Sad News: England Seeks Deeper into  A Zionist-Controlled Police State

Sad News: England Seeks Deeper into  A Zionist-Controlled Police State 

Chanteuse and satirist Alison Chabloz was convicted for using telecommunications to transmit “grossly offensive” material — songs satirizing the extravagant claims on Jewish “holocaust” survivors. A gloating comment by Gideon Felter,  spokesman for the well-connected and well-funded Campaign Against Anti-semitism made it quite clear that it’s ideas that are being outlawed: ” This verdict sends a strong message that in Britain Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories will not be tolerated.”

Paul Fromm

YouTuber Alison Chabloz guilty over anti-Semitic songs

Alison ChablozImage copyrightJONATHAN BRADY/ PA
Image captionAlison Chabloz had claimed the prosecution was an attempt to limit her free speech

A blogger has been found guilty of broadcasting anti-Semitic songs on YouTube.

Alison Chabloz, 54, from Glossop, Derbyshire, wrote and performed three songs about Nazi persecution, including one about the young diarist Anne Frank.

Chabloz claimed the Holocaust was “a bunch of lies” and referred to Auschwitz as a “theme park”.

She was warned she may be jailed at her sentencing on 14 June. There was scuffle outside court.

Outside the courtImage copyrightPA
Image captionThere were several heated arguments outside court

Chabloz was convicted of two counts of sending an offensive, indecent or menacing message through a public communications network.

She was further convicted of a third charge relating to a song on YouTube.

District Judge John Zani, sitting at Westminster Magistrates’ Court, said the offences were serious and “the custody threshold may well have been passed.”

When the verdict was given supporters of Chabloz shouted “shame” from the public gallery.

Chabloz was released on bail on the condition she was placed on a night curfew at her home and does not leave England and Wales.

When Chabloz left court there was a scuffle and heated arguments outside, before police arrived to keep the peace.

Outside the courtImage copyrightPA
Image captionPolice arrived to keep the peace after a scuffle outside court
Outside the courtImage copyrightPA

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism initially brought a private prosecution against Chabloz, before the Crown Prosecution Service took over.

Gideon Falter, the group’s chairman, said: “Alison Chabloz has dedicated herself over the course of years to inciting others to hate Jews, principally by claiming that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jews to defraud the world.

“She is now a convicted criminal. This verdict sends a strong message that in Britain Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories will not be tolerated.”

A CPS spokesman said it first became aware of the private prosecution in December 2016 when Alison Chabloz’s solicitors asked the CPS to take it over and stop it.

However, in 2017, the CPS determined the case should continue and Alison Chabloz was prosecuted.

Alison Chabloz in a video posted on YouTubeImage copyrightYOUTUBE
Image captionAlison Chabloz previously told the court she wanted put across her “political, artistic, creative point”

Chabloz, who describes herself as a Holocaust revisionist, said her music was “satire” and had previously told the court there was “no proof” gas chambers were used to kill Jewish people in World War Two.

However, prosecutors said three of Chabloz’s songs, including one which referred to the notorious Nazi death camp Auschwitz as a “theme park”, were criminally offensive.

Another song included a section set to the tune of a popular Jewish song Hava Nagila.

The defence had told Judge Zani his ruling would set a precedent on the exercise of free speech.

Chabloz had claimed many Jewish people found her songs funny and that no-one was forced to listen to them.



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With the dreary predictability expected of a tinpot police state, outspoken dissident, Alison Chabloz on May 25 was found guilty on all counts when the attractive defendant appeared before Marylebone Magistrates Court.

Alison Chabloz Portrait

This throwback to the Soviet system boasts a corporate media in perfect harmony with the prosecuting counsel. Anyone, no matter how remote, who could be relied on to debauch the dissident’s reputation was media quoted at length. In Britain and the USSR, its once ally, you get two trials; one state and one media with both outcomes being predictable.

It is highly likely that the defendant is tried and convicted, and the media pen-ready, before the trial even takes place. Like elections, the rest is a theatre for the gullible Goyim.

Arrests for political comment

The state charges that directly or indirectly the parody melodies the popular chanteuse sang were deemed to have been ‘grossly offensive’.   She has yet to be sentenced because judge John Judge Zani, (they’re called beaks, in England), called for a probation report prior to sentencing Alison on June 14.

Injustice 3

In a passage of the summing up; “this court is satisfied that the material in each of the songs is grossly offensive as judged by an open and multiracial society, as opposed to, for example, merely offensive.”

A problem for Alison, you cannot go to prison for ‘offensive’ material but you can lose your liberty for ‘grossly offensive’ material. It is unclear as to how one defines the difference. This is not of course an oversight by men in dark places who decide these things.

Injustice 2

The unarguable outcome is that in Britain there is only one opinion that is permissible, the globalists politically correct view.

Whatever one’s political convictions, one has to ask do we really want to live in a state that sends dissidents to prison for being politically unfashionable. This sums up Absurdistan today.

Injustice 1

Britain is using the state police, the courts, and prisons and the press to stifle debate on government immigration and foreign policy; it questions the right of Britons to take responsibility for their sovereignty. Read this passage again and again as it cannot be put clearer than that.

There was a strong turnout at Alison’s trial and a tsunami of sympathy and support, none of which was reported by corporate and state media (BBC).

Free speech now a hate crime

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If You’re in London, Come Out and Support Chanteuse and Satirist Alison Chabloz When the Verdict is Read, Friday, May 25th, at 10:00 a.m.

If You’re in London, Come Out and Support Chanteuse and Satirist Alison Chabloz When the Verdict is Read, Friday, May 25th, at 10:00 a.m.


Several arrests, multiple charges, ten court hearings, 18 months on bail and two days in jail – all for singing satirical songs alleged to be grossly offensive. Finally, the verdict in Alison Chabloz’ case will be pronounced 10 am this coming Friday, May 25th at Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone Rd, London.


Please do come along and show your solidarity.

Rendezvous Marylebone station forecourt from 9 am.

[At present, I have technical problems accessing the mailing lists, so feel free to forward information to those friends you know you would be interested, Stead.]



Ces femmes contre le « Nouvel Evangile » !

Ces femmes contre le « Nouvel Evangile » !
Accueil » Actualité » Actualité internationale » Ces femmes contre le « Nouvel Evangile » !


Ursula Haverbeck

Ursula Haverbeck, « la grande dame allemande », est, depuis avant-hier, incarcérée à la suite de sa condamnation à deux ans de prison ferme. Dans six mois, le 11 novembre 2018, elle aura 90 ans. Elle est arrière-grand-mère.

Elle était sous surveillance médicale. Son avocat avait sollicité un report de sa date d’incarcération. Mais de bonnes et belles personnes, notamment à l’étranger, avaient protesté et exigé une incarcération sans plus de délai.

Il faut dire que la coupable avait commis un crime affreux contre la plus vraie et la plus vivace des religions du monde, la Religion de l’Holocauste.

Michele Renouf

La Nazi-Oma (Grand-mère Nazie) avait proclamé qu’elle ne croyait pas à l’existence, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des « chambres à gaz nazies ». Elie Wiesel non plus n’y croyait pas ; généralement tenu pour le témoin emblématique de « l’Holocauste » (ou « Shoah »), il ira même, dans ses mémoires, jusqu’à demander qu’on n’en parle plus ; cependant, au moins nous avait-il assuré auparavant dans La Nuit qu’à Auschwitz, si les Allemands tuaient systématiquement les juifs, c’était par le feu dans des fosses ardentes auxquelles, par miracle, il avait personnellement échappé à la dernière minute. D’autres respectables témoins ont attesté de ce que la même extermination se faisait soit par l’électricité, soit par la vapeur d’eau, soit par le gaz cyanhydrique, soit par la chaux vive, soit par le gaz d’échappement de moteurs de camions ou d’un tank et même une fois, à Auschwitz, par le biais d’un essai de bombe nucléaire. Quant au Père Patrick Desbois, dont on ne parle malheureusement plus guère, il croyait soit à « la Shoah par balles » de fusil, soit à « la Shoah par étouffement » « avec des édredons » ou « avec des coussins la nuit » (Porteur de mémoires, Editions Michel Lafon, 2007, p. 306-307).

Monika Schaefer

Ursula Haverbeck fait actuellement partie de tout un ensemble international de femmes qui s’insurgent contre le Nouvel Evangile. Depuis au moins 73 ans, la bonne parole holocaustique nous est enseignée. Dans ces dernières années, elle carillonne à toute volée le matin, à midi, l’après-midi, le soir et la nuit. Mais ces femmes font montre d’une résistance méritoire. Elles se nomment Michèle Renouf, Sylvia Stolz, Maria Poumier, Monika Schaefer, Alison Chabloz, Diane King, Carolyn Yeager ou encore « Didi ». Elles s’appelaient Madame Rassinier, Keltie Zubko ou Barbara Kulaszka. D’autres noms de femmes seraient encore à citer.

Voici trois réactions à l’affaire :

1) La police allemande interpelle une « mamie nazie » en fuite (site d’Europe 1, 7 mai 2018) ;

Alison Chabloz

2) « Sur le front de la répression » (Bocage-Info, diffusion privée par courriel, 8 mai 2018) :

Ursula Haverbeck a été arrêtée et placée en détention le 7 mai 2018 à 13h30. Ursula Haverbeck espérait fêter son 90e anniversaire au mois de novembre en compagnie de sa famille et de ses amis, mais les sicaires de la police de la pensée en ont décidé autrement.

L’arrière-grand-mère allemande a gagné le respect de ses compatriotes et l’estime des chercheurs indépendants du monde entier pour ses enquêtes opiniâtres sur la fraude liée à l’Holocauste. Le régime allemand, qui est fortement impliqué dans l’escroquerie, a condamné la courageuse investigatrice à deux ans de prison ferme pour avoir enquêté sur les procès-verbaux des Alliés sur les conditions dans les camps d’internement pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ursula Haverbeck est surnommée la « grand-mère nazie » par les médias du Système.  William Colby, ancien directeur de la CIA, et le Dr Udo Ulfkotte, ancien rédacteur en chef de la Frankfurter Allgemeine, étaient impliqués dans ces recherches. Les deux hommes sont morts dans des circonstances mystérieuses. Condamnée une nouvelle fois l’année dernière, Frau Haverbeck avait eu le temps de se préparer car elle ne s’était pas présentée à la prison de Bielefeld mercredi 2 mai, où elle devait être détenue, probablement jusqu’à ce que mort s’ensuive.

Maria Poumier

Un membre du comité juif d’un prétendu groupe de survivants de l’Holocauste qui s’appelle le Comité international d’Auschwitz a déclaré : « Il faut faire pression pour que la police la retrouve ». Le journal local Westfalen-Blatt a rapporté que la maison de Vlotho dans le centre de l’Allemagne où résidait Ursula Haverbeck semblait vide ces derniers jours, le courrier s’empilant devant la porte. La chasse à l’homme (sic) déclenchée pour retrouver une femme âgée coupable de réfléchir risque de se retourner contre les profiteurs de l’industrie de l’Holocauste. Dans une enquête récente, les deux tiers des gens ont déclaré qu’ils étaient excédés par les revendications incessantes et déplacées des profiteurs de ce système pervers : Holohoax heroine on the run.

3) Une révisionniste allemande de 89 ans jetée en prison (vidéo réalisée par Vincent Reynouard, 9 mai 2018).

Has Zionist Shill Teresa May Announced the End of Free Speech In Britain?

Has Zionist Shill Teresa May Announced the End of Free Speech In Britain?

Is “tolerance” compatible with free speech. If you oppose certain barbaric cultural practices like say, female genital mutilation, and make bold to say so, you’re not being very “tolerant”. Is Teresa May, Britain’s bumbling Prime Minister saying that henceforth only “tolerant” speech will be allowed. May is an utter captive of the Zionist anti-free speech lobby. In 2015, when the Board of Jewish Deputies set up a howl after a wildly distorted press smear on a Mark Weber talk at the London Forum, she banned him from the U.K. — a ban he did not learn about until 2017. The past year has seen a flurry of criminal charges against free speech supporters, including satiric chanteuse Alison Chaloz and activist organizer Jez Turner.

Theresa May announces the end of free speech in UK: “We value free speech…we also value tolerance to others”



🆘‼🧐🔥 UK: At last someone asked Theresa May the right questions on freedom of speech in the British Parliament.

Challenged in Parliament about why criticism of Christianity is taken for granted while criticism of Islam embroils one in societal (and legal) difficulties, British Prime Minister Theresa May answered:

We value freedom of expression and freedom of speech in this country. That is absolutely essential in underpinning our democracy. But we also value tolerance to others. We also value tolerance in relation to religions. This is one of the issues that we’ve looked at in the counter-extremism strategy that the government has produced. I think we need to ensure that, yes, it is right that people can have that freedom of expression. But in doing so, that right has a responsibility, too. And that is a responsibility to recognize the importance of tolerance to others.

This heralds the end of the freedom of speech in Britain, for May’s statement is flatly self-contradictory. Who will decide whether one’s criticism of Islam has shaded over into becoming “intolerant”? Presumably the police or some governing authorities. But the freedom of speech is designed precisely to protect people from being prosecuted or persecuted by the governing authorities because their speech dissents from the accepted line. It was developed as a safeguard against tyranny.

By introducing this massive exception, May is turning the freedom of speech on its head and emptying it of all meaning. She is also implying that the British government will now be bringing the full force of the law against those who are deemed intolerant, and indeed, that has already begun.


British White Nationalist Leader Jez Turner Jailed for Criticizing Jewish Power

British White Nationalist Leader Jez Turner Jailed for Criticizing Jewish Power
Yesterday Jeremy Bedford-Turner  known as Jez Turner was convicted at Southwark Crown Court in London of inciting racial hatred during a speech he gave in 2015 outside Downing Street . In this speech  he attacked Jewish influence, most particularly, the  Met Police’s support for and enablement of  a  Jewish security organisation  known as the Shomrim .   He was sentenced to 12 months, six of which will be served in prison and the rest on licence. 
Did Jez have a chance of acquittal? Well, he had a jury trial so   that gave him some chance of an acquittal. Had it been a trial without a jury he would have had none. But even with a jury the odds were heavily against a not guilty verdict. In the minds of jurors must be the fear of being called a racist which has been so successfully inculcated in the general population that  it produces an automated reflex of panic and terror when faced with the possibility of the label being put on them. Any juror faced with a case such as this must have it in the back of their minds at least that to return a not guilty verdict would be to risk being called a racist. There is also the sheer shock factor of hearing politically incorrect views being unashamedly spoken. As it was the jury was out for less than two hours and returned a unanimous verdict of  guilty. 
The case was originally turned down by the Crown Prosecution Service  (CPS) as not meting their evidential standard for a prosecution.  The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism  threatened the CPS with a judicial review of their decision not to prosecute. Faced with that the CPS caved in and prosecuted. It is worth noting that running a judicial review is very expensive.  The fact that  the CAA managed to get the CPS  prosecute effectively creates two tiers of justice, that for the rich and that for the poor.
I  shall be writing a fuller account of the trial later but I can say unequivocally that the judge showed his bias against Jezz from the word go in both his actions and manner.  He began by refusing a request by Jezz’s barrister to put  questions to prospective jurors to discover if any off them were members of the CAA or the  Community Security Trust,  a charity which has surprising support from the Met Police for a quasi-police group  known as the Shomrim  – see below.   During this passage of the hearing the judge said with great distaste that it was shocking that such an organisation as the CAA needed to exist but that was the way of the world. 
The judge also intervened on a number of occasions when Jezz was being cross-examined to dispute what Jezz was saying.This was not his job,  it was the job of the prosecutor to challenge what Jezz was saying. 
The  other thing to note was the way both judge and prosecuting counsel accepted opinion as fact and were seemingly oblivious to what they were doing which in short was enforcing the politically correct  view of the world. For example, prosecuting counsel thought nothing of quoting a senior judge that freedom of expression had to be compatible with the “standards of a just and fair multiracial society”. 
What has been made very clear in this trial (and that of the trial of Alison Chabloz) is that we have an elite  which is hell bent on squeezing the range of permitted opinion ever more tightly into a politically correct shape. 
The other striking thing about this trial is the paucity of media comment.  One might have thought the mainstream media would have jumped all over the matter  but the only mainstream press attending the trial was the Press Association. Why? Well, I suspect it was because although the politically correct wanted the prosecution and a guilty verdict they did not want the politically incorrect nature of much of the evidence to come before the public’s eyes. 
Where does all this leave us? Free expression is essential to democracy and political freedom. Take it away and oppression soon fills the void. It also has a general cultural value.  Its importance is examined in detail in my essay Freedom or permitted opinion below. . Beneath that  you will find a number of reports of Jez’ trial and a couple on the truly amazing powers granted to the Shomrim both here and abroad.  
Robert Henderson

Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice – UKIP Daily | UKIP News | UKIP Debate

Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice

Posted by Robert Henderson | Nov 20, 2015 | Views & Letters |  |     
Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice
Free expression or permitted opinion: that is the choice

Filleted, grilled, emotionally battered, but still undefeated

180309 adrian alisonReasons for the enemy wanting ever stricter bail conditions became clearer last Wednesday. First imposed December 2016 by Friend of Israel DJ Emma Arbuthnot (recused), I have now been on bail for 15 months. Last autumn’s Freedom of Informationrequest provides ample confirmation of Crown witness and CAA EnforcerSteve Silverman‘s determined efforts to have me locked up for breach of bail, thus obtaining a police interview which could be used against me in court. Much of the questioning in fact centred on my answers to Sgt Jon Lloyd regards my song Too Extreme For The BNP for which no charges have been brought. I think on the whole press coverage was pretty fair: selective in parts, for sure, but Jenni Frazer actually manages to call me a performer – a giant step forward. Hurrah!

Left: Barrister Adrian Davies and Alison Chabloz leaving court. Photo Colin Bex.

The BBC’s Martin Bashir takes a similar angle. Note the use of ‘Jewish people’ in the title. Have the Beeb’s headline writers been issued with an order not to use ‘Jews’? Do other BBC headlines speak of Muslim or Christian or atheist ‘people’?

The prize for the most misleading headline goes unsurprisingly to the Mail which still hasn’t corrected the header following my Racism Trail [sic] on January 10th – and which inspired the following rhyme:

The racism trail
Begins in Israel
Where stone-throwing kids
Are flung in jail
And migrants
Not of Khazar descent
May be neutered
Then home to Africa sent

Last but not least, the Blackpool Gazette used the PA‘s report. Would the fact that my IP address is now blocked by the Gazette have anything to do with my previous satirical blogpost which features the seaside town? Was someone offended?

Other articles have been released in the alternative media. As many of these link to my videos and several have reproduced my song lyrics, I am unable to share for fear of hurting someone’s feelings and once again finding myself behind bars. Ditto regards my appearances on three alternative radio podcasts, The Daily Nationalist, Down The Rabbit Hole and The Graham Hart Show. For those with time and inclination to listen, any search engine is your friend.

Many thanks to all those supporters who turned up last Wednesday. Apologies to those of you who sent messages and who have not yet received any reply. After being filleted and grilled by the opposition in a public court, my energy levels are somewhat depleted: in the days leading up to this latest court appearance, media hounding of my immediate family as well as criticism within revisionist ranks from ‘supporters’, resulted in an emotional battering from which I am only just recovering. For the record, Dr Fredrick Töben has published a full account in the latest edition of his Adelaide Institute newsletter. Again, a search engine will do the necessary for those interested.

Special gratitude to three genuine supporters who made notes from the public gallery last Wednesday. Below, you will find Robert Henderson’s review. Once I have managed to collect my thoughts more fully and deal with the tsunami of mail in my inbox, I shall write more, specifically on the use of musical satire as way to lighten our load and deliver the revisionist message in a way that is accessible, entertaining and informative. As one friend noted after listening to Monday night’s Graham Hart Show:

“Alison, you make many good points, in particular: blatantly anti-Christian songs are completely allowed, while you are merely trying to help people realize how we’ve been lied to about a historical event involving this powerful sect who has basically controlled the narrative.

“Also, the revisionists who think it’s unwise to use music to help people understand what really happened maybe don’t want people to really know. Maybe it’s just a hobby for them, instead of really caring that people find out how we’ve been lied to all of our lives.”

Finally, a HUGE thank you to JQ Rowling on Gab who has created the most wonderful meme. As with alternative media articles and podcasts, I am unable to share here on my blog. Only those receiving this missive via email may rejoice in its fabulousness!

Kindest regards to all,

Alison. xx


The trial of Alison Chabloz day 2 – March 7 2018

By Robert Henderson

Presiding: District Judge John Zani sitting without a jury

Karen Robinson – Prosecuting counsel
Adrian Davies – Defence counsel

Witnesses for the defence – Alison Chabloz

Background to the prosecution

Ms Chabloz denies three charges of sending obscene material by public communication networks and two alternative charges of causing obscene material to be sent. The case involves three songs which the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) claim are anti-Semitic: Survivors, Nemo’s Anti-Semitic Universe and I Like The Story As It Is.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) refused to prosecute the case originally but after the CAA started a private prosecution and threatened a judicial review of the CPS’ refusal to prosecute, the CPS agreed to reverse their original decision and take over the private prosecution.

The events of the day

Despite having a whole day for the case we are not yet not at the end of the defence case. Ms Chabloz gave evidence but the second witness for the defence Peter Rushton never entered the witness box.

Ms Chabloz did well in the witness box. Being under cross examination is very tiring because apart from the natural nervous tension – everyone is nervous when they first experience being in the witness box – and the need to concentrate intensely is draining. Moreover, Ms Chabloz was in the witness box for the better part of two hours. Not only did she not wilt, towards the end of her testimony she had prosecuting counsel a little rattled. (Karen Robinson made the mistake of getting into a verbal cul-d-sac when she kept repeating the same question over and over instead of trying to get at the answer she wanted by asking the question in different ways.)

Ms Robinson began her cross examination by concentrating on the songs which are the subject of the charges Ms Chabloz faces. Then she swerved into raising questions about a song which was not part of the charges and tried to make a case for Ms Chabloz being a racist generally.

Ms Chabloz picked up very quickly on the fact that Robinson had gone off piste and protested that the questioning was irrelevant, but Robinson was allowed to proceed with the line of questioning. Eventually defence counsel Adrian Davies objected that the line of questioning was not relevant to the charges but Zani still allowed Robinson to pursue the line of questioning.

I suspect that Adrian Davies allowed Robinson to continue without objection by him for as long as she did to provide the basis for Mr Rushton’s evidence to be accepted. However, it is worth noting that Ms Robinson’s attempt to broaden the argument against Ms Chabloz to a general charge of racism is of a different nature to Mr Rushton’s research which is, as far as it could be judged by what was said in court, simply concerned with validating Ms Chabloz’s claims.

At the end of Ms Chabloz’s cross-examination Adrian Davies’ second witness Peter Rushton was expected to testify. Mr Rushton has been down at the British Library ferreting out evidence which objectively supported the claims made in Ms Chabloz’s songs. However, his evidence was deemed to be of a nature which did not require him to go into the witness box provided the prosecution accepted that his research could be entered as evidence. This Ms Robinson agreed to and obviated the need for Mr Rushton to go into the witness box.

The court then turned to the question of whether written not oral arguments speaking to Mr Rushton’s research should be made The prosecution wanted only written arguments . (I suspect that the prosecution were nervous about having seriously non-pc statements read out in court in whole or part). Adrian Davies wanted to make oral arguments. judge Zani ruled that oral arguments could be made as well as the written ones and booked another hearing which he thought should last for around an hour.

This is unsatisfactory because it means that the prosecution’s attempt to present to present Ms Chabloz as a general racist was made in open court, while Mr Rushton’s evidence supporting Ms Chabloz will not, at least in its entirety, be presented in open court. (Some of Mr Rushton’s evidence will presumably become clear during the oral submissions on his evidence).

The upshot of all this activity is:

1. Written arguments on Mr Rushton’s evidence must be submitted by Friday 16th March

2. Oral arguments will be made on Monday 14th May

3. Judge Zani will reserve his judgement.

4. A further hearing will be held on 25th May at which Zani will give his verdict and the reasons for it.

There were around 20 supporters of Ms Chabloz. There were a number of interruptions from the public gallery in support of Ms Chabloz . These annoyed the judge enough to make him threaten to clear the public gallery.

Compared with the first day’s hearing on 10 January there was little media interest, although Martin Bashir sat in the press section. During one of several adjournments he engaged in an extended conversation with prosecuting counsel Karen Robinson.

A revisionist heroine does a great job defending the truth in court – Carolyn Yaeger’s Report on Free Speech Trial of Alison Chabloz

A revisionist heroine does a great job defending the truth in court

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-03-08 19:33

Singer-Songwriter Alison Chabloz arrives at court carrying flowers given to her by her admirers who followed her into the courtroom and sat in the public gallery. (Daily Mail Online)

ALISON CHABLOZ ARRIVED AT WESTMINSTER COURT YESTERDAY,  March 7, for the second leg of her trial for expressing views that are called “grossly offensive” because they mock revered Jewish figures like Elie Wiesel and Anne Frank. These views are embedded in songs she wrote and sang, that were uploaded onto the Internet.

Miss Chabloz made several excellent statements under questioning by Prosecutor Karen Robinson. When asked by Robinson whether she denied the holocaust, Chabloz said:

‘Deny the holocaust? I am sorry I do not understand this term. Who can deny the holocaust? It is a term that is meaningless in itself.’

Ms Robinson said: ‘In your police interview you made a distinction between holocaust denial and revisionism.’

Chabloz said: ‘You can call it holocaust denial but I prefer holocaust revisionism.

‘I think there should be an official scientific and forensic investigation. I doubt very much that a murder case would be brought to these courts without forensic investigation.

‘It is impossible to assess that the gas chambers actually existed to kill human beings without evidence. it is impossible to affirm that the supposed murder took place.

‘As the war years continued and got harder for everybody and we see the allied bombing of the German infrastructure – why would they not bomb the concentration camps?

‘A disproportionate amount of blame was put on the Germans by the victors. The victors got to write history.

It’s about furthering the globalist agenda

‘I would say that the so-called holocaust has been used to sustain the criminal state of Israel – it is used as a foundation myth.

‘By sending school children on trips to Auschwitz and inculcating them into believing in the gas chambers, the so-called holocaust is used as a weapon to prevent nationalistic feeling amongst European people.

‘It’s about furthering the globalist agenda.

‘It is certainly a topic worthy of investigation and of intelligent debate and discussion.’

Prosecutor Robinson questioned Chabloz on her police interview where she said, ‘My grandfather certainly didn’t fight for our towns and cities to be taken over by non-whites and non-Christians.’

Chabloz told her, ‘It’s my right to express those views.’

Ms Robinson said: ‘This is not an unqualified right – one cannot send material or matter on the internet which is grossly offensive.’

Chabloz retorted, ‘But it depends for whom doesn’t it, because there are plenty of parodies of Christian music that say Jesus was gay or that he must have been born by a donkey.

‘It is concerning that where I live, my people I love, my race, that we will become an ethnic minority.’

Ms Robinson told her, ‘The views you have expressed are anti-Semitic and racist. You said of the white race, “It breaks my heart to see that disappearing.” That is nothing more than racism.’

Really?! A UK representative of the Court and the legal system says it is racist (wrong) to not want your race to disappear!! Things are worse than I thought.

Loud booing at this remark

At this point there was loud booing from the public gallery and Chabloz’s barrister, Adrian Davies, rose to speak.

‘Now the witness is being treated much as a heretic during the inquisition, she is entitled to any political view that she wishes,’ Mr Davies said.

He believes that the statute is poorly set out (worded). The charges centre on whether embedding the hyperlink to the footage constitutes as sending, and if her songs were grossly offensive.

Chabloz was given bail again until the final submissions on 14 May and a verdict will be given on 25 May. 







Anti-Semitic songwriter, 53, who ‘mocked Anne Frank’ tells court the Holocaust is ‘meaningless’ and insists she’s a ‘revisionist’ not a ‘denier’

  • Alison Chabloz, 53, labelled the Holocaust as the ‘Holohoax’ in one song
  • The blogger arrived at court with fans who supported her from the gallery 
  • She mocks prominent Jewish figures, including Elie Wiesel and Anne Frank
  • Chabloz, from Derbyshire, faces five charges relating at Westminster court 

Alison Chabloz, 53, arrived at court holding flowers and was supported from the public gallery by her followers

Alison Chabloz, 53, arrived at court holding flowers and was supported from the public gallery by her followers

An anti-Semitic song writer told a court today that the holocaust is ‘meaningless’ and the Germans were unfairly blamed for the Second World War.

Alison Chabloz, 53, laughed as she was read lyrics to her songs mocked Jews being fashioned into lampshades, having their heads shrunk and being turned into bars of soap.

The songs, ‘(((Survivors)))’, ‘Nemo’s Anti-Semetic Universe’ and ‘I Like It How It Is’ are said to go beyond the right to free speech in that they caused gross offence.

Some were performed live at the London Forum, while others were played for the camera, but all were uploaded to the internet.

In one number she mocks prominent Jewish figures including Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel and Anne and Otto Frank to the tune of a traditional Jewish song.

Chabloz was asked by prosecutor, Karen Robinson, whether she denied the holocaust.

‘Deny the holocaust? I am sorry I do not understand this term.

‘Who can deny the holocaust? It is a term that is meaningless in itself.’

Chabloz, seen arriving at court, describes herself as a Holocaust 'revisionist' and raises questions about the validity of the Holocaust

Chabloz, seen arriving at court, describes herself as a Holocaust ‘revisionist’ and raises questions about the validity of the Holocaust

Ms Robinson said: ‘In your police interview you made a distinction between holocaust denial and revisionism.’

Chabloz said: ‘You can call it holocaust denial but I prefer holocaust revisionism.

‘I think there should be an official scientific and forensic investigation.

‘I doubt very much that a murder case would be brought to these courts without forensic investigation.

‘It is very unlikely to have been more than a million killed – that is my understanding of having researched the information available.

‘Certainly a million – perhaps more – but until there is an official forensics investigation…

‘It is impossible to assess that the gas chambers actually existed to kill human beings without evidence it is impossible to affirm that the supposed murder took place.

‘There is absolutely no doubt that those taken to concentration camps suffered great tragedy, taken away from family and home.

‘As the war years continued and got harder for everybody and we see the allied bombing of the German infrastructure – why would they not bomb the concentration camps?

‘A disproportionate amount of blame was put on the Germans by the victors. The victors got to write history. It was a war – everybody suffered.

She arrived at court holding onto flowers and was followed into court by some of her supporters

She arrived at court holding onto flowers and was followed into court by some of her supporters

‘I would say that the so-called holocaust has been used to sustain the criminal state of Israel – it is used as a foundation myth.

‘By sending school children on trips to Auschwitz and inculcating them into believing in the gas chambers, the so-called holocaust is used as a weapon to prevent nationalistic feeling amongst European people.

‘It’s about furthering the globalist agenda.

‘It is certainly a topic worthy of investigation and of intelligent debate and discussion.’

Much of the questioning revolved around historical rather than legal argument as Ms Robinson tried to pin down Chabloz on her anti-semitism.

In one of her songs Chabloz jokes that if six million Jews had been killed that would not have been a bad thing.

Ms Robinson questioned Chabloz on her police interview where she said, ‘My grandfather certainly didn’t fight for our towns and cities to be taken over by non-whites and non-Christians.’

Chabloz told her, ‘It’s my right to express those views.’

Ms Robinson said: ‘This is not an unqualified right – one cannot send material or matter on the internet which is grossly offensive.’

Chabloz retorted, ‘But it depends for whom doesn’t it, because there are plenty of parodies of Christian music that say Jesus was gay or that he must have been born by a donkey.

‘It is concerning that where I live, my people I love, my race, that we will become an ethnic minority.’

Ms Robinson told her, ‘The views you have expressed are anti-Semitic and racist.

‘You said of the white race, “It breaks my heart to see that disappearing.”

‘That is nothing more than racism.’

At which point there was loud booing from the public gallery and Chabloz’s barrister, Adrian Davies, rose to speak.

‘Now the witness is being treated much as a heretic during the inquisition, she is entitled to any political view that she wishes,’ Mr Davies said.

‘The example of the well known case of the street preachers who preach in the street that homosexuality is wrong – they are perfectly entitled to express that view so long as they are not being grossly offensive.

Chabloz, seen arriving at court today, denied the charges in October, claiming she was being silenced by the 'UK Jewish lobby'

Chabloz, seen arriving at court today, denied the charges in October, claiming she was being silenced by the 'UK Jewish lobby'

Chabloz, seen arriving at court today, denied the charges in October, claiming she was being silenced by the ‘UK Jewish lobby’

‘It is not a crime in England to say that no Jews died at the hands of the Germans – it is a perfectly lawful position – it is therefore, not relevant to interrogate the witness about her opinions.’

The Crown must prove that Chabloz has caused ‘gross’ offence, Mr Davies believes that the statute is poorly set out.

Chabloz says that her songs provoke a ‘range of reactions’ and although some are ‘close to the bone,’ it is no fault of hers if someone chooses to be offended.

She cited a recent music video on YouTube by the black rapper Xxxtencion where he is seen to lynch a white child and the disparity in public outrage.

Chabloz is represented by Adrian Davies, who defended infamous historian and holocaust denier David Irving in 2001 at the Court of Appeal following his failed libel case against Deborah Lipstadt.

Chabloz, of Moss Croft, Town Lane, Glossop, Derbyshire, denies five counts of sending obscene material by public communication networks at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.

The charges centre on whether embedding the hyperlink to the footage constitutes as sending, and if her songs were grossly offensive.

She was bailed ahead of final submissions on 14 May and a verdict will be given on 25 May.

Today is DAY 58 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom: Updates on Monika Schaefer & Alison Chabloz

Today is DAY 58 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom: Updates on Monika Schaefer & Alison Chabloz
Write to Monika at the following NEW address:
Monika Schaefer
Stadelheim Prison
Stadelheimer Straße
81549 Munich


Dear Reader & Supporter of Free Speech,
Alison Chabloz, musician, singer and song writer, is fighting for her freedom and the freedom of all Truth Revealers who are being hunted and harassed by the Jewish juggernaut out to enslave us all. She needs our support, both morally and financially, as she battles these psychopaths. Do what you can to help her out.
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”

How I managed to recruit the enemy and claim victory

March 2, 2018
By Alison Chabloz

My YouTube channel is now no longer available in the UK –  presumably the same applies in other European ‘free, democratic’ states. I’m told that a well-meaning message appears when trying to access my videos: ‘This channel is no longer available, you can unsubscribe here’.

Ah well. I guess I should consider myself lucky that my channel does at least still exist everywhere else – unlike Richie Allen’s.

My critics are certainly spending vast amounts of time, energy and money trying to silence me.

But not all of them!

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I am reliably informed that one of my most tenacious and dedicated detractors, fishwife Ambrosine aka Amanda from Finchley, has been promoting my work on Twitter and is even considering a trip next month to Blackpool (renamed Schwarzbad for the occasion) to hear me sing accompanied by one of her überjüdin pals. Well, hardly überjüdin – more like halbwenigejüdin. It seems both their mothers were Roman Catholics. Zwei Halbwenigerjüden fahren nach Schwarzbad. For book/movie rights please contact DizzyHazbara in East Finchley.

Questions arise as to whether Ambro will turn up wearing a hijab. Probably unwise, considering the political nationalist leaning of the Schwarzbad event. Ambro’s halbwenigejüdin pal is aptly named ‘Never Again’. Here, further questions arise as to whether their respective mothers similarly regretted les liaisons judeuses juteuses from which sprang forth des métisses malheureuses? Never again without a condom? In Schwarzbad, both luscious lasses might want to join ranks with the lone activist from Preston Antifa who, last time, managed to post one sticker on the wall outside the venue? Nick Lowles would appreciate any help he can get.

Schwarzbad’s very own beefy northern lads security team will make sure there’s no bullshit. But if Ambro and her fellow métisse halbwenigejüdin pal fancy some real northern hospitality, served up with fish, chips, onion rings, a Tower burger and lashings of vodka – all at prices that instantly make Londoners cry out in pain (the Shoah was NOTHING in comparison to the suffering inflicted by London prices) – then they are most welcome.

Not wishing to blow my own trumpet – although on second thoughts why not? – it’s quite a feat to have managed to recruit one’s worst enemy. Much to her chagrin and despite her urge to see me play live, Ambro reckons my Schwarzbad gigs are proof I shall not be ‘going down’. No doubt more to come on this rather fabulous development in future blogs.

Speaking of which, next Wednesday March 7th I am once again back in court – for singing satirical songs which must be censored at all costs – except when tweeted by Ambro.

‘Chabloz mouthed the words to her songs from inside the dock,’ lied the press in unison. The press now labels me a ‘self-proclaimed revisionist’! The list goes on: ‘Holocaust denier’ (hark the squelching of (((editors))) and other (((lobbyists))) pleasuring themselves in anticipation of being able to add ‘convicted’ as an adjective before the improper noun); the labelling of yours truly continues – ‘anti-Semite’, ‘blogger’, – ANYTHING GOES!  Except of course ‘musician’ or ‘artist’.

Describing me by my actual profession as confirmed by a HEM (Haute Ecole de Musique) diploma from Lausanne Conservatoire (2004), 12 years secondary music teaching, countless years in local rep, ditto as a solo performer, member of various bands and three cruise ship seasons would be far too truthful a term for journos trained in the art of lies and dissimulation. The only mainstream article to ever describe me as an ‘artist’ was published by The Times of Israel in 2015!  This fact alone, in my opinion, tells us everything we need to know about the (((British press))).

So, how should alleged gross offence caused by my songs be judged in comparison to, say, Progressive Christmas Carols by the ‘group’ Paint ? Jesus was gay..? If I am found guilty on Wednesday, then grossly offended Christians surely would be equally entitled to cite Section 127 of the UK Communications Act? I see it all now: Archbishop Welby using his unelected position in the House of Lords to vociferously condemn the denigration of true, Christian values…? Oh no wait. Instead, Welby speaks at a ‘Holocaust’ memorial event, urging his peers to condemn my songs for heresy.

‘But she uses Jewish tunes in her songs!’ they wail. And Paint use Christian tunes. My accusers have lost all grip on reality with this prosecution. Rather than pulling the plug on my music, they’ve helped to create an ever wider audience. Hence, the draconian censorship of my songs and YouTube channel over the past few months.

Locking me in a cell made no difference. Now, they must use unlawful, fraudulent methods to reverse a process which they themselves instigated the day I published (((Survivors))) – June 8 2016. ‘Though I say it myself, it is a brilliant song. Just three weeks after publication on YouTube (now over 40k views!), Elie Wiesel dropped dead. OK, he already had one foot in the grave. Nevertheless, my song is the accomplishment of a lifetime. Few others could boast as much.

If a precedent is set in my case, then it will be a free-for-all. It will be enough for snowflakes to simply stamp their feet and summon the sirens. Handcuffs obligent along with prolonged custodial detention for alleged do re mi terrorism offences (- so do mi in the case of ‘Lord’ Janner’s associates)

Happily, for now, areas of the Internet still provide welcome relief from Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. One such safe space is Jan Lamprecht’s HistoryReviewed.Com. Some may argue that Jan is an ‘extremist’. Having listened to Jan more than I’ve listened to any other YouTuber (now banned like Richie), I can say that he’s no more of an extremist than Jeremy Clarkson, although to my knowledge, Clarkson is the only one of the two who’s actually thrown punches.

A couple of weeks ago, Jan and I had a marathon two-hour Skype conversation which he’s now uploaded to as a three-part video series. The same evening, I was a guest on the Daily Kenn livestream which you can find on YouTube. My bail conditions prevent me from sharing the actual links. You’ll have to use a search engine.

This coming Saturday i.e. tomorrow, I will again be a guest on Dennis ‘the Fetch’ Fetcho’s Inside The Eye Live! from 4 pm UK time. The last time Dennis and I spoke was in November 2016, the day before I was arrested when my legal troubles began.

Next Monday 5.30 pm UK time, you’ll be able to hear all about the upcoming second day of my trial during my chat with Sven Longshanks on Radio Aryan’s The Daily Nationalist.

See you Wednesday if not before. Same time and place as usual: Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone Road, London, 9.30 am. Nearest tube/train Edgware Road / Marylebone. If you’re unable to make it but would like to leave a small donation, you can find links on the right hand side bar to my PayPal account and BitCoin wallet.

Thanks to all have donated and helped me over the past year and a half. Onwards to victory!
