Hear Special Interview With Jez Turner, Organizer of the London Forum International Conference
Jez Turner organized the biggest London Forum yet this weekend in Central London featuring:
* Prof. Kevin Macdonald, U.S.A
* Publisher Mark Weber, IHR, U.S.A.
* Publisher Greg Johnson, U.S.A.
* Videographer Hugh MacDonald, Canada
* Publisher Paul Fromm, Canada
* Publisher and political prisoner Pedro Videla, Spain
* Javier Nichols, Author, President Wagner Society of Spain,
Jez will explain what is the London Forum — 5 years in existence — what it does and what its goals are.
Jez explains the poisonous anti-White atmosphere in London, England and the anti-White bias of the London Police.
Monday, April 13, 2015 on Paul Fromm’s “The Fighting Side of Me” Radio show on whiteresistanceradio.com at 8:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m. and midnight — all of these times are EST.