BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

A judge has granted Tamara Lich bail.

BREAKING: Judges rules Tamara Lich can be released on bail

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Following an allegation that she breached the conditions of her bail, Tamara Lich, one of the organizers behind the Freedom Convoy, has been granted her release after a bail review.

The judge also noted the difference in opinion between two justices of the peace and two superior court justice’s who reviewed Lich’s case.

While Rebel News has previously reported on the non-severe nature of the supposed breach in bail terms, more importantly the judge also agreed with that point of view and said that courts should not be trying to control political

After reviewing the case, “Ms. Lich will be released from this courthouse today” the judge said.

Tamara Lich Arrested for Alleged Bail Conditions Violation: Preventative Detention to Screw Up Dominion Day

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Tamara Lich Arrested for Alleged Bail Conditions Violation: Preventative Detention to Screw Up Dominion Day

Moments ago, Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich was arrested in her hometown of Medicine Hat, Alberta. Her lawyer, Keith Wilson, told me the police are currently holding her at the Medicine Hat Remand Centre, where she will remain for six days until they transport her to Ontario.

Tamara was one of the first arrests prior to Trudeau’s violent crackdown on the peaceful Ottawa protesters earlier this year. She spent several weeks in jail without bail before being released on extremely strict and politically-charged conditions.

Here’s what we know so far: Tamara’s bail conditions included a ban on organizing, participating, or promoting any protests. The activist judge who set her conditions also banned her from social media and had her communications restricted only to phone calls and texts. It seems that this arrest is directly related to a breach of those conditions. This is clearly politically-motivated imprisonment of a peaceful protester. Does this have anything to do with the upcoming protests in Ottawa on Canada Day? Why else would police hold her for six days — using transportation as an excuse — refusing to promptly take her before a judge?

Visit for all the latest in this developing story, and while you’re there, please sign our petition to stop the political persecution of Tamara Lich. t

P.S. Tamara Lich was a peaceful organizer of the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa. She is not the violent criminal her bail conditions make her out to be. If you agree that the Canadian government must stop the political persecution of Tamara Lich, sign our petition at

A Vindictive Crown Thwarted in Attempt to Revoke Tamara Lich’s Bail for Accepting Free Speech Award

A Vindictive Crown Thwarted in Attempt to Revoke Tamara Lich’s Bail for Accepting Free Speech Award

Chalk up a small but important victory for free speech. Bail is supposed to help ensure that the accused will appear for trial and will not commit the alleged offence prior to trial. All too often in Canada, it is used as a way to gag a dissident prior to trial, which might be many months away. After initially being denied bail for a non-violent offence (counselling  mischief), Lich was granted bail in March, but on condition that she leave Ontario (be out of Dodge by sunset) and not access social media. When the Crown learned she was to receive the George Jonas Freedom Award from the Justice Centre for Constitutional  Freedom, it was outraged. Canada’s increasingly politicized justice system was furious that a person they\d condemned to be a pariah and non-person was to receive a public honour and award. They sought to have her thrown back in prison — but we support democracy in the Ukraine, right? Her lawyers sought to amend her bail conditions. Today, Tamara Lich escaped prison and has some of her freedoms back. Nevertheless, she still is gagged and banned from the social media.

Paul Fromm


Canadian Association for Free Expression

‘The courts are not a thought police,’ judge says in Tamara Lich bail review decision

The ‘Freedom Convoy’ organizer is again allowed to enter Ontario, but remains restricted from using social media. Author of the article: Aedan Helmer Publishing date:

A judge's ruling has kept in place a ban on Tamara Lich using social media while she awaits trial.
A judge’s ruling has kept in place a ban on Tamara Lich using social media while she awaits trial. Photo by Errol McGihon /Postmedia

Tamara Lich will not be sent back to jail as a judge lifted her ban from entering Ontario, but ruled to reinforce her ban from social media in a bail review decision Wednesday.

“The courts are not a thought police,” Superior Court Justice Kevin Phillips said as he rejected the Crown’s arguments that Lich should have her bail revoked over alleged breaches of her release conditions.

“We seek only to control conduct to the extent that certain behaviour will violate, or likely lead to violation of the law,” the judge continued. “Here, the objective was to keep a highly problematic street protest from reviving or reoccurring … No court would ever seek to control the possession or manifestation of political views.”

The Crown had argued that Lich breached the condition that bars her from supporting “anything related” to the “Freedom Convoy” when she accepted the 2022 “George Jonas Freedom Award,” which she is set to receive in a June 16 gala in Toronto hosted by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

Lawrence Greenspon, Lich’s lawyer, said the judge’s ruling would allow his client to travel to Toronto to accept the award in person, and he confirmed she also intended to attend similar gala events in Calgary and Vancouver, where VIP tickets cost $500.

In a phone interview following the decision, Greenspon applauded the judge for “soundly rejecting” the Crown’s efforts to send Lich back to jail.

“From our perspective, this was a clear rejection of the Crown’s attempt to reincarcerate Ms. Lich for agreeing to accept a ‘freedom award,’ and, in light of this decision, she’s going to be able to go to Toronto and accept that award without fear of being reincarcerated.

“That’s a great relief to her,” Greenspon said. “This effort to reincarcerate her … the battle of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly … that battle will be fought at trial.”

The JCCF, a vocal supporter of the demonstration, issued a statement following the decision saying the revised bail conditions “still excessively restrict” Lich’s Charter rights, while saying the Crown went to “troubling” lengths to revoke her bail.

Phillips also lifted Lich’s ban from entering Ontario in his revised bail plan and lifted her ban on entering the city of Ottawa, except for the geographical boundaries of the city’s downtown core.

A publication ban protects the reason Lich is seeking permission to return to Ottawa, and Phillips said he saw no issue with Lich attending a gala in Toronto months after the convoy had ended.

“The right between attendance at that function and problematic support for a demonstration that will, by then, have been long over, is so indirect as to be barely perceptible,” Phillips said.

He decided to uphold Lich’s ban from social media, however, ruling the original March 7 court order was “warranted and appropriate.”

“In a very real way, social media undoubtedly contributed to, and even drove the now-impugned conduct, and Ms. Lich staying away from it is necessary to lower the risk of reoffence to an acceptable level,” Phillips ruled.

“Social media can be a problematic feedback loop where people get egged-on and caught up by group activity they would never perform on their own,” Phillips intoned.

He warned Lich to avoid the temptation posed by social media and cited her “susceptibility to getting caught up in the sort of toxic groupthink that animated the crowd back in February.”

Lich was arrested Feb. 17 and is jointly charged with fellow protest organizer Chris Barber with mischief, obstructing police, counselling others to commit mischief and intimidation.

She was initially denied bail on Feb. 22, though that decision was overturned by Superior Court Justice John Johnston on March 7 and Lich was released from jail with a list of conditions. She was ordered to return home to Medicine Hat, Alta., where she must live under the supervision of a court-approved surety, and she is barred from contacting a list of fellow protest organizers. She remains banned from social media and cannot allow anyone to post on her behalf.

Assistant Crown Attorney Moiz Karimjee presented arguments during last week’s two-day bail review alleging Lich had broken two of her release conditions, first by accepting the “freedom award” and again by accepting a convoy-themed pendant as a gift from a supporter, who then posted a photo of Lich proudly wearing the necklace. The social media post identified Lich as the “brand ambassador” for the pendant.

Phillips on Wednesday said the Crown failed to prove those breaches.

The judge accepted Lich’s testimony that she saw no “live connection” between accepting the pendant — or accepting the award — and her support for the “Freedom Convoy.”

“I believe Ms. Lich when she says she does not see her acceptance of this award to be any sort of support for the ‘Freedom Convoy,’ because that initiative is over with,” the judge said. “I specifically reject the idea that she is responsible for what someone else did with a photo of her wearing a pendant.”

Lich has lived in her community for a “meaningful stretch” and demonstrated she can follow bail conditions, the judge said.

Court Gagged Political Prisoner Receives A Heroes Welcome Home in Medicine Hat

Court Gagged Political Prisoner Receives A Heroes Welcome Home in Medicine Hat
This news is too good not to share with you. Tamara Lich was an everyday Medicine Hat local just a little over a month ago when she departed to Ottawa.

Today, she was welcomed home as a hero. Lich was a personal political prisoner of Trudeau, held without bail for weeks in violation of her Charter rights, all to protect the ego of the most powerful man in the country. 

This 5 foot 49-year-old Métis woman brought Trudeau to his knees, sent him into hiding for a week and inspired millions of freedom activists across the globe. 

Tamara was the hero we all needed – and the freedom many Canadians are currently enjoying is thanks in large part to the sacrifice Tamara made. Prison is not a nice place to be, but she was hauled away by Trudeau’s agents with her head held high. 

You have got to watch our exclusive video of her return here. Medicine Hat came out in force, singing the national anthem, to embrace Tamara upon her return. A real Canadian Heritage Moment that will indeed trigger Trudeau and the CBC. 

The government and its media arm want us to believe them when they call Tamara a terrorist. That is why The Counter Signal exists – to fact-check the CBC and share the truth. 

There is more work to do, and we are here to help. Keep fighting for what is right,

Keean Bexte

GO FUND ME Freezes Distribution of $4-Million in Funds for Truckers’ Protest When They Are Most Needed

GO FUND ME Freezes Distribution of $4-Million in Funds for Truckers’ Protest When They Are Most Needed

This looks like elitist sabotage. The convoy is on its way. Saturday is the day. The funds thousands of Canadians have contributed — $4-million+ in 10 days1 — are needed now.

GO FUND ME Freezes Distribution of $4-Million in Funds for Truckers’ Protest When They Are Most Needed

GoFundMe confirms trucker freedom convoy funds being held until ‘clear plan’ is revealed

GoFundMe has confirmed it is holding the funds in the freedom convoy fundraiser until a clear plan about how the funds will be spent is presented.

Hundreds of B.C. truckers took to the road Sunday kicking off what they called a “freedom convoy” to Ottawa in protest of the federal government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers.

The GoFundMe, started by Tamara Lich in Medicine Hat, Alta., has already raised more than $4.5 million since Jan. 14 and while it appears people can still donate, GoFundMe said in a statement it is continuing to work directly with the organizer to gather information about how the funds will be distributed — the standard process to ensure the protection of all donors.

“Once a withdrawal plan is provided by the organizer, our team is on standby to safely and quickly deliver the funds,” the company said. Story continues below advertisement Click to play video: '‘Freedom convoy’ of truckers opposing vaccine mandate rolls through Calgary' 3:35 ‘Freedom convoy’ of truckers opposing vaccine mandate rolls through Calgary ‘Freedom convoy’ of truckers opposing vaccine mandate rolls through Calgary

Read more: Trucks pass through Regina as ‘freedom convoy’ continues toward Ottawa

The convoy of truckers rolled through Regina Monday night and was greeted by supporters who braved the cold weather to welcome the truckers to town.

“A lot of people are trying to say that these type of things are done out of anger, but this is actually being done out of frustration towards the things the government is imposing upon Canadian citizens,” said a man named Trevor who spoke to Global News when the convoy passed through the Balgonie area. He declined to provide his full name due to the controversial nature of the story.

“The amount of trucks involved and the amount of people showing up here, this shows the frustrations of Canadians and it’s going to continue to grow.” Story continues below advertisement

The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) posted a statement this past weekend saying the vaccination rate among drivers in the country’s trucking industry closely mirrors that of the general public.

The U.S. also has a vaccine mandate for truckers seeking entry from Canada.

Meanwhile, the CTA also stated it “does not support and strongly disapproves of any protests on public roadways, highways and bridges.”Click to play video: '“Freedom Convoy” in protest of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate' 5:11 “Freedom Convoy” in protest of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate “Freedom Convoy” in protest of federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate

As the trucking convoy continues to Ottawa, GoFundMe said it requires “that fundraisers be transparent about the flow of funds and have a clear plan for how those funds will be spent. In this case, we are in touch with the organizer to verify that information. Funds will be safely held until the organizer is able to provide the information to our team about how funds will be properly distributed.”