UPDATE ON ADAMSON BARBECUE LEGAL DEFENCE FUND:  As of December13, $334, 550 Raised http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5190

UPDATE ON ADAMSON BARBECUE LEGAL DEFENCE FUND:  As of December13, $334, 550 Raised Barry posted a new update to Adamson BBQ Legal Defence Fund

13, 2020 Alright, alright.

Enough of you have said that you don’t want me to take this GoFundMe campaign down on December 19.

You told me that you want to give monthly, or weekly.

And you said that the ongoing success of this campaign stands as a daily reminder to the political class that we’ve all had enough.

Well, there is one more valid reason to keep this campaign active.

Adam’s counsel called me yesterday informing me that bylaw officers and government officials have made it their mission in life to attend each of Adam’s locations every single day in an effort to find something legitimate to complain about and exhaust his financial resources.

That’s right.

Rather than respond to your support with an effort to understand the needs of small business, the Tory and Ford governments have started to use the power of your tax dollars to crush the one small business person who is out there taking a stand.

So yes, I will keep this campaign active.

Even better, I have raised the stretch target to $500,000.

And Adam’s attorney assures me that every single dollar raised is going straight into a Trust account to fight this asymmetric COVID regime.

Our effort has been described as a “David & Goliath battle” by the national press.

Well, we all know who won that fight.

So let’s keep this campaign running.

Let’s commit today to a monthly donation of $20, $10, $5 or whatever you can afford.

If each one of you contributes just $20 per month, this campaign grows by $126,000 per month.

If each one of you contributes just $10 per month, this campaign grows by $68,000 per month.

And if each one of you contributes just $5 per month, this campaign grows by $34,000 per month!

No donation is too small.

Even better, those monthly donations keep this effort at the top of GoFundMe’s “popular campaigns” page, maximizing our international reach and reminding our politicians that we’re not going away.

For those of you who prefer to pay via PayPal, we will be opening an account for that purpose.

So please, do not set this letter aside.

Let’s keep this issue front and centre in the public mind.

And let’s refuse to let Big Government use our own money to steamroller the voice of small business.

Thank you so much.
by Barry McNamar, Organizer

Amidst the slough of politicians, media and citizen fear mongers supporting irrational COVID  “public health orders” that shut down small businesses while allowing corporate big-box stores to remain open… one small business is standing up for the rights of the “little guys” like you and me to get out and earn a living too.

Ontario’s Adamson BBQ has been opening every day to serve people lunch. And owner Adam Skelly is paying a high price for carrying that cudgel of liberty. Over the past 24 hours he’s been hit with numerous fines totalling tens of thousands of dollars for violating unconstitutional and draconian COVID “public health orders.”

All because he refuses to let your politicians—who are out there enjoying their fat salaries that we all pay for, wag their fingers at us and tell us we don’t have a right to earn a living too. After all, “we’re all in this together” right?

I don’t know him but I do know that guys like Adam are in short supply during this overblown COVID nonsense. And he deserves our support. 

So c’mon.

If we’re not going to be out there leading by example, let’s at least kick in $100, $75, $50 or whatever you can afford to help Adam fight this fight for us. 

If we’re not willing to kick in a few bucks to help Adam fight for our freedoms, then maybe we don’t deserve them. 

Don’t put this aside for later. Every fine, every police visit, every daily scolding by some fat cat politician is chipping away at Adam’s courage. Show him that he’s not alone.

Donate now.

Profile of Ontario Independent MPP & Anti-lockdown Freedom Fighter, Randy Hillier

Ontario’s Randy Hillier stands athwart Ford and the lockdowners

The Western Standard’s Ernest Skinner spoke with Hiller about his opposition to lockdowns, mandatory-masking, and why he is putting his neck on the line to fight them.


Published 3 days ago

on December 12, 2020

ByErnest Skinner

Rogue Ontario MPP Randy Hillier doesn’t mince words. He never has. The Tory-turned-independent from the notoriously populist-conservative Ottawa Valley has always been on the outside looking in, even when he was on the inside of the PC Caucus. In November 2020 he was charged for leading an anti-lockdown protest at the Ontario Legislature.

The Western Standards Ernest Skinner spoke with Hiller about his opposition to lockdowns, mandatory-masking, and why he is putting his neck on the line to fight them.

1.  Who is Randy Hillier, the MPP?

Well, I’m an independent member the legislature and the provincial Parliament for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. I’ve been in elected office since 2007. My political views don’t always get met with enthusiasm as I am a bit of a maverick you could say. Besides that, I’m a dad, a husband, a father of four kids, and have 6 grandkids.”

2. Would you consider yourself an outlaw or bohemian in the realms of your political views at times?

“Well, listen, I’m a very independent-minded person, and I speak my mind, regardless of what others may or may not think, and that often has me swimming against the currents of political correctness and accepted dogma. I’ve often been in the penalty box, but I have an absolute foundational view that to be in elected office, one must be truthful and honest at all times, regardless of the consequences.”

3. We all know that you’re against the lockdowns. Can you comment on your findings regarding deaths and collateral damage as a direct result of them?

“Yes, the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms released a report today (December 3) that lays out an exceptionally strong case of the evidence that the lockdowns and this social experiment that we have undertaken as a result of COVID[-19] have led to substantial and significant harm, injury and fatality for those who were never at risk of COVID. We are seeing at least a 50 per cent increase in deaths in these other areas such as the suicides, addiction, overdoses, etc.”

4. How would you assess Chief Health Medical Officer Dr. Theresa Tam’s handling of COVID-19 and her advice to Canadians since March?

“Professionally, I’d have to do use some diplomatic language, and just call her incompetent. This is the same person who suggested that masks could not stop the spread of COVID at the height of the threat, and then in July thought they were the most wonderful thing. She also said you should wear them when you are having sex, and one of the ways we can reduce the spread is by engaging in masturbation instead of intimate relations.”

5. What are your thoughts on Doug Ford and how he has used his powers since the start of the pandemic?

“He should be singled out for derision. He came into office with a mandate of open economy, that Ontario is open for business, that he is for the little guy. He’s also the one we’ve seen throughout this, telling people that it was too dangerous to go to the cottage; we find he’s going to his cottage. He tells people it’s unsafe to have a wedding, and he’s going to weddings. It’s been an endless contradiction. He told us we have to have a broad-based provincial approach to this and then of course that changed to a regional approach. He’s been flying off-thecuff for nine months and everybody in Ontario has been harmed by this ineptness.”

6. Why do you think that “experts” such as Dr. Tam, Dr. Fauci, and others keep staying on the same path even when they reverse course and contradict themselves? Can you also talk a bit about the wearing of masks.

“Well, I see them as bureaucrats; they’re not engaged in practising medicine even though at some point they may have had a medical degree. We all know that if you are going to wear a mask the benefits have to outweigh the consequences. We know very clearly now that the asymptomatic spread is not an issue. If you are going to contract the virus it’s going to be because you are in a confined space with proximity to infected people for a prolonged period of time. Many studies tell us that” 

7. Have you personally spoken with experts in the field of vaccines and viruses that disagree with the lockdown and mandatory-mask approach?

“Today, [December 3] I’ll be speaking with Dr. Roger Hodkinson who has been slammed by big tech and social media for speaking out at an Edmonton city council meeting. I’ve spoken with Dr. Matt Straus, Dr. Kulvinder Kaur, Dr. Stephen Malthouse and these are credible doctors. Tens of thousands across the world have signed on to the Great Barrington Declaration,stating unequivocally that this social experiment of masking and lockdowns in isolation and confinement is not a solution. Another thing is social media has been engaged in actively suppressing dissenting views, and we’ve also seen it from our mainstream media CTV, CBC, anybody who has a dissenting opinion – is disregarded as some sort of conspiracy theorist. We had Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, the Chief Medical Officer of Health in Montreal state it’s like a bad flu season, and even our own Minister of Long Term Care stated categorically that it was like a bad flu season; but both the MSM and our social media have been active in suppressing that information and knowledge to the general public.”

8. Regarding your colleagues in the legislature; are there others that you know of that agree with your thoughts and views on COVID-19?

“A great many. These are people that I know in the NDP, the Liberal Party, the CP, who all share my views and my sentiments or a great many of them. They are fearful of speaking out. They’re fearful of being removed from their caucus, being kicked out of their parties, fearful of losing the added perks and benefits of being a parliamentary assistant or a minister.”

9. What would be your overall personal assessment of what people in general are feeling, and the ramifications for the ones in charge of steering the ship?

“People are living in fear, because they have not been exposed to alternative views and dissenting opinions. They are not aware of the facts and evidence that show beyond a reasonable doubt that this situation is exaggerated. At the end of the day – as more and more of these exaggerations are dispelled – people will come to realize that we made some very horrible and tragic decisions during COVID[-19] and there is going to be a price to pay for those officials who failed to do their jobs”

10. What advice would you give to people that are confused by the contradictions and questionable advice that our leaders are giving us? 

“There’s an individual whose name is Dr. Michael Yeadon. He’s a former chief scientist for Pfizer. He has put out a video which is about  30 minutes long. It is an astonishing, all-encompassing video that covers things such as masks. It covers clearly why the tests that we’re doing are creating so many false-positives and that we ought not to be basing our public policies on a test that is faulty, and faulty to such a high degree. He would be a good one to go to for people that have very limited time to investigate on their own.” 

Ernest Skinner is the WestRock Columnist for the Western Standard

Manitoba Trucker Jake Klassen for Organizing A Singing Session for Christmas Hymns in a Public Park

Manitoba Trucker Jake Klassen for Organizing A Singing Session for Christmas Hymns in a Public Park

Brian Pallister, Manitoba’s conservative-in-name-only premier, recently imposed strict lockdown measures on his entire province, including the closure of anything he deems “non-essential” — and according to him, you’re an “idiot” if you disagree with his decision. 

His new rules make the town in “Footloose” look like a bastion of freedom! 

Among Pallister’s many authoritarian decrees is the closure of all churches in Manitoba. And singing, apparently. 

That’s why we are helping Jake Klassen from Reinfeld, Manitoba. Jake organized a singing service in a public park where people could gather (2 metres apart) to sing Christmas carols and Christian hymns. 

They were there spreading Christmas cheer while socially distancing in an empty park. How can there possibly be anything wrong with that? 

Well, wouldn’t you know it, the very next day, the cops showed up and handed Jake a $1,296 fine! 

For singing Christmas carols in the park? It’s insane! 

You can watch Jake’s story right here:

Trucker fined $1,296 by Manitoba cops for outdoor Christian


We won’t rest until we challenge every single one of these fines and win our freedom back! 

That’s why we launched an ambitious plan to fight the fines for the first 1,000 Canadians who have been issued a coronavirus ticket. 

We don’t plan to pay Jake’s fine — we’re going to fight it! And we’re hoping we can count on you to help us crowdfund Jake’s lawyer.

Rebel News hired David Anber, an excellent civil liberties lawyer, to represent Jake. David has been on the front lines with many of our other “Fight the Fines” cases, so we know Jake is in great hands. 

We’re taking a stand to defend our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, like the freedom to run a business, visit our family, practice our religion, and SING when and where we want to. But we can’t win this fight alone, and we’ll need as much help as we can get.  

To support our fight, please go to www.FightTheFines.com and help us out with a donation. Whether it’s $5, $50, or $500, every little bit will help us fight Jake’s case and all the other cases we’ve taken on. 

And if someone you know received one of these lockdown fines, send them our way, and we’ll work to get them a lawyer too.

Yours truly, 

Sheila Gunn Reid 

The Medico-Stalinist Tyranny at Work; Although BC Taxpayers Subsidize the Ferries, Woman who refused to wear face mask removed from Tsawwassen ferry by police

The Medico-Stalinist Tyranny at Work; Although BC Taxpayers Subsidize the Ferries, Woman who refused to wear face mask removed from Tsawwassen ferry by police

Delta police were called to the terminal late Wednesday morning for a woman causing a disturbance

CBC News · Posted: Nov 04, 2020 4:07 PM PT | Last Updated: November 4

A woman refusing to wear a face mask was removed from a BC Ferries vessel late Wednesday morning at Tsawwassen terminal. (Steve Lus/CBC)


BC Ferries says a woman refusing to wear a face mask while on board a ferry set to depart the Tsawwassen terminal Wednesday morning had to be removed from the ship.

“A customer with a history of disruptive behaviour was causing a disturbance on board,” said BC Ferries spokesperson Astrid Chang.  

Delta police confirm they were called to the terminal at 11 a.m. and escorted the woman to another location in Delta without issue.

The incident caused the ferry to be delayed by about one hour. 

Delta police and BC Ferries did not release any other details.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, BC Ferries has introduced a policy that all passengers must wear non-medical masks or face coverings when at terminals and on board ferries except:

  • When inside a vehicle.
  • When consuming food or drinks, provided physical distancing is maintained.
  • Children under two years of age.
  • When a medical condition or disability inhibits the ability to wear a mask.
  • Persons unable to place or remove a mask without assistance.
  • BC Ferries employees working behind a physical barrier or within employee-only areas, provided physical distancing is maintained.

Kootenay Co-op Hires Security Guard to Silence People Who Object to Forced Masking. The new Canadian business model: Tell customers to shut up, fork over their money & do what we tell you! CAFE says: Stop bossing people around. They’re keeping your business afloat by shopping there. http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5178

Kootenay Co-op Hires Security Guard to Silence People Who Object t Forced Masking

Anti-mask hostility forces Nelson grocery store to hire security guard for 1st time in 45 years

Social Sharing

Kootenay Co-op has seen increase in aggressive customers who refuse to wear mask since provincial mandate

CBC News · Posted: Nov 24, 2020 7:27 AM PT | Last Updated: November 24

A security guard has been hired at the Kootenay Co-op for the first time in the store’s 45-year history. (Bob Keating/CBC)


For the first time in its 45 years, a grocery store in downtown Nelson, B.C., has hired a security guard — and it’s not to watch out for shoplifters.

Their job is to head off a growing increase in aggressive behaviour among some shoppers who refuse to wear a mask in the store, since the province announced last Thursday that face coverings are now mandatory in all retail spaces in a bid to control the spread of COVID-19.

Ari Derfel, store manager of the Kootenay Co-op, says while most customers have followed the new regulations, about 10 to 20 per cent of them are refusing to wear a mask and become confrontational when asked to do so.

“Their way of expressing [their argument] can be really aggressive, confrontational and mean to the point that they sometimes try to force themselves into the store without a mask,” Derfel told CBC reporter Bob Keating. 

“They speak in really demeaning, negative, critical ways to some of our staff and our cashiers.”

Some members of staff have broken down in tears and even quit as a result of the vitriol, he said.

Store manager Ari Derfel says he hopes the presence of a security guard will mean some people think twice about trying to get into the store without a mask or abusing staff when they’re denied entry. (Bob Keating/CBC)

Leannah Fidler, who has worked at the Kootenay Co-op for five years, says she has never seen her workplace like the pressure-cooker environment it is now. 

“We’re getting a lot of pushback from folks that either don’t really believe that [COVID-19] is a real thing, or don’t believe that masks are an appropriate way to combat it,” she said.

“People are just waiting for an altercation.”

Assistant manager Shannon McAllister is pleading with customers to end the verbal abuse toward her staff.

“At the end of the day, we’re all just people and we’re all trying to do our best and do our jobs,” she told Chris Walker, host of CBC’s Daybreak South.

“Especially people that are working in retail and grocery stores and restaurants … [they’re] doing so at their own risk to provide that service for our community.”

Some members of staff at the Kootenay Co-op in Nelson, B.C., have broken down in tears and even quit as a result of the vitriol, the store’s manager said. (Bob Keating/CBC)

Most shoppers like regular customer Reiko Fujibayashi, who worked at the store for 10 years, have no problem masking up.

“I don’t understand why people would personalize something that’s a mandate,” she said.

Derfel hopes the presence of a security guard will mean some people think twice about trying to get into the store without a mask or abusing staff when they’re denied entry.

CAFE says: Stop bossing people around. They’re keeping your business afloat by shopping there.

Amazon’s Deplatforming of Ezra Levant’s China Virus Book is Wrong, Says Ontario Civil Liberties Association

Amazon’s Deplatforming of Ezra Levant’s China Virus Book is Wrong

Posted on July 24, 2020 by admin

The Ontario Civil Liberties Association has received documentation from Ontario lawyer Aaron Rosenberg showing that Amazon interfered with and repeatedly deplatformed his client’s book.

The book is “China Virus: How Justin Trudeau’s Pro-Communist Ideology is Putting Canadians in danger”, by Ezra Levant of Rebel News.

Amazon is enabled by State corporate laws to in-effect operate as a book publishing monopoly.

Amazon benefits from corporate law by tax advantages and by shielding its executives and board members from personal liability.

Amazon occupies the internet, thus using internet facilities that have been largely created with public money. The internet is a publicly-funded shared resource, from landlines following rail and road networks, to university hubs, and so on. The very architecture of the internet is from publicly-funded intellectual efforts.

Corporations, such as Amazon, are free to be independent in their corporate strategy and functioning. However, non-specialized monopolistic online publishers and social media giants, because of their fundamental and government-enabled societal role in giving individuals a voice to participate in democracy and to express themselves freely, with equal access, should not violate the constitutional, Charter, democratic, political, and natural freedom-of-expression rights of authors and readers, arbitrarily or by contract.

Blocking YouTube channels and banning books on Amazon are akin to requiring government authorisation to operate a printing press or to buy a photocopier or pen and paper. Only the technology and the administrative covering structures have changed. Establishment censorship is establishment censorship.

Amazon is applying the correct principle of free expression in publishing the historically influential works of Mao, Hitler, Che Guevara, Karl Marx, Errico Malatesta, Adam Smith, and many others, but it is applying outright censorship against current works that it deems threatens the dominant establishment projects of the moment.

OCLA has noticed an aggressive censorship of influential works that potentially threaten the current global state of medical totalitarianism. “Public health risk” is being wielded as a ready-made pretext for deplatforming and censorship. This is obscene. There must be free expression, whether establishment structures have declared a pandemic or not. There must especially be free expression when the government is enacting draconian measures, such as a global lockdown and forcing individuals to wear masks, no less. Everyone must have a voice. Everyone is impacted by unprecedented (we argue reckless[1]) government actions.

It appears that Ezra Levant’s book may have been captured by the medical totalitarian net. Whatever the actual reasons for Amazon’s egregious violation of Mr. Levant’s free expression, and of the rights of his readers, the actions of Amazon are wrong and harmful to society.

[1] OCLA Report 2020-1, “Criticism of Government Response to COVID-19 in Canada”, by Denis G. Rancourt: https://ocla.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/OCLA-Report-2020-1-Criticism-of-Government-Response-to-COVID19.pdf

Dave Lindsay Organizer of Kelowna rally against COVID-19 restrictions issued $2.3K fine — The Medico-Stalinist Tyranny at Work

Dave Lindsay Organizer of Kelowna rally against COVID-19 restrictions issued $2.3K fine — The Medico-Stalinist Tyranny at Work

Fine was issued for acting in contravention of provincial health orders, RCMP say

CBC News · Posted: Dec 13, 2020 12:48 PM PT | Last Updated: 2 hours ago

About 1,000 people attended a rally in Kelowna, B.C., on Saturday against provincial health restrictions intended to curb the spread of COVID-19. (Brady Strachan/CBC)


RCMP have issued a $2,300 fine against the organizer of a rally against COVID-19 restrictions that took place Saturday afternoon in downtown Kelowna, B.C.

The fine was issued for acting in contravention of provincial health orders meant to curb the spread of the virus, which includes a prohibition on public gatherings, police said in a statement. 

“People in Canada have a democratic right to a lawful and peaceful protest and the RCMP must use discretion when balancing a citizen’s rights with the current potential health risks associated to large public gatherings,” RCMP said.

The rally crossed several busy roadways in downtown Kelowna. Officers were on hand to prevent confrontations between the protesters and nearby residents and motorists, RCMP added. 

CBC News reporters who witnessed the rally estimated approximately 1,000 people were gathered. The protesters held up signs that said “open our churches” and “stand up for freedom.” 

RCMP said they are not releasing the name of the organizer at this time.

In a statement, Kelowna RCMP Supt. Kara Triance said most people have been respecting the public health orders. 

“While we certainly can, and will enforce the provisions available to us under the COVID Related Measures Act, we continue to encourage everyone to voluntarily comply with the provincial health orders, so enforcement is not required,” she said.

Mark Donnelly — The Latest Victim of the Medico-Stalinist Tyrants & Their Corporate Collaborators: ‘O Canada’ singer addresses firing by Vancouver Canucks at anti-mask rally

Mark Donnelly — The Latest Victim of the Medico-Stalinist Tyrants & Their Corporate Collaborators: ‘O Canada’ singer addresses firing by Vancouver Canucks at anti-mask rally http://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=5169

Social Sharing

Mark Donnelly sang anthem at Christmas Freedom Rally in Vancouver on Saturday

The Canadian Press · Posted: Dec 06, 2020 9:27 AM PT | Last Updated: December 6

Mark Donnelly at the Vancouver Art Gallery on Saturday, where people gathered to protest COVID-19 restrictions. A day earlier, the Vancouver Canucks said over Twitter that Donnelly would no longer be singing the national anthem before the NHL club’s games. (CBC News)

The popular singer of ‘O Canada’ at Vancouver Canucks hockey games says he knew he might lose his job for standing up against what he describes as the “tyranny” of COVID-19 restrictions.

Mark Donnelly sang the national anthem at an event called the Christmas Freedom Rally in Vancouver on Saturday, where hundreds of people protested restrictions imposed by British Columbia’s provincial health officer.

Vancouver Canucks owner Francesco Aquilini tweeted late Friday that Donnelly was now the former Canucks anthem singer, followed by the Twitter hashtag #wearamask.

Donnelly told the crowd, many of whom weren’t wearing masks or physically distancing, that he decided to sing because he questions the “draconian lockdown protocols.”

“What was originally sold as a 15-day hunkering-down sprint for the common good has turned into a 10-month marathon from hell, where the finish line is constantly being moved further into the distance,” he said.

Donnelly said he doesn’t think health officials have done a cost-benefit analysis looking at the harms of the restrictions compared with preventing the spread of COVID-19.

“As someone known for singing our great national anthem, I’m standing up against what I feel is tyranny, plain and simple,” he said to applause and cheers from the crowd.

Donnelly sings O Canada at a rally against provincially mandated COVID-19 restrictions on Saturday in Vancouver. (CBC News)

Donnelly described his firing as censorship by an institution that he’s followed for 50 years and been publicly associated with since 2001.

“Sports figures, entertainers, politicians, et cetera, can stand for anything as long as it supports the narrative. You can support rioting, looting, destruction of livelihoods and reputation, but take a position against the narrative and you are worthy of exile or worse.” 

Donnelly said he hasn’t had direct contact with Aquilini or the Canucks and that if he is no longer with the team, a phone call would have been a more respectful way to find out his reasons for taking part in the rally. 

He said he had hoped the ownership and management of the Canucks would have had the “courage to support the freedom to express [a] science-based position that is for the greater good of the country.”

‘Follow the provincial health orders’

On Saturday, Canucks COO Trent Carroll said in a statement that the organization hoped that people understood that Donnelly was not representing the team with his views.

“Mark Donnelly is acting independently,” the statement said.

“We encourage everyone to wear a mask and to follow the provincial health orders. They are in place to help everyone in B.C. to stop COVID-19 from spreading in our province.”

Hundreds of people gather outside the Vancouver Art Gallery on Saturday to attend an event called the Christmas Freedom Rally, to protest against pandemic restrictions, such as wearing face masks. (CBC News)

After listening to speeches on Saturday at the Vancouver Art Gallery, the protesters then took to the streets in a march.

Vancouver police spokesperson Tania Visintin said police need to exercise discretion with large groups of protesters violating public health orders, saying public safety is the priority.

She said mass arrests or ticketing could escalate an already tense situation. 

“This position does not automatically guarantee anyone special privileges at a protest. The bottom line is people who are contravening the public health order, they could be issued a ticket. Officers are using discretion with each situation that arises.”

B.C. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said last month that she has “no time for people who believe that wearing a mask somehow makes them ill or is a sign of lack of freedom.”

Instead, she said, wearing a mask is about respect for those who are suffering through the pandemic together.

WATCH | Dr. Bonnie Henry critical of people who refuse to wear masks over ‘lack of freedom’:

Dr. Bonnie Henry denounces people who refuse to wear masks over ‘lack of freedom’

18 days agoVideo1:02B.C.’s provincial health officer says wearing masks is a sign of respect. 1:02

With files from Cory Correia