Stunning Revelation at Sears & St. Germaine “Uttering Threats” Trial: Kinsella Says Richard Warman Sicked Children’s Aid on Dr. Sears

Stunning Revelation at Sears & St. Germaine “Uttering Threats” Trial: Kinsella Says Richard Warman Sicked Children’s Aid on Dr. Sears
TORONTO. October 23, 2018. First, complainant and witness, Warren Kinsella told the Court that he had not called the Children’s Aid Society to investigate YOUR WARD NEWS editor Dr. James Sears and his family’s treatment of his young son. “But, he added, “I am aware of who did.” Near the end of today’s opening of the “uttering threats” trial of Dr. Sears and publisher Leroy St. Germaine, defence lawyer Chris Murphy returned to this issue. Warren Kinsella revealed that Ottawa lawyer and dedicated free speech opponent Richard Warman told a meeting of STAMP (Standing Together Against Mail Prejudice), Kinsella’s East End Toronto anti-YOUR WARD NEWS group that he had sicked CAS on Warman. Warman had earlier pressured Canada Post Corporation and the then Minister of Supply and Procurement Judy Foote to issue a Prohibitory Order against Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine preventing them from sending any mail in Canada.
Dr. Sears has suspected that it was one or both of the Kinsellas, Warren or his second wife Lisa, who had maliciously contacted CAS. This had led to the sentence in the Summer, 2017 issue of YWN that resulted in the private charge filed by the Kinsellas. Sears said he waited months to inform his ‘thousands’ of friends and followers about the apparent CAS investigation due to fear that ‘some hothead who cares deeply about me and my family, would lose it and do something illegal, like bludgeon the Kinsellas to death.’” That passage, the Kinsellas alleged, constitutes a threat. The Kinsellas had twice approached the police and the Crown to lay “uttering threats” charges but were told these words didn’t constitute a threat.
Kinsella came across as arrogant and vain as he argued with the much younger Mr. Murphy. “Those are two questions,” he said several times in an imperious tone. “Which one do you want me to answer?”
Mr. Murphy unravelled Kinsella’s righteous warrior image and revealed him to be shaky about the truth. He put a tweet to him that Kinsella had sent in 2015 accusing Dr. Sears of having “a long career of sexually assaulting women and now publishing a junk newspaper.” Attached to this tweet was a document giving Dr. Sears’ home address, including a picture of his residence, and his car’s make and licence plate, along with a picture. Warren Kinsella had complained that satirical attacks on him in YWN had made him fearful for his safety. He had improved his home security system after, he claimed, his house had been egged. “I don’t remember sending this tweet. I did not write this tweet,” Kinsella insisted. “I retweeted it. I have not seen this attachment before.” Yet, he expressed no condemnation of this targetting of Dr. Sears. Mr. Murphy argued that it was not a re-tweet.
Shortly after this tweet appeared, Leroy St. Germaine offered between $100 and $1,000 for information leading to the conviction of the Kinsellas. Kinsella who has a penchant for the dramatic insisted this was a “bounty on my life.”

“Considering what you know now, do you still think the offer for information was a ‘bounty on your life’?”
Mr. Murphy argued that the Kinsellas are both public figures and have engaged in a long battle with YOUR WARD NEWS, admitting to trying to get their mailing rights taken away and with getting them charged under Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Section 319) of the Criminal Code.
In a dramatic moment, Mr. Murphy put to Mr. Kinsella an October 22 message written by Kinsella entitled “help us fight hate, urging people to attend today’s trial. “We expect the media and the usual cabal” of free speech supporters. In the end of this appeal to rally his followers, he says those who can’t attend “can support us in some other way.” And, there, said Mr. Murphy, is your PayPal icon. Mr. Murphy noted that the Crown was bearing the costs of this prosecution. Kinsella said the money would go for the libel case Lisa has launched against Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine. Mr. Murphy pointed out that that was not mentioned. According to Kinsella, the only response thus far had been from a gay, female rabbinical scholar in New York City who had sent $300.
Mr. Kinsella, when asked whether he had notified the media, admitted:  “Yes, sir, my staff did.” The media were out in force and Dr. Sears gave many interviews.
As so often in his career, Warren Kinsella seems to have some special relationship with officialdom. Most witnesses sit on hard benches outside the College Street courtrooms until they are summoned. Not Warren. He was sequestered in some private room until he got the call some 45 minutes into the trial. He was accompanied in by Detective Yurmolak of the Metropolitan Toronto Police Service. The detective sat at the prosecution table and hovered close to Kinsella. Perhaps in the hyperventilating imaginations of anti-free speechers like Kinsella the satirical words of YOUR WARD NEWS might suddenly turn into swords.
Also in attendance was Bernie Farber, another complainant against YOUR WARD NEWS who has tried mightily to silence it. At the lunch break, he and Kinsella engaged in a powerful embrace. [You can’t make this stuff up.]
So inept and hostile is much of the fake news media that one outlet didn’t even know the case being tried. CITY-TV reported that Dr. Sears and Mr. St. Germaine were on trial for “hate speech.” — Paul Fromm
[A fuller report will follow later.]

Huge Blow to French & European Free Speech Supporters: Prof. Robert Faurisson Dead at 90.

Huge Blow to French & European Free Speech Supporters: Prof. Robert Faurisson Dead at 90.

Dear friends,

Terribly sad news, Robert Faurisson has died tonight. He dropped dead (heart attack) as he entered the lobby of his home in Vichy after flying back from his triumph in London.. (Actually it was what he wanted as his swan song in his 90th year.)

Here is the video url that Vincent Reynouard had made this afternoon (before this tragic news was told to me by Robert’s brother just an hour ago):

Michèle Lady Renouf
Account of a private gathering held on October 20 in the hometown of Professor Faurisson. The latter participated with Vincent Reynouard. It was without…

Terribly sad news, Robert Faurisson dropped dead (heart attack) as he entered the lobby of his home in Vichy after flying back from his triumph in London..



Professor Robert Faurisson, a good friend, and supporter of The Ethnic-European, passed on at the end of a long and tiring day on October 21.

Italian intellectual Giuseppe Fallisi writes, “I still have eyes that burn with tears and I cannot fall asleep. Returning, a few hours ago, from the Bari airport I was given tragic news: Robert Faurisson rose in the Elysian Fields. As soon as he returned to his home in Vichy, he collapsed to the ground, dead.

His big heart had stopped beating. With other faithful friends we met yesterday afternoon in Shepperton, in a hotel, the Anchor Hotel, which will now go down in history for hosting the professor’s last conference and at the same time for demonstrating once again, in the person of his vile master (a ball of tallow and black bile (( reference to fake soap, lampshades and shrunken heads presented at Nuremberg ‘courts’ artefacts), how much can the intimidation of the politically correct, of the very laid Judaic dictatorship that weighs on all Europe *.

In that city, Robert was born almost ninety years ago. Walking along he had confided to me, always lucid, composed and indomitable, but very, very tired and composed, accepting that his task had ended.

This man, more than brave, had completed all he had to do to make a contribution to the immense revisionist cause. In addition to the judicial, media and moral harassment he had to undergo, he was more than ten times physically assaulted by the hateful enemies, who wanted to prevent him from expressing himself, even from living.

He always knew how to resist and get up again, not deflecting a millimetre from the intrepid search for truth. One day he will be celebrated as a Hero of Free Thought: W ROBERT FAURISSON R.I.P.

Michele and Faurisson at Iran Conference

Michele and Faurisson at Iran Conference

The grand professor or truth, whose revisionism of Allied propaganda put the truth-teller head and shoulders over his contemporaries, was resigned to having done all that could be expected of a champion for truth and justice.

A couple of years ago the professor dropped me a line, which I can now divulge: “Dear Mike, Oh! Surprised I am. Thank you very much. I suppose you mean the video entitled, Un homme: Robert Faurisson? Michael, I am 88. I wish to die. My life has been made impossible. The same for my wife, who is nearly 86. Cordially, R. Faurisson.

My letter in response to Professor Faurisson: “Sir, we all stand in your shadow. Yes, you and your dear wife will shrug off your mortal coil as we all will. I might meet you in the afterlife.  Others die and leave nothing but a moss-covered headstone. When we die we leave the fields ploughed and the furrows seeded. This is our purpose. People like us never die; only the flesh does. I empathise with you. I have no fear at all of going; I already have done so many times. “I am no more afraid of dying than I was of being born.” Spartacus.  I salute you, Robert Faurisson.” ~ Mike Walsh

Americans Diane and Jim Rizoli were as indefatigable in their intent to destroy the myths surrounding what Professor Butz described as The Hoax of the 20th Century.

Diane writes, He is in the League of Extraordinary Revisionists, In honor of his 89 years and the beginning of our many tributes, the late Professor Robert Faurisson led a long and productive life fighting the lies surrounding the worst hoax of the 20th and 21st Centuries – the holocaust. May the Lord continue to bless his efforts.

Iran Premier and Faurisson

Iran Premier and Faurisson

These tributes and many more continue to pour in from the world over: The professor’s brother, Jean, writes: “I regret to inform you that my brother Professor Robert Faurisson died yesterday Sunday, October 21 around 1900 hours. Like him had just passed the front door of his house in Vichy on the return of a trip to his birthplace in Shepperton (UK), he collapsed. Probably as a result of a violent heart attack. There were meetings, with friends who were interrupted at twice violently by opponents to his views. I accompanied him on this occasion. His 90th birthday was to take place on January 25th. We will not forget it.

MY FAVOURITE PROFESSOR FAURISSON QUOTE: “The Zionist-American Axis has phosphorised German children, atomized Japanese children, soused Vietnamese children with Agent Orange and poisoned Iraqi children with depleted uranium. 

It is time for the devastated, scorned and humiliated to fight back. The best way to fight back is with what I for many years have called “the poor man’s atomic bomb:” that is, historical revisionism, or real history. This weapon kills and maims no one but it destroys the lies and defamation of the “holocaust©” myth. This includes the fantastically profitable libels of the “Holocaust© Industry” This is also known that have been fantastically profitable for mendacious super-swindlers such as Bernard Madoff, Elie Wiesel, the cohorts of “miraculously rescues” and murderers of the children of Gaza. ~ Prof. Robert Faurisson 2009.

To Judas, Shabbos Goy and liars in the media and judiciary, his gaolers too, you may know that you will never again cross the path of Professor Robert Faurisson; he is now somewhere where you are never likely to visit. You bear your shame with malice.

Mahmoud on the holocaust

MICHAEL WALSH is an internationally acclaimed journalist, author, and broadcaster shunned by liberal-left corporate





Robert Faurisson’s path-breaking research and the impressive scale of his writings have been a service to humanity.  This brave and brilliant scholar will also be remembered as a principled fighter for free speech and free inquiry.


Future generations will one day look back on the way in which powerful enemies hatefully persecuted him as a shameful indictment of this vindictive age.


During his lifetime, Faurisson’s exemplary courage and tenacity were an inspiration to many. His legacy will endure long after his death.


Mark Weber




HAMILTON, October 17, 2018. “I have called on the City Clerk of Hamilton and the Hamilton Police Service to urgently investigate posters glued near the residences of several people who signed my nomination papers. These posters are anonymous and libellous and are meant to intimidate voters and interfere with the election process,” said Mr. Fromm, who is a candidate for Mayor in Monday’s election, announced today.


A candidate’s nomination papers can be examined at City Hall and photocopies obtained for a fee.


The posters advise “Know your neighbours” and then list the person’s name and street address. The poster makes some defamatory comments about the candidate and then again names the person who “knowingly supports Fromm’s vile racist views.”


The only identification on the posters is the hashtag “Nazi scum fuck off”.


“In fact, while I approached a few friends to sign my nomination papers, most of the people I approached were strangers. I made it quite clear that they were not promising to support me or vote for me but just helping me to get on the ballot,” Mr. Fromm said.


On the nomination form, the person states:  “I endorse ___ as a candidate and declare that I am a qualified elector in this municipality.”


“These cowardly posters wildly distort the endorsement process,” Mr. Fromm added. “They maliciously violate the privacy of the persons providing an endorsement and ascribe views to them which they have never proclaimed.”


“These are anarchist goon tactics!” he added.


“I am bringing this to the attention of the Mayor and other mayoralty candidates in case they have been victimized by similar posters,” he said.

Twitter locks LifeSite out of account for ‘hate’: fact-based post on rise in gay STDs


 Twitter locks LifeSite out of account for ‘hate’: fact-based post on rise in gay STDs

SIGN THE PETITION: Tell Twitter to unlock LifeSiteNews’ account! Sign the petition here

October 18, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Twitter has just locked LifeSiteNews out of our Twitter account over an article we posted four years ago that provided expert analysis on the rise in sexually-transmitted diseases among homosexuals.

The 2014 piece by Dr. Gerard M. Nadal, a molecular biologist and microbiologist who is also president and CEO of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, responds to media coverage of what was at the time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new annual report on STDs.

READ: Why HIV, syphilis, and gonorrhea are rising among homosexuals

Contrary to the consensus that the “reason for the documented continued rise in syphilis (primarily affecting homosexuals) has more to do with homophobia than anything else,” Dr. Nadal attributes the rise to factor such as an “upward trend in unprotected sex” and 60% of homosexual men failing to disclose their symptoms or status to sex partners.

He cited data from mainstream sources such as the CDC, a then-recent New York Times report, and a 2006 study in the journal AIDS Behavior.

On October 18, 2018, however, LifeSiteNews received the following message, notifying staff that Twitter was locking the account because the 2014 tweet sharing the story’s neutral, factual headline violated “our rules against hateful conduct,” and somehow “promote[d] violence against, threaten[ed], or harass[ed] other people on the basis of […] sexual orientation […], or serious disease.”


No further elaboration was given. A length of time for the lockout was not specified. The only recourse offered was for LifeSite to remove the tweet or start an appeal process. For the moment, LifeSite staff cannot post to or otherwise operate @LifeSite in any way.

“This total intolerance for even reporting government health dept statistics that reveal the health dangers of homosexual activity betrays what Peter Thiel, himself a homosexual, previously called a totalitarian mindset in Silicon Valley,” said Steve Jalsevac, co-founder and president of LifeSiteNews.

“Twitter is now trying to force news agencies to report only what is acceptable to their personal, biased views and shutting down balanced, factual reporting on the homosexual issue.”

“This is getting dangerous for our democracy since a free press is one of the basic and necessary foundations for a genuinely democratic society,” Jalsevac warned. “This is getting scary. It is in everyone’s interest to fight this type of action and even demand government intervention to protect our rights.”

Just the day before, former LifeSiteNews reporter and Americans For Truth About Homosexuality ( president Peter LaBarbera revealed at LifeSiteNews that Twitter had recently banned him on the same grounds, over a 2016 tweet describing homosexual acts as a “sin” that “spreads disease.”

“If Twitter no longer allows its users to advocate for healthy behaviors on its platform, and to defend their sincere moral and religious beliefs–shared by billions worldwide–then it will devolve into a bland, politically correct echo-chamber,” LaBarbera warned.

LifeSiteNews has created a petition here urging Twitter to un-block LifeSite’s account.

Politicized Cops & Leftist Media Gang Up on Bill Whatcott

Politicized Cops & Leftist Media Gang Up on Bill Whatcott

[The rot is deep. Canadian society is increasingly like the degenerate Weimar Republic. Public media and many politicians glorify the sexually unusual, the nmost recent favourite class being the switcheroos — the transgendered.We have a politicized Vancouver police force investigating a political/religious pamphlet distributed by Bill Whatcott about a flamboyant, transgendered political candidate Ronan (now styling himself as Morgan) Oger. Of course, the violently biased media is doing a boo-hoo-hoo for the transgendered Oger who is also a vice-president of the provincial New Democratic Party. And in all this, what about a healthy respect for Bill Whatcott’s religious beliefs and his right to engage in the political process by criticizing a candidate’s character? — Paul Fromm, Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression]

Vancouver Police & Lamestream Media respond to Bill’s flyers

Postby Bill Whatcott » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:11 pm


Vancouver police investigate potential hate crime, fliers attack school board candidate

Posted Oct 12, 2018 … candidate/

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Fliers posted around Vancouver last weekend attacking a Vancouver School Board candidate Morgane Oger may have gone too far.

Vancouver police are investigating the situation as a potential hate crime. The posters attack her because she is a transgender woman.

Oger says she was contacted by police recently who told her the same person who handed out fliers attacking her in 2017 was planning to do it again. She’s already filed a human rights complaint against him for those fliers, arguing they were hate speech.

As for the new ones she says they’re unacceptable as well.

“It feels terrible to have someone target you like this. This man is trying to shame me about who I am, that means he believes I should be ashamed for who I am,” she says. “That hurts.”

Those posters say that God doesn’t want people to vote for her, and attacks her because of her gender identity.

They also make disparaging comments about other LGBTQ people. Oger says she’s also concerned for others who may be affected by reading the hand-outs.

“Imagine that you are a youth, and you’re not out to your family for being gay or being trans, and you find this flyer in your home, in your mailbox,” she says. “That would be terrible experience.”

Victim hopes for justice

Oger also wonders why, in 2017, crown prosecutors did not pursue criminal charges against the person who made the fliers. She’s hoping this time they might make a different choice.

“I have heard a lot of ugly, ugly stories about justice not being carried out from the victim’s side, and there are too many of those stories,” she says. “I hope that our newfound human rights protections against discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression will energize the Crown and the police forces to ensure that justice is carried out.”

Vancouver police are saying this about the incident.

“The VPD is aware of the posters and is investigating. We don’t have any additional information to share publicly at this time,” reads the statement. “We encourage anyone who feels they have been a victim of a crime, or has information about a crime, to make a report with their local police.”

“Victim” hopes for justice? I wonder if 1130 Am News is so deferential to Donald Trump when the public says bad things about him?

Anyways, I see some forms of actual hate is acceptable to Lauren Boothby on her Twitter wall….

F-bombs, name calling, and a certain Peter McCartney (who calls himself @Climate_Pete) who states he wants to punch me in the face is fine with her.

I note her media buddy Brett Mineer from CHNL 610 AM radio is one of the three leftists who “liked” the above post advocating physically assaulting me because I put out unflattering, but accurate election information on Mr. Oger, the transvestite, NDP Vice President, who is running for school board and in addition to calling Christianity a “death cult” has also called for the removal of children from homes of parents who don’t agree with their minor children being given puberty blocking hormones and cosmetic surgery if the kid is a boy who at some point says he is a girl.

And somehow the media acts like Mr. Oger, an outspoken public figure and hard left LGBT activist, is the “victim” because someone is morally coherent enough to criticize him during an election. Utter fake news….. vomit21

Transphobic flyers target Vancouver school trustee candidate
Angela Jung, Reporter / Web Journalist
Published Saturday, October 13, 2018 5:19 PM … -1.4133247

Hateful handouts asking voters not to cast their ballots for an openly transgender woman is being distributed in Vancouver by a man who can’t vote in the civic election, or any election in B.C., because his home is two provinces away.

“What a horrible thing to do, to hunt someone down from Saskatchewan – that’s crazy stuff,” Morgane Oger said.

Oger is running as an independent candidate for Vancouver school board trustee.

She learned about the flyers from police earlier in the week. Unfortunately, she has faced this before in 2017 when she ran for a seat in the provincial legislature.

Peter Quily recorded anti-gay activist Bill Whatcott handing out the posters in Kerrisdale.

“I’m just representing the point of view of Jesus Christ and his teachings on marriage and religious liberty,” Whatcott said in the video.

Oger believes many Christians would reject Whatcott’s beliefs, calling his actions “a horrible hijacking of a beautiful faith.”

“The worst part is that he thinks that, or he says he thinks that, I should be shamed for who I am,” she said.

Whatcott has a history of handing out homophobic literature across the country over the last two decades.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled he violated Saskatchewan’s human rights rules when he distributed pamphlets denouncing homosexuals.

He is currently facing one charge of willful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group for an incident during Toronto’s Pride Month in 2016.

Oger has submitted a police complaint against Whatcott; it is unclear if charges will be laid

With files from CTV Vancouver’s Breanna Karstens-Smith

Constable Anne Marie Clark feels sorry that Mr. Oger has to deal with a flyer advising Vancouver voters that God did not want them to vote for him, correctly gendering him, and informing potential voters that he bilked his ex-wife out of $120,000 and an Indian band out of a year’s worth of rent.
Claiming my flyer distribution is “harming an awful lot of people” is a bit of a stretch, these leftists have no problem trashing conservative candidates and digging up sordid details of the personal lives of conservatives and outlets like CTV have no problem making conservative dirty linen public. But I could see why Mr. Oger might not like my flyer distribution. Sorry Mr. Oger, I believe speaking the truth, so Vancouverites can make an informed vote is more important than making the election your “safe space.” What Mr. Oger and his fellow NDP whackjobs want to do to children in our public schools and to our supposedly democratic elections is really harmful to an awful lot of people.

To see the accurate election flyer that Mr. Oger claims is illegal, that a climate alarmist wants to punch Bill Whatcott in the face over, the lamestream media seems to be behaving like it is illegal, and that a police constable is giving a transvestite political candidate condolences over go here:

“For your steadfast love is before my eyes,
and I walk in your faithfulness.
I do not sit with men of falsehood,
nor do I consort with hypocrites.
I hate the assembly of evildoers,
and I will not sit with the wicked.”
Psalm 26:3-5

User avatar
Bill Whatcott


To practise the politics of exclusion, a downtown elitist cabal and their shadowy minority quarterbacks have tried to exclude populists Dr. James Sears and Faith Goldy from all debates. The tactic works this way. Leftist challenger Jennifer Keesmaat only wants to debate mushy middle soft lefty Mayor John Tory. Coward Tory is terrified of facing the glamorous and clever Faith Goldy on such topics as his collaborating in the invasion by Trudeau illegals and filling up all available homeless shelters while Haitians and Nigerians who fill places homeless Canadians should have or Dr. Sears’ critique of the Mayor’s handling the Greektown Massacre: why did Tory choose to visit the very mosque frequented by killer Faisal Hussain, shortly after the fatal shootings?
So, Tory insists he’ll not participate in any debate where Dr. Sears or Faith Goldy appear. Thus, most establishment debates have been boring affairs with the two media-chosen front runners Tory and Keesmaat clashing with three minor “diverse” candidates invited to add, shall we say, some multiculti colour. Some of Faith Goldy’s supported have crashed debates from which she has been excluded and heckled to draw attention to this elitist control and, of course, are then  thrown out.
Much to their credit, the Markland Woods Homeowners Association refused to play the elitists’ game and invited all 35 mayoral candidates, plus Ward 2 candidates for councillor and school board, to a forum at St. Clement’s Church, Wednesday, October 10. The packed church basement was standing room only. The forum was briskly run with each candidate allotted five minute.
By my count, a dozen mayoralty candidates of the 35 attended. Tory and Keesmaat were no shows. Every candidate was interesting. A few were comical like perennial candidate Kevin Clarke, a Negro with a preacher’s voice, who used much of his five minutes to deliver a moving tribute to the late Mayor Rob Ford.
Most of the candidates had something interesting to say. However, in most debates that succumb to the Tory rules, voters will never hear what these folks have to offer. For instance, Thomas O’Neill argued: “All candidates running for office, no matter how offensive their views, should be given impartial media coverage. We cannot pre-select someone with no respect for the democratic process.” Especially cutting was his remark aimed at those who would limit debate if it offends snowflakes: “The news media is there to inform not persuade. I don’t care about anybody’s feelings.”
Dr. James Sears and Paul Fromm
Dr. Sears presented a charming picture of himself growing up and now becoming a father. He spoke of the key role of his satirical YOUR WARD NEWS, Canada’s leading anti-ZioMarxist publication. He was clearly not the monster media smears had prepared the crowd for. “I like this guy,” the gentleman beside me said.
Faith Goldy, who is extremely tall, took the mike with the assurance of the broadcaster/videographer she is. “I am tough on crime, easy on taxes,” she announced. “I shall put the public safety before political correctness.” It would have been fun to see the mushy Mayor Tory wince. “I will bring back carding. We don’t care about the colour of your skin but the criminality of your character,” she added. That would have made the establishment indulged, Soros funded Black Lives Matter turn blue. The City’s budget spends 70 per cent on salaries and just 10 per cent on serving the public. “As Mayor, I am going to demand performance for those salaries,” she said.
CAFE Director Paul Fromm interviews Faith Goldy
And had no show Tory been in attendance, he’d have yelped to hear :  “Thanks to Justin Trudeau’s policies, illegal immigrants are coming to Toronto and 55 per cent of the beds in the homeless shelters are illegals. I’ll be bringing to Toronto a ‘Toronto First’ mentality so that every homeless Canadian man or woman has a warm bed to sleep in.” One can see why the Mayor wouldn’t want to be there.”
And, of course, the real losers were the voters who, in most “all candidates” [not]  debates, would not have heard these voices and ideas. — Paul Fromm


Faith Goldy Fights the Anti-democratic Leaden Hand of Bell Media Censorship

Faith Goldy Fights the Anti-democratic Leaden Hand of Bell Media Censorship


Amazing news conference by Faith Goldy and lawyer Clayton Ruby as they seek an injunction to force Bell Media to run her ad. here the ad. It is innocuous. We see the leaden hand of elite censorship at work.

Whatcott 5,000 anti-Ronan/NDP flyer update and court dates: Ongoing persecution of Christian preacher Bill Whatcott.

Whatcott 5,000 anti-Ronan/NDP flyer update and court dates

Ongoing persecution of Christian preacher Bill  Whatcott.

Postby Bill Whatcott » Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:02 am

Whatcott went to the Burnaby All Canadidates Meeting at Gilmore Community School on October 11th, after delivering his 5,000 flyers letting Vancouver voters know God did not want them to vote for “Morgane” (actually Ronan) Oger, to voice his support for pro-family Christian School Trustee candidate Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson. Leftist SOGI supporters in their usual nasty fashion tried to censor Whatcott as he tried to share this video with you.

Dear Friends,

The mission to bring three essential truths to the Vancouver civic election and provide Vancouver’s voters with a Biblical and reality based framework on how not to vote if they wish to obey God’s will is now completed.

Here is the flyer that informed Vancouver voters God did not want them to vote for “Morgane” (actually Ronan) Oger

The three essential truths that were made known in spite of the left’s nastiest efforts to silence them is.

1. “Morgane” Oger was born Ronan Oger and even though he adopted a woman’s name, calls himself a female, got the Canadian government to recognize his fake name and gender identity, and threatens people with prosecution who question his delusion; Ronan is in fact still Ronan and is 100% a biological male.

2. Ronan bilked his ex-wife out of $120,000 and a native band out of a year’s worth of rent.

3. God does not want Ronan Oger to be a School Trustee or hold any other political position until he repents of his gender delusions, homofascism and makes things right with his ex-wife and the native band that he bilked.

Notwithstanding, considerable opposition from the LGBT left, they really seem to believe and act like public disagreement with their degenerate agenda is against the law, in the final analysis the 5,000 flyer truth offensive against Morgane (actually Ronan) Oger’s candidacy to become a Vancouver School Trustee was a success.

While no small number of NDP supporters followed me down the street in a menacing manner, F-bombed me, called the cops on me, reported me to Elections BC, and in a couple of instances threatened me, still a handful of recipients thanked me for the flyers and in one case confirmed that they will vote against Ronan.

For a guy who is quite capable of dishing out verbal abuse, name calling, threats of prosecution, and routinely insults those who he disagrees with, it is amusing watching the guy whine about being the target of a truthful flyers, with unflattering information about him. Indeed, only a NDP transvestite could seriously believe they are entitled to behaving in an abusive manner for years and then run in an election and have it turned into their personal “safe space” where no one can say bad things about them, on pain of being arrested and incarcerated.

Ronan’s whine…. yawn1


Yup, the same guy who called SOGI opponents a–holes and who Tweeted that parents who fail to approve of their children being given transgender hormones and surgery should lose their kids, is now whining that I am giving voters accurate and unflattering information about him….

After the 5,000 flyers were delivered, I headed to Burnaby to support Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson in her bid to become school trustee.

The leftists putting on the event wanted to ban all videotaping of the All Candidates Debate, presumably to hide their bad behaviour towards Laura Lynn and others who oppose their SOGI, child perversion/abuse agenda. I videotaped my support of Laura Lynn anyways, and you can see the result above.

Please keep these dates in your prayers and join us if you can…

I have been ordered to appear in court to have a discretionary bench warrant removed. My appearance will be at College Park Courthouse, Courtroom 503, Tuesday, October 16, 10:00 am. College Park Courthouse is located Downtown Toronto, at the corner of Yonge and College St.

After court I will be preaching at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, I will be standing at Hoskin Ave and Queens Park Cr 3:30 pm -4:30 pm, Tuesday, October 16th.

Please also pray for my kangaroo trial for the “crime” of correctly gendering “Morgane” (actually Ronan) Oger, the tyrannical NDP transvestite activist who seems to believe elections are his safe space when he runs in them. The trial is coming up at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. The Tribunal is located at 605 Robson St, Vancouver, BC, and will be going from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, December 11-14.

To help us with court and living expenses until these trials are over: … tt-family/

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11


To practise the politics of exclusion, a downtown elitist cabal and their shadowy minority quarterbacks have tried to exclude populists Dr. James Sears and Faith Goldy from all debates. The tactic works this way. Leftist challenger Jennifer Keesmaat only wants to debate mushy middle soft lefty Mayor John Tory. Coward Tory is terrified of facing the glamorous and clever Faith Goldy on such topics as his collaborating in the invasion by Trudeau illegals and filling up all available homeless shelters while Haitians and Nigerians who fill places homeless Canadians should have or Dr. Sears’ critique of the Mayor’s handling the Greektown Massacre: why did Tory choose to visit the very mosque frequented by killer Faisal Hussain, shortly after the fatal shootings?
So, Tory insists he’ll not participate in any debate where Dr. Sears or Faith Goldy appear. Thus, most establishment debates have been boring affairs with the two media-chosen front runners Tory and Keesmaat clashing with three minor “diverse” candidates invited to add, shall we say, some multiculti colour. Some of Faith Goldy’s supported have crashed debates from which she has been excluded and heckled to draw attention to this elitist control and, of course, are then  thrown out.
Much to their credit, the Markland Woods Homeowners Association refused to play the elitists’ game and invited all 35 mayoral candidates, plus Ward 2 candidates for councillor and school board, to a forum at St. Clement’s Church, Wednesday, October 10. The packed church basement was standing room only. The forum was briskly run with each candidate allotted five minute.
By my count, a dozen mayoralty candidates of the 35 attended. Tory and Keesmaat were no shows. Every candidate was interesting. A few were comical like perennial candidate Kevin Clarke, a Negro with a preacher’s voice, who used much of his five minutes to deliver a moving tribute to the late Mayor Rob Ford.
Most of the candidates had something interesting to say. However, in most debates that succumb to the Tory rules, voters will never hear what these folks have to offer. For instance, Thomas O’Neill argued: “All candidates running for office, no matter how offensive their views, should be given impartial media coverage. We cannot pre-select someone with no respect for the democratic process.” Especially cutting was his remark aimed at those who would limit debate if it offends snowflakes: “The news media is there to inform not persuade. I don’t care about anybody’s feelings.”
paul fromm congratulating Faith Goldy.JPG

Dr. Sears presented a charming picture of himself growing up and now becoming a father. He spoke of the key role of his satirical YOUR WARD NEWS, Canada’s leading anti-ZioMarxist publication. He was clearly not the monster media smears had prepared the crowd for. “I like this guy,” the gentleman beside me said.
Faith Goldy, who is extremely tall, took the mike with the assurance of the broadcaster/videographer she is. “I am tough on crime, easy on taxes,” she announced. “I shall put the public safety before political correctness.” It would have been fun to see the mushy Mayor Tory wince. “I will bring back carding. We don’t care about the colour of your skin but the criminality of your character,” she added. That would have made the establishment indulged, Soros funded Black Lives Matter turn blue. The City’s budget spends 70 per cent on salaries and just 10 per cent on serving the public. “As Mayor, I am going to demand performance for those salaries,” she said.
And had no show Tory been in attendance, he’d have yelped to hear :  “Thanks to Justin Trudeau’s policies, illegal immigrants are coming to Toronto and 55 per cent of the beds in the homeless shelters are illegals. I’ll be bringing to Toronto a ‘Toronto First’ mentality so that every homeless Canadian man or woman has a warm bed to sleep in.” One can see why the Mayor wouldn’t want to be there.”
And, of course, the real losers were the voters who, in most “all candidates” [not]  debates, would not have heard these voices and ideas. — Paul Fromm



lison Chabloz (Taken from a posting on Facebook)

Spirited greetings to all after 48 hours detention including four arrests, one de-arrest, six hours’ custody at Charing Cross (Desk Sergent: Alison, you’re definitely not the usual kind of customer we get in here).

Bundled into police van, filthy, freezing cold, no seat belt, no seat! Three hours of hell to Chesterfield then car to Buxton. Finally charged at eleventh hour for causing yet more musical gross offence to delicate flowers desperate to see me detained on remand for alleged breach of bail.

Court hearing in Chesterfield this morn. Great lawyer. Not guilty plea. New charges transferred back down to Westminster Mags for legal argument hearing October 25th. No change to bail conditions.

Loveliest court guard was as happy as me: You’re saying everything that everyone thinks but daren’t say out loud.  I made it quite plain in my interview that if the authorities wish to lock up a politically incorrect singer, then they can go ahead.

Good luck to them.  Alison