother of the progressive feminists in Canada thinks that Bill C-63 is dangerous then perhaps the rest of us might think twice as well.”

Transgendered, Calls Bill C-63 “An Orwellian

Amy Hamm, Victimized for Her Views on the
Transgendered, Calls Bill C-63 “An Orwellian


Amy Hamm, Victimized for Her Views on the
Transgendered, Calls Bill C-63 “An Orwellian


Speaking at a gathering of Reality Based Women Unite! in
Toronto on March 8, International Women’s Day, Amy
Hamm, whose case is discussed below warned: “The Online
Harms bill will criminalize speech. We can be punished without
even opening our mouths, for Internet postings. Bill C-63 is an
Orwellian nightmare,” she added. “It is the last desperate attempt
by a failed regime to silence its critics. Free speech has been in
peril in Canada for many years. Freedom of speech must involve
freedom from consequences like huge legal bills, job loss and
public mockery.” Noting that Bill C-63 will allow anonymous
complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, she
argued: “It’s difficult to fight against a group (complainant) that
cannot be named.”

Amy Hamm said: “We live in a culture that is hellbent on
silencing the voices of dissenting women. The state funded
media does the bidding of a man who loves power as does our
national intelligence service.” She said CSIS has been corrupted
and now classifies those opposed to the LGBTQ agenda as
“potential terrorists” and violent. [Several CAFE associates attended this event.]

New Westminster Nurse Amy Hamm, the Latest
Victim of Professional Persecution
As Canada becomes more and more a Cultural Marxist, woke
controlled society, professional bodies are increasingly used to
punish their members for their political opinions. The
persecution of media star and author Jordan Peterson by the
Ontario College of Psychologists comes to mind. He was
sentenced to re-education sessions to be paid out of his own
pocket. Now, there’s British Columbia nurse Amy Hamm. CBC
(November 23, 2023) reports: “A B.C. nurse accused of making
numerous ‘derogatory and discriminatory’ public statements
about transgender people took the stand in her discipline hearing
on Friday, telling the panel considering her case that she is not
transphobic. During a hearing at the B.C. College of Nurses and
Midwives, Amy Hamm of New Westminster testified that her
advocacy on social and other platforms is meant to protect
women and children from what she described as dangerous
infringements into sex-segregated spaces. ‘I’m not transphobic. I
don’t have any issue with trans people — it’s the infringement on
women and children’s rights,’ Hamm told the college disciplinary
panel. She said she is fighting against what she described as a
‘fringe’ movement of activists influencing official positions on
transgender rights and access to gender-affirming care.
‘It’s a movement that is infringing on the rights of women and
pushing institutions to adopt what are false and delusional
beliefs,’ she said. Hamm faces allegations of unprofessional
conduct for making “discriminatory and derogatory statements
regarding transgender people” while identifying herself as a
nurse, according to a citation from the college. 
Hamm frequently refers to transgender women as ‘men’ in social
media posts, videos and podcasts, implying they pose a danger to
cisgender [that’s woke-speak for normal] women and children.
She has referred to the disciplinary proceedings as a ‘witch trial’
and suggested the college ‘would love for me to suicide myself.’
…. She told the panel she is particularly concerned about
transgender women having access to women-only spaces
including prisons and change rooms. She pointed to examples
like Madilyn Harks, a transgender woman with a history of
sexually assaulting young girls who has been housed in women’s
correctional facilities. ‘It makes me extremely, extremely angry,
and it feels as though people don’t seem to care what happens to
these women,’ she said of female inmates. She said she
completely rejects the concept of gender identity, calling it ‘anti-
scientific, metaphysical nonsense.’”
Political Prisoner Leslie Bory Not

You MUST Act Now: The Biggest Threat to Free Speech and the Internet in Our Lifetime – Bill C63

You MUST Act Now: The Biggest Threat to Free
Speech and the Internet in Our Lifetime – Bill C63

Mischievously entitled the “Online Harms Act”, Bill C-63
introduced in Parliament February 26 is the most serious threat
to freedom of speech in our lifetime. You MUST act. Contact by
mail, phone, but preferably by going and seeing your MP of
whatever party. Insist that this Stalinist bill be withdrawn or

We’ll provide further details in the next issue of the Free Speech
Monitor, but here are some of the worst highlights:
 Remember Stalin’s Russia made anti-Semitism
punishable by death. Well, , by an amendment to the
“hate law” (Section 318) will make advocating genocide
punishable by up to life – yes, you read that right, LIFE
– in prison. All that for running your mouth on the
Internet. Only capital murder and treason can get you
life in prison. Crimes where people, not the feelings of
privileged groups, are hurt (assault, wounding) don’t get
you life in prison. Remember that. after the Israel/Gaza
war, genocide has become a loosey goosey concept.
Many Zionists insist the slogan “from the river to the
sea, Palestine shall be free” is a call for genocide.
Clearly the mass bombing, starvation and displacement
of the people in Gaza might be seen as such.

Punch someone in the nose and you could go to prison
for life! No kidding. Kim Jong-Un could take lessons
in repression from the ungrateful Ugandan Asian Arif
Virani, who, as Trudeau’s Minister of “Justice”, repaid
Canada’s hospitality after Idi Amin expelled his family,
with this piece of police state thought control.

Ungrateful Ugandan Refugee Brings Stalinist Repression to Canada

The Act says: “Everyone who commits an offence under this Act
or any other Act of Parliament, if the commission of the
offence is motivated by hatred based on race, national
or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age,
mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or
gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable
offence and liable to imprisonment for life.” So,
supposing someone cuts you off while you are driving.
You jump out of your car, cuss them out and punch
them in the nose. You go to court for assault causing
bodily harm. Today, you’d likely get a fine or a month
in jail. HOWEVER, if you denounced the bad driver as
a homosexual or blind Chinaman, your act might be
seen as being motivated by hate against a privileged
group and you could face life in prison. Move over, Paul
Bernardo, another thought criminal will join you in jail.

Section 13 is back! It took more than a decade to get
Parliament to rescind Section 13 of the Canadian
Human Rights Act. It was used to punish people whose
views on the Internet were “likely to expose to hatred
or contempt” members of privileged groups – race,
religion, sex, sexual orientation. That protection did not
apply to White people or Christians as the Supreme
Court made clear in its 2012 Whatcott ruling. Only
“minorities” are protected. Well, Sec. 13 is back worse
than ever. The Ugandan has trashed basic rights of
Anglo-Saxon law. You may be the victim on an
anonymous complaint. Your ancient right to face your
accuser has just flown out the window: “The

Commission may deal with a complaint in relation to a
discriminatory practice described in Section 13 without
disclosing, to the person against whom the complaint
was filed or to any other person, the identity of the
alleged victim, the individual or group of individuals
that has filed the complaint or any individual who has
given evidence or assisted the Commission in any way
in dealing with the complaint, if the Commission
considers that there is a real and substantial risk that
any of those individuals will be subjected to threats,
intimidation or discrimination.” You can be fined up to
$70,000 for your views. Oh, yes, and remember: Truth
is no defence, as Ernst Zundel found out in the
Zundelsite tribunal.

There’s even more state control and tyranny, but we’ll save that
for the next issue.

Trudeau Called ‘Most Dangerous Man In Political History’ for Plan to Regulate Online News

Trudeau Called ‘Most Dangerous Man In Political History’ for Plan to Regulate Online News by Leanne Lawrence, Lifesite News – February 7, 2020 Warnings continue to multiply over the “insane” and “invasive” report that recommends Canada’s Liberal government register and regulate internet media content providers. A number of commentators in and

outside Canada denounced the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review (BTLR) panel’s

report released last week as a “breathtaking” and unprecedented plan to regulate the internet.

The government-assembled panel of broadcasting experts chaired by Janet Yale was tasked with advising the Liberals on overhauling the country’s allegedly outdated broadcasting laws. Its report recommended a massive expansion of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) as the renamed Canadian Communications Commission.

“A key recommendation was to extend licences currently granted to radio and television stations to all media content, along with a much stricter compliance regime,” noted the National Post’s John Ivison. Indeed, so strict is this proposed scheme that two former CRTC members are among the report’s fiercest critics.

Former CRTC vice-chair of telecommunications Peter Menzies wrote in the Globe and Mail that in a “breathtaking expansion of scope and bureaucratic hubris” and “a series of invasive and unjustifiable recommendations,” the panel “advocated for a sweeping series of interventions that would make all online media – from online sites such as Rabble to Rebel News and in any language – subject to government regulation.”

That was echoed by former CRTC commissioner Timothy Denton, who in a Financial Post op-ed wrote that the report advocates “an unprecedented power grab for the federal government and the CRTC” aimed “at nothing less than a statist counter-revolution against the internet.”

That was echoed by well-known Canadian pundit and political commentator Andrew Coyne.

The report is “breathtaking — a regulatory power grab without precedent, either in Canada or the democratic world,” noted Coyne in the Globe and Mail.

“Nobody elsewhere else is proposing anything like it, and for good reason: because it’s insane.”

But what the Liberal government will do remains a critical question after Heritage Minister Steven Guilbault caused a firestorm by first appearing to endorse the idea of government licenses for internet news sites, then reversing his position the next day. On Sunday, Guilbault told CTV News: “If you’re a distributor of content in Canada… we would ask that they have a licence, yes.” On Monday, both the minister and the prime minister insisted the Liberals won’t license internet news or regulate internet news.

But that’s not exactly reassuring given the report recommends that “companies delivering media content by means of the internet would be required to register with the new Canadian Communications Commission,” and that it makes “no mention here of any exemptions for news organizations,” noted Ivison.

And while the report’s “implications for press freedom are obvious – so obvious, that one would expect the whole newspaper industry to rise up as one and reject it,” it also contains an offer of “goodies” for that beleaguered sector, Coyne observed.

Indeed, even as critics allege the Trudeau government’s $595 million “media bail-out” announced in its last budget compromises Canada’s legacy media, the report outlines more ways “the government could help news outlets” losing out to digital competitors, the Globe and Mail reported.

It recommends that online media content providers must register with the CRTC and pay into a fund to support select Canadian news organizations, it reported.

Newspapers “would be eligible for subsidies paid for out of the taxes on aggregators and sharers, who would also be obliged to link” to those Canadian news sites the CRTC deems “accurate, trusted and reliable,” Coyne explained.

“Are we really going to bite the hand that feeds us, now or in the future?” he added.

Liberals and their beneficiaries believe they are “saving quality journalism,” noted Ivison, “while everyone else thinks it’s a transparent bribe.”

That’s echoed by Jack Fonseca, director of political operations at Campaign Life Coalition, Canada’s national pro-life, pro-family lobbying group. The Liberal “bailout of the privately-owned mainstream media was a bribe to ensure that major media outlets will become dependent on the government, and therefore not report anything critical about Trudeau, or else,” he told LifeSiteNews.

It’s similar to the Liberal government’s “new rules to muzzle so-called Third Party Advertisers at election time, including simple information posted on Canadian websites,” he said. Fonseca maintains those rules were “designed to de-platform all small-c conservative voices which might be critical of Liberal policies, including that of Campaign Life Coalition. We actually had to shut down our pro-life Voters’ Guide for months during the election, and then massively restrict access to it.”

Canadians should regard the recent controversial broadcasting report in the context of what they know about the Liberals, and particularly the prime minister, who in May 2014 expressed his admiration for China’s “basic dictatorship,” he pointed out.

“We need to take Trudeau at his word, and not just laugh at him as if he’s some kind of joke. He was deadly serious. A basic dictatorship is what he admires. And it seems fairly clear that’s where he’s trying to steer the country, with a clear plan in his own mind,” Fonseca said.

The possibility that the Liberals could “create a ‘media registry’ and start licensing internet and social media-based news outlets is the latest in a string of warning signs that Justin Trudeau is the most dangerous man in Canadian political history,” he added.

Moreover, if the Liberals move ahead with this plan, it’s reasonable to assume “websites like LifeSiteNews would be forced to shut down because the Liberal government would refuse to give them a license,” warned Fonseca.

“In short, Liberals will have total control of the internet and the power to block all dissenting voices.”

Contact information:

The Honourable Steven Guilbeault – Minister of Canadian Heritage
15 Eddy Street, 12th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5
Telephone: 819-997-7788

Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner
Shadow minister for industry and economic development
Suite 115, 70 Country Hills Landing NW
Calgary, AB T3K 2L2
Telephone: 403-216-7777

Justin Trudeau – Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900


‘Terrifying’: US watchdog denounces Trudeau govt’s push to control Canada’s free press

Trudeau govt backpedals on licensing of news websites after outcry

Canadian govt. offers huge tax breaks to ‘trusted’ news organizations 11 months prior to election

Downtown Donald, A Member of the Dispossessed Majority, Banned From The Keg: Woke LGBTQ Tyranny

Downtown Donald, A Member of the Dispossessed Majority, Banned From The Keg: Woke LGBTQ Tyranny

Posted on by CFIRC

I went to the KEG MANSION for a steak dinner, to celebrate my birthday. I’ve been going in there  for the 25 yearsI went to the part of the KEG MANSION where I like to sit,, AT THE UPSTAIRS BAR.
The BARTENDERESS/ waitress is rather LIBERAL,  is wearing a skimpy TANK TOP and  wall to wall TATTOOS, introduces herself,
I said “tonight is my birthday, I have been coming in here for 30 years”.

he said “we are out of prime rib”.. I said  said “that is Ok I will have SIRLION, and an BTW, I don’t approve of MEN DRESSED AS WOMEN”…
( The MALE FLAMING FAG bartender / waiter beside her is sporting a skimpy TANK TOP,  WOMEN’s PONY TAIL AND WOMEN’s MAKEUP AND EYELINER).
Of course , 5 – 10  minutes later after the staff had their little “conference”   This bull dyke manager comes up to me as I am trying to listen to my headphones and watch you tube/

Starts reading me the “RIOT ACT”She says :”We don’t tolerate such speech here .”

I said “look it is FREE SPEECH, OKAY, and I am a 25 year customer”   ” It is   your premises, if you don’t want me here, I will leave”.“You are cutting  off a 30 customer over your politics”  I walked out. The creature had to follow me.I WILL NEVER GO BACK THERE AS LONG AS I LIVE


o, I went to the ANOTHER PUB had the 6 oz steak sandwich and fries.

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: anti-straight discrimination. The Keg, Woke

Free U.K. Political Prisoner Sam Melia — 2 Years in Jail for Publishing Legal Stickers, Another Victim of Britain’s White-hating Legal System!

It has now been one week since Patriotic Alternative Regional Organiser for Yorkshire, Sam Melia, was sentenced to two years in prison for his “intentions” behind publishing stickers online that the prosecution said were legal and truthful.

Now that the dust has settled and we have heard from Sam and know where he is, I thought I’d put together a list of things we can do to help Sam and to push back against his unjust conviction and sentencing.

Before I begin, I would like to inform people that we are pursuing legal avenues in relation to Sam’s conviction. I am in touch with Sam’s solicitor and barrister, plus other legal professionals, and we are looking into what options are available to us. I hope people understand that due to not wanting to share too much information with people who wish Sam harm, we are keeping our cards close to our chest until we have something more concrete to report back.

I’d also like to say thank you to everybody who has helped to raise awareness of Sam’s case. The international response to his conviction and sentencing has been something that we never expected and when I told Sam about it on the phone this week, he was made up!

Write a Letter to Sam

Sam advised me yesterday that apart from missing his family, the worst thing about being in prison is the boredom. Please consider writing him a letter to show him some support and also help him to pass the time.

Please send any letters to:

Samuel Melia


HMP Leeds

2 Gloucester Terrace

Stanningley Road


West Yorkshire

LS12 2TJ

If you would like a letter in return, you will need to write your name and address on the back of the envelope. Sam can buy stamps from the canteen every Saturday. I asked the lady on reception if we could send him stamps and she said no he has to buy them himself, however you can include a stamped addressed envelope with the first letter this week.

Please note, if you get too political in your letter, they won’t let it through.

Email Sam

If you’d like to write an email to Sam, you can use this website to do so:

You have to add credit to your account. It cost me 68p to send him an email and pay for his reply back. They print your email off and hand it to Sam, and he gets a blank page to hand write a message back. They then scan his response and email it back to you. It took 24 hours for my message to get to Sam and 48 hours for Sam’s message to then get back to me, so it’s pretty fast!

Sam is in HMP Leeds and his prison number is A3370FC.  Please remember to put Samuel Melia and not Sam as his name.

Send Books to Sam

If you would like to send a book to Sam, we have to send this directly from one of the prison’s preferred suppliers. Unfortunately we cannot send books (or anything else) directly to Sam. To send Sam a book, please add the book to your basket on one of the following websites:

  • Blackwell’s
  • Foyles
  • Mr B’s Emporium of Reading Delights
  • Waterstones
  • WH Smith
  • Wordery
  • Housmans
  • Incentive Plus
  • Prisons Org UK

You’ll then need to write “Samuel Melia” and his prison number (A3370FC) as the recipient, and send it directly to HMP Leeds. As above, anything too political won’t get through.

This morning I sent Sam 10 books including 2 adult colouring books, 2 puzzle books, 2 history books, 2 journals and 2 fiction books. He enjoys anything outdoorsy (including camping and hiking) DIY, homesteading, exercising, climbing, comedy, graphic novels (he likes Batman), metal music, history, skateboarding, computer games and puzzles/quizzes.

Raise Awareness of Sam’s Case

Another way in which you can help is by raising awareness of Sam’s case. There are multiple benefits to doing this including showing the System that we won’t be silent while they attack our people simply for raising awareness about the terrible things that are happening to us. It also shines a light on their anti-White hypocrisy, helping to awaken other people to nationalism and bring people to our cause.

The response to Sam’s case has been unbelievable so far, with him receiving support from all over the world including from GBNews, Darren Grimes, Alex Jones, Red Ice, Edward Dutton, Steve Laws, Paul Joseph Watson, Count Dankula, Leo Kearse, Keith Woods, Morgoth, Millennial Woes, Tommy Robinson, Britain First, Warren Balogh, Eric Striker, Emily Youcis, Blair Cottrell, Thomas Sewell, Sascha Roßmüller, Adam Green, Way of the World, Joel Davis, James Goddard, Active Patriot, Lotus Eaters, Andreas Johansson, Lauren Southern, Nativist Concern, Tollah, Anne Marie Waters, History Debunked, Mike Enoch, UK Column, Counter-Currents, Pox Populi, Endeavour, UNN, Guardians of Aria, The Woodlander, Heritage and Destiny, Nathan Damigo, Hiraeth, Jody Kay, Horus, The Golden One, David Kurten, Brendan O’Neill at Spiked, Full Haus, No Chance, and even Elon Musk himself!

It’s important to note that not all of these people agree with Sam (or even like him or Patriotic Alternative) but they have taken a stand for his right – and as an extension our right – to freedom of speech, and they have highlighted the anti-White bias of the System. Coming down so hard on Sam for publishing legal stickers has united the “right” on an issue more than I’ve ever seen before in my time in nationalism.

Thanks to the huge public response to Sam’s case, more people have seen his stickers over the last week than they ever did over the two years that the Hundred Handers existed. It is also a massive kick in the teeth to the anti-White System that jailed Sam “as a deterrent” to others who have the same beliefs. The system certainly made an example out of Sam, but not in the way they intended.

We also have the hashtag #FreeSamMelia on Twitter/X.

See the massive amount of support Sam has received on PAtv.

Get Active

To follow on from my previous point of the sentencing being meant to act as a deterrent to other nationalists, getting active in an organisation is the best way you can ensure their failure here. They may have temporarily taken Sam out for a few months, but let’s step into his shoes until he’s back and let them see that this tactic of theirs won’t work on Sam or anybody else for that matter.

Get involved with Patriotic Alternative today.

Street Action

If you’re wondering whether there is going to be some sort of street action towards Sam’s sentencing, the answer is yes. Get involved with Patriotic Alternative to find out more.

Contact Your Local MP

If street activism isn’t for you then please consider contacting your local MP or political representative to share Sam’s story and ask them what they think. Even a negative response is positive because it highlights the fragility and anti-White bias of the System. If you get a response, feel free to share it with us at: 

Otherwise Conservative SD Governor Kristi Noem Rams Through a Law to Outlaw A Political Opinion

SD Gov. Kristi Noem Signs ‘Strongest’ Hate Crime Bill in America to ‘Stop Antisemitism’Chris Menahan
Mar. 09, 2024



South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) on Thursday boasted that she signed the “strongest” hate crime bill in America into law to “stop antisemitism” and “ensure the security of God’s chosen people.”
Noem said in a press release after signing the bill that South Dakota is giving Jews additional special privileges under their anti-discrimination laws because they are “God’s chosen people.”

Noem’s full statement:
Ensuring the Security of God’s Chosen People

By: Governor Kristi Noem

March 8, 2024

When I was growing up, my dad would always gather our family together and we would pray for Israel. It was instilled in me from a very young age that the Jews were Gods [sic] chosen people, that Israel was the Holy Land, and that we should always pray for them.

I brought those fundamental ideals with me when I was in the State Legislature, when I served in Congress, and now as Governor of South Dakota. Supporting the State of Israel and our Jewish community has always been extremely important to me. It’s important to support Israel for spiritual, historical, and national security reasons. I am continuing to stand with the Jewish people by signing historic legislation to protect them from antisemitism.

I was shocked and devastated to see the horrific terrorist attacks on the State of Israel on October 7th, 2023. And I have continued to be heartbroken to see radical individuals in the United States of America standing with Hamas – standing with terrorists. Ever since October 7th, we have seen a shocking spike in antisemitic acts of hatred around the world. We have even seen isolated incidents right here in South Dakota. No one should ever feel concerned for their safety when going to school, when going to work, when they are just trying to live their normal lives. But that is the reality for so many Jewish people across America right now. We see antisemitism on college campuses, among high school students, and even as young as middle and elementary school students. That is unacceptable.

I was very proud to sign HB 1076, a very important bill to combat antisemitism. This bill defines antisemitism and makes it easier to prove when discriminatory conduct is motivated by antisemitism. It is an impactful piece of legislation that will ensure the safety of Jewish people and strengthen South Dakota’s anti-discrimination laws.

We held a beautiful, moving signing ceremony for this bill in the Rotunda of our State Capitol in Pierre. Many prominent Jewish leaders attended, including Elan Carr, the CEO of the Israeli-American Council for Action, nationally renowned Jewish leader and founder of the Jacobson Society Dan Rosen, Rabbi and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center Dr. Mark Goldfeder, Rabbi Mendel Alperowitz of the Chabad Jewish Center of South Dakota, Renie Schreiber on behalf of Yinam Cohen, Consul General of Israel to the Midwest, and Jordan Cope from Stand With Us. A few of our special guests said some words about the impact this legislation will have for the Jewish people. You can view footage of the full bill signing ceremony here.

There are a few other people to thank for their efforts in getting this bill passed and signed into law, including Representative Mike Stevens, Representative Rebecca Reimer, Dan Lederman, and Stephen Rosenthal.

The prime sponsors of this bill, Representative Deutsch and Senator Mehlhaff, put in a lot of hard work with my office and with members of the Jewish community to make sure this is the best bill possible to stop antisemitism and hate. This bill puts the gold standard International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism into state law.

I hope that more states across our great nation will follow this example that we are setting here in South Dakota. It is more important now than ever for our nation’s leaders to stand up and fight against antisemitism. We must always work to ensure the security of God’s chosen people.No doubt the Anti-Defamation League, who sued the city of Bladensburg, Maryland a few years ago to have a 100-year-old memorial cross for WWI veterans torn down in the name of “separation of church and state,” will also be suing to stop this law that was passed only to protect “God’s chosen people!”

No doubt that lawsuit will be coming any day now (*crickets*)!

The IHRA’s definition of anti-Semitism is completely antithetical to the First Amendment.

The IHRA defines anti-Semitism as:
– Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.

– Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.

– Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).

– Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.

– Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.

– Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.

– Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.

– Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.

– Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.

– Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.No other ethnic or religious group in America is afforded any such privileges.

The GOP and Kristi Noem have been running on fighting “wokeness” and “safe spaces” but they’ve all transformed into woke SJWs demanding safe spaces and passing hate speech laws in the name of protecting “God’s chosen people” and Israel.

As I reported last week, the Jerusalem Post ran a column calling for “antisemitism” to be “criminalized” worldwide in order to stop criticism of Israel amid their genocidal ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza.

“Given the large-scale resurgence of international antisemitism today, it is now essential to universally criminalize antisemitism,” said Alan Baker, the head of the international law program at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. “This must be done despite anticipated negative reactions by Muslim groups and despite the apathetic and misplaced sense of political correctness that is most prevalent in Europe and North America.”

As I noted last week, this global push to outlaw antisemitism makes it abundantly clear that all those laws states like Georgia, Florida, South Dakota and others are passing to “define antisemitism” are in fact aimed at making it illegal to criticize Jewish people and Israel — First Amendment be damned.

Leaked documents from the Anti-Defamation League obtained by the Jewish Daily Forward in 2018 revealed that even the ADL recognized that “anti-BDS” laws making it illegal to boycott Israel were clearly unconstitutional.

They warned that such laws (as Noem passed in South Dakota) would be “harmful to the Jewish community” as they would give “the appearance that the Jewish community exercises undue influence in government.”

Though the ADL had privately warned against said anti-BDS laws, other Jewish groups forged ahead with them and the ADL not only got on board with the anti-BDS effort but became an enthusiastic supporter.

Anti-BDS laws have since been passed in 38 states.