To: President Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
From: Paul Fromm, Director Canadian Association for Free Expression
Re: Complaints About Your Crackdown on Homosexual Propaganda
Dear President Putin:
I know you’re busy hosting the meeting of the G-20 leaders n St. Petersburg. So, I’ll keep this memo brief.Photo
Along with discussion of economic issues and the planned U.S. aggression against Syria, you may also find yourself criticized for recent legislation passed by the Duma restricting homosexual propaganda and recruitment. I know homosexuality is not the issue. It is legal in Russia. These people can pursue their peculiar practices in private. However, consistent with your country’s Christian traditions, your parliament does not want to see the sort of recruitment and aggressive propagandizing that we see in Canada and the U.S. That is your right as a sovereign country.
The restrictions on homosexual propagandizing have attracted much criticism in the West in the run-up to your hosting next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi.
At this Summit, you may run into Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird. He is an outspoken ultra Zionist and sometimes makes one think he is really the Honourable Member for Tel Aviv, rather than a minister charged with promoting Canada’s interests.
Even though many in the Conservative caucus are strong Christians, the Canadian government has recently become a key promoter of the homosexual agenda. Baird is a preachy pest and may try to bend your ear with criticisms of your country’s law against homosexual propaganda. He’ll tell you pompously how Canada believes in free speech.
I don’t know the Russian words for “hypocrite” and “phony”, but they would certainly fit. After he tells you all about Canada’s commitment to free speech, ask him: “What about Brad Love, Arthur Topham, and Craig Cobb, Mr. Minister? Aren’t they your political prisoners facing prison solely for the non-violent expression of their political or religious views? Don’t you have a ‘hate propaganda’ law that seeks to protect privileged groups from criticism?”
And just to send the canting finger-wagger on his way, you can give him a copy of this “information” laying charges against Craig Cobb under Canada’s notorious “hate law”: “Paul Craig Cobb between the 10th day of January, 2010, and the 18th day of June, 2010, in the Province of British Columbia by communicating statements other than in private conversation did willfully promote hatred against identifiable groups, namely, Jewish people, Black people and non-White people contrary to Sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code.” 

It’s not even clear, from this information sworn out by Det/Cst. Terry Wilson commissar of the “hate squad” on December 31, 2010,  how or where  Mr. Cobb is supposed to have communicated these alleged statements. He is a dual U.S. and Canadian citizen. He went into political exile in the U.S. to stay beyond the reach of Canada’s thought control police.
So, if John Baird starts any of his free speech is “a core Canadian value” cong and dance, call his bluff and give him the Russian equivalent of a big old horse laugh!

CAFE Accepted As Intervener in McCorkill Case

                   CAFE Accepted As Intervener in McCorkill Case
St. John, New Brunswick, September 3, 2013. The Canadian Association for Free Expression was granted intervener status by the New Brunswick Court of Queen’s bench. CAFE will be supporting the …
Estate of the late Robert McCorkill who left a large legacy to the National Alliance. This legacy has been challenged by McCorkill’s estranged sister Isabelle, who came forward nine years after his death after a U.S. anti-free speech group the Southern Poverty Law Centre of Montgomery, AL sought to prevent the NA from receiving the legacy.

“This is an incredibly crucial case,” says CAFE Director Paul Fromm. “The enemies of free speech, with significant Establishment assistance, are seeking to reach the skeletal fingers of political correctness even into the disposition of a person’s private property.”

Supporting Isabelle McCorkell’s [yes, there’s a spelling difference] motion to negate the legacy are the Attorney General of New Brunswick, the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. All are arguing  that the bequest is contrary to the public good. Photo: CAFE Accepted As Intervener in McCorkill Case

St. John, New Brunswick, September 3, 2013. The Canadian Association for Free Expression was granted intervener status by the New Brunswick Court of Queen's bench. CAFE will be supporting the Estate of the late Robert McCorkill who left a large legacy to the National Alliance. This legacy has been challenged by McCorkill's estranged sister Isabelle, who came forward nine years after his death after a U.S. anti-free speech group the Southern Poverty Law Centre of Montgomery, AL sought to prevent the NA from receiving the legacy.

"This is an incredibly crucial case," says CAFE Director Paul Fromm. "The enemies of free speech, with significant Establishment assistance, are seeking to reach the skeletal fingers of political correctness even into the disposition of a person's private property."

Supporting Isabelle McCorkell's [yes, there's a spelling difference] motion to negate the legacy are the Attorney General of New Brunswick, the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. All are arguing  that the bequest is contrary to the public good.

Marc-Antoine Chiasson, Isabelle McCorkell's lawyer has said: “Hate speech in Canada is criminally prohibited. Secondly, Canada has signed on to numerous international conventions with the specific goal and aim to get rid of hate speech, hate groups and the financing of hate groups.” We signed on to some poxy agreement preventing donations to groups the biased SPLC says are “hate groups”?

" The National Alliance is a perfectly legal group in the U.S." Paul Fromm points out.  "The New Brunswick Attorney General is arguing that the bequest is contrary to the public good or public policy. Abortion on demand is the laws of the land. Would a bequest to a pro-life group be ruled contrary to the public good? The implications of this case are frightening!"

Interestingly, neither of the parties, the petitioner Isabelle McCorkell or John Hughes lawyer for Fred Streed, executor of the estate, were in Court this morning, CAFE lawyer Andy Lodge reported. Mr. Hughes had written to the Court giving his consent to CAFE's intervention.

Lawyers for the other three interveners did attend Court. The New Brunswick Attorney General indicated that he neither consented nor opposed CAFE;s participation. The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs indicated it did not oppose CAFE's intervention, but did "want to go on the record as opposing any substantive evidence CAFE might submit and CAFE's arguments." It might be noted that these arguments are still to be filed.


Please Help CAFE Defend Free Speech from Those Who Would Submit Beneficiaries to Some Politically Correct Litmus Test

Time is of the essence. The case goes to Court September 10. Our lawyer has had to devote a good deal of time (and our money!) getting up to speed on this case, We are being billed weekly! We anticipate that the intervention could cost up to $20,000. WE NEED YOUR HELP AND, NOT TO BE PUSHY, WE NEED IS QUICKLY!

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3

__   Here’s my donation of ____to help CAFÉ's autumn programme, including  the   intervention in the McCorkill legacy case.

__  Please renew my subscription for 2013 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).

Please charge ______myVISA#________________________________________________________________

Expiry date: __________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________



Marc-Antoine Chiasson, Isabelle McCorkell’s lawyer has said: “Hate speech in Canada is criminally prohibited. Secondly, Canada has signed on to numerous international conventions with the specific goal and aim to get rid of hate speech, hate groups and the financing of hate groups.” We signed on to some poxy agreement preventing donations to groups the biased SPLC says are “hate groups”?

” The National Alliance is a perfectly legal group in the U.S.” Paul Fromm points out.  “The New Brunswick Attorney General is arguing that the bequest is contrary to the public good or public policy. Abortion on demand is the laws of the land. Would a bequest to a pro-life group be ruled contrary to the public good? The implications of this case are frightening!”

Interestingly, neither of the parties, the petitioner Isabelle McCorkell or John Hughes lawyer for Fred Streed, executor of the estate, were in Court this morning, CAFE lawyer Andy Lodge reported. Mr. Hughes had written to the Court giving his consent to CAFE’s intervention.

Lawyers for the other three interveners did attend Court. The New Brunswick Attorney General indicated that he neither consented nor opposed CAFE;s participation. The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs indicated it did not oppose CAFE’s intervention, but did “want to go on the record as opposing any substantive evidence CAFE might submit and CAFE’s arguments.” It might be noted that these arguments are still to be filed.

Please Help CAFE Defend Free Speech from Those Who Would Submit Beneficiaries to Some Politically Correct Litmus Test

Time is of the essence. The case goes to Court September 10. Our lawyer has had to devote a good deal of time (and our money!) getting up to speed on this case, We are being billed weekly! We anticipate that the intervention could cost up to $20,000. WE NEED YOUR HELP AND, NOT TO BE PUSHY, WE NEED IS QUICKLY!

CAFE, Box 332, Rexdale, Ontario, M9W 5L3
__   Here’s my donation of ____to help CAFÉ’s autumn programme, including  the   intervention in the McCorkill legacy case.
__  Please renew my subscription for 2013 to the Free Speech Monitor ($15).

Please charge ______myVISA#________________________________________________________________

Expiry date: __________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________


CAFE Seeks Intervener Status Today in McCorkill Will Case to Protect Private Property & to Defend Free Speech

CAFE Seeks Intervener Status Today in McCorkill Will Case to Protect Private Property & to Defend Free Speech

Cause Number: S/M/49/13







– and –







Numéro de dossier:






– et –



(Formule 37A)

TO:            Marc-Antoine Chiasson


Blue Cross Centre

644 Main Street, South Tower

Suite 400

P.O. Box 1368

Moncton, N.B.  E1C 8T6

Solicitor for the Applicant,

Isabelle Rose McCorkill

AND TO:  John Hughes


145 Whitfield Trites Road

P.O. Box 29072

Moncton, NB

E1G 4R3

Solicitor for the Respondent,

Fred Gene Street, Executor of the Estate of Harry Robert McCorkill (a.k.a. McCorkell), deceased

AND TO:  Catherine A. Fawcett


801-133 Prince William Street

Saint John, N.B.  E2L 2B5

Solicitor for the Intervenor,

League for Human Rights of B’Nai Brith Canada

AND TO:  Danys R. X. Delaquis


43 Broad Street

P.O. Box 6488, Stn A

Saint John, N.B.  E2L 4R9

Solicitor for the Intervenor,

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

AND TO:  Richard A. Williams


Legal Services Branch

P.O. Box 6000

Fredericton, N.B.  E1G 4R3

Solicitor for the Intervenor,

Province of New Brunswick, as represented by the Attorney General

The Intended Intervenor, the Canadian Association for Free Expression, will apply to the Court at 10 Peel Plaza, Saint John, New Brunswick, on the 3rd day of September, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. for an order that:

The time for service of the within motion be abridged pursuant to Rule 3.02 of the Rules of Court;

That the Canadian Association for Free Expression be added as an intervenor pursuant to Rule 15.02 of the Rules of Court;

In the alternative, that the Canadian Association for Free Expression be granted leave to intervene in the proceedings as a friend of the court for the purpose of rendering assistance to the court pursuant to Rule 15.03 of the Rules of Court; and

Such further and other relief as this Honourable Court deems just.

The grounds to be argued in support of the Motion are:

A hearing was scheduled to take place on July 31st, 2013 before this honourable Court prior to the Canadian Association for Free Expression being able to retain counsel to apply for intervenor status;

The Canadian Association for Free Expression has an interest in the subject matter of these proceedings;

The Canadian Association for Free Expression may be adversely affected by the Court’s decision in the matter;
The granting of intervenor status to the Canadian Association for Free Expression will not unduly delay or prejudice the determination of the rights of the parties;
This matter involves questions of public policy and public interests;
Such further and other grounds as the Canadian Association for Free Expression may argue at or before the proceedings.

The Canadian Association for Free Expression will rely on Rules 1.03(2), 1.08, 3.02, 15.02, 15.03, 7, 39 and 59 of the New Brunswick Rules of Court.
Les défendeurs demanderont à la Cour située à 770, rue Main, Moncton, N.-B, le ________ de _______________, à ________ d’ordonner:

Upon the hearing of the motion the following affidavits or other documentary evidence will be presented:

1. Affidavit of Paul Fromm dated August _____, 2013
À l’audition de la motion, les affidavits ou les autres preuves littérales suivantes seront présentées:

You are advised that:

Sachez que:

(a) you are entitled to issue documents and present at the hearing in English or French or both;
a) vous avez le droit d’émettre des documents et de présenter votre preuve à l’audience en français, en anglais ou dans les deux langues;

(b) the defendant intends to proceed in the English language;
b) les défendeurs ont l’intention d’utiliser la langue française; et

(c) if you intend to proceed in the other official language, an interpreter may be required and you must so advise the clerk at least 5 days before the hearing.
c) si vous avez l’intention d’utiliser l’autre langue officielle, les services d’un interprète pourront être requis et vous devrez en aviser le greffier au moins 5 jours avant l’audience.

DATED at Saint John, NB this ___ day of August, 2013.

____________________________________          Andy W. Lodge

Solicitors for the Intended Intervenor

The Canadian Association for Free Expression
FAIT à Saint John, N.-B., le _____ jour de _____________ 2007.


20 Marr Road, Suite 200

P.O. Box 4790

Rothesay, N.B.  E2E 5X5

Telephone:  (506) 848-4444

Facsimile: (506) 848-4445

File No.: 17242-1

Cause Number: S/M/49/13







– and –







Numéro de dossier:






– et –



(Formule 37A)

TO:            Marc-Antoine Chiasson


Blue Cross Centre

644 Main Street, South Tower

Suite 400

P.O. Box 1368

Moncton, N.B.  E1C 8T6

Solicitor for the Applicant,

Isabelle Rose McCorkill

AND TO:  John Hughes


145 Whitfield Trites Road

P.O. Box 29072

Moncton, NB

E1G 4R3

Solicitor for the Respondent,

Fred Gene Street, Executor of the Estate of Harry Robert McCorkill (a.k.a. McCorkell), deceased

AND TO:  Catherine A. Fawcett


801-133 Prince William Street

Saint John, N.B.  E2L 2B5

Solicitor for the Intervenor,

League for Human Rights of B’Nai Brith Canada

AND TO:  Danys R. X. Delaquis


43 Broad Street

P.O. Box 6488, Stn A

Saint John, N.B.  E2L 4R9

Solicitor for the Intervenor,

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

AND TO:  Richard A. Williams


Legal Services Branch

P.O. Box 6000

Fredericton, N.B.  E1G 4R3

Solicitor for the Intervenor,

Province of New Brunswick, as represented by the Attorney General

The Intended Intervenor, the Canadian Association for Free Expression, will apply to the Court at 10 Peel Plaza, Saint John, New Brunswick, on the 3rd day of September, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. for an order that:

The time for service of the within motion be abridged pursuant to Rule 3.02 of the Rules of Court;

That the Canadian Association for Free Expression be added as an intervenor pursuant to Rule 15.02 of the Rules of Court;

In the alternative, that the Canadian Association for Free Expression be granted leave to intervene in the proceedings as a friend of the court for the purpose of rendering assistance to the court pursuant to Rule 15.03 of the Rules of Court; and

Such further and other relief as this Honourable Court deems just.

The grounds to be argued in support of the Motion are:

A hearing was scheduled to take place on July 31st, 2013 before this honourable Court prior to the Canadian Association for Free Expression being able to retain counsel to apply for intervenor status;

The Canadian Association for Free Expression has an interest in the subject matter of these proceedings;

The Canadian Association for Free Expression may be adversely affected by the Court’s decision in the matter;
The granting of intervenor status to the Canadian Association for Free Expression will not unduly delay or prejudice the determination of the rights of the parties;
This matter involves questions of public policy and public interests;
Such further and other grounds as the Canadian Association for Free Expression may argue at or before the proceedings.

The Canadian Association for Free Expression will rely on Rules 1.03(2), 1.08, 3.02, 15.02, 15.03, 7, 39 and 59 of the New Brunswick Rules of Court.
Les défendeurs demanderont à la Cour située à 770, rue Main, Moncton, N.-B, le ________ de _______________, à ________ d’ordonner:

Upon the hearing of the motion the following affidavits or other documentary evidence will be presented:

1. Affidavit of Paul Fromm dated August _____, 2013
À l’audition de la motion, les affidavits ou les autres preuves littérales suivantes seront présentées:

You are advised that:

Sachez que:

(a) you are entitled to issue documents and present at the hearing in English or French or both;
a) vous avez le droit d’émettre des documents et de présenter votre preuve à l’audience en français, en anglais ou dans les deux langues;

(b) the defendant intends to proceed in the English language;
b) les défendeurs ont l’intention d’utiliser la langue française; et

(c) if you intend to proceed in the other official language, an interpreter may be required and you must so advise the clerk at least 5 days before the hearing.
c) si vous avez l’intention d’utiliser l’autre langue officielle, les services d’un interprète pourront être requis et vous devrez en aviser le greffier au moins 5 jours avant l’audience.

DATED at Saint John, NB this ___ day of August, 2013.

____________________________________          Andy W. Lodge

Solicitors for the Intended Intervenor

The Canadian Association for Free Expression
FAIT à Saint John, N.-B., le _____ jour de _____________ 2007.


20 Marr Road, Suite 200

P.O. Box 4790

Rothesay, N.B.  E2E 5X5

Telephone:  (506) 848-4444

Facsimile: (506) 848-4445

File No.: 17242-1See More

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Zionist Groups Seek to Suppress Pro-Palestinian Transit Ads in Vancouver


Zionist Groups Seek to Suppress Pro-Palestinian Transit Ads in Vancouver
 [Notice how any criticism of Israel is seen as an incitement to hate. By that reasoning, any Indian demands for land claims settlements implies criticism of Whites and might lead to hatred, In like a dirty shirt, threatening a lawsuit and lobbying hard to suppress criticism of Israel, as usual are organized Jewish groups, among the most persistent censorship and thought control groups in Canada: “Jewish groups in Vancouver say they are considering suing TransLink for accepting controversial political advertisements showing the “disappearance of Palestine due to Israeli occupation over the past 66 years. … Jewish leaders including Mitchell Gropper, chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, called the ads a provocative attack on Jewish people that will incite hatred. “This is a grave concern to our community at large, because the ads make use of the buses unwelcome and unsafe,” Gropper said, noting that terrorist attacks in Israel often target buses.
‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen ads on our TransLink system that attack a section of our society. If the transit system will be used to attack Israel and the Jewish people, who is next?’
Gropper, a Vancouver lawyer, said his group went to the “highest levels” of TransLink and argued the Palestine ads should be rejected, but they were told TransLink must accept the ads for legal reasons. … In 2006 TransLink lost a decision to the B.C. Court of Appeal, after trying to refuse political advertisements from the B.C. Teachers Federation of Students. TransLink’s policy of rejecting partisan ads and campaigns likely to cause offence or controversy was overturned.

In the decision, Madam Justice Prowse wrote that B.C. Transit and TransLink ‘sought to prohibit political advertising precisely because it was political. Their aim was to prevent the appellants from exercising their right to freedom of political expression, although they were content to entertain commercial expression.’
The ad campaign cost $15,000 and will remain in place for four months. The wall mural, which debuted at Vancouver City Centre station on Tuesday, drew curious looks from transit users, with many pulling out smartphones to snap a photo.” (Vancouver Province, August 28, 2013 )
Ironically, the man organizing the ad is Jewish. In the utterly ethnocentric view of the Jewish lobby groups, any criticism of Israel is an attack on Jews. Canadians must find their voice and insist we have the right to criticize ANY nation — Israel, Red China, North Korea, Iran, the USA, ANYONE.
Paul Fromm
[Editor’s Note: This is one front page story that caught me off guard. I never expected the Zionist media to give it such coverage but for some as yet unknown reason they’ve decided to do just that. It’s one helluva bonus for the Palestinians and for all their supporters worldwide who’ve been doing their utmost to draw the world’s attention to their plight over the past 66 years. Please pass this story to all you can.]
‘Grave concern’ over transit ads
JEWISH GROUPS: Palestine poster campaign described as an attack on Israel, Jews
Jewish groups in Vancouver say they are considering suing TransLink for accepting controversial political advertisements showing the “disappearance of Palestine due to Israeli occupation over the past 66 years.”
On Tuesday, a group called the Palestine Awareness Coalition announced the launch of 15 bus posters and a large mural in a central Vancouver SkyTrain station, that depict the territory of Palestine steadily shrinking into the state of Israel in a succession of dated maps.
Marty Roth – a 79-year-old member of the coalition group behind the ad – said they have already won a victory over groups that tried to “suppress” the ads.
“This will be controversial with a number of traditional Jewish organizations that have tried to suppress the ads,” Roth claimed. “But TransLink has refused to agree with them, because these are educational ads that are well within national advertising guidelines and the Canadian Charter (of Rights and Freedoms).”
Roth said, as a Canadian Jewish man, he believes Israel is unjustly oppressing the people of Palestine and his group wants to educate the Canadian public about the conflict.
But Jewish leaders including Mitchell Gropper, chair of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, called the ads a provocative attack on Jewish people that will incite hatred. “This is a grave concern to our community at large, because the ads make use of the buses unwelcome and unsafe,” Gropper said, noting that terrorist attacks in Israel often target buses.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen ads on our TransLink system that attack a section of our society. If the transit system will be used to attack Israel and the Jewish people, who is next?”
Gropper, a Vancouver lawyer, said his group went to the “highest levels” of TransLink and argued the Palestine ads should be rejected, but they were told TransLink must accept the ads for legal reasons.
The Province sought interviews with TransLink officials but were referred to a prepared statement, which says TransLink sought a “third-party legal opinion” with said the Supreme Court of Canada decided TransLink must run ads such as “Disappearing Palestine” under the Canadian Charter.
Gropper said his group has retained a lawyer with a different opinion, and that suing TransLink is one strategy that is being considered in a response to the ads.
“TransLink has said the law requires them to publish these ads but that is certainly not the case,” Gropper said.
The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center in Toronto issued a statement saying the group is “disturbed to learn about TransLink’s agreement to run historically distorted anti-Israel advertisements.”
“While Israel and the Palestinian Authority are currently engaged in peace negotiations to resolve their differences and reach a two-state solution, TransLink will be running ads that are provocative and incite hatred and contempt,” said group president Avi Benlolo.
In 2006 TransLink lost a decision to the B.C. Court of Appeal, after trying to refuse political advertisements from the B.C. Teachers Federation of Students. TransLink’s policy of rejecting partisan ads and campaigns likely to cause offence or controversy was overturned.
In the decision, Madam Justice Prowse wrote that B.C. Transit and TransLink “sought to prohibit political advertising precisely because it was political. Their aim was to prevent the appellants from exercising their right to freedom of political expression, although they were content to entertain commercial expression.”
The ad campaign cost $15,000 and will remain in place for four months. The wall mural, which debuted at Vancouver City Centre station on Tuesday, drew curious looks from transit users, with many pulling out smartphones to snap a photo.
One woman, who declined to give her name, stopped to examine the ad. She said, while she wasn’t well-versed in the issue, she believes the ad should fall under the category of free speech.
Mohammed Hamid, 45, was one of the many transit users who stopped to snap a photo on his phone. Hamid is from the Middle East and is familiar with the various aspects of the issue being brought up by the ad.
He doesn’t believe the ad was malicious in anyway, but instead, was glad to see it drawing attention

PROTEST — WN Fired After SPLC Smear

 PROTEST — WN Fired After  SPLC Smear 

After the following story came out my friend Craig  Cobb was fired from his job. His employer even admitted that it was not for his behavior at work but his off work racial activism. Neo-Nazi Seeks To Turn Depressed North Dakota Town Into His Very Own Commune Of Racism And Hate Leith residents want white supremacist out; he says he is staying Please contact his former employer at the phone number and address below and ask him to give Craig his job back because Craig has every right to do racial activism outside of work. Thanks, April Gaede


Photo: PROTEST -- WN Fired After SPLC Smear 

After the following story came out my friend Craig Cobb was fired from his job. His employer even admitted that it was not for his behavior at work but his off work racial activism.

Neo-Nazi Seeks To Turn Depressed North Dakota Town Into His Very Own Commune Of Racism And Hate

Leith residents want white supremacist out; he says he is staying

Please contact his former employer at the phone number and address below and ask him to give Craig his job back because Craig has every right to do racial activism outside of work.

April Gaede

Message from Craig Cobb

Here is a test for nationwide White Nationalists. This is the owner of Border States Paving, Dan Thompson, who fired me. I'd appreciate it if you'd call and email him that I should be re-hired, because I am a Creator and was merely practicing the precepts of my religion as laid out by Ben Klassen, and doing it while off the job. There are dozens of positive and comparative mentions about NS, the Third Reich and Hitler in our holiest books. I am a Creator, not a "Neo-Nazi". The lying SPLC knows this fact.

His number is PHONE (701) 237-4860 OR (800) 245-5965 Free . I am sure his voice mail box will fill up rapidly, so here are the emails.
 Fax (701) 237-0233
Border States Paving, Inc. :: Official Site
 4101 32nd St N Fargo, ND 58102

 If he thinks WN's are nobodies, I will make direct appeals to all oil workers and truck drivers in the Bakken oil counties of Western ND and to the county purchasing agents who hand Mr. Thompson tens of millions of dollar contracts every year--that he is anti-worker rights. If enough oil workers and truck drivers call and email county purchasing agents and authorities and tell them that Border States Paving should not be receiving any road building contracts for 2014, this will have very real impact. 

 I ask all WN to call or email or petition and to get their friends. i ask Jeff Schoep and NSM88, Terrible Tommy Metzger and all his thousands of lone Wolves, April Gaede and her friends and fans, Vanguard News Network Forum and all Alex Linders friends and supporters, David Duke's supporters, Stormfront. Stormfront - White Nationalist Community , Golden Dawn, Jamie Kelso and his massive White News Now White News Now - The Front Page out of Fargo, the very same city where multimillionaire Dan Thompson's "Border States Paving" is based. I ask the help of the general public too, if you are or are not WN. Thank You.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. 
 Henry Ford

Paul Fromm interviewing Craig Cobb (l), Kalispell, MT, January, 2011



Message from Craig Cobb Here is a test for nationwide White Nationalists. This is the owner of  Border States Paving, Dan Thompson, who fired me. I’d appreciate it if  you’d call and email him that I should be re-hired, because I am a  Creator and was merely practicing the precepts of my religion .  I am a Creator, not a “Neo-Nazi”. The lying SPLC knows  this fact.
His number is PHONE (701) 237-4860 OR (800) 245-5965 Free . I am sure  his voice mail box will fill up rapidly, so here are the emails. Fax (701) 237-0233 Border States Paving, Inc. :: Official Site 4101 32nd St N Fargo, ND 58102
If he thinks WN’s are nobodies, I will make direct appeals to all oil  workers and truck drivers in the Bakken oil counties of Western ND and  to the county purchasing agents who hand Mr. Thompson tens of millions  of dollar contracts every year–that he is anti-worker rights. If enough oil workers and truck drivers call and email county purchasing agents  and authorities and tell them that Border States Paving should not be  receiving any road building contracts for 2014, this will have very real impact.

I ask all WN to call or email or petition and to get their friends.
. I ask the help of the general public  too, if you are or are not WN. Thank You.
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford

Ex-Klansman Threatens to Drive WN Pastor Out of Town

Ex-Klansman Threatens to Drive WN Pastor Out of Town
BATAVIA, AR. August 25, 2013. It was a surrealistic evening and conclusion to a four-night revival featuring a self-promoting ex-Ku Klux Klansman, who said he’d come to preach love and brotherhood but ended up urging his Pentecostal crowd of emotional elderly ladies to run the affable Pastor Tom Robb out of the nearby town of Harrison. The advertisements said “love”, but Johnny Lee Clary’s preaching was heavy with hate.
Johnny Lee Clary, with a soup bowl haircut and what looked like a 1970s leisure suit, entitled his talk to about 60 people, including six undercover policemen there to keep an eye on eight friends of the target of the night Harrison resident Pastor Tom Robb, announced his topic: One Man’s Love; One Man’s Hate.

Photo: Ex-Klansman Threatens to Drive WN Pastor Out of Town

BATAVIA, AR. August 25, 2013. It was a surrealistic evening and conclusion to a four-night revival featuring a self-promoting ex-Ku Klux Klansman, who said he'd come to preach love and brotherhood but ended up urging his Pentecostal crowd of emotional elderly ladies to run the affable Pastor Tom Robb out of the nearby town of Harrison. The advertisements said "love", but Johnny Lee Clary's preaching was heavy with hate.

Johnny Lee Clary, with a soup bowl haircut and what looked like a 1970s leisure suit, entitled his talk to about 60 people, including six undercover policemen there to keep an eye on eight friends of the target of the night Harrison resident Pastor Tom Robb, announced his topic: One Man's Love; One Man's Hate.

Clary, who is an associate of televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, told his audience at the Batavia Assembly of God that he had grown up as a racist and "hater" in California. His evidence was underwhelming. His father had called Negroes "niggers" and had warned him to lock up his bicycle when Negroes began moving in two blocks away. Later in his talk, he complained that about that time people in his area began to have to lock their doors.

Later, after his father's suicide, he was sent to other relatives inCalifornia. Lonely, he was befriended by his new family the Ku Klux Klan. He made such an impression that he was sent to Oklahoma.ll the while he was pursuing a career as a professional wrestler.  He claimed he'd been the Kleagle or public relations officer, although the rank of Kleagle means legal advisor. Then, he alleged, he was elevated to Grand Dragon. His Klan life seemed to consist of yelling "nigger" at Negroes, leafleting, and doing numerous press interviews.

He'd made a special target of Rev. Wade Watts, a friendly Negro civil rights leader and preacher, who had bested him in a two hour media debate. He made threatening calls to Watts, lit a cross across the street from his house, broke a front window and left garbage on his lawn,initiated a failed attempt to burn his church down and, then, turned up with a carload of Klansmen to intimidate Watts and his family. According to him, when Watts pointed a shotgun at them, the Klansmen left streaks of rubber as they tore off down the street.

His life was "one man's hate."| He left the Klan in 1989, apparently, disillusioned by the growing strength of skinheads, disputes about stolen mailing lists, the discovery that his girlfriend was an FBI informant, accusations that he too was a police informant, and a "tip" that the FBI was going to plant drugs in his car and send him to jail for a long time.

His life fell apart.  He embraced Jesus. He began to do well as a car salesman and then felt the calling to take his anti-racist show on the road.

He called up Rev.Wade Watts, the old victim of his bullying. Watts had always been friendly and forgiving and a man who refused to "hate". He gave Clary is first preaching gig at his all Negro Church. It was a media sensation. Watts and Clary then spent seven years travelling round America as a tag-team anti-hate preaching act. When Watts lay dying, Wade visited his "best friend" and kissed him.

Many women in the Batavia church congregation were weeping and swaying entirely beguiled by Clary's message of love.

However, for all the talk of love and forgiveness, Clary made repeated denunciations of long-time Harrison resident Pastor Tom Robb. Clary claimed that, in McAllister, OK, there were 30 Klansmen in a town of 30,000, but they were united did what they wanted. "I talk to the FBI," Clary confided, "for all the publicity Robb gets, he doesn't have more than 100 people at his meetings" , which, if true, would be twice the turnout at Clary's much advertised appearance. "The whole town, if they wanted, could make him go." It seems that Clary wants to do the Pastor Robb what he once tried to do to Wade Watts. Old habits seem to died hard.

Clary who has never met Pastor Robb, who heads up the Knights Party, assured the congregation that Pastor Robb's non-year old son or grandson -- if wasn't quite clear -- had been dressed up in a Nazi uniform.  This is a complete lie, says Pastor Robb. So, said Clary, "these children should be taken from their parents for 'child abuse.' If you teach your children hate, it will kill them." This was a somewhat illogical prediction as Clary claimed to have been taught "hate" but still seemed very much alive working the congregation. He also asserted that a couple who had named their children Adolf Hitler and Eva and who had had their children taken away were followers of Pastor Robb. This was another invention.

After the meeting, Billy Roper, an associate of Pastor Rob's who had come to observe the meeting, was accosted by a corporal with the Boone County Criminal Investigation Branch and accused "of standing in an intimidating manner" looking at Clary's display of cds and "having an unpleasant look on his face." Having done his intimidation act, the corporal admitted that Roper was not under arrest.

Clary, who is an associate of televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, told his audience at the Batavia Assembly of God that he had grown up as a racist and “hater” in California. His evidence was underwhelming. His father had called Negroes “niggers” and had warned him to lock up his bicycle when Negroes began moving in two blocks away. Later in his talk, he complained that about that time people in his area began to have to lock their doors.
Later, after his father’s suicide, he was sent to other relatives inCalifornia. Lonely, he was befriended by his new family the Ku Klux Klan. He made such an impression that he was sent to Oklahoma.ll the while he was pursuing a career as a professional wrestler.  He claimed he’d been the Kleagle or public relations officer, although the rank of Kleagle means legal advisor. Then, he alleged, he was elevated to Grand Dragon. His Klan life seemed to consist of yelling “nigger” at Negroes, leafleting, and doing numerous press interviews.
He’d made a special target of Rev. Wade Watts, a friendly Negro civil rights leader and preacher, who had bested him in a two hour media debate. He made threatening calls to Watts, lit a cross across the street from his house, broke a front window and left garbage on his lawn,initiated a failed attempt to burn his church down and, then, turned up with a carload of Klansmen to intimidate Watts and his family. According to him, when Watts pointed a shotgun at them, the Klansmen left streaks of rubber as they tore off down the street.
His life was “one man’s hate.”| He left the Klan in 1989, apparently, disillusioned by the growing strength of skinheads, disputes about stolen mailing lists, the discovery that his girlfriend was an FBI informant, accusations that he too was a police informant, and a “tip” that the FBI was going to plant drugs in his car and send him to jail for a long time.
His life fell apart.  He embraced Jesus. He began to do well as a car salesman and then felt the calling to take his anti-racist show on the road.
He called up Rev.Wade Watts, the old victim of his bullying. Watts had always been friendly and forgiving and a man who refused to “hate”. He gave Clary is first preaching gig at his all Negro Church. It was a media sensation. Watts and Clary then spent seven years travelling round America as a tag-team anti-hate preaching act. When Watts lay dying, Wade visited his “best friend” and kissed him.
Many women in the Batavia church congregation were weeping and swaying entirely beguiled by Clary’s message of love.
However, for all the talk of love and forgiveness, Clary made repeated denunciations of long-time Harrison resident Pastor Tom Robb. Clary claimed that, in McAllister, OK, there were 30 Klansmen in a town of 30,000, but they were united did what they wanted. “I talk to the FBI,” Clary confided, “for all the publicity Robb gets, he doesn’t have more than 100 people at his meetings” , which, if true, would be twice the turnout at Clary’s much advertised appearance. “The whole town, if they wanted, could make him go.” It seems that Clary wants to do the Pastor Robb what he once tried to do to Wade Watts. Old habits seem to died hard.
Clary who has never met Pastor Robb, who heads up the Knights Party, assured the congregation that Pastor Robb’s non-year old son or grandson — if wasn’t quite clear — had been dressed up in a Nazi uniform.  This is a complete lie, says Pastor Robb. So, said Clary, “these children should be taken from their parents for ‘child abuse.’ If you teach your children hate, it will kill them.” This was a somewhat illogical prediction as Clary claimed to have been taught “hate” but still seemed very much alive working the congregation. He also asserted that a couple who had named their children Adolf Hitler and Eva and who had had their children taken away were followers of Pastor Robb. This was another invention.
After the meeting, Billy Roper, an associate of Pastor Robb’s who had come to observe the meeting, was accosted by a corporal with the Boone County Criminal Investigation Branch and accused “of standing in an intimidating manner” looking at Clary’s display of cds and “having an unpleasant look on his face.” Having done his intimidation act, the corporal admitted that Roper was not under arrest.



P.O. Box 332,

Rexdale, ON.,

M9W 5L3
Paul Fromm, B.A., B.Ed., M.A. Director
August 27, 2013
Dan Thompson,
Border States Paving,
4101 32nd St N.,
 Fargo, ND 58102
Re: The Firing of Craig Cobb
Dear Mr. Thompson:
I am the director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s foremost free speech advocacy group. Your former employee Craig Cobb, a dual U.S. – Canadian citizen, was charged under Canada’s thought control laws, the so-called “hate law.” He was targeted for You Tube postings of his rightwing political and religious views.

Although Canada has an undeserved reputation for “human rights”, it throws dissidents in rison for the non-violent expression of their political views. You might wish to Google the names of such political prisoners as Brad Love, Terry Tremaine and Arthur Topham In some cases of political dissent the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled neither truth nor intent are defences.


In late 2010, Mr. Cobb wisely returned to the U.S. He is a hard worker.

 I am writing to protest your decision to fire Craig Cobb from your company. Apparently, he was told it was not because of job performance. He was recently the subject of some overblown press reports. Your firing of Mr. Cobb violates his First Amendment rights to hold and express his political or religious views on his own time.
Your action is unfair and would seem to impose political correctness on your employees. I urge you, in the name of fairness, to re-instate him.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Fromm


                                 PROTEST — WN Fired After  SPLC Smear
After the following story came out my friend Craig  Cobb was fired from his job. His employer even admitted that it was not for his behavior at work but his off work racial activism. Neo-Nazi Seeks To Turn Depressed North Dakota Town Into His Very Own Commune Of Racism And Hate Leith residents want white supremacist out; he says he is staying Please contact his former employer at the phone number and address below and ask him to give Craig his job back because Craig has every right to do racial activism outside of work. Thanks, April Gaede

Photo: PROTEST -- WN Fired After SPLC Smear 

After the following story came out my friend Craig Cobb was fired from his job. His employer even admitted that it was not for his behavior at work but his off work racial activism.

Neo-Nazi Seeks To Turn Depressed North Dakota Town Into His Very Own Commune Of Racism And Hate

Leith residents want white supremacist out; he says he is staying

Please contact his former employer at the phone number and address below and ask him to give Craig his job back because Craig has every right to do racial activism outside of work.

April Gaede

Message from Craig Cobb

Here is a test for nationwide White Nationalists. This is the owner of Border States Paving, Dan Thompson, who fired me. I'd appreciate it if you'd call and email him that I should be re-hired, because I am a Creator and was merely practicing the precepts of my religion as laid out by Ben Klassen, and doing it while off the job. There are dozens of positive and comparative mentions about NS, the Third Reich and Hitler in our holiest books. I am a Creator, not a "Neo-Nazi". The lying SPLC knows this fact.

His number is PHONE (701) 237-4860 OR (800) 245-5965 Free . I am sure his voice mail box will fill up rapidly, so here are the emails.
 Fax (701) 237-0233
Border States Paving, Inc. :: Official Site
 4101 32nd St N Fargo, ND 58102

 If he thinks WN's are nobodies, I will make direct appeals to all oil workers and truck drivers in the Bakken oil counties of Western ND and to the county purchasing agents who hand Mr. Thompson tens of millions of dollar contracts every year--that he is anti-worker rights. If enough oil workers and truck drivers call and email county purchasing agents and authorities and tell them that Border States Paving should not be receiving any road building contracts for 2014, this will have very real impact. 

 I ask all WN to call or email or petition and to get their friends. i ask Jeff Schoep and NSM88, Terrible Tommy Metzger and all his thousands of lone Wolves, April Gaede and her friends and fans, Vanguard News Network Forum and all Alex Linders friends and supporters, David Duke's supporters, Stormfront. Stormfront - White Nationalist Community , Golden Dawn, Jamie Kelso and his massive White News Now White News Now - The Front Page out of Fargo, the very same city where multimillionaire Dan Thompson's "Border States Paving" is based. I ask the help of the general public too, if you are or are not WN. Thank You.

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. 
 Henry Ford

Paul Fromm interviewing Craig Cobb (l), Kalispell, MT, January, 2011



Message from Craig Cobb Here is a test for nationwide White Nationalists. This is the owner of  Border States Paving, Dan Thompson, who fired me. I’d appreciate it if  you’d call and email him that I should be re-hired, because I am a  Creator and was merely practicing the precepts of my religion as laid  out by Ben Klassen, and doing it while off the job. There are dozens of  positive and comparative mentions about NS, the Third Reich and Hitler  in our holiest books.  I am a Creator, not a “Neo-Nazi”. The lying SPLC knows  this fact.
His number is PHONE (701) 237-4860 OR (800) 245-5965 Free . I am sure  his voice mail box will fill up rapidly, so here are the emails. Fax (701) 237-0233 Border States Paving, Inc. :: Official Site 4101 32nd St N Fargo, ND 58102
If he thinks WN’s are nobodies, I will make direct appeals to all oil  workers and truck drivers in the Bakken oil counties of Western ND and  to the county purchasing agents who hand Mr. Thompson tens of millions  of dollar contracts every year–that he is anti-worker rights. If enough oil workers and truck drivers call and email county purchasing agents  and authorities and tell them that Border States Paving should not be  receiving any road building contracts for 2014, this will have very real impact.
I ask all WN to call or email or petition and to get their friends. 
I ask the help of the general public  too, if you are or are not WN. Thank You.
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford

More “Human Rights” Tyranny: Quebec Man Fined $8,000 for Writing Nasty Private Letter About Panhandler

More “Human Rights” Tyranny: Quebec Man Fined $8,000 for Writing Nasty Private Letter About Panhandler

Here’s another outrage and yet another argument why meddling human rights commissions should be abolished, not just reformed, but abolished (as Tim Hudak suggested when he was running for Tory leadership in 2009,and, then, promptly reneged.) Invented in the civil rights silliness of the 1960s, human “rights” commissions were always about minority privileges, were poison to property rights and free speech, and have essentially become ideological weapons to be used against White Christians. As well, once wild-eyed young radicals have grown paunchy and gray in their sinecures. Human rights commissions are self-perpetuating bureaucracies seeking ever more esoteric grounds for their meddling.
Here’s the Quebec Human Rights (well certainly not the rights of free speech or opinion) Commission fining an outspoken customer $8,000 for writing a private letter to the Quebec Liquor Board, the Societe des alcools du Quebec denouncing a fat beggar who was accosting customers. The National Post (August 13, 2013) reports:  “The Quebec Human Rights Commission has ordered a Montreal man to pay $8,000 in moral and punitive damages to a woman who was begging outside a Montreal liquor store, after he wrote an email to the liquor board suggesting four ways to kill the woman.  In his defence, Robert Delisle argued that it was the liquor board that eventually printed the email and showed it to the woman, and he had never intended for her to read it.

The case dates back to 2010, when Mr. Delisle, a regular customer at a Société des alcools du Québec store in northwest Montreal, spotted Francine Beaumont panhandling outside the store. He wrote, in the human rights commission’s words, a “diatribe” about her, which he sent to the SAQ.

‘The last SAQ in the city where I could shop without being bothered by a drunken beggar has just capitulated,\ Mr. Delisle wrote. ;The SAQ on Henri-Bourassa Boulevard just inherited a drunkard who begs when customers enter or leave. She looks like Mme. Loulou in ‘And God Created Laflaque’ [a satirical show on Quebec television]: a 200-pound welfare bum enriched with trans fat. No apparent intellectual quotient.’

Ms. Beaumont, 63, suffers from a degenerative bone disease and lives on welfare, the ruling notes. She says she has to beg to survive, adding that she was able to earn about $15 to $30 a day begging from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. ‘She said she was always very polite and never bothered anybody,’ the tribunal judge wrote.

‘She could not believe that a human being could say things like this. She cried, and is still crying’

… In his letter, reproduced in the tribunal’s decision, he invents four macabre “solutions” to rid his city of these beggars.

‘Solution No. 1: We could burn all this with napalm or flame-throwers (Americans used that technique for much better people than this.)’

‘Solution No. 2: Pick up these walking microbes in a garbage dumpster and burn them in the Carrières incinerator.’

‘Solution No. 3 (Chinese solution): a bullet in the back of the head, and send the bill to the welfare-collecting family of the dead.’

‘Solution No. 4: Drop all these people and their dogs over James Bay. Their chance of re-offending is quite slim.’

When an employee in the liquor store’s complaints department received Mr. Delisle’s complaint about Ms. Beaumont, he was ‘disgusted, worried, and afraid’ for the wellbeing of the panhandler, according to the human rights commission’s decision. He took the letter to police. But police told the liquor board that they could not receive a complaint from a third party. The SAQ then decided to give a printout of the email to Ms. Beaumont.

Ms. Beaumont was profoundly hurt by the letter,’ according to the tribunal’s judgement. “She could not believe that a human being could say things like this. She cried, and is still crying. She has suffered depression and chest pain. She had to take anti-depressants. For six months she stopped begging outside liquor stores. She stayed home with her curtains closed.’

Mr. Delisle told the tribunal that he never intended that the tribunal send the letter to Ms. Beaumont, saying the SAQ violated his privacy rights by giving her a copy of the letter. He added that, ‘ever since I found out that I could be ordered to pay $100,000 in fines, my life is over,’ the decision notes. ‘He spends his time worrying about this case because he is a young retired person who earns only $32,000 in a year in a non-indexed pension.’

… This threat of harm trumped any privacy rights of the shopper, the tribunal ruled.

‘Speaking about somebody in the words Mr. Delisle used is very degrading,’ the judgment reads. ‘The tribunal nonetheless takes into account that Mr. Delisle’s email was not directly addressed to the victim.’”

The whole story is kaftaesque. It’s not clear what “discriminatory” ground the QHRC was even ruling on. Mr. Delisle written blast did not take exception to the panhandler’s sex or race or religion or sexual orientation and he would have had no way knowing of her alleged medical ailments.

The story is riddled with maudlin nonsense. According to the Tribunal finding, the hefty beggar Ms Beaumont had “to beg to survive.” Yet,  when the meddling Quebec Liquor Board sent Mr. Delisle’s private letter about her to her, “she had to take anti-depressants. For six months she stopped begging outside liquor stores. She stayed home with her curtains closed.” Okay, but, in other words,she survived and, thus, did not have to beg to keep meat on her bones.

As a further tear jerker, “Ms. Beaumont was profoundly hurt by the letter. She could not believe that a human being could say things like this. She cried, and is still crying. She has suffered depression and chest pain.” Literally, she is STILL crying?

Yes, Delisle’s letter was extreme and, frankly, sounds lie drunk talk. When the Liquor Board busybodies handed the letter over to the police, they clearly saw it as extreme talk, not a threat. Mr. Delisle had never taken any overt actions against the panhandler.

It’s interesting that on being informed of Mr. Delisle’s letter, Mr. Beaumont did not seek police protection but, instead, flew to the Quebec Human Rights Commission and cadged a nifty $8,000 handout for her “hurt feelings”, weeping, and heart palpitations. Of course. It sure beats panhandling, especially in a frigid Montreal winter.


Finally, public bodies hide all sorts of embarrassing information under the alleged right to privacy. Interestingly, the Societe des alcools du Quebec was only too happy to share Mr. Delisle’s private letter to them, not only with the police but with the panhandler. There is no evidence Mr. Delisle knew who the beggar was, but, apparently, the Liquor Board did.


Paul Fromm



Montreal man to pay $8,000 for writing ‘diatribe’ against panhandler outside liquor store

A Société des alcools du Québec store

A Société des alcools du Québec store

Three Parties Supporting Nullification of Bequest to National Alliance Get “Intervener” Status

Three Parties Supporting Nullification of Bequest to National Alliance Get “Intervener” Status

ST. JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK. AUGUST 19. Powerful groups seeking to hijack a will leaving a bequest to a U.S. White nationalist group were in court here today seeking “intervener” status.
The controversy surrounds the late  Harry Robert McCorkill who died in St. John in 2004. After a long delay. the will was recently probated. Mr. McCorkill, a university professor, left a valuable collection of old coins and artifacts, valued at between $250,000 and $1-million, to  the National Alliance, a  U.S. White Nationalist group headquartered in West Virginia of which he was a member.
 Robert McCorkill lived in Saskatoon and Ottawa before moving to Saint John, where he died in 2004.
The Southern Poverty Law Centre, an extreme but well funded anti-racist group in the U.S., is seeking to prevent the NA from receiving its legacy. They retained the assistance of Richard Warman, an Ottawa lawyer with whom we have clashed on numerous occasions. He styles himself a “human rights” advocate and has filed numerous complaints under the now repealed Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (Internet censorship).
Anyway, soon after Isabelle Rose McCorkill of Ottawa came forth — nine years after her estranged brother’s death. She owns a house in Ottawa but states that she lives on $1,000 a month and is thus unable to post any security. Nevertheless, she is represented by one of Moncton’s best and, one would assume, priciest law firms McInnes-Cooper (Marc-Antoine Chiasson).
 In late July, she obtained an ex parte injunction that froze the assets and ordered that they not leave the Province of New Brunswick. The coins and artifacts are in storage in Moncton.
A hearing on the application is set for September 10 in St. John’s. The application seeks, inter alia, the Court declaration that the bequest “is illegal and/or contrary to public policy: …as a result of the failed bequest an intestacy has resulted’ .. the Estate be shared amongst the surviving brothers and sisters; … that costs be awarded to the Applicant.|’ The application is to be heard before the Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick, Trial Division. The case Number is S/M/49/13. Thus, she seeks her “costs” for nullifying the bequest which is the major portion of the estate and, if the application succeeds, walking off with her brother’s assets.
The judge tasked with this matter is Judge Glennie.
However, today’s proceedings were before Judge Grant. The three would be interveners, the Attorney General of New Brunswick, the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith, and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs were admitted. There was no mention of security for costs.
Indeed, the only previous mention of costs was in Isabelle McCorkell in her affidavit. She said she had limited mans and stated that should there be a requirement of security for costs she could not participate further. There was no mention of security for costs in regards to the three parties granted intervener status today.
John Hughes, lawyer for Executor Fred Streed, sent a letter to Judge Glennie on Friday advising there could be one or two interveners coming forth on behalf of the estate.
A live issue to be argued on September 10 is whether the Isabelle McCorkill motion should be converted into an action. If it is, there would have to be a trial, which would be more costly but which would also, inter alia, permit the cross-examination of Isabelle McCorkell.
The Judge allowed the Estate to pay Revenue Canada from the previously frozen funds. However, a request to unfreeze funds to pay Executor fees, lawyer’s fees, a storage costs in Moncton was turned down.
An interesting sidelight, the lawyer for Isabelle McCorkell was not in court today. When he was finally reached by phone by the judge part way through the hearing, he said he was in another hearing and had not been advised by the court of the date. Whether this was the court staff’s error or a problem at his end remained unclear.
Paul Fromm

Doug Christie exposes CSIS Agent Grant Bristow and the whitewash “Heritage Front Affair” Report (1995) [Douglas Christie Memorial Video Archive

From the Freedomsite
Doug Christie exposes CSIS Agent Grant Bristow and  the whitewash “Heritage Front Affair” Report (1995) [Douglas Christie Memorial  Video Archive]
The  Doug Christie Video Archive
In  memory of Douglas Christie
#13:  Doug  Christie exposes CSIS Agent Grant Bristow and the 
whitewash  “Heritage Front Affair” Report  (1995)
[Feb 4 1995] Doug Christie  exposes CSIS Agent Grant Bristow, who infiltrated the Heritage Front and Reform  Party of Canada. The Bristow case showed how the Political powers in Ottawa  (Liberal Party of Canada) used spies to attempt to embarrass political parties  (Reform Party). The Liberal government then whitewashed the entire affair  through Bob Rae and the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) which  issued a report called “The Heritage Front Affair”.
Interesting, Grant  Bristow tried to get information on the Imre Finta case from Christie. Bristow  even tried to give advice on certain jurors and which ones he should object to.  Doug Christie gives the inside story about the David Irving ban in Canada and  what happened.
Douglas       Christie Video Archive – Weekly   Shows
Tune in       weekly to the FreedomSite YouTube       channel for videos from my archive celebrating the life of        Douglas Christie.  For the       next 20+ weeks I am going to post a new video each week which will include       interviews, speeches, documentaries and other freedom inspiring       material.
Bookmark our       channel:

All videos will be       cross-posted to:

Doug       Christie Memorial Video Archive Shows

#1: Doug       Christie Debates Human Rights Hack on the Cherington TV show June       1984
Douglas Christie, The battling       barrister and freedom of speech advocate demolishes the head of the       Ontario “Human Rights” Commission, Dr Bhausaheb Ubale on the issue of       Freedom of Speech and out of control “human rights” which are being used       to silence critics and enforce their “guilty until proven innocent” mantra       which forces Canadians to fight against the overwhelming power of the       state to apply your rights to freedom.

#8:        Doug Christie on Freedom of       Religion in Canada and the Malcolm Ross Case (1995)
[Oct 29, 1995] (Ottawa,       Ontario). Douglas Christie speaks about the dangers to freedom of religion       in Canada. This speech is about the case of Teacher Malcolm Ross and the       Human Rights Inquisition which followed because Mr. Ross wrote a few books       on religious topics.  Mr. Ross never brought any of his views into       the classroom, but that mattered little to the Human Rights Fanatics that       were destined to destroy him.  This speech was given on the eve of       the Supreme Court hearing on the Malcolm Ross       case.

#2:        Doug Christie on Webster TV       show  (Debate on Freedom of Speech & Zundel       hearings) A spirited debate between       Douglas Christie, a lawyer dedicated to freedom of speech and TV       personality Jack Webster. This is part of the Doug Christie Memorial Video       Archive

#9:        Doug Christie Speaks on the       loss of Freedom of Thought in Canada (1986)
[Toronto, Feb 22, 1986] One of       the most powerful speeches by lawyer Douglas Christie on freedom and the       war against freedom of thought and speech. After listening to this speech,       you will believe and understand in the value of freedom and as Doug said       “you will never never surrender!”. Doug touches upon the James Keegstra       and Ernst Zundel cases and the fight against the totalitarian regime in       Canada, which thanks to the Duschenes Commission (so-called War Crimes       commission in Canada) evidence from the Communist Soviet Union would be       accepted after demands by Canadian Jewish Groups (B’nai Brith, ADL and       others). Paul Fromm introduces Doug       Christie.

#3:        Doug Christie Speaks about       Freedom & Zundel Appeal – Jan 25, 1986 Doug Christie Speaks about       Zundel Appeal and freedom of speech in the Canadian Court system. This       speech was given on Jan 25 1986.

#10:        Doug Christie on 5th Column       exposing the Fraud of so-called “War Crimes Trials”       (1990)
[July 1990] Douglas Christie,       defense lawyer for Imre Finta in Canada’s only war crimes trial, appears       on the BBC “5th Column” to discuss the dangers of so-called “War Crimes”       Trials.  Christie demolishes the fraud of so-called “War Crimes”       Trials – especially the Imre Finta Trial – and exposes how viscous       political pressure was applied which lead to a poisoned legal environment       where a blood lust for a guilty verdict over-shadowed the facts in the       case.  Imre Finta was found not guilty in 1990 by a Jury in Canada       after less than 12 hours of deliberation.  (The Canadian Government –        drunk on tax-payers money – appealed the case all the way to the Supreme       Court of Canada .. and lost)

#4:        Doug Christie Speaks at Open       Space in Victoria, BC Nov 14       1985
Doug Christie Speaks about       freedom and Canadian censorship at “Open Space”, Victoria BC on Nov 14       1985. With an introduction by David       McCalden.

#11:        Doug Christie Speaks in New       Brunswick on the importance of freedom (1988)
[Nov 25 1988] Doug Christie       Speaks in New Brunswick on the importance of freedom. The power of the       state has grown out of control to censor people.  The government now       controls and manipulates the media which leads to a limit on freedom of       speech. Receives award from NB Free       Speech League

#5:        Doug Christie Appears before       the Supreme Court of Canada in the Malcolm Ross Case – Nov 1       1995
[Nov 1 1995] Doug Christie       Appears before the Supreme Court of Canada in the Malcolm Ross Case       (representing freedom of speech and religion). Malcolm Ross was a teacher       in New Brunswick, but was dismissed from his position after the fanatical       Human Rights Commission claimed he created a “poisoned environment” in the       school due to his Christian beliefs, which he never taught in the       classroom. Doug Christie makes an impassioned plea for freedom of speech       and freedom of religion, only to be constantly interrupted by activist       Judges, who can hardly conceal their contempt for freedom and       religion.

#12:        Doug Christie speaks in Great       Britain on the importance of freedom around the world       (1995)
[1995] Doug Christie speaks in       Great Britain on the importance of freedom around the world. Doug Christie       was in Britain defending Lady Jane Birdwood who was prosecuted in       1994/1995 for violating the “Public Order Act 1986” for allegedly       publishing a pamphlet entitled “The Longest Hatred – An Examination of       Anti-Gentilism”. (The Longest Hatred, ed. Jane Birdwood 1991. On ‘anti-Gentilism’)

#6:        Doug Christie on Freedom of       Speech in Canada (1991)
[Jan 29 1991] (Ottawa,       Ontario). Doug Christie speaks about the dangers to freedom of speech in       Canada. Doug highlights threats from the Canadian Human Rights Commissions       and various Canadian political police       forces.

#13:        Doug Christie exposes CSIS       Agent Grant Bristow and the whitewash “Heritage Front Affair” Report       (1995)
[Feb 4 1995] Doug Christie       exposes CSIS Agent Grant Bristow, who infiltrated the Heritage Front and       Reform Party of Canada. The Bristow case showed how the Political powers       in Ottawa (Liberal Party of Canada) used spies to attempt to embarrass       political parties (Reform Party). The Liberal government then whitewashed       the entire affair through Bob Rae and the Security Intelligence Review       Committee (SIRC) which issued a report called “The Heritage Front Affair”.       Interesting, Grant Bristow tried to get information on the Imre Finta case       from Christie. Bristow even tried to give advice on certain jurors and       which ones he should object to. Doug Christie gives the inside story about       the David Irving ban in Canada and what       happened.

#7:        Doug Christie on building a       secure and free community for freedom minded citizens       (1992)
May, 1992: Doug Christie       speaks about freedom and how to secure and free and prosperous future in       Canada by moving to our own community and leveraging the municipal       infrastructure to protect and promote freedom. This would be creating a       new community of freedom minded people, organizing under the “Newgate       Project”. Doug is introduced by legendary freedom activist Eileen       Pressler.

More on  Douglas Christie at: Douglas Christie