Beware of the Anti-Semitism Awareneness Act

Beware of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

May 13, 2024




The House of Representatives passed the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” on May 2, by a vote of 320-91 in reaction to demonstrations on numerous university campuses and elsewhere against the brutal and genocidal policy of Israel in Gaza. The Act has now been sent to the Senate, where it seems certain to pass. This is an extremely dangerous bill that could criminalize the Bible, many Christian Churches, as well as any negative remarks about Israel and Jews. In brief, it threatens us with totalitarian thought control. We must do everything we can to oppose it.

First, let’s take an overview of the Act. It adopts the very broad definition of anti-Semitism of the “International Holocaust Remembrance Association.”  The Act calls this definition “a vital tool which helps individuals understand and identify the various manifestations of antisemitism.” Gardner, Andy Buy New $19.57 (as of 09:02 UTC – Details)

What does this definition say? “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed in hatred of Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” How you can be anti-Semitic toward someone who isn’t Jewish isn’t immediately apparent.

The authors of the definition give someone examples of what they consider anti-Semitic. These include saying that the Jews control the media and Congress, saying that Israel is a racist state, propagating the “blood libel” that the Jews killed Jesus, minimizing or denying the Holocaust, and claiming that Jews in America have “dual loyalty.”

As a number of writers including Tucker Carlson and John Zmirak have pointed out, the definition allows large parts of the Bible to be banned. The most famous such passage is Matthew 27: 25. “His blood be upon us and our children.” This is the “blood libel” that the Act wouldn’t let us teach!

You might object that the Act would never be enforced in this way. The American people would never stand for it! But it would always be there, like a sword of Damocles, hanging over our heads. And don’t be so sure it wouldn’t be enforced! The Scottish Hate Speech Act was passed in 2021, and people predicted it would never be enforced. Beginning in April 2024, though, it has been enforced, and many people have been fined and imprisoned for violating it.

The biggest problem with the Act, though, isn’t the definition of anti-Semitism. If it were, we could substitute a more reasonable definition, such as “hatred for all Jews.” Even if this were done, however, we would still be in an untenable position. Banning any kind of speech, whether it is good or bad, is incompatible with a free society. As the great Murray Rothbard has taught us, all rights are property rights. Everyone can set the rules for speech on his own property, and no one has the right to control what anyone says on someone else’s property. This includes speech which counts as “offensive.” Of course, we don’t live in a libertarian society, but we should come as close as we can in practice to it. This means following the strictest possible interpretation of the First Amendment. “Congress shall make no law. .  .abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”. ‘No law” means “no law” and that includes laws against so-called “hate speech.” As the great legal scholar Dr. Wanjiru Njoya says, “Jews must learn to live in a world where people say offensive things about them, same as anyone else. You shouldn’t jail people for saying offensive things about Jews or Israel.”

We need to ask ourselves, why the Act has been passed at the present time. The answer is obvious. It is to block all criticism of Israel. And Israel should be criticized, because of the genocidal policy it is following in Gaza. The US government, led by brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers, have supported Israel with money and advanced weapons throughout Israel’s invasion. Anthony Blinken, “our” Secretary of State, flew to Tel Aviv as soon as the invasion started and, standing beside war criminal “Bibi” Netanyahu, said, “I come before you not only as the United States secretary of state but also as a Jew.” See here.

Is it “anti-Semitic” to report this? One of the examples the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Association’s definition of anti-Semitism is to say that Jews have a strong influence on American foreign policy. But it’s the simple truth.

And what policy do Blinken and his cohorts support? It is Israel’s policy to exterminate the Palestinians who live in Gaza. The great Ron Unz has called it “the greatest televised massacre of civilians in the history of the world.” Under the Act, Unz could be prosecuted for saying that, because saying that Israelis are committing genocide, or comparing then to Nazis, is forbidden.

As if that were not bad enough, conditions in Gaza are getting worse. Because of Israel’s constant bombing and interdiction of food shipments to Gaza, a famine is occurring there. According to Cindy McCain, the Director of the World Food Program, “There is famine, full-blown famine, in the north, and it’s moving its way south.” Now it will reach the south, because Israel has just blocked food shipments to Rafah.

Should calling attention to horrendous news like this be an offense punishable by jail? You don’t have to be a libertarian to recognize that we can’t have a free society under the censorship conditions this Act would impose.

Many Jews would have to be banned by this standard. The eminent Jewish historian Omer Bartov said last November that “functionally and rhetorically we may be watching an ethnic cleansing operation that could quickly devolve into genocide.” His worst fears have come to pass since then. He too would be banned under the Act. So would Norman Finkelstein and John Mearsheimer.

Jews who don’t criticize Israeli’s war could also be banned under the Act. For example, some very religious Jews are anti-Zionist and don’t recognize Israel as a legitimate state. They could be charged with anti-Semitism. Also, what about Orthodox Jews who don’t recognize conversions to Judaism supervised by Reform rabbis? If they say that such converts aren’t Jewish, they could be charged under the Act as anti-Semitic. So could Reform rabbis who mock the Orthodox as benighted reactionaries.

One of the oddest aspects of this whole deplorable business is that the Act bans statements that the Jews have a lot of political power. One wonders how the Act passed by the astonishing margin of 320 to 91 without pressure from the Israeli Lobby. The sellout Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is bought and paid for. How then can the Act ban a statement that is obviously true and that the passage of the Act shows to be true?

One target of the Act is the heroic university students who are protesting what is going on in Gaza. The sponsors of the Act depict them as lawbreakers who need to be suppressed to preserve “law and order”, but students protests against criminal wars are part of the American tradition. Student protests against LBJ’s criminal war against Vietnam helped bring down his presidency. Libertarians and all other lovers of freedom should never forget that we are anti-war. Cushatt, Michele Best Price: $11.96 Buy New $11.88 (as of 09:07 UTC – Details)

Of course the neocons behind the Act don’t see matters this way. These days, students often learn about news through social media platforms like TikTok. Many students learned about what was going on in Gaza though discussions on that platform, and because of this, the neocons in Congress voted to force TikTok’s parent company to sell it within 270 days; if not, it will be banned in America. As Dr. Ron Paul notes, “ The head of the Anti-Defamation League was actually caught on tape complaining about the “TikTok problem.’”

When we talk about the neocons, we should never forget that they got us into the disastrous invasion of Iraq under George W. Bush. The US government killed a million people –half of them children thanks to the US starvation blockade — and cost us trillions of dollars. Despite this—or maybe because of it—neocons like Robert Kagan still praise the Iraq war today. This is the sort of person behind the Act.

In my opinion, the evidence for Israeli genocide is overwhelming, and those who want to ban people from saying so are calling for a ban on the truth. But suppose you disagree. You should still oppose the Act. As John Stuart Mill said in his great On Liberty (1859): “But the peculiar evil of silencing an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race;. . .those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.”

The great Albert Jay Nock said about censorship that “this degrading enervation of a whole people is rather a heavy offset to the benefits gained by a policy of expediency.”

You shouldn’t be surprised that neocons like Kagan smear this great libertarian and anti-war crusader as an anti-Semite.

We should take the opportunity provided by the Act to engage in a full and frank discussion of American foreign policy. Why are we supplying billions of dollars in aid to a country engaging in genocide? Why are we supporting Ukraine in a war against Russia that could lead to a thermonuclear war? What groups benefit from these policies? By the way, if you are looking for real anti-Semites, you should start with the pro-Nazi Azov Brigade backing the tyrannical dictatorship of Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Let’s do everything we can to get rid of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act and to return to our traditional foreign policy of non-intervention, following the guidance of Dr. Ron Paul and Murray Rothbard.

How the “Hate” Case Against the Late Arthur Topham, Political Prisoners Ended

B.C. man faces strict conditions after breaching sentence for anti-Semitic hate crimes


November 23, 2020·2 min read

A B.C. man convicted of an online hate crime is facing strict new rules on his public expression after breaching his sentencing conditions.

Arthur Topham, who ran a publication from his rural home near the central Interior city of Quesnel, was convicted in 2015 of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.

As part of his sentence, Topham was forbidden from publishing or publicly posting information about “persons of Jewish religion or ethnic origin.”

But In October, a provincial court judge ruled Topham had breached that condition by creating new posts throughout 2018.

Late last week, the judge sentenced Topham to a 30-day conditional sentence and three years probation for the breach, placing strict new conditions on Topham’s public posts.

B'nai Brith/Contributed
B’nai Brith/Contributed

For the next three years, Topham is forbidden from publishing or printing publicly any reference to or information about the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish religion, ethnicity or people.

Topham is also forbidden from publicly posting the names of people he knows to be of Jewish origin.

According to court documents, he will still be allowed to publicly name his wife and her family, but not to mention their ethnicity or origin. During his original trial, Topham told the court his wife is Jewish.

In addition to the terms of his three-year probation, Topham will serve a 30-day conditional sentence, with a nightly curfew and a requirement to remain in B.C. He’s also prohibited from having weapons, liquor, or alcohol.

“Justice has been served,” said Ran Ukashi, National Director with B’nai Brith, a Jewish advocacy group that’s been closely following the case.

“It serves as a deterrent for others, to realize there are consequences, there’s a price to pay,” said Ukashi.

Betsy Trumpener/CBC

Betsy Trumpener/CBC

“There are limits to … free speech and promoting hatred against identifiable groups is not on,” he said.”This person has been given opportunity after opportunity to not behave this way.”

A retired teacher now in his 70s, Topham was first charged in 2012. A website he produced featured frequent posts with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and demonized Jewish people, according to evidence at his trial.

Wil Fundal/CBC News

Wil Fundal/CBC News

At his original trial in 2015, Topham’s lawyer argued the posts were political satire, did not incite violence, and included materials that could easily be ordered on Amazon.

Topham’s case was the first hate crime prosecution in B.C. in almost a decade.

It drew support from the Ontario Civil Liberties Association, which champions free speech, as well as from self-proclaimed “white nationalists,” who attended Topham’s jury trial in the Quesnel courthouse, 700 km northeast of Vancouver.

Paul Fromm helped to fund Topham’s defence and covered his trial through video blogs from Quesnel. Monika Schaefer, who served jail time in Germany for Holocaust denial, also attended court

Masks? It All Depends Who’s In Power: 2020: Can be Arrested for Refusing to Wear a Mask – 2024: Student Protesters Face Criminal Charges for Wearing a Mask

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2020: Can be Arrested for Refusing to Wear a Mask – 2024: Student Protesters Face Criminal Charges for Wearing a Mask

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Left image source. Man forced to wear mask in protest. Right image source. Student compared to KKK for wearing mask.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

In yet another insane example of how “free speech” is a myth and only defined by what side of whatever political debate you are on that is dominating the news of the day, Pro-Palestinian student protesters faced criminal charges in Ohio this week for wearing face masks during the protest.

This is happening just 4 years after people were arrested in 2020 during the fake COVID pandemic for REFUSING to wear face masks in anti-lockdown protests.

In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine issued a statewide mask order in 2020 requiring everyone in Ohio to wear a face mask in public.

Governor DeWine Issues Statewide Mask Order, Travel Warning

Governor DeWine announced that beginning on Thursday, July 23, at 6:00 p.m., a statewide mask mandate will go into effect for citizens living in all 88 Ohio counties.

All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times when:

  • At an indoor location that is not a residence
  • Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members
  • Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.


After issuing this order, a woman was tased and arrested for criminal trespassing for not wearing a mask during an outdoor school football game.

Woman tasered after refusing to wear face mask at Ohio school football game

An Ohio woman was tasered and forcibly removed from a middle school football game on Wednesday evening after refusing to wear a face mask.

A video of the incident, which garnered over 440,000 views on Facebook, shows school resource officer Chris Smith in a heated exchange with a fan in the stands of Logan High School Stadium.

Smith reportedly asked the woman to wear a face mask, but she refused claiming she has asthma, according to a statement from the Logan Police Department.

The exchange escalated when the woman, who was later identified by the Logan Police Department as Alecia Kitts, apparently refused to follow Smith’s instructions and started to yell.

“Get off of me! I will not put my hands behind my back. I’m not criminally doing nothing wrong!” Kitts can be heard yelling in the video.

After refusing to put her hands behind her back, the officer can be seen tasering her in the back and then handcuffing her, before escorting her out of the arena. (Source.)

Fast forward to almost 4 years later, and Governor DeWine’s Attorney General, Dave Yost, is trying to bring up criminal charges against two peaceful pro-Palestinian student protesters at Xavier University who were wearing masks, citing an old 1953 law designed to prosecute Ku Klux Klan members for covering their faces.

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Slapped with Felony Charges for Wearing Masks Outside Xavier Commencement

The 1953 “anti-disguise” law was written to curb the KKK. Now, Attorney General Dave Yost is using the law to crack down on pro-Palestinian protesters.

Two pro-Palestinian protesters are facing felony charges for attempting to demonstrate on Xavier University’s campus just hours before a commencement ceremony over the weekend.

On Saturday, May 11, Sophia “Soup” Dempsey, an XU student, and XU alum Julia Lankisch, both 22, were arrested by campus police around 7:30 a.m. outside the Cintas Center where a graduation commencement was set to begin a few hours later.

“They were holding a Palestinian flag by this statue, and that was about it,” said Andrew Zolides, an XU professor who also leads Take it On, a university program for civic engagement. “But they weren’t making any noise. They were just standing, both kind of holding the flag.”

Zolides told CityBeat that Dempsey and Lankisch, the only two protesters there, were approached by campus police within 15 minutes of starting their demonstration. Zolides said he immediately walked over to the scene to offer help.

“I was about 30 or so yards away — because I wasn’t a part of the protest; I wasn’t organizing; it was them. By the time I got there, they were under arrest,” he said. “Probably from police approaching to being arrested, I would say was probably 60 seconds. Maybe.”

Dempsey and Lankisch were booked in the Hamilton County Justice Center on Saturday and each charged with trespassing and “conspiracy while wearing a disguise,” a felony charge for wearing medical face masks while protesting.

If the latter charge seems strange, that’s because it is. The Ohio law was created in 1953 in response to ongoing violence by the Ku Klux Klan, saying it is a felony to commit a crime, including misdemeanors, with two or more people “while wearing white caps, masks or other disguise,” according to Ohio Revised Code 3761.12.

Ohio is one of 15 states with such anti-mask laws still on the books, according to the Free Speech Center at East Tennessee State University. (Source.)

I wonder if any AGs will bring similar criminal charges against the masked Zionist protesters?

Unmasking counterprotesters who attacked UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment

Whatever remnants of the First Amendment that still exist are now in serious danger as the Zionist coalition with their mega-funding lobbyists seek to redefine the First Amendment to basically read: You a have a right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion as long as you support the Zionist cause and don’t criticize Israel.

Also this week, more GOP Zionist politicians in DC are calling for nuclear bombs to be launched against Palestinians.

GOP Rep. Greg Murphy echoes Lindsey Graham in suggesting Israel would be justified in nuking Gaza

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 14, 2024

Notice how the rhetoric these Zionists use is that this is an attack on the Hamas terrorists. But not everyone protesting Israel’s war belong to Hamas, which is actually the ruling political party in Gaza, as it was only members of its military branch who carried out the attacks.

It would be same as some country calling for a nuclear attack against Americans in the United States to pay back for the crimes of the CIA.

And as these Zionist Evangelical Christians cry out to launch nuclear bombs against the Palestinians, the suffering of native Christians in the Palestinian territories continues to be ignored.

A reader sent me this video about the Armenian Christians living in Palestine. I had not realized that Armenia was the first country in the 4th Century (301 AD) to adopt Christianity as their state religion, even before the Roman Emperor Constantine did the same in 325 AD, before watching this video.

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Grave Error on Alleged Mass Graves in Canada

Genocide in Canada?

Anthony James Hall May 15

Tornados of controversy are swirling around the subject of mass graves in Canada and Gaza. Mass graves in Gaza were created along with the Israeli occupation and destruction of hospitals in Gaza. These grave sites are being dug up between rounds of Israeli bombing of Palestinian civilians. The evidence of mutilated humans coming out of Gaza’s mass graves have reportedly contained evidence of organ removal, handcuffing of doctors and patients, as well as point-blank executions including shots to the head.

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The discovery of mass graves is often seen as a hallmark that acts of genocide have occurred. While the association of mass graves with genocide is virtually irrefutable in Gaza, the same is certainly not the case in Canada. The discussion in Canada about the supposed discovery of unmarked mass graves adjacent to Christian residential schools is just now heating up.

From the late 1800s until the 1970s these federally-funded institutions were a core institution in providing education to Indian students. Issues concerning the provision of education to Indian groups often figured prominently in the Crown-Aboriginal treaty negotiations with Indian groups east of the Pacific watershed. To this day, this watershed marks much of the border of British Columbia with the rest of Canada.

The claims concerning the discovery of unmarked graves adjacent to Indian residential schools have been accepted as established fact by the government of Canada and much of the media since 2021. The story was quickly absorbed and adopted by the government of Justin Trudeau. In 2022 was adopted by Parliament without investigation as if it was a proven fact.

These claims are being subjected to vigorous scrutiny and a concerted effort of debunking. This project is being advanced by a formidable group of academics, journalists, retired judges and such. The volume is entitled Grave Error; How the Media Misled Us (and the Truth About Residential Schools)

Before and After Pictures were a staple of Indian Residential Schools in Canada and the United States.The Idea was to illustrate the success of a “civilizing” process.

The Forward to Grave Error is written by the legendary neocon elder, Conrad Black. Black is the former Zionist media mogul and prison inmate who some see with justification as an authentic embodiment of a renaissance man. Besides making business history with his edgy (too edgy?) handling of Hollinger Inc., Black has written many important history books. I remember when I was working on my Ph.D. in Canadian history at the University of Toronto in the late 1970s that Black’s biography of former Quebec Premier, Maurice Duplessis, was required reading.

The co-editors of Grave Error are C.P. Champion and Tom Flanagan. Professor Flanagan rivals the importance of Conrad Black in terms of the mark he has made for better or worse on Canadian history. Flanagan was at the core of the transformation of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada into the Conservative Party of Canada. The iconic leader of the CP was Stephen Harper, the core person in one of the few Canadian governments not dominated by Laurentian elites.

Flanagan took hold of the Social Credit legacy of Alberta that came to be embodied in Preston Manning’s Reform Party. Flanagan and Manning teamed up. Coming in from the edges was Torontonian Stephen Harper. By performing well as a student in Flanagan’s circle, Harper was successful in his quest to present himself as a credible Albertan politician.

Flanagan mixed the Manning heritage with Reagan-Thatcheresque enthusiasms of his circle of students who pretty much saw their prof as the rock star of the Texas North University in Alberta’s rising oil and gas metropolis. Among the Flanagan devotees were Harper, Ezra Levant, and the current Alberta Premier, Danielle Smith.

In the 1990s when I was a member of the Native American Studies Department at the University of Lethbridge, I saw Tom Flanagan as something of a nemesis. This American political scientist was one of the the original hires in 1968 at the nascent University of Calgary. In seeking to fit into his new academic home, Prof. Flanagan chose as his first Canadian subject the life and times of Metis Rebel Leader Louis Riel. Did Prof. Flanagan picture himself as the ring leader of an Alberta rebellion in the making?

Flanagan built on this base to become sufficiently expert on Aboriginal Affairs in Canada that he was able to hire himself out to federal agencies in order to give advice and to perform as an expert witness in court. I saw it then and see it now, Prof Flanagan’s expertise lay in directing judges how to undermining the exercise of Aboriginal rights as defined in their dubious rulings.

Regardless of my view of these matters, this aspect of Flanagan’s career has put him in a good position to intervene with insight into the growing furor driven by the supposed discovery of unmarked mass graves adjacent to Indian residential schools.

Thus it is that Black and Flanagan, both heavy hitters, have joined forces with a high-powered team of devoted writers and thinkers. Their shared aim is to say enough is enough to what they see as woke opportunists.

It is well known that Justin Trudeau tends to be especially generous with his patronage dollars to those who attach themselves to his agendas for First Nations peoples. Trudeau inherits a long Liberal tradition of using large concentrations of money to keep hand-picked leaders in partisan line with Liberal policies.

Not surprisingly, Trudeau did not do his homework as he has latched onto yet another divisive boondoggle to float his “post-national” contention that Canada is a genocidal country that should be enwrapped asap into more globalist webs of conniving intrigues. Of course in my view neither Black nor Flanagan have been exempt from implicating Canada in their own forms of conniving globalist intrigues.

This background helps explain how it is that a seemingly obscure book on an seemingly narrow subject is suddenly selling lots of copies in spite of it being banned here and there. As far as I know there hasn’t been a ritual book burning yet but the volume has definitely been removed from several libraries.

In the BC town of Quesnel, just looking at Grave Error was made to seem in April like an act of heresy to be punished by spurning, economic boycott and various forms of deplatforming. As in many small communities throughout Canada, Quesnel businesses depend on the ample purchasing power of many First Nations people in the region.

Frances Widdowson attended the meeting with the intention of explaining her own essay, “Billy Remembers.” Even before she made the long drive from her home in Calgary to Quesnel, she was interrogated by a CBC journalist Jordan Tucker, a person who embodies the transcendental character of the Liberal government’s state broadcaster these days.

The Transcendent CBC Journalist, Jordan Tucker

Interview with Jordan Tucker (she/her) by Frances Widdowson Frances Widdowson

It seems Dr. Widdowson has been appointed by some overseeing committee of high wokedom as the main embodiment of a new type of heresy designated as a “residential school denialism” by those in and around the Canadian version of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Investigation. Dr. Widdowson long wrangled with her former employer at Mount Royal because her discourse was allegedly not in line with the College’s policy of “Indigenization.”

In February of 2023 the then-President of the University of Lethbridge, Dr. Mike Mahon, gave the green light to silence Dr. Widdowson by overwhelming her scheduled talk with well-organized drumming, chanting and electric guitar screeching. The object of this attack on free speech and open debate was to block her capacity of making herself heard.

Many in Alberta and beyond saw this display as a very powerful symbol of the DEI intolerance that is replacing independent thought and articulation with group think in increasingly authoritarian universities throughout the West. As a result of the extension of the debacle in Gaza to sharp divides on university campuses, this pattern of sacrificing to large donors of control over curriculum and faculty staffing is being put on full display by many prominent IVY League schools in the USA.

I agree with the authors in Grave Error that the existence of unmarked mass graves adjacent to Indian residential schools have not been proven. The great weight of evidence points against the conclusions that arose first from a press release in May of 2021. The release came from Rosanne Casimir, Chief of the Tk’emlúps te Secwepemc (Kamloops Indian Band). Without presenting credible evidence, Chief Casimir made the startling claim that an unmarked mass grave containing 215 bodies had been discovered in an apple orchard beside Kamloops Indian residential school.

I agree for the most part with Grave Error’s authors. They maintain that a solid evidentiary basis has not been established to prove the new thesis that mass murder and mass graves constitute an integral part of the history of Indian residential schools in Canada.

I do not agree, however, that these findings preclude the need to look at the possible role of various forms of genocidal activity in the genesis of northern North America from pre-Columbian times to the Canada that exists today. I find the conclusion that because certain claims about the existence of mass graves attending Indian residential schools have been disproven, the possibility of genocidal expressions in Canada’s history need never come up again.

I think it ill-advised to declare that all of Canadian history is devoid of genocide before and after the UN’s creation of the Genocide Convention in 1948. Canadian history does not exist in an isolated void. I have repeatedly put forward the view that the entire Western Hemisphere has been the site since 1492 of an inter-generational genocide that can be pictured as a single monumental event whose commemoration might be marked by a different kind of holocaust memorial.

For now, however, I’ll leave it at that. I’ll simply add that Dr. Widdowson and I are working together these days. We are engaged in a case study of the assault on free speech and open debate at University of Lethbridge, where I taught for 26 years. See the announcement of our upcoming meeting on the matter in the addendum below.



10 May, 2024
Dear Friends, Colleagues and Associates;

Above is the poster for an important upcoming public event on the afternoon of Saturday May 25 at the main branch of the Lethbridge Public Library. Many of you will remember when Dr. Frances Widdowson was overwhelmed by chanting, drumming and the screech on an electric guitar. The object of the ruckus was to prevent the speaker from delivering a public presentation in the Atrium of the University of Lethbridge. The censorship action proved to be a “success.”

Dr. Widdowson was silenced and those who came to hear her talk were deprived of her articulation. Certain faculty members had decided Frances Widdowson was afflicted with a malady they labelled “residential school denialism.” 

Some faculty members decided to act on this judgment. For their students, these faculty members painted a picture of Dr. Widdowson as an embodiment of a constituency they identified as hostile to the idea that all residential schools at all times should be equated with genocide.

Disgruntled faculty and others pressured U of L President, Dr. Mike Mahon, to cancel Dr. Widdowson’s lecture after he had already announced that his Office approved of her talk. Some interpret what happened as a cave in by Dr. Mahon to political pressure. He ordered that a speaker on campus should be cancelled because she was the bearer of interpretations that some faculty and students wanted to censor. The rest, as they say, is history.

The key point in this matter is not that one side or the other is right or wrong. Individuals especially in the hallowed Halls of Academia have a right and sometimes even a responsibility to decide such matters for themselves. The key point is that academics must be able to research, argue and articulate issues in an environment of protected free speech and academic freedom regardless of the prevailing group think. Certainly it is not the role of academic administrators to jump in arbitrarily by making themselves instant experts in whatever academic debate they want to dominate and/or disrupt.

Dr. Widdowson has written academic essays and books in and around the topic of the history of Indian education in Canada. Whether one agrees with her views or not, it was wrong to have tried to silence her at an Alberta University. I attended the organized shutdown of her talk. In my view and in that of many other people I have since met and talked to about what happened, the shutdown of Dr. Widdowson in February of 2023 was not a proud moment. It was a very troubling occurrence in the history of the institution of higher learning where I taught from 1990 to 2016.

I moved to Lethbridge in 1990 to be Associate Professor of Native American Studies. In the early weeks of 2016 this tenured full professor was abruptly suspended without pay completely outside the rules of the Board’s collective agreement with the Faculty Association. Then in 2017 the matter went to court in the Lethbridge Court of (then) Queen’s Bench. 

By court order the judge ruled that I should be reinstated into my academic position at the U of L. As I plan to discuss, there is every reason that the Board’s objective in trying to deplatform me was to silence my interpretations because my views went contrary to the agenda of a very rich and powerful lobby. I would still like to know how this lobby gained such a tight grip on the policies and actions of the administration of the University administration. 

As the commentator in Frances’ forthcoming presentation on 25 May, I’m sure I will disagree with her on many points. Agreeing to disagree is a vital attribute of healthy academic life. But trying to shut down those with whom one disagrees, undermines the entirety of the whole academic project that is supposed to be a fair and balanced meritocracy.

When I met Frances after the event where her talk was shut down, we of course compared notes about our treatment at the University of Lethbridge. Eventually we came up with the idea of mounting the initiative we started earlier this year. In due course, as this process unfolds I intend to talk about my own experiences with the process of being deplatformed in ways that include many elements outside the set of facts outlined above.

I never did get back into the classroom. In 2018 I decided to retire. I did retire as a full professor in good standing. I gained the new title of Professor Emeritus. I am announcing here that I am henceforth acting in my capacity as a Professor Emeritus of the University of Lethbridge in the remaining part of the process that Frances and I have mounted. I think my taking on this responsibility in unusual times and under unusual circumstances is entirely consistent with the duties of an individual carrying the title of Emeritus Professor. 

As I see it, I shall be speaking and acting in this process from within the U of L’s faculty. I have devoted some of the best years and professional efforts of my life to my academic endeavours at the University of Lethbridge. I would like to see the institution thrive and prosper. 

As a senior faculty member I want to help in the process of making some suggestions that might assist our school in getting back on track. A University simply cannot fulfil a mission to be a school of authentic higher learning without creating a sound foundation for the expression of unhindered speech and academic freedom.

Since retiring from teaching I have continued to involve myself in research and publication as well as in very active community involvement starting with the manufactured COVID crisis. The questions come up in my community work: Where are all the hundreds of University professors and why are they not contributing more actively to working through issues of immense import– life and death issues in, for instance, public health matters. 

What kind of message does our university send when it shuts down, rather than encourages, the highlighting of a diversity of perspectives in public discourse in local, regional, national and global contexts? The community wants and deserves better than what we have seen from the University of Lethbridge in recent years.

In this context I am not making any claim about who is right or wrong in the matters we have recently faced and are facing. But in my view there is no doubt that the University of Lethbridge has become way too isolated and partisan in key aspects of the community life of this region.

Please consider attending the public event at the Lethbridge Public Library on Saturday May 25 at 2 pm.


Dr. Tony Hall

Professor Emeritus,

University of Lethbridge

“Oppose Bill S-233”– No CPP, EI, OAS to Unvaxxed Canadians!!!

“Oppose Bill S-233”– No CPP, EI, OAS to Unvaxxed Canadians!!!

Senate is about to pass the 3rd reading of this bill which will ban payments of CPP, EI, OAS to unvaxxed Canadians!!! Share this widely, of course, but we need to figure out other things to do to stop this.

Bill S-233 is currently waiting for third reading in the SENATE, if passed it will be made law which means if you are not vaccinated you will not receive EI, CPP, OHS,  Social Services or Pension that YOU PAID INTO. This is part of the New Social Bank Credit System. Also c-273 is aimed at SENIORS who are not vaccinated, even if they can’t for any reason, they will not receive any benefits that they worked all their lives for. Copy and paste all the Senate emails plus add your local MP and send one broadcast email. The government is trying to sneak this in

while folks are distracted with the Ukraine situation. People need to immediately write their local Federal MP and all the senate members a broadcast email Subject line: “Oppose Bill S-233” as it violates a democratic society.

Here is the list of all the Senate email addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

A Discussion About Canadian Political Prisoner Leslie Bory —  Prisoners on Remand Face Deprivation – Comments by Ex-Political Prisoners Alfred & Monika Schaefer, With Paul Fromm, Canadian Association for Free Expression


P.E.I. Councillor Seeks Judicial Review of Council Punishment for Questioning Unmarked Grave Tale

P.E.I. councillor accused of posting anti-Indigenous sign seeking judicial review

The sign posted by Councillor John Robertson, which is posted saying "Truth: Mass Graves Hoax, Reconciliation: Redeem Sir John A's Integrity." (Courtesy: Gregory Miller) The sign posted by Councillor John Robertson, which is posted saying “Truth: Mass Graves Hoax, Reconciliation: Redeem Sir John A’s Integrity.” (Courtesy: Gregory Miller)

Michael MacDonald

The Canadian Press

[We have pointed to this worrisome problem before. An elected official questions one of the sacred cows of wokeness and finds himself/herself fined or prevented by their elected body from fulfilling their duties to their real employers, those who elected them. This had happened in Prince Edward Island to Councillor John Robertson. — Paul Fromm, Director, CAFE]

A village councillor in Prince Edward Island is asking a court to quash sanctions imposed on him after he displayed a sign on his property referring to a “mass grave hoax” in relation to evidence of unmarked graves at former residential schools.

In documents filed last week with the P.E.I. Supreme Court, Murray Harbour Coun. John Robertson claims fellow councillors exceeded their authority and violated his rights on Nov. 18, 2023, when they decided he had breached the council’s code of conduct.

The councillors then decided to impose a $500 fine and suspend him from his municipal post for six months. Robertson, elected in November 2022, was also removed as chair of the maintenance committee and ordered to write an apology to the mayor, council and the Indigenous community.

The councillor’s application for judicial review, dated Feb. 16, says those sanctions were unreasonable because they failed to account for his fundamental rights to freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, as guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Robertson argues that he shouldn’t be punished for stating personal opinions that have nothing to do with his role as an elected member of council.

Between late September and early October last year, coinciding with the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the councillor displayed a sign on his property with the message, “Truth: mass grave hoax” and “Reconciliation: Redeem Sir John A.’s integrity.”

Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister, is considered an architect of the residential school system because he championed policies of assimilation and violence toward Indigenous people….

“The subject of Mr. Robertson’s impugned statements included questioning the reliability of news reports of a political nature and providing an opinion respecting a political figure and did not relate to any function undertaken by Mr. Robertson as a member of council,” the application says, arguing the other councillors employed an “overboard interpretation” of the code of conduct.

The document says Robertson has resisted requests to resign, “asserting that the expression of his personal opinions on political topics were not properly the subject of the council’s oversight.” Terry White, mayor of Murray Harbour, population 282, could not be reached for comment Friday.

At one point, the council hired a third-party investigator who concluded Robertson’s signs breached the code of conduct, but the investigator did not make any recommendations about sanctions, the application says. As well, the document asserts that council did not provide reasons for its actions.

On Dec. 20, provincial Communities Minister Rob Lantz said Robertson had until the end of that month to comply with the sanctions. But when that deadline passed, Lantz announced a two-week extension on Jan. 2, saying Robertson had just returned to Canada and was unaware of the ultimatum.

That deadline also came and went. On Jan. 24, Lantz confirmed he had asked a law firm to conduct an inquiry into the matter, mainly because he had received advice from government lawyers saying it was the prudent thing to do, given that the province had never before dealt with this kind of case.

At the time, Lantz said the councillor had failed to show up for council meetings or respond to council’s findings. “He’s shown contempt for his colleagues on council, and contempt for the process,” Lantz said in an interview last month.

Under the province’s Municipal Government Act, only the minister has the power to dismiss a councillor.

Robertson has received calls for his resignation from P.E.I. Sen. Brian Francis, Abegweit First Nation Chief Roderick Gould Jr., as well as the Murray Harbour mayor and other councillors.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Feb. 23, 2024.

Next Stage in Complaint re: The Anti-Free Speech riot at the British Columbia Legislature, Sept. 20th, 2023

I have not forgotten the insult visited on us at the riot at the Legislature.   A mob of urban terrorist counter-protesters ruined the gathering at which speakers were informing the public about the IN-sanity of the SOGI program.

The head of the Criminal justice Branch ignored my letters.  Then when I laid criminal charges myself, the Deputy Attorney General stayed my private Information.   By no means is this over.  I am now preparing for Judicial Review of that ‘stay’.   This message is sent to the 30 + people I know,  who were there that day,  outraged as I was  … and still am … by what we experienced.   I am gathering witness statements to put in front of a Judge

On February 21st 2024, I went in to the Provincial Court at Victoria and submitted a private Information. The 5 counts are spelled-out below.   Justice of the Peace P Braz   endorsed my complaint.   He then asked me to provide more information for the Crown Counsel.    I came back a day later and handed in the 3 letters which I had previously sent to Deputy Attorney General Peter Juk, head of the Prosecution Service. The letters recited the facts, including the transcript of the ZOOM call in which leaders of the labour unions in Canada declared they would  DISRUPT  DISTURB  DEMORALIZE rallies planned by the #1 Million March 4 Children. That transcript is hard evidence of criminal conspiracy to commit indictable offences.   Mr Juk  never replied.    

JP Braz set down the matter to be heard in Court April 17th 2024 to fix a date for the next stage in the process. 

After an Information is laId,  the Informant appears before that Justice of the Peace, or, a judge of the Provincial Court, for a Process hearing in camera.   Meaning : closed to the public.  After hearing the complainant and his witnesses,   the judge decides if a case has been made out sufficient for it to go ahead to trial.  If so,  he or she directs the Registrar to put the matter on the Court List. 

Over the last 40 years, I have laid a couple dozen private Informations.  Out of them, 
4 times my complaint did go for a full hearing. A few of them proceeded to trials, out of which came a couple of convictions.

I have been through more than a couple of Process hearings  So I know how it goes. Or, how it’s supposed to go.   On  February 29th 2024 Kimberley Henders Miller Deputy Regional Crown Counsel notified me that she had directed my charges to be ‘stayed’.

the Judicial Review tells the court that I have been denied my right to due process of law.  As well,  that the Criminal Justice Branch cannot treat this matter fairly because of perceived conflict of interest :ie.  that the Prosecution Service is fully entrained in the mind-set of the administration of the day ( the NDP government )  which assumes the mental illness of A-pot-em-no-philia is ‘normal’.    So that those of us who assert our political and /or religious opinion out loud,  are breaching the Civil Rights Code.  Result being : the government agency which ought to prosecute those who carried on a criminal conspiracy to “DISRUPT   DESTROY   DEMORALIZE”  ( as they boasted in their ZOOM call, 2 weeks in advance of the riot ) instead, protects the offenders from accountability at law in order to save the government from embarrassment. 

I am asking those of you who were profoundly offended by the riot to prepare a written statement of what you recall happened on the lawn of the Legislature,  on September 20th 2023.  Your statement can be as long as you like.  Then get it to me.  It will form part of the Materials to be relied upon  in my Petition for Judicial Review.

I am not a lawyer.  I do not pretend to be a lawyer. I do not take $$s for legal advice. Feel free to contact me to help you put together a “will say” statement.  If you want to,  your witness statement can be made in to an Affidavit,  then,  sworn at the Registry counter for $40.   Photographs and/or significant items/ documents can be attached to it as Exhibits in order to get them in as evidence.

What I want is, for a Justice of the Supreme Court to hear me out in a proper Process Hearing. Especially, for witnesses to each take the stand to corroborate my charges. At that stage, the thing is public.  Publicity is the soul of Justice

Gordon S Watson      May 11th 2024


Court Identifier  187706-1




In the Provincial Court of British Columbia

In the matter of  An Act respecting the criminal law   RSC 1985 Chapter C-46

Form 2



This is the Information of / les presents constituent la denonciation de Gordon Stephen Watson, politician, (“the informant” / le denonciateur ) of / de Metchosin British Columbia, hereinafter called the Informant.

Count 1 :  The Informant says that he has reasonable and probable grounds to believe and does believe that:  on September 16th 2023 via a conference call in which some of its participants were in British Columbia, BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ;  BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ;  BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU ; RON HALPIN ;  ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; PATTY JARVIS COATES ;  CHANDRA–LI PAUL ; VICKI SMALLMAN ; CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS ;  YOLANDA B’DACY  ; MARTIN REILLY ;  EMILY QUAILE ; PETER VEITCH ; CAROLYN EGAN ; ANTHONY MARCO ; MUNIB SJJAD ;  DON FRY ; CUPE ONTARIO ; SUSAN GAPKA ; JOHN DOE ; JANE DOE  did agree one with another to counsel commission of crimes at places across Canada, particularly, the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria, thus engaging in a conspiracy to commit an indictable offence,  to wit, common nuisance contrary to sections 465 and 180 of the Criminal Code.                                                                    

Count 2 :  The Informant says that he has reasonable and probable grounds to believe and does believe that:  on September 16th 2023 via a conference call in which some participants were in British Columbia, BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ;BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ;  BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU ; RON HALPIN ;  ONTARIO FEDERATION OF LABOUR ; PATTY JARVIS COATES ;  CHANDRA–LI PAUL ; VICKI SMALLMAN ; CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS ;  YOLANDA B’DACY  ; MARTIN REILLY ;  EMILY QUAILE ; PETER VEITCH ; CAROLYN EGAN ; ANTHONY MARCO ; MUNIB SJJAD ;  DON FRY ; CUPE ONTARIO ; SUSAN GAPKA ; JOHN DOE ; JANE DOE  did agree one with another to counsel commission of crimes at places across Canada, particularly, the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria, thus engaging in a conspiracy to commit an indictable offence,  to wit,  wilfully disturbing or interupting an assemblage of persons met for moral, social or benevolent purpose,  contrary to sections 465 and 176 of the  Criminal Code.

Count 3 :  The Informant says that he believes on reasonable grounds that on September 20th 2023 WINONA WALDRON ; BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ;  BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ;  BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU, via their union members,  agents and/or employees, did make common nuisance on the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria,  and that they did so deliberately to compel him to abstain from his lawful right to participate in the democratic process,  contrary to section 180 of the  Criminal Code.

Count 4 :  The Informant says that he believes on reasonable grounds that on September 20th 2023 WINONA WALDRON  ;  BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ;  BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ;  BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU, via their union members,  agents and/or employees, did make common nuisance on the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria,  and that they did so deliberately to compel him to abstain from his lawful right to assemble peacefully with other citizens,  contrary to section 180 of the Criminal Code.   

Count 5 :  The Informant says that he believes on reasonable grounds that on September 20th 2023  on the grounds of the Legislature in Victoria 
WINONA WALDRON ; BC FEDERATION OF TEACHERS ;   BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR ;  BC GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES UNION doing business as BC GEU, via their union members, agents and/or employees ; JOHN DOE ; JANE DOE  did intimidate him and others and that aforementioned ACCUSED did so to compel him to abstain from his lawful right to participate in the democratic process, contrary to section 423 of the Criminal Code.

Pursuant to section 508 1. (2) of the Criminal Code and/or section 13.1 of the Offence Act ( British Columbia) the Informant states that all matters contained in this Information are true tomy knowledge and belief  Suivant le paragraphse 508.1 (2) du Code criminal et / ou l’article 13. 1  de l’Offence Act (Colombie-Britannique), le denonciateur declare croit vrais, au meileur de sa connaissance, les renseignements contenus dans la denonciation.  

_______________Signed by Gordon S Watson  _________________________
Signature of Informant / Signature du denonciateur

Dated / Fait le  February  21st    2024 A. D.

At  Victoria  British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique

Process / Acte de procedure  ________ confirmed

                                                Signed by P Bray


                         A Justice of the Peace in and for the Province of British Columbia
                          / Un juge de paix, dans et pour la province de la Colombie-Britannique

surface mail address : 
            #4  5177 William Head Road Metchosin British Columbia V9C 4H5

Telephone 250 39 1 1103
email < >

When Free Speech Is Squelched Lies & Ignorance Prevail: Ignore the Shocking Number of Rapes Committed by ‘Newcomers’ or You’ll Be Punished, You Bigot

Ignore the Shocking Number of Rapes Committed by ‘Newcomers’ or You’ll Be Punished, You Bigot by Kevin Downey Jr, PJ Media – May 8, 2024

West Yorkshire Police via AP

As I’ve written before, the globalists have spent decades indoctrinating Westerners to believe that legitimate criticism of people with darker skin is a sign of racism, if not “proof” of so-called “white supremacy.” That includes speaking out against the epidemic of illegal immigrants, or asylum-seekers — call them what you will — committing unspeakable levels of sexual assault against Western women.

Most Americans have no idea what has been happening in Europe for two decades. But as I’ve warned in the past, the United States is only five to seven years behind the UK. Watch our Brit friends if you want to see what the pinkos have planned for “The Great Satan,” otherwise known as We the People.

Gang rapists in Britain, a vast majority of whom are/were Pakistani Muslims, had been sexually assaulting thousands of young girls and women with near impunity. How was such a heinous, nationwide calamity allowed to take place? Once the “woke” British cops realized most of the rapists were Muslims, they tucked their cowardly tails between their smooth, Ken-doll legs and said nothing for fear of being called “racists.”

Related: 20 Years and Thousands of Rapes Later, UK STILL Hasn’t Come to Grips With Its Grooming Gang Scandal

When it comes to an alarming and fairly secret wave of crimes being committed by “diversity delegates,” England isn’t alone. Danish crime stats from 2010-2021 revealed the dirty little secret that “asylum seekers” committed far more crimes than citizens born in Denmark. Roughly 58% of the sexual assaults in Malmo, Sweden, considered the “rape capital” of Europe, were committed by minority “foreign-born” attackers.

FACT-O-RAMA! Gropey Joe Biden referred to Laken Riley’s murderer as an “illegal.” Realizing his faux pas, he apologized to the woke gods for his insolence, claiming he should have referred to the animal as “undocumented.”

Merely being quiet about the tens of thousands of Western women being raped seems not to be working anymore, so the globalists allowing the carnage have begun punishing those who speak out.

A German politician, Marie-Thérèse Kaiser, was recently fined nearly $6,500 for speaking out against the gruesome number of rapes committed against German women by Afghanis as per some recent crime statistics.

A German court decided that Fraulein Kaiser, 27, was guilty of “inciting hatred” for mentioning the high number of sexual attacks committed by Afghani “cultural enhancers,” especially gang rapes.

FACT-O-RAMA! In an infamous gang rape trial in Germany, nine men, mostly “asylum seekers,” were convicted of repeatedly gang-raping a 15-year-old girl in a park. Ninety-six witnesses testified. Only one of the animals was sent to prison, for a mere two years and nine months. The others received suspended sentences.

In other words, a German woman was punished for quoting rape-related crime stats that the globalists want to keep secret. Even Elon Musk chimed in.

Deeming Westerners “racist” if they take notice of a culture in which people are more likely to rape, among other things, is ludicrous. But as I wrote earlier, “woke” social conditioning works on people desperate to feel good about themselves.

But now, scaring people into silence is no longer working, so the woke backlash has begun.

Whether this judge is Geisteskrank oder ein Sitzpinkler is unknown, but if he/she/zhe thinks he is immune to the millions of invaders who hate Westerners, he may find that the boot of reality moves swiftly to the crotch.

I know leftists in the U.S. who, astoundingly, seem to believe that a BLM sticker on their Prius makes them impervious to Marxist atrocities. Trust me, that Biden sign on your lib-in-law’s lawn won’t help when the gluten-dodging sallies of Antifa come out of their gated homes to throw their election-year tantrums. If you believe it will, I’d like to sell you “Reinhart,” my invisible Wasserspeier who will guard you from the communist mobs currently training to burn down our nation’s big, blue cities this summer.