
THE JEWISH LOBBY in America has suffered an important setback in their attempts to stifle criticism of Israel with the striking down by a US federal judge of the “anti-boycott, divestment and sanctions” (BDS) law in Texas, on the grounds that it violates freedom of speech under the country’s first amendment of the constitution.

The Texas law — which has been copied by twenty-five other equally Jewish lobby controlled states in other parts of the country, is officially known as the Anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions law (Anti-BDS) and was passed and signed into law in May 2017.

The law requiring all government contractors to sign a pledge vowing not to participate in the pro-Palestinian BDS movement. At the time that the law was passed, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that “Anti-Israel policies are anti-Texas policies, and we will not tolerate such actions against an important ally.”

The blatantly unconstitutional law was challenged by the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which sued the state to get the law overturned after a Muslim speech pathologist, Bahia Amawi, was not allowed to sign a contract extension with Pflugerville independent school district — a public school district near the state’s capital Austin — unless she pledged to not boycott Israel.

In his 56-page opinion, Judge Robert Pitman of the Western District of Texas ruled the state’s law violated the First Amendment by threatening to “suppress unpopular ideas” and “manipulate the public debate through coercion.”

The court found that “political boycotts are protected speech,” and “none of the exceptions to that rule urged by the State apply to this case. The Court therefore concludes that Plaintiffs’ BDS boycotts are speech protected by the First Amendment.”

In addition, the court ruled that the state of Texas “has failed to identify a compelling state interest justifying H.B. 89’s burden on protected speech.

“In fact the only interest distinctly served by the content [and viewpoint] limitation is that of displaying [Texas’s] special hostility toward the particular biases thus singled out. That is precisely what the First Amendment forbids.”

For this reason alone, the court said, the law is an “unconstitutional content- and viewpoint-based restriction on speech.”

In a statement released by CAIR after the ruling, that organization said that “every single ‘No Boycott of Israel’ clause in every single state contract in Texas” has “ been stricken as unconstitutional,” and that the “Attorney General of Texas is no longer permitted to include or enforce ‘No Boycott of Israel’ clauses in any state contract.”

CAIR added that they are “gearing up for the fights in the other 26 states where anti-BDS laws have been passed and we are certain that we are on the right side of the constitution and history.”

* It is ironic that increased Muslim immigration into America — which is the primary cause of the spread of the BDS movement in that country — is one of the non-White invasions which is specifically supported and encouraged by the Jewish lobby.

A report in the Times of Israel from December 2015, for example, said that “American Jewish groups,” including the ADL, the American Jewish Committee, the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, the Interfaith Alliance, and others, all announced their vehement opposition to then presidential candidate Donald Trump’s suggestions that Muslim immigration into the US be halted.

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt called Trump’s plan “unacceptable and antithetical to American values,” while the American Jewish Committee’s Associate Executive Director for Policy Jason Isaacson condemned “in the strongest terms” what it called the “latest offensive and inflammatory comments from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.”

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, said in a statement it also condemned Trump’s remarks, as “our nation, founded by those fleeing religious persecution, is rooted in principles of religious freedom.”

Rabbi Jack Moline, director of the Interfaith Alliance issued a statement saying that “a country that discriminates against individuals on the basis of their faith would be a poor excuse for America.”


* * *

US Jewish Lobby Setback as State “Anti-BDS Law” Struck Down as Unconstitutional


Texas is doing something about social media censorship of conservatives,   May 7, 2019 Dr. Eowyn   This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds

There is a new, unprecedented, and very toxic phenomenon in U.S. politics.  Privately-owned businesses have become blatantly partisan and willing to lose customers and profits by discriminating against and outright banning conservatives. See, for example:

Among those corporations are the information tech giants — social media and WordPress — which have been censoring conservatives, including this blog, Fellowship of the Minds (FOTM), for some time now. See:

The latest social media censorship took place four days ago on May 2, when Facebook and Instagram, with no warning, banned a number of so-called “far-right extremists,” including Alex Jones, InfoWars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, and Laura Loomer, ostensibly for “safety” reasons to remove individuals who promote “hate and violence.”

But as Clash Daily points out, neither Facebook nor Instagram cited how or what the “far-right extremists” had posted that violated their “community rules” or “terms of service,” which makes their banning and take-down entirely arbitrary.  As usual, President Trump did some huffing and puffing with this tweet:

I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!

Instead of empty threats, Texas is doing something about the social media censorship.

The Texas Tribune reports that on April 25, 2019, in an 18-12 vote, the Texas State Senate approved SB 2373, a bill that would hold social media platforms accountable for restricting users’ speech based on personal opinions.

SB 2373 was introduced by state Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola), who said the bill applies to social media platforms that advertise themselves as unbiased but still censor users. In the Senate State Affairs Committee hearing, Hughes said:

“Senate Bill 2373 tries to prevent those companies that control these new public spaces, this new public square, from picking winners and losers based on content. Basically if the company represents, ‘We’re an open forum and we don’t discriminate based on content,’ then they shouldn’t be able to discriminate based on content.”

CJ Grisham, the founder of Open Carry Texas, spoke at the hearing in support of the bill. He said Facebook has shut down 16 of the organization’s local groups and did not explain why. Grisham said Open Carry Texas is a conservative gun rights platform and is “routinely targeted” for pushing gun rights on Facebook.

Opponents to the bill maintain SB 2373 violates a federal law that protects social media platforms under a “good Samaritan” policy that allows them to moderate content on the platform however they want.

Harvard Law School lecturer Kendra Albert, who specializes in technology law, said the federal law would likely preempt SB 2373 because “The federal law contains what we would call a ‘subjective standard. It’s based on whether the provider thinks that this causes problems, whereas the Texas bill attempts to move it to an objective standard.” Albert said it would be difficult to determine what is “objectively” offensive, which is why the federal law leaves it up to social media platforms and their users to determine what is offensive. Sometimes there’s not a particular reason why content is removed; it’s flagged by an algorithm.

Anonymous Media Reporter Harasses Faith Goldy Volunteers


Anonymous Media Reporter Harasses Faith Goldy Volunteers

Faith Goldy


OK, this is getting insane.

The so-called “journalists” in Canada’s Media Party are taking their obsession with me to a whole new level — by coming after YOU!

This morning I woke up to a message from one of my top volunteers during my campaign.

She said:

An unnamed man called himself a journalist has been calling the people who donated to your campaign for Mayor.

Sorry, WHAT?!

As you know, the City as required by election law made me hand in a list of our top donors or face a fine of over $79,000!

But the list we handed in did not include your phone numbers!


If this has happened to you, here’s what I want you to do…


Then send me an email to harassment@faithgoldy.ca with all the details of your encounter with this harassment.

If you want to help please be sure to provide your
full name
postal code
and phone number.
I will need this to compare with our internal donor list.

If you cannot or would not like to provide this information
I still want to hear your account!

I’m building a file and will expose this targeted harassment and expose this freak-show.

If you receive a call after seeing this note, feel free to call this loser out!
Best, record the call and pass it to me!

Know someone who is being harassed?
Send them to FaithGoldy.ca/donor-harassment





But I thank God I have all of you in my corner to expose their LIES and LOSER BEHAVIOUR!


P.S. This should be the last email from Faith For Toronto, I felt this was vital to send out as none of my donors deserve this harassment.

P.S.S. If you want to help out my independent operations please visit FaithGoldy.ca!

Faith Goldy

French Jews Apoplectic As Heroic “Holocaust Denier” Avoids Jail For Thoughtcrimes

French Jews Apoplectic As Heroic “Holocaust Denier” Avoids Jail For Thoughtcrimes

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Alain Soral, a French scholar, intellectual, and journalist, has been tyrannically persecuted by organized Jewry in France for years. Back in January, we reported that he was sentenced to a one year prison sentence for “inciting anti-Semitism” by publishing critiques of Jews on his website. He has since faced other prosecutions for his intellectual activity, and even his defense lawyer has been fined by the French judicial system for simply defending the man in court.

Soral explains in detail here:

The Jews have had this man in their crosshairs for years, and were hellbent on seeing him thrown behind bars for daring to question their fake “Holocaust” narrative and criticize them publicly.

Now, they are practically apoplectic because a public prosecutor in Paris overturned a previous ruling sentencing Soral to a one year prison sentence. The Algemeiner reports:

Alain Soral

French Jews reacted with fury on Tuesday after the Paris public prosecutor overturned a historic decision reached last month to sentence one of the country’s most notorious Holocaust deniers to a year in jail.

Far-right activist Alain Soral — who has earned several previous convictions for hate speech and Holocaust denial without being incarcerated — had been sentenced to twelve months behind bars on Apr. 15, after he was found guilty of publishing an article that denied the Holocaust on his website,“Égalité et Réconciliation” (“Equality and Reconciliation”).

But on Tuesday, the Paris public prosecutor’s office overruled that decision, arguing that the court sentence had wrongly applied the criminal code and was unlawful.

Many of the individuals and groups that hailed Soral’s original sentencing as a sea-change in the approach of French courts to antisemitic agitation angrily denounced the decision to spare him from actual jail time.

In an editorial published on the website of French Jewish communal organization CRIF, its president, Francis Kalifat, argued that the public prosecutor’s decision required “an explanation of the inexplicable.”

Kalifat asserted that the rising climate of antisemitism in France and Soral’s record as a repeat offender meant that a custodial sentence was both “legitimate” and “necessary.”

“It does not depart from the canons or the principles of criminal justice; it is the illustration of it,” Kalifat wrote.

Both Soral and the antisemitic comedian with whom he partners, Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, were “the undisputed stars of this sinister market of hatred” toward Jews, Kalifat said.

In a statement published by the periodical Le Nouvel Observateur, four prominent anti-racist activists quipped darkly that Soral would now feel “as happy as an antisemite in France.”

The group, which included Sacha Ghozlan, president of the Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF), argued that the belief that French law was being faithfully applied in Soral’s case was effectively a surrender to his extremist views.

“Believing to protect the law, we end up protecting racists and antisemites from any effective punishment…by organizing their impunity,” they wrote.

The statement noted that antisemites, racists and Holocaust deniers were rarely sentenced to prison in France, pointing out that Robert Faurisson — France’s most outspoken Holocaust denier until his death last October — “died without having ever known a single day’s imprisonment.”

Along with a severe increase in antisemitic hate speech on the internet and in many public locations, French Jews experienced a 74-percent rise in violent attacks during 2018, according to official government figures.

It’s nice reading some good news for a change! Imagine facing a prison sentence for criticizing Jews and questioning their narratives of history. Only in this clown world we live in, which is totally run by Jews, would this be possible. Good for the French!

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One Small Victory for Free Speech

One Small Victory for Free Speech


What gives the vociferous Jewish lobby the right to tell others how to manage their own business. Much of the resentment of Jews often mislabelled “anti-Semitism” results from their leaders’ meddling in other people’s business.


A patrotic politician. Jessica Biessmann, will be allowed to remain in the nationalist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) despite posing to be photographed in front of wine bottles decorated with images of Adolf Hitler.

Maltese Freedom Champion Norman Lowell Denies Holocaust After Calling Auschwitz The ‘Disneyland Of Poland’


Maltese Freedom Champion Norman Lowell Denies Holocaust After Calling Auschwitz The ‘Disneyland Of Poland’


Johnathan Cilia 1 day ago

Untitled Design 2019 05 06 T132317 492

Norman Lowell, the firebrand right-winger, Imperium Europa leader and MEP candidate who famously referred to himself as a “racialist, not a racist”, has explained his views on the Holocaust after comparing the World War Two concentration camp Auschwitz to the ‘Disneyland of Poland’.

When asked by Lovin Malta whether he denied the Holocaust happened, he said: “How can one deny something that never happened? …This whole hoax is the biggest lie since the Virgin Mary.”

Disneyland comments begin at around 6:28 in the above video

“The Holocaust never happened,” Norman Lowell continued. “Only some 70,000 Jews died in Auschwitz according to the Russian figures and backed by the Red Cross who had free access to the camps. These casualties died of typhus, dysentery and starvation since the allies had bombed all the rail-tracks leading to the camps – so the Germans just couldn’t feed them.”

The Holocaust refers to the systematic genocide committed by Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler that murdered around six million European Jews between 1941 and 1945.

The Auschwitz concentration camp, which was built in conquered Poland, is considered an especially egregious example of the horrors of Nazi Germany, with over a million people exterminated within its prison walls through forced labour, starvation, infectious diseases, murder, or being forced into a gas chamber.

Selection Birkenau Ramp


Lowell continued to say that the Jewish population in Europe increased following WW2

“Moreover, the Jewish population within the whole of Europe, including the unoccupied territories, stood at four million Jews, according to the Jewish Almanac in 1947,” he said. “The Jewish population actually increased by 1947! How can a population that suffered six million dead increase in just two years? This whole hoax is the biggest lie since the Virgin Mary.”

As of this week, Norman Lowell’s Imperium Europa is sitting as the third most popular political party, ahead of Partit Demokrtiku and Alternattiva Demokratika, in this month’s MEP elections.

Martin Cauchi Inglott, a PD candidate and former Commander of the AFM’s Maritime Squadron, has called out Lowell’s comments on Auschwitz

“One would have thought Lowell could not stoop any lower, but now he mocks Auschwitz Concentration Camp, calling it Poland’s Disneyland, and the holocaust a bunch of lies,” Cauchi Inglott said.

“Auschwitz remains a living pain to decent people,” he said. “More than six million dead deserve better. Lest we become complacent thinking it cannot happen again. Lowell minced my words precisely because I wanted to send a clear message that our children need to be educated about where far right politics can lead mankind.”

Tyranny Defeats the Rule of Law in Oak Bay British Columbia

Tyranny Defeats the Rule of Law in Oak Bay British Columbia

The account below is a short take on what happened last Thursday night in Oak Bay … the mob shouted-down the guy who calls himself “Jenn Smith”

It was the watershed  moment in the contest to get out the information about just  HOW  crazy the trans-benders are

Its author – Dr Charles Lugosi – is one of the best minds in the British Common law world.

Gordon S Watson

Justice Critic

Party of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think for Ourselves & Be Our Own Politicians

Tyranny Defeats the Rule of Law in Oak Bay British Columbia

By Dr. Charles I. M. Lugosi, SJD         May 5, 2019

Grassroots democracy is under attack in British Columbia in direct violation of the rule of law. On May 2, 2019, in Oak Bay BC, Jenn Smith was permitted by the local municipal council to give a public educational talk about the serious harm that can result from transgender surgery and from toxic drugs prescribed to teenagers who self-identify with a gender different than their sex assigned at birth by DNA.  Smith is an opponent of SOGI (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity) in BC schools, which is supported by the LGBTQ community, the BC Teachers Federation Union and the Liberal and NDP parties. LGBTQ activists and their allies now feel empowered to silence any opposition to SOGI as “hate speech,” in the wake of the Whatcott decision issued in 2019 by the BC Human Rights Tribunal.

The enemies of Jenn Smith view him as a traitor to their cause to promote transgenderism and put pressure upon the Oak Bay municipal council to cancel his talk. To their credit, Oak Bay’s leaders accepted sound legal advice, and ruled that the event was legitimate and lawful, in accordance with the values of democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of political expression, and permitted Smith to have his event.

The opponents of Smith rebelled against this decision. People who wanted to hear Smith had to pass through a large boisterous crowd of several hundred protesters that may have intimidated many who wanted to hear Smith. Various speakers from the LGBTQ community, took the opportunity to support SOGI. Dozens of Smith opponents, took their rainbow flags, drums and signs, and packed the small meeting room upstairs, leaving no room for people who wanted to sit and listen to Smith.  Someone blasted an air horn, others made very loud rattling noises, while another screamed vulgar profanities. Someone pulled a fire alarm that rang for a very long time. There was such a public disturbance that it was impossible to hear anything Smith had to say.

An elderly man responded to chants of “hate speech” by the crowd by yelling back back “free speech,” but that lone soul was drowned out. The bully tactics of the opponents of Smith became increasingly aggressive. A few of them became very angry, and appeared mentally disturbed.  There was no violence. In any other context, the police would have arrested those protesters under the Criminal Code for causing a public disturbance, trespass and mischief. In this context, by doing nothing to quiet the protesters, the police who were present, appeared to take sides with the protesters.

Throughout Smith was composed. Although it was futile, with great civility he attempted to give his presentation entitled, “The Erosion of Freedom: How Transgender politics in school and society is undermining our Freedom and Harming women and children.”

The Oak Bay police refused to clear the room of hooligans so that the talk could proceed. An announcement was made by a leader of the protesters that the police informed him that uniformed officers were coming, but that the meeting was to be shut down. This information resulted in jubilant cheers by the unruly crowd, happy that they had attained their goal to silence Smith.

The police apparently chose not to do their duties under the Police Act, the common law, or the Criminal Code.  Citing “safety” concerns as a sham pretext to do nothing, one police officer informed the event organizer that the event was forcibly closed by the police. To any objective observer, the police shamefully engaged in a gross dereliction of duty, by permitting hooliganism to triumph.

Suppression of freedom of speech by hooliganism, violates the rule of law.  Without the enforcement of mutual respect and self-control to listen without interruption, the right to freedom of expression and the corresponding right of willing listeners to hear the message, the very foundation of democracy is threatened. Civilized debate of opposing viewpoints can occur in a question period at the end of a presentation or in an organized debate between opponents. Good manners, social stability and enforcement of the rule of law are the hallmarks of a functioning democracy. Selective law enforcement that discriminates against those with a moral, political or social message, gives more than a legal license to bullies to silence political opponents: It enables the roots of tyranny to grow and flourish.

Paul Fromm and the Persecution of Dr. James Sears, Editor of YOUR WARD NEWS

 Paul Fromm and the Persecution of Dr. James Sears, Editor of YOUR WARD NEWS



Paul Fromm, Founder of C.A.F.E. Canadian Association for Free Expression talks with us about the Attacks and Persecution of Dr. James Sears, Editor of YOUR WARD NEWS.


Facebook Officially Bans White Nationalism

Facebook will begin banning “white nationalist or white separatist” content on its platform starting next week, the social media giant announced on Wednesday.

(The Hill)

Facebook officials formally decided to ban “white nationalism” and “white separatism” on the Jewish-owned platform at a content moderation meeting on Tuesday, according to Motherboard.

The increasing censorship comes a year after Motherboard, a tech news outlet, reported that Facebook’s jewish-liberal content moderation ideology had allowed “white nationalism and separatism” on the platform, though it barred explicit “white supremacy”, while it was never true.

Facebook, in training documents for moderators last year, wrote that white nationalism “doesn’t seem to be always associated with racism (at least not explicitly),” incurring immediate backlash from civil rights groups and experts while actually they always banned any form of nationalism.

Brian Fishman, Facebook’s policy director of counterterrorism, told Motherboard this week that after speaking to a range of experts Facebook has concluded “the overlap between white nationalism, [white] separatism, and white supremacy is so extensive we really can’t make a meaningful distinction between them.”

Anti-semitic Attack Hoax in Winnipeg with Paul Fromm

Anti-semitic Attack Hoax in Winnipeg with Paul Fromm


Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression at http://cafe.nfshost.com/
This is a FAIR USE of the thumbnail.

Paul Fromm is the Director of the Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression at http://cafe.nfshost.com/ This is a FAIR USE of the thumbnail. Donate: https://gogetfunding.com/brian-ruhe-i… http://www.brianruhe.ca/please-donate/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bria… https://twitter.com/ http://www.thulesociety.com My Worldview http://www.brianruhe.ca My BLOG: http://www.brianruhe.ca/category/blog/