World Jewish Congress Censors Seek to Restrict What You Can and Cannot Read

World Jewish Congress Censors Seek to Restrict What You Can and Cannot Read


March 9, 2017 –

Apparently, Texe Marrs’ new book, Holy Serpent of the Jews, has come under withering pressure from the usual culprits. The World Jewish Congress on its recent website, carried the following article.


A book titled “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis’ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion,” by the notorious anti-Semite Texe Marrs, is available for purchase on Amazon.

Add your name to WJC’s “Stop Profiting from Hate Petition Campaign” to demand that Amazon immediately remove these and other blatantly anti-Semitic and hate-inspiring books. Help us reach 10,000 signatures to show our solidarity as we tell that we won’t stand for this kind of hate.

In fact, pressure from the World Jewish Congress and other influential Jewish groups has now caused Amazon to take Holy Serpent of the Jews off their list. The book is now one of the very few that is forbidden in the entire world for people to buy and read.

We have protested the Amazon action. How sad that our book, which quotes the rabbis themselves and their wicked plan for global domination, is so feared by the Jews.

Obviously, the most evil and sinister of books, including those by sexual perverts, America haters, and even by communists and fascists are sold on Amazon. But a book which widely quotes rabbis themselves is prohibited.

Please let your friends and associates know of the removal of Holy Serpent of the Jews from circulation by Amazon. The First Amendment still stands and we will do everything in our power to have this book read by as many people as possible.

Jewish Censors close in on Jez Turner


Jewish Censors close in on Jez Turner

CPS weighs prosecution of far-right activist on eve of legal challenge

Campaign Against Antisemitism challenges CPS decision not to charge Jeremy Bedford-Turner

Jeremy Bedford-Turner
Far-right activist Jeremy Bedford-Turner. Photograph: Toby Wells/Youtube

The Crown Prosecution Service is reconsidering whether to prosecute a far-right activist for alleged antisemitism on the eve of a highly unusual legal challenge to its decision to let the case drop.

Government lawyers were due at the high court in London on Wednesday for judicial review proceedings brought by the Campaign Against Antisemitism. The case challenged the CPS decision not to charge a prominent far-right activist, Jeremy Bedford-Turner, for allegedly making antisemitic comments at a demonstration in July 2015.

A judge in the judicial review proceedings said in January that the case raised “potentially important issues for society in this growing area of racist and religious hate crime”.

But on Monday the CPS announced that, following advice from its barristers, it would not argue the case and would instead have a more senior lawyer within the CPS re-examine whether Bedford-Turner should face criminal charges, paying particular attention to section 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), known as the “abuse clause”.

The CPS originally examined the allegations against Bedford-Turner for five months, but decided in December 2015 a jury was unlikely to convict him of incitement to religious or racial hatred.

“We have agreed that the prosecutor’s original decision not to charge should be reviewed by a more senior lawyer within the CPS,” a spokesman said. “This decision follows the receipt of new advice from counsel concerning the way in which ECHR issues were considered as part of the decision-making in December 2015. It would be inappropriate to comment further on the case at this time.”

Gideon Falter, chair of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, said the government had shown “complete intransigence” until the last minute: “They’ve waited until the 11th hour to stand down on it. For me this is astounding, because they’ve conceded unequivocally.”


Bedford-Turner is alleged to have appeared at a sparsely attended rally in Westminster, where he said: “All politicians are nothing but a bunch of puppets dancing to a Jewish tune, and the ruling regimes in the west for the last 100 years have danced to the same tune.” He allegedly added: “Let’s free England from Jewish control.” The Campaign Against Antisemitism says he claimed the French revolution and both world wars were perpetrated by the Jews.

Weyman Bennett, joint secretary of Unite Against Fascism, said: “Even if the prosecutions are unsuccessful, the impact of prosecuting people who are carrying out those crimes will be to show – instead of being lenient on it – that there’s a genuine attempt to understand that in the present atmosphere and the rise of hate crimes post-Brexit that it’s important to nip these things very, very early on.”


Book sellers and those who deal with literature would be among the foremost proponents of free speech and open discussion and sworn enemies of censorshipÉ RightÉ You`d think. Sadly,the huge U.S. book selling conglomerate Amazon now seems to be censoring books critical of the new religion of holocaust. As so often happens, the main instigators of this censorship are the Jewish lobby, especially rabbis at the shrine of Yad Vashem.
Until the West finds its testicles and starts to say `NO` to this bossy and malignant lobby, we shall continue to lose our freedoms. But let`s never be in any doubt who are the major agents of censorship and thought control!
March 8, 2017
Amazon bans World War II revisionist books
By Michael Hoffman
We have just learned that Amazon, the huge, Seattle-based online book distributor has removed from sale books by Dr. Arthur R. Butz, Carlo Mattogno and other eminent dissident scholars who have dared to ask scientific and technical questions about the alleged operation of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz. These heretics have trespassed on the sacred liturgy of Holocaustianity and their books must be forbidden to preserve the holiness of World War II dogma.
Amazon has been selling these and similar books for years, but in the past 20 months rabbis and the Yad Vashem “Holocaust” museum have pressured Amazon to remove these and cognate titles. Moreover, Amazon’s owner, Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post and fashioned it into a beachhead of Left wing orthodoxy which may have politicized and neutralized his formerly Libertarian instincts.
Books advocating Satanism and sodomy, and denying the Allied holocaust against German civilians, and the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians, continue to be sold by Amazon.
The censorship is conducted under the rubric of “fighting hatred” and “combatting anti-Semitism.” But this is just special pleading. Books evincing hatred for Germans, Arabs, Iranians and white southern “deplorables” are all on offer at Amazon, as are books denying that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. So it all depends on whose ox is being gored. As many of you know, there’s one sacred cow that is more equal than others. His name is the Golden Calf.
Michael Hoffman is the author of The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic
Postscript: Some of Dr. Robert Faurisson’s doubting-Thomas volumes—for some reason —remain for sale at Amazon. Perhaps the inquisitors have not found the time to remove them (yet).
Castle Hill Publishers, 8 March 2017
Amazon turns into the main enemy of free speech: mass-ban of books about anything the Jewish lobby doesn’t like: Holocaust revisionism, WWII revisionism, WWII memorabilia, criticism of Jewish power and influence…

Amazon Mass-Bans Dissident Materials

Hundreds of Titles Erased within a Day

On February 23rd, 2017, the world’s media started spreading the news that Israel’s government-sponsored Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center started putting Amazon under pressure to remove any and all material that questions the orthodox Holocaust narrative. […]
We at Castle Hill Publishers were holding our breaths. Amazon had been criticized by the media many times before for allowing the sale of controversial material on their website, but they never censored anything that was legal. So at first, nothing happened. But then, as if ordered to emphasize the urgency of Yad Vashem’s request, two Jewish cemeteries were vandalized,  […]
Then, on the first workday of the week following the second (false) cemetery story, on March 6, 2017 at 6:39 pm, we received the following email from Amazon’s EBook Subsidiary Amazon KDP, that is to say, Kindle:
We’re contacting you regarding the following book:
Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory’ (Holocaust Handbooks Book 1) (ID 5513183)

[…69 more books omitted here]

During our review process, we found that this content is in violation of our content guidelines. As a result, we cannot offer this book for sale. If we identify additional submissions with similar content that violates our guidelines you may lose access to optional KDP services and/or face account level actions up to and including termination.
To learn more about our content guidelines, please visit our Kindle Direct Publishing Help page at:
Best Regards,
Note that none of the IDs given by them are Amazon Kindle ASIN numbers nor anything else we can identify. Anyway, a day later, they added two more books to that list  […]
Early in the morning of that same day, we also checked the status of all the books we have in our account with CreateSpace, Amazon’s print-on-demand subsidiary. All were still listed and enrolled in all Amazon retail sales outlets. We had received no message whatsoever from CreateSpace, but when checking the U.S. and UK Amazon websites, the result was mind-boggling. In the following table, the titles of the books (some abbreviated) have links leading to a website which lists online stores offering the book for sale. The links in the two right-hand columns go to the Amazon stores as indicated. Until March 5, 2017, these links all went smoothly to that book’s dedicated sales page on and Since March 6, however, they are all dead…
Books by Castle Hill Publishers, Online Availability as of March 8, 2017
Title ISBN Amazon USA Amazon UK
The Hoax of the Twentieth… 1591480795 Amazon USA Amazon UK
Auschwitz 1591480744 Amazon USA Amazon UK
[66 more books omitted…]
The sweeping mass ban enforced within hours, and the senseless aimlessness and random nature with which it was implemented, clearly show that these books were not pulled because their content was checked and found impermissible, but because someone (probably Yad Vashem) had sent them a list of items to ban, and Amazon simply complied by checking off all the items on that list.
And here are the Jews gloating over their victory:
Amazon UK has removed four [!?!] books from sale which question or deny the Holocaust, following discussions with the Board of Deputies. […]
After the apparent U-turn, Van der Zyl added: “Should any member of the public find further offending works, please get in contact with us and we will report them using the appropriate channels.”
Four books? (The Jewish Chronicle even wrote about only three books.) So far, Castle Hill Publishers alone has had 68 print books removed and 72 Kindle books.
Then read the last sentence: After their success, the Jews are already eager to censor more books. And guess what? It is happening. As I type this, books not aligned with the orthodox narrative of the Second World War in general are being banned, and books which are not all-out negative about that war, like any book reporting in a neutral fashion about Axis personalities, weapons, organizations. Books critical of Jewish influence and power are in their crosshairs as well.
We are talking about thousands of books being massacred! Here is a list of Kindle book ASINs banned from the account of just one other book dealer specializing on books about World War II. These are 727 titles! Want to see what they were? You can’t. They’re censored, for your own good.
Or someone else’s …
  1. 0898705614
  2. B005T3IS6G
  3. 0029351901
  4. [… 724 more AISNs omitted]
George Orwell’s Animal Farm has not yet been deleted, which is a good thing, because it contains a line we will be needing to learn. “Four legs good, two legs bad.”
Repeat this many times every hour. We will be needing such thinking more and more as we venture forth into this new world, in which our books, and soon enough our thoughts themselves, will be censored and cleansed to the total satisfaction of our masters.
Holocaust good, revisionism bad. Holocaust good …
Castle Hill Publishers | |

Osgoode Hall Law Prof. Jamie Cameron Attacks Canada Post Ban on YOUR WARD NEWS

Osgoode Hall Law Prof. Jamie Cameron Attacks Canada Post Ban on YOUR WARD NEWS




Prime Minister Trudeau received plaudits when, on a recent state visit to China, he boasted of Canada’s commitment to free expression, which he presented as a “true Canadian value”. The prime minister exalted “a diversity of ideas, and the free ability to express them” because freedom, he said, is what drives positive change. Perhaps he and others had forgotten that as leader of the Opposition he prohibited anyone opposed to abortion from running for federal office for the Liberal Party. If that was 2014 and this is 2016, there is more. On May 26, 2016, the Minister of Public Services issued an order banning a publication from Canada Post.

Minister Foote’s Interim Prohibitory Order prohibits James Sears (and his agents) from using Canada’s national mail service. On its face, the Order draws no distinction between sending a postcard, paying a bill, and circulating Your Ward News, the publication targeted by the Minister. The authority for that Order is found in s.43, a little known and rarely used provision of the Canada Post Corporation Act (“Canada Post Act”), which allows the Minister to halt the delivery of mail that is connected to the commission of offences.

Under the Canada Post Act, a s.43 Order is presumptively final within ten days. Once the Interim Order is made there is no further process, and the Minister has no burden to justify a ban. In just ten days, the Minister can permanently prohibit a person from using Canada’s mail delivery service without her consent.

It is no secret that Canada Post can be used for a range of criminal purposes. In 2013, the National Post reported that the mail service routinely transports a variety of contraband and illegal goods, including guns, drugs, and even a rocket launcher. This summer, three venomous snakes – mountain pit vipers – were found in a package mailed from China. These revelations may make Canada Post a more dangerous place than most imagine. Spring of 2016 is when the delivery of Your Ward News became dangerous enough to attract the sanction of a prior restraint order.

Presumably the Minister is not interested in Mr. Sears’s postcards or personal mail. Rather, her letter makes clear that the target is Your Ward News and that the purpose of the Order is to take the publication out of circulation.

Your Ward News is reportedly delivered by Canada Post to approximately 305,000 addresses in Toronto, and is self-styled as “the world’s largest anti-Marxist publication”. Admittedly, many would describe it as scurrilous. Proudly and self-righteously offensive, Your Ward News aims at and succeeds in being as offensive as possible from cover to cover.  Its pages glorify Hitler, pillory equality and diversity values, insult visible minorities and other communities, trade in distasteful and marginal sexual content, and vilify public and news figures by name. James Sears is the editor in chief of this publication, whose back issues, incidentally, can be found online.

Householders and postal carriers have complained that Your Ward News intrudes into their safe psychological and physical space. Before the Minister took action, Toronto police had investigated and decided against laying charges under the Criminal Code’s hate propaganda provisions. Meanwhile, in a bid to have delivery of the publication stopped, human rights litigant Richard Warman appealed directly to Minister Foote and Canada Post Corp. In March 2016, Canada Post’s general counsel told Warman that “it is not open to Canada Post to censor the mail”.

Two months later, the Minister exercised her power under s.43 to do just that. Though Canada Post cannot stop Your Ward News from publishing, banning its circulation is censorship just the same, as the corporation’s general counsel acknowledged. Your Ward News is not dangerous like a gun, rocket launcher or snake, but has been banned because it is considered offensive and harmful.

The Minister’s Interim Prohibitory Order is insidious for two reasons: first, it constitutes a prior restraint; and second, it bans Your Ward News from Canada Post without due process of law.  On its face, the Order bans Mr. Sears (and colleagues) from sending any mail, and for that reason alone is overbroad and disproportionate. More to the point, banning a publication in advance, on the basis of assumptions about what future issues might contain, is the most draconian step a state can take to censor unwelcome views.

Essentially, prior restraint attaches a presumption of guilt to words or a publication that are not yet written. This is plainly antithetical to the Charter’s guarantee of expressive freedom, which is based on the opposite principle that expressive freedom is presumptively protected, or innocent in nature, until the contrary is proven. That presumption is not displaced until the state discharges its burden of demonstrating why limits on expressive freedom are justified.

Prior restraint is a heavier and more draconian sanction than subsequent punishment. Where suspicion is warranted, charges can be laid and the criminal justice system can determine the question of innocence or guilt. Prior restraint pre-empts the freedom without a process. The Minister’s Order is a case in point; she has not yet explained her action, much less been held accountable for an Order that manifestly violates the rights of Sears and his colleagues.

It compounds the violation that the Canada Post Act provides little or no due process for anyone named in a s.43 Order. Though it takes effect in 10 days’ time, a Final Prohibitory Order can be forestalled by requesting  a review is requested under s.43(2)(b). The request triggers an obligation on the Minister’s part to appoint a three-member Board of Review to conduct an inquiry (s.44(1)).

The imbalance in these provisions is worth noting. The Canada Post Act allows the Minister to move pre-emptively and remove mail from the system, at her sole discretion and with a presumption of finality. There is no symmetrical timeline requiring her to strike a Board of Review within ten days, or in any time frame at all. Mr. Sears and his colleagues have now been banned from Canada Post for almost four months and the Minister has not yet named a Board of Review, as required.

Once again, there is more. Minister Foote’s letter to Mr. Sears relies on an omnibus statement that she has reasonable grounds to believe Your Ward News includes hate propaganda and defamatory libel. In the absence of particulars, the Minister appears to have acted on an opinion that the publication is generically criminal. Though Mr. Sears has engaged his right to a review and is entitled to appear before the Review Board, it is unclear how and by what process the panel will proceed, when it is eventually named.

Your Ward News is a notorious and unwelcome piece of mail at most addresses where it is delivered. It is probable that many or most care little that it has been banned from the mail. But no one is compelled to look at unwanted mail, and disposing of it places no more than a minimal burden on unwilling recipients.

Canada Post is a service, national in scope, which provides a forum for the circulation of a wide variety of personal, commercial, political, and advocacy materials. Exercising a discretion to decide whether mail should be delivered or to discriminate against mail containing certain points of view is outside the mandate of the postal service and a violation of expressive freedom. Canada Post should not be screening mail and nor should carriers refuse to deliver material they consider objectionable. Most problematic is the Minister’s statutory power to issue peremptory orders which are censorial in nature and not subject to a process of review that is timely and fair.

The Minister’s Interim Order defies the prime minister’s declaration that Canada welcomes diverse ideas and protects the ability to express them freely. It demonstrates that whether in China or Canada the most important lesson must be taught and learned over and over. Once more, it is the freedom of those who hold unpopular and defiant views that matters; they are too often defenceless in the face of dominant, majoritarian views. It may be difficult to understand or accept but paradoxically, our freedom is theirs, and theirs is ours; the two are inseparable.

If freedom of expression is a true Canadian value, then Your Ward News cannot be banned from Canada Post. And it follows that if Your Ward News can be banned, the prime minister’s pronouncements mock a freedom that is not truly, or not yet truly, a “true Canadian value”.

YOUR WARD NEWS Challenges Constitutionality of Minister’s Power to Censor Unconventional Opinions by Revoking Mailing Rights

YOUR WARD NEWS Challenges Constitutionality of Minister’s Power to Censor Unconventional Opinions by Revoking Mailing Rights

The article was much better. They give Lisa Kinsella way too much time to
talk and they cut off our lawyer …

Men banned from using Canada Post

The editor and publisher of a controversial publication have been banned from using the mail service by the minister responsible for Canada Post, and they’re…
LikeShow more reactions


Warman & Jewish Lobby Groups Protest CAFE’S Alison Chabloz Tour

Warman & Jewish Lobby Groups Protest CAFE’S Alison Chabloz Tour

The Canadian Association for Free Expression’s 4-Province, 8-city, 9-meetings, two dinner events tour for English revisionist satirist, song writer and chanteuse is really stirring up the forces of thought control and repression.

In a near hysterical story, the NATIONAL POST‘s Stewart Bell (March 3, 2017) records the anger of various Zionist groups that any opinion but their own might be heard in Canada. Stewart Bell is one of the go-to guys when the Zionist lobby wants a story planted. Note that he did not solicit the opinion of CAFE, the organizer of the tour.

The article begins: “Canadian Jewish groups are asking why the federal government allowed a British woman accused of Holocaust denial into the country to speak at a neo-Nazi event.

The racist group Blood & Honour said on its website that Alison Chabloz would be the “special guest” at a $10-per-person event it was hosting in Calgary on Thursday night.

“B’nai Brith is disappointed that Canadian authorities have allowed notorious British Holocaust denier Alison Chabloz to enter this country, especially when the express purpose of her visit is to propagate her anti-Semitic views.”

B’nai Brith Canada said it had notified Calgary Police. The incident comes amid concerns over rising hate crimes, including Holocaust denial posters at the University of Calgary.”

Well, B’nai Brith has no idea what Miss Chabloz will be speaking on. She is telling her story.

Notice, the approach: We don’t like your views; so, you shouldn’t be allowed to speak in Canada.

One of the sad results of the 50-year-long assault on free speech in Canada is the politicization of our police. Why should the police be notified about a speaker? Miss Chabloz arrived in Calgary March 2 and could have had nothing to do with any postering there weeks ago.
And notice the verbal overkill and drama: a poster is not a ‘hate crime.’!

See, what I mean about hysterical?

The article continues: ““This news is particularly unnerving during a week when swastikas were found at York University (in Toronto), and Chabloz is scheduled to speak in Calgary tonight — just days after Calgary‘s Jewish Community Center was evacuated due to bomb threats,” said Avi Benlolo, president and CEO of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies.”

Again a swastika at York University and a bomb threat to Calgary’s Jewish Community Centre preceded Miss Chabloz’s stay in those cities. There is simply NO connection. A swastika? It may be offensive to some people, but so what? In a diverse society almost anything can offend someone and which group has most pushed the “diversity” agenda?

Oh, yes, right in there seeking to shut down opinions he doesn’t like is Richard Warman: “:Ottawa human rights lawyer Richard Warman, who first raised concerns about her visit, said Chabloz should be removed from Canada if she was not forthright with immigration authorities.” This chronic meddler and complainer is erroneously identified by this sucky hit piece as an “Ottawa human rights lawyer.” Well, Ottawa is correct. In the Orwellian world of the “human rights” industry, freedom of speech is brutally erased from the natural rights of man and replaced by the coddling and protection of the feelings of privileged minorities.

Jewish groups upset ‘notorious British Holocaust denier’ allowed into Canada to attend neo-Nazi event

Stewart Bell | March 2, 2017 | Last Updated: Mar 2 6:16 PM ET
More from Stewart Bell | @StewartBellNP

Alison Chabloz allegedly posted a mocking song about the Holocaust on YouTube last year, prompting a court action. She has denied the allegations.


Ezra Levant Says Trudeau in Cahoots With George Soros on Banning Islamophobia

Ezra Levant Says Trudeau in Cahoots With George Soros on Banning Islamophobia

Justin Trudeau’s government is forcing through a Parliamentary motion, M-103, that proposes a “whole of government” ban on Islamophobia.

Every part of the government — from the CBC, to the RCMP, to the Canada Revenue Agency, to the Canada Border Services Agency — will work on “eliminating” Islamophobia, a term they never define.

In effect, it will mean anyone who criticizes Islam itself, or mass Muslim immigration, or the slow creep of sharia law in our schools and courts and public institutions. Take my word for it — I was prosecuted for 900 days for daring to publish the Danish cartoons of Mohammed back in 2006. And that was even before this Islamophobia ban was proposed.

So, who’s behind it all? Who’s financing it?

Well, it’s no secret. Last September, Justin Trudeau put out a press release bragging about it.

George Soros, the U.S. billionaire.

Here — see for yourself:


Justin Trudeau has outsourced Canadian public policy to a far-left, New York billionaire. They’re threatening our freedom of speech.

That’s un-Canadian.

Please click here to sign our petition against M-103, and add your name to the tens of thousands of Canadians who refuse to live under sharia-style censorship.

Yours truly,

Ezra Levant

The Latest Thought Criminal: Timothy Sullivan, a Teacher Who Questions Vaccination

Open this photo in gallery:The Globe and MailAn Ontario science teacher was found guilty of professional misconduct for telling students that vaccinations could lead to death, disrupting a clinic in a high school and suggesting public-health nurses were withholding information on vaccines from teenagers.

Timothy Sullivan, a teacher in Waterford, Ont., argued that he was concerned that students were not being properly informed of the negative side effects of vaccines and yet were required to give consent.

But Ravi Vethamany, chair of a three-member independent disciplinary committee of the Ontario College of Teachers, said on Wednesday that Mr. Sullivan committed professional misconduct.

The panel will decide on a penalty in March. The hearing came to end when Mr. Sullivan abruptly walked out after the decision was made, and as counsel for the college was making submissions on what the penalty should be. Christine Wadsworth, a lawyer for the College, recommended a reprimand, that Mr. Sullivan’s teaching certificate be suspended for one month, and that he attends courses on appropriate professional boundaries, ethics and anger management.

In the two-day hearing, Ms. Wadsworth said Mr. Sullivan’s personal opinion on vaccines affected his ability to professionally conduct himself in the school.

“It’s not Mr. Sullivan’s place to be an activist at the school on the topic of vaccines,” she told the hearing earlier on Wednesday. “He did not act as a role model that day. He did not model appropriate behaviour for his students and he did not treat visitors, who were legally authorized to be at the school, with respect.”

The incident occurred in March, 2015, when public-health nurses were running an immunization clinic in the cafeteria at Mr. Sullivan’s school.

Ontario requires students to provide proof of immunization to attend school. Parents can get exemptions for their children on medical grounds, such as an allergy or a weakened immune system, or if they fill out a form stating they object to immunization.

Angela Swick, a public-health nurse in the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, told the hearing on Tuesday that Mr. Sullivan came by the clinic three times. Ms. Swick said the teacher’s demeanour left her uncomfortable and nervous, and she contacted her supervisor and the school principal. One set of doors to the cafeteria was subsequently locked.

At one point, Ms. Swick said, Mr. Sullivan asked students in line if they knew what was in the vaccines and “shouted at them not to get it.” She said the situation at the school was “unsafe” for the students and the public-health nurses, and the nursing staff felt “intimidated and scared.”

Mr. Sullivan was suspended from his job without pay for one day in 2015 after the incident.

Mr. Sullivan, a teacher for 17 years at the Grand Erie District School Board in southwestern Ontario, told the hearing on Wednesday he did not intend to intimidate the nurses or make those at the school feel uncomfortable.

He said that public-health staff do not inform students about the risk from vaccines of death and the rare neurological condition Guillane-Barré syndrome.

But the hearing was told nurses use screening tools to assess whether any underlying conditions would trigger a more serious reaction in a student. Students and their parents are told about the most common risks, such as a fever or a sore arm.

Mr. Sullivan said he was asking the health-unit staff about their practice, and was also trying to inform students at the school about the contents of the vaccines and the side effects.

“It was probably one of the most professional things that I did, actually,” Mr. Sullivan said.

The name of Mr. Sullivan’s school is covered by a publication ban to protect the identity of the students.



         If you want to express a political or religious opinion on Facebook, you’d better run it by Richard Warman, who does something or other in the Department of National Defence. A chronic complainer under Sec. 13 (now repealed) of the notorious Canadian Human Rights Act, he damaged dozens of people’s lives — people who had views he deemed hate. Then, if you criticized him, he was likely to slap you with a libel suit. When his Sec. 13 toy was taken away, he switched to other methods of policing thought in Canada. A recent target was the zany, satirical newspaper YOUR WARD NEWS.
        Now, he’s after Facebook pages that are critical of Islam. Criticism of privileged minorities is, among the politically correct, “hate”>
         Facebook has removed some of these pages. That’s not surprising. Facebook President Mark Zukerberg is a fervent Zionist and did a deal with German thought control freak Angela Merkel to suppress German immigration critics expressing their views on Facebook.
         The National Post (February 21,2017) reports: “A half-dozen Facebook pages were offline Tuesday following a complaint by Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman, who had raised concerns they were engaged in hate speech against Muslims. Among them was “Canadians Against Islamization.” Banners bearing the same name were displayed by protesters at a small anti-Muslim demonstration Friday outside a downtown Toronto mosque.

         ‘It only takes a 30 second Google search to confirm why most of these individuals and groups are a problem in relation to hate speech,’ Warman said. ‘Hate speech has no place in Canada.’”

        Notice, the victims got no trial or right of response. And what is ‘hate spech’? Why it’s speech some privileged minority hates.

        Warman, who has long battled far right websites, had sent a list of suspected Canadian anti-Muslim pages to Facebook following the Quebec City mosque attack that left six worshippers dead.

Facebook has ‘taken action on those that qualify as hate speech,’ a company spokeswoman said Tuesday. While some of the pages were removed, others remained up but specific posts were deleted.

Six of the 22 Facebook links in Warman’s complaint were no longer online, among them the Cultural Action Party, Canadians Against Justin Trudeau and Soldiers of Odin – Ontario South.

        ‘The reason I forwarded the list of Facebook profiles to their management in Canada is because they had been reported to me with concerns about hate speech,’ Warman said.” [Who reported them? Was Warman’s complaint written on his own time?]

“According to Facebook’s community standards code, the company removes content that ‘directly attacks’ people based on their race, religion, sex or sexual orientation.

     ‘Organizations and people dedicated to promoting hatred against these protected groups are not allowed a presence on Facebook,’ it reads. ‘As with all of our standards, we rely on our community to report this content to us.’ But most of the links Warman had complained about were not taken down, despite having provocative names such as the Worldwide Coalition Against Islam and the Canadian Anti Islamic Force.

Canadian Facebook pages down following complaint they were anti-Muslim, possibly related to Toronto protest

Stewart Bell | February 21, 2017 | Last Updated: Feb 21 12:10 PM ET
More from Stewart Bell | @StewartBellNP

Images on social media showed the protesters carrying signs with anti-Muslim slogans as worshippers were entering the Toronto mosque.



Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

Attention Immigration Reformer:


Phone, Write, FAX or E-mail MPs to Defeat Anti-Free Speech Motion M-103

(1) PLEASE HELP US TO GET MORE SIGNATURES FOR THE FREE SPEECH PETITION. As of Monday, Feb. 20, that petition had about 22,600 signatures.  Thank you for your help. This significant figure has been noticed by the political class, particularly the Conservatives who are scrambling to recognize the indignation of Canadians, but still haven’t got the guts to deal with the root problem WHICH IS UNNECESSARY HIGH IMMIGRATION . We need more signatures to convince them. Please help to get other people to sign. Again, here is a link to the petition :

(2) PLEASE SEND IQRA KHALID an e-mail.  Here is her e-mail address  : If you want to phone her offices, here are her phone numbers :  905-820-8814 (her office in Mississauga) or 613-995-7321 (her office in Ottawa).She is the Muslim woman who wrote the motion. Like many of her fellow Muslims and other visible minorities, she is arrogant and contemptuous of Canada.  She and they deserve the contempt of Canada’s majority population and all other decent Canadians.  BE BLUNT. Don’t phone to debate with the person who answers your call. You know what they think.  She, other Muslim MP’s and Muslim organizations across Canada want to re-make Canada in the image of the failed states where they originated..
Canadian Association for Free Expression Protest at Iqra Khalid’s Office — Paul Fromm (back to the camera) slides letter of protest  into shut office door.

 (3) PLEASE CONTACT TRUDEAU’S OFFICE  Here is his e-mail address : When Khalid’s motion is voted on in April, it is probable that the Liberal MP’s will approve it.  Furthermore, Sikh Liberal MP Grewal has already hinted that other measures like Khalid’s are coming. To prevent all of this from happening, here is our suggestion : Tell Trudeau to dump her motion and to expel Khalid from the Liberal Caucus. Leave a phone message at Justin Trudeau’s office in Ottawa : 1-613-995-0253  or at his Montreal office  1-514-277-6020 His Fax number is 1-613-947-0310
(4) PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL TO YOUR MP. Many  MP’s are cowardly and treacherous on all immigration-related issues. HELP THEM TO STAND UP FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR LIVES.  When Parliament votes on Iqra’s motion in April, TELL THEM TO DEFEND CANADA AND VOTE “NO”Dan Murray
Immigration Watch Canada