Another False Flag Operation: Jewish Hacker Arrested in Israel for More than 120 Bomb Threats to Jewish Centres


Another False Flag Operation: Jewish Hacker Arrested in Israel for More than 120 Bomb Threats to Jewish Centres

Remember those more than 120 phoned bomb threats to Jewish centres in the U.S., Canada and New Zealand? A complicit media and prostitute politicians responded with outrage and sympathy. It was a wonderful boo-hoo-hoo, “oh poor us” moment. As we warned, it turns out to be a false flag operation. The perp was a clever Jew in Israel operating for whatever motives. The media is quick to explain that he was not a member of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) and may have mental issues. Perhaps. But, on the other hand, the Israelis use legions of Internet trolls and hackers to support their interests and attack perceived enemies. Yes, he may be a loner, but, then again …

MARCH 23, 2017 14:15


There are still few details available about the suspect’s profile, but he is not in the IDF, not ultra-Orthodox, at some point made aliya and possibly has psychological problems and few friends.

Jewish Community Center

Police at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City in Overland Park, Kansas (File). (photo credit:REUTERS)

An 18-year-old dual American Israeli living in Ashkelon has been arrested, suspected of being behind most of a series of bomb and other threats to Jewish communities in the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand that date back around six months, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

As of Thursday, with a gag order on the probe being lifted by the Rishon Lezion Magistrate’s Court at the same time it extended his detention, sources indicate that most of the threats against the Diaspora communities and organizations led investigators back to Israel.


So, Ryancare went down the tubes. Wonderful.  This, however, is why Trump as president is important to America–and the world actually. He applies himself where it really counts. And exposing Organized Jewish Interests assaults against the American national psyche without fear is where he absolutely excels.

Breakthrough in JCC bomb threat case said to come after Trump sent FBI to Israel


8 Votes



Investigation has been ongoing for 2 years but police only tracked him down after team of 12 feds arrived

ed note–pay CLOSE attention to the details of this story, and particularly those of you out there still doggedly holding on to your membership cards in the ‘Trump is owned by the Jews’ brigade.

1. The FBI has known who the perp was for sometime but up until Trump took over, was politically prevented from doing anything about it in the same manner as other events in the past involving Israel–including 9/11–were covered up by a political leadership in America that is owned lock, stock, and barrel by Judea, Inc.

2. Despite the best attempts on the part of the JMSM to paint all of this as the product of a ‘troubled youth’ (note how he is constantly referred to as a ‘teenager’) the fact is he had high-level help, most likely from Mossad, Shin Bet, etc, and was more than likely carrying on a family tradition of spying and sabotage on behalf of the Jewish state as evidenced by the fact that his father is considered a suspect as well, to wit–

‘The teen’s father remains in custody on suspicion that he knew what his son was doing. A computer expert himself, he was likely to have recognized the high-level equipment in his son’s room, yet did not report the matter to authorities’

and, finally–

3. If there was any doubt that all the assertions brought forth by the various ‘experts’ in this ‘movement’ that Trump is a Zionist pawn were baseless and carried no truth to them, that doubt has now been removed. As this story makes patently clear, Trump stepped in directly by personally sending the FBI to Israel in order to see this terrorist working for Mossad arrested and to see that this event received the kind of intense media exposure that has taken place. Besides the fact that it is EXTREMELY embarrassing to Netanyahu and all those other elements making up Judea, Inc who are doing their damndest to see Trump removed, it has also opened a very problematic door for Israel in the sense that–

A. The stage has now been set where an American public that was completely under the spell of Judaic black magic and unwilling to hear ‘alternative facts’ dealing with Israel’s involvement in false flag events of the past are now to be found a willing, captive audience. In such a situation then, Trump could–if necessary–begin ‘hearings’ on the real events of 9/11, (just as he promised he would do during his campaign) where ALL SORTS of embarrassing items would be splashed across the media in the same way as this event involving the wannabe terrorist was, and–

B. Trump is letting Judea, Inc know that the days of America allowing Israel to blow things up where Americans get killed in order to get wars started that only benefit Israel are OVER, that there is a new Capn’ in charge of the ship of state and that the long-planned for revenge on the part of ancient Judea in seeing Rome brought to its knees as previous world powers were such as Egypt, Persia, and Greece is not going to take place on his watch.


Times of Israel

Israeli police only managed to zero in on the Jewish Israeli-American teen suspected of calling in the JCC bomb threats after US President Donald Trump sent over a team of 12 FBI agents to Israel in recent weeks, Haaretz reported.

Although the investigation has been ongoing for the past two years, the breakthrough that led to the Thursday arrests of the teen and his father was only reached after FBI investigators arrived in Israel several weeks ago, the daily said, citing police sources.

Trump’s intervention is significant as he had been heavily criticized for not doing enough to end the threats to Jewish centers and for not emphatically condemning anti-Semitsm.

The report did not specify what the FBI agents managed to do that their local counterparts could not.

The suspect, whose name is currently banned from publication in Israel, is refusing to talk to authorities and police have still not managed to access his computers.

However, police revealed details of his modus operandi.

The youth had apparently been making bomb threats for over two years, but the urgency in apprehending him increased following a spate of threats to Jewish community centers in the US.

Police sources told Haaretz that this was in part because the suspect would monitor media reports after he would call in a threat to gauge the scale of its impact. If he noticed that it was receiving considerable media attention, he would continue making threats in that same location.

Several of the JCCs and Jewish organizations received multiple threats. However, police believe that the number of bomb threats he phoned in was much greater than was known to the public as many were not made public.

Police are still struggling to uncover exactly what or how he did as he is not cooperating with police, citing a medical condition.

His lawyer, Galit Besh, said her client had a “very serious medical condition” that may have affected his behavior. She added that the condition had prevented him from attending elementary school, high school and enlisting in the army.

“That’s why the medical condition can actually affect the investigation,” she said. “This is one of the things the judge told the police to check, to talk to his doctors, to get more documents and to investigate him in light of his medical situation.”

Channel 10 said the condition was a nonmalignant brain tumor. Police are currently waiting for the child’s mother to retrieve the proper medical documentation proving his condition.

They have also failed to break into his computers and they say that he had no social media footprint under any name they know.

He reportedly grew careless and failed on at least one occasion to route his internet connection through a proxy, leaving behind a real IP address traced back to Israel.

Police are also working to gather information from the teen’s father, who remains in custody on suspicion that he knew what his son was doing. A computer expert himself, he was likely to have recognized the high-level equipment in his son’s room, yet did not report the matter to authorities.

The suspect’s mother is also expected to be interrogated in the coming days.

Israel authorities are also preparing for the possibility that the US will ask for the suspect’s extradition. While such a request has not yet been made, it is believed that Israel would likely comply.

There is also the possibility that commercial companies damaged by the suspect’s bomb threats may file civil lawsuits against him.

Trump ‘Pushed’ FBI to Nab Israeli-American Suspect in Bomb Threats on Jewish Centers


10 Votes


The youth from Ashkelon has been making similar threats for the past two years, but only after the FBI sent investigators to Israel was an arrest made.

ed note– ‘Altogether, the teen has made hundreds of threats that the public never heard about but whose capture was only recently given high priority’. 

Reason–He is a professional saboteur working for Israeli intelligence. Had he not screwed up and sent one of these false flag threats without using the proxy service that he had been utilizing in masking his identity, the psyops would have continued and would have been used to put political pressure on Trump.

‘The sources attributed the turnabout to pressure from United States President Donald Trump.’

Reason–Trump and his people have known all along who was behind this, as he indicated when he suggested that these were false flag events made to put political pressure on him and make him look bad. Jewish interests themselves knew that he was on to them when he made this statement as evidenced by the fact that they went into panic mode 5 seconds after it was made public.

‘Police sources said he has so far refused to talk about anything except the fact that he is sick and are waiting for the ‘teen’s mother to obtain relevant medical documentation’ on his ‘condition’.

His ‘condition’ obviously did not hamper, hurt, or hinder in any way his ability to engage in a highly-technical and sophisticated psyop for several years without getting caught. He is a spy/saboteur working for Mossad and what Judea, Inc is doing right now is what it always does best–lies in order to escape the long arm of justice, or, put another way–‘By way of deception, we shall make war’.

And finally, anyone who thinks this is some inconsequential event vis a vis the war between Trump and Judea need to answer the following question–If he was willing to personally intercede on a matter such as this where nothing blew up and no one being killed, to what lengths would he be willing to go if Israel engineered a major attack against America such as another USS LIBERTY, another Lavon Affair, another Oklahoma City, another 9/11 or another anthrax attack?

Yes, that’s right, we would see a repeat of the events of 70 A.D., the Jews know this and this is the reason they are gunning to have Trump removed. 


The Jewish Israeli-American arrested this week on suspicion of making a host of bomb threats on Jewish institutions worldwide has been making such cyberattacks for two years, but only recently was his capture given high priority, according to police sources. 

The sources attributed the turnabout to pressure from United States President Donald Trump. A few weeks ago, after Trump announced that the FBI would do everything in its power to catch the perpetrator, the agency sent 12 investigators from its cybercrime unit to Israel to assist the Israeli investigation.

The 19-year-old was arrested in the Israeli city of Ashkelon on Thursday by cybercrimes unit of the Israel Police, seizing computers and other items investigators say helped the suspect evade detection.

The police have not yet heard the teen’s story, as he is maintaining his right to remain silent. Police sources said he has so far refused to talk about anything except the fact that he is sick. Police also haven’t yet succeeded in breaking into his computers, but expect to accomplish this in the next few days.

What they have managed to determine, the sources said, is the teen’s modus operandi. After calling in one of his bomb threats he would watch the media to see what effect the threat had. If he saw that a threat was getting media attention, he would make more threats in the same location.

Altogether, the teen has made hundreds of threats that the public never heard about, police said. When they got no media attention, he stopped making threats in those places. In contrast, the bomb threats to Jewish institutions in the U.S. in recent months received especially prominent coverage, not just in America but worldwide, so he began focusing his threats on those institutions.

It’s not clear whether the teen had any accomplices. Police said he isn’t enrolled in or active on any social media network under his own name, though it is possible he was using an alias. The teen’s father has also been arrested, on suspicion that he knew what his son was doing but kept quiet. The father is a computer expert, who would have known very well what the specialized equipment in his son’s room was for, police said.

As yet, there has been no U.S. extradition request, but police said that if one is received, they believe Israel will accede. They also speculated that commercial companies hurt by the teen’s threats might file civil lawsuits against him.

Police plan to question the teen’s mother in the next few days, but are waiting for her to obtain relevant medical documentation so they can examine the family’s claim that his health problems mean he cannot be held responsible for his actions.

The teen’s public defender, who visited him in jail on Friday and has spoken with him several times over the last few days, said she is increasingly convinced that his health problems have been influencing his behavior. “He told me several things that need to be checked out,” said the attorney, Galit Bash. “I’ve also been in contact with his mother, and she gave me critical information – very, very essential. Apparently there’s an opinion by neurologists who say this affects his behavior.”

During the bail hearing, she said the teen has an inoperable growth in his head. Bash is expecting to get the medical documentation on Monday. Bash said the teen was born in Israel, but left the country with his family at a young age and has since returned several times. “He left school in first grade; his parents begged for someone to operate on him,” she said. Yet despite not being in school, he was also never in the care of the welfare authorities, Bash said.

Readers’ Comments — But Only If We like Them

Readers’ Comments — But Only If We like Them

To gauge the pulse of public opinion, look at the comments after news stories in the online editions of newspapers or radio/television news. The level of anger at Canada’s Europeans-replacing immigration policy, the endless coddling of minorities and other issues hardly ever appears in news stories or commentary. As in the U.S., there is a huge gap between approved opinion preached in most of the media and what a huge section of the population is thinking.


The dissident ideas have some of the guardians of approved opinion worried. They seek to cut off or strictly limit this venue for public opinion. Even the normally pro-free speech Globe and Mail is worried. Sylvia Stead its Public Editor. In an article “Online comments — is there a fix?” (Globe and Mail, July 30, 2016), she  supported a crackdown: “But too many [comments] do go too far — becoming personal, racist and bordering on hate speech. The end result can be so toxic that several news outlets, including The Toronto Star, have simply dispensed with comments altogether.” The fear of “racist” comments invites the response, “So what?” “Racism” is such an open-ended term that it is used to silence criticism of immigration or minority pretensions. Donald Trump was roundly denounced by his opponent and the compliant press on both sides of the border as a “racist” and he’s now President of the United States.SYLVIA STEAD

Stead continues: “Editors around the world will tell you they have problems with the same subjects: immigration, the Middle East, Moslems, indigenous people, women’s rights and the LGBTQ community. … As part of its crackdown on dissent, the Globe “will exclude certain stories from comments — usually ones about legal matters, criminal trials and potential criminal charges. Also, comments on stories about a specific basket of topics that are known to attract hate must be approved by a moderator before the can appear. I would advocate tighter rules for certain topics such as race, immigration, religion, sexual identity, women’s rights, indigenous people — and that extra effort be made to protect minority groups (and women) from abuse. That would mean more screening and, as necessary, closing comments more often.”

Presumably, it’s still okay to abuse and criticize Christians and White people and you may still be allowed to have intemperate opinions about the weather!