Freedom Roll to London, April 2 & Oakville Freedom Rally, April 3


Flash Back, Our Trucker Send offJan 27th, 2022 we united, we proved the true spirit of what it means to be Canadian.
We are going Back to Ottawa!Stay tuned, April 29th and 30th we are going to finish what we started.
Upcoming Events
Big barn burner family fun Convoys going to London.  Live music, games and a whole lot of social, without the distancing.  Feel free to tailgate!


Going to Oakville to wake some normies up. 


Every Little bit helps, consider donating today.Not a PPC Member yet, why not? Help us grow by joining now.

Michael Bator


PPC Burlington Riding Association

Freedom Events in the Okanagan, April 2-3 — Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, OK Falls, Oliver, Osoyoos


Don’t miss these important dates!

And Remember to bring two friends with you!


Thank you, Vlado and Marcel Irnie for the photos and video in Osoyoos and Penticton on March 26th and 27th.


Planning Meeting

Thursday, March 31st – 5:30 pm Potluck dinner. 6:30 pm to 8 pm Meeting

Further discussion on the formation of an organizational committee for leadership and administration of Penticton4Freedom. Lots of volunteer opportunities, a chance to have your say, and to propose your own initiatives. Please contact Mary Lou at 780-908-0309 if you want a spot on the agenda


1.    Planning for a brighter future for Canada

2.    What to do in the meantime – current and new initiatives

3.    Update on code of conduct and formation of an organizational committee – words do matter.

Penticton4Freedom: Change is Coming!

“Democracy only works in a moral society.” Brian Peckford, only living signator to the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We now realize that we must create that moral society from the ground up to replace the broken health, legal and financial systems and the corrupt, tyrannical government we currently have in Canada. For Penticton4Freedom, that means getting our own house in order first by being more specific about where we fit in the world of freedom organizations and focusing on our highest contribution to the movement, to our supporters and to our country.

Our aim now is to complete the five key projects listed below:

1.       Identify Our Shared Values as a principled foundation for all of our actions

2.       Declare Our Vision – what we envision as a positive future society to live in

3.       Clarify Our Mission – the specific actions we take as our contribution to that broader vision

4.       Agree upon a Code of Conduct for our rallies and other public events

5.       Create a more inclusive Decision-Making and Organizational Structure and choose those to administer it


– RSVP if you wish to be included in the planning process for these foundational projects. Further discussion at our March 31 Planning, followed by a Zoom call the following Wednesday, April 6 from 6:30 to 8 pm.

– Please include your initial thoughts on any or all of the items above as well as where your primary interest lies.

AND A BIG THANK YOU to Julia for putting together our first iteration of these goals, to all who have already contributed to the building of this organization through voluntarism and to the idea pool to kick off these projects. Sending love!

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Rallies at Richard Cannings’ office – Tuesdays at noon

Meet at his office   301 Main Street (Nanaimo Square).

He is NOT representing the individual rights of his electors, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but violating them with his public announcements and votes in the legislature. Bring signs with appropriate messages. No foul language.


Miss a week and you miss a lot!   –       This Sunday’s speaker: To be announced in our Weekend Update edition on Friday.   OTHER ATTRACTIONS Come visit our friendly volunteers at the tables. Informative handouts. Druthers and other independent journals. Check out the other cool items at the table. Coffee and other beverages, thanks to Vicki and Joel and the Summerland Home Schoolers. Snacks and home baked goodies thanks to Carole.  NEW! Pocket size Canadian Charter and Bill of Rights and Freedoms. Fits purse or pocket, easy reference right at your fingertips!    image.png

Remember that local chapter leaders, Wayne and Derrick will be there with current initiatives from Action4Canada, too.   RALLY LOCATION Meet in the parking lot at the NE corner of Main St and Warren Ave across from Tim Hortons. BRING TWO FRIENDS! Lots of extra parking at BCAA garage, the strip mall adjoining our regular parking area, Winners (across the street), or overflow mall parking opposite the Warren Avenue entrance to Cherry Lane Mall  


OK FALLS – Saturday, April 2 11:30 AM across from the Esso Station

 OLIVER EVENTS- Saturday April 2 Town Hall ***NEW TIME 12 NOON****

  OSOYOOS EVENTS-   The Okanagan Slow Roll to the Osoyoos Border continues!! image.png
Vernon to Osoyoos and the border – Join in along the way! Saturday’s Convoy Vehicles from Salmon Arm will link up with the Okanagan Freedom Convoy in Vernon, then leave Vernon heading south at 9:30 a.m.
The first vehicles are expected to reach Penticton around 11:30 or shortly after and could take an hour or more to pass completely. Updates as we receive them.


Saturday, April 2 – Meet at 11:15 to show your support for the convoy at the end of the Parkway Channel.  There is lots of parking there immediately west of the bridge. If you have ever tubed the channel, you’ll recognize that this is where you get off the rafts. We’ll park there and cheer on the convoy as it goes by, then any who wishes can join the convoy at the end of the line.

Those who can’t make it to the meeting spot can still join the convoy from wherever you have an entry point directly into the shoulder lane so you can avoid having to cross lanes of traffic to join up.


 KELOWNA EVENTS Weekly on Saturdays – Kelowna C.L.E.A.R. Rallies @ Stuart Park at the Bear 12:00 noon- Every Week! Longest running B.C. rallies! Visit for Kelowna and other city updates. Featured Speaker: Marcus Ray The importance of hope  

Wednesday, March 30, 2022, 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Support Heath Care Workers



Great Canadian Convoy to Protest Bill Gates

For those that would like to “Convoy” the tentative plan on Sunday April 10, 2022, is to go for the day:

· TENTATIVE 7:30 AM – Depart Penticton. Location TBA.

· 8:45 AM – Quick stop in Princeton

· 10:30 AM – Quick stop in Hope

· 12:00 PM – Arrive Vancouver Convention Centre, where Bill Gates will be speaking

· 12:00 PM to approximately 3:30 PM – Protest!!!!

· 3:30 to 8:00 PM – Drive back to Penticton

Bring appropriate signs.





Take Action Canada is looking for Support Line volunteers. Visit the Volunteer page here

Let’s make this week AMAZING!!

Mary Lou Gutscher

780-908-0309 p4f logo.jpg

Mike Bator, PPC Candidate in Burlington, on Recent Events

Mike Bator, PPC Candidate in Burlington, on Recent Events

SockBoy Roasted at the EU Parliament Events
Some family fun with hockey, Mississauga Protest and the Niagara Convoy with pot luck.  Please note that the weekly Hamilton Rally is cancelled this weekend.

Screenshot 2022-03-25 at 6.50.19 PM.jpeg

Burlington Riding Association NewsWe are growing and we are showing signs of starting to win.  Our team now has all executive positions filled as well as more new team members.  I wanted to thank everybody and take a moment to smell the roses to express my gratitude to you.  People are starting to step out of their comfort zones and making a difference.  I would be but a hamster spinning on a treadmill, enthusiastic and energetic but standing in one spot if it were not for you.  I am sure you have heard me say it many times that I felt so alone until I met you and I am indebted to you for your courage to take a stand. 
I wanted to share some good news with you as well.  The PPC Head Office has offered me a contract to lock me in as your Candidate and I could think of no greater honour.  Every little bit helps, every moment stepping out of that comfort zone, every hour to help and any dollar has helped us not only grow, but give hope.  Hope that united we will be able to get our parental rights back, our human rights, medical decision rights and our freedom to earn a living.  There is a war to fight against Racist Woke Cancel culture as seen in the Bill 67.  A dubious economic future with inflation running rampant and Bills like C-223 and S-233 (UBI) threatening our financial security.  Our freedom of speech is also under attack with Bills like C10/11 and C36, but together, united as one, with the courage to step up our game I believe we can fight and fight like hell to take back our country.

Donate PPC BurlingtonJoin the PPC

Michael Bator


PPC Burlington Riding Association

The People’s Party of Canada


Freedom Rallies & Activities in Toronto & Area

Freedom Rallies & Activities in Toronto & Area

There are 2 protests/rallies this Saturday: Dundas Square and Queens’s Park both at 12noon. Joel and Margaret will speak at Dundas Sq. A few of us will go tomorrow (Dundas Sq) to stand with a banner, hand out info and perhaps start some conversations.

Here is a slew of info and actions some of which you probably have seen but please share with your networks!



The next level of collaboration at Freedom Rising is to bring together individuals and groups that are action & issue specific.  The idea is to share knowledge and best practices across organizations. The following individuals have agreed to facilitate the coordination of these conversations. If this is an area of passion/expertise for you, please connect with the working group coordinator.

Economic Team – Travis MacDonald –

Political – Tony Bolla –

Legal – Tony Bolla –

Medical Team – Canadian Health Alliance –

Business Team – Vlad –

Stillbirths Team – Dr. Mel Bruchet –

Home Schooling Team – Kelly Barnes –

Prepping Team – Kelly Barnes –

Social Media Strategy – Alan Brough –

Treatment Options/Protocols Team – CCCA –

THRIVE – Lorin –

If there is an issue or topic not listed that you are passionate about or are willing to convene the conversation, please email Tony at


RFK Jr. will be joining Dr. Julie Ponesse, the pandemic ethics scholar at The Democracy Fund, for a wide-ranging conversation about the pandemic, touching on everything from vaccine mandates to the failures of Big Pharma to the propaganda of the news media. A good way to support the Democracy Fund and gain important information. To register: 

          3.     CONNECT, CONNECT, CONNECT

With the lifting of most masking and vaccine mandates, now is the time to connect with others. We need to use this window of opportunity with better weather and reduced fear to re-build our community relations. Organize a party, potluck, day in the park, or a game of baseball. Share your joy, exercise your freedom, and live your values. Have those courageous conversations about the state of Canada today.

4.     CITIZEN’S CONGRESS – MAY 27- 29

In recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a national conference will be held to bring together a coalition to discuss the future
of democracy in Canada. What the last two years have revealed is the fragile stage of our democracy and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It’s time for Canadians to stand up and defend our rights and our country. Save the date in your calendar. Details to follow.


The digital ID is more than about convenience. It is intended to monitor and control our behavior. Avoiding vaxxine passports and a programmable digital ID is necessary to stop the advancement of totalitarian control. This document outlines 22 steps to opt out of the control agenda.


a.     Canada Marches –     Global Walk Out – To learn more and to register –

Ted Kuntz, on behalf of Freedom Rising

Lastly, reminder of our meeting on Sunday, let me know if you can attend.

In solidarity,

The Rage of Anti-White “Wokeism”: Ontario NDP Sees “Islamophobia” as he Worst Sin Possible — Throws Longtime NDP MPP Out of Caucus for A Facebook Post He May Never Have Made

The Rage of Anti-White “Wokeism”: Ontario NDP Sees “Islamophobia” as he Worst Sin Possible — Throws Longtime NDP MPP Out of Caucus for A Facebook Post He May Never Have Made

During the 2018 Ontario provincial election,the far-left Ontario NDP stood behind their candidate in Scarborough–Agincourt, Tasleem Riaz, a Muslim woman, who denied allegedly posting a pro-Hitler meme on her Facebook timeline at some point in the past. 

The Facebook post features a quote that is commonly attributed to Hitler overlaid over a photo of the tyrannical despot giving a Nazi salute to a gathered crowd. A title above the image reads, “The Ruler said about Rule.” 
The phrase below it — “If you don’t like a rule … just follow it … reach on the top … and change the rule,” is attributed to Hitler, though there’s no direct historical evidence the Nazi leader ever uttered it. 

In a statement at the time, Riaz said that she was “horrified that an inappropriate meme was on my Facebook page” and that she cannot understand how it happened. 

“I don’t recall sharing it in 2013 — and at no point in my life would I have done so intentionally,” she continued.  
“I am an interfaith advocate, and I have devoted my life to interfaith religious tolerance and freedom. I work closely with the Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Sikh and Muslim communities in my neighbourhood. In every way, I find Hitler, the hate he spewed, and the genocide he committed to be abhorrent.”

Case closed. Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath gave Riaz the benefit of the doubt. Riaz was believed when she claimed that her Facebook account must have been “hacked”, and the offending meme posted to make her look bad.

Fast forward to 2022. Ontario is set to have another provincial election on June 2. The opposition Ontario NDP is riding high in the polls.

A longtime incumbent Ontario MPP, Paul Miller, is expelled from the party’s caucus at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario this week, after being  accused of being a member of a Facebook group called ‘Worldwide Coalition Against Islam’

Like Ms Riaz, Mr Miller likewise denies ever having committed a moral offence on Facebook.
“I have never posted anything on Twitter or Facebook. Frankly, I’m not that great at the internet”, Miller said. “I have done absolutely nothing wrong”

Unlike, Ms Riaz though, Mr Miller has not been given the benefit of the doubt. He has been kicked out of the Ontario NDP as both a member and a legislator. 

Ms Riaz is a ‘woman of colour’ and a Muslim,so she is automatically the victim in the eyes of the politically correct, ‘woke’, liberal-left,no matter what she says or does. 

Mr Miller is a white male, and thus automatically guilty in the eyes of the politically correct, ‘woke’, liberal-left, no matter what he says or does. 

White leftists like Andrea Horwath worship at the altar of minority pandering, ‘wokeness’, post-modernism, post-structuralism, and while guilt. 

There is increasing no place for White Men on the liberal-left of the political spectrum.Even genuine leftwing union types like Paul Miller are increasingly persona non grata. 
Furthermore, Andrea Horwath is also simply too scared about offending both Ontario’s growing Muslim population (which has been doubling in size every decade since 1991) as well as the feral ‘woke’ mob, to have taken the same action against Ms Riaz in 2018 as she has against Mr Miller in 2022. 

For Andrea Horwath and the Ontario NDP,throwing White Men under the proverbial bus is just the cost of doing politics in Canada during our present Faustian age.
Gary Werfhorst 

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, March 26-27 — Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos & Osoyoos Convoy/Freedom Gathering

Freedom Rallies in the Okanagan, March 26-27 — Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos & Osoyoos Convoy/Freedom

Coming Rallys and Events

Move To Canada GIF

Canadians still cannot freely fly within their own country

Aviation groups and CEOs of major airlines are calling for lifting of all COVID restrictions on air travel

The End of the Gov’t Office?

At the beginning of the lockdown in 2020, when gov’ts and employers began letting staff work from home, I predicted that, minimally, most gov’t officials would then continue to do so after this was over, eliminating a significant part of our ability to contact our own gov’ts in person. Moreover, because officials no longer work in the same office, there are inherent delays as staff cannot immediately contact others, and home workers decide their own hours to work (aka flexibility), which is to their benefit and not yours.

Sure enough, a Liberal Gov’t poll recently suggests that 43% of workers said they would look for other work if mandated back to the office, and 55% said they would be less likely to accept a new job if required to work from the office.

Of course, cherry picked people are then interviewed to show their support for a hybrid mixture of home and office work. Soon, all relations with our own gov’t will come to a halt as the lines of personal communication are all but denied to us.

And the ongoing situation where you must leave messages and gov’t officials will get back to you when it is convenient for them, will simply continue unabated. Plan for more delays in gov’t services in the future, if you get them at all.

Most people in the private sector, whose work does not involve manual labour, are also striving to work from home, resulting in a two-tiered system where higher paid positions also work from home, while menial workers in construction and retail, must work from the site.

Let your MP an MLA know that you are opposed to gov’t workers working from home while the majority of us are denied this, and what truly is, a benefit, nor a right.

🇨🇦 Prime Minister Trudeau is a disgrace for any democracy! | Christine Anderson European Parliament

Freedom Rallies

March 26, 2022

Kelowna Freedom Rally

12:00 noon Stuart Park

Antony Cortens, KGH nurse, will speak on his experiences on the front lines in Ottawa at the Trucker’s Rally!


March 26, 2022 12:00 noon

Vernon Freedom Rally

12:00 Noon Polson Park

Join Darren for the Largest rally in the North Okanagan, and growing weekly!


March 26, 2022 12:00 noon,

Oliver Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Town Hall

Join the Oliver freedom activists who are now just beginning their local Freedom Rallies!


March 26, 2022 12:00 noon,

Osoyoos Convoy/Freedom Gathering

1:00 p.m. Road #2

Convoy leaves Vernon at 9:30 a.m.


March 27, 2022

Penticton Freedom Rally

1:00 p.m. Warren & Main St. in N.E. lot

Join Mary Lou for the largest rally in the South Okanagan, and growing weekly!


The Okanagan’s very own: Jacquelyn-Rose


Derek Sloan Speaks to World Wide Freedom Rally, Toronto, March 20, 2022

Derek Sloan Speaks to World Wide Freedom Rally, Toronto, March 20, 2022

“It was a privilege and an honour to attend the World Wide Demonstration Freedom Rally in Toronto.
I spoke to thousands of true Canadian freedom fighters, who have had enough with the bold faced tyranny in both our federal and provincial governments.” — Derek Sloan, former MP

London, Ontario City Council Urged to Restrict & Censor Right-to-Life Groups

London, Ontario City Council Urged to Restrict & Censor Right-to-Life Groups

City Councillors in London, Ontario are trying to censor pro-life activism and hide the truth about abortion in their city.

There are two by-laws being proposed to London’s Community and Protective Services Committee that were explicitly designed to censor pro-life activists by stopping the distribution of pro-life flyers that show the reality about abortion through graphic imagery.

One of these by-laws proposes fining people for delivering unaddressed flyers to properties that have “No Flyers”, “No Junk Mail”, or “No Unsolicited Mail”. The other bylaw bans the distribution of any flyer that contains graphic imagery, with the example being “dismembered human beings or aborted fetuses” but also bans anything that “may cause or trigger a negative reaction to the health and wellbeing of any person at any scale”. The maximum fine for violating either of these bylaws is $5,000.

These by-laws censor peaceful pro-life protests and deny pro-life activists their freedom of expression, which is guaranteed to them in The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. On Tuesday, March 22nd, they’ll be debating and possibly voting on these by-laws!

Please join our campaign demanding that all London City Councillors reject the proposed by-laws which seek to censor the free expression of pro-life activists.

These by-laws were drafted largely as a response to activism that pro-life groups such as The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) have done in London in 2020, though these forms of activism have happened in London long before then from groups like London Against Abortion.

Radical pro-abortion groups such as Pro-Choice London and Viewer Discretion Legislation Coalition have been doing everything they can to censor London’s thriving pro-life movement. They’ve been crafting their own petitions and lobbying politicians, with the support of the mainstream media at every step.

So even by-laws that pretend to be neutral by censoring all flyers must be called out for what they are: an attempt by radical-leftist activists to use the government to censor their political opponents.

CCBR has stated that they believe they’re being denied their Charter right to freedom of expression, and other local pro-life groups such as the London Area Right to Life Association have stated the same.

We must not allow the government powers to be weaponized against the pro-life movement. Sign our urgent petition asking that these by-laws, and any proposal to censor pro-life protest, be rejected by all London City Councillors.

Governments must never ban the distribution of “triggering” images when they depict the harsh reality of evils that are occurring in society.

Images that cause discomfort or even have graphic material have been essential to many protest movements, whether it be ones opposing unjust wars and tyrannical dictatorships, or social evils such as slavery and child labour.

It’s always in the interests of those in power who support such evils to sanitize these evils and keep them invisible. It’s the only way their propaganda can be effective.

This is why there are bubble zones around abortion clinics throughout much of Canada, and why London is trying to punish anyone who dares to show an image of an aborted baby in public. These images decimate the narrative that abortion is merely a “women’s choice about her body” and shows it for what it really is: the brutal killing of an unborn human child.

Sign here to ask to Disney’s CEO to cancel any fut. Please sign our petition demanding the London City Council vote against any proposal which seeks, either implicitly or explicitly, to curtail the freedom of expression of protestors and that they allow peaceful protests and conversations on difficult and controversial subjects like abortion to go on without government interference.

We must stand up for our right to freedom of expression, and not let governments decide which peaceful protests are allowed, and which are not.

Thanks for all you do,

James Schadenberg and the entire CitizenGO Team

Pressurization of the Freedom Protests in Victoria

Pressurization of the Freedom Protests in Victoria

Last December, when Joseph Roberts reminded us of the Nuremberg trials,   PROTESTation at the Legislature took on a life of its own.  Every Saturday since,  has been a big EVENT with crowds of 1000 up to 5000 warm bodies.  Word is out :  we who don’t go along with the SCAMdemic myth, and those who are starting to think for themselves,  arrive for fellowship, for smiles, for touch from normal people and to hear the speakers. 

From the low point of the coldest day of the year – a dozen of us out there the day the fountain froze –  there’s been daily presence on Belleville Street.    Anywhere from 1 lone guy at 6 am, to one hundred on Wednesday afternoons. Flags galore. Honks from most of the big trucks going by.   Many more from cars — 10 to one sympathetic to us

Saturday March 12th the front page of Victoria’s [ pathetic excuse for a ]  newspaper * had a big color photo of John Horgan headlined
 The Premier himself in damage-control mode evidences how rattled are the Powers-that-Be.   The letters to the editor page – echoed by CHEK tv  – is a polutical [ sic ] science case study in how government co-opts newsmedia for stoking hatred = outright  hatred =  against its critics
* Times Colonist

Victoria City Council was so terrified of the rumored ‘occupation’ that they brought in new traffic bylaws.  That dirty trick was played on us, Saturday March 19th.   As I got there, I noticed cops setting up big bright orange pylons a block away from the Legislature,. but didn’t think anything of it.   At 11:30 am, I was puzzled by how few were on site for a day with a scheduled Big GATHERING. 

Around noon, when the MC called for folks to assemble at the steps of the Legislature, the crowd was much smaller than predicted…  maybe 300.    Around 12:30 pm, I got word from folks trickling in, that police were diverting traffic at Belleville, up Douglas,  the main street of Victoria.  Only traffic local to James Bay neighbourhood – where the Rockpile is – was allowed past checkpoints.  Like the analogy of how pigs were corralled in the swamp,   communism came to our town under color of law, one seemingly-polite soft barrier at a time

Speakers had been told to shorten their remarks so the march would go sooner than first planned.  I’m not a fan of appearance by video at an outdoor venue.   Even if they’re not professional,   much more information is gained from live humans,  in what we used to call “the real world”.  These people were outstanding.   Jeremy Maddocks, Dr Chris Shaw and the lady lawyer from Ottawa, –  others whose names I didn’t get – each made it as clear as can be :  The NDP government  smearing us with utter lies day-by-day, attempting to divide citizenry, sez we are now in a full-on crisis.    NOT a health crisis, rather,  illegal interference with basic civil rights.   The veteran who spoke called for everyone to “stand to”. Be ready to do whatever is necessary. 

At 1:20, Christian McCay exhorted: “If the Convoy can’t come to us, let’s go find them and bring them back here!”  The crowd of about a 1000  ( by then )   moved off.   For eight previous Saturdays, traffic going by a rally had been a solid parade of trucks + vehicles,  honking.  Because traffic was so sparse this time, the crowd just took over Belleville Street.  Cops on motorcycles with lights flashing, and walking, fell in to provide a professional police escort all the way up Douglas to City Hall at Fisgard,  then back.    

I stayed put, fraternizing.  At quarter after 2:00,   the sight of Red and White flags en masse,  coming down by the Inner Harbor past the famous Empress Hotel,  was thrilling!    By 2:30 the marchers were all back,  exhilarated,  at the peak of a beautiful sunny spring day. The drum circle was soon in full throat.   More speakers underscored
“this is not over” .  When I left the scene at 3:30, they were warning about Bill 233 : the wording of how communism is supposed to be imposed on Canada.   And not a shot is fired

From two sources, I got the story re a bit of drama unfolding afterwards.    As planning for the rally had been in the works,  for weeks, a guy tried to wrangle use of the WWFR logo for himself.  But been thwarted.  Somehow he’d found out that the organizer had obtained sanction from the Legislature Protocol officer to use the grounds from noon to 4 pm.   He showed up with his own sound system.  A minute after 4:00, he cranked it up,  venting unhappiness from 100 yards away,  personifying the contest going on for moral leadership of the Freedom movement.    Such minor irritants are inevitable in the midst of enormous energies swirling around.     As my old man used to put it: ” Nothing is so useless it cannot at least be used as a bad example. “

As for world famous Convoy, we are starting to wonder.  On the last 3 Saturdays, it was announced from the stage that The Convoy (c)  would roll in the following Monday.   I’m pessimistic that the BC version of  The Bearhug ( c )  has anywhere near the sheer numbers of supporters / vehicles to pull off such a prank.   Then again, as Lenin said   “decades go by when nothing happens. Then decades happen in a week”. 

The lack of moral courage shown by politicians in British Columbia during the SARS2Covid19 nightmare, is one of the ways our institutions failed us.    If you can point me to one single exception, please do.    The medium IS the message. I was on CHEK tv for one minute, explaining that the defiance swirling around the Legislature precinct, is an attempt by dispossessed people,  to convey two years’  accumulated pain to incompetents in power. Horgan Dix and dyspeptic Minister of Misery Farnworth walled-themselves-in behind halfinch Plexiglass / steel security doors at MLA offices, refusing to do the basic duty under the Westminster model of government, i.e. meaningful dialogue with electors.    They take their cue from how their confrere in Auto-Wa-Wa Crime Minister Trudeau dealt with authentic complaints, there.   Terrified, showing their true colors – void of any grace under pressure – the Non-Democratic Pricks resort to calling in minions in the uniform of the state with loaded guns on hips.    The wicked flee when no man pursueth       

The boulevard outside the Ministry of Health at 1515 Blanshard Street is a better spot to reach the public,  on Wednesdays.   I plan to be at the office of saint BonBon Henry at noon.  Not abandoning my friends at the Leg.    Culture jammers have to take a page out of the handbook for guerrilla war.  Being flexible as circumstances change, is crucial

Gordon S Watson

Metchosin  British Columbia

rally March 19 2022 Leg. 006.jpg
rally March 19 2022 Leg. 009.jpg
rally March 19 2022 Leg. 011.jpg

checkpoint Charlie set up in your town