Help Brian Ruhe, Victim of Zionist-Inspired Job Loss and Persecution

Help Brian Ruhe, Victim of Zionist-Inspired Job Loss and Persecution

Hello from Brian,

People have asked me where is my fall schedule of meditation courses. Members of a powerful Zionist organization openly state that they contacted Capilano University and four Vancouver Community Centres in order to have me fired from teaching there. They succeeded and I am now unemployed after teaching for 17 years at some of these community centres. This is a loss for spreading Buddhist meditation and it’s a financial hardship for me. I ask for your support at this time as I adjust. I have a fund raising drive on the Indeigogo website at:

I still intend to teach meditation and lead retreats privately, where my employers cannot be as influenced. You can volunteer to help in organizing this too. I also want to make a change to benefit more people so I have started my own talk show on YouTube using the amazing technology of Google Hangouts on Air which makes an instant YouTube video from each interview. I want to interview great minds all over the world on spiritual and truth search themes. This is, “The Brian Ruhe Show” and my recent guest is Sensei Mui from Chicago on this YouTube video: What is Wrong with Buddhism Again

I have over 600 YouTube videos on all aspects of my teachings which have reached over 750,000 views. My videos have focused upon Buddhism and meditation but now my talk show also focuses on issues relating to truth and justice on a global scale, WWII historical revisionism, and a Buddhist interpretation of world events and history.         These are controversial topics, yes and I am one of the few on YouTube expressing these vital ideas from a Buddhist perspective. This is a free speech issue and I have a video about my current dilemma, made with the Canadian Association for Free Expression, at:

Most people are unaware of the damaging powers of Zionist supremacist forces behind the scenes, such

as Bill C-51 which allows for spying on Canadians.
It is very important for me and others to speak out. We are the 99% and our voice can make a decisive difference. We are being lied to by our political leaders and the media. Please go online to get informed instead of relying on TV or newspapers, and please support my talk show where you can see how I use my freedom of speech. You don’t have to agree with everything that I and my guests say but it is wise for us to open up this dialogue with a sense of urgency. Hundreds of comments on YouTube encourage me to speak out, to take a stand and let out the truth, which got me fired from my teaching career in public institutions. In this I am facing a critical challenge but I am committing myself to continue the fight for justice because I can do what others will not dare to do if they have a family to support. Because of the responsibility for justice, I encourage all people to take part to allow justice to run, by supporting our mission, as I work with others. You’re welcome to make a donation to join me and support me in raising awareness about our true history.

I have some spiritual insight and I will not back down before intimidation and persecution. I can give you such evidence and I am challenging this. I‘ve had threats but            I will continue to profile guests who are courageous and intelligent. You can see recent episodes at with guests Mark Weber, John Friend and Sensei Mui. With your donations we can make a difference towards creating a good and gentle world. If you have a sense of what I’m trying to do and what I have already done,            please consider making a financial contribution so I can afford to focus more time and energy on this mission.

I have spent about 3000 hours since 2007 studying outside of the controlled mainstream media, subjects of truth search themes, such as the International bankers’ control over our society, World War II revisionist history, the international Jewish community, UFOs and government cover-ups. Prior to that I also spent a lot of time on these things going back to my childhood but in 2007 I discovered YouTube and I since have learned from every educational modality you can name. In 2009 I created the Vancouver UFO and Conspiracy Meetup group and from there I have found mentors and advisers here in Vancouver who have personally guided my studies. Since then, I have changed my mind on issues

a few times but I am now able to come to some conclusions about the world and how power flows in it.

My own YouTube videos since July 2014 are about truther themes, the surprising true history of World

War II and National Socialist Germany, as well as challenging Jewish supremacy in our society, but I state

that 95% of Jewish people are not aware of nor are they responsible for the actions of the elite. I don’t

discuss such matters in the Buddhism and meditation retreats and courses I teach but I have been fired

from seven teaching positions just

because of these videos. YouTube is a big focus in my life and my altruism and over 80% of myinteraction with the world is through YouTube. What I say is backed up by better evidence than the

conventional history we were brought up with and taught in the mainstream media and universities-

which are centres of cultural Marxism. This is about truth vs. peer group pressure, about the forces of

good and the forces of Mara in the world. This is profound and I have always been drawn to the


I am a Theravada Buddhist teacher and I regard what I am doing as a higher moral standard and

I am sacrificing my own reputation in order to protect people who criticize me. I have more courage

than most Canadian men do. I now know that we are in a war but most people don’t even realize that

they’re in a war. I’m fighting in an info war for what is good and decent in the world.

If you want to know more with real evidence I can tell you more in person, and I also have more

info attached. This is part of my mission in life so to support it I accept donations for my time,

otherwise it’s not practical nor sustainable for me to spend my time contacting people one-on-one about

such things. My YouTube videos are free and they explain it all and you can watch as many as you like, at:

These truths uncovered, are the biggest surprise of my entire life and they profoundly effect every

single person in the world. This is nothing less than a paradigm shift and I am grateful that I have had a

transformational experience. My inner strength and happiness is better than ever because

my internal refuge is strong and grounded in reality.

Frederick Fromm's photo.
Victim of Zionist censorship Brian Ruhe *(left) being interviewed by Paul Fromm

I believe that what I am doing follows the Buddha’s teaching and ethics in general. The Buddha taught that we should make an effort to see through delusion, confusion and lies and He said, “Three things can not be long hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth”. Of the ten paramis (perfections) truthfulness is the most important one. It is the only one that the bodhisatta, the Buddha in his previous lives, could not break because of the profound karmic implications of the truth. The Buddha criticized people who lied to him and he taught that you can blame those who are blameworthy. The Buddha was in constant argument and debate with other spiritual leaders of his day in his proclamation of the dhamma- which is truth. He taught that dhamma is a universal objective truth and that we should live in harmony with it. The Buddha taught universal loving kindness for all beings and it is because I have loving kindness for 7,000,000,000 people that I am making a personal sacrifice for them now, greater than what I have made in my past 20 years of teaching. I have right view and my knowledge of the grave dangers hidden in the world surpasses the vast majority so knowledge means I have a responsibility to act.

The Buddha taught that our actions should be timely, not untimely and that we should use right speech which is not only truthful but skillful, at the right time, spoken without harshness or ill-will and it should be beneficial. I am accomplishing all of that through the medium of YouTube because there are millions of voices on YouTube. I am skillfully adding my voice to these millions of videos to tweak an adjustment more towards what is true, wholesome and good in the world as I am a moderate in comparison to others on YouTube.

The Buddha defined enlightenment as “seeing things as they really are.” There are so many lies from the top down in our society that an intelligent Buddhist should use their discernment and insight to see through these lies and speak out against them, which is what I am proud to do.

The Buddha taught that we should not cling to attachment to views but that does not mean that we live

without views, which is impossible. It means that we don’t force our views on others or act unskillfully

based upon our views. We should still have views rooted in dhamma, the Buddha taught, and we should

act and live by those views in a way that is skillful and beneficial to ourselves and to others.

Some Buddhists make the mistake of using meditation as an excuse to not get engaged in the social issues in the world believing that they are good just by developing their practice and they actually withdraw from the world but the Buddha was opposed to this. The Buddha taught ethics for his followers because they are in the world and they are responsible for taking care of their world. In May, I met with Zen Buddhist professor David Loy when he was giving lectures in Vancouver. He told us “If Buddhism can’t help us face the social issues of the world, then maybe Buddhism isn’t what the world needs right now. But I think Buddhism can help.”

The Buddha said to a Jain who joined him that people should support their current teachers as well as their former teachers. There is also the 2,500 year Buddhist tradition of dana, referring to donations and generosity to support Buddhist teachers. In the Numbered Discourses the Buddha said that there are three people who should be remembered- the one who introduced you to the path, the one who established you on the path and the one who helped you reach a deeper insight. I have done the first one or two for countless people.

Donations can be made at:

or by PayPal or mailed, being payable and sent to:

Brian Ruhe

#104 – 1960 West 7th Ave.

Vancouver, BC V6J 1T1

It would be gratefully appreciated!

May you be well, happy and peaceful,

Brian Ruhe

Hear Special Interview With Jez Turner, Organizer of the London Forum International Conference

Jez Turner organized the biggest London Forum yet this weekend in Central London featuring:

* Prof. Kevin Macdonald, U.S.A
* Publisher Mark Weber, IHR, U.S.A.
* Publisher Greg Johnson, U.S.A.
* Videographer Hugh MacDonald, Canada
* Publisher Paul Fromm, Canada
* Publisher and political prisoner Pedro Videla, Spain
* Javier Nichols, Author, President Wagner Society of Spain,

Jez will explain what is the London Forum — 5 years in existence — what it does and what its goals are.


Jez explains the poisonous anti-White atmosphere in London, England and the anti-White bias of the London Police.


Monday, April 13, 2015 on Paul Fromm’s “The Fighting Side of Me” Radio show on at 8:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m. and midnight — all of these times are EST.

A user's photo.

IHR Christmas Gathering A Huge Success

IHR Christmas Gathering A Huge Success
The Institute for Historical Review’s fifth annual Christmas party was held in the organization’s offices in Orange County, California. Socializing, a potluck supper and four talks filled a pleasant evening of fellowship and friendship.
IHR Director Mark Weber led off with a review of the past year. The IHR held nine meetings, including one in Virginia, this year with a roster of distinguished speakers, including Professor Tom Sunic and British lawyer Adrian Davies. The IHR maintains an active website . Mr. Weber has given numerous interviews with the U.S. and international press and has spoken at several meeting in Europe, including an enthusiastic reception at the London Forum.  The IHR has produced a number of important videos and has increased its distribution of books.

Frederick Fromm's photo.
Injecting fairness and reasoned historical commentary is the IHR’s role, he said. “If the U.S. judged Israel by the same standards we hold Afghanistan and Serbia to, we’d be sending bombers to Tel Aviv.”
Attorney Bill Halsey represented the IHR in the turbulent 1980s and 1990s, when their conferences were under attack by the radical terroristic Jewish Defence League (JDL). Venues were cancelled because of terror threats. The IHR’s offices were bombed and a warehouse filled with revisionist books destroyed, he recalled. The two main JDL culprits died in prison (on other charges), he noted. Mr. Halsey recalled how Congressman John Schmitz , an outspoken conservative on whose campaign he had worked, came to an IHR meeting and vouched for them to a frightened hotel owner, thus saving Frederick Fromm's photo.their conference. “All the IHR has ever tried to do is bring ‘history’ in tune with the facts,” he concluded.
Paul Fromm, the Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, discussed the attack on Christmas. This feast, he noted, “is among the most welcoming and inclusive, in the good sense of the word. The vast majority of Americans and Canadians celebrate Christmas, most as a religious event, but many who are not religious celebrate it as a cultural event as well. Yet, most government officials and many conformist businesses avoid the word and feel they must substitute ‘Seasons Greetings’ or ‘Happy Holidays’, as if the word Christmas itself was an obscenity.”
The fact is, he added, the word “Christmas” is an obscenity for militant Jews who have led the assault over the past six decades, Mr. Fromm explained. The attack on Christmas is the result of growing Jewish media and cultural influence in the past 70 or so years.
Quoting Edmund Connelly’s writings on the subject in Occidental Quarterly (2008), Mr. Fromm said: “While much has been written and reported about this assault, few want to situate the attack on Christmas within a larger set of conflicts between Jews and white Christians. But to understand the hostility toward Christmas in America, one must do just that, as Jewish columnist Burt Prelutsky bluntly did in his 2004 column The Jewish grinch who stole Christmas.

The blame for the brisk departure of Christmas observations in so many parts of American life now, Prelutsky argued, can be blamed on “my fellow Jews. When it comes to pushing the multicultural, anti-Christian agenda, you find Jewish judges, Jewish journalists, and the American Civil Liberties Union, at the forefront. . . . But the dirty little secret in America is that anti-Semitism is no longer a problem in society — it’s been replaced by a rampant anti-Christianity. “

He then referenced work by historian Michael Hoffman III: “Christmas is a problematic time for Orthodox rabbis and their followers since it celebrates the birth of the Jesus they hate. The rabbinic term for Christmas Eve is Nittel Nacht, a night they regard as accursed.  There is a rabbinic tradition of refraining from marital relations on Nittel Nacht. According to Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidic Judaism, to conceive a child on Nittel Nacht will result in the birth of either an apostate or a pimp. 
The most prominent rabbinic custom commonly observed on Christmas Eve is to abstain from “Torah” (Talmud) study. There is an anxiety that one’s Talmud study may unwillingly serve as merit for Jesus’ soul, corresponding to the teaching that Talmud study gives respite to the souls of all the wicked. Refraining from Talmud study on Nittel Nacht also serves as a sign of mourning corresponding to the rabbinic belief that Jesus “was a false messiah who deceived Israel, worshipped a brick, practiced the magic he learned in Egypt and was born of a harlot who conceived while she was niddah (menstruating).”
There is a Talmudic custom of eating garlic on Nittel Nacht. The reason for this is attributed to the odor of the garlic which is reputed to repel the demonic soul of Jesus, which is supposed to wander on Christmas Eve like Scrooge’s dead partner Marley (cf. the rabbinic text Nitei Gavriel Minhagei Nittel). Another widespread rabbinic custom in Orthodox Judaism is to make toilet paper on Christmas Eve, a practice made popular among Hasidic Judaics by the Chiddushei Harim (cf. Reiach Hasade 1:17).
Contrast these grostesque Nittel Nacht mockeries from the lowest septic tank in hell, with the heavenly story of the Holy Family in Bethlehem —  the radiant Virgin and child, humble shepherds, and angels offering glad tidings of peace on earth to men of good will. Frankly, there is no comparison between Talmudic Judaism and true Christianity, and those who attempt to assert that Christianity has ecumenical similarities with the religion of the Talmud, are more deluded than the degraded practitioners of Nittel Nacht themselves.”
Again, quoting Edmund Connelly, Mr. Fromm noted: “One could spend a year, from one Christmas to the next, reading about the Gentile-Jewish basis of the War on Christmas. Some accounts are scholarly, while others are more popular. Some overtly point to the religious split as the source of the hostility, while others cautiously skirt around the issue.  Rush Limbaugh’s younger brother David is at pains not to name the source of the powerful anti-Christian bias he sees in our culture. Thus, in his 2003 work Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity, he can open a chapter by writing “In the documented bias against Christians and Christianity in our modern culture, Hollywood and Big Media play very major roles.” But he ignores the highly Jewish nature of the American media in general and Hollywood in particular. In fact, the words “Jews” and “Judaism” do not even appear in his extensive index.

The same can be said for Bill O’Reilly — another culture warrior on the good side of the War on Christmas who never mentions the Jewish angle. But I love his poster anyway, even though he doesn’t want to say whom he is really fighting against. This silence is, of course, a wonderful comment on Jewish power in America. Still, by including a chapter such as William Lind’s excellent “Who Stole Our Culture,” it is obvious to even the halfway informed reader what civilizational rival they are discussing.Frederick Fromm's photo.

Lind goes as far as anyone in this book to frame the conflict:

The Frankfurt School was well on the way to creating political correctness. Then suddenly, fate intervened. In 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, where the Frankfurt School was located. Since the Frankfurt School was Marxist, and the Nazis hated Marxism, and since almost all its members were Jewish, it decided to leave Germany. In 1934, the Frankfurt School, including its leading members from Germany, was re-established in New York City with help from Columbia University. Soon, its focus shifted from destroying traditional Western culture in Germany to doing so in the United States. It would prove all too successful.

Needless to say, this emphasis on the Frankfurt school moves the discussion in the same direction as Kevin MacDonald does in The Culture of Critique, where MacDonald describes the broad range of Jewish movements arrayed against the culture of the West, including Christianity.”

The first wave of the assault on Christmas, occurred from the late 1930s to the 1960s, Mr. Fromm explained. In 1934, at the urging of his wife Israel Itkovitz (better known as Eddie Cantor) wrote Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Jule Steyn, a Jewess from Bethnall Green in London, England, wrote the song Let It Snow, and Ivring Berlin, in the late 1940s, wrote the iconic White Christmas. “Now, there is nothing in and of themselves wrong about these songs. They celebrate the externals of the Christmas time, but neatly avoid the core meaning — the birth of Jesus Christ. By the 1960s, many Christian groups were rightly complaining that Christ had been taken out of Christmas: Jesus, Mary and Joseph had been replaced by Santa, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman,” he added.

But the attack was heating up, Mr. Fromm explained. Then, quoting Edmund Connelly, he added: “In everyday parlance, this debate is often referred to as the one over ‘A Neutral Public Square,’and it has been going on for a long time.’Happy Holidays’ and ‘Season’s Greetings’  were not always ubiquitous greetings at the end of December. For instance, back in 1952, George S. Kaufman appeared on a popular television show one week before Christmas and was asked what he wanted for the holiday. He replied, “Let’s make this one program on which no one sings ‘Silent Night.’  The response from the audience (largely Gentile, one would presume) was fast and furious: Kaufman was removed from the show.

Fast-forward to 1982 and the popular Saturday Night Live could feature a skit called “Merry Christmas, Dammit!” This skit portrayed the relationship between Donny and Marie Osmond, two non-Jewish sibling pop singers, as incestuous, and the Virgin Mary was described as “that virgin chick” in a jazzed up version of “Silent Night.” Eddie Murphy — in his popular “Gumby” guise — reads children’s story in which Santa tears out the lungs of one of his elves because the elf asked for a sip of Santa’s hot chocolate. He ends the skit by saying “And to everyone out there — a merry Christmas! And to my producer, my director, my manager, and my lawyer — Happy Hanukkah, boys!’ Obviously sensibilities had changed by then, and the people calling the shots were Jews.”

Now, we have a concerted effort to remove “Christmas” while all the while wanting us to spend carloads of shekels to give gifts for the feast that dares not say its name. “Luckily, there’s been a strong push back from Christians and others. I urge you to give cards that say, ‘Merry Christmas.'” Mr. Fromm said.  “I urge you to return with a stern note any ‘Seasons Greetings’ cards from politicians. Finally, when shopping, patronize stores that mention ‘Christmas’ and, where you can, tell the management of stores that insist on ‘Seasons Greetings’ that you won’t buy their cheap imported Chinese junk, if they won’t acknowledge the name of the date the vast majority of us celebrates. You are not being ‘inclusive’,” he added, ” excluding yourself and your beliefs.”

The evening concluded with a provocative slide show by IHR Director, Tom Berrington. “We are in the period of Kali Yuga, in Hindu mythology, an evil time of turmoil and fever,” he warned: “We are never going back  to that golden era of the 1950s of rising living standards and endless opportunity. While there are many forces ranged against our people, we have certain advantages, especially our Faustian creative spirit,” he concluded.

Frederick Fromm's photo.

IHR Meeting Discusses Censorship in Budapest


IHR Meeting Discusses Censorship in Budapest

Vienna, Virginia. October 11, 2014. Three participants in last weekend’s much harassed Future of Europe Conference in Budapest delivered their accounts and explanations to a meeting of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR).

Author F. Roger Devlin and Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, explained the sequence of events. About two weeks before the conference, socialists and the former communist party in Hungary spread wild alarm about the meeting of “White supremacists”.| A media frenzy followed.

The rightist government of Viktor Orban, facing municipal elections, caved in and ordered its interior minister to take all legal measures to shut down the conference. The convention centre where the meeting was to be held cancelled its contract. The hotel where people who registered through NPI were to stay cancelled reservations.

Although Hungarian nationalist party Jobbik had been a key planner of the event, they quickly folded, announcing that they had not known that the National Policy Institute (NPI), the organizers were “White supremacists,” an allegation which is false. Another organizing sponsor Arktos Books also folded.

Key participants, including Alexander Dugin, a former advisor to Vladimir Putin, were denied visas. On the Monday before the conference, NPI founder Bill Regnery, arriving in Budapest from London, was arrested, deported and slapped with a three year ban from the Schengen countries.

On the night before the conference was to occur, about 50 participants were in a Budapest pub. Riot police burst in and checked everyone’s ID. Some were searched. About 30 were detained and taken to their hotels for further investigation. Richard Spencer, the NPI organizer was taken off to jail, held until Monday and then deported. He, too, has been slapped with an arbitrary three year ban from the Schengen countries — all the EU, except England and Croatia.

Nevertheless, an intrepid Jared Taylor and a Hungarian contact salvaged the conference. A restaurant was arranged or Saturday night. About 100 attendees gathered clandestinely and heard short after dinner talks by Mr. Taylor and Professor Tom Sunic.

Frederick Fromm

Well, concluded Paul Fromm, ” we came to Budapest to discuss ‘the future of Europe’ and we saw first hand that the future will have to be fought for. It is a life and death struggle between the Cultural Marxists who are engineering the genocidal replacement of Europeans by the Third World and nationalists or Identitarians who wish to preserve the national characteristics of their lands and who want to keep Europe European. The methods of the Cultural Marxists involve repression,” he concluded.

IHR Director Mark Weber had also been in Budapest and offered a broader explanation of what had happened. “Before an earthquake takes place,” he said, “there are powerful movements of forces within the earth. Last May’s political earthquake was the election to the European Parliament of a large number of nationalists and Euroskeptics like Marine LePen’s National Front, UKIP in Britain and Jobbik in Hungary, This caused an unprecedented level of anxiety in the U.S. and European political establishments.”

The election results showed the bankruptcy of both conservative and socialist parties. They ignore chronic youth unemployment and seem helpless before the greed of multinationals. “People sense something is wrong,” Mr. Weber said. “Europeans are dying out and, with each passing year, America is becoming more and more unrecognizable — a Third World country,” he added.

Germany is Abolishing Itself, a recent book by a long-time member of Germany’s socialist party and former Governor of the Bundesbank, Thilo Sarrazin sold more than 1.5-million copies and set off shockwaves. “This reasoned and logical book and its author were furiously denounced by the media and the political establishment. Sarrazin stresses deep rooted social, economic and genetic problems,” Mr. Weber explained. Germany is threatened by a low birthrate. The Golden Age of German’s post war economy is ending. The income of the average worker has not increased in 20 years.


Frederick Fromm

For the post war years, each generation is one third smaller than the previous one but people are living longer. ‘Germans,” said Mr. Weber, “live self-centred lives. There is a dull fatalistic sense of a future where Germany will decline as will the population’s intelligence and skill. Intelligence is 80 per cent determined by genetics. We know that the average intelligence level in the West has been declining. And the average immigrant to Europe is less intelligent than the average German.”

However, the U.S. works to break down active ethnic solidarity world wide. “The Americanization of Europe means the ethnic extinction of Europe,” Mr. Weber warned. “Without Europeans, Europe is just a geographic designation. There can be no real Europe without Europeans. The central fact of American history is that it was founded and developed by Europeans,” he explained. “If it had been founded by Africans, it would be like Haiti’. You cannot a society like Denmark with a population of Mexicans.”

“The breakdown of the West,” he stressed, “is the result of radical egalitarianism and individualism. A 100 years ago, the whole world, with the exception of Japan and Ethiopia was dominated by Europeans. Today, Europe cannot or will not even protect its heartland.’

“The end of World War II was a catastrophe for the West. French author Celine saw the Axis forces as the bulwark of Europe against the egalitarianism of Soviet Communism,: Mr. Weber said.

“A nation that embraces an ideology not rooted in reality will not survive nor does it deserve to,” he concluded.

Good Fellowship at IHR Annual Christmas Gathering

Good Fellowship at IHR Annual Christmas Gathering
ORANGE COUNTY. December 15, 2102. The meaning of Christmas and gratitude for the growing fellowship of like minded freethinkers in Southern California were the themes of the annual Christmas party held by the Institute for Historical Review. Guests came from as far away as Las Vegas and San Diego.
IHR  Director Mark Weber was the host of the potluck supper and reflected on the growth over the past four years of an expanding and cohesive circle of people in Southern California who gather for frequent IHR meetings. There is always a lively synergy among younger and older members.
Photo: Good Fellowship at IHR Annual Christmas Gathering

ORANGE COUNTY. December 15, 2102. The meaning of Christmas and gratitude for the growing fellowship of like minded freethinkers in Southern California were the themes of the annual Christmas party held by the Institute for Historical Review. Guests came from as far away as Las Vegas and San Diego.

IHR  Director Mark Weber was the host of the potluck supper and reflected on the growth over the past four years of an expanding and cohesive circle of people in Southern California who gather for frequent IHR meetings. There is always a lively synergy among younger and older members.

Special guest Paul Fromm from the Canadian Association for Free Expression reflected on that amazing story of the spontaneous truces that broke out along the Western Front at Christmas, 1914, when British and German soldiers sang Christmas carols, shared food and even played soccer. "There was a tremendous wisdom and good common sense," Mr. Fromm noted. "Deep down these men saw one another as coming from a common culture. there was an inner reluctance about the coming slaughter. This was a fratricidal war that did much to weaken and ruin European man" for the benefit of manipulators and outsiders.

Mr. Fromm discussed the attack on Christmas. "I find it dumbfounding that such a good and gentle feast can come in for such attack and shunning. Some religions celebrate the massacre of their enemies or, in the case of Judaism's Passover, the death of every firstborn Egyptian male. How can such a tragedy, if, indeed, it happened be a cause for feasting and joy? On the other hand, Christmas celebrates the birth of a Saviour. It is a gentle feast of joy and giving," he added.

The attack on Christmas, he pointed out, came in two assault waves. The first  hit in the 1940s and 1950s. Songs, many written by Jewish writers like Irving Berlin, erased Christ -- songs like "White Christmas", "City Bells", "Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer." Now, there was nothing wring with these songs in themselves," he explained. "They celebrated a secular or folk aspect of Christmas, but they downplayed or erased the core reason for Christmas -- the birth of Christ."

The second wave of the assault has occurred over the past 20 years. Businesses and government and the trendy have replaced "Merry Christmas" with "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons' Greetings." Not many of us celebrate a season, Mr. Fromm added, "like snow  and ice where I come from. Merchants know very well people are buying their over-priced imported Chinese junk because they celebrate Christmas, not a holiday or season. People have been conned in the name of inclusiveness or exclude the beliefs and celebrations of the Majority.

Mr. Fromm concluded by urging people to use the leverage of their custom with merchants to insist that the word "Christmas" be used in their signage and greetings.

Many comments were made about the fine dishes offered to the attendees. Mr. Fromm especially commented on a spicy Jambalaya-like Louisiana dish prepared by Miss Cathleen. "It reminds me of the Jambalaya Louisiana Council of Conservative Citizens chairman Herb Price used to serve down at baton Rouge," Mr. Fromm praised.

Paul Fromm with IHR Director Mark Weber
Special guest Paul Fromm from the Canadian Association for Free Expression reflected on that amazing story of the spontaneous truces that broke out along the Western Front at Christmas, 1914, when British and German soldiers sang Christmas carols, shared food and even played soccer. “There was a tremendous wisdom and good common sense,” Mr. Fromm noted. “Deep down these men saw one another as coming from a common culture. there was an inner reluctance about the coming slaughter. This was a fratricidal war that did much to weaken and ruin European man” for the benefit of manipulators and outsiders.
Mr. Fromm discussed the attack on Christmas. “I find it dumbfounding that such a good and gentle feast can come in for such attack and shunning. Some religions celebrate the massacre of their enemies or, in the case of Judaism’s Passover, the death of every firstborn Egyptian male. How can such a tragedy, if, indeed, it happened be a cause for feasting and joy? On the other hand, Christmas celebrates the birth of a Saviour. It is a gentle feast of joy and giving,” he added.
The attack on Christmas, he pointed out, came in two assault waves. The first  hit in the 1940s and 1950s. Songs, many written by Jewish writers like Irving Berlin, erased Christ — songs like “White Christmas”, “City Bells”, “Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer.” Now, there was nothing wring with these songs in themselves,” he explained. “They celebrated a secular or folk aspect of Christmas, but they downplayed or erased the core reason for Christmas — the birth of Christ.”
The second wave of the assault has occurred over the past 20 years. Businesses and government and the trendy have replaced “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons’ Greetings.” Not many of us celebrate a season, Mr. Fromm added, “like snow  and ice where I come from. Merchants know very well people are buying their over-priced imported Chinese junk because they celebrate Christmas, not a holiday or season. People have been conned in the name of inclusiveness or exclude the beliefs and celebrations of the Majority.
Mr. Fromm concluded by urging people to use the leverage of their custom with merchants to insist that the word “Christmas” be used in their signage and greetings.
Many comments were made about the fine dishes offered to the attendees. Mr. Fromm especially commented on a spicy Jambalaya-like Louisiana dish prepared by Miss Cathleen. “It reminds me of the Jambalaya Louisiana Council of Conservative Citizens chairman Herb Price used to serve down at Baton Rouge,” Mr. Fromm praised.