Ezra Levant Says Trudeau in Cahoots With George Soros on Banning Islamophobia
Justin Trudeau’s government is forcing through a Parliamentary motion, M-103, that proposes a “whole of government” ban on Islamophobia.
Every part of the government — from the CBC, to the RCMP, to the Canada Revenue Agency, to the Canada Border Services Agency — will work on “eliminating” Islamophobia, a term they never define.
In effect, it will mean anyone who criticizes Islam itself, or mass Muslim immigration, or the slow creep of sharia law in our schools and courts and public institutions. Take my word for it — I was prosecuted for 900 days for daring to publish the Danish cartoons of Mohammed back in 2006. And that was even before this Islamophobia ban was proposed.
So, who’s behind it all? Who’s financing it?
Well, it’s no secret. Last September, Justin Trudeau put out a press release bragging about it.
George Soros, the U.S. billionaire.
Here — see for yourself:

Justin Trudeau has outsourced Canadian public policy to a far-left, New York billionaire. They’re threatening our freedom of speech.
That’s un-Canadian.
Please click here to sign our petition against M-103, and add your name to the tens of thousands of Canadians who refuse to live under sharia-style censorship.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant