Question Authority! 51,000 Canadians predicted to die from flu pandemic in 1999. Uh, it didn’t happen!

Dear Reader,
Being a book collector for many years I also have amassed a substantial number of MSM Newspapers over past decades. This front page story in British Columbia’s “Province” newspaper from October 21, 1999 is a prime example of what we’re now going through globally as the controlled media finally was able to come up with the Mother of all “viruses” story in their attempt to terrorize and scare the shit out of everyone on the planet.
Over twenty-one years ago they were already predicting a potential 51,000 deaths from a “predicted” global pandemic that  could only be prevented with a “new flu vaccine, made from fertilized chicken eggs.” We can see now that the Gates’s and the WHO and the Fauci’s of the world have come a long way from “fertilized chicken eggs”!
One of the more unsettling things about this massive hoax is how so many of the population, for whatever reasons, are refusing to question the narrative and simply succumbing to “social distancing” and “face masks” and all the rest of the Orwellian regulations being set in place by the criminals behind this incredible scam. Those working in the shadows appear to have judged the make-up of the masses fairly well – at least for the moment.
How long it will take before the resistance begins to manifest is anyone’s guess. In the interim time I suggest that folks get out their old, worn copies of The Monkey Wrench Gang and do a little refresher reading.
Feel free to share this story if you wish. I’m not under any “bail conditions” at this time and who knows when the courts will be returning to work. 
Continue to Question Authority and fight for Justice and Freedom,
Arthur TophamPub/EdThe Radical Press“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”———-

51,000 of us coulddie in the flu pandemic
     A top health official says up to 51,000 Canadians could die in a global flu outbreak predicted to hit within 10 years if Canada can’t quickly mass-produce a vaccine.     “We estimate that, if there’s not a vaccine available, that the next pandemic will cause between 9,000 and 51,000 deaths in Canada,” Dr. John Spika, director  of infectious diseases at Health Canada’s Laboratory Centre for Disease Control in Ottawa, said last night.     “Obviously, one doesn’t want to be fear-mongering, but at the same time it’s something that one needs to prepare for.”     The prediction of a pandemic influenza outbreak sweeping the globe within the next decade is based on data showing three to four flu pandemics – each with a new virus to which no one has immunity – hit the world every 100 years.     Pandemics occurred in 1892, 1918, 1957 and 1968. The pandemic of 1918-19 is believed to have killed up to 40 million. The relatively mild virus of the 1968 pandemic killed about 4,000 Canadians.     It’s estimated such a virus would take about three months to spread to Canada from wherever it originates. The first peak of the disease hitting the population would happen two to four months later.      It takes a minimum of three months to produce the first lot of any new flu vaccine, made from fertilized chicken eggs.     So the virus would be infecting Canadians long before there was enough vaccine to inoculate the entire population. It would take 10 months, using current vaccine production measures to vaccinate all Canadians.     Dr. Allison McGreer, director of infection control at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, asked:     “Do we really want to have 16 million fertilized eggs on hand at all times, or is there some way we’re willing to take a little bit of hit and not spend as much money up front?     “If we thought that the 1918-19 flu pandemic was around the corner, then we would be right to be terrified, but that’s not likely to happen.”– Southam News

Update on Political Prisoner Arthur Topham?

Update on Political Prisoner Arthur Topham?
Basically, I can’t tell you anything! Mr. Topham and his publishing company Radical Press were in court Monday, facing “breach of probation” charges after a conviction three years ago under Canada’s notorious, minority-inspired “hate law”. The B.C. Hate Squad wants him sent to jail. Mr. Topham is gagged by his probation order. Canada’s free speech hating courts are abusing this man, but I can’t tell you “nuffin”. A private message from Mr. Topham indicates that the case will continue later this month. Why not shoot this brave, outspoken many a few dollars.

Freethinking Warrior Arthur Topham Arrested Against by B.C. “Hate Squad” — Report by Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, on the Brian Ruhe Show

Freethinking Warrior Arthur Topham Arrested Against by B.C. “Hate Squad” — Report by Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression,  on the Brian Ruhe Show

Freethinking Warrior Arthur Topham Arrested Again by B.C. “Hate Squad”

Freethinking Warrior Arthur Topham Arrested Again by B.C. “Hate Squad”
The thought police’s campaign to silence Arthur Topham entirely ratcheted up a notch this past Monday. Returning with his wife Shasta from his placer mining claims, August 6, Arthur was arrested outside his rural property near Quesnel, British Columbia. His wife who is severely disabled was made to stay in a camper outside their home., Arthur was taken to the town jail, until a warrant arrived for the police to enter his property. “They absconded with my computers and flash drives,” the former publisher of Radical Press (until 2009 a tabloid and then a website) told CAFE in an exclusive interview tonight.

Arthur faces a charge of breach of probation. Having been convicted in 2016 on one count of violating Canada’s notorious “hate law” — Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code — and acquitted on another, Mr. Topham was given a six months suspended sentence and two years prohibition of publishing anything critical of Jews on the Internet. He heads to court on October 16. Without his computers, Mr. Topham has gone silent on the Internet.
This latest persecution comes at a bad time for Mr. Topham. His wife Shasta for 40 years, who was born Jewish, faces two serious operations this Autumn. Ironically, the raid occurred the same day Saudi Arabia expelled Canada’s ambassador for lecturing the Islamic state on human rights violations. The Saudis should message Ottawa: Human rights? Clean up your own house! What about Arthur Topham?
On an individual basis, he found the “hate squad” officers polite and professional.
Paul Fromm

Today is DAY 86 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 

Today is DAY 86 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 

DISCLAIMER: This is a private communication. If you would prefer not to receive messages from me please respond with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.
If you received this post from a 3rd party and would like to be on this list please send an email to me at the above address.
Today is DAY 86 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 
Write to Monika at the following address:
Monika Schaefer
JVA Stadelheim
Dear Reader & Supporter of Monika Schaefer and Free Speech,
Today is March 30th, “Good Friday”, the day that the Jew Pharisees and Sadducees were successful in having Jesus Christ, the Son of God, nailed to the cross for having brought the Light of Truth unto the people of Israel and the world in general. Why they call it “Good Friday” is still a mystery to me as I personally don’t believe that Jesus Christ ever wished to be crucified for delivering his Father’s message of Love & Peace & Brotherhood/Sisterhood to Mankind but that is another story for another time. 
One might also find it a “mystery” as to why Monika Schaefer is still being held in the German dungeon in Stadelheim maximum security prison since January 3, 2018 and not having her day in court. Today marks her 86th day of incarceration in a foreign prison in a foreign country where she holds no citizenship and STILL her home and native land – CANADA – has basically done f*** all to have her released and sent home accompanied with a letter of apology from the German government.
Maybe it’s time once again to write more letters to government officials and msm newspapers and DEMAND that something is done to end this outrageous injustice that’s been going on for close to three months.
Monika is still standing firm and tall and resisting not only the challenges of incarceration and loss of her personal freedom but also, as you will see in reading her letter, additional insult to her person.
I have been informed by Alfred Schaefer that Monika is not in dire need of additional stamps at this time. This is to be noted by those who have been trying to find a way to send money to Germany to help Monika out in that regard.
Please try to share this post with family and friends and keep Monika’s spirit of resistance and Truth alive and flourishing. 
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”
Letter #3 from Monika Schaefer
March 3, 2018
Stadelheim Prison
München, Germany
Dear Arthur and Shasta,
It’s been a long time since I’ve written to you, almost a month, and it is very much on my mind and in my heart to do so – I hope you are both well and in good health.
There is so much to talk about – where does one begin?
This week has been a good week for me. Several incidences which are indicating to me a recognition that they should respect me here. They should of course respect ALL prisoners – we are all human beings – but they don’t always do that ( understatement … )
One of the management people explained to me that the staff erred last Sunday during an incident in which I was publicly shamed and humiliated. I really appreciated that and took it as an apology. It was a most ironic thing last week. Instead of the usual Sundaymass, there was a memorial service, 75 years after the execution right here in Stadelheim of the Scholl siblings from the White Rose organization. I was yanked out of the group of prisoners and ordered to sit at the back next to the guard. Then during the service they talked about the young heroes who had been persecuted because of their courageous truth telling … oh the irony.
When I discussed the incident with the regular pastor this week (who had not been there or he would not have allowed that incident to happen with the guard), I told him that I am extremely grateful to be alive in the year 2018, and NOT beheaded, burned, shot, or whatever other methods have been used to take care of “dissidents” in various time and various places.
I have “only” been here two months without any proceedings in sight – and I say “only”, because there are others here (for whatever their offences) for much much much longer without proceedings. If the people knew …. I really didn’t think this was possible other than in Guantanamo. Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?
Whatever happened to so many of those wonderful ideals we were taught in school? Like the mantra Government of the people by the people for the people, which we heard over and over and over. We trusted, we believed what they told us. Why wouldn’t we have? They reinforced all of that warm and fuzzy feeling by telling us that we had complete freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press and we lived in the best country on earth. It did indeed feel like a utopia. Little did we know what the hidden hand was up to.
I am working very hard. That may sound strange to most people who might naturally wonder how could someone be working hard while locked up in a cell 20 & 3/4 hours per day with “nothing to do”. But I know that it will not sound strange to you and that you will understand it when I tell you that aside from the mental work of thinking and reading and writing, there is spiritual work. I am doing much spiritual work. I cannot even write this without the release of many tears.
When I started this letter, I had no particular plan of what I was going to write. It just flowed out of the end of my pen, and now that the tears have flowed out of my eyes, I want to say THANK YOU for being there, for listening, for hearing. I do not feel alone in here. I feel God’s Presence, and I feel many people’s Presence with me. 
I am gaining Strength, not losing strength.
As always, much Love, and MEHR LICHT!


Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Help

  1. Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Help
Dear Reader & Supporter of Free Speech,
On Oct. 30, 2015 Gilad Atzmon flew into Quesnel, British Columbia after performing in Indonesia. He had come half way around the world in order to help me in my legal battle with the foreign Jewish lobbyist’s attack upon my Constitutional right to freedom of speech here in Canada. He did so without asking me for a dime for his time and efforts. Gilad worked tirelessly with my legal staff for close to a week and took the stand as my Expert Witness on Nov. 3rd giving his Expert Opinion on Jewish Identity, Freedom of Speech and the importance of my former website longer functioning). 
His help was invaluable. His contribution assisted me in many ways including his discovery that Crown’s Expert Witness Len Rudner of B’nai Brith Canada had committed perjury while testifying before the court.
Now these same power-crazed control freaks are out to silence and bankrupt Gilad and he desperately needs our help both financially and morally. Please read his plea for support and do your damnedest to send him whatever you can to help out with his legal costs.
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”
Gilad working hard for Arthur Topham’s Defence Team during the R v Roy Arthur Topham Free Speech Trial Oct/Nov 2015

Gilad Atzmon Needs Your Immediate Support!

I am being sued for libel in the High Court in England by Campaign Against Antisemitsm’s chairman Gideon Falter. I have made the decision to fight this crucial battle for freedom of expression even though this fight poses a real risk of bankrupting me and my family.

I choose to fight their suit because I believe that the CAA and its chairman and its use of libel laws pose a danger to freedom of speech and the future of this country as an open society. Enough is enough!

Mr. Falter has sued me for comments I made on my own website.

My comments were made in the context of expressing my opinion about the situation where, last July, The British Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) attested that there had been no increase in anti-Semitism in Britain, and Gideon Falter and the CAA refused to accept the CPS’s verdict. Falter and the CAA insisted that anti Semitism was on the rise. Sky news reported on the discrepancies between the findings of CPS and the CAA.

My article focused on the choice examined by Sky News between two accounts, one maintained by Falter and the CAA, an NGO that is dedicated to prosecuting antisemitism with “zero tolerance”, and the judicial approach of the CPS: a public body, subject to scrutiny and committed to impartiality.

My comments about the CAA are the basis of their lawsuit. I believe that I have the right to express my opinions on my own website: freedom of political expression is at the heart of freedom of speech. Mr. Falter claims that my criticisms of him do not amount to an opinion at all, and is seeking an order that would stop me from saying anything similar about him again, as well as paying him huge sums in libel damages and legal costs.

The CAA has contacted Jazz venues, community centres, concert halls and even overseas companies demanding that my events be cancelled. They have now escalated this battle and if they win this will ruin me financially.

I can not fund my defence alone.  I am obliged to ask every peace loving human being who cares about freedom and ethics for funds to help me defend this case. Fighting this battle may cost tens of thousands of pounds. I am going to need some four figure donations to find the ludicrous amount required. But every single penny mounts up and please do give something.

If you have ever enjoyed my writing – join the fight. If you don’t agree with me yet support freedom of speech – my fight is your fight. If you support the right to point at the truth without being labeled ant-Semitic – this lawsuit is the battle ground,  my fight is your fight.

I appreciate any help you can give.

To donate follow this link


Letter to Arthur Topham from Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer (Canadian held since January 3, 2018 in German Maximum Security Prison)

Letter to Arthur Topham from Political Prisoner Monika Schaefer (Canadian held since January 3, 2018 in German Maximum Security Prison)
Today is DAY 40 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom. 
Dear Reader & Supporter of Free Speech,
On Friday, February 9, 2018 Radical Press received a long-awaited letter from Monika Schaefer who has been held in a German prison in Munich since January 3, 2018. At the time of writing her letter (Jan. 25) Monika had still not been allowed to receive visits from her family. It is my understanding that this has now changed and her brother Alfred’s wife has been to see her on more than one occasion.
As one can see from reading her letter Monika is in good spirits and appears to be coping well with her unjust loss of freedom. A great measure of her positive mental state appears to be the result of all the letters and cards that she’s been receiving. It’s hoped that readers will continue to write to Monika and send words of encouragement and love.
Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München
A note regarding the poster/graphic above. It would be deeply appreciated if those who have websites or blogs could post the image on their sites or on Facebook. This will help to spread the word about not only Monika but also the other three marvellous women who are sacrificing so much for the sake of Truth and Historical Revisionism. Search engines like Google, etc. pick up these posters and when people search on the net they show up as constant reminders that we are living in very dangerous times and our freedom of speech is quickly evaporating like morning dew in the desert. I’m also enclosing a pdf of this poster below for those who can utilize it for specified purposes.
We need to keep the plight of these courageous women at the forefront of our efforts and try to draw their plight to the attention of more and more truth seekers.
Mehr Licht!
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”
Monika Schaefer’s Letter to the Radical Press
Received Friday, February 9, 2018
Letter #1
25. January 2018
Dear Arthur and Shasta,
Words can hardly describe the joy I felt upon receiving your letter of January 8th, and the wonderful picture/graphic that you created. My heart pretty near burst right out of my rib cage. Thank you Arthur for all you are doing – I have seen from other correspondences that you put together a good list of contacts for people to write letters to, and that kind of thing.
For 21/2 weeks I heard nothing from the outside world, and then suddenly the flood of letters started arriving. Oh my goodness, I was in pretty good spirits before (all things considered), but receiving these letters REALLY lifted my spirits.
Life for me has simplified, in terms of day-to-day. My biggest concerns in the first while were about all the logistical stuff on the home front. I haven’t been permitted a phone call yet, nor a visit, and I have no idea if any of my letters to my brother have gone through, so of course those logistical concerns just stressed me out for awhile. But basically I just resigned myself to having faith that my friends and family would take care of things.
. . . As I mentioned, life has suddenly become quite simple. Time expands and shrinks simultaneously. I could write books already about the interesting experiences in prison, and it seems like a long long time ago when they locked me up. On the other hand, the days flow one into the next very quickly, as the simple punctuations of daily life go round and round. I am keeping healthy and well, in mind, body, spirit and heart & soul. It is wonderful to know that Truth and Light, and indeed God, is with me. I know that.
During my last free night at Alfred’s, I had a remarkable dream, in which I was walking in a circle, with a bunch of other people, all walking rather slowly, heads slightly bowed forward, kind of shuffling along. Going counterclockwise. After my first full day here, I bolted upright in bed and gasped, as I realized that what I had seen in my dream (3 days earlier) was the daily hour outside in the courtyard, the “Hofgang”. The circular walk in the dream was the same general size as the courtyard here, and people walk round and round counterclockwise. That was not the first time in my life that I was shown something in a dream. But it has been rare.
I can assure you, about that “Hofgang”, that my head is not bowed, and I am NOT shuffling along. I either go vigorously, or sometimes a few of us play ping pong or volleyball. We have a lot of laughs and good moments. 
I’m in a cell with 4 others. We have our moments, sometimes difficult, but mostly okay, and sometimes good conversations. Sleep is sometimes hard to come by as we have one vigorous snorer. Earplugs don’t work so well – Oh well – This time shall pass.
I pray that you are both well.
Mehr Licht!     
… and much Love to you!




Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
January 5th, 2018
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Centre Block
Suite 449S
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Dear Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould,
RE: Illegal arrest and detention of Canadian citizen Monika Schaefer in Germany on January 3rd, 2018
I am writing to you regarding the above noted injustice which the foreign nation of Germany has perpetrated upon a dear friend and colleague of mine, Monika Schaefer, of Jasper, Alberta.
I am certain that by now you will have received a number of other emails from supporters of freedom of speech, both nationally and internationally and that you may already be aware of this travesty of justice that has taken place affecting an indigenous Canadian who has no criminal record and has been an exemplary example of someone standing up for all citizens of Canada who believe strongly in their country and the freedoms that it offers to its citizens; in particular, those which are enshrined in our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It is doubtless, given your distinguished position as Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, that you are fully aware of the contents of the Charter and, as concerns the matter which I am writing to you about, Section two, titled “Fundamental freedoms” which contains Sec. 2(b) and states that all Canadian citizens are guaranteed “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication”.
Given that on your official Facebook page you have chosen as your Cover Photo the following graphic (see below) which celebrates the 35th year since the enactment of the Charter I cannot imagine that your heart and soul are not deeply ingrained with these fundamental principles that make Canada what it is today.
17191952_1005341379567401_8612075645205015755_o copy.jpg
As a strong supporter of one of Canada’s most cherished and fundamental human rights, i.e. freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, I can only assume that you, in the esteemed office that you now hold, will give your immediate attention to the plight of one of our fellow Canadians who has been wrongly arrested and incarcerated by German authorities for no other reason than that she exercised her rights as a Canadian citizen and expressed her thoughts, beliefs and opinions on a controversial historic matter.
We are aware that every sovereign nation has the exclusive right to determine its own laws and to enforce those laws upon its citizenry. But we are also cognizant of the fact that there are foreign nations who don’t honour and respect the values that we, as Canadians, do. That is why the vast majority of the world’s nations have endorsed International agreements such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which was adopted in 1948 and, like our own Charter, is celebrating its 70th Anniversary in 2018.
The UDHR, of which Canada is a signatory, states in Article 19. Freedom of Expression. “We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
That, in essence, Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, is precisely what Monika Schaefer did in her full and correct belief that, as a Canadian citizen, born on Canadian soil, she has the right to make up her own mind on questions of history (or whatever else she deems of importance to herself) and also the right to express what she thinks and to share her ideas with others be it via the written word, spoken word or the medium of video or the Internet.
Given the reality of the aforementioned documents and Canada’s intimate relationship with them it behooves you, Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould, to look into this matter as soon as possible and do everything in your power to negotiate with the German authorities the immediate release from prison of Monika Schaefer and a guarantee that she will be able to freely leave Germany and return home to her native soil unharmed.
I believe that it is also in your power to instruct Canada’s Ambassador to Germany, the Honourable Stéphane Dion, to promptly and expeditiously begin negotiations with German authorities and resolve this tendentious breach of international justice as soon as humanly possible. With that in mind I shall also send a copy of this letter to the Honourable Stéphane Dion at his Berlin address. Concomitantly I will send copies of my letter to the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Germany’s Ambassador to Canada, Mr. Werner Wnendt.
In closing Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould I want to stress once again the importance of protecting our citizens from the unjust laws that presently exist in other sovereign nations around the world, especially laws of such a draconian nature that one normally only associates with the more violent, rogue regimes that still exist today. Please do the honourable thing for Canada and uphold our Charter for the sake of all Canadians. Free Monika Schaefer and bring her home.
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”
Hardcopy to follow via Canada Post
CC: Honourable Stéphane Dion, Honourable Chrystia Freeland, German Ambassador Werner Wnendt, assorted media outlets & concerned Canadians.

Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon Physically Attacked by Antifa Thugs in Britain

Gilad Atzmon, a gifted musician and anti-Zionist, was a key expert witness at Arthur Topham’s “hate law” trial in Quesnel British Columbia in the Autumn of 2015.

Gilad writes: “On May 30th I was attacked from behind by 3 Antifa activists on my way to a literature event in Edinburgh with political commentator David Scott. Police was informed and as you can see we posses photos of two of the overwhelmingly enthusiastic ‘anarchists.'”




Topham, M-103, Anti-Islamophobia, Schaefer — Free Speech Battles in the Spring of 2017

Paul Fromm is the Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression. Vancouver, April 23, 2017