Mark Thursday, June 15, for Special Toronto Meeting With Brian Ruhe– Vancouver Videographer

Mark Thursday, June 15, for Special Toronto Meeting With Brian Ruhe– Vancouver Videographer

Brian Ruhe

  • Ontario born videographer — over 1,000 You Tubes on “The Brian Ruhe SHOW”
  • Long-time lecturer on Buddhism and meditation
  • Founder Truth & Justice for Germans & The Thule Society of Vancouver
  • Victim of B’nai Brith & Harry Abrams – numerous lecturing jobs lost since he started putting out hundreds of videos on

My Mission: Exposing Zio-lies & Giving A Voice to the Voiceless: Little Known Ways Zionists have Socially Engineered Our World

Many people have woken up to know that a power controls banking, media, Hollywood, governments, medicine and universities. In this talk Brian Ruhe from Vancouver shares how their breathtaking behind the scenes power has created your very perception of reality and has fed us lies about recent and ancient history, about evolution, anthropology, science, pop culture and more.


TORONTO.   Thursday, June 15, 2017.    YOUR WARD NEWS Office — 163 Main Street, just south of Gerrard.  Five minute walk south of Main Station on the Bloor-Danforth Subway line. 8:00 p.m. [$10 admission]

Sorry, I cannot attend. Please send me an audiotape of Mr. Ruhe’s talk. $6.00;  dvd $10

I’d also like to assist with the costs of this meeting. Here is my donation of $_____

NAME: __________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________

C-FAR, P.O. Box, 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3


CAFE Backs Freedom of the Press & Free Speech As YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing Opens in Toronto

CAFE Backs Freedom of the Press & Free Speech As YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing Opens in Toronto

Temporary ban on delivery of controversial newspaper under review


POSTED APR 25, 2017 4:48 PM EDT


Procedures have begun for Board of Review hearings over a controversial newspaper that began appearing in mailboxes across Toronto last year.

In June 2016, Canada Post was ordered by the federal government to prohibit delivery of Your Ward News, a publication that sparked allegations of racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism and hate. Judy Foote, the minister responsible for Canada Post, issued the interim prohibitory order under the Canada Post Corporation Act.

James Sears, the publication’s editor-in-chief appealed that order and, as procedure under the Act dictates, Foote appointed a Board of Review consisting of three members to consider whether Canada Post should legally distribute the paper.

Over the last few months, members of the public had the opportunity to make submissions in the hopes of participating in the review.

It has been a divided issue encompassing a debate between proponents of freedom of speech and opponents of alleged hate speech. Here’s what some players on both sides had to say as the proceedings began Tuesday.



Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression:

Paul Fromm, director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“This is an incredibly arbitrary and ruthless power all because some politically-correct people didn’t like what’s in Your Ward News. Tough. People should have the right to publish what they want. If people don’t want to read, there’s a garbage can. There’s a blue box. There’s the bottom of the birdcage. What we are seeing is an effort by people who don’t like the content for whatever reason to say, ‘I don’t like it and you can’t read it and you can’t send it out.’ And that’s what this battle is all about…..We used to be a country where we said, ‘Look, I don’t agree with you. But you’ve got a right to your opinion. You’ve got a right to say it. That’s what Your Ward News is.”



Sara Lefton, vice president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

Sara Lefton, vice president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“This is pure and simple hate. When people are getting Your Ward News in the mail and they’re getting it at their doorstep, they feel unsafe, they feel targeted in their homes. There’s no place for hate like this in Canada, and we need the decision to stand so hate like this will not continue … When there are pieces of clear discrimination and hate speech that are being disseminated en masse to people’s doorsteps there should be no place for that, and that shouldn’t be allowed.”



Raychyl Whyte, Board of Review applicant


“Someone should still have the right to freedom of speech. I myself know what it is like to have public humiliation, public shame due to libelous comments and presumptions made about me. I know all too well what that is like. However, I still support people’s rights to have their own independent free speech.”



Warren Kinsella, founding member, Standing Together Against Mailing Prejudice

Warren Kinsella talks to CityNews in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“For the people that have been victimized by this so-called newspaper, that’s a problem. There’s Holocaust denial, there’s propagation of rape, there’s use of the N-word. There’s racism on every single page. It is the most disgusting thing. I’ve been doing this stuff for 30 years. I’ve never seen a publication like this distributed in Canada as widely as this one is and certainly not one distributed by Canada Post … We need to say Canada Post should not be distributing hatred.”



Emilie Taman, co-counsel for James Sears

Emilie Taman, co-counsel for James Sears, is seen during an interview in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“It’s not something that I’m necessarily per se excited to be reading about, but I do believe in the constitutional right to free speech, and it’s one that I think is very important to be defended at every opportunity.”



Derek Richmond, Canadian Union of Postal Workers

Derek Richmond, of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, is seen during an interview in Toronto on April 25, 2017. CITYNEWS

“Me, personally, I didn’t deliver [Your Ward News] but many of our letter carriers did. A lot of them are very diverse and had to go through the whole day viewing swastikas, viewing hate, viewing sexist material, rape culture. It really affected a lot of our letter carriers.”

Hoax Letter Sent to Lesbian Councillor on Eve of YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing

Hoax Letter Sent to Lesbian Councillor on Eve of YOUR WARD NEWS Hearing

                  Two weeks before a long delayed Board of Review hearing into the cancellation of YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine’s mailing rights, out of the blue an anonymous person, naturally, sends an anti-homosexual letter to Toronto lesbian councillor Krystyn Wong-Tam. So, what? Don’t people have a right to experss themselves. Unfortunately, the anonymous writer left a real return address — the oft-vandalized offices of YOUR WARD NEWS.
                  Wong-Tam was triggered into typical victimhood. City News reported (April 12, 2017): ““I think it’s really important for us to recognize that when language that is used is hateful and discriminatory, it actually creates a climate of fear and violence,’ Wong-Tam said. ‘It can lead to violence, and I don’t want people to feel unsafe.’ ,,, The Councillor says the note has left her staff on edge. ‘I think they were quite alarmed, and they were almost dislodged,’ Wong-Tam explains.” Oh, the drama!
                     “The letter was sent on a day where millions around the world are marking The Day of Pink, a movement against bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia and transmisogyny. The councillor says there’s a responsibility on her end to identify hate speech, especially as someone sitting in a position of privilege,” City News continued. Fact is, not everybody likes homosexuals and their need to parade and push themselves before the public. “Hate speech” — what about just a different opinion? And, by the way, just what is “transmisogyny” in that rapidly expanding politically correct catalogue of opinions we can not hold?

                       But, is the letter real, or is it part of a campaign to smear YOUR WARD NEWS? We wouldn’t put it past the homosexual lobby or those who’d like to silence YWN to have written this letter themselves. This spring has seen a number of hoaxes. Remember the 125 or more Jewish synagogues or community centres in the U.S., New Zealand and even Calgary, Alberta that received bomb threats. Oh, dear, the Nazis are back in town. It’s all Trump supporters or the AtlRight. Even President Trump got snookered into denouncing the “anti-semitism” Well, it turned out that the FBI identified some 19-year old Israeli computer nerd as the perpetrator for reasons unknown of these 125 threats. It wasn’t the Nazis, the AltRight or Trump supporters. That boo=hoo story got dropped pretty quickly

                       Victimized YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears quickly sent out a statement making it quite clear that YWN had nothing to do with the letter.

 Leroy St. Germaine and I were made aware of this letter via Twitter posts earlier today.  We chose to ignore it as, obviously, neither myself, nor
Leroy St. Germaine, nor to our knowledge anyone associated with either The New Constitution Party of Canada or Your Ward News, were behind the
letter.  The fact that it was written anonymously yet contains our return address, was written in a very inflammatory manner, and was timed to be
mailed a mere two weeks before a Board of Review into our mailing rights, makes the letter appear to be a “hate crime hoax”.  Furthermore, the fact
that Councillor Wong-Tam published the letter’s return address rather than wait for police to review the matter, makes me suspect that either she is
complicit in the hoax, or she saw an opportunity to use it for political theatre. — Dr. James Sears, Founder and Leader New Constitution Party of Canada

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Don’t ever let them get away with saying Canada is a land that protects free speech. Tell that to political prisoners Brad Love or Arthur Topham punished under the “hate law”,  the notorious Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code. Tell that to the editor and publisher of YOUR WARD NEWS, a satirical Toronto newspaper that flays Zio-Marxism and political correctness. The dull dog neo-Puritans of political correctness cannot abide humour.

There are other ways a freedom-hating state can gag you. After several years of complaints by professional anti-racists, homosexual activists and that chronic minder of other people’s business and self-appointed monitor of what you should or shouldn’t be able to say in print of on the Internet, Richard Warman, Judy Foote, Minister of Supply and Services issued an interim prohibitory order against YOUR WARD NEWS Editor Dr. James Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine. They could not legally use Canada Post at all. Their right to use the service and near-monopoly taxpayers have subsidized since Confederation was arbitrarily stripped away.

However, they were entitled to a “review” of the order. Here’s how a slow repressive system chokes rights. Justice delayed is Justice denied. The prohibitory order, halting the distribution by mail of YOUR WARD NEWS was issued May 26. Now nearly 10 months later a three person review board has been struck. Its members are Fareen Jamal, Elizabeth Forster and Peter John Loewen

Members of the public have until Friday, March 31 to sign up to make a submission during a hearing that will review the federal government’s interim order to stop delivering controversial east Toronto-based tabloid, YOUR WARD NEWS.  The right to review the order falls under subsection 43(1) of the Canada Post Corporation Act.

Persons wishing to make submissions to the Board have until this Friday, March 31 to advice the Board. The Board will meet April 10 to discuss these requests and other organizational matters
The Board will then determine applicants’ standing to participate and will notify those selected no later than a month before the first hearing date, which has yet to be determined.Anyone who believes they are affected or anyone with an interest in the matter must  send a letter (maximum one page in length) summarizing the submission they wish to make to Board of Review, c/o Fareen L. Jamal, Jamal Family Law Professional Corporation, 2010 Winston Park Dr., Ste. 301, Oakville, ON, L6H 5Rl or by email at

CAFE has already sent in a request for interested party in these proceedings.

In a March 27 letter to the Board CAFE Direector Paul Fromm noted:  ” Freedom of speech and expression, which are our mandate, are very much at the heart of the matters to be decided. As well, your Board must consider issues of fairness and natural justice in the exercise of the Minister’s powers in the matter affecting the publication YOUR WARD NEWS.

CAFE has over 30 years of experience intervening in tribunals and court cases on issues of freedom of expression and this expertise may be of some assistance to the Board of Review.”

Topham Gagged & 6 Month Conditional Sentence: One More Victim of Zionist Thought Control

Topham Gagged & 6 Month Conditional Sentence: One More Victim of Zionist Thought Control
Asked whether he had anything to say before sentencing, Arthur Topham made a statement that will ring through Canadian history about the nature of free speech and the motivations of an extremely moral and honest man.. He posted what he had as a critic of Zionism, not out of malice or hatred, but driven by a moral imperative to warn people of a perceived danger. ““I felt that I had a duty as a Canadian citizen to alert the general public of an imminent threat … the interests of the Jewish lobby,” said Topham in court March 13, according to the CBC. 

Arthur Topham’s 10 year ordeal of harassment for being a strong critic of Zionism, ended in a Quesnel courtroom when he was sentenced, having been convicted in November 2015 on one count of violating Canada’s notorious “hate law” Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code, as a result of postings highly critical of Zionism and organized Jewry. Ironically, the charge revolved around books readily available from mainline online booksellers.. The Internet dissident became technically another political prisoner in Canada’s sordid attack on free speech. Amnesty International defines a political prisoner as a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of his political, religious or cultural views.
Judge Bruce Butler sentenced Mr. Topham to a six month suspended sentence during which he must reside at his home, refrain from alcohol, report to his probation officer and not post anything on the Internet. After that, he faces two years of probation. On March 10, he shut down his massive website, the contents of which, we assume will be mirrored by others in less repressive lands than Canada.
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CAFE Director Paul Fromm with political prisoner Arthur Topham in Quesnel, BC
“In a sense, the thought control freaks got part of what they wanted — the silencing of this dissident,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression which had backed Mr. Topham during the first legal assault by complainant Harry Abrams,a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission under the now repealed Sec. 13. CAFE continued to back him when Abrams, a B’nai Brith spokesman in Victoria, teamed up with chronic Ottawa complainer Richard Warman who complained to the British Columbia “hate squad” which led to the  Sec. 319 charges.
In sentencing Mr. Topham, Judge Butler rejected Crown submissions for a stiffer sentence and 200 hours of community work. The judge also rejected allegations that Mr. Topham indirectly advocated violence. The CBC (March 13, 2017) reported: “One piece that Topham called ‘satire’ advocated the forced sterilization of all Jews. ‘He does not call for violence; his views were political satire,’Butler told the sentencing hearing. ‘It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence.’ Butler ruled that Topham deliberately used the internet to disseminate anti-Semitic information but said the man was not calling for violence.” The satire in question was Israel Must Perish, a parody Mr. Topham wrote of a hideous blueprint for genocide Germany Must  Perish, written in 1941 by an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, calling for the mass sterilization of German Jews after the war, an act which would eliminate the Germans as a people within a few decades.
No one was happy with the sentence. Free speech supporters see the gagging of Arthur Topham as one more atrocity committed under Pierre Trudeau’s fadulent Charter of minority special rights and diminished Majority freedoms.
Defence lawyer Barclay Johnson sadly observed: “The difference between Canada and the Soviet gulags is only one of degree. The communists put dissidents into a physical prison. The gag order is a psychological; prison imposed to enforce a multicultural society. The Charter is little more than a fine document to be hung on an office wall. It looks good. However, judges have repeatedly gutted promised rights like freedom of speech and invented rights not mentioned, like same sex marriage.”
The mainstream media, even in British Columbia, were strangely silent. “The Jewish lobby doesn’t like this sentence,” remarked Dr. James Sears publisher of the satirical YOUR WARD NEWS, another target of arch- complainer Richard Warman.’s  “They were hoping for a harsher sentence and, then, the controlled media would have crowed about a ‘Nazi’ tongue-lashed by a judge and sent away for a long prison term.”
Their victory over the former teacher,  placer miner and publisher. after a decade of attack seemed like a mouthful of bitter ashes to B’nai Brith. “B’nai Brith Canada, which had alerted the RCMP to Topham’s activities back in 2007, said it was “strongly disappointed” with the sentencing. In a statement, Michael Mostyn, CEO, described the sentence as “a mere slap on the wrist which will do little to protect Canadian Jews or preserve the multicultural mosaic of our society. Mr. Topham is a committed and unrepentant Jew-hater, who persisted in publishing lurid anti-Semitic content on his website throughout this legal process,’ Mostyn continued. ‘Canada’s laissez-fair approach to hate crimes continues to fail minority groups and puts them at increased risk of attacks against their lives or property.’ Mostyn said the timing of the lax sentence was especially disturbing ‘as Canada’s Jewish community reels from a series of bomb threats against our community centres, inspired by the same hateful ideology that drives Mr. Topham.’” (Canadian Jewish News, March 14, 2017)

YOUR WARD NEWS Challenges Constitutionality of Minister’s Power to Censor Unconventional Opinions by Revoking Mailing Rights

YOUR WARD NEWS Challenges Constitutionality of Minister’s Power to Censor Unconventional Opinions by Revoking Mailing Rights

The article was much better. They give Lisa Kinsella way too much time to
talk and they cut off our lawyer …

Men banned from using Canada Post

The editor and publisher of a controversial publication have been banned from using the mail service by the minister responsible for Canada Post, and they’re…
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Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday

Revisionist Giant, Prof. Robert Faurisson Honoured on His 88th Birthday
Admirers from across Europe and even two from Canada arrived in Vichy, France for a surprise birthday party for French revisionist giant Prof. Robert Faurisson on the occasion of his 88th birthday.
“On Wednesday, January 25, 100 guests gathered at the Aletti Palace, Vichy for a surprise luncheon in honour of Prof,. Robert Faurisson, complete with musical interlude in company of entertainers tenor Giuseppe Fallisi and Alison Chabloz. … Mr. Fallisi delighted the hall with his sumptuous musical compositions of poems by Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rimbaud. (Faurisson first became known to the French public because of his work on Rimbaud.) …
In France, the situation is drastic as far as freedom of speech is concerned. Professor Faurisson awaits March 4 when — upon non-payment if a fine for revisionism (his views of history and his rejection of the elite’s new religion of holocaust) — the authorities are due to cart the 88-year old academic off to prison or, at the very least, equip him with an electronic bracelet.
As well as risking a spell behind bars, Professor Faurisson will also be at the Court of Appeal to contest another conviction for his 60-word phrase, uttered at the 2006 conference on the holocaust in Tehran.
During the Professor’s birthday celebration, … he told the guests that Paris Appeal Court Judge Sophie Portier, has ruled that the professor and his barrister Damien Viguier, will each be given no more than 10 minutes to speak — contrary to the status guaranteed to citizens by French law. The ignorance of French magistrates might be pardonable, but not when this ignorance is relied upon in order to justify convictions pronounced with eyes and ears tightly shut — result of these same magistrates’ refusal to take into consideration the living, changing evolution of historical research.” (The Next Step (February, 2017)


Not that “anti-racists” (anti-racism is a code word for anti-White) or Social Justice Warriors are any strangers to violence but they have become downright hysterical since the Trump Phenomenon.
The Alternative Forum and the Canadian Association for Free Expression had arranged for a meeting with “Evallion.” The meeting was to be hosted at the offices of YOUR WARD NEWS. “Evalion”: is a 19-year-old You Tube videographer. Active for the past eight months, she has accumulated over 2-million hits on her sassy, opinionated videos. She has taken shots at the so-called holocaust, the Third World immigration and other forbidden subjects.
In early October, Canada’s thought police (Canadian Border Services Agency branch)  held her for over eight hours and stole (uh, “detained”) her laptop, power cord, computer case and several personal diaries and notebooks. B’nai Brith, among Canada’s most fanatical thought control groups, is on her case and is demanding a police investigation and prosecution under Canada’s notorious “hate” law.
She has also been the c\victim of serious Internet stalking and harassment.] At the last minute, she was so pressured (she is still a teenager) that she cancelled her engagement. CAFE meetings  never cancel.
However, when folks showed up tonight, they discovered that the offices of YOUR WARD NEWS had been the object of terrorist vandalism. The locks on both front and rear doors had been vandalized. The manager of YOUR WARD NEWS was unable to gain entry. And, as usual, there was the retarded sloganeering and tagging defacing the front of the building. [YOUR WARD NEWS has had its windows smashed so often that they are permanently boarded over.]
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Last week an unidentified  teenager was arrested in Ottawa for spray painting some nastiness on the window of the front door of a female rabbi and on a Negro church. A long parade of donkey-faced politicians rushed forward to denounce these acts. We won’t hold our breaths for any similar sympathy for the interference with CAFE’s right to hold a peaceful meeting.
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An interesting clue to the possible identity of the perpetrators came from a colleague who arrived early, at 4:30. He took a snap of the anarchist grafitti. He noticed he was being watched.  A man in his 20s, thin with dirty blonde hair was taking pictures and tried to take pictures of our colleague. He was being signalled by an older man in his 60s. he wore a red jacket, was chubby and had salt and pepper hair. Our colleague ducked into a neighbourhood restaurant. The photographer followed. When our colleague quickly left, the photographer also followed. Our colleague spun around and confronted the photographer. “Who are you? Why are you trying to take my picture?” he demanded. he is 6’3″.
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The frightened youth’s reply was: “I am just taking pictures. I want to be left alone.”