Marcus Gee of the Globe and Mail Gives A Ringing Endorsement of Free Speech for YOUR WARD NEWS

Marcus Gee of the Globe and Mail Gives A Ringing Endorsement of Free Speech for YOUR WARD NEWS

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Postal censorship is a cure worse than the disease


The Globe and Mail

Last updated 

Canadians who value free speech – and let’s hope that is all of us – should be deeply troubled by Ottawa’s decision to tell Canada Post to stop carrying a fringe Toronto newspaper. Public Services Minister Judy Foote ordered the postal service to cease delivering Your Ward News, which has been accused of being anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi. Her “interim prohibitory order” gives its editor 10 days to appeal.

Those who have campaigned against the free paper are “ecstatic.” But consider the awful precedent this act of postal censorship sets.

If people who are offended by something that appears in their mailbox can complain and get it banned from the post, where does it stop? Can a pro-choice feminist block the graphic pro-life pamphlet that comes in the mail? Can a fierce pro-lifer ban a flier from an abortion clinic? Or consider the feelings of the victim of East European communism who gets a Marxist tract in the mail? Why should an agency of the government that her taxes support be allowed to introduce that propaganda into her home?

This is the trouble with just about all limits on free speech. Who says what is beyond the pale? Deciding to block child pornography or open incitement to violence is easy enough, because of the direct physical harm they can be shown to cause. After that, it gets tricky.

Someone must have the power to determine what is dangerous or odious speech and what is merely passionate expression. It is always a matter of opinion. The line is impossible to draw, the scope for abuse endless.

Even in democratic countries, authorities have often succumbed to the impulse to black out what they don’t like. Communist propaganda was blocked on the grounds that it threatened national security, erotica on the grounds that it undermined public morals. The postal system was once one of the main agents of censorship. A century ago, postal censors blocked mailed instalments of James Joyce’s Ulysses.

Your Ward News is not Ulysses. Its editor, James Sears, who has been known to style himself as Dimitri the Lover, told City News that Hitler is his second-biggest idol, after Jesus. He ends his e-mails “Expel the Parasite!” – all in capital letters, of course. The group that has been fighting him calls his publication a “neo-Nazi-rag” that “has been permitted to disseminate racism, homophobia, misogyny and anti-Semitism to as many as 300,000 homes in Toronto.”

If so, there are a couple of ways to fight back short of censorship. One is simply to toss Your Ward News where it belongs: in the recycling bin. Nobody is forced to read it when it comes in the mail. People like Mr. Sears thrive on the oxygen of attention. Ignoring him is the best revenge.

Another is to argue back. If his opponents feel his maunderings are too despicable to pass over, they can always denounce or refute him. It is always better to fight speech with speech than to gag the speaker.

It is a good time to remember these old lessons about how to handle troublesome speech. Free expression is always under attack to some degree, and the danger seems especially acute today. The little tussle over Your Ward News is part of a wider struggle.

Overseas, authoritarian governments from Moscow to Beijing to Cairo are cracking down on the right to speak openly without fear. Canadians got a small glimpse of their attitude when China’s foreign minister dressed down a reporter in Ottawa for daring to ask a question about human rights. At home, on university campuses and beyond, the tendency to take offence is stifling healthy debate and silencing dissenting voices.

Sometimes those voices can be obnoxious, but it won’t do to try to snuff them out. Ottawa has no business telling the postal service to censor the mail just because some people don’t like what comes through the slot.

“Evalion” — Latest Canadian Victim of You Tube Censorship

“Evalion” — Latest Canadian Victim of You Tube Censorship
 Her screen name is “Evalion” Some Internet sources say she is 18, others 26. However, she’s talented, attractive and enthusiastic. Some of her views may be a bit over the top but the key issue here is freedom of speech. No one is forced to watch her videos.
 We note the Ziocensors at You Tube accuse her of “hate speech”> This vague term really means speech a powerful minority hates, rather than speech that promotes “hate”. CAFE, Canada’s most active free speech organization, has reached out to Evalion and offered support and assistance in her battle for free speech. Luckily, Internet censorship is a little like trying hold back a flooding river with a single sandbag: The waters find a way around. Many of her films are up on other sites. 
Note that, if she were a Stalin groupie or an active fan of Pol Pot as was one of Canada’s major party leaders — former Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe, who was a longtime activist in the Maoist, pro-Pol Pot Workers’ Communist Party,  there’s be no problem.

Angel-faced Youtuber, 18, is kicked off the site after sharing racist views and singing Happy Birthday to Hitler – with swastika CUPCAKES

  • Girl, known as ‘Evalion’, condemned Jews and called black people ‘n******’
  • Said she denied Holocaust and dubbed Hitler ‘brilliant and compassionate’
  • Another Youtuber called her ‘The most racist girl on the entire Internet’
  • Disturbingly, she boasted 40,000 followers before she was kicked off 


An 18-year-old woman, known as Evalion (pictured) was banned from Youtube for posting videos where she praised Hitler and condemned Jews

An 18-year-old woman, known as Evalion (pictured) was banned from Youtube for posting videos where she praised Hitler and condemned Jews

A racist vlogger has been booted off YouTube after she sang happy birthday to Hitler and called black people ”n*****’ in her videos

The woman, known as Evalion, caused outrage by calling Hitler a ‘brilliant’ and ‘compassionate man and condemning Jewish people.

Her true identity isn’t known but she is believed to be 18, living in Canada and well spoken.

Evalion’s channel was suspended after a profilic YouTuber, called Leafyishere uploaded a video about her entitled ‘The Most Racist Girl On The Entire internet’.

In Evalion’s videos called Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil and How Feminists Supported Rape by Causing the Migrant Crisis, she shared her support for Hitler.

There was shock when she made swastika cupcakes with birthday candles and sang happy birthday to a picture of the Fuhrer – who was behind the execution of six million Jewish people during the Second World War.

Evalion insists that the leader of the Nazis was a good man whilst also admitting to being a Holocaust denier.

The baby-faced blogger is openly anti-Semitic by opening her videos with lines such as ‘Do you despise the Jews as much as I do’ and ‘Do you want to know how to spot a Jew.’

She also went on to use racist language by saying: ‘Don’t you hate those lazy n***** who are never satisfied even after they are given reparations.’

Scroll down for video 



Evalion caused outrage after she made Swastika cup cakes with birthday candles and sang happy birthday to a picture of Hitler 


Evalion caused outrage after she made Swastika cup cakes with birthday candles and sang happy birthday to a picture of Hitler

She also holds contempt for feminists blaming them for the migrant crisis and singling out criticism for Labour MP Jess Phillips.

The banning of Evalion has sparked intense debate on social-media with some people outraged at YouTube’s decision to censor her.

Disturbingly Evalion had over 40,000 subscribers before she was exiled.

One Twitter user called Spanky the Monkey said: ‘If you love free speech, then you have to allow ALL people to speak!’

And @Polite-Critical said: ‘I don’t support what Evalion says, but I defend her right to say it.’

The blogger, believed to be Canadian, also used racist language by saying: 'Don't you hate those lazy n***** who are never satisfied even after they are given reparations'


She also holds contempt for feminists blaming them for the migrant crisis and singling out criticism for Labour MP Jess Phillips


The blogger, believed to be Canadian, also used racist language by saying: ‘Don’t you hate those lazy n***** who are never satisfied even after they are given reparations’

The baby-faced blogger is openly anti-Semitic by opening her videos with lines such as 'Do you despise the Jews as much as I do' and 'Do you want to know how to spot a Jew'


The baby-faced blogger is openly anti-Semitic by opening her videos with lines such as ‘Do you despise the Jews as much as I do’ and ‘Do you want to know how to spot a Jew’

Teen YouTuber sings happy birthday to Hitler in shock video

However other people agreed with the Google owned video platform’s decision.

@HeroticTV said: ‘YouTube has every reason to ban Evalion from YouTube.’

And Craig Ewen added: ‘I think Evalion deserved it. At the end of the day YouTube is a place kids 5+ can go to.’

An official YouTube spokesperson said: ‘That channel was terminated by us because it violated policies against hate speech.’

In Evalion's videos called 'Why Hitler Wasn't Evil' and 'How Feminists Supported Rape by Causing the Migrant Crisis' she describes Adolf Hitler as a 'brilliant' and 'compassionate man'


In Evalion’s videos called ‘Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil’ and ‘How Feminists Supported Rape by Causing the Migrant Crisis’ she describes Adolf Hitler as a ‘brilliant’ and ‘compassionate man’

Montreal Comics Censored at Awards Gala The arts need freedom to thrive. The prune faced Puritans who impose politically correct censorship on us are a humourless lot. Last week, noisy elements of the Jewish lobby persuaded the government, Canada Border Services to be precise, to keep French comedian Dieudonne out of Canada, causing him to miss 10 concerts planned for the Province of Quebec. His crime — sarcastic remarks about Jews and the new secular religion of holocaust. The mixed-race heretic (French mother, Cameroonian father) ironically still partially triumphed. Tonight in Montreal a sellout crowd, heavily composed of French nationalists, saw Dieudonne by Internet hookup. This past weekend, sensitivity to the feelings of Jews and lesbians caused the organizers of an awards evening for comedians to cancel a skit by two of those being honoured. Humour fans and free speech supporters in Quebec are up in arms. CTV (May 16, 2016) reported: ” Dozens of Quebec comedians protested against censorship Sunday night at the Gala des Oliviers. The annual award show honours the best of Quebec comedic talent, but comedians were not happy with a decision to censor a piece by comedians Mike Ward and Guy Nantel. Comics arriving at the show walked the red carpet wearing masks emblazoned with a red ‘X’. CTV Montreal: Oliviers: freedom of expression They later wore those masks when an award was given to Quebec’s funniest comedian. The two comics were supposed to have a skit on Sunday while they presented an award, but the Association of Professionals in the Humour Industry, which hosts the show, refused to let them perform it, because of legal concerns. Nantel and Ward said they made multiple changes to the skit but it never passed legal muster, and it was never clear exactly what was so objectionable. Ward decided to boycott the gala, and on Friday he and Nantel performed the skit at a comedy club, then released it online. Ward ended up winning the ‘comedian of the year’ award as selected by the public, so when his name was called the mask-wearing comedians went onstage in his place. Andy Nulman, founder of Montreal’s Just For Laughs festival, says censorship has no place in modern comedy. “The nature of the beast is to provoke, is to open up people’s minds, to let them see things they normally wouldn’t see,” said Nulman.” Writing in the Montreal Gazette (May 16, 2016), Brendan Kelly elaborated but only slightly on what the jokes were, apparently at the expense of two mightily privileged groups — Jews and lesbians. Here is his explanation, at least as much as the public is privileged to know: “The organizers of the gala look pretty silly. The Association of Professionals Actually humor industry put out a news release before the gala Sunday to apologize to Ward and Nantel for censoring them … The routine that was yanked from the gala is pretty uninteresting, with gusts to downright unfunny. One of the gags is how from the back, nude, Ward looks like Moffatt. It’s a ‘joke’ about the fact she’s gay, that Ward supposedly looks like a lesbian and that she and Ward aren’t super thin. It’s not really offensive so much as it is puerile. And the original version of the skit contained an anti-Semitic joke. We know this because someone sent the transcript of the number to a francophone newspaper last week. I’m not going to repeat the offensive gag, but I will mention that it involves a gold IUD birth-control device and a play on words that manages to refer to the Jewish man penetrating his wife and comparing it to getting a return on his money.”

Montreal Comics Censored at Awards Gala

The arts need freedom to thrive. The prune faced Puritans who impose politically correct censorship on us are a humourless lot. Last week, noisy elements of the Jewish lobby persuaded the government, Canada Border Services to be precise, to keep French comedian Dieudonne out of Canada, causing him to miss 10 concerts planned for the Province of Quebec. His crime — sarcastic remarks about Jews and the new secular religion of holocaust. The mixed-race heretic (French mother, Cameroonian father) ironically still partially triumphed. Tonight in Montreal a sellout crowd, heavily composed of French  nationalists, saw Dieudonne by Internet hookup.
This past weekend, sensitivity to the feelings of Jews and lesbians caused the organizers of an awards evening for comedians to cancel a skit by two of those being honoured. Humour fans and free speech supporters in Quebec are up in arms.
CTV (May 16, 2016) reported: ” Dozens of Quebec comedians protested against censorship Sunday night at the Gala des Oliviers. The annual award show honours the best of Quebec comedic talent, but comedians were not happy with a decision to censor a piece by comedians Mike Ward and Guy Nantel. Comics arriving at the show walked the red carpet wearing masks emblazoned with a red ‘X’.

CTV Montreal: Oliviers: freedom of expression

They later wore those masks when an award was given to Quebec’s funniest comedian. The two comics were supposed to have a skit on Sunday while they presented an award, but the Association of Professionals in the Humour Industry, which hosts the show, refused to let them perform it, because of legal concerns.

Nantel and Ward said they made multiple changes to the skit but it never passed legal muster, and it was never clear exactly what was so objectionable. Ward decided to boycott the gala, and on Friday he and Nantel performed the skit at a comedy club, then released it online. Ward ended up winning the ‘comedian of the year’ award as selected by the public, so when his name was called the mask-wearing comedians went onstage in his place.

     Andy Nulman, founder of Montreal’s Just For Laughs festival, says censorship has no place in modern comedy. “The nature of the beast is to provoke, is to open up people’s minds, to let them see things they normally wouldn’t see,” said Nulman.”

Writing in the Montreal Gazette (May 16, 2016), Brendan Kelly elaborated but only slightly on what the jokes were, apparently at the expense of two mightily privileged groups — Jews and lesbians. Here is his explanation, at least as much as the public is privileged to know: “The organizers of the gala look pretty silly. The Association of Professionals Actually humor industry put out a news release before the gala Sunday to apologize to Ward and Nantel for censoring them … The routine that was yanked from the gala is pretty uninteresting, with gusts to downright unfunny. One of the gags is how from the back, nude, Ward looks like Moffatt. It’s a ‘joke’ about the fact she’s gay, that Ward supposedly looks like a lesbian and that she and Ward aren’t super thin. It’s not really offensive so much as it is puerile. And the original version of the skit contained an anti-Semitic joke. We know this because someone sent the transcript of the number to a francophone newspaper last week. I’m not going to repeat the offensive gag, but I will mention that it involves a gold IUD birth-control device and a play on words that manages to refer to the Jewish man penetrating his wife and comparing it to getting a return on his money.”

The Zionist Thought Police Strike Again: French Negro Comedian Banned from Canada


The Zionist Thought Police Strike Again: French Negro Comedian Banned from Canada

No doubt about it, Dieudonne, a French comedian of mixed Camerounian/French parentage enrages the politically correct with his eclectic satire, which often jabs at sacred cows like the new Western elite religion of holocaust and at Zionism. He has invited on stage and honoured as diverse people as historical revisionist Prof. Robert Faurrison and Front National founder Jean-Marie LePen. A planned May visit to Quebec, which had venues already sold out predictably drew the ire of Canada`s Jewish censorship lobby. Ban him, they demanded, and Canada`s compliant government obliged. Dieudonne`s right to be heard and equally important Canadians right to hear him and make up their own minds are crushed again by the tentacles of Puritanical political correctness

The Globe and Mail (April 25, 2016) outlined the pressures exerted by those who can abide no views but their own: “The French performer known as Dieudonné bills himself as a comedian, but many people do not find him funny at all. He has mocked the Holocaust on stage, called Hitler a ‘good boy,’ and popularized a controversial hand gesture known as the “quenelle” that resembles a downward Nazi salute.
The material has earned him a string of convictions in Europe for racial hatred. Now the entertainer is scheduled to travel to Montreal for a series of sold-out shows next month, putting pressure on Ottawa to ban his entry and sparking a debate over the limits of free speech.
Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre said flatly Friday that Dieudonné, whose real name is Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, is persona non grata in the city. ‘Someone who incites racial hatred and foments social tensions in Europe isn’t welcome in Montreal,’ he tweeted.

[He’s a satirist, not a politician or agitator.]

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs called on Ottawa to keep the comedian out.
‘Canada should not let a convicted offender of hate speech laws into the country,’ said spokesman David Ouellette. ‘He has crossed the line into incitement to violence. When you’re calling on people to unite to kill Jews, it is surely a red line, where freedom of expression is no excuse.’”
Coderre is an appalling hypocrite. The very day of the radical Moslem attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo (incidentally dominated by Jewish Trotskyists) Coderre spoke at a free speech vigil in Montreal in January, 2015
The evening of the horrific massacre of a dozen people and the wounding of 10 more by Moslem terrorists at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre participated in a solidarity memorial at Montreal City Hall. CBC News (January 7, 2015) reported: “Like thousands of people around the world, Montrealers gathered to honour the victims of the fatal shooting at the Charlie Hebdo Paris newspaper.

Mayor Denis Coderre invited Montrealers to City Hall Wednesday evening for a candlelight vigil. He said the flag of Montreal will also be lowered to half-mast. ‘We have a duty to protect our freedom of expression. We have the right to say what we have to say,’ said Coderre.” He would repeat much the same sentiments at a larger memorial march in Montreal, Sunday, January 11. It is amazing the words didn’t stick in Coderre’s throat, turn to turds and choke him.

Back in 2003, as a Liberal cabinet minister, as Minister of Immigration, he had a chance to DO something in support of free speech. German-born Toronto publisher Ernst Zundel had just been deported from the U.S. to Canada, his last country of legal residence. Despite the fact that he had been a landed immigrant since 1958, had never been convicted of any offences in Canada and had been an employer and taxpayer, the Canadian Jewish Congress raised a storm and demanded that he be kept out because of his historical revisionist views. [See, it was a free speech issue.] On the surface, it seemed there were no grounds to keep Mr. Zundel out. However, the portly, diminutive Coderre, when asked by the press what he intended to do, hooked his thumbs in his belt, adopted a classic confrontational cowboy pose and said: “Watch me.”

We did and we were horrified. Coderre slapped Mr. Zundel with a “national security certificate” — most of this measure has since been declared unconstitutional — alleging he was a threat to national security because he was a terrorist. Through weeks of hearings where much of the evidence was secret, the government tried to make the case that this avowed law-abiding publisher and pacifist was a threat to national security. The Federal Judge hearing the case was Pierre Blais, a former Solicitor-General and boss of CSIS — the source of most of the accusations against Mr. Zundel. He three times refused to recuse himself for a “reasonable apprehension of bias.” Eventually, he declared Mr. Zundel a threat to national security. he was deported to Germany which had sought to prosecute him for his political views. He served the full five years maximum in Germany for “defaming the memory of the dead”; that is, dissenting from the Hollywood version of World War II.

While we support Charlie Hebdo`s right to free speech, much of their material is utterly offensive, including sexual blasphemies like a cartoon showing God the Father being sodomized by a hippie looking God the Son, who himself is sodomized by a triangle, as he cries out in orgasm, `The Holy Spirit.“ However, Charlie Hebdo is remarkably circumspect in criticizing Jews.

Despite the hope that Canada’s occasionally touted commitment to free speech might prevail, we were not surprised that the Trudeau government hopped to it when directed not to let Dieudonne into Canada,

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported the sad conclusion. Censorship lobby 1; free speech 0. “A controversial French comedian convicted of hate speech has cancelled his planned performance for Montrealers via video at a hotel conference room after he was reportedly barred from entering Canada. Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, who goes by the stage name Dieudonné, was scheduled to perform 10 shows in Montreal starting Wednesday night.
But the comic, … was reportedly barred from entering Canada at Montreal’s Trudeau airport Tuesday. Passengers on Dieudonné’s flight said he was met by two border agents when the plane landed in Montreal. His promoters in Montreal say they rented a hall in a Montreal hotel for ticket-holders to see him perform from France.

Earlier on Tuesday, Dieudonné was found guilty of violating hate speech laws in France and handed a €10,000 (about $14,700 Cdn) fine and a two-month suspended jail sentence. The conviction is related to a show where he dressed up to resemble a detainee from Guantanamo Bay, mocked the Holocaust and suggested Jews were active in the slave trade.“ (CBC News, May 11, 2016) On this last point, is the accusation not correct: Jews played a major role in the Atlantic slave trade.

Richard Edmonds – ‘Report on Robert Faurisson’

Richard Edmonds – ‘Report on Robert Faurisson’

at the  London Forum, April 30, 2016

Richard Edmonds will give us an update on the fight in France for the right to speak historical truth with his report on the trial and tribulations of one of the most famous campaigners for historical accuracy – Robert Faurisson.

Warman’s At It Again: Wants Canada Post to Stop Distributing Your Ward News

Warman’s At It Again: Wants Canada Post to Stop Distributing Your Ward News

Let’s see, Ontario’s eccentric courts say I can’t refer to Richard Warman as the “high priest of censorship.” So, okay, this meddling lawyer, ensconced doing something or other in the Department of National Defence, doesn’t want Torontonians to be able to receive a community tabloid entitled Your Ward News through the mail. The politically correct long ago ceased debating with those who have a problem with the homosexual agenda, multiculturalism or the self-serving Hollyweird version of WW II. Disagree with them and they want to gag you and shut you down.

Local leftists, including sometime Liberal Party backroom boy Warren Kinsella, have been gunning for Your Ward News for over a year. the Main Street offices of the tabloid have had their windows smashed numerous times by the apostles of “tolerance” and “inclusion”. Then, about a year ago, the critics flipped out and tried to pressure Canada Post not to deliver the satirical tabloid. Some posties from the notoriously leftist Postal Workers Union, which for years has has a significant contingent of Maoists, threatened they would not deliver it. The complain that it is “hate” Even under Canada’s notorious “hate” law, the accused must still be afforded a trial before his writings can be declared hate.

In a healthier society, the critics would be urged to write a letter-to-the-editor, start a paper of their own, or, if they are offended beyond all endurance when Your Ward News arrives in the mail, they can simply toss it into the Blue Box for recycling. However, we live in a mean, Puritanical society assailed by domineering followers of political correctness who want to gag all dissent from their agenda.

So, along comes Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman. Your Ward News is delivered in the eastern part of Toronto. Almost certainly Mr. Warman didn’t find an unwanted copy delivered by the mailman. So, in the normal scheme of things, what’s it to him?

Anyway, he’s taken to letter writing to try to pressure Canada Post into not delivering Your Ward Newsbecause some of its views and irreverence don’t please Warman’s Ottawa sensitivities.

National Observer (March 8, 2016), an online news commentary, reports: “A prominent Ottawa human rights lawyer is after Canada Post to drop distribution of a newsletter that he says contains misogynist, homophobic, anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish hate propaganda.

Richard Warman wrote Public Works Minister Judy Foote and Canada Post president Deepak Chopra in early March to ask for a halt to the postal distribution of a Toronto publication called Your Ward News.
Warman told National Observer that the newsletter was something he was aware of that was floating around the Toronto area.

“It had sort of a bad smell. When I finally had the chance to look at it closely, I was shocked to see the kind of bigotry that was being disseminated through Canada Post.”

In an email response to National Observer Tuesday, Foote said, “I have reviewed some of the material in question and I too find it highly offensive and well outside the norm of Canadian values. I have reached out to my colleagues to determine the best way forward in addressing this issue.

“This includes whether the material constitutes an offense under the Criminal Code.”

Your Ward News claims distribution of 300,000 and a readership of one million within Toronto. Canada Post delivers the publication unwrapped, meaning anyone is able to see the content.

The most recent issue of the quarterly publication (it was previously monthly) shows on its cover a bizarre collage of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau surrounded by women in bikinis. Beside him, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne waves a gay pride flag.

Two men are depicted on crosses, one of them clearly meant to be Christ; the other sprays blood on former advisor to Jean Chretien, Warren Kinsella, and in a word balloon says, “See you in hell, Kinsella!”

The entire spectacle is headlined “Marxist Lackeys Attack.”

Inside, the paper contains a number of racist slurs directed mostly against Jews and Muslims. The back page invites people to attend “The 1st Annual Old-Fashioned Toronto Anti-Marxist Book-Burning.”

The purported ad states that among books welcome to be burned are “FemiMarxist garbage by authors like Margaret Atwood; EnviroMarxist Agenda 21 propaganda by scientific sellouts like David Suzuki, etc.” ….

“In his letter, Warman tells Canada Post that he is concerned the Crown corporation’s distribution of the newsletter might constitute a breach of the Canadian Human Rights Act as the agency is “party to the dissemination of discriminatory material to the general public.”

Warman warns the Crown corporation that if it persists in distribution of the paper, “I will pursue the matter accordingly,” and cites, among other things, an example of defamatory libel in the newsletter against Warren and Lisa Kinsella.” …. [Actually, Your Ward News is a tabloid newspaper, not a newsletter.]

“While Warman’s letter is the most recent attempt to have Canada Post stop delivery of Your Ward News, it’s not the first time.
In May 2015, Arthur Potts, the Ontario MPP for Toronto’s Beaches-East York riding sent a letter to Canada Post’s Chopra asking the Crown corporation to reconsider its delivery of the newsletter.

In his letter, Potts noted that Toronto’s Hate Crimes Unit was probing a complaint about the then-current issue of Your Ward News, which featured “several offensive and anti-Semitic articles and caricatures.”

The Toronto Hate Crimes Unit could not be reached for comment. It’s not known whether the paper is still under investigation at this time.

Potts wrote that he was not only deeply concerned by the paper’s content and his constituents’ complaints, but added the fact that Canada Post delivered the paper, despite repeated complaints, “suggests that the Crown corporation may endorse its content.”

Canada Post did not respond to National Observer’s queries. The Crown corporation operates at arm’s-length from the government.

Megan Whitfield, the president of the Toronto Local of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, told National Observer that a number of postal workers have complained about having to deliver the publication.

However, Whitfield said Canada Post has threatened to discipline any workers who refuse to carry the newsletter.

“Both on the cover and inside they’ve had some very offensive material,” Whitfield said of the publication. At the very least the Toronto Local wants to see the publication shrink-wrapped in dark plastic so that the contents can’t be seen in the mail.
Of Canada Post, Whitfield said: “They just continue to allow it to go through.”

Ottawa human rights lawyer, Richard Warman. Photo courtesy of Richard Warman

Brandon Martinez Interviews Paul Fromm About Customs Harassment & Arthur Topham “Hate” Speech Trial — Abuse BY Process

Brandon Martinez Interviews Paul Fromm About Customs Harassment & Arthur Topham “Hate” Speech Trial — Abuse BY Process

Latest episode of The Martinez Perspective with guest Paul Fromm.

…Published on Feb 8, 2016

On this episode of the Martinez Perspective I am joined by Paul Fromm, a long-time free speech activist, White preservationist and director of the Canadian Association of Free Expression. We discussed Paul’s recent run-in with the “thought police” at the Toronto airport, who, on the orders of the most likely Zionist influence peddlers higher up in the Canadian government, harassed and finagled him in a clear act of state-sanctioned intimidation. Then we touched on some of the finer details of the Arthur Topham thought crime trial in BC, where Zionist hate mongers are seeking to send an elderly blogger to jail for publishing books that are already widely available online.

Facebook’s War on Freedom of Speech

Facebook’s War on Freedom of Speech

by Douglas Murray
February 5, 2016 at 5:00 am

Facebook’s War on Freedom of Speech


  • Facebook is now removing speech that presumably almost everybody might decide is racist — along with speech that only someone at Facebook decides is “racist.”
  • The sinister reality of a society in which the expression of majority opinion is being turned into a crime has already been seen across Europe. Just last week came reports of Dutch citizens being visited by the police and warned about posting anti-mass-immigration sentiments on social media.
  • In lieu of violence, speech is one of the best ways for people to vent their feelings and frustrations. Remove the right to speak about your frustrations and only violence is left.
  • The lid is being put on the pressure cooker at precisely the moment that the heat is being turned up. A true “initiative for civil courage” would explain to both Merkel and Zuckerberg that their policy can have only one possible result.

It was only a few weeks ago that Facebook was forced to back down when caught permitting anti-Israel postings, but censoring equivalent anti-Palestinian postings.
Now one of the most sinister stories of the past year was hardly even reported. In September, German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook at a UN development summit in New York. As they sat down, Chancellor Merkel’s microphone, still on,recorded Merkel asking Zuckerberg what could be done to stop anti-immigration postings being written on Facebook. She asked if it was something he was working on, and he assured her it was.
At the time, perhaps the most revealing aspect of this exchange was that the German Chancellor — at the very moment that her country was going through one of the most significant events in its post-war history — should have been spending any time worrying about how to stop public dislike of her policies being vented on social media. But now it appears that the discussion yielded consequential results.
Last month, Facebook launched what it called an “Initiative for civil courage online,” the aim of which, it claims, is to remove “hate speech” from Facebook — specifically by removing comments that “promote xenophobia.” Facebook is working with a unit of the publisher Bertelsmann, which aims to identify and then erase “racist” posts from the site. The work is intended particularly to focus on Facebook users in Germany. At the launch of the new initiative, Facebook’s chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, explained that, “Hate speech has no place in our society — not even on the internet.” She went to say that, “Facebook is not a place for the dissemination of hate speech or incitement to violence.” Of course, Facebook can do what it likes on its own website. What is troubling is what this organization of effort and muddled thinking reveals about what is going on in Europe.

The mass movement of millions of people — from across Africa, the Middle East and further afield — into Europe has happened in record time and is a huge event in its history. As events in Paris, Cologne and Sweden have shown, it is also by no means a series of events only with positive connotations.
As well as being fearful of the security implications of allowing in millions of people whose identities, beliefs and intentions are unknown and — in such large numbers — unknowable, many Europeans are deeply concerned that this movement heralds an irreversible alteration in the fabric of their society. Many Europeans do not want to become a melting pot for the Middle East and Africa, but want to retain something of their own identities and traditions. Apparently, it is not just a minority who feel concern about this. Poll after poll shows a significant majority of the public in each and every European country opposed to immigration at anything like the current rate.
The sinister thing about what Facebook is doing is that it is now removing speech that presumably almost everybody might consider racist — along with speech that only someone at Facebook decides is “racist.”
And it just so happens to turn out that, lo and behold, this idea of “racist” speech appears to include anything critical of the EU’s current catastrophic immigration policy.

By deciding that “xenophobic” comment in reaction to the crisis is also “racist,” Facebook has made the view of the majority of the European people (who, it must be stressed, are opposed to Chancellor Merkel’s policies) into “racist” views, and so is condemning the majority of Europeans as “racist.” This is a policy that will do its part in pushing Europe into a disastrous future.

Because even if some of the speech Facebook is so scared of is in some way “xenophobic,” there are deep questions as to why such speech should be banned. In lieu of violence, speech is one of the best ways for people to vent their feelings and frustrations. Remove the right to speak about your frustrations, and only violence is left. Weimar Germany — to give just one example — was replete with hate-speech laws intended to limit speech the state did not like. These laws did nothing whatsoever to limit the rise of extremism; it only made martyrs out of those it pursued, and persuaded an even larger number of people that the time for talking was over.

The sinister reality of a society in which the expression of majority opinion is being turned into a crime has already been seen across Europe. Just last week, reports from the Netherlands told of Dutch citizens being visited by the police and warned about posting anti-mass-immigration sentiments on Twitter and other social media.

In this toxic mix, Facebook has now — knowingly or unknowingly — played its part. The lid is being put on the pressure cooker at precisely the moment that the heat is being turned up. A true “initiative for civil courage” would explain to both Merkel and Zuckerberg that their policy can have only one possible result.

Douglas Murray, a British writer, journalist and commentator, is based in London, England.



Zionist Groups Seek to Suppress Pro-Palestinian Transit Ads in Vancouver


Zionist Groups Seek to Suppress Pro-Palestinian Transit Ads in Vancouver
 [Notice how any criticism of Israel is seen as an incitement to hate. By that reasoning, any Indian demands for land claims settlements implies criticism of Whites and might lead to hatred, In like a dirty shirt, threatening a lawsuit and lobbying hard to suppress criticism of Israel, as usual are organized Jewish groups, among the most persistent censorship and thought control groups in Canada: “Jewish groups in Vancouver say they are considering suing TransLink for accepting controversial political advertisements showing the “disappearance of Palestine due to Israeli occupation over the past 66 years. … Jewish leaders including Mitchell Gropper, chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, called the ads a provocative attack on Jewish people that will incite hatred. “This is a grave concern to our community at large, because the ads make use of the buses unwelcome and unsafe,” Gropper said, noting that terrorist attacks in Israel often target buses.
‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen ads on our TransLink system that attack a section of our society. If the transit system will be used to attack Israel and the Jewish people, who is next?’
Gropper, a Vancouver lawyer, said his group went to the “highest levels” of TransLink and argued the Palestine ads should be rejected, but they were told TransLink must accept the ads for legal reasons. … In 2006 TransLink lost a decision to the B.C. Court of Appeal, after trying to refuse political advertisements from the B.C. Teachers Federation of Students. TransLink’s policy of rejecting partisan ads and campaigns likely to cause offence or controversy was overturned.

In the decision, Madam Justice Prowse wrote that B.C. Transit and TransLink ‘sought to prohibit political advertising precisely because it was political. Their aim was to prevent the appellants from exercising their right to freedom of political expression, although they were content to entertain commercial expression.’
The ad campaign cost $15,000 and will remain in place for four months. The wall mural, which debuted at Vancouver City Centre station on Tuesday, drew curious looks from transit users, with many pulling out smartphones to snap a photo.” (Vancouver Province, August 28, 2013 )
Ironically, the man organizing the ad is Jewish. In the utterly ethnocentric view of the Jewish lobby groups, any criticism of Israel is an attack on Jews. Canadians must find their voice and insist we have the right to criticize ANY nation — Israel, Red China, North Korea, Iran, the USA, ANYONE.
Paul Fromm
[Editor’s Note: This is one front page story that caught me off guard. I never expected the Zionist media to give it such coverage but for some as yet unknown reason they’ve decided to do just that. It’s one helluva bonus for the Palestinians and for all their supporters worldwide who’ve been doing their utmost to draw the world’s attention to their plight over the past 66 years. Please pass this story to all you can.]
‘Grave concern’ over transit ads
JEWISH GROUPS: Palestine poster campaign described as an attack on Israel, Jews
Jewish groups in Vancouver say they are considering suing TransLink for accepting controversial political advertisements showing the “disappearance of Palestine due to Israeli occupation over the past 66 years.”
On Tuesday, a group called the Palestine Awareness Coalition announced the launch of 15 bus posters and a large mural in a central Vancouver SkyTrain station, that depict the territory of Palestine steadily shrinking into the state of Israel in a succession of dated maps.
Marty Roth – a 79-year-old member of the coalition group behind the ad – said they have already won a victory over groups that tried to “suppress” the ads.
“This will be controversial with a number of traditional Jewish organizations that have tried to suppress the ads,” Roth claimed. “But TransLink has refused to agree with them, because these are educational ads that are well within national advertising guidelines and the Canadian Charter (of Rights and Freedoms).”
Roth said, as a Canadian Jewish man, he believes Israel is unjustly oppressing the people of Palestine and his group wants to educate the Canadian public about the conflict.
But Jewish leaders including Mitchell Gropper, chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, called the ads a provocative attack on Jewish people that will incite hatred. “This is a grave concern to our community at large, because the ads make use of the buses unwelcome and unsafe,” Gropper said, noting that terrorist attacks in Israel often target buses.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen ads on our TransLink system that attack a section of our society. If the transit system will be used to attack Israel and the Jewish people, who is next?”
Gropper, a Vancouver lawyer, said his group went to the “highest levels” of TransLink and argued the Palestine ads should be rejected, but they were told TransLink must accept the ads for legal reasons.
The Province sought interviews with TransLink officials but were referred to a prepared statement, which says TransLink sought a “third-party legal opinion” with said the Supreme Court of Canada decided TransLink must run ads such as “Disappearing Palestine” under the Canadian Charter.
Gropper said his group has retained a lawyer with a different opinion, and that suing TransLink is one strategy that is being considered in a response to the ads.
“TransLink has said the law requires them to publish these ads but that is certainly not the case,” Gropper said.
The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center in Toronto issued a statement saying the group is “disturbed to learn about TransLink’s agreement to run historically distorted anti-Israel advertisements.”
“While Israel and the Palestinian Authority are currently engaged in peace negotiations to resolve their differences and reach a two-state solution, TransLink will be running ads that are provocative and incite hatred and contempt,” said group president Avi Benlolo.
In 2006 TransLink lost a decision to the B.C. Court of Appeal, after trying to refuse political advertisements from the B.C. Teachers Federation of Students. TransLink’s policy of rejecting partisan ads and campaigns likely to cause offence or controversy was overturned.
In the decision, Madam Justice Prowse wrote that B.C. Transit and TransLink “sought to prohibit political advertising precisely because it was political. Their aim was to prevent the appellants from exercising their right to freedom of political expression, although they were content to entertain commercial expression.”
The ad campaign cost $15,000 and will remain in place for four months. The wall mural, which debuted at Vancouver City Centre station on Tuesday, drew curious looks from transit users, with many pulling out smartphones to snap a photo.
One woman, who declined to give her name, stopped to examine the ad. She said, while she wasn’t well-versed in the issue, she believes the ad should fall under the category of free speech.
Mohammed Hamid, 45, was one of the many transit users who stopped to snap a photo on his phone. Hamid is from the Middle East and is familiar with the various aspects of the issue being brought up by the ad.
He doesn’t believe the ad was malicious in anyway, but instead, was glad to see it drawing attention

Conservatives drop immigration committee witnesses after complaints of ‘disgusting’ website

Conservatives drop immigration committee witnesses after complaints of ‘disgusting’ website


“We’ll plug our ears because we don’t want to hear what you have to say” — the New Openness of the Canadian Political Class


Twice in one week, Canadian officials behaved like bratty children. The Harper government ostentatiously directed our diplomats to walk out of he UN General Assembly prior to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahme\adenijad’s speech earlier this week. What is the point of having a place to meet the leaders — like them or not — of the world but then refuse to listen? This childish behaviour reminds one of the bratty kid who plugs his ears and chants and makes noise when another child is speaking.


Then, on Wednesday the Conservatives, under Opposition pressure, pulled two of their witnesses, a Montreal husband and wife team who run an immigration reform website. The Canadian Press (September 26, 2012) reported: “The Conservative government pulled two of its own witnesses from an immigration committee at the eleventh-hour Wednesday, calling material on the group’s website disgusting and un-Canadian. Although the witnesses — Madi and Julien Lussier of the Canadian Immigration Forum — were not publicly listed by the committee, they had been scheduled to appear at its first meeting of the current parliamentary session. NDP and Liberal MPs immediately balked at their presence as soon as they arrived at the committee, pointing to elements on the group’s website that they called shocking. Several MPs on the committee are immigrants.

Sections of the site include one on so-called “Chinafication” and “Arabization.” There is also a video interview with Canadian white supremacist Paul Fromm and several from a conference of the “racialist” group American Renaissance.

The site is called the Canadian Immigration Report, with the subtitle: “The impact of immigration and racial diversity on Canada and Canadians. A survey on the site asks how long immigration to the West should be halted.’If you want to protect and preserve Canada, stop immigration for at least 50 years,’ Madi Lussier wrote in a comment posted last month.”:


The main problem seems to be that MPs didn’t like what they thought were the couple’s views. That should be irrelevant. MPs MUST hear what Canadians are thinking, not just the immensely selfish and greedy and self-interested immigration lobby (immigration lawyers, social workers, ESL teachers, business leaders seeking cheap labour and high unemployment to keep wages down, and a few who dream of replacing the European founding/settler people of this country with others

The Canadian Press account continued: ” NDP MP Jinny Simms said she was appalled by what she saw on the website…. About 15 minutes later, the Lussiers were told by a committee aide that they would not be appearing that afternoon. Madi Lussier, who is undergoing cancer treatment, ripped off a wig she was wearing and waved it at the committee. She yelled “Shame!” as they walked out the door.

The Lussiers conceded their views might not be in the mainstream, but said the committee members behaved like cowards for not at least hearing them out. They argued their website features a range of views on immigration. ‘Is Canada going to look the way it does now in 150-200 years? Will the values of gender equality still exist? We don’t know,’ Julien Lussier said outside the committee. ‘Will the value of respecting homosexuals, environmentalism and democracy exist when the majority won’t be of European origin?'”

And, then, he final insult of this disgraceful episode. The Lussiers were disowned by the MP who invited them and we, the European  founding/settler people of this great Dominion are lectured on what it means to be Canadian by a newcomer from Taiwan: ”

Conservative MP Chungsen Leung’s office had put forward the names of the Lussiers as witnesses. He said that a constituent had told him that the Lussiers were lawyers and he was unaware of what was on their website. ‘The views stated on this website are disgusting and anti-Canadian. I am outraged by them,’ Leung said. ‘I have asked the Clerk that these witnesses be pulled. If they do appear, I intend to tell them the views on the website are abhorrent and un-Canadian.’”

Mr. Leung’s party leader, the Prime Minister, is a huge fan of Israel:”Israel’s values are our values,” he says. In the face of large numbers of illegal immigrants from East Africa, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that these illegals threaten to dilute the Jewish nature of the State of Israel. Fair enough. Then, why should it be reprehensible, “un-Canadian”  in the words of Chungsen Leung, to not want to see the replacement of the European founding/settler people of this country?

The Regina Leader Post (September 28, 2012) reported:; “In an interview with Postmedia News, Julien Lussier admitted he and his wife’s opinions on immigration are ‘quite avant-garde,’ but that dismissing them so abruptly was unfair.

‘Immigration is public policy. If we can’t talk about our public policy, we have no right criticizing a country like China for shutting down free speech,’ he said.

As for his views on immigration, he said he believes ‘poaching”‘ the best and the brightest from developing countries is unfair to those emerging nations and Canada should not accept any refugees.

Launched three years ago, the website features original content as well as links to both mainstream and alternative media articles. Included are original interviews with white supremacist Paul Fromm and American writer Tito Perdue, the latter of whom is quoted saying ‘the civilizations that black people alone have created … generally turn out to be a kind of hell on earth.'” This was the sixth time they had been scheduled to appear.

It’s almost boring to have to repeat but I am not and CFIRC is not “white supremacist.”  That is a discussion stopping smear, a term of abuse. White supremacists insist on imposing “White”  standards on the world — like, say, imposing our values on the role of women by force of arms in Afghanistan. We have no such imperialist goals. We are White Preservationists who wish to preserve our people’s position in the land we build, no more, no less.

Here the actual audio proccedings of the committee as they decide not to hear the Lussiers.